Science and Medicine

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and its lack of precision.
At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020
The US Is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths. Deliberate Manipulation, Flawed Data By John R. Lott, Jr., May 18, 2020
COVID Mask of the Beast and “Deadly Distancing” By Julian Rose, May 18, 2020
Corporate Media Setting Stage for “New Cold War” with China By Gregory Shupak, May 18, 2020
Despite Criticisms, Madagascar Moves Ahead with COVID-Organics By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 18, 2020
Covid Chaos: From Lockdown to Body Bags By Rob Woodward, May 18, 2020
How Biosecurity Is Enabling Digital Neo-Feudalism By Pepe Escobar, May 17, 2020
Pandemic Scales Up Cases of Mental Illnesses By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 17, 2020
Russia’s COVID Game of Elites By South Front, May 17, 2020
The COVID-19 Chronicles: China By Ulson Gunnar, May 17, 2020
Cuba’s Biotechnology and “Medical Internationalism”. Monsanto “Bioimperialism” versus Cuba’s “Biosolidarity” By Don Fitz, May 16, 2020
The Liabilities of History: The Dangers of Pandemic Compensation. The Blame China Lobby By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 16, 2020
Catholic Clergy on COVID-19: Three Cardinals Join Global Appeal Decrying Crackdown on Basic Freedoms Over Coronavirus By Paul Smeaton, May 16, 2020
The Real Coronavirus Victims: Relations between People By Dr. Pascal Sacré, May 15, 2020
Video: Bill Gates’ and Rockefeller Foundation’s Plan to Track Americans By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 15, 2020
In the Race for Immunity, Sweden Leads the Pack By Mike Whitney, May 15, 2020
Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” for Mass Vaxxing. “Big Bucks for Big Pharma” By Stephen Lendman, May 15, 2020
Corona-Crisis and Two Models of Capitalism By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, May 14, 2020
A Well-Planned Epidemic By Mark Taliano, May 14, 2020
America’s Military Vaccine Mandate? Dept. of Defense Purchasing 500 Million ApiJect Syringes to Inject Every Person in America with Coronavirus Vaccine By Mike Adams, May 14, 2020
Unholy Shambles: Johnson’s COVID Response Falling Apart at the Edges By Ian Dunt, May 14, 2020
Britain’s Political-media Complex in the COVID-19 War By True Publica, May 14, 2020
The COVID-19 Chronicles: USA By Ulson Gunnar, May 14, 2020
EU Offers West Balkans €3.3 Billion as Forgiveness for Coronavirus Snub By Paul Antonopoulos, May 14, 2020
Cuban Interferon Proven Effective Against COVID-19 By Orfilio Peláez, May 14, 2020
April 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population By Makia Freeman, May 14, 2020
Is COVID-19 Killing Democracy? By Guy Verhofstadt, May 14, 2020
A World Health Crisis? So Ramp Up Confrontation and Deploy Nuclear Bombers against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea By Brian Cloughley, May 14, 2020
The Longterm Social Impacts from Economic Collapse and COVID-19 Outbreaks By Stephen Lendman, May 13, 2020
As Coronavirus Spreads in Meat Plants, Nearly 200 USDA Inspectors Test Positive By Lillianna Byington, May 13, 2020
HR 6666: The Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. Towards a Totalitarian State? By Renee Parsons, May 13, 2020
Trump’s Political Hoax Won’t Revive US Economy, Retrieve Jobs By Azhar Azam, May 13, 2020
The COVID-19 Crisis in the U.S.: How Many More Innocent People Have to Die? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, May 13, 2020
Return of the Brown Shirts? US Federal and State Governments to Hire Contact Tracers to ‘Hunt Down New Covid-19 Cases By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 13, 2020
PSY-OP COVID-19: Under House Arrest! By Dr. Pascal Sacré, May 13, 2020
Mysterious Murder of Coronavirus Chinese Scientist in US Leaves Many Questions Unanswered By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 13, 2020
The Mind-blowing History at Fort Detrick By Ceng Jing, May 13, 2020
Holding Healthcare Hostage: The Making of a Ventilator Crisis By Tony Cartalucci, May 13, 2020
COVID-19: An Ocean of Fears and Lies By Dr. Pascal Sacré, May 13, 2020
Video: Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 By Dr. Judy Mikovits, May 12, 2020
Video: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Dr. Fauci For Contradicting Statements On Hydroxychloroquine By Dr. Judy Mikovits and Christina Aguayo, May 12, 2020
Who’s Protecting the Moon? By Nina Beety, May 12, 2020
South Africa: COVID-19 Crisis Unmasks Dangers of Profit Oriented Healthcare By Salimah Valiani, May 12, 2020
The Important “Plandemic” Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone “Viral” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, May 12, 2020
Cuba to Begin Mass-Scale COVID-19 Testing By Telesur, May 12, 2020
Madagascar Slams WHO for Not Endorsing Its Herbal Cure By Felix Tih, May 12, 2020
Boris Johnson Shifts COVID-19 Blame Game to the Public By Rob Woodward, May 12, 2020
UK Government Causes Widespread Confusion with New COVID-19 Guidelines By Johanna Ross, May 12, 2020
Authoritarians Using Coronavirus Fear to Destroy America By Rep. Ron Paul, May 12, 2020
Cuba Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Its Fight Against COVID-19 By Orinoco Tribune, May 12, 2020
Fragile Economic System: It Is Much Worse Than You Are Being Told By Michael Snyder, May 12, 2020
Coronavirus and Dodgy Death Numbers By F. William Engdahl, May 12, 2020
The Plandemic Documentary: Dr. Judy Mikovits By Dr. Judy Mikovits, May 11, 2020
Effects of US Lockdowns v. Lifting Them By Stephen Lendman, May 11, 2020
The Cost of Big Pharma’s COVID-19 Vaccine Will be Paid in Lives and in Billions of Dollars By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 11, 2020
Macron Government Ending France’s Coronavirus Lockdown Beginning this Monday By Alex Lantier, May 11, 2020
Acknowledging Disorientation After COVID-19: Beyond Horizons of Fear and Doubt By Prof. Richard Falk, May 11, 2020
Patriotic Vaccines: The Divided Coronavirus Cause By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 11, 2020
Political Hope Rises By Radhika Desai, May 11, 2020
Leaked UK Doc Shows Mandated Remote-Working Plan for Obese Brits By Zero Hedge, May 11, 2020
Video: Here’s Why Bill Gates Wants Indemnity for Vaccines – Are You Willing to Take the Risk? By Children’s Health Defense, May 11, 2020
Indifference Toward Public Health and Welfare in America. The COVID-19 Healthcare Fiasco By Stephen Lendman, May 11, 2020
We Need Urgent Answers About the Massive British NHS COVID Data Deal By Mary Fitzgerald and Cori Crider, May 11, 2020
Video: The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviewed by Dr. J. Mercola By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 11, 2020
Reality Check of US Allegations Against China on COVID-19 By Xinhua, May 11, 2020
Democratic Governor and UAW Collude with Auto Bosses to Force Return to Work in Michigan By Jessica Goldstein, May 11, 2020
COVID 19 Is a Statistical Nonsense By Iain Davis, May 10, 2020
Italy’s Biased COVID-19 “Estimates”. Figures and Analysis of Italy’s National Health Institute (ISS) By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 10, 2020
COVID-19 by “Swiss Doctor Team” By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 10, 2020
Video: Nevada Nurse in NYC: COVID Is Not Killing People – They’re Being Murdered By Brian Shilhavy, May 09, 2020
Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense By Etienne de Harven, May 08, 2020
Britain: “The Stench of Corruption Could Hardly be Stronger” By True Publica, May 08, 2020
COVID-19: How the Pandemic Was Used by India’s Ministry of Home Affairs “to Grab All Power” By Subodh Varma, May 08, 2020
The Coronavirus Crisis Has Exposed Germany’s Ambition to Take Control of the EU By Paul Antonopoulos, May 08, 2020
Trump Administration Suppresses Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus Guidance Document By Bryan Dyne, May 08, 2020
Trudeau Rolls Out His Trumpian COVID-19 Latin America Policy By Arnold August, May 08, 2020
Economics and the Pandemic: ‘Where’s the Money Coming From? Where’s the Money Going To? By Bryant Brown, May 08, 2020
Coronavirus Threatens Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 08, 2020
COVID-19 in Detroit: A Case Study in Resilience and Resistance By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 08, 2020
Time to Change: Coronavirus and Refugees on Greece’s Samos Island By Chris Jones, May 08, 2020
Corona Tyranny – and Death by Famine By Peter Koenig, May 08, 2020