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Addis Ababa‘s unexpected decision to implement a unilateral ceasefire in its rebellious Tigray Region following eight months of war there was influenced by its opponents’ unconventional military advantage fighting on their mountainous home turf, neighboring Eritrea’s military withdrawal from the conflict following international criticism of its activities, and the immense Western pressure put upon the aspiring Horn of Africa hegemon to prevent what the US predicted might become the world’s worst famine there.

Observers were shocked by Monday’s announcement that the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) withdrew from the capital of the country’s rebellious Tigray Region and implemented a unilateral ceasefire until the end of the planting season there that’s usually sometime in September. Addis Ababa had presented its actions there as a law enforcement operation against separatists led by the previously leading force of the former ruling party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which was later designated as terrorists. Government accounts claimed that the ENDF was winning though these assertions couldn’t be independently verified the entire time due to the difficulty that independent journalists had in accessing the war-torn region. The protracted conflict there also led to accusations of human rights abuses by all sides, and the US recently warned that Tigray risked suffering from the world’s worst famine if the conflict didn’t end soon.

There are several possible explanations for this dramatic turn of events. The first is that the TPLF commanded an unconventional military advantage by fighting on their mountainous home turf. The allegations of human rights abuses by the ENDF might have also inspired a massive recruitment drive among the locals if they began to view the conflict through a national liberation lense, thereby making it impossible for the military to indefinitely control the region. Neighboring Eritrea, which also militarily intervened in the region, earlier accused the US of supporting the TPLF so it’s possible that some degree of foreign backing was responsible for the militants regrouping in recent months and thus being able to more effectively launch their latest counteroffensive that coincided with the country’s long-delayed elections last week. Regardless of however they came to be so strong, the outcome is still the same, and it’s that the ENDF were just defeated by the TPLF.

The second explanation concerns Eritrea’s withdrawal from the conflict zone under international pressure. This former Ethiopian region recently emerged as the Horn of Africa’s most influential country after its decisive intervention in Tigray at least temporarily prevented its neighbor’s “Balkanization” which could have been disastrous for the region since it’s Africa’s second most populous country. Eritrea was also accused of human rights abuses and still largely remains a “pariah” state. It could have been the case that its leadership concluded that it might not be able to withstand any more international pressure so it decided to pull out of the conflict for now. Whatever its strategic calculations may have been, its departure from Tigray seems to have directly affected the ENDF’s ability to retain control of the region. This could explain the military’s unexpected defeat at the hands of the TPLF, which if truly the case, would then show how much stronger Eritrea is than Ethiopia.

The third explanation concerns the US’ dire warning that up to 900,000 of the region’s approximately 6 million people faced the threat of what it predicted might become the world’s worst famine if the conflict continues to drag on. This placed tremendous pressure upon the aspiring Horn of Africa hegemon and especially its leader Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who received the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago for peacefully ending Ethiopia’s nearly two-decade-long conflict with Eritrea. Just like its neighbor, Ethiopia was quickly on the path to becoming a “pariah” state in Western eyes and would have arguably been the world’s largest one had that scenario come to pass, which it still might. PM Abiy earlier claimed that foreign aid might be exploited as a front to arm the TPLF so his volte face speaks volumes about how desperate the military and also possibly the international political situation had become that he’d order the ENDF’s withdrawal in spite of that.

With these three interconnected reasons in mind for explaining Ethiopia’s stunning military reversal in Tigray, it’s now time to consider the strategic consequences of this development. The TPLF will likely consolidate and become stronger than ever, including as a result of foreign support that’ll enter the region disguised as aid. Addis Ababa won’t have much if any influence over this de facto independent region of the country, but a continuation war might break out after the planting season ends sometime in September if the ENDF also successfully regroup by then. It also might not, though, especially if a large part of the reason for the ENDF’s withdrawal was to reduce international pressure resulting from the US’ dire warning of the world’s worst impending famine. PM Abiy might not have the political will to risk the Western political and economic (sanctions) response to restarting the conflict under those conditions.

Unlike during the (first?) Ethiopian Civil War, the TPLF is unlikely to make a run on the capital but it might pursue hostile forces a bit beyond Tigray. That’s because the people of the neighboring Amhara Region and Eritrea will fight to the death to stop the TPLF’s invasion. Ethno-regional animosity is at an all-time high and Amhara militias have also reportedly been active in Tigray during the recent conflict in order to reclaim territory that they believe is theirs. It’s extremely unlikely that they’d roll over and let the TPLF sweep through their region en route to Addis Ababa in order to overthrow the same Prime Minister who’s emboldened them and their claims on parts of Tigray. This state of affairs suggests that the conflict might remain frozen for the indefinite future, thus creating a prime opportunity for foreign meddling. In addition, the TPLF might activate its nationwide network of agents to stage attacks behind enemy lines and incite rebellion in other regions.

The conflict between PM Abiy and the TPLF is of an existential nature. Each regards the other as illegitimate and a threat to Ethiopia. PM Abiy sees the TPLF as a terrorist group that’ll do anything to return to power even if this includes provoking another civil war while they believe that he’s the one that’s ruining the country through his ambitious socio-economic reforms that risk opening up the same Pandora’s Box that they tried so hard to keep closed during their rule. In other words, they blame one another for “Balkanizing” Ethiopia, and this worst-case scenario might actually happen whether in full or in part if the conflict isn’t politically resolved as soon as possible. Regrettably, no such peaceful resolution appears possible since neither side is willing to compromise on their maximalist aims: PM Abiy wants to wipe out the TPLF while they want to overthrow him. This creates the ideal space for foreign meddling, which will certainly exacerbate the conflict.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement.

After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states:

“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.”


I’m imagining just a small sample of people—perhaps 5000—marching in unison into a hospital, saying, “We tested positive for COVID on an antibody test…and then we had to isolate, and some of us were treated with toxic drugs…and NOW we learn that the antibody test is useless…”

The FDA document, dated May 19, 2021, is titled: “FDA In Brief: FDA Advises Against Use of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results to Evaluate Immunity or Protection From COVID-19, Including After Vaccination”. [1] [1a]

Digging a little deeper in the document, we have a statement referring to the COVID vaccine:

“The authorized vaccines for prevention of COVID-19 induce antibodies to specific viral protein targets; post-vaccination antibody test results will be negative in individuals without a history of previous natural infection if the test used does not detect the type of antibodies induced by the vaccine.”

In other words, the FDA is saying, “Look, the vaccine creates specific antibodies against the spike protein, not the virus. If you take the standard antibody test after vaccination, it’ll be useless, because the test isn’t meant to detect antibodies against the spike protein. It only detects antibodies against the virus [2].”

This raises several serious questions. One of them is: Since developing antibody tests is as easy as pie, why hasn’t the FDA developed one that detects antibodies against the spike protein?

And the answer to that question is obvious. If the FDA did develop such a test, then—in terms of conventional vaccine theory—it would be easy to see how well the vaccine is working, or not working.

And THAT is not a goal public health officials want to achieve. That is not a risk worth taking. Suppose, after testing 20,000 vaccinated people, it turns out that only 800 have produced antibodies against the spike protein?

Another (unanswered) question: Are specific antibodies against the spike protein, conferred by the vaccine, sufficient to neutralize, disable, destroy the actual virus if it drops down out of a cloud and tries to infect a vaccinated person?

Of course, as my readers know, I’ve spent a year demonstrating that no one has proved the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. However, I make many forays into the insane world where people believe the virus is real; and I show that even within that world, the experts contradict themselves and compound their egregious fallacies like rabbits spawning babies.

This latest foray shows the FDA is both criminal and insane.


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New York’s Museum of Modern Art is currently presenting an exhibition devoted to an in-depth review of Paul Cézanne’s drawings. If there is any criticism to be made of this extraordinary show, it is that it is frankly overwhelming: with roughly 280 pencil, ink and gouache drawings and watercolors (and even a handful of oil paintings), there is so much to take in that two or three visits to the exhibition may be required to do it justice.

Given the exhibition’s scale, all we can endeavor to do here is mention a handful of its highlights and curiosities. Consider, for example, Studies of a Rower (1867-69), sketched in Cézanne’s late twenties. Three images of a solitary oarsman move steadily across the page with the central figure being the most complete. Which is to say that we may take the series to be three distinct studies of a rower, or – what is perhaps more interesting to consider – we may take the series as a whole, almost as if we are watching the still frames of a film. The young artist in that case may be striving to convey something significant about our experience of motion and time and how they are interrelated.  Already with this ostensibly simple page we seem to be observing the gestation of a modern sensibility – which is to say, the seeing of the artist is not the interrogation of an in-itself world, but a vision which occurs in him, and is configured by him: “Drawing is only a configuration of what you see,” as Cézanne would state.

The fundamental insight of modern epistemic thought is that we can never ignore the constitutive role of the knower, or in this case the artist. We may appreciate this also in the context of Cézanne’s preoccupation with time and death. Cézanne would return many times to the image of the human skull – the classic memento mori. “There is no line” Cézanne is to have said. In the Study of a Skull (1902-04), for example, we find several outlines being offered, such that the boundary between the skull and its background is hardly definitive. What Cézanne recognized was that the contour of an object is never given to us as a simple line delineating the shape of the thing but is rather the “ideal limit towards which the sides of the [object] recede in depth,” as the philosopher Merleau-Ponty observes. This is why we find Cézanne consistently presenting multiple curves when tracing the shape of an object, be it a skull, an apple or the human figure.

If we are going to be true to the visible world then we cannot be satisfied with a “bloodless contour” encircling the object before us. As his friend Joachim Gasquet recalled, Cézanne observed that “objects never cease to be alive.” Nature is alive everywhere – “she is nowhere dead nor silent,” as Goethe would state in the preface to his Theory of Colours (1840). Objects “oscillate within [their] prescribed limits” – just as we find in Cézanne’s Still Life with Green Melon (1902-06): the melon’s circumference appears almost to be vibrating with multiple, broken, anxious and restless lines. The world and everything in it is alive; and nothing that is living is completely still or utterly without motion – everywhere we look the world is charged with movement, vitality and dynamism.

Milk Can and Apples (1879-80) Source: MoMA

Cézanne was obsessed with the fidelity to truth – being true to the object, which is also to say being true to the sensations which the artist experiences in his encounter with the object: “Sensation is the basis of everything, for a painter,” Cézanne would say. Being true was decidedly not about being faithful to some self-sufficient world existing independently and in-itself. “The landscape thinks itself in me.” Cézanne is suggesting that the painter is in a sense performing a vital ontological function with respect to the object. The painter allows the object to realize its inner essence in and through the coming-to-itself of the visible which the painter carefully, painstakingly traces.

There was also a darker side to Cézanne’s work, which the exhibition thankfully does not overlook. Especially in his early years we find a certain preoccupation with violence, murder and brutality. What was Cézanne’s attraction to scenes of grizzly violence? Why does he return again and again to depictions of murder and rape? To be sure, terrible physical violence is a theme running through much of Western art, although we certainly cannot suppose that artists were drawn to these subjects for all the same reasons. For Francisco Goya – who was immensely popular with Cézanne and his contemporaries (the exhibition in fact includes a small but immediately recognizable sketch of Goya’s self-portrait) – depictions of violence often functioned as an indictment, a judgment on the harsh reality of war, the reality of evil and the inhumanity of man.

Cézanne’s examination of violence is found in this exhibition among a number of small but extraordinarily intense pieces. The Murder (1874-75) is a watercolor depicting the moment just before an assailant is about to plunge his knife into a hapless victim. The brightness and serenity of the very real landscape (located in southern France) presents a sharp contrast to the grizzly scene in the lower forefront.

Another notable watercolor is The Abduction (1867), combining themes of violence and eroticism, and most likely representing the abduction of Proserpine by Pluto (as told in Ovid’s Metamorphoses), a scene that Cézanne would execute in a much-discussed oil painting that same year. There is a notable messiness to the brushwork of the watercolor, absent in the comparatively polished technique of the oil painting, which is arguably more appropriate to the impulsiveness of the action we witness. Whatever else was driving Cézanne to create these intense depictions of brutality and violence, one way we may begin to understand them is as a critical assessment of the modernist notion of progress based in a frank investigation of our primal nature and the instinctual urges by which it is characterized.

The Bathers, large plate (Les baigneurs, grand planche) 1896-97, Source: MoMA

Cézanne used watercolor throughout most of his career – and the medium was for him anything but a minor genre. As with virtually all his materials, Cézanne would prove to be radically innovative when it came to watercolor as well. In his earlier work, Cézanne would apply watercolor more thickly and generally cover the paper completely. But over time his method evolved: his watercolors were thinned to the point of transparency and applied almost like delicate veils or screens of color. No less significant was Cézanne’s readiness to leave parts of the paper blank; and to apply graphite markings between, under and over the various layers of paint. These were features which would eventually come to characterize his mature paintings as well – including the use of bare canvas, as well as a more translucent palette.

One of the exhibition’s many notable watercolors is Cézanne’s Three Pears (1888-90), which was also displayed at his first solo exhibition in 1895. It is a fascinating composition and given the arrangement of the pears – especially the two in the foreground – also perhaps a somewhat erotic one. The fruits rest on a white dish surrounded by a freely painted arabesque of black and grey. This rather wild background motif seems to turn, twist and writhe almost as though it were animate. We may be hardly surprised to learn that both Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir each wanted this work for themselves, and ultimately had to draw lots to determine which of them could have it (Degas won).

The exhibition also includes a significant sampling of Cézanne’s landscapes executed en plein air – his exploration and study of “the diversity of the scene offered by nature” as he put it. These are works that would be accomplished through a slow, deliberative process based in the rigorous and attentive observation of the natural world. “Nature is on the inside,” Cézanne would state – so that the real question becomes, how does the natural world make itself seen by the painter? Forest Path (1904-06), a watercolor and graphite on cream wove paper, is characteristic of Cézanne’s late work, using methods which his friend and fellow artist Émile Bernard would describe as “singular… and excessively complicated.” In the upper half we find a kind of arched canopy, achieved in part by a long, penciled branch stretching from right to center; while on the left are diamond-shaped, prismatic patches of color which together serve to form a scene at once delicate, and sure, luminously aglow, yet maintaining the density of the foliage and mossy forest floor.

There is much more to this exhibition than I have touched on here: the self-portraiture, the numerous sketches of his wife and son, the oil paintings, and the list goes on. Cézanne was clearly interested in capturing the world in all its plenitude and diversity. The singular achievement of this exhibition is that it allows us to enter into Cézanne’s process of giving shape and substance to not simply what he sees, but how he sees. Cézanne is in many ways the quintessential modern artist, “the father of us all,” as Picasso would remark. And we can see from this remarkable exhibition why this is so – if to be modern is ultimately to recognize that the mind is always active, always organizing our sensations, and our experience; forming a world that without our constitutive activity would remain a mass of confusion and chaos. In a sense the artist is doing what we all are doing all the time – how could it be otherwise? But unlike the rest of humanity, the artist is giving substance and solidity to that process whereby we (re)configure the world, by tracing – with loving patience and laser-like focus – the world’s very coming-to-appearance in and through every movement of the pencil or brush.


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Sam Ben-Meir is a professor of philosophy and world religions at Mercy College in New York City. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Atlantic Stormwind in the Black Sea

June 30th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

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The large aeronaval maneuver Sea Breeze, officially “co-hosted by the United States and Ukraine” in the Black Sea, began yesterday. The United States planned and command it, it is, therefore, the host in this sea close to Russian territory.  Sea Breeze takes place from June 28 to July 10. It is led by US Naval Forces Europe-Africa / Sixth Fleet with headquarters in Naples. It includes naval, submarine, amphibious, land, and air warfare exercises.

Since this series of annual maneuvers in the Black Sea began in 1997, the 2021 edition sees the largest number of participants: 32 countries from six continents with 5,000 soldiers, 18 special forces teams, 32 ships, and 40 war airplanes. Not only NATO member countries – Italy, Great Britain, France, Spain, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, the three Baltic republics, Turkey and Canada – participate in it, but partner countries like Georgia, Moldova, Sweden, Israel, and above all Ukraine. Other nations sent their military forces to the Black Sea: Australia, Japan, South Korea and Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Senegal, and Brazil. The fact that military forces are deployed in the Black Sea, even from Australia and Brazil for this great maneuver under US command directed against Russia, is in line with what Joe Biden promised: “As president I will immediately take steps to renew the alliances of the United States, and make America, once again, lead the world”. The war maneuver in the Black Sea, the largest to date, demonstrates that President Biden’s steps go in the direction of a growing escalation against Russia and at the same time against China.

Sea Breeze 2021 actually began on June 23, when the British warship HMS Defender sailing from Ukraine to Georgia entered Crimea’s territorial waters. A deliberate provocative act claimed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who declared that Great Britain can again send its warships to those waters since it does not recognize the “annexation of Ukrainian Crimea by Russia“. This hostile action, certainly concerted with the United States, was implemented just a week after the Biden-Putin Summit, defined by the US president “good, positive“; a week after Russian President Putin warned in the press conference in Geneva: “We conduct military exercises within our territory, we do not bring our equipment and personnel close to the borders of the United States of America, as the US and its partners are doing now near our borders”.  This hostile action was implemented by Great Britain just two weeks after the signing of the New Atlantic Charter with the United States, in which their Allies are assured that they will always be able to rely on “our nuclear deterrents” and that “NATO will remain a nuclear alliance”.

The deliberate violation of Crimean territorial waters made the war maneuver in the Black Sea even more dangerous. This act, if repeated, may have the aim of provoking a Russian military response possibly with some dead or wounded, to accuse Moscow of aggression. It is not a coincidence that some architects of the   Maidan Square putsch in 2014 hold important posts in the Biden administration, such as the current Undersecretary of State for political affairs Victoria Nuland. The putsch set in motion a sequence of events, the bloody offensive against the Russians of Ukraine pushed the inhabitants of Crimea – Russian territory passed to Ukraine in Soviet times in 1954 – to decide the secession from Kyiv and the reannexation to Russia with 97% of votes in a popular referendum.  NATO and the EU accused Russia of having illegally annexed Crimea and subjected it to sanctions. Now, they want to move from political to military confrontation. They play with fire, even with the nuclear one.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image: The Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer, HMS Defender. (OGL v1.0)

Smart buildings deploying 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) are viewed as the next sustainable solution that can be seamlessly integrated in all sectors of the built environment. The benefits are well advertised and range from inducing wellness and monitoring health, amplifying productivity, to energy savings. Comparatively, potential negative risks are less known and mostly relate to cyber-security threats and radiation effects. This meta-integrative qualitative synthesis research sought to determine the possible underlying demerits from developing smart buildings, and whether they outweigh the possible benefits. The study identified five master themes as threats of smart buildings: a surfeit of data centers, the proliferation of undersea cables, the consternation of cyber-security threats, electromagnetic pollution, and E-waste accumulation. Further, the paper discusses the rebound impacts on humans and the environment as smart buildings’ actualization becomes a reality. The study reveals that, although some aspects of smart buildings do have their tangible benefits, the potential repercussions from these not-so-discussed threats could undermine the former when all perspectives and interactions are analyzed collectively rather than in isolation.


Smart buildings are seen as the futuristic change in the built environment. Along with smart vehicles, they are deemed to reduce carbon and GHGs emissions by incorporating smart appliances that can communicate with each other and generate live information for data analytics to prescribe the solution to problems ranging from energy efficiency to health are. While technological companies advertise the benefits of smart buildings and smart cities, there is an equal need to understand the demerits behind developing these smart cities/smart buildings.
This meta-integrative qualitative research paper tried to understand and correlate the multilevel problems that could arise from the implementation of these structures, especially with 5G and IoT devices. Apart from cybersecurity threats to radiation effects, especially from 5G cells that can directly affect the individual, biologically and mentally, a thorough analysis of the indirect effects such as the carbon emissions from massive data centers and undersea optic cabling is highly recommended to counteract the carbon emission reduction that these buildings claim to make through efficient appliances. The study also considered the potential electromagnetic radiation pollution that could arise from electronics waste disposal and its potential negative contribution to the environment.
Finally, this study cautions that more research is needed to quantify both benefits and threats on a comparative scale to verify whether there is any chance that threats could be more detrimental than the benefits. The underlying objective is that impacts on human health, environment, and climate change must be regarded as a top priority prior to the deployment of such a technology on a global scale.

Generally, there is a belief that wireless connections decrease CO2 emissions. However, the wireless transfer of data can take place only for a short distance (distance being dependent on the frequency of operation of the smart devices), for example, for 4G, the wireless data transmission is around 1000 miles, while, for 5G, it is only 10 miles. As a result, additional relay cell towers and antennas are required for the operation of 5G devices [95]. As a result, the generic notion that wireless data transfer is energy-conserving or can act as a CO2 eliminator can be challenged. Therefore, the data from any sensor device would have to take a wired path for almost 99% of its travel time to reach back to the user’s mobile phone [96]. Thus, smart buildings that function with multiple smart devices that are connected to a network culminate with the installation of more undersea cables.

Read the full report here:

Raveendran R, Tabet Aoul KA. A Meta-Integrative Qualitative Study on the Hidden Threats of Smart Buildings/Cities and Their Associated Impacts on Humans and the Environment. Buildings. 2021; 11(6):251.


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In the early 70s the Rolling Stones sized it up for we working stiffs in their song ‘Working for the Company’: 

I want a real fine car, fly Miami too
All the rum, I want to drink it, all the whiskey too
My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury

You can’t call me lazy on a seven day a week
Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me
Yes, I want a gold ring, riding in a limousine
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury

Now listen, I’m a proud man, not a beggar walking on the street
I’m working so hard, to keep you from the poverty
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury, oh yeah
(I’m working so hard, I’m working so hard)
Harder, harder, working, working, working

I think it’s such a strange thing, giving me concern
Half the world it got nothing the other half got money to burn
My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, oh, yeah

Working on a Sunday in refinery
Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me
All the rum, I want to drink it, I got responsibility
I’m working so hard to keep you from the poverty, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, oh, yeah

Sadly, nothing has changed for those of us who work for ‘The Man’ or ‘The Corporation’. Wherever one may look one will see that there are really NO leaders, from either of the ‘One Party/Two Party’ scheme, to look out for us.

Why? As this writer alludes to by the title of our website, It’s the empire… stupid! George Orwell referred to it as ‘Big Brother’ in his tremendous novel 1984. The ‘Man’ or ‘The Corporation’ or ‘The Company’ (from Jagger and Richards) translates into the same mush.

It’s the Super Rich, meaning those within a fraction of the 1% of us, who pull the strings of this horrendous puppet system.

How cunning they have always been to offer us Serfs the appearance of democracy.

You hear it from all the talking heads from both sides of the aisle in government, along with their counterparts in the mainstream or corporate run media. They all trumpet this facade of true representative government… a LIE!

As with Jim Morrison’s famous rant from one of his hit songs, The Soft Parade:

When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

If we wish to have the change needed inside of this empire, beginning with election of our representatives, we need to take ALL PRIVATE MONEY OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS!

The 1976 Supreme Court ruling in Buckley vs. Valeo, saying that ‘Money is Free Speech’, opened the door, or rather kept the door closed, on electoral fairness.

So long as the Super Rich can pull the purse strings on elections, we will never see the best people (from us working stiffs AKA 99+ % of the populace) being able to both run for office and win those offices… PERIOD! As Morrison used the analogy of prayer, so it is with us working stiffs petitioning our government to heed us.

It is, as many say, a game. Violence will never be the answer, because it begets more violence and usually places the wrong people as replacements to lead. Once more of us who work and strain under this empire see it for what it is….


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Philip A Farruggio is regular columnist on the It’s the Empire… stupid website. He is also frequently posted on Nation of Change, and He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 400 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Why Children Should Not Receive the COVID Shot

June 30th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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While Pfizer claims its vaccine is 95% effective, this is the relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction — which is far more relevant for public health measures — is actually less than 1%

While benefits from COVID “vaccination” in children between the ages of 12 and 15 are rare and short-lived, side effects are common and long-term effects are completely unknown

In the 12-to-15 age group, 75.5% experienced headache, along with a long list of other transient side effects. Serious systemic adverse events occurred in 2.4% of the trial subjects receiving Pfizer’s mRNA shot

While Pfizer boasted a 100% efficacy rate in 12- to 15-year-olds, this conclusion is a statistical trick. Fewer than 2% of fully vaccinated children avoided COVID-19; 98% of them would not have gotten COVID anyway. So, the benefit is small

Even if vaccinating children were found to reduce infection among adults, it would be unethical and against regulations to do so, because the FDA can only authorize the use of a medical product in a given population if the benefit outweighs the risk in that same population, and in children the benefits do not outweigh the risks


Many scientists and medical experts have warned that vaccinating children against COVID-19 is both unnecessary and risky in the extreme. The video above features comments by Peter Doshi, Ph.D., made during a June 10, 2021, public hearing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.

Doshi is an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and the senior editor of The BMJ. He has previously pointed out that while Pfizer claims its vaccine is 95% effective, this is the relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction — which is far more relevant for public health measures — is actually less than 1%.1 As such, the COVID-19 vaccine is of dubious benefit, to say the least.

If you choose to watch the video above I must warn you to stop after Doshi finishes and not view the presentation by Dr. Jacqueline Miller. She’s a paediatrician and the head of development for infectious diseases at Moderna. The reason I advise this caution is because if you understand reality, you will be shocked at how easily a physician can sell out and sacrifice even her own children in the delusional belief that Moderna’s shot provides any benefit to children.

Meanwhile, largely because of irresponsible beliefs and comments like Miller’s, harms are rapidly mounting, which skews the risk-benefit ratio even further. Considering the potential for harm, children should not get the COVID-19 vaccine, Doshi says, citing trial evidence from Pfizer — the very same evidence used to support its emergency use authorization application for 12- to 15-year-olds. In this trial, harms clearly outweighed the benefits.

Risk-Benefit Analysis

While benefits were rare and short-lived, side effects were common and long-term effects are completely unknown. In the 12-to-15 age group, 75.5% experienced headache, along with a long list of other transient side effects. However, more serious systemic adverse events also occurred in 2.4% of the trial subjects receiving the actual mRNA shot.

Now, Pfizer boasted a 100% efficacy rate in this age group. This, Doshi explains, was based on 16 cases occurring in the placebo group, while no cases were recorded in the vaccine group. However, since there were about 1,000 placebo recipients, fewer than 2% of the placebo group actually tested positive for COVID-19.

“Put another way, 2% of the fully vaccinated avoided COVID,” Doshi says, adding “98% of the vaccinated wouldn’t have gotten COVID anyway … So, the benefit is small.”

One of the reasons for why children reap so little benefit from this jab is because a significant portion of American children are already immune and aren’t at risk of infection to begin with. Doshi cites Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data showing an estimated 23% of children under the age of 4 and 42% of those age 5 through 17 have already had a SARS-CoV-2 infection and now have robust and long-lasting immunity.

While most side effects in children have been short-lived, at least seven deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds had been reported as of June 11, 2021, as well as 271 events rated “serious.”2 In the long term, there’s really no telling what might happen, and that’s a really important point.

As noted by Doshi, during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, narcolepsy didn’t become apparent until nine months after vaccination with the Pandemrix vaccine, and it wasn’t until four months into Israel’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign that heart damage was recognized as a side effect in young men and boys.

Cocooning Does Not Work

Doshi goes on to explain why vaccinating children will not likely benefit adults, as claimed. This practice, sometimes referred to as “cocooning,” has never actually been proven. Doshi cites a 2021 BMJ editorial3 in which the authors stressed that vaccinating children against COVID-19 is “hard to justify right now,” seeing how children experience only mild disease and transmission by children is limited, while the possibility of unintended consequences is high.

“Should childhood infection (and re-exposures in adults) continue to be typically mild, childhood vaccination will not be necessary to halt the pandemic,” the authors state.4

“The marginal benefits should therefore be considered in the context of local healthcare resources, equitable distribution of vaccines globally, and a more nuanced understanding of the differences between vaccine and infection induced immunity.

Once most adults are vaccinated, circulation of SARS-CoV-2 may in fact be desirable, as it is likely to lead to primary infection early in life when disease is mild, followed by booster re-exposures throughout adulthood as transmission blocking immunity wanes but disease blocking immunity remains high. This would keep reinfections mild and immunity up to date.”

Doshi points out that even if you believe that a small benefit is better than nothing, you must remember that this is an unproven hypothetical benefit. We would need a proper randomized controlled trial to ascertain whether vaccinating children might actually benefit adults. “We need confirmatory evidence, not just assumptions,” Doshi says.

Vaccinating Children to Benefit Adults Is Unethical

However, even if vaccinating children were found to reduce infection among adults, we may still not be able to do so. Why? Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can only authorize the use of a medical product in a given population if the benefit outweighs the risk in that same population.

This means that even if adults were to benefit, if children don’t benefit from it themselves, then we cannot authorize the vaccine for children. So, if children reap no benefit, then whether or not vaccinating them might benefit adults is a moot argument. You cannot authorize a drug for use in a population that reaps no benefit.

In conclusion, Doshi points out that the FDA has no basis on which to grant COVID-19 vaccines emergency use authorization for children in the first place, as COVID-19 is not an emergency in children. The threat this infection poses to children is negligible and no more serious than that of the common cold or flu.

Since demonstrated risks far outweigh demonstrated benefits in children, the vaccines also fail to meet the biologics license application required for ultimate market approval.

Already, healthy children have died shortly after the jabs, dozens of cases of heart inflammation have been reported, and Pfizer’s own biodistribution study raises serious questions about the shot’s potential to cause infertility. Last but not least, since there’s no “unmet need,” there’s also no need to rush to approve these injections for children.

To be clear, the only way they can even try to justify vaccinating children is by sacrificing them as shields to protect the elderly, which is completely unethical. Children are not harmed by COVID-19 itself, yet they keep using the slogan that “Nobody is safe until everyone is vaccinated,” which simply isn’t true.

Carefully Consider the Many Risks

While long-term effects are unknown, there’s reason to suspect they may be severe. A Pfizer biodistribution study5,6 demonstrates the synthetic mRNA does not stay near the injection site as initially assumed. It is, in fact, widely disseminated in your body within hours of injection.

It enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. The spike protein — which we now know is pathogenic and causes disease in and of itself — also travel to your heart, brain and lungs. Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, one of several things can occur:

  1. It can cause platelets to clump together — Platelets, aka thrombocytes, are specialized cells in your blood that stop bleeding. When there’s blood vessel damage, they clump together to form a blood clot. This is why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with both COVID-19 and the vaccines
  2. It can cause abnormal bleeding
  3. In your heart, it can cause heart problems
  4. In your brain, it can cause neurological damage
  5. In your blood vessels, it can cause vasculitis, including Kawasaki disease, antiphospholipid syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and Sjogren’s disease.7 These conditions significantly increase your risk of death, in some cases raising mortality by 50 times compared to people who do not have these conditions

Regardless of the tissue, the spike protein can also impair your mitochondrial function, which is imperative for good health, innate immunity and disease prevention of all kinds.

When the spike protein interacts with the ACE2 receptor, it can disrupt mitochondrial signaling, thereby inducing the production of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. If the damage is serious enough, uncontrolled cell death can occur, which in turn leaks mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into your bloodstream.8

Aside from being detected in cases involving acute tissue injury, heart attack and sepsis, freely circulating mtDNA has also been shown to contribute to a number of chronic diseases, including systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS, heart disease, liver failure, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis and certain cancers.9

The spike protein is also expelled in breast milk, which could be lethal for babies. You are not transferring antibodies. You are transferring the vaccine itself, as well as the spike protein, which could result in bleeding and/or blood clots in your child. All of this suggests that for individuals who are at low risk for COVID-19, children and teens in particular, the risks of these vaccines outweigh the benefits by a significant margin.

How Spike Protein Harms Your Health

I’ve written several articles detailing the mechanisms by which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can decimate your health. For a refresher, see my interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., featured in “The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health.”

I recently came across yet another paper that describes a very important mechanism that, to my knowledge, is not widely known, despite being published in July 2020. The paper, “Genetic Polymorphisms Complicate COVID-19 Therapy: Pivotal Role of HO-1 in Cytokine Storm,”10 explains that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has a far higher affinity for porphyrin molecules in the cell membrane than ACE-2.

Porphyrins are molecules with optical properties. Their ability to absorb light accounts for many of the beneficial health effects of sunlight.11 Porphyrins are also the building blocks of heme, the precursor to hemoglobin, which is necessary to bind oxygen in your blood.

According to this paper, porphyrins not only facilitate SARS-CoV-2 invasion into the cell, but they also allow the virus to bind functional hemoprotein within the cell, thereby increasing oxidative stress.

When the spike protein bind to porphyrins, it upregulates free heme and iron, which causes oxidation and fuels inflammation. It also increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, while decreasing levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) enzymes. HO enzymes degrade heme into free iron, bilirubin (which has antioxidant effects) and carbon monoxide (which is antiapoptotic). As such, the HO system plays a crucial role in cellular defense.

The spike protein essentially overwhelms the anti-inflammatory cytoprotection normally offered by HO-1. As dysfunctional porphyrin are no longer capable of making heme, more hemoprotein becomes available for SARS-CoV-2 to bind to, which results in the release of more free iron. As the cycle continues, inflammation builds. Iron released by dying cells also has toxic effects. All of this has devastating consequences for your mitochondria, and, as noted in this paper:12

“If insufficient mitochondria in cells are evident, such as in white adipose cells, these cells are unable to accommodate the severe ROS formed leading to overwhelming inflammation. Brown adipose cells are better at handling ROS due to higher concentrations of mitochondria.”

This explains why obese individuals are at much higher risk. Because their fat cells have fewer mitochondria, they’re less able to counteract the ROS and therefore end up with higher levels of inflammation. The unprecedented outpouring of toxic iron into the body may also help explain why some end up with “long-hauler syndrome” after recovering from COVID-19.

Worst of all, since all of this is related to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the COVID shots may also end up promoting cancer, as excess iron is tightly associated with tumorigenesis in multiple human cancer types through a variety of mechanisms, including catalyzing the formation of mutagenic hydroxyl radicals, regulating DNA replication, repair and cell cycle progression, affecting signal transduction in cancer cells, and acting as an essential nutrient for proliferating tumor cells.

Do You Have Vaccine Regret?

If you’ve already had one or two COVID shots and are now having second thoughts, first, be sure to never have another vaccination again, with any vaccine of any kind. Even if you’re not having discernible symptoms as of yet, you’d be wise to start building your innate immune system. To do that, you need to become metabolically flexible and optimize your diet.

I interviewed Dr. Vladimir Zelenko June 23, 2021, and that interview should go live July 4, 2021. We discussed what Dr. Mike Yeadon — a former chief scientist at Pfizer, which is one of the primary manufacturers of COVID shots — believes, which is that those who are vaccinated are already condemned to certain and agonizing deaths.

He believes those who have received the injection will die prematurely and three years is a generous estimate for how long they can expect to remain alive.

If Yeadon’s projections are true, it changes EVERYTHING. There is no way to know if it is accurate or not, but Yeadon is someone who has serious insights as Pfizer’s former chief scientist. I was a Boy Scout and their motto is to “Be prepared.” Clearly, this is one contingency that needs to be planned for. Zelenko happens to share this belief. We discuss in great detail the strategies that can be used to lower the risk of Yeadon’s predictions coming true.

Use time-restricted eating and eat all your meals for the day within a six- to eight-hour window. Avoid all vegetable oils and processed foods. Focus on certified-organic foods to minimize your glyphosate exposure, and include plenty of sulfur-rich foods to keep your mitochondria and lysosomes healthy. Both are important for the clearing of cellular debris, including these spike proteins. You can also boost your sulfate by taking Epsom salt baths.

You’ll also want to make sure your vitamin D level is optimized to between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (100 nmol/L to 150 nmol/L), ideally through sensible sun exposure. Sunlight also has other benefits besides making vitamin D.

To combat the toxicity of the spike protein, you’ll want to optimize autophagy, which may help digest and remove the spike proteins. Time-restricted eating will upregulate autophagy, while sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins, will help refold misfolded proteins and also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal. It is important that your sauna is hot enough (around 170 degrees Fahrenheit) and does not have high magnetic or electric fields.

Other remedies that might be helpful if you’re experiencing side effects from your COVID shot(s) include:

  • Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. To learn more, please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,13 one of Dr. Paul Marik’s collaborators
  • Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system
  • Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system
  • Peptide T (an HIV entry inhibitor derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120; it blocks binding and infection of viruses that use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells)
  • Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways
  • Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine) to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses
  • Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.

The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.

In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.


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1 The BMJ Opinion November 26, 2020

2 The Defender June 18, 2021

3, 4 The BMJ 2021; 373: n1197

5 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine BNT162 Biodistribution Study

6 Trialsitenews May 28, 2021

7 June 3, 2021

8, 9 F1000 Research 2017; 6: 169

10 Antioxidants July 18, 2020; 9(7): 636

11 Curiosity Shots May 7, 2021

12 Antioxidants July 18, 2020; 9(7): 636, Figure 6

13 BitChute Bret Weinsten interviews Dr. Pierre Kory June 1, 2021

Featured image is from GMWatch

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In a recent article, “Critical Race Theory [CRT] is Worse than Marxism, the social thinker and author, Prof. Paul Gottfried, breaks ranks from his Alt-Right compatriots to argue that CRT “has nothing to do with traditional Marxism.”  “The swear words “Marxist” and “revolutionary,” Gottfried writes, “are thrown around by conservatives, such as those at Heritage, the New York Post and Fox News, with the same abandon with which the left speaks about “human rights”…” Rather than being truly revolutionary, based upon the history of past revolutionary movements, CRT “is an instrument of repression brandished by those in power against those whom it is feared might resist them.”  Yet most important, to label CRT as Marxist desecrates good ol’ Marx’s tomb.

In fact, at the time Critical Theory emerged from the German Frankfurt School in the 1930s, its most adamant opponents were the traditional card-carrying Marxists and Communists. The School’s intention was to actually re-write classical Marxism and to prolong the internal fallacies launched during the Enlightenment era. Perhaps its most redeeming value is its efforts to define and explain the phenomenology of social power and aggression. Its primary early proponents, such as Max Horkheimer, were also harsh critics of the rise of metaphysical realism and scientific dogmatism that today has turned modern science, especially the biological sciences and medicine, into a fundamentalist ideology or religion. But this is where Critical Theory’s contributions end. Critical theory has more in common with Freudian sexual repression and psychoanalysis than Marx. One of the 20th century’s great philosophers Karl Popper criticized the Frankfurt School for offering no viable and realistic pathway to improve society.  Unlike Marx, who reasonably condemned capitalist society’s unfairness, he did offer a vision for a better future. On the other hand, Critical Theory for Popper, was “vacuous and irresponsible” for omitting a promised future altogether. Remarkably, modern Critical Theory’s leading spokespersons, such as Robin DiAngelo, are exemplars of the very manifestation of dysfunctional biases that Critical Theory rebukes. This may be a reason why those who embrace tribal wokeness are simply angry, maladjusted adolescents in adult bodies.

The 21st century woke generations appear to have entered a coma.  Its characteristic qualia of ADHD would likely prevent them from getting through 20 pages of Das Capital let alone making any sense from it. The most recent incarnation of wokeness is not an awakening of either conscientiousness or a higher conscious awareness that directly experiences the sacredness of all life, other humans, and the animal and plant kingdoms. It veered from its origins within the Black community in the 20th century when it was used to refer to a social and political awareness for racial and social injustices. In fact its first modern expression might be traced back to a 1962 New York Times article by the Black author William Melvin Kelly in referring to being “well informed, up to date.”  To be authentically woke requires critical thought and discernment, and also an intuitive knowing to distinguish the cobra from the rope when groping in the dark. Now the term has been adopted by two entire generations, regardless of race, and politically weaponized with almost an ontological unease to conquer and divide. Hence to be woke is anti-woke.

Througout human history there have been those who have held hierarchical power to control those who are subject and dependent upon that power, such as the rule of kings, emperors and authoritarian tyrants. And for having our daily needs met and securing financial ease there are the landowners, merchants and bankers. In all of these power relationships, equity is always on the side of those who hold power. At this moment our nation has reached an impasse where only a tiny group of individuals control and govern the dictates of the lives of the many.

The Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan wrote, “In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message.”  What McLuhan was suggesting is that the masses have the tendency to focus on what is most obvious and consequently miss or ignore the deeper and more subtle changes happening over a period of time.  In other words, what may seem to be correct and just on the surface eventually brings forth deleterious or “unintended” consequences. McLuhan was writing long before the internet. Now, presidential campaigns and federal laws, public health policies, the mainstream media and the films and music are the conduits for how we define ourselves and establish the options of dogmatic beliefs that we ultimately identify with. But all of these narratives are controlled by a handful of power players, including the social media platforms such as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia. Succumbing to the siren’s call of this illusion is being woke with closed eyes.

There is a saying that if you do not know the product being advertised you are the product; and this is certainly true for how millions of Americans are persuaded to purchase junk they have no need for, including the honor of wearing a “woke” badge. Our personal realities thereby are reduced to millions of bits of algorithmic data that know more about us than we know about ourselves.  We are sold on the promises of 5G technology despite the media never mentioning its serious dangers to human health and the environment. The risks of genetically modified foods and the lack vaccine science to prove their safety and efficacy are censored from public discourse. Federal agencies that started small and were believed to be temporary, such as Homeland Security, became permanent and unstoppable leviathans that encroach into every corner of our lives.

At this moment, we are being lectured like children to get vaccinated against the SARS-2 virus so life can return to normal. In principle, this sounds reasonable. However, to accomplish this there lurks under this message’s surface the hidden intention to bypass or trash essential regulatory protective measures to assure the safety of these products.  If you get vaccinated, you are now “woke.” If you remain cautious or hesitant because nobody has even a vague idea about the Covid-19 vaccine’s long-term adverse effects, you should be hermetically sealed away from the society, branded, canceled and censored.

Conventional medical voices who refuse to be misled by Biden’s, Anthony Fauci’s and Bill Gate’ Ministry of Truth are also being canceled and censored from society by Silicon Valley and social media. So too are professors who have spoken out against student demands for personal entitlement and the anti-woke White Fragility diatribe that condemns genetic whiteness as racist. Students would prefer college to be sanitized of critical thought, a pleasant, non-intrusive and safe environment filled with teddy bears and psychologists next door to drug their episodes of existential angst and purposelessness in life.

As the pandemic hijacks our attention, global warming increases. But federal experts tell us we have time. Biden tells us the economy is recovering and flourishing and a herd of lemmings believe this message despite 20 percent of Americans who will go to sleep hungry tonight. Those with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia are told to just hang on a bit longer; a big pharmaceutical cure is just around the corner.  But for decades, this carrot has been dangled before us and has yet to come to fruition.

Everything today is its opposite. The blue and red pills have been pulverized together. Only a purple pill laced with the strychnine of lies and half-truths is offered by an unduly legislative system run by technocrats and their private financial handlers. Woke and anti-woke are indistinguishable since both are born from similarly delusional worldviews isolated from reality. Neither is capable of observing the preciousness and fragility of human life. What should be a condemnation of the class and economic struggle against the elites’ persecution of everyone else has degenerated into hate-filled identity war, both on the Left and the Right. It is only the rare authentic progressive who has transcended this divide and can observe wisely the battlefields orchestrated by politically motivated ideologues, aristocrats and the media.

As the US spins further into a controlled dystopia, it is difficult to imagine that the trajectory towards social decay can be easily reversed. Arthur Miller said, “an era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted.”  Therefore, we still have a long way to go and it may require a full system-failure at all economic and social levels before a viable and realistic effort can restore what has been lost from the ethical wasteland left in its wake. It took Rome several centuries to collapse but we are on course to accomplish this feat within a decade. To remain optimistic, therefore, requires a rejection of the dominant Social Darwinism and the specter of what Thomas Huxley called the Church Scientific that now informs both parties and that has shackled us into a fatalist purgatory or worse Dante’s hedonic hells of lust, gluttony and greed. The evangelical Christian Right, as science’s counterrevolutionary reactive response, is equally a major contributor to the dumbing down of the nation’s sanity with fairy tales and superstition.

Our indoctrination into scientific materialism, our surrendering our autonomy and divine freedoms to political and corporate regimes, and the clashes over political correctness, that disempower us from believing we can change our conditions, has resulted in a sense of hopelessness in life and growing existential despair. It is contributing to the unbridled frenzy of anger in the streets, again from both the Left and Right.  Ideological beliefs become dogmas founded upon our mental afflictions, which in turn hold rule over our emotions, fears and hatreds and reactions. No wonder that pessimism is on the rise and optimism is in decline.

Only a personal encounter with a deeper purpose and meaning in life, which cuts through the tyranny of our false sense of the self or ego, can ultimately guide us to rise above the turmoil and crises facing us. This does not imply a detached disinterest, an ascetic renunciation, from the plights of our neighbors and humanity. In fact, only by discovering authentic kindness and compassion through a personal introspective inquiry into ourselves and our connection with the others can an authentic sense of well-being and genuine happiness emerge.  It is a commitment to finding our interconnection, in fact our interdependence, with others in the spirit of selflessness and service.

Yet to be left alone with only your own mind to keep you company terrifies the vast majority of people, including those who might be characterized as “normal.” This was observed in literally “shocking” experiments. In a University of Virginia study, hundreds of student participants would sit alone in an empty lab room for 15 minutes. No mobile phones, books, paper or anything was permitted. Just themselves and the cacophony of static in their own minds. However, there was a button they could push if they felt so inclined that would give a moderately painful electric shock. The results? Sixty-seven percent of men and 25 percent of women chose to find amusement to occupy their minds by shocking themselves rather than sit quietly and have peaceful time for self-reflection. This was despite all of the participants stating prior to the experiment that they would pay money to avoid being shocked with electricity.

So if modern American society relies solely upon mental and emotional distraction to survive, clearly there is no hope for constructive solutions to emerge to confront climate change, racism, identity politics, inequality, etc. Nor will society evolve beyond that of primates if we can only function from our reptilian and limbic brains. Obviously not everyone will discover the same purpose to his or her life’s meaning. It is an individual quest that is largely entwined with each of our unique gifts, skills, passions and talents that we have brought into this incarnation. Those who disagree that one can discover meaning in life are the dogmatists of materialism and should be shunned as deranged scientific fanatics. Logic and reason alone will not satisfy this discovery, although developing skills in critical thought and discernment is more often than not necessary. It is only the rare person who has immediate intuitive knowledge about herself and the world around her.

For the remainder of us, we need to reeducate ourselves to create a roadmap, develop a discerning eye, and engage in deep introspection into ourselves to find a genuine well-being that transcends power player’s board game to manufacture social strife, division and hatred. It is an individual journey that begins deep within ourselves and ends by embracing others in community despite all differences. However this is not an exercise in reason, but a direct experience within the depths of ourselves. When we touch on that space that can only be reached by subjective introspection new horizons of opportunities and possibilities open up. Then we can understand the words of the great jazz artist John Coltrane, “I know that there are bad forces, forces that bring suffering to others and misery to the world, but I want to be the opposite force. I want to be the force which is truly for good.” In that honoring of our inherent goodness, genuine well-being and happiness is found and only then can our illusions and dogmatic beliefs be broken down.


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Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD direct Progressive Radio Network. They are frequent contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: Headshot of DiAngelo (CC BY 3.0)

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What happens when a population of introverts, hypochondriacs, and obsessive-compulsives is continuously bombarded with messages to seclude and disinfect themselves, for fear that COVID-19 prickle-balls lurk everywhere, waiting to attack?

What happens is that emotionally damaged people start driving bad politics and bad policy.

“Fifteen days to flatten the curve.”  That phrase is surely now banned by corporate media, for it reminds us how the supposedly acute health threat of March 2020 was repeatedly re-packaged to keep populations off-balance and out of business not for 15 days, but for 15 months.

Never in modern times has a health issue been so flagrantly politicized, nor wielded as a club, as the Wuhan virus has been.  Outside a few rational locales, almost every nation drank the COVID Kool-Aid, competing to see who could enforce the stupidest rules.

Naturally, academia would lead the way:

Among Americans aged 15–24, a total of 587 died of COVID in 2020, according to the CDC, representing about 0.16%, or about 1 in 642, of COVID deaths.  If you are young, you have essentially no chance of dying of COVID.  The low youth mortality impact from COVID was known by April 2020.

Yet many universities now require these low-risk young people to inject the experimental vaccine or be banished from campus.  Did you already catch the WuFlu and have antibodies?  Too bad.  The great pulsating brains of academia cannot differentiate.

Young people who want to serve their country are also targets: the passive-aggressive command at West Point compels the unvaccinated to sacrifice a week’s vacation to quarantine and then to wear masks in the most ridiculous circumstances imaginable — to harass them and make them look like fools.  Military leaders do not care whether the experimental vaccines might do more harm than good, especially on a previously COVID-exposed youth.  Take the jab and shut up, cadet; Colonel Suckup needs to PowerPoint his 100% compliance success.

Famed baseball pitcher Anthony Fauci claims that he is Science personified, yet anyone can make simple deductions that have eluded the doctor: there is effectively no difference in COVID rates between regions that went full Stalin on COVID rules and those areas that took a more holistic or decentralized approach to the virus.

Great Britain, with its multiple draconian lockdowns, has a COVID case rate of 6.76% of the population, while Sweden, which mostly left schools and businesses open and went soft-touch on mask mandates, has a case rate of 10.7%.  But Sweden’s death rate is 20% lower than the U.K.’s, so what was the point of Britain’s lockdown hysteria?

Similarly, some U.S. schools were closed for up to a year, and kids as young as two were required to wear masks in a sickening display of fear-psychosis.  Yet in Switzerland, schools reopened permanently about 4–5 weeks after the initial virus panic in the spring of 2020, and children under 12 were never required to wear masks at any time.  Switzerland’s COVID case and death rates are both lower than the U.S.’s.  On the other hand, in Washington, D.C., where self-righteous residents wear masks even while jogging in the woods, restaurants were already open in March 2021, while in Switzerland, restaurants were closed from December until late May, in the apparent hope of destroying every last small eatery.  There’s no science in any of this posturing.

And none of this jumping through hoops made any difference in the progression of the virus: lockdown-crazy Michigan has a higher COVID death rate than libertarian Florida (despite its large elderly population).

Lost in all of this seems to be the simple fact that the COVID virus is not that deadly.  True, about 12% of the 4.7-million total U.S. deaths recorded between January 2020 and June 2021 were credited to COVID.  About 1.7% of positive cases end in death.  But 80% of COVID deaths occurred in the over-65 population, which always has a much higher death rate from infectious diseases, such as pneumonia.  If you are under 65 and test positive for COVID, you have a 0.25% chance of death (1/400), which is probably about the same as if you caught a bad flu and suffered complications from it.  It’s also logical that we will see periods of below-average death rates in the next year or two, in the same way that there are bad flu years and not-bad flu years.

Self-serving politicians locked down free citizens (and, ironically, released prisoners), destroyed businesses, marred kids’ psyches, and harassed people with mask and testing mandates, all for a coronavirus that in the end was not that novel.  And they did it with the connivance of corporate media, which censored and slandered anyone who asked the most basic questions about the virus’ origins and treatments.

In a future sane world, people will view the orchestrated panic of the COVID era with the same bemused condescension we might view the supposed War of the Worlds radio invasion scare of 1938, or the bygone use of leeches for seemingly every ailment.

Yes, grandson, back in 2020, the whole world went batty.


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Former Marine Daniel Rabil grew up in Washington, D.C. and lives in Switzerland.

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More than 4,100 people have been hospitalized or died with COVID in the U.S. despite having been fully vaccinated, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of June 21, nearly half (49%) of cases occurred in females and 76% were aged 65 years and older. There were a total of 3,907 hospitalizations and 750 deaths among those who had breakthrough infections, although not all of the hospitalizations may have been due primarily to COVID, Forbes reported.

A breakthrough case is recorded if a person tests positive for SARS-Cov-2 two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot or completing the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccination.

According to the CDC’s website, the number of COVID vaccine breakthrough infections are likely an undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons due to passive and voluntary reporting.

“These surveillance data are a snapshot and help identify patterns and look for signals among vaccine breakthrough cases,” the agency stated. “No unexpected patterns have been identified in the reported breakthrough infections.”

On May 1, the CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to only reporting cases resulting in hospitalization or death, a move the agency was criticized for by health experts.

Although the CDC stated the shift in reporting will “help maximize quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” the change in reporting results in a lower overall number of reports of breakthrough cases in the U.S.

According to CDC data, a total of 10,262 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections had been reported from 46 U.S. states and territories as of April 30, including 995 hospitalizations and 160 deaths.

Almost half of adults in Israel and UK infected with Delta COVID variant were fully vaccinated

According to The Wall Street Journal, almost half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of COVID in Israel were fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s vaccine.

Fully vaccinated people who’ve come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel’s health ministry said in a statement June 23.

Levy told the state broadcaster Kan Bet that about 40% to 50% of new cases appeared in people who had been vaccinated, Haaretz reported.

“Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means … that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected,” Levy said.

On Monday, Levy said a third of the new daily cases were in people who had been vaccinated. Though they are preliminary, the figures show the Delta variant may spread even in places like Israel where large portions of the population have been vaccinated.

Earlier this month, The Daily Mail reported that a new study in the UK showed 12 (or 29%) of 42 fully vaccinated people died after catching the Delta variant. In Public Health England’s technical briefing on June 25, that figure had risen to 43% (50 of 117), with the majority (60%) having received at least one dose.

High profile breakthrough cases

As The Defender reported in May, Bill Maher was fully vaccinated when he tested positive for COVID, prompting HBO to reschedule the taping of two of his shows.

That same month, eight people from the Yankees franchise tested positive for COVID, including coaches, staff members and two-time All-Star shortstop Gleyber Torres. At least 85% of the team had been vaccinated.

On June 10, two fully-vaccinated passengers aboard a Celebrity cruise ship tested positive for COVID and had to be isolated, according to the Royal Caribbean Group. The ship was billed as the first fully-vaccinated cruise in North America, The New York Times reported.

The ship’s 650 crew members and 600 passengers were required to be vaccinated before boarding and had to show proof of a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of sailing.

Two passengers on a Mediterranean cruise operated by MSC Cruises also tested positive.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

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So, Matt Hancock has resigned as Britain’s health secretary. A line has now been drawn under a scandal that gave the British press the ‘public interest’ licence to splash photos of a cabinet minister locking lips with his aide. Nothing more to see here.

This, at least, is what the government wants us to think. On BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday morning, justice secretary minister Robert Buckland insisted any queries about Hancock were either prurient or irrelevant since “Matt has resigned”. Move along, folks.

But the Hancock affair is about much more than a senior minister breaking his own COVID rules with his adviser, Gina Coladangelo. The whole episode highlights – once again – the gaping hole in the middle of Boris Johnson’s government where transparency, probity and honesty should be.

Forgot about how the footage of Hancock and Coladangelo leaked into the media, the real question to ask is how did the minister’s paramour end up with a paid government job in the first place?

We know that the pair met as students – in Oxford, of course – and that last March, just as the pandemic was breaking, Hancock brought Coladangelo in as an unpaid communications adviser. Six months later, Hancock made her a non-executive director in his health department, for which she netted £1,000 a day before expenses.

Why was Coladangelo, a lobbyist, chosen to oversee the health department in the midst of a global pandemic? It’s impossible to say. The government refuses to answer questions about how non-executive directorships are divvied out.

In fairness to Hancock, he’s not the only person who has his mates as sinecured board members. As we revealed last week, at least 16 Tory allies have been given roles that are ostensibly to “challenge” ministers. How much challenge do you think a Conservative donor is going to give his man in charge?

This government has shown itself willing to fight even the most basic transparency

There’s more, inevitably. Hancock was using his private Gmail account to conduct government business, including discussing lucrative COVID contracts. The use of personal email accounts to conduct government business is forbidden. In a detail remarkable even for this administration, Hancock did not have a department email address. Very handy for evading those pesky Freedom of Information requests – as Hancock would know, given he was once the minister in charge of FOI.

It isn’t supposed to be like this. Since the mid-1990s, British politics has had a confusing architecture of committees and watchdogs that are supposed to prevent the kind of sleaze scandals that dogged John Major’s moribund administration. But what good is a system based on norms and values when politicians can break them without any sanction?

Hancock is not the only politician who seems oblivious to Nolan principles of public life. So many sitting cabinet ministers have breached the ministerial code that you could be forgiven for thinking it’s a kind of insider prank, like when England World Cup footballers shoehorned song titles into interviews for a ‘joke’.

Robert Jenrick remains housing secretary despite breaking the law in overruling planning inspectors and the local council to approve Tory donor Richard Desmond’s Westferry Printworks development (the decision saved Desmond an estimated £45m). After the story broke, the then business minister Nadhim Zahawi said that if voters wanted to raise planning issues with their MPs, they could, as Desmond had done, pay to attend a Conservative fundraiser.

Earlier this month, the High Court in London ruled that the Cabinet Office acted unlawfully when, at the start of the pandemic, it awarded a contract to a public relations firm run by former colleagues of Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings. Public First, run by James Frayne and Rachel Wolf, was paid £560,000 to conduct focus groups and market research to gauge public opinion of government policies – including the prospect of Scottish independence.

The Cabinet Office responded to the Public First judgment the way it responds to so much – with a barrage of furious and dissembling spin. Michael Gove remains in post at the department despite clearly breaking the ministerial code.

There’s more. Hancock’s health colleague Lord Bethell has also been using private email to conduct government business.

A Cabinet Office inquiry found evidence that Priti Patel bullied her staff – in breach of the ministerial code – but the home secretary remains in office as Boris Johnson, the sole arbiter of the rules, decided not to sanction an investigation. The prime minister’s independent adviser on ministerial standards, Alex Allan, resigned in protest. He was replaced, more than six months later, only after it emerged that a Conservative donor had quietly paid for the lavish refurbishment of Johnson’s Downing Street flat.

One of the recurring questions of recent days is why Boris Johnson did not fire Hancock, rather than allowing him to resign. It is comforting to speculate that it might reflect his own marital infelicities. A prime minister who won’t admit how many children he has sired is hardly one to talk, surely?

Alas, it is doubtful that Johnson’s reluctance to sack his health secretary owes anything to concerns about his own behaviour. The prime minister has previously described himself as “literally bursting with spunk” (That’s a mental image none of us need to see.) But Johnson’s reticence is very much in keeping with his own attitude to upholding standards in public life.

In 2019, Parliament’s Committee on Standards found that he had demonstrated “an over-casual attitude towards obeying the rules of the House” after failing to declare a property interest. A few months earlier he had breached the rules on declaring book royalties. Before that, he had not sought permission before signing a £275,000 contract as a Daily Telegraph columnist three days after resigning as foreign secretary.

Last year, the prime minister took the unprecedented step of overruling the House of Lords appointment committee to ennoble the long-standing Conservative donor Peter Cruddas. It subsequently emerged that Cruddas, a former party treasurer, gave £500,000 to the Tories three days after taking his seat.

No wonder this government seems so determined to neuter the Electoral Commission. It has also shown itself willing to fight even the most basic transparency. openDemocracy was forced to mount a legal challenge after the Cabinet Office had appealed against a ruling that it should publish documents relating to a secretive unit accused of ‘blacklisting’ Freedom of Information requests from journalists and campaigners. The tribunal judge found there was “a profound lack of transparency about the operation” and ordered that the documents be released.

That judgement has sparked a parliamentary inquiry into FOI, launched by a committee dominated by Conservative MPs. But while Johnson’s colleagues clearly have concerns about his government’s secretive modus operandi, the prime minister has surrounded himself with pliable ministers who will happily defend anything from COVID contracts for Tory donors to the use of private email accounts to conduct government business.

As Robert Buckland attempted to bat away questions about Hancock on Monday morning radio, he dismissed concerns about the epidemic of ministerial rule-breaking on the ground that the Conservatives had won a “resounding victory” in last month’s local elections. I don’t remember “because we can get away with it” being one of the seven Nolan principles for ethics standards in public life. But it sums up Boris Johson’s government to a T.


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How Real Science Became Fake News

June 30th, 2021 by Josh Mitteldorf

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Thirty years ago, the man who taught me quantum mechanics at Harvard wrote that the suppression of debate will be the “death of science”. Perhaps he saw the shape of things to come.

Today, science is being perverted for political ends to an unprecedented extent. To look for an appropriate analogy, we would have to go back to the authority of the Church in medieval Europe.

“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” — Anthony Fauci

So G-d speaks through the mouth of the Pope, and maybe the Prophet Elijah and Charles Manson. But the Good Doctor of NIAID is the one with a direct line to Science.

My point is not that Fauci has grown too big for his britches, but that science is not religion. The whole reason that we trust science is that it’s a society of open debate. Dr Fauci aspires to be the high priest of epidemiology. But if science carries more weight than the Church, it’s not because its priests are smarter or better qualified, it’s because science has no priests.

Science means arguing the case on its merits, and arguing on the merits is exactly what they are trying to avoid by calling anyone who disagrees with them, “anti-science”.

A real scientist said,

Science is not a set of beliefs. Scientists don’t believe anything… You always have to be ready to have your favorite theory proven wrong, and if you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing science.  [Video]

Eight months ago, I wrote about the hijacking of the imprimatur of “science” for political ends. Of course, politicization of science is much older than eight months. Perhaps it’s as old as The Enlightenment, but certainly as old as Social Darwinism and the Fabian Society. But the current wave of censorship began five years ago, with a gradual but persistent movement in the mainstream press to legitimize censorship.

Protecting the public from “fake news”

“Fake news” wasn’t a thing until five years ago. The lies of Donald Trump were deemed more dangerous than other lies, and the Beltway think tanks decided that the Public needed protection. For the 227 years before this, we Americans generally agreed that freedom of the press held  the highest value for the viability of democracy. Deciding what is true and forbidding the publication of falsehoods sounds like a good idea only for the first millisecond, until you ask, “who decides what is true?”. Stalin knew well the power of Pravda. Hitler had his Völkischer Beobachter. Do you remember the origin of the phrase “memory hole”? George Orwell described in detail the way in which totalitarian governments must continually rewrite history to support a constantly-changing agenda.

Donald Trump was dangerous to the Establishment not because his lies were more pernicious or more convincing than other lies, but because occasionally, the rambling, self-serving monologue that continually streamed from his lips included some inconvenient truths. He charged that software in voting machines was rigged. He talked about the CIA’s blackmail racket, based on entrapment with child sex slaves. He proposed a new, independent inquiry into 9/11. He promised to declassify millions of pages of military documents on UFOs. The Establishment needed to silence Trump, not to protect the Public, but to protect the Establishment.

Lately, it is fashionable to smugly dismiss the deranged beliefs of “right-wing kooks” rather than endure the inconvenience of documenting just why these beliefs are “right-wing” and why they are wrong. This recent propaganda piece from University of Southern California exploits fear of The Deadly Virus to promote an idea that is far more deadly: legitimizing government surveillance of people with opinions at odds with the prevailing narrative. Need I remind you that the Fourth Amendment forbids the government from spying on citizens unless a judge has issued a search warrant, based on evidence that law enforcement agencies need this information to investigate a crime that has already been committed.

“Crime prevention” is an idea I can endorse with full conscience when it involves anti-poverty measures, drug rehab services, and housing for the homeless. But arresting people before they commit crimes is a practice absolutely forbidden by a millennium of British and American common law, and for the best of reasons: It has historically been used to jail the political opposition and hide the machinations of the powerful. It’s probably true that AI can make statistical predictions about who will commit a crime based on videos, and certainly true that the potential for abuse of this technology is a red flag.

Research behind the USC piece associates conservative political views with doubts about vaccination. The unstated implication is that vaccines are so obviously and universally safe that the only reason even to study their safety would be an anti-science bias which, incidentally, is common among fanatics of the Far Right.

Why do some people decline the COVID vaccine? According to the NYTimes, It must be that their thinking is deranged. It can’t possibly be because vaccines are less safe and less effective as a COVID preventive than traditional, well-tested measures such as vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine. It can’t have anything to do with the fact that twice as many people have died from the COVID vaccines compared to the sum total of all other vaccines in the history of the VAERS reporting system. [This simple numerical statement has been fact-checked by all the usual suspects and ruled “false”. What does this say about the fact-checkers?]

This month, the cover story of Harvard Magazine was written by a young staff writer with no scientific background. The title poses the question, “Can Disinformation be Stopped?”, while ignoring important preliminary questions, “Should disinformation be stopped?” and “How can we tell disinformation from information?” and “Whom can we trust with the awesome responsibility of discerning truth from falsehood?” The three examples of “disinformation” cited on the cover are nothing of the sort, and in fact are topics where questioning points to deep sources of corruption, which  the Powers that Be are most desperate to suppress. 1. “Election in question: were votes stolen?” 2. “Hydroxychloroquine is the cure for COVID-19” 3. “5G Networks Spread Coronavirus” 

  1. “Election in question: were votes stolen?” America has a sordid but largely hidden history of election theft. But the Help America Vote Act of 2001 has opened the floodgates for election theft on an unprecedented scale. Elections are so much easier to steal because vote tabulation is accomplished with black-box software that has been ruled a “trade secret” by our highest court. I have been a statistical consultant to election integrity activists since the 2004 election was stolen in Ohio on behalf of George W. Bush. We have used exit polls as the best available check on election results, and we have seen a growing rightward shift in the reported Federal results compared to exit polls. But in 2020, there were no exit polls for the first time in modern American history. So many people mailed their ballots that the people who showed up at the polls could not be considered a fair sample. In short, 2020 was the most opaque election in American history. There is no reason to trust the reported election results. At a time when America desperately needs a system of tabulation that the average voter can trust, all questioning of vote tabulations is ridiculed as the paranoid fantasies of right-wing partisans. [No, I’m not saying that “Trump really won”; I’m saying that I have no idea who really won, and that questioning our election machinery is not only legitimate but essential for the future of democracy.]
  2. “Hydroxychloroquine is the cure for COVID-19” The American CDC and NIH have been criminally culpable in suppressing effective preventives and cures for COVID since the beginning of the pandemic. Exhibit A is a super-sized observational study of 100,000 COVID patients on 3 continents that was rushed through peer review last year and published prominently in Britain’s most prestigious medical journal. But there was no data to back up this study. It was retracted. It was an obvious and scandalous scientific fraud, used to discredit the most effective available treatment, keeping alive the fear of COVID until a vaccine could be released. In combination with zinc, chloroquine is a safe and effective preventative or early treatment. But doctors have been fired for prescribing it, and pharmacists have been ordered not to fill prescriptions. Later, Ivermectin, an even more effective treatment for COVID, useful at all stages, has been demonstrated. Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Peter McCullough each testified before Congress about the extraordinary effectiveness of their treatment protocols, but to no avail. Is Ivermectin a right-wing drug? America’s most popular expert on natural medicine received death threats when he posted evidence on his blog that vitamin D lessens the severity of COVID. Treatments are still being suppressed by government, by social media, and by medical authorities. This has cost millions of lives worldwide. It is being done to keep fear of COVID alive, and to make sure that vaccines are the only game in town. If I may offer my expert opinion as a biostatistician: Many more people have died of COVID in the last year than if the world’s governments had done nothing at all, imposed no restrictions on commerce or culture, and allowed the medical system to operate without interference as it has in the past.
  3. “5G Networks Spread Coronavirus” There are thousands of credible studies associating radio frequency radiation with anxiety, depression, insomnia, inability to concentrate, and even cancer. There are known mechanisms by which such non-ionizing radiation affects electrochemical cell signaling. Still, there are physicists and engineers who deny the possibility of biological effects from cell phone radiation on theoretical grounds. For 30 years, the telecom industry has stonewalled, denying that further regulation is necessary, publishing bogus studies that report “no significant evidence” of risk. (Let me wear my statistician’s hat again, to tell you that it is very easy to design a study that fails to produce evidence of associations that are real, but much harder to design a study that demonstrates associations when none realy exist.) Last week, I was on a panel of engineers discussing safety standards for a new generation of cell phone technology. Most members were inclined to impose the burden of proof on those of us claiming a danger. In other words, unless we could clearly prove that 5G technology caused disease and we could explain a physical mechanism of harm, they thought that implementation of 5G should continue without safety standards. This is opposite to the attitude that American safety regulators have taken in every other field of technology. Why are health standards being determined by electrical engineers with no background in health sciences? And yes, there is legitimate and disturbing science associating higher COVID death rates in cities where 5G has been adopted early.

Make no mistake about it: The “fake news” campaign is not about protecting the public from lies; rather it is about establishing a state-sanctioned news network, which has been a central pillar for the stability of every totalitarian regime in history. Despotic leaders can only remain in power by hiding the truth of what they are doing from the people they govern. Conversely, there can be no meaningful democracy if there is only one source of centrally-managed information.

Other examples, past and present

For decades, UFO sightings were fake news. Now we’re supposed to believe that UFOs are real, but that the tens of millions of Americans who believed in them before that belief was sanctioned are ignorant, gullible thrill-seekers. None of the investigative reporters who have covered UFOs in the past are welcome when the self-important talking heads discuss UFOs as a new phenomenon.

Last year, the idea that COVID arose in a laboratory was fake news. Now it’s mainstream science, so long as you blame COVID on lax safety standards at Chinese laboratories. Questioning the bioweapons research at Fort Detrick and nine other American Biosafety Level 4 labs is still verboten in the public discourse.  Moreover, the idea that COVID might have been deliberately released is nowhere mentioned, despite all the simulations and preparedness exercises that seemed to foretell the future with their focus on Coronaviruses of Chinese origin.

Twenty years ago, on September 11, the Twin Towers and a third tower not struck by aircraft all fell straight down in free fall, indicating there was zero resistance from the steel structure underneath. In one moment, the steel is holding up a 110-storey building; in the next moment there is nothing inhibiting its collapse. It doesn’t happen in nature that all the supporting members just happen to melt at exactly the same moment. This requires precision engineering and precisely-timed explosive charges. And yet, if you search for “9/11 building collapse”, Google will lead you to the retracted Federal NIST report claiming, absurdly, that collapses of all three buildings were the natural and expected results of localized fires. You can find the realistic science that proves all three buildings were wired for demolition if you search through DuckDuckGo. Science professors have lost their careers for telling the truth about 9/11.

58 years ago, John Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas. The Warren Commission report concluded that a single bullet passed up and down and in and out of Kennedy’s body, subsequently breaking the arm of John Connally, then Governor of Texas, and falling out of his body onto the gurney, unscarred, where it could be conveniently discovered by hospital personnel. Despite the fact that the Warren Report is physically implausible, and despite the fact that a Congressional committee in 1979 concluded that Kennedy was “probably” killed by a conspiracy rather than a lone gunman, scientific challenges to the official narrative are banned from Wikipedia and social media. There are many good books, and you can preview some of the truth on Wikipedia’s page for conspiracy theories.

But the story of vaccines is in a class by itself, by far the most successful corporate propaganda campaign in history. In every other field, we define pathological fanaticism by its extreme dogma, taking an absolute position, with no recognition of subtlety and no regard to evidence. This is the attitude of the religious zealot. But in the case of vaccines, the propaganda narrative has turned this common sense on its head. All vaccines are safe. All vaccines are effective. This is the “scientific position”. Anyone who questions a particular vaccine, or identifies a side-effect, or claims that getting the disease provides better protection than taking the vaccine, is an “anti-vaxxer”, a science-denier, a menace to the universal social good of herd immunity. BTW, the term, “herd immunity” used to be defined in the world of public health as a condition of a population which had been through the disease, and so was resistant to future epidemics. In the age of COVID, “herd immunity” has been re-defined by WHO as a benefit that can only be conferred by vaccines.


My mentor at Harvard (first paragraph) was Julian Schwinger, one of the most brilliant physicists of the 20th Century, who shared the 1965 Nobel Prize with Richard Feynman for (independently) formulating relativistic quantum field theory. His physics papers had been prized by the scientific community and were published in top-tier physics journals ever since, as an 18-year-old wunderkind working under J Robert Oppenheimer, he conducted pioneering research in nuclear physics. But after the cold fusion controversy of 1989, Schwinger became interested in the phenomenon, and suggested some deep theoretical insights. He was told by the world’s foremost physics journal that they would not consider a paper on cold fusion because the editors didn’t believe it was real. This is what prompted Schwinger’s warning about the future of physics. He resigned from the American Physical Society in protest.

I first discovered the cold fusion story in 2012. Over the ensuing two years, I attended two conferences and visited five cold fusion laboratories. I can attest from talking to the experimental scientists and reviewing their data that cold fusion is real. Of course, the potential for solving the world’s energy problems and for learning fundamentally new principles of physics are both monumentally exciting. Despite many replications of cold fusion worldwide and several companies pursuing it as a new energy source, this remains a topic that mainstream physics journals refuse to touch.


Josh Mitteldorf is best known for contributions to the biology of aging. He has written two books based on his evolutionary theory of aging [Popular, Academic], and blogs for about aging and related matters. DataBETA is his present scientific project, a survey of thousands of individuals who are early adopters in anti-aging medicine, together with technology that will determine which (if any) of their pills and diets are effective. Most of his academic papers are available from ReserachGate. He maintains a page of health and diet recommendations for a longer life at

He is a writer in genres besides science: poetry, political commentary, and a bit of fiction.  His “anti-blog” called Daily Inspiration has been posted continually since 2005. He was formerly an editor at OpEdNews. As “Doctor Math”, he contributed more than 5,000 responses to questions submitted at the MathForum in the 1990s.

Politically, he has been an advocate for peace, for democracy, for environmental sanity, and for public health. He was treasurer of the Delaware Valley Clean Air Council and president of the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Pennsylvania in the 1990s. Since 2005, he has been a statistical consultant and writer for the election integrity movement, which seeks transparency in the way our votes are counted.

Mitteldorf grew up in New York City and suburbs, graduated from the Harvard College Physics Department (1970), and continued to a PhD in astrophysics from University of Pennsylvania (1987).


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In what sounds like a plot turn in one of those Britbox crime-thriller series, a tranche of soggy Ministry of Defence documents ranging from “Official Sensitive” to “Secret UK Eyes Only” were found behind a bus stop in Kent Tuesday morning, according to a breaking story by the BBC today.

The 50-page bundle of doc provides an unbelievably candid insight into a “wide range of important areas.”

“This is a major embarrassment for the Ministry of Defence, which is currently carrying out a detailed investigation into how the papers came to be lying on a street corner, in the rain, in the early hours of Tuesday morning,” writes BBC diplomatic correspondent Paul Adams, who does not say how they were found or what tipped the news service off, since the finding was several days ago.

But the find is an explosive one. Not only to the docs reveal that the Brits knew very well that the Russians would respond aggressively (and they did, the extent to which is in dispute) when they sailed the HMS Defender 12 miles off the coast of Crimea in the Black Sea this week, they did it deliberately — a case that British officials have been acknowledging in the last few days.

According to the “Official Sensitive” documents, the case was made to avoid confrontation by taking an alternative route through non-contested waters but that would run the risk of looking “scared/running away.” The Russians said they fired warning shots and dropped bombs in reaction to their “freedom of navigation” operation, a detail the Brits deny.

But to U.S. readers the most important information taken from this tranche is the most sensitive “Secret UK Eyes Only” one. It details that Washington has asked the UK to leave their own special operations forces behind after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. This signals what analysts have been anticipating — that the Biden Administration has not made a definitive decision on how to deal with counterterrorism issues beyond Sept. 11, and that one of the options still open is leaving a presence behind. Apparently that might include other foreign forces.

The papers do not say whether the Brits will comply (though the BBC article notes that the idea of leaving troops behind after withdrawal has been discussed in media reports); in fact they look dubious at the prospect.

Adams quotes the papers, saying that any UK footprint “that persists…is assessed to be vulnerable to targeting by a complex network of actors,” and that “the option to withdraw completely remains.”

What the heck were these papers doing behind a bus stop and were they meant for the BBC and if so, why? For our purposes, it is clear that the UK seems right in line with Washington, not only in “poking the Russian bear,” but it may be open to staying in Afghanistan for a longer haul than the people (American and British) want. It may also be worth asking whether these “special operators” the U.S. is asking for would be covertly placed in Afghanistan or not.

This is good, but depressing information.


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FBI Fabrication Against Assange Falls Apart

June 30th, 2021 by Craig Murray

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On the final day of the Assange extradition hearing, magistrate Vanessa Baraitser refused to accept an affidavit from Assange’s solicitor Gareth Peirce, on the grounds it was out of time. The affidavit explained that the defence had been unable to respond to the new accusations in the United States government’s second superseding indictment, because these wholly new matters had been sprung on them just six weeks before the hearing resumed on 8 September 2020.

The defence had not only to gather evidence from Iceland, but had virtually no access to Assange to take his evidence and instructions, as he was effectively in solitary confinement in Belmarsh. The defence had requested an adjournment to give them time to address the new accusations, but this adjournment had been refused by Baraitser.

She now refused to accept Gareth Peirce’s affidavit setting out these facts.

What had happened was this. The hearings on the Assange extradition in January 2020 did not seem to be going well for the US government. The arguments that political extradition is specifically banned by the UK/US extradition treaty, and that the publisher was not responsible for Chelsea Manning’s whistleblowing on war crimes, appeared to be strong. The US Justice Department had decided that it therefore needed a new tack and to discover some “crimes” by Assange that seemed less noble than the Manning revelations.

To achieve this, the FBI turned to an informant in Iceland, Sigi Thordarson, who was willing to testify that Assange had been involved with him in, inter alia, hacking private banking information and tracking Icelandic police vehicles. This was of course much easier to portray as crime, as opposed to journalism, so the second superseding indictment was produced based on Thordarson’s story, which was elaborated with Thordarson by an FBI team.

The difficulty was that Thordarson was hardly a reliable witness. He had already been convicted in Iceland for stealing approximately $50,000 from Wikileaks and with impersonating Julian Assange online, not to mention the inconvenient fact he is a registered sex offender for online activities with under-age boys. The FBI team was in fact expelled from Iceland by the Icelandic government, who viewed what the FBI was doing with Thordarson as wholly illegitimate.

Notwithstanding all of that, in June 2020 we had the extraordinary position of the US government, 18 months since the start of extradition proceedings and six months after opening arguments had been heard by the court, being permitted completely to change the charges and alleged crimes which were the grounds for extradition, in the second superseding indictment.

On 8 September 2020 I was in court to report Mark Summers QC addressing the question of these new superseding charges:

The court resumed with a new defence application, led by Mark Summers QC, about the new charges from the US governments new superseding indictment. Summers took the court back over the history of this extradition hearing. The first indictment had been drawn up in March of 2018. In January 2019 a provisional request for extradition had been made, which had been implemented in April of 2019 on Assange’s removal from the Embassy. In June 2019 this was replaced by the full request with a new, second indictment which had been the basis of these proceedings before today. A whole series of hearings had taken place on the basis of that second indictment.

The new superseding indictment dated from 20 June 2020. In February and May 2020 the US government had allowed hearings to go ahead on the basis of the second indictment, giving no warning, even though they must by that stage have known the new superseding indictment was coming. They had given neither explanation nor apology for this.

The defence had not been properly informed of the superseding indictment, and indeed had learnt of its existence only through a US government press release on 20 June. It had not finally been officially served in these proceedings until 29 July, just six weeks ago. At first, it had not been clear how the superseding indictment would affect the charges, as the US government was briefing it made no difference but just gave additional detail. But on 21 August 2020, not before, it finally became clear in new US government submissions that the charges themselves had been changed.

There were now new charges that were standalone and did not depend on the earlier allegations. Even if the 18 Manning related charges were rejected, these new allegations could still form grounds for extradition. These new allegations included encouraging the stealing of data from a bank and from the government of Iceland, passing information on tracking police vehicles, and hacking the computers both of individuals and of a security company.

“How much of this newly alleged material is criminal is anybody’s guess”, stated Summers, going on to explain that it was not at all clear that an Australian giving advice from outwith Iceland to someone in Iceland on how to crack a code, was actually criminal if it occurred in the UK. This was even without considering the test of dual criminality in the US also, which had to be passed before the conduct was subject to extradition.

It was unthinkable that allegations of this magnitude would be the subject of a Part 2 extradition hearing within six weeks if they were submitted as a new case. Plainly that did not give the defence time to prepare, or to line up witnesses to these new charges. Among the issues relating to these new charges the defence would wish to address, were that some were not criminal, some were out of time limitation, some had already been charged in other fora (including Southwark Crown Court and courts in the USA).

There were also important questions to be asked about the origins of some of these charges and the dubious nature of the witnesses. In particular the witness identified as “teenager” was the same person identified as “Iceland 1” in the previous indictment. That indictment had contained a “health warning” over this witness given by the US Department of Justice. This new indictment removed that warning. But the fact was, this witness is Sigurdur Thordarson, who had been convicted in Iceland in relation to these events of fraud, theft, stealing Wikileaks money and material and impersonating Julian Assange.

The indictment did not state that the FBI had been “kicked out of Iceland for trying to use Thordarson to frame Assange”, stated Summers baldly.

Summers said all these matters should be ventilated in these hearings if the new charges were to be heard, but the defence simply did not have time to prepare its answers or its witnesses in the brief six weeks it had since receiving them, even setting aside the extreme problems of contact with Assange in the conditions in which he was being held in Belmarsh prison.

The defence would plainly need time to prepare answers to these new charges, but it would plainly be unfair to keep Assange in jail for the months that would take. The defence therefore suggested that these new charges should be excised from the conduct to be considered by the court, and they should go ahead with the evidence on criminal behaviour confined to what conduct had previously been alleged.

Summers argued it was “entirely unfair” to add what were in law new and separate criminal allegations, at short notice and “entirely without warning and not giving the defence time to respond to it. What is happening here is abnormal, unfair and liable to create real injustice if allowed to continue.”

The arguments submitted by the prosecution now rested on these brand new allegations. For example, the prosecution now countered the arguments on the rights of whistleblowers and the necessity of revealing war crimes by stating that there can have been no such necessity to hack into a bank in Iceland.

Summers concluded that the “case should be confined to that conduct which the American government had seen fit to allege in the eighteen months of the case” before their second new indictment.

Baraitser refused to rule out the new charges, and then did rule out the immediate defence request for an adjournment to give them time to respond to the new charges. At the end of the hearings she refused to accept the Peirce affidavit explaining why the defence was unable to respond. The court had by then spent nearly a month listening to witnesses refuting the first superseding indictment, as prepared by the defence, but nothing addressing the second superseding indictment.

Summers was absolutely furious when Baraitser refused to accept Peirce’s affidavit on the subject, to the extent he was still explosive in the street outside after the hearings had concluded.

While Baraitser’s eventual decision barred extradition on the grounds of Assange’s health and US inhumane prison conditions, the second superseding indictment and Thordarson’s accusations were accepted as a valid basis for extradition.

Thordarson has now told Icelandic magazine Stundin that his allegations against Assange contained in the indictment are untrue, and that Assange had not solicited the hacking of bank or police details. This is hardly a shock, though Thordarson’s motives for coming clean now are obscure; he is plainly a deeply troubled and often malicious individual.
Thordarson was always the most unreliable of witnesses, and I find it impossible to believe that the FBI cooperation with him was ever any more than deliberate fabrication of evidence by the FBI.

Edward Snowden has tweeted that Thordarson recanting will end the case against Julian Assange. Most certainly it should end it, but I fear it will not.

Many things should have ended the case against Assange. The First Amendment, the ban on political extradition in the US/UK Extradition Treaty, the CIA spying on the preparations of Assange’s defence counsel, all of these should have stopped the case dead in its tracks.

It is now five months since extradition was refused, no US government appeal against that decision has yet been accepted by the High Court, and yet Julian remains confined to the UK’s highest security prison. The revelation that Thordarson’s allegations are fabricated – which everyone knew already, Baraitser just pretended she didn’t – is just one more illegality that the Establishment will shimmy over in its continued persecution of Assange.

Assange democratised information and gave real power to the people for a while, worldwide. He revealed US war crimes. For that his life is destroyed. Neither law nor truth have anything to do with it.


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What the Pentagon Papers 50th Anniversary Means

June 30th, 2021 by Peter Van Buren

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It was a humid June on the east coast 50 years ago when the New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers. The anniversary is worth marking, for reasons sweeping and grand, and for reasons deeply personal.

In 1971 Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, a secret U.S. government history of the Vietnam War, to the Times. No one had ever published such classified documents before, and reporters feared prosecution under the Espionage Act. A federal court ordered the Times to cease publication after an initial flurry of excerpts were printed, the first time in U.S. history a federal judge had invoked prior restraint and shattered the 1A.

In a legal battle too important to have been written first as a novel, the NYT fought back. The Supreme Court on June 30, 1971 handed down a victory for the First Amendment in New York Times Company v. United States, and the Times won the Pulitzer Prize. The Papers helped convince Americans the Vietnam War was wrong, their government could not be trusted, and The People informed by a free press could still have a say in things. This 20 year anniversary rightfully marks all that.

Today, journalists expect a Pulitzer for a snarky tweet that mocks Trump. In our current shameful state where the MSM serves as an organ of the Deep State, the anniversary of the Papers also serves as a reminder to millennials OnlyFansing as journalists that there were once people in their jobs who valued truth and righteousness. Perhaps this may inspire some MSM propagandist to realize he might still run with lions instead of slinking home to feed his cats.

The 50th anniversary of the Papers is also a chance to remember how fragile the victory in 1971 was. The Supreme Court left the door open for prosecution of journalists who publish classified documents by focusing narrowly on prohibiting the government from prior restraint. Politics and public opinion, not law, have kept the feds exercising discretion in not prosecuting the press, a delicate dance around an 800-pound gorilla loose in the halls of democracy. The government, particularly under Obama, hasmeanwhile aggressively used the Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers who leak to those same journalists.

There is also a very personal side to this anniversary. When my book, We Meant Well, turned me into a State Department whistleblower and set off a wall of the bad brown falling on me, Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg sent me two of his books, unannounced, in the mail.

He wrote a personal message inside each one, explaining to me what I was doing was hard, scary, and above all, a duty. It changed me and my understanding of what was happening to me. I wasn’t arguing procedure with the State Department and grubbing for my pension, I was defending the First Amendment itself. I wrote Dan a thank you note. Here’s some of it.

Thank you for sending me copies of your books, and thank you even more for writing “with admiration for your truth telling” inside the cover flap of one. I am humbled, because I waited my whole life to realize today I had already met you.

In 1971 I was 10 years old, living in Ohio. The Vietnam War was a part of our town’s life, same as the Fruehauf tractor-trailer plant with its 100 percent union workforce, the A&P and the Pledge of Allegiance. Nobody in my house went to war, but neighbors had gold stars in their windows and I remember one teacher at school, the one with the longer hair and the mustache, talking about Vietnam.

It meant little to me, involved with oncoming puberty, but I remember my mom bringing home from the supermarket a newsprint quickie paperback edition of the Pentagon Papers. There of course was no Internet and you could not buy the Times where I lived. Mom knew of politics and Vietnam maybe even less than I did, but the Papers were all over the news and it seemed the thing to do to spend the $1.95. When I tried to make sense of the names and foreign places it made no impact on me.

I didn’t understand then what you had done. While I was trying to learn multiplication, you were making photocopies of classified documents. As you read them, you understood the government had knowledge early on the war could not be won, and that continuing would lead to many times more casualties than was ever admitted publicly.

A lot of people inside the government had read those same Papers and understood their content, but only you decided that instead of simply going along with the lies, or privately using your new knowledge to fuel self-eating cynicism, you would try to persuade U.S. Senators Fulbright and McGovern to release the papers on the Senate floor.

When they did not have the courage, even as they knew the lies continued to kill Americans they represented, you brought the Papers to the New York Times. The Times then echoed the courage of great journalists and published the Papers, fought off the Nixon administration by calling to the First Amendment, and brought the truth about lies to America. That’s when my mom bought a copy of the Papers at the A&P.

You were considered an enemy of the United States because when you encountered something inside of government so egregious, so fundamentally wrong, you risked your own fortune, freedom, and honor to make it public. You almost went to jail, fighting off charges under the same draconian Espionage Act the government still uses today to silence others who stand in your shadow.

In 2009 I volunteered to serve in Iraq for my employer of some 23 years, the Department of State. While I was there I saw such waste in our reconstruction program, such lies put out by two administrations about what we were (not) doing in Iraq, that it seemed to me that the only thing I could do — had to do — was tell people about what I saw. In my years of government service, I experienced my share of dissonance when it came to what was said in public and what the government did behind the public’s back. In most cases, the gap was filled only with scared little men and women, and what was left unsaid hid their flaws.

What I saw in Iraq was different. There, the space between what we were doing (the waste), and what we were saying (the chant of success) was filled with numb soldiers and devastated Iraqis, not nerveless bureaucrats. It wasn’t Vietnam in scale or impact, but it was again young Americans risking their lives, believing for something greater than themselves, when instead it was just another lie. Another war started and run on lies, while again our government worked to keep the truth from the people.

I am unsure what I accomplished with my own book, absent getting retired-by-force from the State Department for telling a truth that embarrassed them. So be it; most people at State will never understand the choice of conscience over career, the root of most of State’s problems.

But Dan, what you accomplished was this. When I faced a crisis of conscience, to tell what I knew because it needed to be told, coming to realize I was risking at the least my job if not jail, I remembered that newsprint copy of the Papers from 1971 which you risked the same and more to release. I took my decision in the face of the Obama administration having already charged more people under the Espionage Act for alleged mishandling of classified information than all past presidencies combined, but more importantly, I took my decision in the face of your example.

Later, whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden would do the same. I know you have encouraged them, too, through your example and with personal messages.

So thank you for the books you sent Dan. Thank you for your courage so that when I needed it, I had an example to assess myself against other than the limp men and women working now for a Department of State too scared of the truth to rise to claim even a whisper of the word courage for themselves.

Fast-forward to 2021. In these last few years the term “whistleblower” has been co-opted such that a Deep State operative was able to abuse the term to backdoor impeachment against a sitting president. The use of anonymous sources has devolved from brave individuals speaking out against a government gone wrong into a way for journalists to manufacture “proof” of anything they want, from claims the president was a Russian spy to the use of the military to create a photo op in Lafayette Park.

On this anniversary we look at individuals like Ellsberg and reporters like those at the Times and know it is possible for individuals with courage to make a difference. That is something worth remembering, and celebrating.


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Important article first published on July 27, 2012 provides a historical perspective on the Black Sea Military Buildup

With permanent access to eight air and other military bases and training facilities in Bulgaria and Romania acquired over the past seven years, and advanced interceptor missiles to be stationed in the second country in three years, the Pentagon is establishing a firm foothold in the Black Sea region from which to continue current and initiate new military operations in South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans and the Caucasus.

The U.S. Marines Corps’ Black Sea Rotational Force and the U.S. Army’s Task Force-East are assigned to the region on a regular basis and American warships are frequent visitors to the Black Sea, notwithstanding the 1936 Montreux Convention which limits the passage of non-littoral nations’ military vessels through the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits to the Black Sea.

Last year the flagship of the U.S.-NATO interceptor missile system, the guided missile cruiser USS Monterey, participated in the U.S.-led Sea Breeze naval exercise in the Black Sea – a NATO Partnership for Peace initiative – coordinated from Odessa, Ukraine, only 187 miles from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol.

This year’s Sea Breeze [2012], held from July 9-21, was the largest naval exercise held in the Black Sea this year and featured personnel from 17 nations, NATO members and partners (not always publicly acknowledged): The U.S., Ukraine, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Qatar, Sweden and the United Arab Emirates. Algeria, Bangladesh, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates participated for the first time. The last two states, members of the Gulf Cooperation Council and of NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative military partnership, provided NATO with warplanes for the six-month air war against Libya last year. The United Arab Emirates also has troops serving under NATO in Afghanistan.

Overlapping with the above maneuvers, another NATO Partnership for Peace exercise run by U.S. European Command, Rapid Trident 2012, was launched in Western Ukraine on July 16 and will run to July 28.

An estimated 1,400 service members from 16 countries – the U.S., Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Denmark, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Sweden – are participating.

The Dacian Thunder 2012 exercise is being conducted by the U.S., Britain and Romania from July 10-31 in the third nation. Led by the U.S. 81st Fighter Squadron and Marines, the three NATO allies are training for, in the words of the U.S. Air Force website, “air-to-air, air-to-ground, combat search and rescue, air defense, air security, air intelligence, tactical command, and cross service logistical support and operations” in preparation for “future contingency operations.”

Earlier this month U.S. Army Europe commander Lieutenant General Mark Phillip Hertling visited Georgia, on the other end of the Black Sea, to meet with the country’s new defense minister, Dimitri Shashkin, and top military commanders.

This week Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery, Deputy Director of Plans, Policy and Strategy for U.S. European Command, met with Defense Minister Shashkin to begin the implementation of this year’s agreement between U.S. President Barack Obama and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to upgrade Georgia’s military capabilities.

This week Saakashvili’s spouse, Netherlands-born Sandra Roelofs, visited the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. to meet with six Georgian soldiers being treated there for injuries sustained in NATO’s Afghan war.

Last week Saakashvili met with Turkish Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi and stated:

“You know that 2014 has been declared as the year of NATO expansion, and Georgia already has a real chance for full membership in NATO, which represents an important long-term security guarantee for us.”

The Georgian head of state added:

“Turkey is one of the major supporters in our drive to join NATO and for that we are very grateful, because it represents a historic chance for Georgia, for the region and for our good neighborly relations to [have] Georgia protected within this international organization.

“Recently it (Georgia’s NATO membership) became more realistic than it has ever been in history.”

In 2005, the year after Romania became a member of NATO, the Pentagon acquired several military installations in the nation including the Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, previously employed for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The following year it gained bases in neighboring Bulgaria, including the Graf Ignatievo and Bezmer air bases. The above are the first American military bases on the territory of former members of the Warsaw Pact.

The Marine Corps’ Black Sea Rotational Force, which as of this year is spending six months in the greater Black Sea region, frequently operates from the Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, as has the Task Force-East.

The Black Sea Rotational Force’s area of operations is formally the Black Sea region, the Balkans and the Caucasus, though in fact it extends into Moldova and Greece as well. That is, it has defined a geostrategically vital area of the world, the junction of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as its purview, one which includes all the so-called frozen conflicts in former Soviet space: Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia and Transdniester.

The Black Sea region was completely inaccessible, was terra prohibita, to the Pentagon during the Cold War era. NATO expansion, with the incorporation of new members and partners, has opened the sea to U.S. military penetration, presence and use for what are termed downrange operations – armed interventions – to the east and the south.

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For the second time in the five months since he was inaugurated, President Joe Biden on Sunday ordered a U.S. bombing raid on Syria, and for the first time, he also bombed Iraq. The rationale offered was the same as Biden’s first air attack in February: the U.S., in the words of Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, “conducted defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups in the Iraq-Syria border region.” He added that “the United States acted pursuant to its right of self-defense.”

Embedded in this formulaic Pentagon statement is so much propaganda and so many euphemisms that, by itself, it reveals the fraudulent nature of what was done. To begin with, how can U.S. airstrikes carried out in Iraq and Syria be “defensive” in nature? How can they be an act of “self-defense”? Nobody suggests that the targets of the bombing campaign have the intent or the capability to strike the U.S. “homeland” itself. Neither Syria nor Iraq is a U.S. colony or American property, nor does the U.S. have any legal right to be fighting wars in either country, rendering the claim that its airstrikes were “defensive” and an “act of self-defense” to be inherently deceitful.

The Pentagon’s description of the people bombed by the U.S. — “Iran-backed militias groups” — is intended to obscure the reality. Biden did not bomb Iran or order Iranians to be bombed or killed. The targets of U.S. aggression were Iraqis in their own country, and Syrians in their own country. Only the U.S. war machine and its subservient media could possibly take seriously the Biden administration’s claim that the bombs they dropped on people in their own countries were “defensive” in nature. Invocation of Iran has no purpose other than to stimulate the emotional opposition to the government of that country among many Americans in the hope that visceral dislike of Iranian leaders will override the rational faculties that would immediately recognize the deceit and illegality embedded in the Pentagon’s arguments.

Beyond the propagandistic justification is the question of legality, though even to call it a question dignifies it beyond what it merits. There is no conceivable Congressional authorization — none, zero — to Biden’s dropping of bombs in Syria. Obama’s deployment of CIA operatives to Syria and years of the use of force to overthrow Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad never had any Congressional approval of any kind, nor did Trump’s bombing of Assad’s forces (urged by Hillary Clinton, who wanted more), nor does Biden’s bombing campaign in Syria now. It was and is purely lawless, illegal. And the same is true of bombing Iraq. The 2002 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) in Iraq, which the House just last week voted to repeal, has long since ceased to provide any legal justification for ongoing U.S. troop presence and bombing campaigns in that country.

In its statement justifying the bombing raids, Biden’s Pentagon barely even bothered to pretend any of this is legal. It did not cite either the 2002 AUMF for Iraq or the 2001 AUMF authorizing the use of force against those responsible for 9/11 (a category which, manifestly, did not include Iran, Iraq or Syria). Instead, harkening back to the days of John Yoo and Dick Cheney, the Biden Defense Department claimed that “as a matter of international law, the United States acted pursuant to its right of self-defense,” and casually asserted that “as a matter of domestic law, the President took this action pursuant to his Article II authority to protect U.S. personnel in Iraq.”

Those claims are nothing short of a joke. Nobody seriously believes that Joe Biden has congressional authority to bomb Syria and Iraq, nor to bomb “Iranian-backed” forces of any kind. As The Daily Beast‘s long-time War on Terror reporter Spencer Ackerman put it on Sunday night, discussions of legality at this point are “parody” because when it comes to the U.S.’s Endless Wars in the name of the War on Terror, “we passed Lawful behind many many years ago. Authorization citations are just pretexts written by lawyers who need to pantomime at lawfulness. The U.S. presence in Syria is blatantly illegal. Such things never stop the U.S.”

That is exactly right. The U.S. government is a lawless entity. It violates the law, including its own Constitution, whenever it wants. The requirement that no wars be fought absent congressional authority is not some ancillary bureaucratic annoyance but was completely central to the design of the country. Article I, Section 8 could not be clearer: “The Congress shall have Power . . . to declare war.” Two months after I began writing about politics — back in December, 2005 — I wrote a long article compiling the arguments in the Federalist Papers which insisted that permitting the president unchecked powers to wage war without the approval of the public — through their representatives in Congress — was uniquely dangerous for ushering in the kind of tyranny from which they had just liberated themselves, and another article in 2007 which did the same:

The Constitution — while making the President the top General in directing how citizen-approved wars are fought — ties the use of military force to the approval of the American citizenry in multiple ways, not only by prohibiting wars in the absence of a Congressional declaration (though it does impose that much-ignored requirement), but also by requiring Congressional approval every two years merely to have an army. In Federalist 26, this is what Alexander Hamilton said in explaining the rationale behind the latter requirement (emphasis in original):

The legislature of the United States will be obliged by this provision, once at least in every two years, to deliberate upon the propriety of keeping a military force on foot; to come to a new resolution on the point; and to declare their sense of the matter by a formal vote in the face of their constituents. They are not at liberty to vest in the executive department permanent funds for the support of an army, if they were even incautious enough to be willing to repose in it so improper a confidence.

Public opposition is the key check on the ill-advised use of military force. In Federalist 24, Hamilton explained that the requirement of constant democratic deliberation over the American military is “a great and real security against military establishments without evident necessity”. . . .

Finding a way to impose checks on the President’s war-making abilities was a key objective of the Founders. In Federalist 4, John Jay identified as a principal threat to the Republic the fact that insufficiently restrained leaders “will often make war when their nations are to get nothing by it, but for purposes and objects merely personal, such as a thirst for military glory, revenge for personal affronts, ambition, or private compacts to aggrandize or support their particular families or partisans. These and a variety of other motives, which affect only the mind of the sovereign, often lead him to engage in wars not sanctified by justice or the voice and interests of his people.”

But as Ackerman says, even discussing legality at this point is meaningless, an empty gesture, a joke. It gives far too much credit to the U.S. ruling class, as it implies that they care at all about whether their posture of endless war is legal. They know that it is illegal and do not care at all. Many have forgotten that President Obama not only involved the U.S. in a devastating regime-change war in Libya without congressional approval, but so much worse, continued to do so even after the House of Representatives voted against providing him authorization to use force in Libya. Obama ignored the House vote and kept troops in Libya anyways as part of a NATO mission, claiming that NATO and U.N. authorization somehow entitled him to do this despite his own country’s Congress voting against it, reflecting overwhelming opposition among the citizenry. (The U.N. authorization — even if it could somehow supplant the U.S. Constitution — only allowed the use of force to protect civilians, not to overthrow the Libyan government, which quickly and predictably became the NATO mission, making it clearly illegal).

This is one reason I found the Trump-era discourse so suffocatingly dishonest and fraudulent. I began writing about politics in 2005 in order to document the systemic lawlessness that had become the fully bipartisan Bush/Cheney War on Terror. The executive power theories that were adopted — that the president has the right to do whatever he wants under Article II regardless of congressional laws or any other acts by courts or the citizenry, even including spying on American citizens without warrants — was the pure expression of authoritarianism and lawlessness. That lawlessness not only continued but escalated severely under the Obama administration, with the war in Libya, the claimed right to assassinate anyone in the world without due process, including U.S. citizens, and the CIA’s covert regime-change war in Syria.

Having to watch the Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden operatives who ushered in this permanent state of illegality and lawless wars prance around during the Trump years as noble defenders of the sacred rule of law — all while being celebrated and profiting greatly — was nauseating in the best of times. American elites do not care about the rule of law or the Constitution. Ignoring it is how they empower themselves at the expense of the citizenry. That is why very few will care about the fact that Biden (indulging the fiction for a moment that it was he) ordered the bombings on two countries without the slightest whiff of legal authority to do so.

While it feels frivolous even to raise questions of legality — since so few in Washington care about such matters — the real overarching question is the simplest one. Why does the U.S. continue to have a military presence in Iraq and Syria? What conceivable benefits redound to American citizens from the massive expenditures required to keep U.S. troops stationed in these two countries, the risk of those troops’ lives, the endless acquisition of bombs and other weapons to fight there, and the obvious but severe dangers from triggering escalation with powerful militaries that — unlike the U.S. — actually have a vital interest in what takes place in their bordering countries?

While the ordinary American only suffers from all of this, there are definitely some sectors of U.S. society which benefit. The corporation that Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin left in order to run the Pentagon — Raytheon — needs ongoing troop deployment and permanent warfare for its profitability. According to The New York Times, it was “Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, [who] briefed Mr. Biden on attack options early last week,” after which “Mr. Biden approved striking the three targets.” So Gen. Austin’s colleagues on the Raytheon Board of Directors, as well as his comrades on the Boards of General Dynamics and Boeing, are surely thrilled with this attack.

Indeed, anyone invested in endless war in the Middle East — including the entire U.S. intelligence community and the weapons industry which feeds off of it — must be thrilled by all of this. Each time the U.S. “retaliates” against Iran or Iraqi militias or Syrian fighters, it causes them to “retaliate” back, which in turn is cited as the reason the U.S. can never leave but must instead keep retaliating, ensuring this cycle never ends. It also creates a never-ending supply of angry people in that region who hate the U.S. for bringing death and destruction to their countries with bombs that never stop falling and therefore want to strike back: what we are all supposed to call “terrorism.” That is what endless war means: a war that is designed never to terminate, one that is as far removed as possible from actual matters of self-defense and manufactures its own internal rationale to continue it.

But what is beyond doubt is that this illegal, endless war in the Middle East does nothing but harm American citizens. As they are told that they cannot enjoy a sustainable let alone quality standard of living without working two or three dreary hourly-wage, benefits-free jobs for corporate giants, and while more Americans than ever continue to live at home and remain financially unable to start families, the U.S. continues to spend more on its military than the next thirteen countries combined. This has continued for close to two full decades now because the establishment wings of both parties support it. Neither of them believes in the Constitution or the rule of law, nor do they care in the slightest about the interests of anyone other than the large corporate sectors that fund the establishment wings of both parties. The bombs that fell on Syria and Iraq last night were for them and them alone.


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The highest official of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William Burns, arrived in Colombia to participate in a “delicate” mission in terms of security, as part of the “cooperation” between the two countries.

The Colombian ambassador in Washington, Francisco Santos, reported on the arrival of the CIA director, however Santos did not want to provide additional details about Burns’ visit to Bogotá.

“I prefer not to tell you it is a delicate mission, an important mission in terms of intelligence, that we managed to coordinate,” Santos replied obliquely when asked about the mission.

This visit comes after US President Joe Biden’s first telephone conversation with his Colombian counterpart Iván Duque. The Colombian government, following the directions of the US regime, has been trying unsuccessfully for years to overthrow the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, accusing it of human rights violations, when in reality it is in Colombia where human rights violations are sadly part of the everyday life of the civilian population.

The day before the visit marked two months since the beginning of Colombia’s bloody repression of the national strike and demonstrations rejecting the policies of Duque and demanding that measures be taken in the area of ​​human rights particularly, due to the violence and repression perpetrated by his government.

Santos explained that the visit of the highest CIA official to Colombia was made by through a contact, after having already held three meetings with the organization.

Santos explained that in those meetings they had been told where they are going and what is happening, so they consider this visit as “very important.”

“That contact was made, you understand,” said Santos. “We have been working with that agency. We have had three meetings.”

William Burns became director of the CIA on March 18 of this year, as part of the changes that Biden made after his inauguration.

What’s behind the CIA visit to Colombia?

Colombia is experiencing a delicate internal situation due to the demonstrations. The strike committee and demonstrators do not intend to cease until their requests are heard by the government.

These demonstrations revealed to the world the malicious structure of Colombia’s security organizations and the repressive manner that the government responds to peaceful protests.

In addition, the visit follows the alleged attack against the Colombian president last Friday, in which his helicopter was purportedly hit by six bullets. Hours later they attempted to hold the government of Venezuela responsible.

The accusations arose after the alleged discovery of weapons bearing identifying marks of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB).

Added to this is the complaint made by the Venezuelan government recently that the government of Colombia and the United States sponsor criminal gangs to commit crimes on the border with Venezuela and even in some barrios of Caracas.

“It is imperative to remind the international community that these irregular groups have the sponsorship of the Colombian government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is why their incursions into Venezuelan territory should be considered as an aggression sponsored by Iván Duque, since he provides them with logistical-financial support,” warned the Venezuelan Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López. Violence promoted in Apure state by Colombian paramilitary narco-trafficking gangs has taken the lives of more than ten Venezuelan army officers this year and sowed panic among the Venezuelan population.


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Featured image: CIA Director William J. Burns official portrait (Public Domain)

Towards a “Fourth Wave”? Combating “D the Dangerous Delta Variant”. The “Mathematical Lockdown Model”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 29, 2021

Is a new Worldwide lockdown envisaged as a means to combating the “dangerous” Covid variant entitled “Delta”. First identified last year in India, The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant was  “thought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India”. According to so-called “scientific opinion” it is now said to be spreading worldwide, to some 80 countries.

FDA Adds Heart Inflammation Warning to Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines as Some Experts Call for Full Approval

By Megan Redshaw, June 29, 2021

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning to fact sheets — as advised by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — for Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines indicating an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 25 added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines indicating an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination.

HMS Defender versus the Russian Military: The Danger of Believing Your Own Propaganda

By Rep. Ron Paul, June 29, 2021

Less than two weeks after NATO members reaffirmed allegiance to Article 5 – that an attack on one member was an attack on all members – the UK nearly put that pledge to the test. In a shockingly provocative move, the UK’s HMS Defender purposely sailed into Crimean territorial waters on its way to Georgia.

Iraq Says Bombings Ordered by Biden a ‘Blatant and Unacceptable Violation’ of Sovereignty

By Jessica Corbett, June 29, 2021

Echoing criticism from across the globe on Monday, the Iraqi government slammed the Biden administration for overnight U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria at facilities the Pentagon says were used by Iran-backed militias.

Nicaragua Responds to “Unilateral Coercive Measures by a Hostile Foreign Power”

By Carlos Fonseca Terán, June 29, 2021

Nicaragua is in the news again. But not for being one of the countries with the greatest reduction in poverty and social inequality worldwide since 2007 (poverty by half, extreme poverty by a third, and going from being the fourth most unequal country to being the fourth least unequal in Latin America).

Presidents: Georgia, Ukraine Share Commitment to NATO Membership, “De-occupation” of Lands from Russia

By Rick Rozoff, June 29, 2021

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili paid a two-day visit to Ukraine earlier this week (her first) and met with her opposite number President Volodymyr Zelensky. Zurabishvili first came to world notice when she emerged as part of the triumvirate that took over in Georgia following the so-called Rose Revolution in late 2003 that saw incumbent head of state Eduard Shevardnadze manhandled and divested of his powers.

A Sea Painted NATO Black

By Pepe Escobar, June 29, 2021

Welcome to the latest NATO show: Sea Breeze starts today and goes all the way to July 23. The co-hosts are the US Sixth Fleet and the Ukrainian Navy. The main protagonist is Standing NATO Maritime Group 2.  The show, in NATOspeak, is just an innocent display of “strenghtening deterrence and defense”. NATO spin tells us the exercise is “growing in popularity” and now features more than 30 nations “from six continents” deploying 5,000 troops, 32 ships, 40 aircraft and “18 special operations and dive teams”.


China-India: Contours of a Conflict to Come

By Bertil Lintner, June 29, 2021

India has dispatched at least 50,000 additional troops to the Chinese border where there are currently 200,000 combat-ready troops, an increase of more than 40% since the two rival powers clashed in the Himalayas in June last year, resulting in the death of 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese.

“We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action

By F. William Engdahl, June 29, 2021

As official government data is emerging in Europe and the USA on the alarming numbers of deaths and permanent paralysis as well as other severe side effects from the experimental mRNA vaccines, it is becoming clear that we are being asked to be human guinea pigs in an experiment that could alter the human gene structure and far worse.

57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations

By Dr. Roxana Bruno, Dr. Peter McCullough, and et al., June 29, 2021

A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs. We urge you to read and share this damning report.

Overcoming the Hypnosis of Fear: “A Culture of Fear” Imposed by “Elected Governments”

By Julian Rose, June 29, 2021

You are a Universal Being. Your body is just a vehicle for the manifestation of this Universal Being here on Earth.  As a Universal Being your ‘essence’ lives forever. Start identifying your Self as a Universal Being, merged with the source of all existence. The more you live in this Self – the Real You – during this lifetime – the more seamless is the passage onwards at the time of passing. 

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Clinching in the Breach: Matt Hancock Resigns

June 30th, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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From his secure fortress of contented spite, Dominic Cummings, exiled from the power he once wielded at Number 10 as one of the chosen, must have felt a sense of satisfaction.  Biliously, the former top aide to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson had scorned the now former UK Health Secretary in a performance before MPs lasting hours.  Matt Hancock, Cummings explained last month, could have been sacked for any number of things he did in responding to the pandemic. 

With history moving from its tragic gear into a farcical one, Hancock has resigned.  It had all the makings of a tabloid fix: the minister’s name (Hancock), an aide, kissing, a leaking mole and CCTV.  But the departure was not for mendacity or want of competence so much as an ill-considered moment in breach of COVID-19 regulations.  With the country still continuing a lockdown that was meant to dramatically ease on June 21, a camera recording the Health Secretary snogging his aide, Gina Coladangelo, was leaked.  The camera footage of the office incident was recorded on May 6.

Johnson was never going to sack his minister on grounds of incompetence.  The leader has set the precedent others must follow.  According to the vengeful Cummings, it took a hail of 89 texts from Johnson’s wife Carrie to lessen the support.  It was left to Hancock to fall upon his sword, which he took some time to do. 

In his resignation letter, priorities are reversed.  “The last thing I would want is for my private life to distract attention from the single-minded focus that is leading us out of this crisis.”  The actual reason comes afterwards.  “I want to reiterate my apology for breaking the guidance, and apologise to my family and loved ones for putting them through this.”  People who had “sacrificed so much in this pandemic” were owed a sense of honesty “when we have let them down as I have done by breaching this guidance.”  The Times tersely opined that such conduct suggested that “the government tolerates breaches of lockdown rules for themselves, while insisting the public adhere to higher standards.” 

With the bigger picture of Hancock’s conduct miniaturised (the breach of social distancing rules, various questionable staff appointments – the list is long), Brandon Lewis, Northern Ireland Secretary, could now focus on the important matters: finding out how CCTV footage found its way into the pages of that undyingly malicious paper of poor record, The Sun.  The culprit is said to be lurking in the corridors of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

British press outlets suggested that the leaker had made contact via Instagram to an unnamed anti-lockdown activist.  “I have some very damning CCTV footage of someone that has been classed as completely f***ing hopeless. If you would like some more information please contact me.”  The same paper supplied readers with all the details, leaving little to the imagination. Included was a crude outlay of Hancock’s office, including the positioning of the Union Jack, painting of the Queen, bookshelf, coat rack and, it transpires, the “kiss door”. 

On Sky News, Lewis made the government’s priorities clear.  “I have seen some of the reports this morning outlining how different journalists think the tape might have got out there.  That is certainly a matter I know the Department of Health will be looking into to understand exactly how that was recorded, how it got out of the system.  It’s something we need to get to the bottom of.”

In comments that can only induce smirks of derision, Lewis preferred to focus on the principle that what took place in “government departments can be sensitive, important and people need to have confidence that what is happening in a government department is something that allows the government to be focused on these core issues, and the sensitivity sometimes in the security sense of those issues.”

Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was also busy directing attention to the things that counted – at least from a government perspective.  By leaking footage of Hancock’s intimate moment, the leaker may well have sailed close to breaching the Official Secrets Act.  Paying lip service to the “open society” and protections “for whistleblowers who find things out and release them in the public interest”, Hunt told the Andrew Marr Show what really bothered him.  “[W]e need to understand how this happened, and to make sure that ministers are secure in their offices, to be able to have conversations that they know aren’t going to be leaked to hostile powers.”

A fevered panic swept through Johnson’s cabinet, with ministers fearing they might be the next one to be Hancocked.  Justice Minister Robert Buckland revealed that sweeps were being organised to identify any filming or listening devices that had escaped detection.  “I think there is an important principle here about need for ministers and civil servants who often are handling very sensitive material and information to have a safe space within which to work.” 

The calls for investigation did not stop at the issue of a breach of ministerial confidence.  The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, wished to guide the debate back to the breach of those very regulations government ministers had insisted Britons follow. “What’s important now is for there to be proper investigations into which rules were broken in relation to use of private email, in relation to the appointment of senior staff and also in relation to the social distancing rules.” 

Hancock had certainly built himself a fortress of impropriety during the course of the pandemic.  The Sunday Times, having seen minutes of various meetings, noted that the minister had been using a private email address from March 2020 to conduct departmental correspondence, making accountability for decisions regarding the novel coronavirus slippery at best. 

The deflectors were also tapping away.  Those sympathising with Hancock within the government were aghast at the very existence of a camera in the office.  Had he been the victim of an orchestrated sting by enemies in Number 10?  Or did some meddlesome power such as China wish to cause ripples by installing a clinch catching “love bug”? 

The smug Mail on Sunday poured water on suggestions of foul play. “In fact, pictures taken in September 2017, just before Hancock moved in, show that the camera which caught the clinch is clearly visible on the ceiling of his office.”  But the Tories were also searching for another alibi that would, if not exonerate Hancock then at least provide a distraction from his conduct. 

To that end, suspicion started growing legs with commentary on the camera’s make.  While rented from a Singaporean firm, it stems from Chinese manufacturer Hikvision, a company under contract to supply surveillance equipment to the authorities in China’s Xinjiang region.  Despite being blacklisted by Washington in October 2019 for its role in conducting surveillance of Uighurs in the region’s network of “re-education camps”, US cities, counties and schools have made good use of them during the pandemic.  In Britain, city councils employ them in public spaces. 

The China Research Group, run by Tory MPs keen to drum up fears about China, fastened on Hikvision’s role in the Hancock affair in a statement.  “There are questions over whether [Hikvision cameras] are currently used in Portcullis House (where MPs have their offices) and the Palace of Westminster (where the House of Lords and the House of Commons is located).”  The group feared “the potential for Chinese intelligence agencies to tap into camera feeds in sensitive locations”. 

The nature and scope of the forthcoming inquiry is uncertain.  A full-blooded investigation, no holds barred, might well reveal a bit more than the Department of Health might want to reveal.  Investigators run the risk of lionising a potential whistleblower while uncovering a good deal of rot at the centre of the Johnson government.  And few civil servants, and certainly no government politician, would like to see that.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Flickr

Ivermectin’s Success in Battling COVID-19

June 30th, 2021 by David Heller

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A recently published study in this month’s American Journal of Therapeutics, took an in-depth look at 18 randomized controlled studies on the use of Ivermectin to control COVID-19. The study concludes that the use of Ivermectin “significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19” and “found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.”

Ivermectin was first developed as a veterinary drug in the 1970s, however since 1988 it has been prescribed for humans to combat various parasitic infections. Was later added to the WHO’s list of essential medications and in 2015 the inventors were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, many doctors and scientists were looking for new ways to deal with the virus. At the same time, an interesting series of events occurred one nursing home in Toronto, in February 2020 (just before COVID-19 emerged in Canada the Valley View Nursing Home in Toronto, Canada had a parasitic outbreak. 170 patients at the home were given Ivermectin. The residents of the 4th floor, where the outbreak occurred, were given the highest dose; the rest of the residents were given a prophylactic dose. The staff were not given Ivermectin. Then they had a Covid-19 outbreak. The staff were infected with COVID-19 much more than the patients. Only 6 patients contracted COVID, and they all had mild cases. The patients on the 4th floor, who received the highest dose of ivermectin, had no cases of COVID. These patients were very elderly with comorbidities, and they had much contact with the staff yet only 6% were infected.

Since then, over 60 clinical trials (31 randomized controlled) conducted by 549 scientists in 18,931 patients were conducted to see what if any link Ivermectin has with preventing and treating COVID-19. The conclusions of these studies reveal dramatic positive outcomes for the use of Ivermectin. When used prophylactically patients saw an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death, early treatment was effective 76%, and even when used as a later stage treatment was effective 46% of the time.

While these studies suggested that Ivermectin was indeed a safe, cheap, and effective treatment for COVID-19, many public health policy makers refused to permit its use to treat and prevent COVID-19. The FDA in it’s statement said that the “FDA has not approved ivermectin for use in treating or preventing COVID-19” later explaining that “The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19”. Many are insisting it’s time for the FDA to review the data and formally approve its use.

One such advocate for the use of Ivermectin is Dr. Pierre Kory, a founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Kory, along with the other professionals at the FLCCC developed the specific protocol to prevent and treat COVID-19 using Ivermectin. While the treatment was shunned by the medical establishment and the social media banned promoting or debating the treatment, physicians, like Kory, persisted and advocated for its use. In December 2020 Dr. Kory and others gave an impassioned plea, backed by scientific research at a committee hearing in the U.S. Senate. Stating that Ivermectin “basically obliterates transmission of this virus,” the doctor continued saying “When I say miracle I do not use that term lightly[.] … [T]hat is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.”

Unfortunately, many are still uninformed of this treatment, and the medical establishment is still blocking its use. Several hospitals around the country are even refusing to administer the treatment to seriously ill patients. A number of patients had to go as far as to get a court order to force the hospital to permit them to use this life saving medication. Thankfully all of those patients received their Ivermectin and made dramatic turnarounds and subsequently recovered for COVID-19.

The hope of a safe and effective medication to prevent and treat COVID-19 appears to have been found in Ivermectin; unfortunately it continues to be deemed unacceptable by the medical establishment and undiscussable by social media.


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US-Taiwan: West’s Last Foothold in China

June 30th, 2021 by Brian Berletic

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Netanyahu Is Out but Nothing Has Changed

June 30th, 2021 by James J. Zogby

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One month after the end of the last hostilities between Israel and Hamas, events on the ground demonstrate that little has changed. And once again the US media is ignoring Israel’s creeping annexation of Palestinian lands and their brutally aggressive behaviors toward the Palestinian people.

There appeared to be an awakening of the press last month, especially the extensive coverage given to Israel’s effort to evict Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah and the Israeli military’s brutal assault on Palestinians at Al Aqsa, signalling greater sensitivity to the Palestinian plight. Although these Israeli actions and the mass uprisings of Palestinian youth they precipitated were drowned out by the more familiar storyline of Israeli bombardments of Gaza in response to Hamas rocket fire, after the ceasefire, positive coverage of Palestinian suffering continued, but only for a time.

Attention was soon diverted by the drama of Netanyahu’s defeat and the formation of the new Israeli government. At this point, the Israeli hasbara industry kicked into full gear. Newly inaugurated Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, a notorious hardliner, we are told, has become a pragmatist who wants to restore frayed relations with Democrats. In an appeal to the Biden administration, a senior member of the Bennett-Lapid government said that their future “rests in Biden’s hands…we hope that they will understand the constraints under which we are operating…” In other words, “Don’t look at what we do or place demands on us; what should count is that we’re not Netanyahu.”

But, as a leading Israeli peace activist noted, US attitudes toward Israel “ought to be framed by Israeli policies, not Israeli politicians, and as long as the policies continue, there is no reason to cut Israel slack for the simple fact that Israel’s not being led by Netanyahu”.

As for the policies, nothing has changed. In the aftermath of the unrest that rocked Israeli cities last month, Israeli police arrested 2,100 citizens, 91 per cent of whom were Palestinian citizens of Israel. Shortly after being inaugurated, the new government issued a permit for flag-waving extremists to march through Arab neighbourhoods chanting “Death to Arabs”, “Your villages will burn,” and other incendiary taunts. Once again, Israeli police arrested Arab counter-protesters.

In an ominous development, Israeli police set up barricades around the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood and established a checkpoint for residents. They have also established guard posts near the Damascus Gate that the Israeli press notes are frequently being used to harass and beat young Palestinians who gather at the Gate’s plaza. As I had feared, with each passing day, it appears that the Israelis are intent on repeating in Jerusalem what they did in Hebron. The Israeli press also reports that police have used brutal “crowd dispersal even when not necessary” and deployed skunk water hoses, spraying the plaza, the Old City walls, and homes in Silwan with a liquid that has a long-lasting “unbearable stench”.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the occupied lands, settlement expansion and creeping annexation continue. Just this week, the new government gave the green light to 31 new projects in settlements across the West Bank. And in Hebron, the Israelis have seized land adjacent to al Ibrahim Mosque to complete their takeover of this UNESCO-protected site.

South of Hebron, the fertile lands of Khirbet al Aida, owned by Palestinians have been subjected to settler raids, demolition activity, and expropriation. The Israeli government’s intent is to connect settlements around Hebron, cutting it off from the rest of the West Bank.

Equally ominous are the activities of settlers, protected by the Israeli military, who have established an “outpost”, Evyatar, on a hilltop to the south of Nablus, Jabal Sabih. While the military has declared this outpost “flagrantly illegal”, 60 homes have already been constructed, and soldiers have been seen assisting the settlers moving construction materials up the hill. The government has provided the outpost with water, electricity, and roads.

Palestinians, on whose land this “outpost” is being erected, have been protesting this blatant land grab. In the last six weeks, Israelis have shot and killed five young Palestinian protesters.

Like the development in Hebron, Palestinians understand that what is illegal today becomes legal tomorrow. Once completed, Evyatar will connect with other once-illegal outposts and will cut Nablus off from the rest of the West Bank.

One month after the end of the last “Gaza war”, Israeli settlers participated in 14 marches throughout the West Bank, protected by the Israeli military, demanding that the government expropriate Palestinian lands for settlement construction.

Meanwhile in Gaza, despite Hamas’ hollow boasts of victory, tens of thousands of Palestinians in that impoverished strip remain homeless, many more without water and electricity, and the entire population without hope for the future.

In the Israeli Knesset, the new government is seeking renewal of a law to ban Palestinian “family unification” (forbidding Palestinian citizens of Israel and residents of Jerusalem from bringing spouses from the West Bank, Gaza, or outside to live with them) with Defense Minister Benny Gantz arguing that passage of this law “is necessary to maintain the security of the state and its Jewish democratic character”.

The bottom line: Netanyahu may be out, but creeping annexation and oppression continue. For Palestinians, nothing has changed.


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The writer is president of the Washington-based Arab American Institute.

Who Stole the People’s Money?

June 30th, 2021 by Philip Giraldi

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Too many American politicians at all levels of government have come to believe that your money is their money. Federal, state and local tax rates are set annually and often arbitrarily based on the issues that elected officials and tax managers consider to be important. Input from the public is basically unwelcome except at election time but, even then, the breakdown of dollars and cents that will be coming out of one’s pocket is rarely under discussion.

It is past time to consider what the pie in the sky being proposed by the Democrats, since they are currently in power, will actually cost the American taxpayer. Bear in mind, that Democratic Party proposals that are now being floated are directed at certain constituencies that the party is seeking to weld into an unbeatable coalition that will defy all Republican attempts to recover either Congress or the Presidency. Similar activity is taking place at the state and local level. There is no consideration of the fact that government, at least theoretically, is intended to benefit all of the citizenry, not a select portion thereof that will henceforth be required to deliver the vote loyally. Politicians who manipulate the system with that in mind should be sent to jail, but alas, in the US system no one is ever punished, even if they start a war under false premises as did former President George W Bush and his apparatchiks.

Under the Democrats, the entire process whereby the spoils derived from being power are distributed is being driven by social engineering, i.e. race and gender. One of President Joe Biden’s first moves upon taking office was to propose special payments and other incentives for black farmers, who, his administration argued, had been disadvantaged because they had been systematically denied loans for many years. It should seem outrageous that federal tax dollars were to be used to support only one racial group, but not a single Democrat appeared to be disturbed. Fortunately, a federal court ruled favorably in a case brought by a white farmer claiming that racially directed government assistance is unconstitutional as it violates the “equal protection under the law” principle. The Democrats are, however, continuing to push for their program of tying blacks firmly into their coalition, even if it means creating a system that is manifestly and even transparently unfair.

One of the most bizarre news stories of the past several weeks has to be the revelation that the Defense Department will be paying for transgender surgery for those biological males in the ranks that want to become women and vice versa. One can honestly accept that there are transgender individuals in the so-called armed services and they deserve respect for what they perhaps quite genuinely are, but this goes well beyond that. In the usual squeaky-voiced pander much favored by the Biden Administration, Veteran Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough announced during “Pride Week” that the new guidelines would create a “safe and caring” environment for all veterans, while also citing the “dark history” of discrimination against gay and transgender military personnel. “Safe and caring?” Our military? Hope they never have to fight a real war.

The White House also got into the promotion, releasing a statement that “President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service and that America’s strength is found in its diversity. This question of how to enable all qualified Americans to serve in the military is easily answered by recognizing our core values. America is stronger, at home and around the world, when it is inclusive. The military is no exception. Allowing all qualified Americans to serve their country in uniform is better for the military and better for the country because an inclusive force is a more effective force. Simply put, it’s the right thing to do and is in our national interest.”

The statement is like many, Executive Order signing statements coming out of the Biden White House, complete nonsense. The historically most effective fighting forces have had high levels of cohesion, not diversity and it is difficult to imagine what they national interest would be in having an army that can’t fight. Transgenders were, in fact, first allowed to serve, predictably, under President Barack Obama before being blocked by President Donald Trump. They are now again a cherished part of the military community under Honest Joe Biden and both active duty transgenders and veterans will soon be able to receive gender-transition surgeries, mostly through the Veterans Affairs (VA) health care coverage. It is estimated that there are now 15,000 transgender individuals on active duty while possibly as many as 135,000 more are veterans. The numbers seem impossibly large, but gender transition surgeries will now be covered by the string of military hospitals and the veteran healthcare network.

Bear in mind that transgender transformation surgery is not urgent care or even health maintenance: it is an optional procedure intended to turn G.I. Joe into G.I. Jane or the reverse. Also bear in mind that the US taxpayer submits to the burden of the enormous and growing so-called Defense budget in the belief that it exists to protect the United States, not to change genders of American citizens who might be enlisting in the military precisely to obtain that benefit. According to a recent estimate the cost of the procedure can range from $15,000 up to more than $50,000 depending on how extensive the surgery is. Multiply that by 150,000 to get some idea of what the pander to gender obsessed fanatics in the Democratic Party and among its limousine liberals base will cost the average taxpayer, who will get nothing in return from it.

The Pentagon, of course, is fully engaged in the war on extremism and is also actively promoting the racist Critical Race Theory while rooting out extremists, which means white people, who are evil supremacists both genetically and by definition. CRT is, by the way, a remarkable Marxist-based invention that blames most bad things in America on white people. And it is being forced on the public by the usual zealots with the claim that it will make everyone the beneficiary of “equity.” On the contrary it makes Americans less well educated and dependent on government for handouts.

Even counties and school districts that have had no racial issues are being forced to hire Diversity & Equity Managers and high-priced consultants to explain the new reality. As a manifestation of CRT thinking, Fred Reed observes how increasingly in American schools “Math curricula are being dumbed down because blacks do poorly at math, English grammar instruction eliminated because blacks can’t or won’t learn it, entrance exams for the elite and demanding high schools eliminated because blacks don’t pass them, SATs dropped because blacks score poorly on them, promotion exams in police departments eliminated because blacks don’t pass them. Entrance requirements at medical school are lowered because not enough blacks pass them, AP courses in high school eliminated because too few blacks get into them… White parents are forced to see their children subjected to what they regard as obscene, semiliterate, violent, stupid, a culture dominated by what seems to them, (and would to any First World country) the opposite of cultivation.”

And, to be sure, the military is leading the way to join the new world order. Seeking to promote both racial and gender diversity in its ranks, the Navy has created a task force designed to “combat discrimination,” which inter alia requires sailors to take a pledge to “acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities,” whatever that is supposed to mean. The Army is also doing its bit. In a recent appearancebefore Congress Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley “defended the teaching of critical race theory at West Point and, referencing the January 6 Capitol riot, said, ‘it is important that we train and we understand … and I want to understand white rage. And I’m white.’”

Milley, who seems unaware of the “black rage” that has been burning, looting and shooting over the past year, particularly stressed the impact of the January 6thCapitol Building “insurrection,” saying “What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that?”

It is important to seek to understand what Milley has bought into: putting the military squarely on the side of the administration in the cultural wars currently being endured while making clear who the enemy is: white America. Some cynics observed that Milley and the military-industrial-complex behind him, who collectively speaking cannot any longer fight and win a war, are chiefly concerned with the hundreds of billions of dollars that they enjoy annually. To secure that it is necessary to play nice with whatever the White House, and the woke media, are peddling. Again, it all comes down to money that is stolen from taxpayers in this country. Time for the taxpayers themselves to put an end to the nonsense.


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Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

Featured image is from The Unz Review

Let the Vandalism Begin: Australia’s Adani Strikes Coal

June 30th, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The fear campaign has once again gone into high gear.

Is a new Worldwide lockdown envisaged as a means to combating the “dangerous” Covid variant entitled “Delta”.

First identified last year in India, The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant was  “thought to have driven the deadly second wave of infections this summer in India”.

According to so-called “scientific opinion” it is now said to be spreading worldwide, to some 80 countries.

According to the BBC: 

“Delta plus has also been found in nine other countries – USA, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, Poland, Nepal, Russia and China – compared to the original highly contagious Delta strain, which has now spread to 80 countries.”

According to the White House:

“Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever.

Joe Biden’s proposed “solution” is:

“Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late.” (emphasis added)

Towards a Fourth Wave?

Uk Health authorities are now claiming that the new cases of the Delta B1.617. variant, increase the risk of hospitalization by 2.7 times, (according to Public Health England).

Prof. Neil Ferguson is Boris Johnson’s government trusted “advisor”. He was the architect of the infamous Imperial College “mathematical model” which was used to justify the March 11, 2020 lockdown and closure of the global economy, leading to mass unemployment, extreme poverty and despair.

Image on the right: Neil  Ferguson (Source: Financial Times)

Generously funded by the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation, his March 2020 computer model estimates and predictions border on ridicule.

The economic and social devastation of the March 2020 so-called lockdown is beyond description: 190 member states of the United Nations accepted to “close down” their national economy coupled with the face mask, social distancing and the derogation of fundamental human rights. The stated intent was to protect people against V the Virus.

The March 11, 2020 lockdown as a means to containing the alleged pandemic is a crime against humanity.

And now, the same discredited “expert” (in consultation with his colleagues of  the SAGE Committee of experts) has designed a new “mathematical model” which is being used to justify a “Fourth Wave Lockdown”.

According to the British media:

“New modelling for the government’s SAGE committee of experts [to which Ferguson belongs] has highlighted the risk of a “substantial third wave” of infections and hospitalisations, ….

A Whitehall source said it was “broadly correct” that the outlook was now more pessimistic. “Cases are obviously higher and they are growing quickly,” the source said. (Guardian)

According to Prof Neil Ferguson the simulations of the “model” point to “the risk of a surge in infections and hospitalisations”. In early June, Ferguson pointed to “The risk of a substantial third wave”

“the Delta variant of coronavirus is 30% to 100% more transmissible than the previously dominant variant”. (quoted by the Guardian).

Where does he get his data and estimates?

What Ferguson fails to mention is virus variants are always “less vigilant” and “less dangerous” in comparison to the original virus.

UK officials are nonetheless intimating to the possibility of a Fourth Wave lockdown. According to Britain’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty (who is also a member of the SAGE Committee)

The NHS needs to brace itself for another difficult winter ahead, with the possibility of a further “very significant Covid surge”,

Prof Whitty’s warning came as experts said the UK was now at the beginning of a third wave of the virus, and that the return of lockdown restrictions could not be ruled out (Independent, June 17, 2021). See June 9 Minutes of SAGE Committee.

SAGE refers to The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies  which advises the UK government on Covid related policies. Many of the members of this illustrious panel are potentially in conflict of interest.

A sub-group of SAGE is the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviour (SPI-B): Covid-19. Also of relevance is the SPI sub-group involved in modelling, as well as the Imperial College’s report to SAGE.

The statement by Prof Whitty, is based on “a new study commissioned by the government”. Professor Graham Medley – who chairs the SPI-M modelling sub-group of the government’s SAGE panel pointed to the possibility that “restrictions would have to be reintroduced.”

Prof Ferguson, who also sits on the SPI-M modelling sub-group, said the Delta variant posed a “higher risk of hospitalisations” – but said it was still unclear how deadly a third wave of infections might be. (Independent)

These announcements are frivolous. Their intent is to justify drastic policy measures (lockdown, mask, social distancing, closure of economic activity, disruption of health services) as well as the speeding up the vaccination programme.  

Moreover, these statements by British health officials (not to mention the results of the “modelling exercise”) regarding the so-called spread of “the more infectious Delta variant” are now being used to the justify the implementation of “Fourth Wave” lockdown policies in a large number of countries.

The development of  restrictive measures has unfolded in India, sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil, Malaysia, among others. In Australia, major urban areas including Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin have literally been closed down.

“Fake Science” regarding D the Dangerous Delta Variant is the driving force behind these measures which are relentlessly creating social chaos and the destabilization of national economies.

In turn, the Delta variant is being used Worldwide as  a pretext to speed up of the mRNA vaccine campaign.

“Have no Fear, Pfizer is here”. Despite the wave of  mRNA “vaccine” related deaths and injuries the “solution” of Public Health England (PHE) and its SAGE and Imperial College panels of distinguished experts to these alleged “deadly variants” is “get the jab”. The Pfizer experimental mRNA vaccine –is now heralded as “88% effective against the Delta variant”.



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Vento de Tempestade Atlântica no Mar Negro

June 29th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

Foi iniciada ontem a Sea Breeze, Briza Marítima, a grande manobra aeronaval oficialmente “organizada em conjunto, no Mar Negro, pelos Estados Unidos e pela Ucrânia“. Os Estados Unidos, que a planeiam e comandam, são, portanto, os anfitriões neste mar próximo do território russo.  A Sea Breeze, que ocorre de 28 de Junho a 10 de Julho, é dirigida pelas Forças Navais USA/Africa, da qual faz parte  a Sexta Frota, com quartel general em Nápoles. Essa mesma manobra subentende exercícios de guerra naval, submarina, anfíbia, terrestre e aérea.

Desde quando, em 1997,  teve início esta série de manobras anuais no Mar Negro, a edição de 2021 conta com o maior número de participantes: 32 países de seis continentes, com 5.000 militares, 18 equipas de forças especiais, 32 navios e 40 aviões de guerra.  Participam não são só países membros da NATO – Itália, Grã-Bretanha, França, Espanha, Grécia, Noruega, Dinamarca, Polónia, Bulgária, Roménia, Albânia, as três repúblicas bálticas, Turquia e Canadá – mas também países parceiros, principalmente a Ucrânia, Geórgia, Moldávia, Suécia e Israel. Entre os outros que enviaram forças militares para o Mar Negro, estão a Austrália, o Japão, a Coreia do Sul, o Paquistão, os Emirados Árabes Unidos, o Egipto, a Tunísia, Marrocos, Senegal e o Brasil. O facto de serem destacadas forças militares no Mar Negro, provenientes da Austrália e do Brasil, para a manobra em larga escala sob o comando dos EUA dirigida contra a Rússia, está de acordo com o que Joe Biden prometeu: “Como presidente, vou tomar medidas imediatas para renovar as alianças dos Estados Unidos e fazer com que a América, mais uma vez, lidere o mundo“. A manobra de guerra do Mar Negro, a maior realizada até à data, mostra que os passos do Presidente Biden vão no sentido de uma escalada crescente contra a Rússia e, ao mesmo tempo, contra a China.

A Sea Breeze 2021, na realidade, foi iniciada a 23 de Junho, quando o navio de guerra britânico HMS Defender, navegando da Ucrânia para a Geórgia, entrou em águas territoriais da Crimeia. Um acto deliberadamente agressivo, reivindicado pelo Primeiro Ministro Boris Johnson, que declarou que a Grã-Bretanha pode novamente enviar os seus navios de guerra para essas águas, visto que não reconhece a “anexação da Crimeia Ucraniana” pela Rússia. Esta acção hostil, seguramente de acordo com os Estados Unidos, foi efectuada apenas uma semana após a Cimeira Biden-Putin, descrita pelo Presidente dos EUA como “boa e positiva“, uma semana após o Presidente da Federação russa, Vladimir Putin ter advertido na conferência de imprensa em Genebra: “Conduzimos exercícios militares dentro do nosso território, não levamos o nosso equipamento e as nossas tropas para perto das fronteiras dos Estados Unidos da América, como os EUA e os seus parceiros estão agora a fazer perto das nossas fronteiras”. Esta acção hostil foi implementada pela Grã-Bretanha somente duas semanas após a assinatura da Nova Carta do Atlântico com os Estados Unidos, na qual os Aliados têm a garantia de que podem sempre contar com “os nossos dissuasores nucleares” e que “a NATO continuará a ser uma aliança nuclear“.

A Ucrânia e os E.U.A. estão a organizar conjuntamente o exercício no Mar Negro com a participação e apoio de 32 países no total: Albânia, Austrália, Brasil, Bulgária, Canadá, Dinamarca, Egipto, Estónia, França, Geórgia, Grécia, Israel, Itália, Japão, Letónia, Lituânia, Moldávia, Marrocos, Noruega, Paquistão, Polónia, Roménia, Senegal, Espanha, Coreia do Sul, Suécia, Tunísia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Reino Unido, e Estados Unidos.

A violação deliberada das águas territoriais da Crimeia torna ainda mais perigosa, a manobra de guerra no Mar Negro. Tal acto, se repetido, pode ter como objectivo provocar uma resposta militar russa, possivelmente com alguns mortos ou feridos, para acusar Moscovo de agressão. Não é pura coincidência que na Administração Biden ocupem cargos importantes, alguns dos arquitectos do putsch da Praça Maidan, em 2014, tais como Victoria Nuland, a actual Subsecretária de Estado para os assuntos políticos. O putsch desencadeou a sequência dos acontecimentos que, com a ofensiva sangrenta contra os russos da Ucrânia, levou os habitantes da Crimeia – território russo passado para a Ucrânia, na era soviética, em 1954 – a decidir, com 97% dos votos num referendo popular, a separar-se de Kiev e reanexar-se à Rússia. Foi acusada pela NATO e pela UE de ter anexado ilegalmente a Crimea e foi submetida a sanções. Agora querem passar do confronto político para o confronto militar. Estão a brincar com o fogo e, também, com o fogo nuclear.

Manlio Dinucci

Artigo original em italiano :

Vento di tempesta Atlantica nel Mar Nero

Tradutora: Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos

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You are a Universal Being. Your body is just a vehicle for the manifestation of this Universal Being here on Earth.  As a Universal Being your ‘essence’ lives forever. Start identifying your Self as a Universal Being, merged with the source of all existence. The more you live in this Self – the Real You – during this lifetime – the more seamless is the passage onwards at the time of passing. 

Say: “I am a spiritual entity and nothing can harm me, because ‘I’ am not this physical body which carries me through this third density existence experienced here on Earth. ‘I’ am soul, ether, spirit, plasma – and I chose to come back to planet Earth and to be reborn into a human body in order to perform valuable tasks and help realign Earthly existence with Cosmic existence – and thereby create harmony and balance.” 

Repeat this – and feel the fear fall away. Feel it dissolve like the sun-burned morning mist.

Fear is a state of mind. A cramped mind. Every part of it is alien to us save that useful bit that warns us not to do some crazy act – like jump over the edge of a cliff under the illusion that one will sprout wings and fly away into the blue horizon!

Yes, the ‘real you’ can fly. The ether/spirit you. But the physical you is a gravity respecting entity here on dear mother Earth. Respect this type of fear, for it is a God given preservation instinct.

So, you are not convinced? You hold onto your fear because it seems ‘real’, doesn’t it? You quite like it, a sort of drug. After all every TV, newspaper, radio and neighbour is telling you ‘to be afraid.’ It’s easier to give in than not to. There are so many things you need to fear, they say, so many that there is almost no room left for anything else to get you going in a positive direction.

We live in a culture of fear, imposed by those we elect and allow to manage our lives. Think about it – so determined are most of us to avoid taking true responsibility for our lives and the lives of other living beings that we allow our minds to say to us “OK, that’s fine, leave it to the politicians, bankers and corporate board members to run our affairs for us.” Then we turn around and curse them for introducing a despotic top-down police-state agenda that makes a misery out of our lives!

How foolish can one get?

All the while ‘the elected ones’ (by us) learn better and better how to manipulate those who elected them, so that they can hold onto the power. They are addicted to power – and use it to make us addicted to fear. So we shrink, while they expand.

How very foolish so much of mankind is. Both parties, the purveyors of fear and the fearful, bogged-down in a rail siding leading to nowhere. Both sides bogged-down in a rail siding completely terminating our natural evolutionary instinct and putting in its place a state of perpetual self-imprisonment.

“Fear not!” say I, for anyone reading this is not heading for the end of the line or the gallows; is not busy constructing a hangman’s noose to stick his/her neck in. Nobody reading this can suffer the delusion that to profit from worldly riches is superior to profiting from the flow of Divine uplift. An ecstatic state which comes from rejecting fear and ceasing to hide in the shadows of a frightened ‘little me’.

This ‘little me’ is a hypnotised being who has convinced himself/herself that one can never step forward and take responsibility for one’s destiny, or make a valuable contribution on the stage of life.

Out you go ’little me’ – and stay out. No place for you in the unfolding age of Truth. For as has been said, You are not a cipher, You are a Divine eminence – and is that a quality to hide away under a cloak of self impoverishment? Well, is it?

After what seems like an interminable pause, an answer emerges: ‘NO’

And immediately, as if shot from a cannon, the Real You bursts upon the scene – soul-burden immeasurably lightened!  Yes, I can see this Real You, right now, and I can tell you – you are an outstanding being with enough potential to single-handedly transform both yourself and your community into manifestations of an age of instant enlightenment!

Yes, my friend, I’m not talking about someone else, it’s you who is transformed. ‘Little me’, who was that? Never mind, gone forever.

Now you stand single, strong, proud, all traces of fear banished forever. Maybe for the first time, you are free, out of jail, ready to be intoxicated by the sweet scent of the wild rose, the symphonic triumph of the dawn chorus, the illustrious beauty of awakened nature calls you forth – rejoice in her and act in her defence!

Proudly step forward to defend her precious wealth of vital diversity, so cruelly sterilised by vampires wearing carefully pressed city suits and a fixed smile on their faces. They and their clan scared you once, didn’t they? But no more, you now see the fake smile for exactly what it is.

You are metamorphosed and stand shining, a ray of the living sun. Use your new gifts well, my friend, millions need the support of your awakened powers to themselves be awakened and freed from the hypnosis of fear. These are the builders of the New Society which is our imperative to create – and no one else’s.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Originally published on July 1, 2015, slightly revised on June 27, 2021

Since the assassinations of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy (and the Vietnam War that had much to do with all three) it has been hard for historically-literate and open-minded Americans to generate much patriotic fervor on the Fourth of July. But they should have been skeptical long before those idealism-shattering events. My own seriously deficient high school education in world and American history has necessitated decades of catch-up reading and research in order to find the truth about the dark, covered-up  underbelly of America.

My high school textbooks totally ignored the real histories of the conquistadores, the genocide of Native Americans and their cultures, and the truth about the actual brutality of the enslavement of Black Africans. My history books glorified America’s wars, and never mentioned the concentrated use of propaganda that have shaped police state movements world-wide. The cold realities of white racism, sexism, militarism, enforced poverty, corporate abuse, the banking system, and who are the members of the predatory global investor classes that have been gradually owning/controlling the politicians, the media and industry so successfully. Sadly, my relative ignorance about the painful and unwelcome truths about what really happened in past history is probably the norm.

I have tried to do some of the catching-up by reading the relatively hidden alternative literature, starting with books like Howard Zinn’s The People’s History of the United States and also the writings of historically-literate truth-tellers like Martin Luther King, Noam Chomsky and  Chris Hedges.

Anyone who honestly reads those author’s books can’t help but become disillusioned with America’s history and the massive propaganda by which the vast majority of us Americans have been duped into sometimes very sincerely believing that the US is the new shining light of the world, working courageously and endlessly for justice and peace.

The Pseudo-patriotic Propaganda is Getting Thicker

And the flag-waving propaganda is getting thicker and smellier with every move that our nation’s sociopathic mega-corporations, their unelected, over-privileged ruling elites, their well-paid lobbyists, their hordes of cunning, shyster lawyers, their five right-wing bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court justices, their thousands of bribed state and federal legislators, the entrenched bureaucracy, and their corporate-controlled media – all of whom are complicit in the demise of American democracy. Anyone who is paying attention is watching their democracy wither and die while the conscienceless uber-wealthy and their corporations bloat up, heading for the next take-over.

The connections between wealth, power, violence and injustice should be obvious. Judge Louis D. Brandeis nailed that concept when he said:

“We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.”

With regards to American history as Zinn expressed it in his writings and speeches, all one has to do is list a few events that have contributed to the disillusionment and the reason so many find it hard to fake patriotism on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Veterans Day or Columbus Day (or to pretend that the Christian religious holidays of Christmas or Easter have much to do with the original, pacifist, unconditionally-loving, enemy-loving, compassionate teachings and actions of the original form of Christianity).

Many of the progressive thinkers of my generation were irretrievably disillusioned by the government-backed conspiracies (and the resultant cover-ups) that orchestrated the political murders of the leftist heroes (and perhaps the only hope for the American Dream) JFK, MLK, RFK and Paul Wellstone. And the pain is re-experienced every time one realizes that the hidden, still-unindicted family of conspirators behind those assassinations are still at large, and therefore remain unpunished and free to kill again.

(One could say the same thing about the hidden power elites who were behind the planting of the controlled demolitions that so dramatically brought down the three WTC towers on 9/11/01 an event that “legitimized” the start of the homicidal and suicidal wars for oil in the Mideast. And, similarly unpunished and free to exploit again, are the known financial and political elites that caused the Crash and started of the Great Recession of 2008. They not only got bailed out, but were rewarded for their crimes rather than going to jail where they belonged.

Those folks who have done the necessary catch-up research and reading that revealed what the censors had taken out of our history books have understandably become disillusioned about America’s role in the history of the world.

A Few Historical Facts to Temper One’s Patriotism

Consider these events that were hailed with mesmerizing flag-waving fervor, just from the last two generations:

1) the crimes against humanity and atrocities that were done in our name in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos;

2) the quasi-fascism of the traitorous, criminal, autocratic Richard Nixon (and his unapologetic resurrection that allowed him to actually receive positive funeral eulogies from prominent US politicians, all of whom ignored his treachery);

3) Ronald Reagan’s bogus “trickle-down” economic scheme that cunningly camouflaged the disastrous effects of the next six items;

4) the predatory lending schemes from Reagan acolytes that destroyed so many small family farms and businesses in the 1980s, thus enriching the already rich;

5) the predatory corporate privatization schemes that did the same;

6) the granting of huge tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and their corporations, again starting in the Reagan era;

7) the massive Reagan-era nuclear weapons buildup during the orchestrated Cold War;

8) Reagan’s union-busting agenda, which fostered the impoverishment of America’s middle classes;

9) the un-repayable 4 trillion dollars of new debt during the Reagan years (largely thanks to the bloating of the US military (which is still on-going) that some future generation won’t be able to reverse either; 10) the use of extra-judicial, foreign-based torture sites and killer drones that assassinates people who are only suspected of being enemies of the state;

11) Etc, etc. Add your own nightmarish examples of America’s many anti-democratic and military misadventures.

Any number of progressive Americans are still working, often with broken hearts, for peace and justice in our nation and also in the world, but these heroes are understandably cynical about – indeed, often disgusted with – America’s wasteful, boastful, morally bankrupt, war-mongering –predation, which is now now increasingly global in scope.

Is America Only Quasi-Fascist – or is it Worse Than That?

It is true that many historically aware, intelligent people around the globe look at our national security apparatus (the NSA, the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the increasingly militarized police/Swat teams that suppress honest, nonviolent dissent) – and what do they see? They see the Gestapo.

Many of these citizens of the world look at the Stars and Stripes – and they see a Swastika.

Many of these same people see fascism when they look at the US’s long history of supporting fascist dictators in nations like Iran, South Korea, South Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, etc. Friendly American fascism was institutionalized during the Cheney/Bush-era at Abu Ghraib in the prisoner abuse scandal, in the legalized torture policies at secret CIA sites and in the prolonged torturous imprisonment of “suspects” at Guantanamo who haven’t been charged with a crime and who haven’t been given a chance to prove their innocence in a trial before their peers.

Fascism in America can be understood when one acknowledges that America is ruled by corporations and the elite families that own 90 % of the wealth and resources. They are the predators smf the rest of us are the prey. Recall that Mussolini, the inventor of fascism, said: “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power”.

Private corporate interests are fostered and protected, not only by the most lethal and costly weapons systems ever, but by the most brutal and efficient killing force in the history of the world – both paid for by the US taxpayer. Hitler’s monster weapons and his Wehrmacht soldiers were pikers in comparison.

True Patriotism is the Willingness to Have a Lover’s Quarrel with Your Country

Not that us disillusioned ones don’t love our country. Many of tus dissenting peace-lovers, justice-seekers and, by logical extension, whistle-blowers, think of themselves as loving America so much that they are willing to have a lover’s quarrel with it. That sounds pretty American to me.

I was once a member-supporter of the Democratic Party, even to the point of becoming a delegate to the Minnesota State DFL Convention back during the frightening, anti-regulatory Reagan era. I was – and still am – a believer in the ideals of the progressive, anti-fascist, pro-union, anti-crony capitalism, pro-environment, anti-racist, anti-militarist wing of the party that was best exemplified by the politics of Paul Wellstone. That nearly disappeared remnant of the Democratic party appears to have become totally captured by the pro-militarist and pro-corporate-ruling elite.

Many true patriots have sadly come to realize that American politics is increasingly meeting the definition of classical European fascism (although the Democratic Party is not as strongly fascist as the more intensely corporate-controlled, NeoConservative, Theocracy-aspiring, Tea Party-tolerating, racist-infiltrated, Young Earth believing, climate change denying, anti-intellectual Republican Party. Being an anti-fascist, I find it hard to support, ethically or monetarily, the agendas of either of these entities.

Most seasoned American peacemakers have seen through the propagandistic pro-war rhetoric that is dutifully repeated as valid by the corporate-controlled media (and, sadly, increasingly so even on the once honorable NPR, MPR, and PBS.

War profiteers in the investor classes know that there is no ethical money to be made in a world without wars or rumors of wars. Therefore publically-traded corporations that are connected to the weapons and other war-related industries do their mercenary duty for the Pentagon’s pro-war and Cold War agendas, both of which are good for business and share-holder value.

The “Greed is Good” Captains of Industry and their Ponzi Scheme dealings on Wall Street have been selling their addictive products to the “hoping-to-get-rich-quick” crowd for as long as the stock market has existed – and the gambling addicts in the investor classes can’t get off the stuff long enough to sober up and see that they are being had.

The Ideals of Lady Liberty

The United States of America stopped being a beacon of light, truth, peace and liberty long ago. It didn’t just happen after JFK’s assassination or 9/11 (which was a cleverly – and provably – orchestrated event designed to start the highly-profitable Middle East Wars for Oil [see for proof] when the Cheney/Bush administration, squandering the sympathy of the world with a series of blatant lies, led the US public into an illegal and unjust war, showing their willingness to risk igniting World War III, with the full consent of most of the servile congress-persons from each of the two major political parties.

Cynicism about Independence Day (independence from Great Britain) and the ideals behind the Statue of Lady Liberty, was prevalent in America long before France gave America the Statue. That generous gift from an appreciative nation was intended to celebrate the first 100 years of American independence but also represented the fondness that France had for the US and its role in inspiring the French Revolution.

America’s promise to be the beacon to the world has been shattered many times since the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886. America once deserved its reputation as a refuge to the oppressed people of the world – which is the America that disillusioned activists still naively hope can be revived. There was indeed a time in world history when the inscription on the Statue of Liberty represented the real aspirations of true patriots – something that is worth fighting and even dying for.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Many generations of the increasingly despised “tempest tossed” – if they ever made it across the border – found out too late that they were going to be discriminated against, chewed-up, spit out, rendered homeless or exploited by corporate America for their cheap labor. It has taken many of us a long time to understand that our multinational corporations, with the essential help of the brutal tactics of the CIA and hired local mercenary soldiers, were the ones who forced these Central Americans from their land and livelihoods in the first place, in the interest of making room for corporate plantations to raise and export sugar cane, coffee, and bananas. And then, if the unjustly dispossessed ones actually made it to “El Norte” alive, these victims were harassed, abused in America’s for-profit prison system, offered no access to health care, safe living situations, living wages, or real security for the future.

The First Victims of American Fascism Were – and Still Are – Non-White

The very first victims of American Fascism were the aboriginal people who could have annihilated the usurper Columbus and his sex-starved crew (who abducted and raped young native women ASAP back on board the Santa Maria). Native Americans suffered the indignity and cruelty of the European invaders and ultimately were nearly annihilated themselves via legalized, racist, genocidal policies (“the only good Indian is a dead Indian”) at the hands of the US Army that then “opened up the frontier” to the undocumented and illegal immigrants from war-weary, impoverished, and exploited Europe, all white folks who had over-populated their own homelands.

Next in line for exploitation were the black African victims of the very profitable slave trade that produced a lot of the “wretched refuse”. The eventually freed slaves of the late-1800s were destined to become the easily-lynchable victims of Jim Crow segregation that persists to this very day in most of the quasi-fascist southern states – despite federal legislation that supposedly granted them civil liberties and voting rights. Note that those hard-won voting rights are now being taken away by the afore-mentioned Supreme Court – at the request of those southern racists who haven’t yet gotten over the loss of the Civil War.

These oppressed ones “yearning to be free” had often been fooled about the deceptive “American Dream”. For many it rapidly became the “American Nightmare”. Many of them were destined to be treated as virtual slaves, indentured servants, share-croppers, or otherwise victims of predatory entities that found any number of ways to exploit these “untermenschen”. They became the frequently-unemployed masses who were so desperate for work that they were willing to accept the poverty wages offered by greedy corporations and the wealthy elites, all of whom did everything possible to prevent the unionization of their industries. (It is important to understand the business principle that high unemployment, frightened, desperate-for-work workers, low wages, and union exclusion all help the profit margins and share prices of publicly-traded companies.)

The spirit of Liberty seems to have been strangled, what with the late-lamented Cheney /Bush /Rumsfeld /Rove doctrine of pre-emptive, aggressive and endless wars (which meets the definition of international war crimes and crimes against humanity). (Click on the link below and watch one of these crimes that occurred in Baghdad that was courageously and patriotically leaked by Chelsea Manning here). Now, as an extension of the Cheney/Bush doctrine, America is not only victimizing Middle Eastern women and children, but it is also brutalizing Central Americans whose land was stolen from them by American industry and who only want to find dignified work somewhere in order to better themselves and to support their families.

After thinking about America’s immigration issue, some concerned citizens might actually work for the acceptance of these hard working freedom-loving immigrants and instead deport (or convert) the worst of our American fascists and racists. America might turn out to be more purely American with some variation of that plan.

One person who criticized the annual 4th of July celebrations was the emancipated black intellectual Frederick Douglass. Douglass was the pre-eminent – and obviously very courageous – mid-19th century spokesperson for the abolition of slavery. His speeches and writings remain important today because of the powerful way he articulated the case against racial discrimination.

I close this essay with excerpts from Douglass’s 4th of July speech that he delivered to a mostly white audience back in 1852, a decade before President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Declaration. His words could have been spoken by First Nations people, Black Africans, Chinese immigrants, Japanese immigrants, Hispanics and many other racial, ethnic and sexual minorities from the dark pages of American history.

Prepare for many unwelcome truths which still remain true today.

Douglass could simplistically be dismissed as being unpatriotic, but his statements are irrefutable and his truth-telling makes him a hero to justice-seekers. Douglass warns in his speech that “I will use the severest language I can command; and yet not one word shall escape me that any man, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaveholder, shall not confess to be right and just.”


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Dr Gary G. Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota. For the past decade since his retirement, Dr Kohls has written a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His column, titled Duty to Warn, has been re-published and archived at websites around the world.

Dr Kohls practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of dangerous, addictive psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deal with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-prescribing, over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing and sickness-promoting food industry.

Dr Kohl is a a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Panjury News

Vento di tempesta Atlantica nel Mar Nero

June 29th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

È iniziata ieri la Sea Breeze, Brezza di mare, la grande manovra aeronavale ufficialmente «co-ospitata nel Mar Nero da Stati uniti e Ucraina». Gli Stati uniti, che la pianificano e comandano, fanno quindi da padroni di casa in questo mare a ridosso del territorio russo. La Sea Breeze, che si svolge dal 28 giugno al 10 luglio, è diretta dalle Forze navali Usa/Africa, di cui fa parte la Sesta Flotta, con quartier generale a Napoli. Essa prevede esercitazioni di guerra navale, sottomarina, anfibia, terrestre e aerea.

Da quando nel 1997 è iniziata questa serie di manovre annuali nel Mar Nero, l’edizione 2021 vede il maggior numero di partecipanti: 32 paesi da sei continenti, con 5.000 militari, 18 squadre di forze speciali, 32 navi e 40 aerei da guerra. Vi partecipano non solo paesi membri della Nato – Italia, Gran Bretagna, Francia, Spagna, Grecia, Norvegia, Danimarca, Polonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, le tre repubbliche baltiche, Turchia e Canada – ma paesi partner, anzitutto Ucraina, Georgia, Moldavia, Svezia e Israele.

Tra gli altri che hanno inviato forze militari nel Mar Nero, vi sono l’Australia, il Giappone, la Corea del Sud e il Pakistan, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, l’Egitto, la Tunisia, il Marocco e il Senegal, il Brasile. Il fatto che nel Mar Nero si schierino forze militari provenienti perfino dall’Australia e dal Brasile, per la grande manovra sotto comando Usa diretta contro la Russia, è in linea con quanto promesso da Joe Biden: «Come presidente farò immediatamente passi per rinnovare le alleanze degli Stati uniti, e far sì che l’America, ancora una volta, guidi il mondo». La manovra di guerra nel Mar Nero, la maggiore finora realizzata, dimostra che i passi del presidente Biden vanno nella direzione di una crescente escalation contro la Russia e allo stesso tempo contro la Cina.

La Sea Breeze 2021 è in realtà iniziata il 23 giugno, quando la nave da guerra britannica HMS Defender, in navigazione dall’Ucraina alla Georgia, è entrata nelle acque territoriali della Crimea. Un deliberato atto provocatorio rivendicato dal premier Boris Johnson, il quale ha dichiarato che la Gran Bretagna può nuovamente inviare sue navi di guerra in quelle acque, poiché non riconosce l’«annessione della Crimea ucraina da parte della Russia». Questa azione ostile, sicuramente concordata con gli Stati uniti, è stata attuata appena una settimana dopo il Summit Biden-Putin, definito dal presidente Usa «buono, positivo»; una settimana dopo che il presidente russo Putin aveva avvertito nella conferenza stampa a Ginevra: «Noi conduciamo le esercitazioni militari all’interno del nostro territorio, non portiamo i nostri equipaggiamenti e il nostro personale vicino ai confini degli Stati Uniti d’America, come invece stanno facendo ora vicino ai nostri confini gli Usa e i loro partner».

Questa azione ostile è stata attuata dalla Gran Bretagna appena due settimane dopo la firma della Nuova Carta Atlantica con gli Stati uniti, nella quale si assicurano gli Alleati che potranno sempre contare sui «nostri deterrenti nucleari» e che «la Nato resterà una alleanza nucleare».

L’Ucraina e gli Stati Uniti ospitano l’esercitazione nel Mar Nero con la partecipazione e il sostegno di 32 paesi in totale: Albania, Australia, Brasile, Bulgaria, Canada, Danimarca, Egitto, Estonia, Francia, Georgia, Grecia, Israele, Italia, Giappone, Lettonia, Lituania, Moldavia, Marocco, Norvegia, Pakistan, Polonia, Romania, Senegal, Spagna, Corea del Sud, Svezia, Tunisia, Turchia, Ucraina, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Regno Unito.

La deliberata violazione delle acque territoriali della Crimea rende ancora più pericolosa la manovra di guerra nel Mar Nero. Tale atto, se ripetuto, può avere come obiettivo quello di provocare una risposta militare russa, possibilmente con qualche morto o ferito, per accusare Mosca di aggressione. Non a caso nell’amministrazione Biden ricoprono importanti incarichi alcuni artefici del putsch di Piazza Maidan nel 2014, come Victoria Nuland, attuale sottosegretaria di stato per gli affari politici.

Il putsch mise in moto la sequenza di eventi che, con la sanguinosa offensiva contro i russi di Ucraina, spinse gli abitanti della Crimea – territorio russo passato all’Ucraina in periodo sovietico nel 1954 – a decidere, con il 97% dei voti in un referendum popolare, la secessione da Kiev e la riannessione alla Russia. Che è accusata daNato e Ue di aver annesso illegalmente la Crimea e per questo è sottoposta a sanzioni. Ora si vuole passare dal confronto politico a quello militare. Si gioca col fuoco, anche con quello nucleare.

Manlio Dinucci

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration added a warning to fact sheets — as advised by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — for Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines indicating an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 25 added a warning to patient and provider fact sheets for Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines indicating an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination.

The warning notes reports of adverse events suggest increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, particularly following the second dose and with onset of symptoms within a few days after vaccination.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. According to researchers at the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

Pericarditis is often used interchangeably with myocarditis and refers to inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac surrounding the heart.

The FDA’s update followed a review of information and discussion by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on June 23 where the committee acknowledged 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in 16- to 24-year-olds and said mRNA COVID vaccines should carry a warning statement.

“The data presented at this meeting reinforced the FDA’s decision to revise the fact sheets and further informed the specific revisions,” the FDA said in a statement.

Health officials said the benefits of receiving a COVID vaccine still outweigh any risks. Physicians and other public commenters accused the CDC during the meeting of exaggerating the risk to young people of COVID, and minimizing the risk of the vaccines.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internal medicine physician, pointed out several flaws in the data used during the ACIP’s presentation:

“As of now, two major ways the rate of myocarditis were minimized [during the presentation] was to lump people from age 39 and down — even though the highest rates [of myocarditis] are in the youngest kids. This waters down the rate. The other method was to only include a very narrow window of time after vaccinations started in the 12-15 age group, thus omitting the vast majority of second doses, which is when about 75% or more of the myocarditis cases occur. Also, the genders were sometimes mixed. And rates in girls are much lower than boys.”

During the CDC’s presentation, Dr. Megan Wallance stated the overall efficacy of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine in the 12 to 15 age group is 100% and Moderna’s was comparable. Wallace then did a risk/benefit analysis comparing myocarditis cases versus hospitalization rates for COVID in people between the ages of 12 and 29.

“The problem with her analysis is that now the myocarditis rate used is too low. But the risk from COVID is magnified,” Nass said.

Elizabeth Mumper, MD, FAAP, IFMCP and president and CEO of The RIMLAND Center, said:

“The chance of a child less than 17 years of age dying from COVID-19 is 0.0005% according to the CDC’s own numbers. Most pediatric patients have robust innate immune systems, meaning that they have strong defenses to a variety of viruses. Infections with beta coronaviruses, which kids are likely to have, induce strong and long-lasting immunity to the nucleocapsid protein that is likely to protect children from serious problems from COVID 19.”

Mumper explained:

“Healthy teen athletes have had the trajectory of their lives changed by having serious reactions to these vaccines — myocarditis, clots in the brain, postural hypotension and extreme fatigue to name but a few. I have seen alarming vaccine reactions in my practice in the short time that a small fraction of my patient population has received a novel vaccine.”

Both the FDA and CDC are monitoring reports of heart inflammation and will follow up to assess long-term outcomes.

According to the latest data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there have been 1,342 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in all age groups reported in the U.S. following COVID vaccination between Dec.14, 2020 and June 18, 2021. Of the 1,342 cases reported, 835 cases were attributed to Pfizer, 458 cases to Moderna and 45 cases to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine.

There have been 237 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in 12- to 17-year-olds with 234 casesattributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Calls rise for FDA to fully approve COVID vaccines

According to The Hill, calls are rising from some experts for the FDA to fully approve COVID vaccines, as some unvaccinated people view current Emergency Use Authorizations for vaccines as an indicator they are experimental and not fully tested.

Pfizer submitted data for full approval May 7, but it is unclear when the FDA will act, leading to calls to pick up the pace. Moderna applied for full approval of its vaccine on June 1.

Gigi Gronvall, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said that while there should not be “political pressure” on the FDA, she would be interested in knowing what the holdup is.

“It could have a big impact on people getting [vaccinated] if it is FDA approved,” Gronvall said. “I think it’s worth asking why it hasn’t happened yet.”

Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University School of Public Health, said “Pfizer initiated request on May 7. It’s 6 weeks later. Data is in. Vaccines are safe and effective. It’s time for full approval.”

Other experts said the FDA could undermine public confidence if they cut corners.

“If they hurry it up and don’t complete their review very carefully, that will actually have the opposite effect,” said Jesse Goodman, former FDA chief scientist. “I think that would really undermine confidence.”

Nancy Allen LaPointe, faculty fellow at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, said it is important for confidence in vaccines that there not be “any perception or actuality of cutting a corner” in the FDA review for full approval.

Full approval of COVID vaccines will likely lead to more employee mandates. Boston Herald, a major hospital in Boston, announced June 24 it would require more than 80,000 Mass General Brigham employees be vaccinated against COVID once one of the three vaccines gain approval from the FDA.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the city of San Francisco announced last week it would require its 35,000 employees to get vaccinated against COVID or risk losing their jobs. Workers who refuse or fail to provide a religious or medical exemption could be terminated. The mandatory vaccination requirement goes into effect once COVID vaccines have been formally approved by the FDA, and extends to all city government employees, including police, firefighters, custodians and city hall clerks.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from CHD

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Less than two weeks after NATO members reaffirmed allegiance to Article 5 – that an attack on one member was an attack on all members – the UK nearly put that pledge to the test. In a shockingly provocative move, the UK’s HMS Defender purposely sailed into Crimean territorial waters on its way to Georgia.

Press reports suggest that there was a dispute between the UK defense and foreign ministries over whether to violate Russia’s claimed territorial waters with a heavily armed warship. According to reports, Prime Minister Boris Johnson himself jumped in to over-rule the more cautious Foreign Office in favor of confrontation.

As Johnson later claimed, because the UK (and the US) does not recognize Russian sovereignty over Crimea, the UK was actually sailing through Ukrainian waters. It was an in-your-face move toward Russia just weeks after the US and NATO were forced to back down from a major clash with Russia in eastern Ukraine

This time, as was the case in eastern Ukraine, the Russians took a different view of the situation. Russian coast guard vessels ordered the HMS Defender to exit Russian territorial waters – an order they punctuated with rare live fire of cannon and dropping of bombs.

Having had their bluff called, the UK government did what all governments do best: it lied. The Russians did not shoot at a UK warship, they claimed. It was a previously-scheduled Russian military exercise in the area.

Unfortunately for the UK government, in its haste to create good propaganda about standing up to Russia, they had a BBC reporter on-board the Defender who spilled the beans: Yes, the Russian military did issue several warnings, yes it did buzz the HMS Defender multiple times, and yes there were shots fired in the Defender’s direction.

Similarly, in the spring, Russia rapidly deployed 75,000 troops on the border with Ukraine in response to a US-backed Ukrainian military build-up. The message was clear: Russia would no longer sit by as the US government and its allies intervened next door.

Russia now has demonstrated that it will protect Crimea, which voted in a 2014 referendum to re-join Russia. The Crimean vote was triggered by the US-backed coup in Ukraine. That is called “unintended consequences” of foreign interventionism.

The problem with the UK, the US, and their NATO allies is that they believe their own propaganda and they act accordingly. A famous 2004 quote attributed to George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove, clearly spelled out this line of thinking. Said Rove, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.”

These two recent near-clashes with Russia demonstrate that the “reality” created by an almost religious belief in American or NATO exceptionalism can often crash hard against the reality of 75,000 troops or the Black Sea Fleet

The anti-Russia propaganda endlessly repeated by both political parties in Washington and amplified by the anti-Trump media for more than four years has completely saturated the Beltway and beyond. Even as the Russiagate conspiracy was proven to be a lie, the propaganda it spawned lives on.

Blustering Boris Johnson almost provoked a major war over an infantile desire to continue poking and prodding Russia in its own backyard. This time the war was averted, but what about next time? Will the adults ever be in charge?


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Featured image: The Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer, HMS Defender. (OGL v1.0)

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Echoing criticism from across the globe on Monday, the Iraqi government slammed the Biden administration for overnight U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria at facilities the Pentagon says were used by Iran-backed militias.

“We condemn the U.S. air attack that targeted a site last night on the Iraqi-Syrian border, which represents a blatant and unacceptable violation of Iraqi sovereignty and Iraqi national security in accordance with all international conventions,” said a spokesperson for the commander in chief of Iraq’s armed forces, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

“Iraq renews its refusal to be an arena for settling accounts, and clings to its right to sovereignty over its lands, and to prevent it from being used as an arena for reactions and attacks,” said the Iraqi statement.

“We call for calm and to avoid escalation in all its forms, stressing that Iraq will carry out the necessary investigations, procedures, and contacts at various levels to prevent such violations,” the spokesperson added.

The strikes also led to an emergency meeting of national security officials in Iraq:

The Popular Mobilization Forces, a coalition of Iraqi militias, reportedly said that four fighters were killed in the U.S. attack. However, the U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll at seven fighters and said several others wounded, according to Al Jazeera.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that at the direction of President Joe Biden, the U.S. military hit “operational and weapons storage facilities at two locations in Syria and one location in Iraq” used by Iran-backed militia groups to engage in drone attacks against U.S. personnel and facilities in the region.

Although no Americans have been hurt, the New York Times reports that U.S. officials say that “at least five times since April, the Iranian-backed militias have used small, explosive-laden drones that divebomb and crash into their targets in late-night attacks on Iraqi bases—including those used by the CIA and U.S. Special Operations units.”

As Common Dreams reported earlier Monday, while Kirby claimed the strikes ordered by Biden were “designed to limit the risk of escalation,” Stephen Miles, executive director of U.S.-based advocacy group Win Without War, responded: “Know what would actually be deescalatory? Leaving Iraq.”

The U.S. has roughly 2,500 troops in Iraq and about 900 in Syria. Biden previously authorized strikes in Syria in late February, also targeting facilities the administration said belonged to Iran-backed militia groups.

The strikes come amid negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal. Biden ran on a promise to return the United States to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as it is officially called, that his predecessor ditched in 2018. The Trump administration instead pursued a “maximum pressure” campaign that ramped up devastating sanctions against Iran.

“Iran—weakened by years of harsh economic sanctions—is using its proxy militias in Iraq to step up pressure on the United States and other world powers to negotiate an easing of those sanctions as part of a possible revival of the 2015 nuclear deal,” the Times reports. “Iraqi and American officials say Iran has devised the drone attacks to minimize casualties to avoid prompting U.S. retaliation.”

The U.S. strikes also follow the House of Representatives earlier this month passing legislation to repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. Now, all eyes are on the Senate for that effort.

Notably, Kirby did not cite the 2002 AUMF for the strikes. Instead, he highlighted the right of self-defense and the president’s authority under Article II of the U.S. Constitution to protect American personnel in Iraq.

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Nicaragua is in the news again. But not for being one of the countries with the greatest reduction in poverty and social inequality worldwide since 2007 (poverty by half, extreme poverty by a third, and going from being the fourth most unequal country to being the fourth least unequal in Latin America).

Nor is Nicaragua news for being the country with the highest level of direct ownership of the means of production by the working class in the Western Hemisphere (more than 50% of GDP and nearly 80% of economic units); nor for being one of the countries in the world that has most reduced illiteracy in the same period of time (from 35% to 3%); or for being one of the countries with the largest increase in per capita investment in health (from U$32 to U$70) and with the largest reduction in infant mortality (from 29 to 11.4 per 1,000 live births).

Nicaragua is not news for being the country in the world that has most reduced the gender gap (from 90th to 12th), the country with the highest presence of women in its cabinet (58.82%), as well as having the fourth highest presence of women in the legislative branch (48.4%) and being the country that most radically applies the criterion of gender equity across its social policies.

Nor is this country in the news for being among the countries that have most increased electricity coverage (from 53% to 99%) and the one that has most increased its renewable energy sources (from 2% to 90%); nor for being the safest country in Central America and one of the safest in Latin America (with a rate of 3.5 homicides per year per 100,000 inhabitants, Costa Rica being the closest with 11.2); nor is Nicaragua news for having one of the governments in the world with the highest sustained popular support for the longest period of time (with rates around 60% in the last eleven years, almost uninterruptedly).

But it is not for any of these achievements that Nicaragua has once again become newsworthy, but because it has applied its laws in a sovereign way, the most recent of these laws having been approved by an overwhelming majority of the people’s representatives in the legislature and under which the relevant authorities, using their legitimate powers and fulfilling their constitutional duty, have ordered the arrest of various individuals (nineteen at the time of writing) for one or other of the following crimes:

  • Actions publicly declared and undertaken by almost all those who have been arrested, aimed at achieving the imposition against Nicaraguan institutions and citizens of unilateral coercive measures by a hostile foreign power, the United States, with the purpose of boycotting public administration and the application of State policies, including the implementation of social programs thanks to which Nicaragua has reached the indices mentioned above via its model of social transformation and improvement in the living conditions of the great majority of its citizens.
  • Conspiracy to destabilize the country, in the service of that foreign power, the United States, through the implementation of terrorism and violent actions in general.
  • Money laundering in the financial operations of the “Violeta Barrios de Chamorro” Foundation, which also financed journalists, “political analysts” and writers (all of them claiming to be “independent”) with money coming from agencies known for their role in destabilizing governments not aligned with the interests of the United States, some of those agencies being the US government bodies like USAID and NED, but also others like the Soros foundations, and also European agencies such as OXFAM. That funding has been acknowledged by the people concerned. It is worth noting that when Nicaragua’s Foreign Agents Law was created, which obliges those who receive donations from other countries to report them and inform about their final use, this foundation formally closed its operations to evade complying with the law, in spite of which it continued receiving funds from the foreign agencies cited above as well as others. The specific operations of this criminal network are still under investigation by the competent authorities, who will explain the results of the investigation in due course.
  • Serious anomalies in the administration by a banking entity of financial resources used to support illicit activities linked to finance from the aforementioned agencies.

Nicaragua is not obliged to justify to foreigners what it does or does not do in full and legitimate exercise of its sovereignty and self-determination, and in the defense of those principles, but in the face of the campaign of lies against the country that flood the news media daily, it is right and proper to defend it, just as the Sandinista Revolution has the right and duty to defend itself in any context, including of course, the battle of ideas.

The laws being applied by the Nicaraguan authorities to the people detained and who are receiving due process in accordance with the current legal norms, are similar to those that exist in most countries whose governments, brazen in their interference, have condemned the approval and application of those laws in Nicaragua for crimes committed after their entry into force, not for crimes prior to their entry into force, but for crimes committed subsequently, in compliance with the principle of laws being non-retroactive since the illegalities and crimes committed and promoted by most of these people during the attempted coup d’état in 2018 have already been judged, and for which those convicted were subsequently granted pardon, for the sake of peace and stability of the country.

When we talk about the crimes committed in 2018, during the coup attempt, they include murder and other crimes that caused dozens of deaths of Nicaraguans, about which it is worth remembering that, of the total of something over two hundred dead caused by the coup attempt, most of them were Sandinistas, of which, in turn, the majority died as a result of cold-blooded murders, after being kidnapped and subjected to torture, many of them documented by the perpetrators themselves in videos, circulated in social media, while in contrast, all the deaths in the opposition ranks were the result of street fighting, generally provoked by them.

But that atmosphere of instability and chaos lasted just three months (from April 18th to July 18th 2018), because the country very soon recovered tranquility and peace, thanks to the massive and organized participation of the people defending their nation and their revolution, as also happened during the war of aggression imposed on Nicaragua by Ronald Reagan’s government  in the 1980s, in which the Sandinista Revolution was also victorious, although in that case only after several years of intense struggle.

Turning now to the current situation, as is well known, at different times some of those recently detained by the Nicaraguan authorities had expressed presidential aspirations in the context of the upcoming elections to be held on November 7 of this year. Specifically, of the nineteen against whom an arrest warrant has been issued and of which there are seventeen under arrest, five had expressed that they wanted to run for the presidency, and two of them had submitted requests to the political party of their choice to do so, but there are six other presidential aspirants among the extreme right wing coup plotters, who are at liberty and for whom no arrest warrant has been issued and no indictment has been initiated; of them, there are also two who have submitted requests to be considered as presidential candidates by the political party of their choice. Not to mention the other sectors of the right wing that are likely participate in the elections.

The presence of presidential aspirants among those detained has led detractors of Nicaragua’s Sandinista government to argue, abandoning all logic, that the investigative processes and the arrests made out are irrational, given that they self-evidently harm the political image of the government. That is to say, according to these “analysts”, presidential aspirations should endow impunity and even worse, that the impunity should result from the government acting out of political convenience, obstructing the relevant institutions from fulfilling their role and applying the relevant legal norms, in strict compliance with the rule of law. In one opinion article, the writer even appeared scandalized because one of those implicated as a beneficiary of funding from the aforementioned agencies, who is not under arrest and was only called to testify before the Public Prosecutor’s Office, is a winner of the Cervantes Literature Prize, as if this were a license to commit crimes.

Yes, it is indeed the case, from the electoral perspective, that the application of the law to these individuals has a political cost for Sandinismo, but the institutions of the Nicaraguan State would be very wrong to act on the basis of political criteria derived from electoral calculations, since the country’s self-determination and sovereignty are imperative and are, moreover, inalienable principles of Sandinismo. This should serve as a lesson to the demagogues who spend their lives demanding that Nicaragua respect the rule of law and the subordination of institutions to the established legal order. This is, furthermore, the best demonstration that the reason for the arrests are not because the people concerned are political opponents or because they have aspirations to the presidency of the Republic.

Moreover, in all the opinion polls, including those conducted by the opposition, none of those detained even comes close to having the popular support of Sandinismo and in particular, the level of popular support for the President of the Republic, Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra, thus confirming that the arrests have been made using the strictest and most transparent application of the laws that govern the Nicaraguan State. And it is worth reiterating that these laws are very similar to those in force in the very same countries whose governments have condemned Nicaragua for the arrests.

A situation of particular concern in some sectors outside Nicaragua, in certain cases due to disinformation and in others due to lack of political awareness, has been that among the nineteen individuals against whom arrest warrants have been issued of whom seventeen have been detained, six of them belong to a political group created in the nineties by former Sandinistas, and among these six are three who held high positions in the Sandinista government of the 1980s and participated in the liberation war against the Somoza dictatorship.

First of all, it should be clear that none of that history should be a reason for impunity for anyone, but in the case of the former Sandinistas, the fact that they are no longer Sandinistas is not the reason for their arrest, since it does not constitute a crime, unlike treason which is one of the crimes for which they have been arrested, as is the case with the other people under arrest, all on the strictest legal basis. But there are things that very few people know among the ranks of the international Left outside Nicaragua, and this makes some people defend the individuals mentioned here as if they were the same revolutionaries they were earlier in their careers, and nothing is further from the truth.

These former Sandinistas joined the right wing early in the 1990s, when, while still militants of the FSLN, they publicly renounced socialism, anti-imperialism, the popular struggle and the vanguard character of the FSLN. In the end, they were defeated internally in the FSLN’s Extraordinary Congress of May 1994 and they chose to abandon the FSLN and found a party in which they continued calling themselves Sandinistas, and which they also finally ended up renouncing, as was to be expected. Such that those people who continue to call them Sandinistas, if they are so fond of them, should respect them a little more and not call them something they themselves now reject. By the way, one of the individuals detained, of those who were linked to the Revolution and then took the path of the right, a while ago complained, using a good Nicaraguan term, that the name “Sandinista” caused her revulsion. So their admirers should think twice before continuing to describe them in that way.

It would take far too long and, anyway, is beyond the scope of this article to narrate here the history of this betrayal of Sandinismo. But it is worth mentioning some fundamental facts. Although these people were a minority in the FSLN Congress in 1994, since they were also a minority in the party’s rank and file, they were nevertheless a majority among those who had held senior government and party posts in the 1980s. They were also a majority among those who had been elected to the legislature in the 1990 elections, so they exploited these advantages and shortly after the defeat suffered by Sandinismo in those elections they appropriated the material patrimony of the FSLN, and then in 1995 proceeded to reform the Constitution via a pact with the right wing. As a result, they eliminated the right to free health care and education, legitimized the privatization of public services, created a second round of voting so as to prevent the FSLN from winning the elections and imposed limits on presidential re-election to prevent Comandante Daniel Ortega from running again as a candidate, and they even established the qualified vote to elect magistrates in the different institutions, with the hope that they themselves might be elected.

But after the disastrous electoral results of 1996 for the parties promoting those reforms, the only way to secure a qualified vote, a requirement imposed by those same parties to elect the positions in question, was an agreement between the two main parties of the time, the FSLN and the PLC, which the ex Sandinistas manipulated to accuse the FSLN of doing exactly what they themselves had already done when no law obliged them to do so, namely make a pact with the right wing, in their case for purposes harmful to the people’s interests. But nothing they did then compares to what the ex Sandinistas would end up doing in the elections of 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2016, when they supported candidates of Nicaragua’s most recalcitrant and fundamentalist right wing, which had the support of the United States. It is as if, for example, in Argentina, former guerrillas who had fought against the military dictatorships in that country had supported Macri in the presidential elections there, or as if in Chile they had supported Piñera, or in Brazil Bolsonaro.

The political parties that made the constitutional reforms of 1995, among them the ex Sandinistas recycled as an upstart right wing, consulted no one, not even even for the sake of appearances. In the following year’s elections, all together they did not even receive 10% of the vote, which made evident the illegitimate and spurious character of their reforms. All this in spite of the fact that by having control of the electoral power, they blocked, in a self-evidently arbitrary way, any candidate who hindered their plans in those elections, something they forget when they accuse Sandinismo of sectarian abuse of the State institutions, since from their point of view only the right wing are impartial and transparent, when it controls those institutions. A curious fact is that the ex Sandinistas in question were even allies of the FSLN as part of the National Convergence political alliance in the local elections of 2000 and 2004, and also in the national elections of 2001, until they ran again on their own account in the national elections of 2006.

But the final definitive validation of these ex Sandinistas as counterrevolutionaries with no possible redemption was the failed coup attempt in 2018, when they united with pro-imperialist forces and led the armed counterrevolutionary actions that took place between April and July of that year. These individuals, who in the 1990s had already renounced the red and black flag, in 2018 accompanied the neo-Somocista hordes that repeatedly burned that revolutionary symbol, as also happened with the desecration of monuments and even the tombs of Heroes and Martyrs of the Revolution. One more expression of the levels to which these people had already descended by then, was their participation in meetings with individuals like Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Marco Rubio, from whom they received support, as the coup plotters did in general from Álvaro Uribe, with whom they proudly took pictures, and from Jair Bolsonaro, who, making a fool of himself in the way only he knows how to do, offered Brazilian territory to prosecute the Sandinistas.

The café lounge pseudo-Left, which loves to join in the declarations of the imperialist powers against the Sandinista government, has long reproached the ruling Sandinistas in Nicaragua for an alleged alliance with private business leaders and the Catholic Church. Regarding the former, in Nicaragua, since Sandinismo returned to government, the percentage of GDP produced by means of production under associative, cooperative, family and community ownership went from less than 40% to more than 50%, to the detriment of traditional private enterprise, which saw its economic importance decrease from more than 60% to less than 50% of GDP, and in the first nine of the fourteen years that Sandinismo has been in government since 2007, the minimum wage of workers increased ten times more than in the seventeen neoliberal years. This is hardly favorable to the interests of private capitalist enterprise.

When it first came to power in 1979, Sandinismo offered private enterprise a framework of understanding and consensus for the sake of the country’s stability, but since at that time solidarity with the Sandinista Revolution was in vogue, the characteristic snobbery of the café lounge Left did not allow it to accuse Sandinismo at that time of seeking alliances with business people, who in the end back then did not accept the offer of coexistence, as they did when Sandinismo returned to power in 2007. Then, for some years, big business had no other option but pragmatism. However, after some time, at the first opportunity that presented itself and as is to be expected when there are contradictions between antagonistic interests, private business lashed out against the Sandinista government and, together with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, was among the most aggressive sectors during the 2018 coup attempt, curiously enough with the support of all those people outside Nicaragua who accused Sandinismo of being allied with them.

As for the alleged alliance of the FSLN with the Catholic hierarchy, this is a kind of worldwide urban myth. There has not been a single day since Sandinismo returned to government in 2007, as there was not before, of course, in which Nicaragua’s Catholic Church leaders have not uttered all kinds of attacks against Sandinismo. The myth of this false alliance stems from the rapprochement that Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo made with Sandinismo during the last years of his life, but that rapprochement cost him precisely the support of the Vatican, so that as soon as he gave the first signs of reconciliation with Sandinismo, Cardinal Obando fell foul of Nicaragua’s Catholic Church hierarchy. There are also sectors on the Left whose problem is simply not having the infallible compass of anti-imperialism. That is to say, when one lacks direct knowledge of the situation of a country, it is enough to see which side the Empire and its disinformation media are on in order to at least have the ability to give the benefit of the doubt .

In Nicaragua the term “puchito” is popularly used as a synonym for little, and partly for that reason the coup leaders are known as “los puchos”, but the use of the term “pucho” in this case, has a connotation that is applicable beyond a quantitative sense, to allude to those who have no vocation for power, despite the fact that they have exercised it for so long. In Nicaragua, the bourgeoisie seems to have lost its instinct for power as a social class, an unusual phenomenon, but symptomatic of a true revolution.

At the world level, however, unfortunately, there is also an abundance of what one might call the “pucho Left”, that is, those self-styled Leftist sectors, which are stumbling around disoriented in the world or even in their respective national situations, without a compass to guide them, not just because they are a minority, but because they have not matured enough politically or worse, because they have started rotting away at some point in their erratic wandering. That Left which instead of denouncing imperialist interference, instead of attacking the common enemy of those who are supposed to fight for systemic change at a global level, and that in addition, despite their own impotent inaction, presume to judge who is revolutionary and who is not, or which revolution is a true one and which revolution is not, should make their own revolution so as to be able to preach by example and earn the moral authority to speak in the way they do.

But the coup right wing in Nicaragua is also puchito because it has no life of its own. It is a right wing on life-support provided by its imperialist owners. And it is not the fault of Sandinismo that the puchito right wing is led by confessed traitors to the nation, who would also be in jail in any self-respecting country. They are money launderers and even drug traffickers, like some others who were arrested some years earlier, not for the other crimes they had also committed, about which some of them even publicly boasted in messages broadcast in widely disseminated videos, and for which they had already been pardoned before, but in these other cases for common crimes very appropriate to their questionable moral condition, although now they seek to present themselves as political prisoners.

Finally, the strength of the coup-mongering right wing in Nicaragua is evident when, despite its most visible spokesmen being arrested for their misdeeds, not for their presidential aspirations or for simply being opposition, the most absolute calm prevails in the country. Life continues its course in the most serene atmosphere of peace imaginable, and not even the self same puchos interrupt their normal routine or even their recreational activities. If the arrested criminals were really political leaders, the situation would be very different. In 2018, when the coup plotters followed the orders of the interventionist imperialist agencies, they manipulated many people via psychological warfare using it as a component of the new coup d’état format designed by their imperial owners. Back then they wasted no time asking for permission to take to the streets.

But while it is easier to manipulate people than it is to convince him they are being manipulated, when they do finally become aware of the deception they have suffered then it is very difficult to manipulate them again. And that is what happens when the new psychological warfare coup formats fail. They will never again snatch from the Nicaraguan people the peace that has cost them so much nor the only true peace of social justice and freedom it makes possible.

Just as it is true that happiness can only be achieved when certain ethical values prevail and which overall in society can only predominate as the product and fundamental content of its revolutionary transformation. That kind of change is the only one from which the new Nicaragua under construction could emerge and from which it is emerging, with Sandinismo at the forefront, in permanent rebellion and victorious resistance against the world power of imperialism. And that itself is part of a long tradition of struggle dating from even before the mid-nineteenth century, when Nicaraguan and Central American forces defeated the filibuster troops sponsored by southern United States slave-owners; passing through the expulsion of the occupying US troops by General Augusto C. Sandino in the 1930’s; the overthrow in 1979 of the Somoza dictatorship imposed by the United States after the assassination of Sandino; the victory against the war of aggression imposed by the US government in the 1980s, and then against the neoliberalism imposed by electoral blackmail in the 1990s and following years, and finally against the attempted coup d’état in 2018. The tradition includes all the new victories that are being added in this struggle, one of whose fundamental objectives is, as Carlos Fonseca, whose birthday is commemorated today, declared: “A change of system, the overthrow of the exploiting classes and the victory of the exploited classes”.

In other words, the Sandinista government is popular rebellion in power, fighting from the government against the age-old system imposed by the oppressor classes; and as Ricardo Morales Avilés said, for this struggle to bear fruit “so many things must be changed … first power, property, ourselves, and then… fresh air and maize for everyone; fresh air and flowers for all”. This is what Sandinista Nicaragua is committed to achieving, today more dignified and victorious than ever.


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Carlos Fonseca Terán is Secretary of International Relations of the Sandinista National Liberation Front.

Featured image is from Tortilla con Sal

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Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili paid a two-day visit to Ukraine earlier this week (her first) and met with her opposite number President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zurabishvili first came to world notice when she emerged as part of the triumvirate that took over in Georgia following the so-called Rose Revolution in late 2003 that saw incumbent head of state Eduard Shevardnadze manhandled and divested of his powers. Her colleagues were Mikheil Saakashvili, who became president, and Zurab Zhvania, whose family claims he was assassinated in 2005. That event is the prototype of what have come to be called color revolutions; after Georgia the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan and the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon in 2005, and a veritable host of others, successful and otherwise, in Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, the Maldives, Venezuela, Myanmar, Iran and elsewhere.

Deposed president Shevardnadze accused George Soros and his “philanthropies” of funding the coup in his nation. Shortly after Saakashvili and his allies came to power Soros’ Open Society Institute partnered with the United Nations Development Program to create a Capacity Building Fund for Georgia. The initiative was announced at a joint news conference with Saakashvili, the then-United Nations Development Program administrator and Soros at the World Economic Forum that year. Over 5,000 Georgian officials were paid out of the fund.

Later that same year the Orange Revolution occurred in Ukraine and a similar triumvirate, two men and a woman (it would be the same in Kyrgyzstan in 2005), took power.

The West, especially NATO, has always treated the two Black Sea nations as a pair. The military bloc created a NATO-Georgia Commission and a NATO-Ukraine Commission in 2008; each has been granted an Annual National Programme in those formats.

Last year they were among the first nations to become NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partners.

This week Ukraine’s Zelensky praised the strategic relations between the nations, affirming they shared a joint commitment to joining NATO and the European Union. He added they “agree regarding the future development of the Eastern Partnership,” whose association agreement demand on now deposed President Viktor Yanukovych led to the coup in 2014 and the resultant war in the Donbass. The Eastern Partnership, originally devised by Poland and Sweden, has as it mission the absorption of all remaining European and Caucasian former Soviet states into the European Union (and NATO) – except Russia.

The Ukrainian head of state also spoke of strengthening military integration in the Black Sea – against Russia, of course – particularly in regard to the Ukrainian and Georgian navies.

President Zurabishvili stated it was disappointing that the two nations “lost some time that should have been used to deepen relations,” in reference to a two-year freeze in relations after Zelensky appointed former Georgian President Saakashvili (on the run from his homeland) the chairperson of Ukraine’s Executive Reform Committee. As often occurs in such cases, Zurabishvili and Saakashvili, once coup co-plotters, soon became bitter enemies. (If she could have his head on a platter she would gleefully live up to her name.)

She, like her Ukrainian counterpart, hailed a common commitment to NATO, the EU and de-occupation, by which she evidently meant “liberating,” respectively, Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Crimea and the Donbass from Russia.

The Georgian president also denounced “daily provocations” from Russia “along the occupation line.”

Zelensky expressed confidence that Georgia would assist his government’s de-occupation of Crimea by appointing a representative for this year’s Crimean Platform founding summit, whose purpose is to wrest Crimea from Russia.

It’s no wonder that some NATO members are less than enthusiastic about bringing Georgia and Ukraine into their fold and providing them with Article 5 protection. Doing so in the context of “de-occupying” territory in the Donbass, the Caucasus and especially in Crimea would almost certainly provoke a military confrontation with Russia that wouldn’t remain a conventional one for long.


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Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image: Zourabichvili listening to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell while Foreign Affairs Minister. (Public Domain)

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Greater Idlib is as volatile as ever, with the Syrian Arab Army, along with Russian support punishing every ceasefire violation of the al-Qaeda affiliates in the region.

It is yet unknown if the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will begin a larger military operation anytime soon, as one has been expected for a while.

On June 27th, the SAA shelled militants’ positions in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib in response to recent ceasefire violations.

Reportedly targets were a number of towns and villages on the al-Zawiya Mountain in the southern Idlib countryside as well as in the al-Ghab Plains in the northern countryside of Hama.

The shelling led to human losses.

A militant, identified as Yusuf Firas Qassim, was killed in the town of Fatterah in the al-Zawiya Mountain area.

Later in the evening a response came – several rockets were fired from Greater Idlib at al-Qardahah, the hometown of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in the southeastern countryside of Lattakia.

Only two rockets actually reached the town.

Both rockets landed in empty farmlands.

No causalities or material losses were reported.

The attack was likely carried out by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the al-Qaeda affiliated ruler of Idlib.

Earlier on the same day, Turkish forces carried out a combing operation along the militant-held part of the M4 highway, which links Aleppo city, Syria’s industrial hub, with the port city of Lattakia.

This is significant as Turkey is reportedly planning on improving the security of HTS and other factions that it backs in Greater Idlib by pushing towards Manbij and attempting to capture the town.

It is located northeast of Idlib and beyond Aleppo, which is under Syrian government control.

In the days leading up to these developments, on June 25, the SAA shelled three posts of the Turkish military in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib.

In the morning, the army shelled two Turkish posts in the northern outskirts of the government-held town of Saraqib in southern Idlib.

A gathering of Turkish military vehicles was hit.

A few hours later, the SAA artillery pounded a third Turkish post near the town of Qmenas, also in southern Idlib.

Neither attack resulted in any casualties.

In the last few days, Turkish-backed militants, led by the al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS, have stepped up their attacks.

Several government-held towns and villages around Greater Idlib were shelled by the militants.

The SAA has recently resumed its artillery strikes on Turkish forces in Greater Idlib in an attempt to pressure Ankara into implementing the ceasefire agreement.

It is highly unlikely, however, that Turkey will begin implementing it.


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The struggle to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen has run into another obstacle. This time it’s partisanship. But it isn’t Republican opposition blocking Joe Biden’s promise to end U.S. participation in the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe. It’s the president’s own hesitancy to keep his word paired with the unwillingness of Democrats in Congress to cross a president from their own party.

On February 4th, in his first major foreign policy address as president, Biden said, “we are ending all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.” In the next breath, however, the president said, “We’re going to continue to support and help Saudi Arabia defend its sovereignty and its territorial integrity and its people.”

Seeking clarification, a congressional letter led by Representatives Peter DeFazio, Debbie Dingell, and Ro Khanna (and signed by 41 of their colleagues) was sent to the president on February 25th, asking key questions. What’s the definition of offensive operations? What is the difference between offensive and defensive weapons? What about the blockade? They requested an answer to their questions by March 25th, the 6th anniversary of the war in Yemen. They received a non-answer, two months late.

Text, letter Description automatically generated


Another opportunity for answers came at a hearing on April 21st where Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking, Biden’s diplomatic point man on the crisis, took questions from Congress. Asked by Rep. Ted Lieu whether the United States was still supporting Saudi Arabia’s offensive operations in Yemen, Lenderking couldn’t—or wouldn’t—answer. He said, “I’m not totally in that information loop, congressman, so I can’t really speak to that.”

Letters led by Elizabeth Warren in the Senate and Ted Deutch in the House have encouraged the Biden’s administration to use their leverage to get Saudi Arabia to stop its blockade on Yemen. But U.S. Special Envoy Lenderking has denied the existence of a blockade to CNN investigative reporter Nima Elbagir, a claim she called, “just not true.” In fact, the Friends Committee on National Legislation reports that “No U.S. official in the new administration had explicitly publicly acknowledged the six-year-old, Saudi-imposed blockade—much less criticized it.”

President Biden was clear on the campaign trail: He said that if he were elected president he would make Saudi Arabia, “pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.” Despite the promise of his February 4th announcement, he simply hasn’t done it. And Congress has not held him to his word.

During Trump’s tenure, bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate voted to end U.S. participation in the Saudi war on Yemen. Every Democratic member of Congress voted for a War Powers Resolution stating that U.S. participation in the war is not authorized and must be ended. President Trump vetoed that legislation.

On January 25th of this year, Representative Ro Khanna spoke at the World Says No to War in Yemen International Day of Action, which Massachusetts Peace Action helped to organize. He said, “Senator Sanders and I will be advocating and introducing again a War Powers Resolution to stop any logistical support, any intelligence support, and military support, to the Saudis in their campaign in Yemen. That has to take place.” What is he waiting for?

The U.S. continues to provide logistical support that keeps the Saudi Royal Air Force in the sky, bombing Yemen. The Special Envoy to Yemen can’t answer basic questions about whether the U.S. still supports Saudi Arabia in Yemen. He denies the existence of the blockade, a tactic that employs starvation as a weapon.

Members of congress who championed ending the war in Yemen through privileged War Powers Resolutions, like Congressman Ro Khanna, Senators Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee, and Chris Murphy, aren’t being consistent now that Biden is President.

We must pressure them. One courageous member of Congress can force the entire legislative branch to go on record. It’s difficult to criticize your allies, but thousands of lives are at stake. The UN World Food Program says that, “around 400,000 children may die in Yemen this year without urgent intervention. That is roughly one child every 75 seconds.” They can’t wait any longer. Neither can we.


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Brian Garvey is an organizer with Massachusetts Peace Action based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: WFP Provides Food Assistance to a Record 7 Million People In Yemen In August 2017. UN World Food Program. [Source:]

A Sea Painted NATO Black

June 29th, 2021 by Pepe Escobar

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Welcome to the latest NATO show: Sea Breeze starts today and goes all the way to July 23. The co-hosts are the US Sixth Fleet and the Ukrainian Navy. The main protagonist is Standing NATO Maritime Group 2.  

The show, in NATOspeak, is just an innocent display of “strenghtening deterrence and defense”. NATO spin tells us the exercise is “growing in popularity” and now features more than 30 nations “from six continents” deploying 5,000 troops, 32 ships, 40 aircraft and “18 special operations and dive teams”. All committed to implement and improve that magical NATO concept: “interoperability”.

Now let’s clear the fog and get to the heart of the matter. NATO is projecting the impression that it’s taking over selected stretches of the Black Sea in the name of “peace”. NATO’s supreme articles of faith, reiterated in its latest summit, are “Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea” and “support for Ukraine sovereignty”. So for NATO, Russia is an enemy of “peace”.  Everything else is hybrid war fog.

NATO not only “does not and will not recognize Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea” but also denounces its “temporary occupation”. This script, redacted in Washington, is recited by Kiev and virtually the whole EU.

NATO bills itself as committed to “transatlantic unity”. Geography tells us the Black Sea has not been annexed to the Atlantic. But that’s no impediment for NATO’s goodwill – which the record shows turned Libya, in northern Africa, into a wasteland run by militias. As for the intersection of Central and South Asia, NATO’s collective behind was unceremoniously kicked by a bunch of ragged Pashtuns with counterfeit Kalashnikovs.

Meet the Bucharest 9

The White House defines its NATO eastern flank allies as the Bucharest 9.

The Bucharest 9 includes the members of the Visegrad Four (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia); the Baltic trio (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania); and two Black Sea neighbors (Bulgaria and Romania). No Ukraine – at least not yet.

When the White House refers to “strengthening transatlantic relations”, this means above all “closer cooperation with our nine Allies in Central Europe and the Baltic and Black Sea regions on the full range of challenges.” Translation: “full range of challenges” means Russia.

So welcome to the return, in style, of the Intermarium – as in “between the seas”, mostly the Baltic and Black, with the Adriatic as a side show.

After WWI, the drive for what would possibly become a geopolitical entente included the three Baltics, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Belarus and Ukraine. That concoction was made in Poland.

Now, under the hegemon and its NATO weaponized arm, a revamped Baltic-Black Sea intermarium is being pushed as the new Cold War 2.0 Iron Wall against Russia. That’s why the definitive incorporation of Ukraine to NATO is so important for Washington – as it would solidify the intermarium for good.

Double O Seven does Monty Python

The prequel to Sea Breeze took place last week, via a farcical Britannia Rules The Waves stunt enacted like a Monty Python sketch – yet with potentially explosive overtones.

Imagine waiting at a bus stop somewhere in Kent and finding a soggy blob – nearly 50 pages – of secret documents in a trash bin detailing Ministry of Defense elaborations on the explicitly provocative deployment of the Defender destroyer off Sebastopol, in the Crimean coast.

Even a BBC journalist embedded with the destroyer smashed the official London spin that this was a mere “innocent passage”. Moreover, the Defender weapons were fully loaded – as it advanced two nautical miles inside Russian waters. Moscow released a video documenting the stunt.

It gets better. The soggy blob found in Kent revealed not only discussions about the possible Russian reaction to the “innocent passage”, but also digressions about the Brits, “encouraged” by the Americans, leaving commandos behind in Afghanistan after the troop pull out next 9/11.

That would qualify as extra evidence that the Anglo-American-NATO combo will not really “leave” Afghanistan.

A vague “member of the public” contacted the BBC when he innocently found the geopolitically radioactive materials. No one knows whether this was a leak, a trap or a silly mistake. If the “member of the public” were a true whistleblower he would have gone the Wikileaks way, not BBC.

The “innocent passage” happened only hours after London signed a deal with Kiev for the “enhancement of Ukrainian naval capabilities”.

On the Russian reaction front, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova summed it all up: “London has demonstrated yet another provocative action followed by a bunch of lies to cover it up. 007 agents are not what they used to be.”

Meanwhile, in the Mediterranean front, which NATO considers its Mare Nostrum, two Russian Mig-31k fighters – capable of carrying Khinzal hypersonic missiles – were redeployed last week to Syria. The Khinzal range encompasses the whole Mediterranean, east as well as east.

Across the Global South, NATO promoting “global peace” in the port of Odessa, in the Black Sea, is bound to evoke shades of Libya cum Afghanistan. Austin Powers, self-billed Agent Double Oh! Behave! would perfectly fit in the Kent trash bin “secret documents” caper. “Oh. Behave!” totally applies to Sea Breeze. Otherwise, the opportunity might arise to say hello to Mr. Kinzhal.



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This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 will take part in Exercise Sea Breeze 21 from 28 June 2021 and run through 23 July 2021. (NATO courtesy photo by SNMG2)

China-India: Contours of a Conflict to Come

June 29th, 2021 by Bertil Lintner

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Radical De-Globalization: Finding Back Our Freedom and Sovereignty: Tyrants Don’t Create Tyranny. Your Obedience Does.

By Peter Koenig, June 29, 2021

The transformation as we now know, is planned to be nothing less than a modification and digitization of the human genome, robotization of our brains – so as to gain total control over the population – those that are left of us, after the UN agenda 2021-2030 is fully implemented.

Weighing Myocarditis Cases: CDC’s ACIP Committee Failed to Balance the Harms vs Benefits of 2nd Doses

By Prof. Wesley Pegden, June 28, 2021

On June 23, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) at the CDC met to discuss ongoing reports of myocarditis in young people, particularly young men, after the 2nd dose of mRNA vaccines. In light of these recent reports, the committee was charged with weighing potential harms and benefits associated with 2nd doses of mRNA vaccines.

Does Paraquat Weed Killer Cause Parkinson’s Disease? U.S. Judge Sets Trial in Litigation against Syngenta

By Carey Gillam, June 28, 2021

U.S. Judge Nancy Rosenstengel of the Southern District of Illinois issued the order in an initial hearing with lawyers from multiple firms who are representing people alleging their exposure to Syngenta’s popular herbicides caused them or family members to develop and suffer from the dreaded neurological disorder.

The Crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Four Senators Ask Biden to Clear Oppenheimer’s Name

By Susan D’Agostino, June 28, 2021

When the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II, 110,000-210,000 people were instantly killed. Japan surrendered in the days that followed. Not long after, nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the Manhattan Project—the research and development program that produced the bomb—was awarded the highest US honor bestowed on civilians for his contribution to the war effort: a Medal of Merit.

The World Says No to the Blockade of Cuba

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde, June 28, 2021

Cuba won another diplomatic victory in the General Assembly of the United Nations this Wednesday against the government of the United States. The majority of countries (184) voted in favor of the resolution which calls for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba. The resolution has been brought to the UN every year since 1992, except in 2020 when the government of Havana was unable to present it due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed

By Mordechai Sones, June 28, 2021

Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

The US Gets Isolated by Its Cuba Blockade Policy: What Will Happen Now?

By Alejandra Garcia, June 28, 2021

Cuba’s new victory over Washington was not news in the US. No head of diplomacy or White House representatives issued any criteria regarding the fact that 184 of the 193 countries that make up the United Nations (UN) voted on Wednesday to end the blockade imposed on the island for almost 60 years.

Dispossession of the Indigenous People’s Lands, Missing Children: The Canadian Greenhouse and Genocide

By Kim Petersen, June 28, 2021

This was in response to a plurality of members of parliament in Canada condemning China for committing genocide in the country’s Xinjiang province. It was flabbergasting, given that Canada is a state erected on the territory through a dispossession of its Original Peoples by European colonial-settlers. The dispossession was — and is — genocidal.

Sadly China and Russia Remain Quiet on US Past Genocides and Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East & Africa

By Jay Janson, June 28, 2021

Let’s begin with acknowledging that officials of the United States of America, its military, its clandestine operating CIA, and personnel within its criminal media cartel have been committing crimes against humanity free of any worry or concern of prosecution.

Some Respectful Notes from Nicaragua for Mexico’s President: “AMLO Called on the Government of Nicaragua to Set Free a Group of Oligarchs and Political Operators”

By Jorge Capelan and Stephen Sefton, June 28, 2021

Last week, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on the government of Nicaragua to set free a group of oligarchs and political operators currently being investigated for very serious crimes of treason, terrorism, fraud and corruption. According to the Mexican president, the Sandinista government is acting unlawfully using illegitimate force and may also be denying the Nicaraguan people the chance of choosing freely and democratically in our elections next November 7.

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First published by Global Research on December 14, 2021

People are waking up.

Art is being applied to protests. As very well demonstrated in Germany the Netherlands and Denmark – see video Lockstep” Protest Marches in Netherlands, Germany, Denmark (4 December 2020).

It is not without reference tongue-in-cheek to the 2010 Rockefeller Report which foresaw and planned as the first phase of their deliberate “Human Transformation” – the Lockstep scenario.

The transformation as we now know, is planned to be nothing less than a modification and digitization of the human genome, robotization of our brains – so as to gain total control over the population – those that are left of us, after the UN agenda 2021-2030 is fully implemented.

It also includes digitization and full control of human finances – the entre financial system – and our – people’s – by then meager incomes, will be digitalized in some bank deposits controlled by Mega Banks, with only limited access our own accounts and money. That’s the plan; it’s not reality – yet – and we will make sure that it never becomes reality.

According to their plan, the Great Reset, (WEF, “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, July 2020), Covid-19 is THE window of opportunity for the world to be reset with an ultra-capitalism that finally brings justice to humanity and the environment. No kidding, that’s what they pretend, and worse, believe that we, the People, will go for it, watching how their – the Cabal’s – takeover unfolds.

Among many human rights abuses and disasters, the Great Reset foresees, for example, that the use of our earned resources will be at their mercy, depending on our behavior. If we behave the way the Cabal desires; if we submit to the wishes of the Dark Deep State, call it also the Shadow Government – (picture, “Enemies of the People”) the Network of oligarchs that controls all 193 UN member states plus the UN itself – only then may we use our own income for purchases that are offered to us.

According to the various WEF papers, even that might be questioned, as there might be shortages – artificially generated shortages of mostly food and health-support items.

That’s the plan. But will we allow them to implement it? – See this, this and this.


A distinct disclaimer is in order: What is described above is the Cabal’s plan. It’s a plan of darkness. It is a plan of the West. The Eastern alliances, Russia, China and the wider Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are, so far, outside of the realm of the Cabal. Although the Cabal, or the Shadow Government, would like to eventually rule over the entire world – and currently makes believe that their goal will be met.

But China and Russia and their SCO coalition – are on another trek.

They are planning a multi-polar world, with an economic model (for example the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative – BRI, also called the New Silk Road) that strives for a better distribution of resources, for more equilibrium of human societies, of civilization as we know it and a world in which trade is “fair”, meaning a “win-win” transaction, where all partners win equally. This eastern block of collaboration encompasses not only about 2.5 billion people, but also a third of the world’s GDP. “Absorbing” them into the Cabal’s evil pursuit is a challenge darkness may be unable to master.

Light will overcome darkness.

Why would someone or some organization, or quasi and make-believe organization (the legal status of the WEF is no more than that of a NGO registered in a lush suburb of Geneva, Switzerland) give away their sinister secrets to be implemented over the next ten years? – Perhaps to scare everybody who reads it and distributes it for more people to read (the multiplier effect) into anger and frustration, into the same darkness from where it was written and supposedly orchestrated.

It is difficult for people who read the Great Reset and its White Paper Implementation Agenda not to get upset, angry, and perhaps even revengeful. Therefore, this clever move of publishing this fear-inflicting paper – is intent to bring a number of anti-Reset intellectuals onto a low-low level of spiritual vibration, same level as those who wrote and imagined the Great Reset. Vibrating on low level is vibrating in darkness – supporting them, exactly the opposite of what we, the awakened opposition want.

Instead of manifesting our anger and frustration, we might want trying to just recognize the diabolical plan, but move forward without anger – with our own ideas, creating our own new, better and more just future, not one being imposed by the Cabal. Connecting spiritually with each other – as has happened already on numerous occasions – and applying civil disobedience all over the globe, simultaneously, similar to what the “lockstep” protesters did in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark – see above. We can do it. Stop this madness. Spiritually coordinated determination, applied simultaneously, worldwide.


In the last 9 months, the world economy was destroyed to the core of its bones. Unemployment has become uncountable and rampant, possibly up to 2.9 billion people, according to the International Labor Office (ILO), reaching about half of the world’s work force. Poverty and misery are oozing from all corners in the Global South, were up to 70% of employment is informal. Misery is also rising in the ever-growing slums of cities in the Global North. Overall despair, hunger, the lack of social safety nets and suicide have already by now claimed way more deaths than covid did and ever will.

The system that has prepared itself before our eyes – is called GLOBALIZATION – and it is about to reach its final stages within the next few years. All is minutely planned to be implemented by the end of the decade of the twenties – by 2030. Its’s also called the UN Agenda 2021 – 2030. And this sinister agenda has much more in mind than a global corona plandemic.

Remember how the final dry run started – with Event 201, simulating the Virus SARS-CoV-2, later it was conveniently renamed by WHO as Covid-19.? – Almost like a Swiss clock on the midnight toll of December 31, 2019 the corona “outbreak” started the Decade of the 2020s. Wuhan, China, was the official beginning. The truth of that outbreak, how the virus got to China, is a “well-guarded secret”, with many options.

That’s just a demonstration for how well it all has been planned. Thousands of pages have been written about it in the course of this incredible year 2020. Some may be seen herehere and here.

It may be important to note – especially for all Eastern readers, that although the Great Reset and other planned world take-over gimmicks is meant for the entire world – i.e. towards a One World Government, and the critique expressed here is addressing these plans, but it is clear that Russia and China, and especially their strong alliance with the Shanghai Organization Cooperation (SCO) and other eastern alliances are excluded from the critique. If anything, these countries, especially China and Russia are seeking and working for a multi-polar world, a world that may bring us closer to an equilibrium, where trade among countries is based on shared benefits – not like the west likes to think: “The winner takes all”. This is an important distinction.

Again, we, the People, have the power to stop it, by radically DEGLOBALIZING.

How? – Remember how we lived 60 / 70 years ago? Most of the countries had some degree of self-sufficiency which they wanted to preserve. Trade was limited mostly to neighboring countries or countries that shared the same ideology – and it was mostly a friendly or “fair trade”, a trade where both partners were “winners” – trade was much more based on national comparative advantages, thus, complementing each other. This basic rule applied both in the Global North and the Global South.

Can we jump forward to 60 years ago?

Then came the Washington Consensus – a semi-clandestine meeting in Washington DC, in the second half of 1989, of the world’s financial giants, the instruments of the Cabal, or the Shadow Government, The Federal Reserve / Treasury, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The latter two, though created under the Charter of the UN are fully controlled by the United States.

There was no WTO 60-70 years ago.  WTO was created on 1 January 1995 as a western initiative.[an illegal agreement which was not fully ratified by national parliaments] Ever since it has been distorting world trade and punishing poor countries for being poor, by exploiting them for “credits” and “loans” from the infamous IFIs or International Financial Institutions, like the World Bank and IMF.

Back in the 1950’s and 1960s most of the nations preserved their political, monetary and fiscal sovereignty – with their  own currencies, local banking systems and a central bank that actually was still controlled by national authorities. This was true in most cases in the Global North – not in all. And it did not apply in the Global South, where, for example, in West and Central Africa, their monetary system and central banks were then and today are still controlled by the former (and new) colons, the French.

Can you imagine? – A West African country, say the Ivory Coast, cannot freely dispose of its reserves, because they are controlled by the Banque de France (the French Central Bank) – and this still today. An aberration hardly anybody talks about – but which, in our effort to right a dystopian world, has to be corrected. West African leaders, like Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso (1983 to 1987) – often referred to as the Che Guevara of Africa – was assassinated by orders of the French Government, then led by Mr. François Mitterrand, a so-called socialist President – yes, you read correctly – a “socialist” – because if President Sankara would succeed to free Burkina Faso from the fangs of the French Central Bank, all other West and Central African former (and renewed) colonies of France, risk to go the same way.

Deglobalizing – radically deglobalizing to the level where we were in the 1950s and 1960s, when we lived well and when we lived within the confines of what Mother Earth was generously offering mankind. In a new old world, we might still keep technological advances that serve societies, however without abusing the environment by a non-stop consumerism.

There is a relatively simple formula – “local production, for local consumption with local money and local public banks and a sovereign national central bank that works for the wellbeing of the national population.” – The challenge may be – how to break loose from the fangs of corporate globalism, into which we have let ourselves being seduced – with lies and greed – and more lies of better lives. We have accepted – and even elected – corrupt leaders who promised heaven on earth. And so, we let ourselves be driven step by step closer into the slavehood of transnational corporations.

Today Mother Earth is vastly over-exploited and most of our western societies are mired in greed and egocentricity. In short, no doubt, we are committing massive suicide – economically, politically, and especially psychologically — by 2050 / 60 – if not way before – we are nothing more than slaves, electromagnetically charged “gnomes” dancing to the orders and the tunes of a small global elite – the very same Cabal – the Dark Deep State – that is behind WEF’s Global Reset.

Of course, people – like Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), plus all the governments leaders and parliamentarian and scientists who dance to the orders of the Cabal and keep repeating the official narrative, they are promised to be royally rewarded, or else, if they try to resist – will be unroyally sanctioned… whatever that may encompass. Sort of a “carrot-and-stick” approach. Very usual for a dystopian civilization – what we are.

People start understanding what is happening, because they are connecting the dots. Knowledge is a must, but anger and disgust towards the perpetrators behind the curtains is nefarious. The more we focus on the Cabal’s horrifying agenda – the more we help them implement it. Their negativism is matched by ours of hate. As we focus on them, their diabolical agenda, we too are putting our minds into low-vibrations – because that’s what this is – “The Great Reset” – the One World Order – that’s the lowest vibration of darkness there is.

Those who are awakened, are already vibrating on a much higher level. Instead of concentrating on the evil agenda of the Cabal – and they know that we know that their agenda is evil – we may simply choose our own way forward – into a future that sustains – not destroys – Mother Earth, and humanity, a future that solidifies humanity in solidarity. We are 99.999% – they are 0.001%.

Deglobalize with local production for local markets and local consumption. In the 2008/ 2009 crisis, small communities in Greece and Spain – and probably more countries, popped up and started their own self-sustained economies, with local money. In the US this very moment there are many communities and groups of communities working with their own-created money – yes it still needs to be interchangeable with the going currency – but gradually they achieve more autonomy.

This may be the way to go, until a critical mass can force out the coopted governments and elect their own people’s governments – which will lead the way forward, – into a New, Old World, as much as possible self-sufficient – and trading with neighbors and like-minded other nations – to gradually achieve what we had 60 / 70 years ago – a world in respect of Mother Earth, a world where freedom of expression, open political debates, free media and where political and financial sovereignty was the pride of a nation.

Call it patriotism, call it self-made autonomy – or call it simply the power of self-determination. There was a fresh air of a sense of happiness in people’s souls – which has gradually and purposely been replaced by fear, anxiety frustration – by those emotions emanating from an ever-stronger take-over by Big Money, Big Consumption, Big-and-Bigger Profit Making – by a world for which “Maximizing Profits” has become the new Ave Maria. This world is sick – is dystopian – it is where we are now.

We have become weak, vulnerable to be manipulated – anxiety is our feeling of life. It’s no longer the joys of life that drives us; its fear – fear from an uncertain future. People in fear are susceptible for cancers, heart diseases – and all kinds of infectious illnesses – and people in fear are ripe for manipulation.

Remember – tyrants don’t create tyranny. Your obedience does.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; New Eastern Outlook (NEO), Information Clearing House (ICH) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020) He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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On June 23, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) at the CDC met to discuss ongoing reports of myocarditis in young people, particularly young men, after the 2nd dose of mRNA vaccines.

In light of these recent reports, the committee was charged with weighing potential harms and benefits associated with 2nd doses of mRNA vaccines.

Despite the importance and gravity of the topic, and the high level at which this discussion was taking place, the presentation given to the committee for the purpose of weighing those harms and benefits was fundamentally flawed.

While misleading statements and data can be found throughout the slidedeck, we will focus on two slides which are most relevant to the decision that was facing ACIP on June 23rd.

The first of these two slides, below, claims to evaluate the “benefits and risks after dose 2”, presenting what appears to be “COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations Prevented” by dose 2, against “Cases of Myocarditis” which would be expected to be caused by dose 2.

The second of these slides, below, presents “Predicted cases prevented vs myocarditis cases per million second dose vaccinations”.

The presentation contains much flawed analysis and misleading framings of data. But above all, despite the fact that these slides purport to weigh risks vs benefits of “dose 2” of mRNA vaccines, this analysis assumes that single doses of mRNA vaccines have 0% effectiveness at preventing COVID-19 associated hospitalization, despite the fact that original Phase 3 trials found high single-dose effectiveness even at preventing infection, and real-world data has confirmed high effectiveness of single doses at preventing hospitalizations, including against recent variants of SARS-CoV-2.

In particular, the counterfactual used for the analysis given for this presentation was not delaying 2nd doses in certain age groups or even forgoing them altogether, but suspending all vaccinations in this age group, including for children with conditions placing them at elevated risk of severe outcomes and death, for a period of 4 months all of which exhibit rates of deaths and hospitalization comparable to May.

ACIP cannot do it’s duty if it does not even address the question before it, which was, most immediately: “do the benefits vs harms of 2nd doses of mRNA vaccines favor giving 2nd doses in younger age groups at this time?

Answering this question requires understanding not the difference between vaccinating kids and not vaccinating them, but between giving 2nd doses and not giving 2nd doses. The titles of these slides notwithstanding, these slides do not present any data pertinent to that question.


It is possible, however, to reconstruct what a more careful balancing of harms and benefits might look like. The first change we will make is simply to incorporate an analysis of the benefit of a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 hospitalization. This was recently estimated at 83% against the alpha variant, and 92% against the more recent delta variant, by Public Health England. We will conservatively assume a single-dose effectiveness of 83% against hospitalization for this illustration, versus a two-dose effectiveness of 95%. With these assumptions, the first slide shown earlier appears quite different:

Fewer hospitalizations are avoided in this re-analysis, which only attributes to dose 2 those avoided hospitalizations which would not already have been avoided by dose 1.

After this change, the balance of benefits vs harms is much more delicate, with more cases of hospitalization expected from vaccine-induced myocarditis in 12–17 year olds (even lumping boys and girls together) than COVID-19 associated hospitalizations prevented.

We will consider one further change. The case rate shown on the right-hand side of this figure represents the rate at which CDC-confirmed cases of myocarditis have been recorded through voluntary reporting systems. It is natural to expect this to be an underestimate. Indeed, Israel reported rates of myocarditis betwen 1 in 3000 and 1 in 6000 in 16–24 year olds, with higher rates among 16–19 year olds than 20–24 year olds. this is roughly 5 times higher than the rate of CDC confirmed myocarditis cases detected through voluntary reporting. If we use Israel rates as a proxy for expected myocarditis rates, we obtain the following comparison (simply by inflating by a factor of 5 the CDC-confirmed rate in each age group up to 29).

In this re-analysis, we compare COVID-19-associated hospitalizations avoided by the 2nd dose, to rates of myocarditis which would be expected at rates seen in Israel.

In this analysis the harms vs benefits of the 2nd dose appear unfavorable for ages under 25. This is true even though:

  • This analysis segregates by age only, ignoring gender, previous COVID-19 infection or health risk factors;
  • It still uses May hospitalization rates as the baseline expectation for the next 4 months;
  • It does not account for the fact that according to the CDC’s own analysis, 45% of COVID-19 associated hospitalizations in adolescents reported to COVID-NET (which is the source for hospitalization data in this figure) have primary causes other than COVID-19.

The harms versus benefits are particularly bad for 12–17 year olds, as is illustrated if we modify the 2nd CDC slide from above under the assumption that a single dose of mRNA vaccine has 83% VE against severe outcomes, and use rates of myocarditis from Israel as the upper estimate on the number of myocarditis rates (the lower estimates remain unchanged here):

When we account for the marginal benefit of the 2nd dose beyond the 1st dose, rather than attributing all the benefits of vaccination to the 2nd dose, the balancing of harms and benefits appears much more unfavorable in teens.

Note that more than 95% of myocarditis cases detected by the CDC resulted in hospitalization; it seems very likely that 2nd doses of mRNA vaccines will cause more hospitalizations than they will prevent in 12–17 year old boys, and whether that is also true for women will depend heavily on the rate at which the CDC is undercounting myocarditis cases. In the meantime, note that this balance would look even more unfavorable for 2nd doses if it was restricted to healthy children without health factors placing them at elevated risk for severe disease.

In the meantime, the mortality rate of vaccine-associated myocarditis cases remains uncertain. Under questioning during the meeting, Matthew Oster reported that for myocarditis unrelated to COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines, mortality rates are estimated in the range of 4%–9% in the literature. Fortunately, it seems likely that the rate is not so high for vaccine or COVID-19 associated myocarditis. But the rate is likely not zero, and the CDC is already investigating one possible death associated with a 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine in a 13 year old, over a time period where no deaths would be expected to be avoided from 2nd doses of mRNA vaccines in this age group.


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Wesley Pegden is Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Brexit’s Collateral Damage

June 28th, 2021 by Chris Patten

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Five years after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, the costs of that decision are becoming clearer. Most perniciously, trust in Britain is declining fast as Prime Minister Boris Johnson denies the consequences of the post-Brexit agreement he reached regarding Northern Ireland.

I confess straightaway: I am not a football fan. Too often, matches fall well below the sport’s claim to be “the beautiful game.” Nonetheless, I am dutifully watching some of the current European Championship. Naturally, I always want England to win, though I hate how English fans boo other countries’ national anthems. And, being British, I would support Scotland, Wales, or – though they did not qualify this year – Northern Ireland if they were playing a country from outside the United Kingdom.

My point is that I never want my country to do badly. And even though I passionately opposed Brexit, I want Britain to fare as well as it possibly can outside the European Union. But staying silent in the face of evidence that it is not amounts to the crudest and most mendacious sort of nationalism.

The UK has already incurred steadily rising costs as a result not only of Brexit but of a hard Brexit that people did not necessarily vote for in the June 2016 referendum. Yet, that is what we got in order to appease Britain’s right-wing media and politicians and to pave the way for Boris Johnson to become prime minister.

I will not itemize here Britain’s Brexit-induced loss of trade with the EU in food, manufactured goods, and services, which cannot be blamed on the COVID-19 pandemic, nor the UK’s worsening labor shortage – not least in the agriculture and hospitality sectors. As the OECD has pointed out, Britain is emerging from the pandemic in worse shape than most of its competitors.

But I do want to highlight three damaging consequences of Brexit. First, its advocates claimed that leaving the EU would enable Britain to “take back control.” If that phrase meant anything, it suggested that Parliament would have more say in running our national affairs. In practice, it means nothing of the sort.

For example, the government recently agreed to a free-trade deal with Australia. Leave aside the fact that the pact’s likely economic benefits to the UK over a 15-year period are so small, even by the government’s estimates, that they amount to a rounding adjustment. Just as significant is that – despite the government’s promises during the passage of the Brexit legislation – Parliament cannot scrutinize, much less mitigate, the deal’s impact, which will be particularly harmful for small farmers in Wales and Scotland.

Second, the government was keen to reach an agreement with Australia to show that Britain can negotiate trade deals on its own, without the EU. Although Johnson had hoped to begin with India, and planned to visit the country to discuss a deal with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the visit became inadvisable as COVID-19 ravaged South Asia. Yet, in the hope that it might still go ahead, the British government delayed imposing a travel ban on people coming to the UK from India, despite barring visitors from Bangladesh and Pakistan. There was no plausible public-health rationale for this distinction. In fact, given its COVID-19 figures, arrivals from India arguably should have been prohibited first.

As many pointed out, the thousands of travelers who arrived in the UK from India during the period when other South Asian visitors were banned must have seeded and spread what is now called the Delta variant of the coronavirus. COVID-19 infections in the UK have increased significantly in the last few weeks, obliging the government to delay the further planned easing of lockdown restrictions in England and deterring other countries from opening their borders to people arriving from the UK. So, this new surge in the pandemic looks like part of the collateral damage caused by the government’s attempt to make the political case for Brexit and trade.

Third, trust in Britain and Johnson is declining fast as the government denies the consequences of the agreement it reached regarding Northern Ireland after the UK’s departure from the EU. In those negotiations, Britain wanted to minimize the inconvenience of accessing the EU’s single market while maximizing its ability to establish its own rules and standards.

The UK’s only land border with the EU is the one between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Avoiding a hard border on the island is a fundamental part of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland. But Northern Ireland cannot remain outside the EU’s customs union and regulatory regime and at the same time maintain an open border with the Republic.

For this reason, Johnson negotiated and signed a protocol that meant Northern Ireland received, in a sense, the best of both worlds. It stayed in the EU’s customs union and partly in its single market while also remaining a part of the UK market. This was despite the government’s promises to Northern Ireland’s Unionists that there would not need to be any kind of border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland with customs and other checks.

Johnson now denies the promises he made and is threatening to tear up the protocol, blaming the EU for the problem he has caused. The EU certainly has scope for flexibility in managing the border, and I hope it will show some. But the UK government can show even more latitude, for example by accepting that Northern Ireland might follow EU standards for food and agricultural products. After all, the government says it does not want to see lower standards in Britain than in Europe.

But the most important thing for Johnson to do is to demonstrate trustworthiness in international negotiations. Sadly, a growing number of world leaders, as well as people in Britain and Northern Ireland, have come to doubt that he will keep his word when he has given it.


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Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong and a former EU commissioner for external affairs, is Chancellor of the University of Oxford.

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A federal judge appointed to coordinate proceedings for claims that Syngenta AG’s paraquat weed killers cause Parkinson’s disease said Wednesday she was setting a jury trial date for Nov. 15, 2022.

U.S. Judge Nancy Rosenstengel of the Southern District of Illinois issued the order in an initial hearing with lawyers from multiple firms who are representing people alleging their exposure to Syngenta’s popular herbicides caused them or family members to develop and suffer from the dreaded neurological disorder.

There are 157 cases pending in state and federal courts around the country, according to a June 22 court filing. The plaintiffs allege Syngenta was aware of the risks but failed to warn users.

Syngenta, which is owned by a Chinese chemical company, has denied the allegations.

Along with Syngenta, the defendants include Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, and Chevron USA, Inc. All have denied any liability.

Several scientific studies have linked paraquat to Parkinson’s, including a large study of U.S. farmers jointly overseen by multiple U.S. government agencies.  Farmers use paraquat in the production of many crops, including corn, soy and cotton. The Agricultural Health Study (AHS) said it found that “exposure to agricultural pesticides may increase a person’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.” In 2011, AHS researchers reported that “participants who used paraquat or rotenone were twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease as people who didn’t use these chemicals.”

A more recent paper from AHS researchers stated that “Extensive literature suggests an association between general pesticide use and Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, with few exceptions, little is known about associations between specific pesticides and PD.”

Parkinson’s is an incurable progressive nervous system disorder that limits a person’s ability to control movement, causing tremors, loss of balance and eventually often leaving victims bedridden and/or bound to a wheelchair. The disease is not necessarily fatal but typically becomes severely debilitating.

Dutch neurologist Bastiaan Bloem, who recently authored a book about Parkinson’s, blames widespread exposure to herbicides such as paraquat, along with other toxic chemicals used in agriculture and manufacturing, for the spread of the disease.

The case number for the multidistrict litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois is 3:21-md-03004-NJR

Some cases already settled

Even as more than 100 cases move forward, several are in the process of settling.

A “notice of settlement” was filed on June 18 in California, stating that the parties in 16 cases pending in that state had reached agreement on settlement terms.

Among the law firms involved in that settlement notice is the Missouri-based firm headed by lawyer Steve Tillery.

Tillery was scheduled to bring one of his cases, Hoffman V. Syngenta, to trial last month, and has accumulated thousands of pages of internal company documents through discovery. He had  threatened to introduce evidence that he said included internal company records showing Syngenta has known for decades that its product causes Parkinson’s Disease.

Tillery has refused to confirm settlement terms.




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The World Says No to the Blockade of Cuba

June 28th, 2021 by Rosa Miriam Elizalde

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Cuba won another diplomatic victory in the General Assembly of the United Nations this Wednesday against the government of the United States. The majority of countries (184) voted in favor of the resolution which calls for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba. The resolution has been brought to the UN every year since 1992, except in 2020 when the government of Havana was unable to present it due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This victory is a reminder of the Cuban people’s long wait for an act of justice that can rectify the worrying situation, which is a mix of the abuse of authority, the disproportionate use of violence, and the very specific intention to “destroy, totally or in part, a national, ethnic or racial group, in its totality,” the UN’s definition of genocide in its 1948 Convention.

Only very few cases of mass killings have been considered genocides unequivocally by the international community. However, there is no other name for this horror which has lasted for more than 60 years and has forced several generations of Cubans to go about their daily lives under a heavy fog. This powerful elite carries out inhuman monstrosities against millions of people for the mere crime of existing. Is it not genocide to deny people, in the middle of a pandemic, medicine and food, access to internet services to the majority of people, to finance and trade between equals? If so, we must then, like Raphael Lemkin, invent a word for this nameless crime.

It is difficult to account for how many in Cuba have died because they did not have the medicine they needed or because it did not arrive on time. The report presented by the Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, on the damages of the blockade in 2020, has 60 pages without one adjective. The report is merely a list of what happened, excessive costs, items that did not arrive on time because they had some component from the US –from a plane to a respirator that was destined for an intensive care unit-, names of companies that have refused to supply the island with the technology, raw materials, reactive agents, diagnostic kits, medicine, devices, equipment and replacement parts needed by a public health system.

A friend told me that the images of George Floyd’s assassination had a strong impact in Cuba. Being suffocated on the ground by the police officer who refused to lift his knee off his neck, despite the cries of the victim saying that he couldn’t breathe. The video went viral across the world and was the catalyst for the largest anti-racist protest in the United States since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

We understand the feeling of impotence of the people of the United States who feel rightly so that this is a systematic abuse of power. In the case of the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of George’s agony, it was key that the entire incident was recorded. The question that remains, after the conviction of the killer cop, is how many other people have been killed or have suffered in silence simply because there was no camera when the system didn’t let them breathe. We know that there is always a knee on someone’s neck, suffocating them. This is what happens with the blockade. This strange word that may seem to be abstract for many, but not for the person who finds themselves in the emergency room in Cuba, has a sick child or has spent six hours in line to buy food that before the 242 additional sanctions added by Donald Trump and before the damn pandemic, could be found with less difficulty.

Joe Biden’s representative at the UN reached new levels of cynicism when they said that the blockade is the responsibility of the Cuban government which uses it as a pretext to remain in power. This is like George Floyd’s killer saying his knee on somebody else’s neck was the victim’s excuse for suffocating.

As such, these are moments of joy in Cuba as we learn that once again that from the New York headquarters of the UN, the world said no to the US blockade. This coincided with more hopeful news: Cuban scientists were able to finalize the first two Latin American vaccines. One of them, Abdala, has a 92.28% rate of efficacy.


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This article was first published on La Jornada.

Rosa Miriam Elizalde is a Cuban journalist and founder of the site Cubadebate. She is vice president of both the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) and the Latin American Federation of Journalists (FELAP). She has written and co-written several books including Jineteros en la Habana and Our Chavez. She has received the Juan Gualberto Gómez National Prize for Journalism on multiple occasions for her outstanding work. She is currently a weekly columnist for La Jornada of Mexico City.

Featured image is from Peoples Dispatch

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Cuba’s new victory over Washington was not news in the US. No head of diplomacy or White House representatives issued any criteria regarding the fact that 184 of the 193 countries that make up the United Nations (UN) voted on Wednesday to end the blockade imposed on the island for almost 60 years.

Only two governments voted in favor of maintaining the blockade; The United States and Israel. Although President Joe Biden’s administration has repeated that it is “evaluating” that policy, yesterday there was no sign of the turnaround he promised during his election campaign. The world expected Washington to resume some advances of the Obama-era when Biden was vice president. Ironically when the same vote came up in the UN in 2016 the Obama – Biden Administration abstained from voting against it but now the reality is that Biden not only regressed at the UN he is keeping intact the deadly 242 sanctions against Cuba that was dished out during Trump.

Analysts say Miami continues to define the new administration’s political calculus regarding its relations with Cuba. “Dante’s first ring of hell is reserved for Florida’s Cuban-Americans who continue to encourage the blockade and hostilities toward the island. How can anyone ask for their families’ suffering?” U.S.-based Cuban attorney Jose Pertierra said during an interview for Cubavision Internacional.

Biden’s representative at the United Nations, Rodney Hunter, sought to justify the administration’s vote by claiming that its policy is “for the good of the Cuban people.” He told yet another string of lies, such as that “sanctions are a series of tools to promote democracy and respect for human rights in Cuba.”

Ignoring the massive backlash that erupted at the General Assembly session against the White House, Hunter added that

“the U.S. is a trading partner of the island, despite the blockade. We are in direct contact with members of its civil society and continue to encourage the Cuban people to determine their own futures.”

Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez refuted Hunter’s every word with precise data.

“The blockade is an economic war with extraterritorial measures, a mechanism of political interference that seeks to generate political and social instability on the island. Just like COVID-19, the blockade suffocates and kills,” he affirmed.

For Cuban journalist Rosa Miriam Elizalde, this policy is for Cuba what it was like for George Floyd’s neck with the knee of that white policeman who suffocated him to death in May 2020.

“Cuba was shaken by the image of George Floyd suffocating on the ground while the policeman would not lift his knee from his neck, despite the victim’s cries that he could not breathe. We know that feeling of helplessness of many Americans before their government’s systematic abuse of power,” she wrote in La Jornada.

Cuba knows the knee is always there, invisible, on someone’s neck.

“It happens the same way with the blockade, that word that may seem like an abstraction, but it is not for those who are in an intensive care unit (UCI) in Cuba, have an ill child, or have spent six hours in a line to buy food,” Elizalde added.

Today, Biden is following the same path of Dwight Eisenhower in 1960, when he banned Cuba’s sugar exports to the US, which were 95 percent of the island’s sales abroad, to starve the Cuban people. Meanwhile, the U.S. press looks the other way and fills headlines about the latest scandal of some unfortunate celebrity, as happened yesterday, for example.

After the vote at the UN, the news that was among the top stories of the day and that received all the alerts was Britney Spears’ complaint that she is not allowed to live as she wishes. People in the US were up to speed on all the details of her day in court but had to dig deep to find even a morsel of news about the humiliation of US policy in the UN by 184 nations of the world standing with Cuba.


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Alejandra Garcia is a journalist living in Havana, Cuba.

Featured image is by Bill Hackwell/Dissident Voice

Don’t Allow Another US-NATO Libya in the Horn of Africa

June 28th, 2021 by Black Alliance for Peace

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Paternalistic U.S. government political posturing toward Africa has a history of turning into fatal consequences for the masses of African peoples. A decade ago, several of the same individuals who now hold positions in the Biden administration were accomplices in the U.S.-led NATO decimation of Libya, which was rationalized under the guise of protecting “pro-democracy” activists from massacre by the so-called dictator Colonel Muammar Gadaffi. Hiding behind a modern-day version of the “White Man’s Burden,” otherwise known as “Responsibility to Protect” or R2P, the United States and its NATO allies killed and maimed thousands of Libyans, with U.S. leaders like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton taking special satisfaction in the sadistic video recording of Gaddafi’s murder.

Given the catastrophic effects of the U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya, the Black Alliance for Peace’s U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) and BAP member organization Horn of Africa Pan-Africans for Liberation & Solidarity (HOA PALS), condemn, under no uncertain terms, any and all forms of intervention and meddling in the conflict in Ethiopia. As it did against Libya, U.S. imperialism is weaponizing disinformation and misinformation to exploit and distort the complexity, historical context and political realities in the Horn of Africa to create the pretext for more direct intervention.

“Should those responsible for undermining a resolution of the crisis in Tigray fail to reverse course, they should anticipate further actions from the United States and the international community. We call on other governments to join us in taking these actions.” —U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, May 23, 2021 press statement

The attack on the federal base by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that started the conflict is now being used as a de-facto instrument of U.S. policy in Ethiopia to justify “humanitarian intervention.” In this way, the primary contradiction in the Tigray region reflects broader dynamics in the Horn of Africa as a whole and can be boiled down to the common denominators of global capitalist hegemony and Western imperialism by way of its proxy actor, the TPLF. Western powers only curtail the right of self-determination for the Horn of Africa and Global South states.

We condemn all military violence, extrajudicial killings, sexual violence, displacement, theft, discrimination, harassment and intimidation perpetrated on innocent Tigrayans, as well as any and all unnecessary violence perpetrated on other Ethiopians and Eritreans in the ongoing conflict as a result of their ethnic, religious, or national identity, refugee status or political affiliation. We unequivocally support and uplift mutual cooperation, solidarity, and peace among all parties and people in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the broader Horn of Africa region.

We support African-led, localized conflict resolution that is not tied to advancing imperialism, neo-colonialism or any other nefarious Western agendas. We believe in the inherent agency and ability of Africans on the continent to reach a resolution to the conflict peacefully and independently of Western aggression, destabilization, and extractive and exploitative economic interests.

The United States and its EU-NATO allies know no compassion or genuine concern for the Black lives in Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa or anywhere else Black people are in the world. Their true concerns are always selfish, racist and reflective of their objective geopolitical interests. In Ethiopia and Eritrea, their interests are:

  • To control or have undue influence over the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, a chokepoint critical to securing global energy;
  • to challenge the robust presence of China; and
  • to impose AFRICOM in the only country left in Africa that has evaded its control, Eritrea.

Africa is not underdeveloped and fraught with militarized instability because there is not enough involvement by Western Europe and its evil settler-colonial spawn, the USA. Anyone who believes that must also believe Africans are inferior savages. The fact is Africa is underdeveloped and destabilized precisely because of centuries of European colonialism and decades of U.S. and Western European neocolonialism. Any disposition held by Africans that lends legitimacy to intervention, sanctions, or the fake moral or altruistic dominion of Pan-European, white supremacist capitalist interests in Africa are based either on severe ignorance or treacherous opportunism.

U.S. foreign policy in Africa always involves enveloping any part of the continent that poses a threat to its geostrategic interests into its sphere of forever wars. In 2011, Black anti-imperialist forces were unable to effectively counter the plan by the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination to destroy the revolutionary Pan-Africanist nation of Libya. This was partially because the action had the political cover of the first Black president, which confused and disarmed left opposition and made them objective collaborators with U.S. reaction.

BAP’s U.S. Out of Africa Network and Horn of Africa Pan-Africans for Liberation & Solidarity refuse to allow this fatal mistake to be made again.

Hands off Ethiopia and Eritrea!




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When you picture Yellowstone National Park and its neighbor, Grand Teton, the snowcapped peaks and Old Faithful Geyser almost certainly come to mind. Climate change threatens all of these iconic scenes, and its impact reaches far beyond the parks’ borders.

A new assessment of climate change in the two national parks and surrounding forests and ranchland warns of the potential for significant changes as the region continues to heat up.

Since 1950, average temperatures in the Greater Yellowstone Area have risen 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.3 C), and potentially more importantly, the region has lost a quarter of its annual snowfall. With the region projected to warm 5-6 F by 2061-2080, compared with the average from 1986-2005, and by as much as 10-11 F by the end of the century, the high country around Yellowstone is poised to lose its snow altogether.

The loss of snow there has repercussions for a vast range of ecosystems and wildlife, as well as cities and farms downstream that rely on rivers that start in these mountains.

Broad impact on wildlife and ecosystems

The Greater Yellowstone Area comprises 22 million acres in northwest Wyoming and portions of Montana and Idaho. In addition to geysers and hot springs, it’s home to the southernmost range of grizzly bear populations in North America and some of the longest intact wildlife migrations, including the seasonal traverses of elk, pronghorn, mule deer and bison.

The area also represents the one point where the three major river basins of the western U.S. converge. The rivers of the Snake-Columbia basin, Green-Colorado basin, and Missouri River Basin all begin as snow on the Continental Divide as it weaves across Yellowstone’s peaks and plateaus.

How climate change alters the Greater Yellowstone Area is, therefore, a question with implications far beyond the impact on Yellowstone’s declining cutthroat trout population and disruptions to the food supplies critical for the region’s recovering grizzly population. By altering the water supply, it also shapes the fate of major Western reservoirs and their dependent cities and farms hundreds of miles downstream.

Rising temperatures also increase the risk of large forest fires like those that scarred Yellowstone in 1988 and broke records across Colorado in 2020. And the effects on the national parks could harm the region’s nearly US$800 billion in annual tourism activity across the three states.

A group of scientists led by Cathy Whitlock from Montana State University, Steve Hostetler of the U.S. Geological Survey and myself at the University of Wyoming partnered with local organizations, including the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, to launch the climate assessment.

We wanted to create a common baseline for discussion among the region’s many voices, from the Indigenous nations who have lived in these landscapes for over 10,000 years to the federal agencies mandated to care for the region’s public lands. What information would ranchers and outfitters, skiers and energy producers need to know to begin planning for the future?

A group of elk in a grassland area.

Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Area could be affected by changes in the availability and quality of plants they eat along their migration routes. Changes to the elk population would in turn have an impact on grizzlies, wolves, and other parts of the food chain. Bryan Shuman/University of Wyoming

Shifting from snow to rain

Standing at the University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Station and looking up at the snow on the Grand Teton, over 13,000 feet above sea level, I cannot help but think that the transition away from snow is the most striking outcome that the assessment anticipates – and the most dire.

Today the average winter snowline – the level where almost all winter precipitation falls as snow – is at an elevation of about 6,000 feet. By the end of the century, warming is forecast to raise it to at least 10,000 feet, the top of Jackson Hole’s famous ski areas.

The climate assessment uses projections of future climates based on a scenario that assumes countries substantially reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. When we looked at scenarios in which global emissions continue at a high rate instead, the differences by the end of century compared with today became stark. Not even the highest peaks would regularly receive snow.

In interviews with people across the region, nearly everyone agreed that the challenge ahead is directly connected to water. As a member of one of the regional tribes noted, “Water is a big concern for everybody.”

As temperature has risen over the past seven decades, snowfall has declined, and peak streamflow shifted earlier in the year across the Greater Yellowstone Area. 2021 Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment, CC BY-ND

Precipitation may increase slightly as the region warms, but less of it will fall as snow. More of it will fall in spring and autumn, while summers will become drier than they have been, our assessment found.

The timing of the spring runoff, when winter snow melts and feeds into streams and rivers, has already shifted ahead by about eight days since 1950. The shift means a longer, drier late summer when drought can turn the landscape brown – or black as the wildfire season becomes longer and hotter.

The outcomes will affect wildlife migrations dependent on the “green wave” of new leaves that rises up the mountain slopes each spring. Low streamflow and warm water in late summer will threaten the survival of coldwater fisheries, like the Yellowstone cutthroat trout, and Yellowstone’s unique species like the western glacier stonefly, which depends on the meltwater from mountain glaciers.

Temperatures are projected to rise in the Greater Yellowstone Area in the coming decades. The chart shows two potential scenarios, based on different projections of what global warming might look like in the future – RCP 8.5, if greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high rate; and RCP 4.5, if countries take substantial steps to slow climate change. The temperatures are compared with the 1900-2005 average. 2021 Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment

Preparing for a warming future

These outcomes will vary somewhat from location to location, but no area will be untouched.

We hope the climate assessment will help communities anticipate the complex impacts ahead and start planning for the future.

As the report indicates, that future will depend on choices made now and in the coming years. Federal and state policy choices will determine whether the world will see optimistic scenarios or scenarios where adaption becomes more difficult. The Yellowstone region, one of the coldest parts of the U.S., will face changes, but actions now can help avoid the worst. High-elevation mountain towns like Jackson, Wyoming, which today rarely experience 90 F, may face a couple of weeks of such heat by the end of the century – or they may face two months of it, depending in large part on those decisions.

The assessment underscores the need for discussion. What choices do we want to make?


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 is Professor of Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology, University of Wyoming.

Featured image: Snow melts near the Continental Divide in the Bridger Wilderness Area in Wyoming, part of the Greater Yellowstone Area. Bryan Shuman/University of Wyoming, CC BY-ND

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Once again, Western think tanks are disrupting international harmony and spreading fear and panic in order to serve the globalist agenda. In a recent report, RAND Corporation, one of the largest American think tanks, stated that NATO nations would be vulnerable to Russian nuclear power in an eventual armed conflict against Russia on European soil. The text approaches the topic with unfounded alarmism about the possibility of a nuclear conflict, which only tends to increase anti-Russian hysteria in the West.

In its latest report, entitled “Competing with Russia Militarily Implications of Conventional and Nuclear Conflicts,” RAND Corporation presents a terrible future for Europe and the entire West. The four authors of the report (Clint Reach, Edward Geist, Abby Doll and Joe Cheravitch) believe that NATO currently lacks sufficient power to prevent Russia from starting a nuclear escalation in Europe. The authors see tensions in the Baltic region as a possible starting point for a conflict with Russia and emphasize the weaknesses of the West as a problem to be corrected in order to ensure European security.

The authors’ main argument is to remember that Russian military doctrine guarantees the possibility of using nuclear weapons in the event of a response to a foreign attack or threat to the existence of the Russian State. This military orientation was taken in 2010 and later reaffirmed by President Putin in 2018 and consists of nothing more than the possibility of using nuclear weapons as a last possibility. However, Western analysts consider this authorization obscure and uncertain, without details on when the Russian government’s use of nuclear force would be “legitimate”. For the RAND Corporation, there is no clear definition of what would be a “threat to the existence of the Russian state”, which creates a nuclear instability.

Regardless of any legal aspect of when the Russian government would or would not be allowed to use nuclear weapons, the central point when we address this issue is the strategic value. In fact, no country in the world currently plans to use nuclear weapons. A nuclear war could mean the end of the entire planet. It is not by chance that the practice of war has become a set of complex actions, such as hybrid warfare, proxy confrontation, intelligence operations, among others. War as it was practiced in the past is currently unfeasible and all governments in the world know this and take this into account when formulating their strategies in foreign policy. The value of nuclear weapons is in their ability to guarantee security to the state that possesses them, not in their actual use. The nation that possesses nuclear weapons has a guarantee of security and territorial inviolability – not an instrument of attack.

However, perhaps the objective of the RAND Corporation is not exactly to point out scenarios and possibilities, but just to speculate the worst-case-scenario for the West and thus justify any measures by the Western governments to avoid this catastrophic future. The logic of American think tanks seems increasingly to be one of producing material with pre-appointed conclusions. The role of consultants is simply to write anything that justifies increased aggressiveness in foreign policy as a way of “improving Western defense.”

This conclusion is visible when we analyze what RAND proposes to solve the Western “vulnerability”. The report considers the possibility that Russia could use a “limited nuclear war” tactic – a concept that has not been in use since the end of the Cold War – against the West, which would allow the Russian government to carry out a low-potential attack on European soil. If NATO responded to this attack with a retaliation on Russian soil, then Moscow would certainly hit American territory. This scenario is due to the fact that NATO has few strategic bases, considering that only the US, France and the UK have nuclear weapons (in addition to foreign bases in Germany and Italy), which would make the western territory more vulnerable to Russian attacks, considering its large non-nuclear zones. Therefore, the solution would be to eliminate vulnerable areas, which seems to be a mere excuse to allocate as many nuclear weapons as possible in European countries. In the end, the whole hypothetical scenario created by the analysts justifies the resurgence of nuclear tensions.

It is difficult to imagine that any geopolitical analyst would really think this way, which reinforces the idea that such reports are just justifications for NATO to increase its aggressiveness and, in the specific case, for the US to guarantee its security in the first place by creating a nuclear zone on European soil in order to avoid possible attacks on American territory.

The report came at a totally inappropriate time, when the world was beginning to hope for a future with less tensions due to the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden two weeks ago. Both leaders promised efforts to renew the New Start agreement, but shortly thereafter, American strategists suggest a defense plan against the “Russian threat” that precisely implies a process of nuclearization in Europe.

However, while the report’s intent was to expose NATO’s vulnerabilities to further intensify anti-Russia mentality in Western governments and justify more aggressive measures, the proposals presented are not of interest to European states. The real aim is to protect American soil from a possible Russian attack, restricting the conflict to Europe – luckily for the Europeans, these war plans do not exist in Moscow.


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Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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In February I wrote,

As a rule, basic decency would require that one clean up one’s own yard (except in Canada’s case, the yard was stolen from its Indigenous peoples) before criticizing someone else’s yard.

This was in response to a plurality of members of parliament in Canada condemning China for committing genocide in the country’s Xinjiang province. It was flabbergasting, given that Canada is a state erected on the territory through a dispossession of its Original Peoples by European colonial-settlers. The dispossession was — and is — genocidal.

Canada’s minister of Foreign Affairs, Marc Garneau, issued a statement:

The Government of Canada takes any allegations of genocide extremely seriously. We have the responsibility to work with others in the international community in ensuring that any such allegations are investigated by an independent international body of legal experts.

This investigation must be conducted by an international and independent body so that impartial experts can observe and report on the situation first-hand.

That action would come back to bite Garneau and the MPs.

Forensic Evidence of Genocide

To those who listen to First Peoples and study how settlers came to rule over the First Peoples, the news announced on 27 May of 215 individual graves of children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School, while jarring was not surprising. The school, which operated from 1890 to 1969, had its hidden past revealed by ground-penetrating radar used by Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation in BC.

“To our knowledge, these missing children are undocumented deaths,” Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir said. In a press release she said:

We sought out a way to confirm that knowing out of deepest respect and love for those lost children and their families, understanding that Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc is the final resting place of these children.

Many thought the discovered bodies to be the tip of the ice berg. That was in late May.

Less than a month later, the Cowessess First Nation in southern Saskatchewan, using the same ground-penetrating radar, announced with certainty 600, but possibly 751, unmarked graves in its community cemetery.

The graves belong to children from the Marieval Indian Residential School said Chief Cadmus Delorme. The school operated from 1899 to 1997.

Both schools were run by the Catholic Church. The Pope has yet to apologize.

Chinese officials who have welcomed everyone to come to Xinjiang were quick to notice the forked tongue of Canadian officials. China spokesperson Hua Chunying recognizes what genocide looks like.

Meanwhile Xinjiang has seen a noticeable bump in visitors to the autonomous region.


I emailed Kevin Annett who early on, as a United Church minister, spoke to atrocities in the logging town of Port Alberni on Vancouver Island. Annett, it must be stated, is a very controversial figure. But just because someone is off base or wrong on certain topics (and who is always correct?) does not mean that everything a person says should be dismissed. In a 2008 Tyee article he was ridiculed by a detractor: “Annett is busy with another one of his crusades against church and state, with new claims about a network of mass graves across Canada containing the remains of perhaps thousands of aboriginal children, murdered by priests and nuns.” The detractor, Terry Glavin, even went so far as to write that “the story of secret residential-school mass graves is an urban legend.” Ouch!

In Annett’s documentary Unrepentant, First Peoples spoke to abuse, trauma, torture, and deaths in residential schools. The number that specifically stood out was a woman holding a sign that read 50,000 killed. I asked Annett if he expected ground-penetrating radar to adduce the deaths at the residential school in Port Alberni?

Annett replied: “The general problem is that the serial killer is in charge and the truth works around the edges of the ‘mainstream’. GPR surveys have already been done at the Alberni death camp and the records are public info, also held in our ITCCS archives. They indicate sinkholes and massive soil dislocation.”

What about the churches — Catholic, Anglican, and United — how can they atone for the crime of genocide?

Annett: “The churches can only atone by being shut down and having their property and assets seized as criminal organizations – a requirement under international law; and having their officers arrested and jailed under standing warrants from our 2013 court action.”

Annett spoke to the role of the governments of Canada and its RCMP in the entrenchment of colonialism on First Nation land.

Annett: “But as long as they’re protected by ‘crown’ jurisdiction that won’t happen, hence the need for a new political arrangement – the Republic of Kanata (”

Idle No More, the Indigenous rights movement, stated:

We will not celebrate stolen Indigenous land and stolen Indigenous lives. #CancelCanadaDay. Instead we will gather to honour all of the lives lost to the Canadian State – Indigenous lives, Black Lives, Migrant lives, Women and Trans and 2Spirit lives – all of the relatives that we have lost.

Victoria (Camosack in Lekwungen language) city council voted unanimously to cancel Canada Day celebrations. Several jurisdictions in Canada have followed suit canceling celebrations slated for the first day in July.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp@gmail. Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Seems That the World Has Let Americans Get Away With Murderous Genocide in So Many Countries

Let’s begin with acknowledging that officials of the United States of America, its military, its clandestine operating CIA, and personnel within its criminal media cartel have been committing crimes against humanity free of any worry or concern of prosecution.

Let us also acknowledge that though there is relatively free speech throughout most of the world, no one seems to ever be talking about the multitude of legally prosecutable monstrous crimes against humanity committed by Americans with impunity, many of which involve the death of millions of innocent men, women and children. There is a strange absence of much talk about them even as the horrific acts of genocide that they were.

The World Court of Public Opinion Is Not Yet In Session

Regarding US Crimes Against Humanity

Sure, there are quite a few anti-imperialist books in print that are critical of US genocides, but the great court of world pubic opinion has not been in session since 1945 when there was consensus among people throughout the world for demanding the ultimate legal punishment of the leaders of the fascist nations for the murderous horrors perpetrated during their invasions and bombings in the course of the Second World War.

Americans Are Vulnerable for Having Confessed or Bragged About Their Illegal, Unconstitutional and Genocidal Crimes

How is it that even government officials of nations presently under attack by the United States of America, and those of nations invaded and bombed by the US in the past, passively continue to allow Americans to get away with murder, the present murdering of thousands and the past mass murder of many millions, when massively murderous crimes against humanity have even been openly admitted to by high officials of the government of the United States of America by their openly characterizing them either as having been mistakes or by bragging about their having been successful. 

  • American officials claiming that their mega genocidal invasions, bombings and occupation wars in Vietnam and Iraq were honest mistakes are the two most devastating examples.We were wrong, terribly wrong. We owe it to future generations to explain why.” — former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara,[1] “It was a mistake, and I acknowledge that,” Presidential candidate Joe Biden referring to his vote in favor of the Iraq invasion war when he was chairman of the powerful US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.[2] But no talk of Americans paying for their ‘mistakes,’ of years long murder and maiming of millions and the destruction of their countries.
  • The CIA official in charge of the the US/UK covertly engineered bloody overthrow of Iranian democracy in 1953 has even written a book bragging out his crime,[3] which the CIA has publicly admitted to.[4]
  • American murderous invasions of Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada and covertly arranged and financed devastating civil war in  Guatemala and El Salvador are openly acknowledged (without any sense of responsibility for the suffering).
  • The undercover arrangements for the brutal assassination of democratically elected popular first Congo President Patrice Lumumba were entertainingly reviewed in a televised segment of the US government’s Smithsonian Institute Channel in US mainstream media,[5] no contrition indicated.

No Uproar in Reaction to Americans Massive Murdering of Millions of Innocent Men, Women and Children in Their Own Beloved Countries Far Away From the Invading United States of America

Martin Luther King’s & Nelson Mandela’s Exceptional Outcries 

Oh, from time to time there have been accusing outcries from individuals: “The greatest  purveyor of violence in the world is my own government,” Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1967 made headlines in newspapers throughout the world,[6] and South African President Nelson Mandela in 2003,“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities it is the United States of America,”[7] Of course CIA controlled criminal mainstream media vilified King, didn’t report Mandela’s outcry, and has made sure that few people ever heard of King’s condemnation of his government again. However, neither King nor Mandela called for prosecution of the perpetrators and compensation for victims of the atrocities they decried. (King did say that Americans ‘must make what reparations they can for the damage they did and provide the medical aid that is badly needed, making it available in the US if necessary, but said nothing about prosecution of Americans.)

In Western alternate media, the finest independent journalists, top intellectuals and historians stick to reporting and chronicling events of human horror as if they were imperial RealPolitik, as unchallengeable as the weather, rarely including the whole truth that they are obviously prosecutable as crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and genocide. Inversely, in the case of domestic homicide on a city street anywhere in the world, the public clamors to know whether or not what happened was a crime or not. Amazingly, in world coverage independent journalism this writer finds the word ‘crime’ is never or hardly ever employed. Journalists report mass murderous world events as terrible or mistaken foreign policy, rarely, if ever, citing a need for reparations, indemnity, or compensation for surviving victims.

Sadly, when an Iraq mom, managed to get her lawsuit against President Bush and members of his administration as far as a US Federal Court of Appeals,[8] it received only a very modest amount of coverage even in anti-imperialist independent alternate media.

There’s Freedom of Speech But No One Speaking Out

Why is there is no outcry around the world against the dozens of US invasions, bombings, occupation wars and deadly sanctions in and on smaller nations? The US bloodletting is probably rarely even much of a topic of pubic conversation anywhere except within the populations of the countries under US attack. Independent peoples historians assume that it is because of the enormous influence of monopolized CIA overseen giant worldwide media conglomerates.

For decades, powerful CIA controlled Western news and entertainment media, with it’s television’s worldwide satellite reach has mesmerized and totally bamboozled its planetary audience into ineptitude with its programing of indulgence, of very restricted and twisted selective news, deceitfully blacked out critical information, misinformation, and often outright lies ultimately portraying the many US regime change invasions, bombings, sanctions and occupation wars as benevolent and necessary to protecting American freedom and democracy. [9]

Way back in 1950, Albert Einstein explained “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.” [10]

Albert Einstein wrote that in 1950, even before the CIA operation Mongoose.[11]had completed its control over everyone of any appreciable importance in American media and sources of information and in much of Western Europe and on the other continents, see the lengthly article: Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A. 12/26/1977, The New Times[12][13] 

Powerful Western Media Has Anesthetized Majority Humanity But Why Are Even Nations Under US Attack Relatively Silent Re US Crimes Against Humanity?

Unfortunately, some nations currently under American military attack have pro US war lord governments installed by American occupying forces as in the case of Afghanistan and Somalia, and the populations of many nations formerly invaded, bombed and sanctioned by Americans, like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia want to put their enormous suffering behind them. Their governments seek to avoid confrontation with the USA, long become trading partners.

A majority of small countries in the world once attacked by Americans, British or French have governments either economically, politically and militarily controlled by the USA or by a Western colonial power, or if enjoying a degree of independence, fear criticizing the US would bring economic punishment and/or covertly arranged disturbances.

Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, Yemen and North Korea For Years Under Mortal Attack From USA! China & Russia  Targeted with Nuclear Missiles – All Have Independent Governments

This is all to say that humanity can only hope for calls for international law to come down on the past and present murderous lawlessness of the  American empire from nations presently under attack which have independent governments free from US control, like China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, Yemen and North Korea. However, up to now, the these nations have not taken advantage of the US wars confessed to as mistakes, which it seems could easily be profiled into world public awareness of USA guilt of genocide, at least in Vietnam and more recently in Iraq.

Likewise would the repeated quoting publicly of Martin Luther King’s blistering condemnations of his government damage the credibility of Western media, which has for more than a half-century blacked-out Kings damnation of his government. These glaringly obvious ways to fight back against the insanely criminal USA that is attacking their nations and constantly threatening world war are not being taken advantage of though many nations suffer US sanctions and worse.

Solidarity and Truthful Counter-Propaganda from Independent Nations Under US Attack Woefully Insufficient 

The US was sued by Nicaragua in the World Court in 1984 for mining Nicaragua’s harbors and other hostile acts (Nicaragua v. United States). The Court ruled in Nicaragua’s favor and found the US in violation of customary international law. The court put the United States of America under obligation to make reparation to the Republic of Nicaragua for all injury caused to Nicaragua. The US ignored the ruling but apparently stopped the mining. The suit brought international attention to US being guilty of crimes against a tiny country and it considering itself above the law.

This conviction by the International Court of Justice should not have been allowed to be forgotten as well as the US mega genocides committed in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Iraq, and all the other regime change murderous invasions, bombings and deadly sanctions of Latin American, Middle East and African nations.

An Absence of Law

No leader anywhere ever seems to call for prosecution of US invasions under the Nuremberg Principles of International Law. Even the very leaders of nations under illegal US NATO attack fail to even speak of laws broken during yearly UN General Assembly Debates

There has long been an atmosphere of appeasement in the UN General Assembly’s yearly General Debate. Delegate after delegate from Africa, Asia and Oceana seem to adhere to some ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ not to embarrass the great and powerful United States of America when describing the appalling conditions prevailing throughout the 3rd World.

How strange, mysterious, unexplainable, illogical, baffling and painful for millions grieving over past genocidal military action and the millions facing death or worse today, that since the inception of the United Nations, no delegate to the UN General Assembly, with one exception (to the best of this historian’s knowledge), has called for justice under the law, for any of the the tens of millions of survivors of past mega profitable crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and forms of genocide. The single exception this author could find was Muammar Gaddafi’s comprehensive UN General Assembly address calling for investigation of all wars and restitution for victims of US NATO UN crimes against humanity.

That one exception occurred during the UN General Debate in 2009, when Gaddafi, Leader of the Revolution of the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, spoke in the name of the African Union: “We are about to put the United Nations on trial; the old organization will be finished and a new one will emerge.”  Gaddafi called for investigations into past wars of permanent members of the Security Council, the US, UK and France, to be followed by trials of those guilty of causing these wars and millions of deaths and suffering “that has surpassed that brought by the Nazis.”

Speaking before the UN General Assembly in 2009, Gaddafi, had called the Security Council a “Terror Council” for the sixty-five wars it has failed to prevent, even approving or participating in most of them. How prophetic for what would come Gaddafi’s way so soon. (See Time to Expose Media Manufactured Uprising CIA Terrorists US-NATO Air Strikes On Wealthy Libya) [14]

By not using their veto power, the two giant independent nations, Russia and revolutionary China, gave the colonial powers the 2011 No-Fly Zone resolution which US and NATO military used to destroy all Libya’s army and militias which had been successfully fighting a CIA created terrorist rebel army that was executing black Libyans.[15]

China and Russia also voted for a resolution precipitously accusing Libya’s government leaders and armed groups of violently suppressing peaceful demonstrations.

However, the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court Fatou Bensouda, stated that Mr. Gaddafi is just one of several individuals in Libya whose alleged criminal acts could fall within the jurisdiction of the ICC which continues to monitor criminal actions of armed groups in the country. These armed groups represent a major threat to long-term peace and stability in Libya.” There never was a single documenting video or photo of a peaceful anti-government demonstration, let alone, one being fired upon. To the contrary, there was a near million wildly demonstrating in favor of Gaddafi and Libya’s Green Book socialism while NATO planes bombed never reported in the New York Times or elsewhere in the US or Europe.[14]

The colonial powers had sufficient influence in both the Arab League and the African Union to have both organizations vote against Gaddafi, which in turn influenced China’s UN posture.

China, after indicating it was against military intervention, abstained instead of voting no on the UN Security Council resolution calling for war on the Libyan government with the fig lief of enforcing a no-fly zone to protect civilians – a war by white neocolonialist powers on their former African colony that had raised its Arab socialist living standard to be higher than nine European nations including Russia.

China lovers were instantly stumped into incomprehension, bewilderment, dismayed, the rug pulled out from underneath their feet. Their confidence lost that the fifth of Mankind with wisdom gained during five thousand years of practical living would protect the rest of us from the insanely barbaric, homicidal imperialism wrought by predatory capitalism that had once colonized the whole nonwhite world, including China. This confidence or hope was now destroyed with our witnessing China going along with a classic example of false flag violence fostering a civil war in the age old imperialist principle of divide and conquer.

Vladimir Putin was not president of Russia during the Libyan debacle, and this author later published Russians Calling Medvedev a “Traitor” for Not Vetoing UN NATO War on Libya in Larger Context – the article’s larger theme is the willingness of humanity to accept White world profitable investments in genocide until world economic power shifts from Europeans and their descendant nations overseas to the six sevenths of humanity they plunder. Article portrays the immediate before and after of the preposterous destruction of Libya.

The White folks nations led by the US have been throwing up a solid anti-Russian and anti-Chinese barrage of accusations, but the two great designated adversaries of the West remain polite and defensive.

China is accused of cultural genocide in Xinjiang, US President Biden labels Russian President Putin “a killer,” while even the West’s obvious backing of horrific ISIS goes unmentioned by the Russians and Chinese. (See: An American Senator Writes of ISIS “Hellish Filth We’ve Recruited, Armed and Trained for 8 Years!” “The Syrian War had ” much to do with clandestine actions of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, Turkish MIT, French DGSE, Saudi GID and others. “would never have occurred without American planning and execution.” (and criminal CBS NBC ABC CNN FOX PBS genocidal fake news) [16]

Chinese and Russian Diplomacy Quiet Re America’s Massive Genocide [17]in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan

About 2.4 million people have been killed as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, while about 1.2 million have been killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan as a result of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan. About 250,000 Libyans have been killed in the war, violence and chaos that the U.S. and its allies unleashed in Libya in February 2011. It is estimated that about 1.5 million people have been killed in Syria since the Islamic terrorists, ISIS and others were introduced into Syria. Estimates of people killed in Somalia since 2006 must be somewhere between 500,000 and 850,000. Estimates for Yemen are about 175,000 people killed, a minimum of 120,000 and a maximum of 240,000.

After 16 years of war, about 6 million violent deaths, and the killing continues as we read this.

After 21 years of war, 6 countries utterly destroyed and many other destabilized, and this reality carefully omitted from what qualifies as the evening news on telecasts in America, Europe and most of the TV watching world audience.[18] Would that a compassionate supreme being looking down at planet Earth, would somehow see to this information being presented to Earthlings, that they might be motivated to put a end to such a inhuman catastrophe.

The world facing desperate situations of climate change, planetary degradation and nuclear war preparation desperately needs protection from inhumane deceiving war promoting Western media, and where shall it come if not from the bountiful and powerful two great designated adversaries of the Western powers, China, the world’s most populous nation and largest economy, and the Russian Federation encompassing 11% of the planet’s landmass.

Until now, seems that both Russia and China have confined themselves to presenting convincing domestic media and have spent only modest resources in reaching out internationally beyond cultural and scientific news coverage.

It bears mention that if China and Russia sought to seriously expand their international news coverage to include some occasional  overview of the mega massive loss of life in the millions brought about by the genocidal foreign policies of the United States of America and its allies since 1945, both could expect some somewhat similar charge of at least one genocidal policy each. China’s invasion of Vietnam in 1976, was described infamously by leader Deng Xiaoping as “to teach Vietnam a lesson” – a lesson that took the lives of 30,000 human beings. Over the span of years from 1991 through 2017, Russia first lost the Chechian war for independence, then reconquered Chechnya amid a terrific loss of life and deadly Islamic terror, and in 2008 fought a heavy handed war with Georgia over the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia.

However, it is China and the Russian Federation that represent humanity’s hope and profound desire for a peaceful world of cooperation and non-belligerence. At present a wild insistence is being broadcast for war preparation with its seemingly unlimited financing constantly demanded in the media of the US-led Western neo-colonial capitalist democracies. The list of genocidal regime change wars, invasions, bombings and sanctions perpetrated by the US led Western powers since 1945 is inclusive of nearly a majority of the formerly militarily colonized peoples of the world and the deadly violence continues in more than a half dozen nations. This is what needs media attention for protection of those who will otherwise continue to suffer death, maiming and immeasurable suffering.

Though for the Chinese, confrontation, both in the martial arts, as in Kung-fu, and in social behavior and personal demeanor is a face and balance losing stance, Chinese cities are targeted with US nuclear warheads, and since either by accident, mistake or intention, a millionfold catastrophe could occur, it would seem some outspoken attention, some awareness, some warning for all humanity is in order. NATO has threateningly declared China a global security challenge.[19]

Military and nuclear confrontation seems to be no problem for President Putin, however given the awesome challenge of climate change and planetary degradation being derailed by the mega enormous financial and human resources wasted on military spending, a facing off in a tough cold war posture does not seem a sufficient response to the continuing menace from the United States of America and her allies.

In this no win situation, may some Chinese philosophical wisdom be introduced in some fresh world media in time to prevent the third world war being so assiduously invested in, planned, prepared for and promoted, while the effects of climate change and Earth degradation slowly inundates humanity in a lethal future.


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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer. He has lived and worked on all continents in 67 countries. His articles are published in China, Italy, UK, India, Sweden and the US. He now resides in NYC.


1. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, writing in his 1995 memoir, In Retrospect, on the management of the Vietnam War

2. Presidential candidate Joe Biden referring to Iraq invasion war. During a 2020 presidential debate, Biden delivered an apology for Iraq War vote] As Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Senator Joe Biden’s enthusiastic support for war on Iraq was crucial.

3. ‘Countercoup: The Struggle fro the control of Iran’ is the memoir of CIA man Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of former US President Theodore Roosevelt.the book recounts his role in overthrowing democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh with triumphant zeal.

4. The CIA has publicly admitted for the first time that it was behind the notorious 1953 coup against Iran’s democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, in documents that also show how the British government tried to block the release of information about its own involvement in his overthrow. The US national security archive at George Washington University published a series of declassified CIA documents. 8/19/2013, The Guardian

5. Devil Eisenhower ordered the assassination of President Patrice Lumumba,  YouTube 1/13/2017, BBCFOUR Smithsonian Channeltelecasted

6. Martin Luther King, Jr., Beyond Vietnam — A Time to Break Silence

Delivered 4 April 1967, Riverside Church, New York City

7. AP in Johannesburg and agencies, 30 Jan 2003


9. Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent revisited | The Listening Post 12/22/2018, You Tube

10. Albert Einstein, Essays in Humanism

11. Mockingbird was a secret operation by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts and also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns.

After 1953, Operation Mockingbird had major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. The usual methodology was placing reports developed from intelligence provided by the CIA to witting or unwitting reporters. Those reports would then be repeated or cited by the preceding reporters which in turn would then be cited throughout the media wire services. These networks were run by people with well-known pro-American big business and anti-communist views.

The CIA currently maintains a network of individuals around the world who attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda, and provide direct access to a large amount of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.”

The CIA and the Media – Carl Bernstein

After leaving The Washington Post in 1977, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship of the CIA and the press during the Cold War years.

Newly Declassified Govt Docs Reveal Operation Mockingbird is Alive … ” Be The Change

Oct 2, 2015 – For those unfamiliar, Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation began as the Cold War ramped up in the 1950’s. In an attempt to gather …

12. Church Committee (the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) was a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975-6 that investigated abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church amazingly criminal findings must have the publishers of the New York Times some obligation to report on covert criminal activity the Church Committee had brought to public attention.

Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe: Philip Agee, Louis … ›

The agency appears to be a serial violator of human rights around the world including inside America itself. The books shows everyone how to identify CIA …

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program – YouTube

1976, Senator Church live with his investigating committee re Operation Mockingbird

13. Manufacturing Consent by Ed Herman and Noam Chomsky, 1988, Pantheon Books

14. A month before French and British planes would eventually destroy Libyan Armed Forces and militias, and hunt Gadaffi down there was a massive pro-Gadaffi Green Libya demonstration of a near million Libyans and Gadaffi address the multitude from hiding even while NATO planes bombed. It went unreported in Western media and videos of the event have recently been removed, blocked. For years they could be viewed at  HUGE PRO GADDAFI RALLY IN TRIPOLI – RAW FOOTAGE, 7/2/2011, among other alternate media sites. All now blocked or no longer available.

15. There were armed attacks on police stations (even traffic police) and vicious attacks on Chinese and Korea construction workers already two days before, and during the anniversary of the Danish Cartoons or “day of rage,’ executions of 50 captured Libyan soldiers, one beheaded, some hung along with police officers. And who knows how many ordinary Libyan civilians harmed by tough guys brought in to Benghazi and other Cyrenaican towns. This was reported by Reuters and BBC, but not CNN. There are (now were) some horrifically gruesome cell phone videos on the Internet of grisly hangings, beheadings, bloody beatings of blacks and others loyal to their government. (Libya has a black population, mostly in South Libya, of half a million. Libya under Gaddafi has eliminated a good deal of race discrimination, so black Libyans are especially loyal to the government.) There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest,
Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson, By Jay Janson, 16 June, 2011,

16. Ask Hillary Who Buys ISIS et al Terrorists Helping US Oust Assad NewToyota Trucks/ Heavy Weapons Sec. Hillary oversaw regime change wars in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, S. Sudan, Syria, Yemen; should be asked to explain new Toyota trucks/heavy weapons coming to ISIS/other terrorists, who have been mass murdering US designated enemies in Assad’s Syria and Shiite wherever they are; why superpower US ‘fighting’ for 5 years can’t defeat ragtag force of 25,000; involved false flags attacks on US to prove innocence? ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror … ISIS IS US, a panel of cutting-edge researchers tell what ISIS really is, and what has been going on behind the scenes in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The conclusion: Like Iran-Contra, the ISIS death squads were set up by the US to crush a nation.

17. Article 2 of the The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the United Nations General Assembly effective 1/12/1951, defines genocide as

… any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

18. How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? Part 3: Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen

April 25, 2018 By Nicolas J S Davies Special to Consortium News

19. NATO declares China as global security challenge in World — by M K Bhadrakumar — 18/06/2021

War: How Conflict Shaped Us

June 28th, 2021 by Jim Miles

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I almost did not finish reading “War: How Conflict Shaped Us”.  It is not worth reading, but I worked through it anyway.  Which is unfortunate as Margaret MacMillan can be an excellent writer of history.  The two volumes of hers that I have read – “Paris 1919” and “The War That Ended Peace” – are well written histories, readily accessible and valuable for all levels of readers.  Unfortunately she errs right from the title on through to the lack of actually saying what shape we are in today as a result of all our wars.

Cultivation and language

The title suggests that war has shaped us, almost as if it is a natural force in a similar manner that economists argue the ‘free markets’ are a natural force.  Both are human constructs, and when reading through the book it becomes apparent that the title should have read “War – How We Cultivate It.”   Certainly it shapes us, but the preponderance of language used in its descriptions throughout the book indicate it is a culture: “improvement by training; intellectual development”, although I dare say to call war intellectual is a bit of a stretch, more a culture of rationalization.  When something is cultivated it is “preparation to grow”, which in our culture is the preparation and growth of war, militarism, and its associated institutions and behaviours.

MacMillan’s choice of language fully indicates how humanity cultivates war.  While discussing how war is supposedly shaping us, she uses the language of social cultivation, some words more severe than others.  On the soft side, support for war is managed, legitimated, motivated, sanctified; on the harder side war is instilled, inculcated (from its roots to be trod on by the heel), manipulated.

She discusses “public opinion” as if the public has an actual say in determining the advent of war, but public opinion is mostly determined by the media of the day – just read some histories of Randolph Hearst and Edward Bernays among others.  She also uses the term “public culture,” and in the same manner, public culture is formed mainly by the media:  manipulated, managed, legitimated and even sanctified by corporate control.

The descriptor “unscrupulous” is used to describe demagogues and some of the military, but the word scrupulous indicates a person is “conscientious even in small matters, not neglectful of details, thoroughness, unfailing”.   To be sure, demagogues and military personnel can be very scrupulous.  Just because they are being destructive does not mean they do not have the “scruples” of the militarized mindset inculcated or sanctified internally.

Pot pourri

Beyond the title and subsequent language faults, the arguments concerning a chosen topic are poorly laid out.  MacMillan uses lots of co-relations between war and its effects and influences but she does not establish any real causal relationships.  She uses a pot pourri (from the French “rotten pot”) of facts and stories (myths, legends, and personal anecdotes, only the latter having some validity as descriptors of war in a personal sense).

Her supporting information for her shaky thesis  bounces around in time and space and between fact and fiction.  The mixture can be entertaining, but is truly only good for fans of arcane war trivia.   In a sense there is a lot of history, but the reader cannot understand any one historical event or any historical flow from this melange of ideas.

And what is our current shape…?

The biggest failure of the book is to actually describe the shape of the world, or nation, or region, after all the wars that have “shaped us.”  There is no coherent description of the current U.S. militarized state, its culture of war and its “shape” imposed, inculcated, cultivated, on NATO, the EU, Russia, China,  Israel, terrorists, colour revolutions, civil wars, Syria, Iran and all the many other little wars used by the CIA/NSA/black ops in order to control U.S. hegemonic “exceptionalism” and “indispensability”.

No description is provided of the economic influences in the U.S. culture of war even though power, greed, and control, and the profits that derive from a militarized state have enormous impact on the lives of U.S.citizens and citizens of the world.  The control of oil and its transportation supports the U.S. global reserve currency, the petrodollar, and has huge influences around the world but particularly in the Middle East, with Israel as compatriot in arms.

Racism and colonial settlerism are not addressed as part of the inculcating, instilling, and a whole lot of sanctifying (by the church, the state, and the media rationalizing why white folks can enslave and murder ‘other’ folks.)   All empires, all military countries, all those seeking control, cannot do so without an ‘other’, without an enemy to motivate the masses into giving them more power and to ignore domestic problems.

How not to present a thesis

Unfortunately War:  How Conflict Shaped Us  does not properly shape a thesis, does not provide any convincing support (which it cannot do if the thesis is missing or shallow), and does not in any way answer the suggestion of the title of how we are shaped by it.  Margaret MacMillan has done much better, and I would not recommend this book for anyone other than to those looking for a grab bag of historical events scattered over time and space…and perhaps as a study in how not to write a well presented idea.


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Jim Miles is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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In these times of increasing popular struggle in Latin America, comrades who should be more familiar with the reality of our countries cause many of us perplexity and hurt when they go against the grain of history.

Last week, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on the government of Nicaragua to set free a group of oligarchs and political operators currently being investigated for very serious crimes of treason, terrorism, fraud and corruption. According to the Mexican president, the Sandinista government is acting unlawfully using illegitimate force and may also be denying the Nicaraguan people the chance of choosing freely and democratically in our elections next November 7.

He said all this while affirming that “Mexico’s foreign policy prohibits intervention in the affairs of other countries” but that in matters of human rights “we can indeed give our opinion in a very respectful manner”. Out of courtesy, we apologize for the comparison, but for an example of similar “respectfulness” on the part of Mexican public officials, we would have to go back to the sad days of Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda when “with all due respect” he told Comandante Fidel “eat the dish of goat and leave” at the Monterrey Summit luncheon for Heads of State, so as not to bother George W. Bush, the imperial Caesar of that time. AMLO is by no means a Vicente Fox, but his gesture this week towards Nicaragua is not dissimilar.

AMLO’s remarks are unfortunate on many levels, both ethical and political.

On an ethical level, because, according to his own words, which he no doubt did really think were respectful, the Mexican leader is echoing a campaign of military grade lies against Sandinista Nicaragua, a revolution very dear to Mexico, to which it is linked by ties of blood shed in combat, symbolized by the presence of the grandchildren of Sandino, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata one July 19th, in a plaza full of the true Sandinista people, whose leaders are Comandante Daniel and Compañera Rosario.

Among AMLO’s allies we have excellent friends, as well as among the members of his political movement, and we view with great sympathy and solidarity AMLO’s struggle to rescue the long-betrayed Great Mexican Revolution to which the people of Nicaragua owe so much.

Writing from the trenches of Nicaragua’s Sandinista Revolution, which has been neither defeated nor betrayed, the first armed revolution on the mainland of Latin America, the first armed revolution in the world to lose power in elections and regain it via elections, a revolution that has been the necessary condition allowing democracy to exist at all in Nicaragua, we can assure Andrés Manuel López Obrador that should, God forbid, the coup project currently under way against his government succeed, in Nicaragua he will find complete solidarity and support, just as those persecuted by each and every one of the dictatorships imposed by the United States “in the name of democracy” in Latin America have done.

What we have in Nicaragua is not a government cornered into imprisoning opponents out of fear of losing an election. What prevails in Nicaragua is a rule of law investigating in strict accordance with the Constitution, current legislation and the country’s criminal law code, a network of citizens who for years have persistently conspired against democracy here, who in 2018 organized an attempted coup d’état financed by foreign powers, which failed, since when they have continued openly conspiring against democracy in Nicaragua without even minimal popular support. No democratic State can tolerate such a situation undermining the foundations of that same State, because it violates and damages the genuine democratic consensus among the vast majority of the population.

Over the last three years, these people promoting a coup in Nicaragua have not been able to organize even a kermesse and not because of any kind of “repressive regime” No. Quite simply they have no support, they have no people behind them. Even most people who are ideologically right wing in Nicaragua want nothing to do with these coup plotters. It is absurd to think the Nicaraguan people would meekly swallow a government they consider illegitimate. Neither Duque in Colombia nor Piñera in Chile with all the repressive frenzy they unleashed against their people were able to frighten their peoples back into their homes, despite the fact that both Colombia and Chile invest and receive astronomical sums for their repressive apparatus. Anyone who visits the various countries of Central America will instantly realize that the Nicaraguan police are definitely the least repressive of the isthmus.

Who are the individuals under investigation for whom the Western media dictatorship are shedding a flood of crocodile tears? Let’s see: The managers of the country’s two largest banks; members of the Chamorro family, which is the leading oligarch family in Nicaragua, with a long line of presidents, generals and treacherous ministers to their credit, and with a virtual monopoly of Nicaragua’s pro-yankee news media; a former Minister of Education who, when he took office during the neoliberal governments, the first thing he did was to burn all the manuals of the 1980s Literacy Crusade; the wife of the corrupt former President Arnoldo Alemán; a few USAID paid operators and various traitorous former Sandinistas, also paid either by USAID or the various NATO country embassies.

These people are being investigated because they were publicly calling for coercive measures to damage the Nicaraguan economy, for having conspired to commit terrorist acts, and for establishing a fraudulent structure of non-profit NGOs laundering multi-million dollar amounts of money sent from abroad, which was in fact a political intervention in the country aimed at provoking catastrophic instability.

Some of these individuals were imprisoned after the defeated coup attempt of 2018 and were subsequently pardoned through an Amnesty Law that establishes the “principle of non-repetition” according to which in case of re-offending they would again face trial for their original crimes. Over the last three years these people have benefited from amnesty and invitation to attempts at dialogue that have, in the end, led nowhere. Throughout this time they have repeated like robots the coup incantation of “insurrection against the regime” and persistently called for indiscriminate coercive measures  from foreign governments affecting not only the Nicaraguan government but the country’s entire population.

One can probably safely assume that many Mexicans would like to have a similar round up of the oligarchs and fascists in their own country. After all, it is highly salutary and beneficial for democracy and human rights. But we should clarify that they are only under investigation, nothing more. Several of them are in preventive detention, given that the law contemplates an extension of preventive detention for up to 90 days, because of the obvious flight risk they represent, as has happened in the past in many of our countries where such people have fled to the United States or Spain as, for example, our Bolivian sisters and brothers can attest.

It is worth noting also that 17 political parties are participating in Nicaragua’s elections next November 7th, eleven national parties and six regional parties. The following seven parties in opposition to the government are participating: Partido Alianza por la República (APRE), Partido Liberal Independiente (PLI), Partido Alianza Liberal Nicaragüense (ALN) Partido Camino Cristiano Nicaragüense (CCN), Partido Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Asla Takanka (YATAMA), Alianza Ciudadanos por la Libertad (CxL) and Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (PLC). Maybe two or three of the people under investigation belong to one or the other of these legal political parties. None of those under investigation are “pre-candidates” in the correct technical sense of that term, because none of the legal opposition parties have selected them prior to seeking ratification of any candidacies by the country’s electoral authority.  They were called “pre-candidates” as yet one more gratuitous misrepresentation on the part of the giant Chamorro family media vampire squid, the main recipient of NED and USAID destabilization money in Nicaragua and in effect the only source used by the international acronym-soup media cartel AP, AFP, CNN, DW, EFE, BBC, DPA, REUTERS, etcetera.

The truth is that Nicaragua’s foreign owned coup network tried every possible means to coax and cajole the legally registered parties into letting the coup network leaders parachute in as presidential candidates in the elections. But that maneuver did not work, simply because most of the country’s political class of this country does, after all, live here in Nicaragua, and they are unwilling to give up their rights just because some oligarch flunky paid by a foreign embassy turns up offering a wad of cash. It is true that Nicaragua’s opportunistic right wing suffer from a total lack of endogenous ideas, but among most of them the “reality principle” prevails. They live in Nicaragua and if they want to be politically active they know that they have to do so within the system, not outside it.

Any coup attempt in Nicaragua is a dead end. In April 2018, after many years of secret preparation, they tried to launch a “color revolution” against the Sandinista government. They used a series of memes they had managed to implant in some sectors of society (the manipulation of a fire in the Indio Maíz Biosphere Reserve, criticism of the Police, the Sandinista Youth, and so on) and then they used the issue of the Social Security reform to give the impression of a “popular revolt” which overnight, very deliberately, turned very violent. The acronym soup of the imperial news media cartel did not report but rather deliberately omitted that Comandante Daniel called for a dialogue just a couple of days after the initial protests. And although it is true that to begin with the coup perpetrators managed to confuse many people, they themselves undertook the task of teaching Nicaragua’s people what their real “program” was, namely, to loot the country and destroy it.

We Sandinistas also mobilized large demonstrations of support for the government at the end of April, but the empire’s media did not report on that either. The coup attempt was not a popular revolt against the government, but an effort to provoke a civil war. If the Sandinista government had wanted to, it could have set Nicaragua ablaze. Instead, at the request of the reactionary bishops of the treacherous Episcopal Conference, the government ordered the police to stay in their barracks and confirmed the order given to the army from the very beginning not to intervene. In Nicaragua it is unthinkable that the army would get involved in repression. When the late former Liberal President Enrique Bolaños  tried to do so at the beginning of this century he failed miserably.

The coup perpetrators themselves finished off any chance of success with their attacks on the general population: they robbed, raped, kidnapped, tortured and also caused at least one out of every four businesses in the country to close down. They damaged the economy, leaving thousands of people in the street, especially from the most impoverished sectors, affecting the many women heads of households in particular. So, very soon they lost whatever ephemeral social support they had initially gained by means of their blitzkrieg of lies and fear, but since they continued to receive money from USAID and many Western embassies, it was necessary to wait a while before launching an operation to clear the roadblocks so as not to have more civilian casualties. That is what happened, culminating in the liberation of the population of Masaya on July 18th 2018.

The misnamed “soft coup” financed by the empire and defeated thanks to the prudent leadership of Comandante Daniel Ortega, turned out to be a massive political education class for Nicaragua’s people. The country’s people were able to understand what was in the national interest and what was not. For the vast majority of the people here in Nicaragua what happened in 2018 was that the stability and prosperity they had enjoyed up to that moment thanks to Sandinista policies was eroded. And a hegemonic majority came to understand that the guarantor of their future here in Nicaragua is the Sandinista National Liberation Front. No one in this country swallows the coup fantasies that even now imperialist propaganda continues to spread and broadcast. It is truly disconcerting that our brother Andrés Manuel López Obrador repeats them.

In these three years, the US owned coup promoters did all they could to destroy Nicaragua’s economy: They continue to call for coercive measures against the country. They made several attempts at business lock outs which only the large private businesses obeyed. They damaged the country’s image abroad trying to discourage investment and tourism. They have done all this uninterruptedly, still determined to repeat the coup attempt of 2018…. Their logic has always been one of wearing down Nicaragua’s institutions so as to topple the FSLN government.

This strategy is nothing new, let’s remember that the FSLN came to power in 2007 with a minority government, although the party was the strongest and best organized in the country. That was confirmed in 2008 during that year’s municipal elections and, thanks to the policies it promoted, the FSLN won a majority of municipalities demonstrating that it could defeat the right-wing forces in the country even when they all united. Since then, with a lot of work, a lot of commitment and great understanding of the Nicaraguan reality, as well as the international context, the Sandinista Front under the leadership of Daniel and Rosario has steadily increased its social base.

The figures are there for all to see, summarized extraordinarily well in a recent article by comrade Carlos Fonseca Terán. Ever since 2008, the slogan of the coup promoting right wing in every election has been “if we lost it’s because there was fraud”. In fact, their objective has always been to take power by creating a situation of ungovernability with foreign support. But a true revolution took place in Nicaragua and continues to take place, one of the most profound in Abya Yala. In the 1980s the foundations of a sovereign nation were laid (a national popular army and police, literacy, agrarian reform, mass popular movement, promotion of cooperatives, a new constitution and true democracy, autonomy of the Atlantic Coast…).

The pillars of that process were not destroyed by Washington’s misnamed “low intensity” war, nor by the subsequent 17 years of neoliberal governments between 1990 and 2016. Today, the country’s grass roots sectors that in the last forty years either received or occupied land, control 80% of small and medium sized businesses, produce most of the country’s GDP and control around 60% of its disposable income. This is a true revolution. For 40 years, the oligarchy focused mainly on financial speculation, and when, very late in the day, they started paying attention, by then they had already lost control of the country’s real economy. For this reason among many others in Nicaragua we say of the right-wing coup plotters, “They could not prevail, nor will they”.

Since President AMLO has “respectfully” expressed his views on democracy in Nicaragua, we take the liberty of also “respectfully” observing the following:

  • The maize tortillas we eat here in Nicaragua are produced in the country, they are not made from genetically manipulated maize.
  • Moreover, 90% of the basic basket of popular consumption consists of Nicaraguan agricultural products, grown by peasants and indigenous people working in cooperative, community solidarity-based production.
  • We are a poor country, but we feel quite sure that any poor person in Mexico would like to have access to the kinds of free public hospitals we have here in Nicaragua, or the preschools and schools, or the technical education programs, or to receive the subsidies for urban public transportation and basic services people in Nicaragua take for granted.
  • In Nicaragua our trainee teachers study in peace so we do not have to set about investigating their disappearance, since our authorities guarantee the effective rule of law throughout the national territory thanks to Nicaragua’s police force and  its army, two institutions that are above all else Nicaragua’s people in uniform working hand in hand with rural communities, with producers, with indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, with the urban population and with youth to promote and defend our culture of peace which the right wing coup promoters and their foreign owners want to destroy.
  • Likewise, and just as fundamental as Nicaragua’s citizen security policy, we have a rural education program, including university level education, covering the whole country, which is the envy of our Central American region, and probably of most Latin American countries. Our technical education system serves all our youth and is totally free. Under this “authoritarian” “regime” young people have a future. That is one of many reasons why so few Nicaraguans end up in Mexico on their way to the United States.
  • We are an impoverished country, but one that can still guarantee affordable electricity to practically 100% of its population, the vast majority of it generated from renewable sources.
  • We are a country – just like Mexico – where machismo still tends to prevail, but at the same time we are the country that has made the most progress in the world in closing the gender gap, being world leaders in the number of women ministers, the number of women in parliament, the number of women who control their economic situation, in the participation and empowerment of women at all levels.

What kind of democracy and human rights is our brother AMLO talking about? Before he offers us lessons in these areas, he might be well-advised to make a bit more progress in his own government program.

In truth, Nicaragua’s reality contrasts tremendously with AMLO’s questionable statements of last week. But there are also other aspects that are important to note besides those related to morality, ideology and factual reality, for example, we think “with all due respect” that our brother AMLO’s remarks make no sense in terms of geopolitics .

One need not know much geopolitics to understand that for Mexico, a country “so far from God and so close to the United States”, the victim of a colossal dispossession of its territory by the Yankee empire, it is of fundamental importance to be strong, united and at peace, and also to have a genuinely respectful, democratic, stabilizing influence in our mesoamerican region, because, put simply, a prosperous, safe, united, independent and peaceful Central America is vital for the United Mexican States to be able to confront the empire successfully.

We remind President AMLO that Nicaragua is the country with the largest territory in Central America, even though it has the lowest population density. Nicaragua is the key to a stable Central America, with social justice, with sustainable development, free of drug trafficking and organized crime, guarantor of economic flows between north and south, and also guarantor of an eventual flow of goods between east and west via the Great Interoceanic Canal, which is a strategic project for the nation and the region.

It makes no sense if AMLO is indeed seeking to ingratiate himself with the interventionist Biden Plan for Central America, which is nothing but an attempt to enforce the Monroe Doctrine in the region, one with the contradictory goals of at once destroying Nicaragua, but also stopping migratory flows to the north, a plan that supports local elites even the United States itself mistrusts. Certainly, Mexico is indeed promoting its own plan for Central America parallel to the Biden Plan, but AMLO’s remarks last week in practice reinforce a central element of U.S. regional policy, namely, relentless aggression against Nicaragua.

Apparently, Mexican authorities hope to solve Central America’s problems with US$30 billion. However, Nicaragua’s example demonstrates precisely that fundamental to stability in the region is the recovery of a practical culture of peace, of genuine moral and spiritual values for the common good and a true economic democratization of our countries. All of this renders completely meaningless and irrelevant all the false Yankee and European style manipulation of motifs like human rights and democracy as in the cases of Julian Assange or the “gilets jaunes” in France or of those promoting Catalonia’s independence or  countless other cases of Western hypocrisy. That ill starred kind of democracy here in Nicaragua brought us William Walker, Somoza, the Contra and the violent failed coup attempt of April 2018.

In short, we wish our brother President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador every possible success in his efforts to build a secure and democratic Mexico committed to solidarity, and we reiterate our own solidarity especially for the most fateful and arduous moments he may face, while we also urge him to rectify his opinion about our country. In any case, here in Nicaragua we have no intention of taking a single step backwards.


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Featured image is from Tortilla con Sal

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Key Witness in Assange Case Admits to Lies in Indictment

June 28th, 2021 by Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson

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We bring to the attention of our readers a report by the Icelandic media Stundin. Translated from Icelandic.


A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder. The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud, made the admission in a newly published interview in Stundin where he also confessed to having continued his crime spree whilst working with the Department of Justice and FBI and receiving a promise of immunity from prosecution.

The man in question, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, was recruited by US authorities to build a case against Assange after misleading them to believe he was previously a close associate of his. In fact he had volunteered on a limited basis to raise money for Wikileaks in 2010 but was found to have used that opportunity to embezzle more than $50,000 from the organization. Julian Assange was visiting Thordarson’s home country of Iceland around this time due to his work with Icelandic media and members of parliament in preparing the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a press freedom project that produced a parliamentary resolution supporting whistleblowers and investigative journalism.

The United States is currently seeking Assange’s extradition from the United Kingdom in order to try him for espionage relating to the release of leaked classified documents. If convicted, he could face up to 175 years in prison. The indictment has sparked fears for press freedoms in the United States and beyond and prompted strong statements in support of Assange from Amnesty International, Reporters without borders, the editorial staff of the Washington Post and many others.

US officials presented an updated version of an indictment against him to a Magistrate court in London last summer. The veracity of the information contained therein is now directly contradicted by the main witness, whose testimony it is based on.

No instruction from Assange

The court documents refer to Mr Thordarson simply as “Teenager” (a reference to his youthful appearance rather than true age, he is 28 years old) and Iceland as “NATO Country 1” but make no real effort to hide the identity of either. They purport to show that Assange instructed Thordarson to commit computer intrusions or hacking in Iceland.

The aim of this addition to the indictment was apparently to shore up and support the conspiracy charge against Assange in relation to his interactions with Chelsea Manning. Those occurred around the same time he resided in Iceland and the authors of the indictment felt they could strengthen their case by alleging he was involved in illegal activity there as well. This activity was said to include attempts to hack into the computers of members of parliament and record their conversations.

In fact, Thordarson now admits to Stundin that Assange never asked him to hack or access phone recordings of MPs. His new claim is that he had in fact received some files from a third party who claimed to have recorded MPs and had offered to share them with Assange without having any idea what they actually contained. He claims he never checked the contents of the files or even if they contained audio recordings as his third party source suggested. He further admits the claim, that Assange had instructed or asked him to access computers in order to find any such recordings, is false.

Nonetheless, the tactics employed by US officials appear to have been successful as can be gleaned from the ruling of Magistrate Court Judge Vanessa Baraitser on January 4th of this year. Although she ruled against extradition, she did so purely on humanitarian grounds relating to Assange’s health concerns, suicide risk and the conditions he would face in confinement in US prisons. With regards to the actual accusations made in the indictment Baraitser sided with the arguments of the American legal team, including citing the specific samples from Iceland which are now seriously called into question.

Other misleading elements can be found in the indictment, and later reflected in the Magistrate’s judgement, based on Thordarson’s now admitted lies. One is a reference to Icelandic bank documents. The Magistrate court judgement reads: “It is alleged that Mr. Assange and Teenager failed a joint attempt to decrypt a file stolen from a “NATO country 1” bank”.

Thordarson admits to Stundin that this actually refers to a well publicised event in which an encrypted file was leaked from an Icelandic bank and assumed to contain information about defaulted loans provided by the Icelandic Landsbanki. The bank went under in the fall of 2008, along with almost all other financial institutions in Iceland, and plunged the country into a severe economic crisis. The file was at this time, in summer of 2010, shared by many online who attempted to decrypt it for the public interest purpose of revealing what precipitated the financial crisis. Nothing supports the claim that this file was even “stolen” per se, as it was assumed to have been distributed by whistleblowers from inside the failed bank.

More deceptive language emerges in the aforementioned judgment where it states: “…he [Assange] used the unauthorized access given to him by a source, to access a government website of NATO country-1 used to track police vehicles.”

This depiction leaves out an important element, one that Thordarson clarifies in his interview with Stundin. The login information was in fact his own and not obtained through any nefarious means. In fact, he now admits he had been given this access as a matter of routine due to his work as a first responder while volunteering for a search and rescue team. He also says Assange never asked for any such access.

Revealing chat logs

Thordarson spoke with a journalist from Stundin for several hours as he prepared a thorough investigative report into his activities that include never before published chat logs and new documents.

The chat logs were gathered by Thordarson himself and give a comprehensive picture of his communications whilst he was volunteering for Wikileaks in 2010 and 11. It entails his talks with WikiLeaks staff as well as unauthorized communications with members of international hacking groups that he got into contact with via his role as a moderator on an open IRC WikiLeaks forum, which is a form of live online chat. There is no indication WikiLeaks staff had any knowledge of Thordarson’s contacts with aforementioned hacking groups, indeed the logs show his clear deception.

The communications there show a pattern where Thordarson is constantly inflating his position within WikiLeaks, describing himself as chief of staff, head of communications, No 2 in the organization or responsible for recruits. In these communications Thordarson frequently asks the hackers to either access material from Icelandic entities or attack Icelandic websites with so-called DDoS attacks. These are designed to disable sites and make them inaccessible but not cause permanent damage to content.

Stundin cannot find any evidence that Thordarson was ever instructed to make those requests by anyone inside WikiLeaks. Thordarson himself is not even claiming that, although he explains this as something Assange was aware of or that he had interpreted it so that this was expected of him. How this supposed non-verbal communication took place he cannot explain.

Furthermore, he never explained why WikiLeaks would be interested in attacking any interests in Iceland, especially at such a sensitive time while they were in the midst of publishing a huge trove of US diplomatic cables as part of an international media partnership. Assange is not known to have had any grievances with Icelandic authorities and was in fact working with members of parliament in updating Iceland’s freedom of press laws for the 21st century.

On the FBI radar

Thordarson’s rogue acts were not limited to communications of that nature as he also admits to Stundin that he set up avenues of communication with journalists and had media pay for lavish trips abroad where he mispresented himself as an official representative of WikiLeaks.

He also admits that he stole documents from WikiLeaks staff by copying their hard drives. Among those were documents from Renata Avila, a lawyer who worked for the organization and Mr. Assange.

Thordarson continued to step up his illicit activities in the summer of 2011 when he established communication with “Sabu”, the online moniker of Hector Xavier Monsegur, a hacker and a member of the rather infamous LulzSec hacker group. In that effort all indications are that Thordarson was acting alone without any authorization, let alone urging, from anyone inside WikiLeaks.

What Thordarson did not know at the time was that the FBI had arrested Sabu in the beginning of June  2011 and threatened him into becoming an informant and a collaborator for the FBI. Thus, when Thordarson continued his previous pattern of requesting attacks on Icelandic interests, the FBI knew and saw an opportunity to implicate Julian Assange.

Later that month a DDoS attack was performed against the websites of several government institutions.

That deed was done under the watchful eyes of the FBI who must have authorized the attack or even initiated it, as Sabu was at that point their man. What followed was an episode where it seems obvious that Icelandic authorities were fooled into cooperation under false pretenses.

Ögmundur Jónasson was minister of interior at time and as such the political head of police and prosecution and says of the US activities: “They were trying to use things here [in Iceland] and use people in our country to spin a web, a cobweb that would catch Julian Assange”.

Jónasson recalls that when the FBI first contacted Icelandic authorities on June 20th 2011 it was to warn Iceland of an imminent and grave threat of intrusion against government computers. A few days later FBI agents flew to Iceland and offered formally to assist in thwarting this grave danger. The offer was accepted and on July 4th a formal rogatory letter was sent to Iceland to seal the mutual assistance.. Jónasson speculates that already then the US was laying the groundwork for its ultimate purpose, not to assist Iceland but entrap Julian Assange:

“What I have been pondering ever since is if the spinning of the web had already started then with the acceptance of the letter rogatory establishing cooperation that they could use as a pretext for later visits,” says Jónasson.

Icelandic policemen were sent to the US to gather further evidence of this so-called imminent danger and Jónasson says he does not recall anything of substance coming out of that visit and no further attacks were made against Icelandic interests.

But the FBI would return.

Icelandic officials deceived by the US

Towards the end of August, Thordarson was being pursued by WikiLeaks staff who wished to locate the proceeds of online sales of WikiLeaks merchandise. It emerged Thordarson had instructed the funds be sent to his private bank account by forging an email in the name of Julian Assange.

Thordarson saw a way out and on August 23d he sent an email to the US Embassy in Iceland offering information in relation to a criminal investigation. He was replied to with a call and confirmed that he was offering to be an informant in the case against Julian Assange.

The prosecutors and FBI were quick in responding and within 48 hrs a private jet landed in Reykjavik with around eight agents who quickly set up meetings with Thordarson and with people from the Icelandic State Prosecutors office and the State Police Commissioner.

Mid day, Mr. Jónasson, then Minister of Interior got wind of this new visit and requested confirmation that this related to the same case as earlier in the summer. “I asked on what rogatory letter this visit was based and if this was exactly the same case”, Jónasson says in an interview with Stundin. “I then found out that this was of a totally different nature than previously discussed”. He says he put two and two together and said it was obvious that the intention was to lay a trap in Iceland for Assange and other staff members of WikiLeaks.

Such actions were according to Jónasson way outside the scope of the agreement and thus he ordered that all cooperation with the agents be stopped and that they would be informed they were acting in Iceland without any authority. Only days later he learned that the agents and prosecutors had not yet left the country so the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted the US embassy with the demand they halt police work in Iceland and leave the country.

They did, but left with the new informant and “star witness”, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson who flew with them to Denmark.

Not a hacker but a sociopath

Thordarson has been nicknamed Siggi the hacker in Iceland. That is actually an antonym as several sources Stundin has talked to claim that Thordarson’s computer ability is menial. This is supported by several chat logs and documents where he is requesting assistance from others doing rather uncomplicated computer jobs. Once he even sought FBI expert help in uploading a video from his own phone.

The meeting in Denmark was the first of a few where the FBI enthusiastically embraced the idea of co-operation with Thordarson. He says they wanted to know everything about WikiLeaks, including physical security of staff. They took material he had gathered, including data he had stolen from WikiLeaks employees and even planned to send him to England with a wire. Thordarson claimed in interviews he had refused that particular request. It was probably because he was not welcomed anymore as he knew WikiLeaks people had found out, or were about to firmly establish, that he had embezzled funds from the organization.

After months of collaboration the FBI seem to have lost interest. At about the same time charges were piling up against Thordarson with the Icelandic authorities for massive fraud, forgeries and theft on the one hand and for sexual violations against underage boys he had tricked or forced into sexual acts on the other.

After long investigations Thordarson was sentenced in 2013 and 2014 and received relatively lenient sentences as the judge took into account that he changed his plea at court and pleaded guilty to all counts.

According to a psychiatric assessment presented to the court Thordarson was diagnosed as a sociopath, incapable of remorse but still criminally culpable for his actions. He was assessed to be able to understand the basic difference between right and wrong, He just did not seem to care.

Incarceration did not seem to have an intended effect of stopping Thordarson from continuing his life of crime. It actually took off and expanded in extent and scope in 2019 when the Trump-era DoJ decided to revisit him, giving him a formal status as witness in the prosecution against Julian Assange and granting him immunity in return from any prosecution.

The New York Times Problem

In the month following Assange’s arrest in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11th 2019 a new rogatory letter arrived in the Ministry of Justice in Iceland. This time the request was to take a formal statement from Thordarson in Iceland in the presence of his lawyer. The Ministry had a new political head at the time, who had limited knowledge of the prior history of the case.

Although the Department of Justice had spent extreme resources attempting to build a case against Julian Assange during the Obama presidency, they had decided against indicting Assange. The main concern was what was called “The New York Times Problem”, namely that there was such a difficulty in distinguishing between WikiLeaks publications and NYT publications of the same material that going after one party would pose grave First Amendment concerns.

President Donald Trump’s appointed Attorney general William Barr did not share these concerns, and neither did his Trump-appointed deputy Kellen S. Dwyer. Barr, who faced severe criticism for politicizing the DoJ on behalf of the president, got the ball rolling on the Assange case once again. Their argument was that if they could prove he was a criminal rather than a journalist the charges would stick, and that was where Thordarson’s testimony would be key.

In May 2019 Thordarson was offered an immunity deal, signed by Dwyer, that granted him immunity from prosecution based on any information on wrong doing they had on him. The deal, seen in writing by Stundin, also guarantees that the DoJ would not share any such information to other prosecutorial or law enforcement agencies. That would include Icelandic ones, meaning that the Americans will not share information on crimes he might have committed threatening Icelandic security interests – and the Americans apparently had plenty of those but had over the years failed to share them with their Icelandic counterparts.

In any event, Assange has never been suspected of any wrongdoing in Iceland. Stundin has seen confirmation of this from the District Prosecutor in Iceland, the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police. Assange has no entry in the LÖKE database of any police activity linked to an individual collected by the Icelandic State Police Commissioner from 2009-2021.

Assange’s lawyer also inquired in the Icelandic Foreign Ministry if the points in his updated indictment where Iceland is referred to as NATO country 1 meant that his case had any relevance to Icelandic membership to NATO, the bilateral defense agreement between USA and Iceland or any national security interests. All such connections were dismissed in a reply from the defense attache at the Ministry.

Immunity and a new crimespree

According to information obtained by Stundin the immunity deal between DoJ and Thordarson was presented at the Headquarters of the Reykjavik police where the only role of the Icelandic policeman was to confirm the identity of Thordarson before leaving him alone with his lawyer in the back room where he met the US delegation.

It is as if the offer of immunity, later secured and sealed in a meeting in DC, had encouraged Thordarson to take bolder steps in crime. He started to fleece individuals and companies on a grander scale than ever; usually by either acquiring or forming legal entities he then used to borrow merchandise, rent luxury cars, even order large quantities of goods from wholesalers without any intention to pay for these goods and services.

Thordarson also forged the name of his own lawyer on notices to the Company House registry, falsely claiming to have raised the equity of two companies to over 800 thousand US dollars. The aim was to use these entities with solid financial positions on paper in a real estate venture.

The lawyer has reported the forgery to the police where other similar cases, along with multiple other reports of theft and trickery, are now piling up.

When confronted with evidence of all these crimes by a Stundin journalist he simply admitted to everything and explained it away as normal business practice. He has not yet been charged and is still practicing this “business”. Local newspaper DV reported last week that Thordarson had attempted to order merchandise on credit using a new company name, Icelandic Vermin Control. Despite using a fake name and a COVID face mask he was identified and the transaction was stopped. He was last seen speeding away in a white Tesla, according to DV.


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They are back at it again. The same people who endorsed and funded “gain of function” research that created Covid-19 are fanning flames of anxiety and fostering social strife as they hype the dangers of the delta variant. Without any proof that the mutation—which supposedly emerged in India—is deadlier than the original Coronavirus, they are doing their level best to induce panic in order to manufacture “vaccine” consent.

The only thing that is known about the Delta variant is that it is more transmissible, but even that is painting a half picture because the establishment are intentionally omitting something that the NIH admitted last year.

Medical professionals who are not tied at the hip with Bill and Melinda Gates admit that people who caught Covid-19 and recovered acquire antibodies, specifically T-cells and B-cells, that provide enduring immunity from this dreaded virus.

There is no proof as of yet that the variants are reinfecting people who recovered from Covid-19, the same cannot be said for people who got “vaccinated”.  Dr. Richard Urso, whom I had the honor of interviewing a couple of weeks ago, stated that these natural antibodies people attain post-infection have been known to last a lifetime in past SARS studies.

So why would politicians, media personalities and public health officials hide this truth from the public? For the same reason they went out of their way to conceal the growing body of evidence that early treatment and alternative regimens like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are astoundingly effective. Normally, I would attribute this type of malicious news suppression to greed; after all, there are fortunes to be made off these unproven mRNA and adenovirus “vaccines” that are being pumped into the arms of billions of people around the world.

When I came down with Covid-19 back in February, I asked my doctor to prescribe Ivermectin. He complied with my request and my wife was able to go to a local clinic and pick up a medicine that I believed prevented me from following in my mother’s footsteps. I only paid $8.00 and this is precisely why “vaccine” cultists are waging an all out war against early treatments and prophylactics. If tens of millions of people who are lining up to take part in ongoing clinical trials—sadly subjecting themselves to risks like myocarditis, blood clots, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and death—knew that there were other options, they might think twice before they turn themselves into lab rats for biotech corporation experiments.

After emotionally manipulating more than a 150 million Americans and billions of people around the world to get jabbed by using fear and PSYOPS operations like the one Dr. Stanley observed during his compliance studies, the political-media-corporate industry has run into a wall. All the “low hanging fruit” have already gotten “vaccinated”, they are now pivoting to coerce the rest of us to do the same. There is a reason why governments around the world are rushing to get 70% of their citizenry jabbed, the closer they get to that target, the easier it will be to demonize and ghettoize the rest who don’t obey and get “vaccinated”.

Reviving the ugly and racist legacy of Tuskegee Experiments, politicians like DC’s mayor Muriel Bowser are teaming up with criminals like Fauci to pressure African-Americans to get jabbed

Joe Biden sounding apoplectic and ringing the alarm about Covid-19 has nothing to do with protecting society, he is just carrying out the desires of the healthcare industry that contributed over $70,000,000 to his campaign. Fauci, who should be in prison for his four decades of criminal negligence while director of NIAID, is likewise channeling Chicken Little as he warns of impending death and doom unless everyone gets “vaccinated”. There is less truth in them then there is decency, and by that I mean zero. Even if 100% of Americans get jabbed tomorrow it would not end the pandemic because these biotech snake oils do not prevent contraction nor transmission of Covid-19.

The entire variant narrative is more suspect than O.J. Simpson. Last year, Oxford University teamed up with AstraZeneca to develop a “vaccine”; the three countries they deployed their product to were Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Know what those three countries have in common? See Brazil variant, South Africa variant and the UK variant. I’m sure it is just a coincidence that the very same nations that were being used as a test bed for these experimental “vaccines” happen to be the sources of the variants that are spreading throughout the world.

Before some naive says “correlation is not causation”, I direct you to Dr. Robert Malone—inventor of the mRNA technology that is being used in the “vaccines”—who is sounding the alarm about the jabs:

“My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data. One of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.”

Far from bending the Covid-19 infection curve, these “vaccines” are shattering the lives of people who have received the injections. According to a study published by the UK government, the death rate among people who are jabbed is up to six times greater than those who are unvaccinated. The same outcome is borne out by the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS); more people have been harmed and died from getting vaccinated in the past year than all the people who have been injured and died post-vaccination since its inception in 1990.

In 2009, Fauci pushed a vaccination campaign in response to the Swine flu. The “vaccines” were recalled after 47 people died. We’re nearing 4,700 deaths yet they keep pushing these unsafe “vaccines”

There is a wider agenda at play beyond just making money; the way the ruling class are hyperbolically manipulating people to get “vaccinated” lets me know that they are up to something depositing millions of dollars into their vaults. I really feel like we are at the calm before the storm; you better celebrate Fourth of July like never before because this might be the last year we mark our independence. They are talking up the delta variant in advance of a new onslaught of deaths that will make 2020’s first wavelook like a walk in the park. When these mass-casualties arrive, hospital beds start filling up and morgues start to overflow with bodies, Biden, Fauci and their ilk will blame the “unvaccinated”.

Governments and businesses are enticing people to get jabbed using million dollar lotteries, scholarships, free guns, beer, donuts and lap dances. If Covid-19 “vaccines” were really good for you, do you think they would resort to this level of bribery.

In reality, what we could be witnessing as early as this fall is the first wave of “vaccine” deaths. God forbid I am right about this prediction because that would mean my own family members are in the cross-hairs given that a lot of them were “vaccinated”. However, the past is prologue; all we have to do is look back to past with respect to mRNA “vaccines” to see what could be in the offing. Ferrets and cats that were injected with these experimental boosters died in droves once their synthetic antibodies expired and they were reinfected with SARS. Almost all of them developed a deadly condition called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and were wiped out as a result.

Experts at the CDC and NIH know this horrific outcome could very well start impacting people who were “vaccinated”. That is why media narratives are being spun to gin up anxieties about the delta variant. If and when the day of reckoning comes, they will blame the “unvaccinated” and will downplay the fact that legions of people might be dying who were jabbed. A couple of months ago, the CDC revised the Covid-19 test guidance for people who got “vaccinated”, while they kept the PCR threshold for those who have not been jabbed at 40, they lowered the threshold to 28 or lower for those who have received the shots.

At a PCR of 40, the level was so high that it induced a lot of false-positives. By lowering the threshold to 28 for people who got “vaccinated”, the opposite might occur as people who get tested for Covid-19 post-jab could test negative even if they are actually infected.

Why would they have one threshold for the “vaccinated” and another for the “unvaccinated”? Because they are trying to muddy the pictures and conceal the number of people who are dying from Covid-19 after getting jabbed. An article at USA Todayis trafficking in this type of Enron accounting as they present a half-truth as news without explaining what I just detailed above.

The same way that Bill Gates used to sell shoddy Operating Systems that were susceptible to malware so Microsoft can turn around and hawk antivirus software, biotech corporations are peddling nostrums that offer limited benefits so they can keep you coming back for boosters on a regular basis. If you think all you had to do was get one or two jabs and you are safe, think again my friend! Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, criminal companies that keep paying hefty fees for medical fraud, are telling jab recipients that they will need booster shots. Caveat emptor!

Like CIA agents torturing Iraqis at Bagram Air Base, governments around the world are alternating between draconian measures like lockdowns and social isolations and giving us back the freedoms we once took for granted. They reopened businesses and are “allowing” us to forgo masks right before they lower the hammer. The delta variant is a slow motion false flag; if we do not push back severely and resist this global fascism that is gashing humanity, we might as well wave goodbye to our freedoms and be ready for full-boar tyranny to arrive at our doors.

“Myths which are believed in tend to become true.” ~ George Orwell


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Teodrose Fikremariam is the co-founder and editor of the Ghion Journal. Prior to launching the Ghion Journal, he was a political organizer who once wrote a speech idea in 2008 that was incorporated into Barack Obama’s South Carolina primary victory speech. He is originally from Ethiopia and a direct descendent, seven generations removed, of one of Ethiopia’s greatest Emperors Tewodros II.

Featured image is from Ghion Journal

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We bring to the attention of our readers this report by Israel National News which is based on the research of prominent Israeli scientists.


Israeli researchers this week pointed to a link between the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and a “rare autoimmune disease.”

The researchers, associated with the Department of Hematology at the Shamir Medical Center, found an increased incidence of acquired Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (aTTP) in Israel over a one-month period, and noted that the cases appeared in those who had received the Pfizer vaccine up to a month before.

Researcher Dorit Blickstein explained to Channel 13 that TTP is

“a disease which, in its classic form, is deadly – 90% of those sick would die. Today, with the help of new treatments, which […] must be administered as quickly as possible, most patients recover.”

She said the researchers investigated a possible connection to the vaccine after seeing an increased concentration of cases of aTTP in Israel. They had noticed 4 cases in a month, while there are typically 2-3 cases a year.

“In Israel, there are two or three cases a year in any hospital. In March, we started to receive too many cases, and so we asked why.

“We essentially finished the yearly amount in one month, and that’s not logical. So we started to ask what all the patients had in common. And it turned out that all of them had received the coronavirus vaccine that is accepted and exists in Israel within a timetable of 5 to 28 days.”

“This caused us to suspect there was an association, some sort of connection, between this super-rare disease and the vaccine.”

She noted that most patients with the disease are young and that, in their study as well, the ages ranged between 28 and 45. Half were men, half women.

“In any event, it arouses attention, because the accumulation, the concentration did not fit. It is not what we expect to see in a normal year.”

Blickstein added that “with the help of the serological tests,” the researchers knew that “the patients were not patients sick with coronavirus, but rather patients who received the vaccine.”

“This was a red flag for us.”

She said there must be a red flag for “healthy people who received the vaccine and start to develop phenomena like a tendency to internal bleeding or, Heaven forbid, headaches, dizziness, loss of words, chest pressure or stomach aches,” in which case they should “call for medical assistance immediately.”

“It could be that they are not regular vaccine phenomena, but an expression of a rare disease.”

Blickstein finally noted that the incidence is “not only in Israel. There is, at the moment, a report of an identical response to the same vaccine in Belgium and Italy.”

The US National Library of Medicine defines TTP as “a rare disorder that causes blood clots (thrombi) to form in small blood vessels throughout the body. These clots can cause serious medical problems if they block vessels and restrict blood flow to organs such as the brain, kidneys, and heart.”

“Complications resulting from these clots can include neurological problems (such as personality changes, headaches, confusion, and slurred speech), fever, abnormal kidney function, abdominal pain, and heart problems.”

A report released by the Health Ministry at the beginning of June concluded that hundreds of cases of heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) were probably caused by the coronavirus vaccine administered as part of Israel’s mass vaccination campaign.

The vast majority of cases were reported among young men and teenage boys. Most of the cases were reported among males ages 16 to 30, with the highest proportion found among male teens aged 16-19. Ninety percent of all the myocarditis cases linked to the vaccine were reported in males.


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When only one narrative on a subject is allowed, and reasonable debate based on scientific evidence is disallowed, it is clear that someone is attempting to stifle free speech and democratic processes. The closely controlled narrative and censorship being implemented by mainstream media (television, radio and newspapers) and ‘big’ tech corporations, such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, indicate that they are being used as propaganda outlets by the Global Elite to further their interests at the expense of the rest of the population. 

‘Big’ tech corporations also collect people’s private data in the service of corporate interests. 

How do users/consumers give these institutions and corporations the message that they are not willing to put up with this situation? By refusing to listen to, watch or use them (thereby filling our minds with unverified and deliberately manipulated information), and by withdrawing our dollars and participation, impacting advertising and data collection revenues. 

If they won’t let us tell the truth through them (even in debate), we need to withdraw our support. 

The following sites provide alternatives that support free speech, reasoned debate and privacy: 

Truthful news and information sites: 

Private browsers: & 

Private email providers: 

Private messaging apps: 

Private and encrypted cloud storage providers: 

Free speech-friendly video sharing platforms: 

Private document-sharing: CryptPad 

Further information: 

‘The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media’, see this. 

‘Facebook Insider Morgan Kahmann Joins Candace Owens to Discuss Decision to Come Forward to Veritas’, see this. 

Boycott Corporate & Government Media!

Don’t pay for misinformation and censorship!

Choose free and truthful media & social media!

Resist the Great Reset!


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Alien Minds and the Will to Believe

June 28th, 2021 by Edward Curtin

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Once upon a time in my youthful naiveté, I would mock those who said they believed in out-of-space aliens and flying saucers.  In my hubris, I even wrote an extensive academic paper saying that the popularity of science fiction and the myth of planetary escape provided by the UFO cults and the media served the function of distracting us from earthly problems connected to the changing social structure of western societies and the concomitant transformation of our symbol systems from the traditionally religious to the scientific and technologically based. 

I argued that there was something devious in this new narrative, like the story of astronauts playing golf on the moon.  Although I didn’t then say it, I imagined the next public relations stunt would be ping pong on Mars.  But I now know that ping pong is a Chinese dominated sport.

I must confess that I have never seen a space movie like 2001: A Space Odysseyor Star Wars or the television series Star Trek; and I have never read any science fiction like Childhood’s End.  I was always repulsed by such fantasies, since figuring out what was going on here on earth was hard enough to grasp.  They always seemed like a diversion to me.  Of course I have studied their story lines and know about them, and fiction is fiction, right?  The movies and television shows aren’t real, right?

Culture, I argued in my youthful academic days, is the higher learning we are all subjected to; and culture rests upon the crystallization of a symbolic order that was then changing.  I was writing about the late 1960s and early 1970s when the promotion of esoterica of all kinds was widespread and growing madly.  And as Philip Rieff wrote in The Triumph of the Therapeutic, “Faith is the compulsive dynamic of culture, channeling obedience to, trust in, and dependence upon authority.”

I then sensed we were undergoing a massive symbolic transformation in which the controlling symbolic (from Greek: to throw together) order was being replaced by a diabolic (from Greek: to throw apart) order (that controlled in a different way) and new stories were emerging that would not order people’s lives but would disorder them as they were offered a pastiche of choices to scramble their brains so “they would never know” for sure. This was all happening at the time of the political assassinations of the 1960s, the war against Vietnam, the drug and sexual revolution, the crisis in traditional religion, the turn to the east especially among the young, women’s liberation, etc.

As a sociologist, I was following a tradition of theorizing that tries to describe social change and how culture organizes personality through its symbol systems, in this case the crisis happening between the mainstream faith in science and the counter-cultural reactions and the ways this alleged either/or was being manipulated.

Silly as it now sounds, I argued that as a result of the failure of rational, scientific, and technological culture to replace the traditional religious symbolic plausibility structure it destroyed, resulting in a deep existential void of meaning, an alternative myth about outer space and extraterrestrial life was promulgated to divert people’s attention from the creation of our Nazi-run military space program, nuclear weapons, and the military-industrial complex’s nihilistic intention to use them.  I was so naïve then.

My thesis was that through this symbolic transformation, power over all life and death passed from God to men, and a need arose to provide a story about the gods’ continuing existence.  Thus the UFO and outer space motifs whereby alien gods – through the technique of deus ex machina – might swoop down in flotillas of extraterrestrial spacecraft and swoop up the deserving ones to a beautiful beyond while the rest of the world was incinerated in a nuclear war, a staple story line of science fiction.  Of course they might also rape you; but they were the bad aliens who were at odds with the good.  ET and The X Files were still to come.

This myth of outer space was joined to a widespread rise in the promotion of occult phenomena – astrology, the Tarot, alchemy, crystal balls, satanism, witchcraft, spiritualism, etc. – that opened up all kinds of alternative, hypnotic visions of other lives past “death,” incredible new visions of inner “realities” and the cosmos, spiritual journeys to worlds unheard of, aided or not by the fuel of psychedelic drugs that were pushed by the CIA.  Thus the gods within were added to the alien gods without and new faiths were born – or rather, created.  These were mixed in a witches mélange with mainstream science or pseudo-science to create an anti-faith faith in forces that could save or destroy us, whether they be aliens, astronauts, or Indian gurus such as the creator of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, whose exotic teachings were married to pseudo-science and promoted as a way to reduce crime and violence and bring peace to earth.

This, I maintained in my youthful ignorance, was not a cultural accident.  Mass cultural confusion seemed to have a malign purpose that was setting us up for a reactionary backlash that would return us back to the future.  To a time when we could “never really know” but knew what we were meant to know.

That was in my old life as a scholar.  I was so much younger then but I’m older than that now.  For a few years, I have just been a regular beer-swigging normal dude walking unpaved roads and woodland hikes looking for the wild life.  I have dispensed with the books.  I have recently had a revelation like Saul on the road to Damascus but without the light or falling down. I heard no voices.  It happened inauspiciously.

A while back I learned of a nice, peaceful place to take a walk down by the river across an old covered bridge down a dirt road where lovely birds could be seen and heard.  I was surprised to learn of this place since I have lived here a long time and have sought out every wild country walk I could find.  But serendipity happens and epiphanies occur.

Three years ago when I first walked the bridge over troubled water, the place was deserted.  On the other side of the twisting Housatonic River I was surprised to see a large stone monument with an inscription signed by the governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker.  I knew Baker, a Republican, like the former governor Mitt Romney, was the type of “mild” Republican that the overwhelmingly Democratic voters generally didn’t complain about.  The monument commemorated a 1969 UFO event, attesting to it being “the first off-world/UFO case in U.S. history” when a nine-year-old boy named Thomas Reed and his family were said to have encountered a UFO and were taken out of their car by the aliens to a cavernous enclosure with strange lights. Beamed up and out in other words. Then deposited back in their car.

I had mocked such reports before but this one was endorsed by the mild-mannered and thoroughly establishment Charlie Baker, a former CEO of Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, and I was shocked.  So I read about it and discovered it had been a big event in the area on the night of September 1, 1969 when about 40 others reported seeing a UFO.  It made me laugh at people’s gullibility since remnants of my intellectual skepticism still clung to my numbskull.  The more I learned about it, the less I believed it, despite Baker’s endorsement.

When I again returned to the spot a few years later, the monument was gone, and I learned a controversy had ensued, some people had complained, and the town had hauled the monument away.  Now there is a smaller round shaped plaque on a metal pole commemorating the event.

It seems the 1969 event caused mass confusion, which would seem appropriate for that time and place, as my youthful writings about culture at large explained.  This was two weeks following Woodstock, the height of the Vietnam War, twelve days after the release of the movie, Alice’s Restaurant, based on the 1967 experience of local resident Arlo Guthrie’s famous encounter and song about getting anything you want at Alice’s restaurant, a local establishment run by Alice Brock that attracted hippies and counterculturists from all over.  Clearly something was happening here, what it was wasn’t exactly clear, since you could get anything you wanted in those tumultuous times.  And anything and everything was everywhere in the culture.

But things are so different now.  We are all older and wiser.  We follow the science.  We just do what we’re told.  We read the papers about the new government report about UFOs or what they now call UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).  There are some things we just don’t know but others that we think we do, just like the Defense Department and the intelligence agencies.  That’s what they say, isn’t it, and they wouldn’t lie?  We follow the science today. The CDC wouldn’t lie, right?  We just do what we’re told.

The creator of the television show, The X-Files, Chris Carter has a prominent Op Ed guest essay in the New York Times to explain why he so desperately wants to believe in aliens and how he actually does so without actually admitting it.  Along the way, Carter makes sure to slyly tell us he knows the truth about COVID-19:

We are living in times of uncertainty, where truth may be unknowable.  I don’t have to tell you this has bred a universe of rampant conspiracy theories. From the Covid conspiracy documentary “Plandemic” to the idea that we’re living in a black hole created by the CERN’s Large Hadron Collider when we discovered the Higgs boson.

He follows the science.  He thinks truth may be unknowable, a saying that you may have heard before. You know: “We’ll never know.” Except for certain truths. For he knows all about the pandemic and aliens.  And he tells us:

When we were dressing the original set for Agent Mulder’s office on “The X-Files,” I came up with the poster with a U.F.O. on it that reads “I Want to Believe.” And I think that’s where most people come down on the whole extraterrestrial business. Not quite there yet, but waiting for a sign.

I’m not waiting.  I’m there.  I received the sign.  I know.  I got there just a few days ago when again, in my new found clarity devoid of my old intellectual perspective, I walked that bridge over troubled waters and saw a large piece of metal lying in a watery ditch right where Thomas Reed described his abduction.  It was new and very shiny.  Talk about signs!  If that isn’t science, I don’t know what is.  Direct observation has brought me to the truth.  The aliens came back and lost a bumper.  Although you might say that’s just circumstantial evidence, I must disagree.  It’s not a symbol, I know that.  I saw it with my “eyes wide shut.”  I follow the science.  Life is not a movie, is it?

I once thought the UFO people were crazy and there was a concerted effort to confuse people.  But I was so much younger then.  I’m older than that now.

Carter ends his essay by saying, “I want to believe.”

I say: Lords, I believe.  Help my unbelief.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. 

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

He is the author of Seeking the Truth in a Country of Lies

To order his book click the cover page.

“Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a dazzling journey into the heart of many issues — political, philosophical, and personal — that should concern us all.  Ed Curtin has the touch of the poet and the eye of an eagle.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Edward Curtin puts our propaganda-stuffed heads in a guillotine, then in a flash takes us on a redemptive walk in the woods — from inferno to paradiso.  Walk with Ed and his friends — Daniel Berrigan, Albert Camus, George Orwell, and many others — through the darkest, most-firefly-filled woods on this earth.” James W. Douglass, author, JFK and the Unspeakable

“A powerful exposé of the CIA and our secret state… Curtin is a passionate long-time reform advocate; his stories will rouse your heart.” Oliver Stone, filmmaker, writer, and director

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Alle Jahre wieder wählen vertrauensselige Bürger Politiker mit wenig Berufs- und Lebenserfahrung in hohe Regierungsämter und sehen sie dann als respektable Autoritäten an. Die Politiker verbinden mit dieser Zuschreibung umgehend Herrschaftsansprüche, schaffen ein Verhältnis der Über- und Unterordnung und setzen gegenüber den Bürgern ihren Willen durch; präziser gesagt, den Willen oder die Anweisungen ihrer Auftraggeber, der globalen Machtelite. Damit werden sie zu Helfershelfer gnadenloser Ausbeuter der eigenen Bürger. Zu diesen Politikern schauen die meisten Erwachsenen auf wie Kinder. Und das hat Folgen: Die Autoritätsgläubigkeit führt unweigerlich zur Autoritätshörigkeit, die in der Regel den Reflex eines absoluten geistigen Gehorsams und eine Verstandeslähmung auslöst. Erwachsene Menschen können dann nicht mehr selbständig denken und vernünftig urteilen und übergeben die Entscheidungsgewalt Berufspolitikern. Doch diese sind – vielleicht mit einigen wenigen Ausnahmen – nicht wirklich daran interessiert und fähig, die Menschheitsprobleme zu lösen. Sie haben allein ihre Karriere und ihre gute Versorgung im Sinn.

Den Regierenden kann man weder heute noch in Zukunft vertrauen 

Der russische Schriftsteller Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoi (1828 bis 1910) schrieb in seinen politischen Flugschriften zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts, dass das kein Zufall sei:

„Man könne die Unterordnung eines ganzen Volkes unter wenige Leute noch rechtfertigen, wenn die Regierenden die besten Menschen wären; aber das ist nicht der Fall, war niemals der Fall und kann es nie sein. Es herrschen häufig die schlechtesten, unbedeutendsten, grausamsten, sittenlosesten und besonders die verlogensten Menschen. Und dass dem so ist, ist kein Zufall.“ (1)

Politische Schlüsselpositionen werden mit unfähigen Berufspolitikern besetzt 

Die vergangenen eineinhalb Jahre haben uns einen Anschauungsunterricht beschert, der Tolstois Beurteilung mehr als bestätigt. Leider haben wir uns fast schon daran gewöhnt, dass Politiker die Bürger nach Strich und Faden belügen und betrügen. Ob wir als Beispiele den weltweiten Corona-Skandal betrachten, den schwelenden Konflikt der US-NATO mit Russland oder die EU-weite familienfeindliche Hetze gegen Ungarn.

So haben die meisten Politiker uns Bürger über den von ihnen selbst herbeigeführten Corona-Skandal, der die Zivilgesellschaften in ihren Grundfesten erschütterte, auf das Übelste belogen und sich darüber hinaus in unverschämter Weise an der Krise finanziell bereichert. Mächtige Finanzinstitutionen korrumpierten sie mit Millionen-Beträgen, damit sie die eigenen Bürger in Massenquarantäne (Lockdown) zwingen; weitere Millionen flossen bei Insider-Geschäften. „Üppige Kasse“ machten dabei nicht nur die milliardenschweren Tech-Giganten und Big-Pharma, sondern auch überdurchschnittlich gut alimentierte Minister, Abgeordnete und deren angeheuerte „Experten“ und „Berater“.

Ein ähnliches Bild ergibt sich bei der Betrachtung des Konflikts zwischen der US-NATO und Russland. Man muss kein Historiker sein, um zu sehen, welche Rolle die US-NATO, der gesundheitlich sehr angeschlagene US-Präsident und viele europäische Regierungen seit dem Ukraine-Putsch im Jahr 2014 spielen. Die US-NATO unternimmt im Moment alles, um Russland zu provozieren und überschreitet dabei vorgegebene „rote Linien“. Es ist ein hochriskantes Spiel mit dem Feuer. Man kann deshalb nur hoffen (und beten), dass dieser Konflikt nicht in einen offenen Krieg ausartet.

Doch die westlichen Vasallen der USA sehen das Problem allein beim russischen Präsident Putin. Dabei geben die USA unumwunden zu, dass sie nach wie vor einen Regierungswechsel in Russland anstreben. Die psychologische Kriegsführung gegen Russland und seinen Präsidenten läuft bereits auf Hochtouren. Allein die Völker Europas wollen keinen Krieg.

Wenn schließlich eine Regierung seine Jugend vor irritierenden und schädlichen Einflüssen schützen und sich weiter auf überkommene Werte abstützen möchte, damit sich die heranwachsende Generation gesund und natürlich entwickeln kann, werden Regierung und Volk mit einer familienfeindlichen Hetze überzogen. Was Russland bereits erlebt hat, erfährt im Moment die Regierung und das Volk Ungarns.

Ganz vorne mit dabei die deutsche EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin. Nach einem beispiellosen Posten-Gerangel erhielt nach Meinung vieler politischer Beobachter eine Berufspolitikerin den Präsidenten-Job, die als ehemalige deutsche Verteidigungsministerin vollkommen versagte, obwohl sie doch unzählige millionenschwere Beraterverträge unterschrieb.

Die Zunft der Psychologen und Psychiater trägt zur Irritation der Bürger bei 

Was mich besonders betrübt, ist die Beobachtung, dass Vertreter meiner eigenen Zunft mit dazu beitragen, Politiker nur oberflächlich und falsch einzuschätzen und damit die Bürger zu desinformieren und zu irritieren. Als langjähriger Psychologe und Psychotherapeut bin ich der Auffassung, dass man die Persönlichkeit und das politische Wirken eines Politikers beziehungsweise einer Politikerin – zum Beispiel vom Format der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin – nicht in der Weise psychologisch einschätzen und bewerten kann, als handele es sich bei dieser Person nur um ein narzisstisches oder labiles oder einsames oder entscheidungsschwaches oder in die Jahre gekommenes Wesen.

Damit erfasst man die Persönlichkeit und das Handeln einer Politikdarstellerin oder eines Politikdarstellers in keiner Weise. Entscheidend sind doch familiäre Herkunft, bisherige Berufs- und Lebenserfahrung, politischer Werdegang, weltanschauliche Einstellung und vor allem bestehende oder vergangene politische Abhängigkeiten und mögliche Formen der politischen Außensteuerung durch fremde Dienste. Ansonsten bewegen wir uns auf Kindergarten-Niveau.

Keinem die Macht übergeben! 

Wenn wir also als freie Bürger an der Lösung der anstehenden Menschheitsfragen oder -probleme mitwirken wollen, dann dürfen wir diese verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe nicht an ungeeignete und unfähige Politiker delegieren, sondern müssen sie mutig in die eigene Hand nehmen. In diesem Sinne: Keinem die Macht übergeben!


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Diplom-Psychologe und Erziehungswissenschaftler.


[1] Tolstoi, L. N. (1983). Rede gegen den Krieg. Politische Flugschriften. Frankfurt am Main, S. 74

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Every year, trusting citizens elect politicians with little professional and life experience to high government offices and then regard them as respectable authorities. Politicians immediately associate this attribution with claims to power, create a relationship of superiority and subordination and impose their will on the citizens; more precisely, the will or instructions of their clients, the global power elite. In doing so, they become accomplices of merciless exploiters of their own citizens.

Most adults look up to these politicians like children. And this has consequences: Belief in authority inevitably leads to obedience to authority, which usually triggers the reflex of absolute mental obedience and paralysis of the mind. Adults can then no longer think for themselves and judge rationally, and hand over decision-making power to professional politicians. But these – perhaps with a few exceptions – are not really interested in and capable of solving humanity’s problems. They only have their career and their good supply in mind.

Those in power cannot be trusted, neither today nor in the future.

The Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Count Tolstoy (1828 to 1910) wrote in his political pamphlets at the beginning of the last century that this was no accident:

“One could still justify the subordination of a whole people to a few people if those who governed were the best people; but this is not the case, has never been the case and can never be the case. The worst, most insignificant, most cruel, most immoral and especially the most mendacious people often rule. And that this is so is no accident.” (1)

Key political positions are filled with incompetent professional politicians

The past year and a half has given us a visual lesson that more than confirms Tolstoy’s assessment. Unfortunately, we have almost become accustomed to politicians lying and cheating the citizens through their teeth. Whether we look at the global Corona scandal, the simmering US-NATO conflict with Russia or the EU-wide anti-family agitation against Hungary as examples.

Most politicians have lied to us citizens about the Corona scandal, which they themselves brought about and which shook civil societies to their foundations, and have also enriched themselves outrageously financially from the crisis. Powerful financial institutions corrupted them with millions to force their own citizens into mass quarantine (lockdown); further millions flowed in insider deals. It was not only the billionaire tech giants and big pharma that made “lavish money”, but also above-average ministers, MPs and their hired “experts” and “consultants”.

A similar picture emerges when looking at the conflict between the US-NATO and Russia. You don’t have to be a historian to see the role played by the US-NATO, the US President, who is in very poor health, and many European governments since the Ukraine coup in 2014. The US-NATO is doing everything possible at the moment to provoke Russia, crossing predefined “red lines”. It is a high-risk game with fire. One can therefore only hope (and pray) that this conflict does not degenerate into open war.

But the western vassals of the USA see the problem solely with Russian President Putin. At the same time, the USA openly admits that it is still striving for a change of government in Russia. The psychological warfare against Russia and its president is already in full swing. The peoples of Europe alone do not want war.

Finally, when a government wants to protect its youth from irritating and harmful influences and to continue to rely on outdated values so that the growing generation can develop healthily and naturally, the government and the people are subjected to anti-family agitation. What Russia has already experienced is currently being experienced by the government and people of Hungary.

Right at the forefront is the German EU Commission President. After an unprecedented jockeying for position, according to many political observers, a professional politician was given the presidential job who completely failed as a former German defence minister, even though she signed countless consultancy contracts worth millions.

The guild of psychologists and psychiatrists contributes to the irritation of the citizens

What particularly saddens me is the observation that representatives of my own guild contribute to the superficial and false assessment of politicians and thus disinform and irritate the citizens. As a psychologist and psychotherapist of many years’ standing, I am of the opinion that the personality and the political work of a politician – for example, of the calibre of the German Chancellor – cannot be psychologically assessed and evaluated in such a way as if this person were merely a narcissistic or unstable or lonely or decisionally weak or aged being.

This in no way captures the personality and actions of a political actor or actress. The decisive factors are family background, previous professional and life experience, political career, ideological attitude and, above all, existing or past political dependencies and possible forms of external political control by outside services. Otherwise, we are moving at kindergarten level.

Do not hand over power to anyone!

So if we as free citizens want to participate in the solution of the upcoming human issues or problems, then we must not delegate this responsible task to unsuitable and incompetent politicians, but must courageously take it into our own hands. In this sense: do not hand over power to anyone!


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Dr Rudolf Hänsel is a qualified psychologist and educationalist.


(1) Tolstoy, L. N. (1983). Speech against war. Political pamphlets. Frankfurt am Main, p. 74

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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