
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will insist on refusing to allow Kiev to use long-range weapons received from Germany to attack targets on Russian territory, German newspaper Welt reported on September 14. At the same time, Berlin has continued to ignore

Author’s Note

The following text  describes the devastating social and economic impacts of a “Third World style” Neo-liberal agenda applied in the immediate wake of the “Cold War”.  

I was in Russia in  1992 undertaking field research as well as

Your brain is highly energy-dependent, consuming 20% of your body’s energy. Recent studies show a bidirectional relationship between mental well-being and mitochondrial function, with positive experiences boosting cellular energy production

Chronic stress can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, increasing your risk

Below is an excerpt from an article on KTTC:

Family searches for answers after 12-year-old suffers heart attack, baffling doctors

By Steve Mehling and Gray News staff, KTTC, August 29, 2024

A Tennessee family says doctors have no idea why

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