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“No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come,” Victor Hugo once said. The time for the Farm System Reform Act is now. We can’t afford to continue the downward spiral from an unsustainable food system. Here’s how we must change it.

Wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes and droughts: the deadly impacts of climate change are becoming more intense and devastating. While the transition to a real, renewable energy system is imperative to a livable climate future, it’s just as urgent to address the destructive impacts of our industrial food system. The current system is highly concentrated and exploitative, and it’s driving climate change and water shortages.

To address the climate crisis we must break up the big food monopolies and stop the practice of concentrating large numbers of animals on factory farms. The first step is passing the Farm System Reform Act. 

The Relationship Between Factory Farms and Climate Change

Factory farms drive climate change. Raising cows and pigs on factory farms accounts for 14.5% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, the vast majority coming from producing corn and soy to feed factory-farmed animals. In fact, the top 20 meat and dairy corporations together contribute more greenhouse gases than the entire country of Germany, and together the top five contribute more than fossil fuel giants Exxon, Shell, or BP. These meat and dairy corporations are pushing factory farm expansion, further driving up greenhouse gas emissions, while family-scale livestock farms struggle to survive.

Further, while factory farms drive water shortages through climate-induced droughts, they also directly poison vast quantities of freshwater across the country through the waste they produce.

Agriculture is the leading known cause of pollution in U.S. rivers and streams and is the second-largest known contributor to the contamination of wetlands. Pollution from animal feeding operations threatens or impairs over 13,000 miles of U.S. rivers and streams and 60,000 acres of lakes and ponds. In one stark example, nearly 500,000 dairy cows on factory farms in Tulare County, California produce more manure waste than the human residents of the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

We need to break this vicious cycle of factory farms polluting water and driving climate change, which causes water crises for people and the environment.

An Even More Urgent Case For a Ban on Factory Farms 

Food & Water Watch called for a ban on factory farms in early 2018 because we knew the fragility of our food system. For years, our team has been educating and organizing against extensive corporate control and how it harms family farmers, rural communities, food chain workers and consumers. We knew that in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change we must address industrial agriculture.

Less than two years later we were proud to work with lead sponsors Senator Cory Booker and Representative Ro Khanna to introduce the Farm System Reform Act in U.S. Congress, a visionary bill that includes a ban on new and expanding factory farms and a phaseout of existing facilities by 2040. Originally introduced in the Senate in December of 2019 and in the House in March of 2020, the Farm System Reform Act helped people to see that a better way is possible — and in fact critical — if we are to protect our water and climate as well as protect food chain workers, and ensure a safe and plentiful food supply.

And now we’re doing it again — even bigger and bolder than last time.

Introducing the Farm System Reform Act in 2021

In July 2021, Senator Cory Booker and Representative Ro Khanna reintroduced the Farm System Reform Act in the new Congress with three original Senate co-sponsors and a number of new House co-sponsors. The bill is endorsed by a broad coalition of organizations including Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action, the American Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Family Farm Action, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, and Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. Over 100 individual farmers have also already signed a letter in support of the bill, with more joining every day.

This groundbreaking bill has quickly become the north star of the movement to ban factory farms and end corporate control of our food system and should be a key pillar of national efforts to address climate change. In addition to an immediate ban on new and expanding large factory farms and a phase-out of existing facilities by 2040, the Farm System Reform Act would also:

  • Create a transition program to allow farmers to escape the contract model and shift to more sustainable forms of agriculture
  • Enact a series of market reforms that would make it possible for small growers to compete
  • Hold corporations responsible for their pollution

The Farm System Reform Act is a bold and yet commonsense approach that would move us toward a food and farm system that works for us — instead of wealthy corporations only concerned with their own bottom lines. It would help to build the kind of resilient, regionally-based food system that we advocate for in our new report, Well-Fed. It would level the playing field for family-scale farms and help rebuild rural America. And it would provide a real solution to addressing the climate impacts of industrial agriculture — instead of more false solutions like factory farm gas (biogas) or carbon markets.

Do you share our vision for a just food system? Send a message to your Senators and Representatives today.


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Over 300 organizations representing civil society, small food producers, researchers and Indigenous Peoples’ from across the world will gather in a virtual and physical event in Rome from 25 to 28 July 2021 to protest against the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit.

The “People’s Counter-Mobilization to Transform Corporate Food Systems” is the latest in a series of criticisms against the UNFSS. Those opposing the Summit include a coalition of scientists who published a petition calling on their peers around the globe to join them.

The People’s Autonomous Response to the UNFSS joins many others in arguing that the Summit is a dangerous distraction from the real problems facing people and the planet at this critical juncture of multiple, combined crises. Its organizers have failed to provide accountability and transparency to ensure peoples’ inputs are incorporated into final outcomes.

The result of a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum – a body that brings together the world’s top 1000 corporations – is that the Summit is disproportionately influenced by corporate actors. It is diverting energy, critical mass and financial resources away from the real solutions needed to tackle the growing hunger, climate and health crisis.

Carlo Petrini, Slow Food president and founder, says: “The aim of changing food and farming systems in a genuinely sustainable way can only march on the legs of millions of people in the local economy who are carrying out this ambitious and worthwhile transformation. For all these reasons, I think that the People’s Counter-Mobilization to Transform Corporate Food Systems is a courageous and useful choice. That does not exclude dialogue, indeed, it brings it forward, but dialogue must involve everyone and not just the privileged few in a financial economic system that is responsible for this disaster”.

“The United Nation Food System Summit has become a clear playground where corporate interests have decided to stamp the authority in the food system” adds Edie Mukiibi, Slow Food vice president. “Industrial agriculture with its unjust practices like land grabbing, deforestation, eviction of people and many other practices which lead to climate change and other unjust production processes have resulted into widespread suffering of millions of people mostly in the global South. As Slow Food we are deeply concerned that the current rushed, corporate-controlled, unaccountable and opaque process for this UNFSS will not lead towards the transformation and the change in the food system we envision. It’s a big concern that this summit geared towards repeating the agri-business-as-usual model to solve the food and climate crisis cannot deliver on the holistic and systemic transformation of our food systems we need today”. He concludes: “As Slow Food we stand with hundreds of other civil society organizations especially from the global South, the Indigenous community organizations and all those who care about this planet and the food systemto challenge the pre-arranged outcomes of the Summit and reclaim people’s sovereignty over food systems.

Globalized, corporate-dominated and industrialized food systems have failed the majority of the world’s people, and the Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened the situation. The number of chronically undernourished people is rising. The people without access to adequate food rose steeply to include almost a third of the world, according to the latest UN Report on the State of Food Security and Nutrition published on 12 July. Much of the global South is still reeling from Covid-19 which has exacerbated long standing structural power asymmetries and highlighted the fragility and injustice that lies at the core of our food system.

The protesting movements of peasant and farmers, women and youth organizations, Indigenous Peoples, pastoralists, landless, migrants, fisherfolks, food and agricultural workers, consumers, urban food insecure and other civil society groups represent more than 380 million affiliated members globally. They demand a radical transformation of corporate food systems towards a just, inclusive and truly sustainable food system. They equally demand increasing the participation of small scale food provisioners and workers by strengthening already existing democratic food governance models, such as the UN Committee for World Food Security (CFS) and its High-Level Panel of Experts (HLPE). The CFS, which the UNFSS threatens sidelining and bypassing, is the most inclusive intergovernmental institution addressing global food policy, and one of the few such bodies that prioritise a human rights-based approach and where those most affected by food policies and the actions of corporations can make their voices heard. The UN system is supposed to be a multilateral space, but it is being hijacked by corporate and market interests to provide legitimacy to further expand even more detrimental, technologically complex and costly versions of the food system that has led to the crises the world is facing.

Failed and controversial ideas such as nature-positive solutions, voluntary corporate sustainability schemes, GMOs and biotechnology, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable intensification of agriculture are just some of the false solutions touted by the Summit. Such solutions are neither sustainable, nor affordable for small-scale food producers and workers, and fail to serve public interest and public health. The Summit is an attempt by corporate actors to normalize and legitimize techno fixes that are harmful for people, livelihoods and ecosystems. These false solutions fail to address structural injustices and problems in society such as unequal access to land and resources, biodiversity loss and deepening economic inequality.

The counter-mobilization, which will take place in a hybrid format alongside the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit, will illustrate the realities of small-scale food producers, workers and majority of the world’s people, and their demands and visions for a profound, human rights-based and agroecological transformation of food systems. It will highlight the importance of food sovereignty and the need to protect small-scale sustainable agriculture, traditional knowledge, rights to natural resources, and the rights of workers, indigenous peoples, women and future generations, instead of high-tech, corporate-led agriculture. Real solutions such as binding rules for corporate abuses, stopping pesticide use, and promoting agroecology as a science, a practice and a movement will be proposed and discussed. The event will serve to raise awareness of the Summit’s hidden agendas and expose the public relations gimmick that has been put in place to deflect accountability for today’s crises. It will address the issue of co-option of solutions and measures proposed by social movements, small-scale food producers and workers, while perpetuating the very power imbalances that their solutions seek to redress.

A call to action launched in May 2021 to coordinate the peoples’ response has had worldwide appeal. The program will include the following activities:

  • 25 July 2021: A Global virtual Rally will bring together small-scale food producers and people’s voices from territories around the world.
  • 26 July 2021: Three public roundtable discussions will assess the context posed by COVID-19, the hunger and climate crises and analyse the fault lines of the Summit reading its narrative and false solutions, and its push for corporate capture of governance and science.
  • 27 July 2021: 15 self-organized civil society events will illustrate a diversity of alternatives and visions on how food systems can work for the peoples.
  • 28 July 2021: A closing panel will present a preliminary summary of the actions and discussion during the counter mobilization and a way to challenge the Food Systems Summit in September.


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Afghanistan, Failure and Second Thoughts

July 27th, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It is a country other powers simply cannot leave alone.  Even after abandoning its Kabul post in ignominy, tail tucked between their legs, Australia is now wondering if it should return – in some form.  The Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs has been sending out a few signals, none of them definitive.  “We will not comment on intelligence matters,” a spokesman for foreign minister Senator Marise Payne stated tersely earlier this month.

The spokesman was, however, willing to make general remarks about a belated return.  When, he could not be sure, but Canberra’s diplomatic arrangements in Afghanistan “were always expected to be temporary, with the intention of resuming a permanent presence once circumstances permit.”  Australia continued “to engage closely with partners, including the Afghanistan government and coalition member countries.”  Rather embarrassing remarks, given the sudden closure of the embassy on June 18. 

The Australian response, confused and stumbling, is much like that of their counterparts in Washington.  While the Biden administration speeds up the departure of troops, the cord to Kabul remains uncut though distinctly worn.  In April, the US House Services Committee was told by General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, head of US Central Command, that the Pentagon was “further planning now for continued counterterrorism operations from within the region.”

Amanda Dory, acting undersecretary of defense for defense policy, also informed members that the Pentagon remained interested in considering “how to continue to apply pressure with respect to potential threats emanating from Afghanistan.”  Hazily, she claimed that the department was “looking throughout the region in terms of over-the-horizon opportunities.”

Such window dressing does little to confront the situation on the ground, which looks monstrously bleak for the increasingly titular Kabul government.  General Scott Miller, top US military commander in Afghanistan, clumsily admitted in June that, “Civil war is certainly a path that can be visualized if this continues on the trajectory it’s on right now.”  The hasty withdrawal from Bagram airbase on July 2 certainly gave the Taliban much scope to visualize that fact.

Unceremoniously hung out to dry in the Doha agreement forged by the US and the Taliban, the frail and terminal regime has imposed a month-long countrywide curfew to address the vigorous onslaught.  According to the interior ministry, the curfew is intended “to curb violence and limit the Taliban movements”, though it would not apply to Kabul, Panjshir and Nangarhar.

The US Air Force has also made a dozen airstrikes in southern Afghanistan, concerned by the Taliban’s push towards Kandahar, the second-largest city in the country.  “The United States has increased airstrikes in support of Afghan security forces in the past several days,” announced General McKenzie.  “And we’re prepared to continue this heightened level of support in the coming weeks if the Taliban continue their attacks.”

Such actions are only band aid measures at best.  The surrender of Afghan soldiers to the Taliban across numerous districts is inking the writing on the wall.  The response from Kabul is that the Afghan army is behaving strategically, refocusing attention on protecting urban centres.  In reality, they have lost both their mettle and the plot, with the Taliban in control of some 85 per cent of the country’s territory, including critical border checkpoints.  As a reminder of their emerging dominance, ghoulish material such as video footage showing the execution of 22 elite Afghan commandos, trained by US forces, terrifies government soldiers.

But McKenzie is a picture of hope over experience.  “The Taliban are attempting to create a sense of inevitability about their campaign.  They’re wrong.  There is no preordained conclusion to this fight.”

Other countries are also bubbling with concern, which, when translated into security matters, imply future interference.  Russia, bloodied and bruised by its own Afghanistan experience, casts a concerned eye at the Taliban train.  “The uncertainty of the development of the military-political situation in this country and around it has increased,” stated Russia’s grave foreign minister Sergey Lavrov earlier this month.  “Unfortunately, in recent days we have witnessed a rapid degradation of the situation in Afghanistan.”  It was “obvious that in the current conditions there are real risks of an overflow of instability to neighbouring states.”

Moscow shares, with Washington, a dark paternalism towards the country.  While the Biden administration has shown less interest of late, Moscow is looking for reassurance against impending chaos.  “It is the feeling in Moscow,” reasoned Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the Moscow-based Russia in Global Affairs, “that the US is not able to, or even interested in, maintaining a presence in the region to guarantee any particular future direction in Afghanistan.”  The implications of this are ominous enough.

The emptying of the barracks does not put an end to the prying and meddling from non-Afghan personnel.  The country will still host a myriad of special forces and intelligence officials.  Excuses for maintaining some militarised footprint will be traditional: the threat posed by terrorism; the thriving opium trade.  The contractor business will also boom.  A Taliban victory promises a slice of violence for everybody, but so does the presence of this feeble Afghan government.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: A U.S. Army Soldier from the A Company, 1-503rd Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, conducts a patrol with a platoon of Afghan national army soldiers to check on conditions in the village of Yawez, Wardak province, Afghanistan, Feb. 17, 2010. Partnership between the U.S. Army and the Afghan national army is proving to be a valuable tool in bringing security to the area. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Russell GilchrestReleased)

The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 26, 2021

Let us be under no illusions, it’s not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.

The 1946 Explosion of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem: A Personal Story

By Lina Gress, July 26, 2021

The inflicted tragedy was the result of long-range planning and deceitful thinking. It was then labelled as “one of the world’s single most lethal terrorist incidents of the 20th Century”.

CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu

By Brian Shilhavy, July 26, 2021

The CDC quietly announced last week that it was withdrawing its request to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2.

Video: Epidemiologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Discusses Frauds Behind the H1N1 and Covid-19 Pandemics

By Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Kristina Borjesson, July 26, 2021

In this interview with Kristina Borjesson, Dr. Wodarg addresses how these fraudulent tactics used to declare and handle the H1N1 pandemic including massive bribery paved the way for the actions taken in relation to the 2020-2021 Covid-19 pandemic.

Our War Against Nature. Humanity’s March Toward Extinction?

By David Skripac, July 25, 2021

The billionaire set’s relentless quest for profits at the expense of everyone’s social well-being is fueling worldwide competition for resources and causing an eco-holocaust.

France’s Emmanuel Macron: Vanguard of a “Covid Global Corporate Dictatorship”?

By Gilbert Mercier, July 26, 2021

French citizens should be aware that the very motto of our dear Republic, Liberté -Égalité -Fraternité is under the assault of king Ubu Macron and could, without a strong popular resistance, be decapitated by the cold blade of Macron’s virtual guillotine.

US Parents Sue over Clandestine COVID-19 School Vaccination Programme Which Does Not Require Parental Consent

By Eric Worrall, July 26, 2021

If you live in Washington DC, and your child comes home a bit wobbly, there is a chance the school you entrust with their care just gave them a clandestine Covid jab.

‘Unnecessary, Misleading, Catastrophic’: Senior European Physicians Co-author Expert Statement on COVID Vaccine for Children

By Mordechai Sones, July 26, 2021

Eminent European physicians and scientists this month co-authored an expert statement regarding Comirnaty–COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for children, outlining their expert opinions that “vaccination of adolescents for COVID-19 is unnecessary, claims demonstrating efficacy are misleading, and the safety profiles are catastrophic.”

President Biden Wants Covid “Misinformants” to be Removed from Social Media Platforms

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 26, 2021

In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki admitted the Biden administration is violating the First Amendment by alerting social media companies to posts and accounts it believes is peddling “misinformation” about COVID injections.

Right Of Conquest – A Racist Doctrine

By Jim Miles, July 25, 2021

Local indigenous populations simply want to be left alone to get on with their lives; they do not want to be subjugated by foreigners with new laws who wish to extract the resources and riches of a country for themselves.

Don’t Cry for Lifta: Palestinians Will Endure

By Rima Najjar, July 26, 2021

The last thing Palestinians need is to come to terms in sorrow with our dispossession at the hands of the apartheid, settler-colonial Jewish state. The last thing we need is to be resigned to “facts on the ground.”

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July 22, 2021 marks 75 years of the explosion with unparallelled magnitude at the hands of the Zionist terrorist group “Irgun” Zvi Leumi headed by Menachem Begin that brought down the South Wing seven-storeyed floors of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, that housed the Secretariat of the British Mandate over Palestine as well as its military headquarters, killing immediately 93 innocent persons, in addition to scores of wounded and missing people.

The inflicted tragedy was the result of long-range planning and deceitful thinking. It was then labelled as “one of the world’s single most lethal terrorist incidents of the 20th Century”.

Why am I evoking this slaughter?! Because with the strategy of demolishing the building, the tragic story of my family begins. This is how the Zionists planned the explosion.

On July 22, the Irgun disguised in the Arab villagers’ clothes, who daily delivered milk to the hotel in large metal containers entered the hotel at the precise hour of 11:30 am. But instead, milk was replaced by 350 KG of explosives which were immediately positioned near each supporting column in the basement café right under the Secretariat.

To divert attention, a small bomb blew up at 12:30 pm across the street in front of the hotel. Then the sirens went off causing chaos in the street and the whole area.

Hearing the sirens, we waited for my father to arrive home or call informing us of his whereabouts as was customary whenever there was a siren in such turbulent times. But at exactly 12:37 pm came the deafening extremely loud frightening sound of the explosion that shook all surrounding buildings, sending us jumping up about 30 cm off the ground, as our house was not far away from the hotel.

Among the dead was my father Jules Gress, senior assistant treasurer, who happened to be at the Secretariat, only to attend a 45-minute meeting. That meeting violently shattered our family and changed the course of our lives, leaving me and my three younger brothers behind.

That day started for us as no different from any other, except that my father was not feeling well but he was determined to attend to his duties. How little did I know that he was later to go to the King David Hotel to meet his death.

However, the full impact of such atrocities was felt throughout our lives until this present day 75 years later. Not only was my father killed, but we were evicted from our house in Talbieh in 1948. Thus, marking the start of Al-Nakba.

As reflection of our tragedy, it is sad and painful to see that the King David Hotel, where my father was killed in 1946, has become a sumptuous hotel for Israel to receive dignitaries and various people from all over the world.


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If you’re a working stiff with some sense of rhyme or reason, you should feel them near. They come in all shapes and sizes, these predators.

For starters we have the ever-present War Sharks. These are the gung ho wave the flag gang, made up of Pentagon sharks and the super rich (along with their political and media lackeys) who would just love to continue phony wars and wars on terror.  Oh,  need we forget the new one, or redux of the old one: A Cold War with Russia and China?  These folks never met a military budget increase that they did not love. Most of these jokers are your traditional garden variety of Chicken hawks that don’t mind bombing the **** out of foreign cities and foreign citizens. They really don’t care much for whatever pawns… oh, scuse me, US soldiers, are sent home in boxes.

Next, and not least at all, we have the Corporate sharks. These folks, from the CEO down through the executive sector of the company, reap in most of the extra money which could have gone for raises, across the board, to the 99 % of their workforce, excluding the execs.

The CEO we know is in the black for mega millions per year, PLUS stock options and other perks. Well, his or her top execs also get $ millions or $ hundreds of thousands in salaries, plus the perks and of course the stock options. Then they sell us the tripe that America has a ‘Free Market’ with competition. Imagine how this writer’s cable bills have reached over $200 monthly for what… mostly crap?

Plus, I have to sit and watch countless commercials because those who run this corporate empire made sure to allow more and time devoted to them. In the old days this baby boomer remembered watching a NY Giants football game on the boob tube one Sunday afternoon. There was a time out called and I saw singer Julie London singing a Marlboro cigarette tune. It lasted but ONE MINUTE and right back to the field of play as the Giants broke the huddle. ONE MINUTE!  My $200 bucks buys me the opportunity to watch upwards of FIVE MINUTES  of commercials per timeout.  And those damn pharmaceutical commercials, bombarding us with drugs that HALF OF THEM  should never have been allowed on the market! Imagine how much money those car insurance companies are earning with the preponderance of inane commercials?

Sadly, though it should be the backbone of America, small businesses have too many sharks running them. Since the % of American working stiffs that are unionized in private business is less than 10%, large and small businesses can have a ‘Field day’.

I recall a neighbor who worked for a small cabinet business. He and the few other co-workers were under the auspices of the owner, who felt he alone should reap the fruits of their labor. So much so that when the business was doing well, the owner, instead of handing out raises and bonuses, went out and leased two BMWs, one for each of  his children, who really didn’t even work there! One wonders how many similar sharks made out through the PPP payroll protection program, instead of passing ALL the money to the employees?

Finally, for purposes of this column, I come to the political and media sharks.

Since many members of both Estates are millionaires, how in the hell can those people know what it is to live in these uncertain economic times? We have a nation of hundreds of millions of Renters, with little or no protection from  the Landlord. Many who own homes may still be either underwater or close to foreclosure.

Does one think that a millionaire politician or millionaire media personality can really ‘Feel your pain’ as mega millionaire Bill Clinton liked to say? These sharks, regardless of being with the Republicans or Democrats, only care about, to put it bluntly, Serving the empire. If it means banging the drum for a new Cold War or ‘Military intervention’, they will do so. Remember, war or the threat of war brings in lots of money… and that is what America is really all about for the sharks… without the water.


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Philip A Farruggio is regular columnist on It’s the Empire… stupid website. He is also frequently posted on Nation of Change, and He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 400 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected]

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 

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How the COVID Scam Is Perpetrated: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

July 26th, 2021 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative.  The next time you hear Big Pharma’s propagandists say “believe the science,” ask them what science.

When believers in the official narrative and Covid vaccine are confronted with facts, they retreat to a second line of defense.  If the Covid threat is exaggerated and the vaccine unsafe, why did all the doctors and nurses get vaccinated? If the vaccines are unsafe, why haven’t the predicted deaths and injuries showed up?

The answer is that all the doctors and nurses are not vaccinated, do not believe in the extent of the “pandemic” or the hyped threat of Covid—indeed, many regard the hype and vaccine as greater threats than Covid—and the adverse effects of the vaccines are showing up.  The believers in the narrative just do not know it because the presstitute scum suppress the information and do not report it unless to ridicule and denounce it as “disinformation.”

All doctors and nurses are not vaccinated.  For example, here is a report of an entire hospital—200 doctors and 1,500 nurses—on strike in protest of the Macron nazi’s attempt to force them to be vaccinated: see this. 

As for the alleged belief in the Covid narrative by doctors and medical personnel, here are 1,500 health professionals who say Covid is the “biggest health scam of the 21st century:” see this. 

A survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons finds that 60% of doctors are not vaccinated: see this. 

There are two stronger reasons than doctors’ belief in the efficacy and safety of the vaccine that explain why some doctors are vaccinated.  One is that they get vaccinated in order to save their practices.  Their fear-driven, terrorized patients are afraid to be examined by a doctor who hasn’t been vaccinated.

The other reason is that the main consequence of Obamacare was the buy-up of independent practices by hospital chains and health care organizations.  This transformed independent doctors into employees who have to follow guidelines.  Many who have ignored guidelines by treating patients with HCQ or Ivermectin and by refusing vaccination have been fired. The big organizations for convenience and liability reasons follow whatever is the line of NIH, CDC, FDA, and WHO.  In other words, coercion displaces medical judgement.

As for the adverse effects of the vaccine, EudraVigilance, the European Union’s database of suspected drug reaction reports covering 27 European countries, reports that as of July 17, 2021, there have been 18,928 deaths and 1,823,219 injuries: see this. 

In the US the VAERS database reports a total of 463,457 adverse health effects among all age groups following Covid vaccination, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021: see this. 

A CDC whistleblower has revealed in a sworn statement under penalty of perjury that the VAERS deaths released in the report are understated at least by a factor of five and that the actual figure in the VAERS database as of July 9, 2021, is 45,000: see this. 

In response to the large numbers of deaths and adverse reactions associated with the vaccines, America’s Frontline Doctors filed a federal lawsuit to curtail emergency use of Covid vaccines: see this. 

The British counterpart to the US VAERS is called the Yellow Card system.  It is operated by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.  Based on this database, researchers at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EbMC) have concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines are “unsafe for humans.”  The research group’s director, Dr. Tess Lawrie concluded: “The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill:” see this.

Dr. Lawrie arrived at this conclusion based on the Yellow Card data for the first four months of 2021 during which the UK recorded 888,196 adverse vaccine events and 1,253 deaths.

Authorities acknowledge that the reports in the databases of adverse vaccine effects are massively underreported, capturing only from 1-10% of adverse vaccine effects. One reason for the underreporting is that it is not easy to report an adverse vaccine event. The reporting doctor or health organization has to be determined and persistent. The reporting takes time and energy from other demands.  Consequently, there are pressures not to report.

In the case of adverse effects associated with the Covid vaccine, more powerful forces restrict reporting. Democrats do not want the adverse reactions reported.  They have groomed Fauci as the hero who saved us from Trump’s rantings about HCQ and saved all of us from dying from Covid by getting a vaccine out in time. Health care organizations and medical associations that have complied with the official narrative want to protect their credibility from adverse reports in order to avoid providing grounds for employees and members to voice divergent opinions. 

A colleague says that her son experienced cardiac failure and blood clot following his vaccination, which kept him hospitalized for 22 days with his life hanging in the balance. The adverse event is not being reported to VAERS.  The doctors or hospital administrator have avoided reporting to VAERS by attributing his case to an “unknown virus.”  Her son refuses to report the case because he is an ideological Democrat and Democrats have made Fauci and the vaccine their issue.

My colleague also says that her cousin, who lost the use of his legs immediately after the vaccine just as did my friend, then lost the use of his arms the next day, had a heart attack on the way to the ER, and another heart attack 3 days later that killed him.  The doctors won’t report it to VAERS.  The cousin’s wife, an ideological Democrat, defends the vaccine and will not report the case either.

Let’s take the most optimistic case that VAERS, Yellow Card, and EudraVigilance capture 10% of adverse Covid vaccine effects. That means that databases covering the US and part of Europe through about the middle of July 2021 would reveal 299,190 deaths if all deaths were captured by the reporting systems and 639,280 deaths if the whistleblower’s correction of the VAERS deaths is used.

The databases covering the US and part of Europe would show 22,866,760 injuries.

Assuming the UK reporting also captures 10% of adverse events, during the first four months of 2021 the British experienced 8,881,960 adverse effects and 12,530 deaths.

These large numbers are from a small part of the world. They don’t include Russia, China, India, the rest of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Canada, Australia. If the same underreporting is characteristic of these areas, the deaths and injuries from the vaccine far exceeds those from Covid.

Play around with the numbers.  Assume that the vaccine adverse reporting systems capture 50% of averse events.  We still have a situation far worse than Covid.

There are two final damning facts.  One is that never before has a vaccine been left in use that had anything close to the official adverse reporting numbers of the Covid vaccine.  Why hasn’t the vaccine been pulled out of use?

The other damning fact is that the requirement for emergency use of an untested and unapproved vaccine is that there are no known cures.  We have known from the beginning that there are two safe and inexpensive cures—HCQ with zinc and Ivermectin with zinc.  To clear the way for a vaccine, these treatments used by many doctors to save patients’ lives, were demonized, and successful attempts were made to prevent their use.  Now there are two more cures according to reports.  What then is the basis for continuing emergency use of the vaccines, much less forcing it on people?

Clearly the health of people is not at the forefront of the Covid drama.

It is important to understand that the vaccine controversy is not one between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers.  Most of the independent scientists and doctors who have revealed the downside of the vaccine are not anti-vaxxers and some of them even recommend the vaccine for some parts of the population.  The vaccine critics see it as an experiment with new technology that behaved differently than expected but continues to be conducted on the world’s population.

The one part of the official narrative that does seem to be true is that the virus is real and can be very dangerous to those with co-morbidities and weak immune systems. The virus can cause death and serious protracted illness.  It is difficult to judge the extent of threat, because hospitals are incentivized to report all deaths as Covid deaths even when the deceased died from other causes. Apparently there are few deaths from Covid alone.

What is most difficult to explain is the hard push for universal vaccination when we know from the databases that the vaccine is itself dangerous and we have known cures.  Recently, I have been receiving “Coronavirus World Updates.”  I did not sign up for the updates, and I do not know who is behind them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are a Big Pharma operation. They seem to be intended to keep fear alive and to use fear to encourage more vaccinations.  See, for example: see this.

Nothing we know about Covid justifies CNN’s call to punish the unvaccinated, segregate them from society, and force them to pay for Covid tests each and every day.  Such hyperbole as this indicates that insanity has taken hold of the issue and rational discourse is impossible. See this.

Youth were largely unaffected by the original Covid.  Now vaccine advocates  claim a new “variant” is attacking the young, which raises suspicions.  The new variant is also being used for political purpose. For example, Florida’s Republican governor who avoided lockdowns and mask mandates is being accused of responsibility for a “new outbreak” in  an area of Florida where 75% of the population is vaccinated, a higher percentage than required for herd immunity. One wonders if this “new outbreak” is really the manifestation of illnesses caused by the vaccine.

In closing I will say that I think I have given a thorough explanation of the issues. It is difficult to do, because the issue was politicized by Democrats and many dissenting expert voices were censored, thus denying us the benefit of differing expert accounts. If the virus is as serious as media and public health bureaucracies have presented it to be, there should have been open debate among experts so that the public would have a chance to understand instead of being indoctrinated by one voice.

Whoever believes my explanation is defective and can do a better job, please step forward.


This Is Admission That Covid Vaccines Do Not Protect 

Tyranny Based On An Orchestrated “Pandemic”

If herd immunity, natural immunity, and cures exist, there is no justification for mandated universal vaccination.

How can a vaccine known to be toxic and to cause deaths and injuries be mandatory?

These mandates are certainly not related to public health.  Is mass vaccination being coerced prior to the adverse effects having time to fully reveal themselves?

See this, this, this and this.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki admitted the Biden administration is violating the First Amendment by alerting social media companies to posts and accounts it believes is peddling “misinformation” about COVID injections

This kind of corporate-government collusion to censor free speech is illegal. As noted by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, “The government cannot accomplish through threats of adverse government action what the Constitution prohibits it from doing directly”

The Biden Administration wants COVID “misinformants” to be removed from all social media platforms, not just one or two

In that same press briefing, Psaki also referred to the COVID shots as “approved,” and having “gone through the gold standard of the FDA approval process.” This is verifiably false. All currently available COVID injections are authorized for emergency use only. None are approved and none have finalized their safety studies

The Biden Administration’s call to censor — through public utilities and private companies — anyone who shares information about risks and the lack of benefit of these COVID injections must be rejected on ethical, legal and Constitutional grounds


In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,1 press secretary Jen Psaki admitted the Biden Administration is violating the First Amendment by alerting social media companies to posts and accounts it believes is peddling “misinformation” about COVID injections. When asked by a reporter to expound on how this flagging works, Psaki said:

“Well, I would say first, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’re in regular touch with social media platforms — just like we’re in regular touch with all of you and your media outlets — about areas where we have concern, information that might be useful, information that may or may not be interesting to your viewers …

So we are regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans seeing … And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies.

So let me give you an example, just to illustrate it a little bit. The false narrative that remains active out there about COVID-19 vaccines causing infertility … which has been disproven time and time again.

This is troubling, but a persistent narrative that we and many have seen, and we want to know that the social media platforms are taking steps to address it. That is inaccurate, false information … And that is an example of the kind of information that we are flagging or raising …

So a couple of the steps that … could be constructive for the public health of the country are providing for Facebook or other platforms to measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation on their platform and the audience it’s reaching … with all of you to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules.

You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others if you — for providing misinformation out there.”

In her July 15, 2021, press briefing,2 Psaki cited “The Disinformation Dozen” report3 by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which claims 65% of anti-vaccine content on Facebook and Twitter comes from 12 individuals, including yours truly.

According to Facebook, they have removed 18 million posts with “COVID misinformation,” and connected more than 2 billion users to “reliable information,” meaning state-sanctioned information. The Biden administration is not satisfied with these already staggering numbers and thinks more must be done. Specifically, as Psaki mentions, they want the “disinformation dozen” banned from all available social media platforms.

Psaki Disinforms Public About Vaccine Approval Status

In that same July 16 press briefing, Psaki also referred to the COVID shots as “approved,” and having “gone through the gold standard of the FDA approval process.”4 She said:

“The public has a right to know … And we’re dealing with a life-or-death issue here, and so everybody has a role to play in making sure there’s accurate information … It’s clear there are more [steps] that can be taken …

On the foreign government piece … the State Department’s Global Engagement Center has found that Russia and China have promoted their own vaccines through messaging that undermines Western origin vaccine development programs. So, you know, that is more than just competition about vaccines.

The risk and impact there is that this type of information magnifies, you know, the risk of potential side effects associated with Western vaccines. This is what they’re — what the information — some of this misinformation is doing — and misleads the public by falsely alleging that mRNA vaccines are untested and, thus, risky, even though many of them are approved and have gone through the gold standard of the FDA approval process.”

This is verifiably false. All currently available COVID injections are authorized for emergency use only. They are not licensed or approved. At present, the emergency use authorization applies to adults and children as young as 12.5 Those two terms, “authorized for emergency use” and “approved for use,” are not interchangeable.

Biden Administration Launches Illegal Attack on Free Speech

One wonders whether the admission that they’re flagging posts and accounts they don’t like so that social media companies can remove them is an attempt at normalizing illegal government overreach. It comes across that way.

But let’s be clear. This kind of corporate-government collusion to censor free speech violates the U.S. Constitution and is illegal. As noted by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in an April 5, 2021, ruling6 in which he weighed in on the ability of social media giants to control free speech:

“The government cannot accomplish through threats of adverse government action what the Constitution prohibits it from doing directly … Under this doctrine, plaintiffs might have colorable claims against a digital platform if it took adverse action against them in response to government threats.”

Even if the Biden administration is not threatening social media companies with adverse action if they refuse to censor at the government’s whim, the government cannot use private companies to do something on its behalf that it is not legally allowed to do on its own.

Put another way, it is illegal for government officials to pressure private companies into censoring free speech on their behalf or at their request, since they as government officials do not themselves have the right to infringe on free speech.

The same goes for attorneys general that have publicly called for social media companies to ban posts and deplatform accounts,7 as well as the surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, who recently stated that an “epidemic of misinformation and disinformation” is putting people’s lives at risk.8,9 He too has illegally called for “technology and social media companies to address the way misinformation and disinformation spread on their platforms.”

To that end, he even released his own 22-page report,10 which advises addressing “misinformation super-spreaders” and using educational institutions, from elementary school settings through college, as well as private funders, to “monitor and address” false and misleading information. The Rockefeller Foundation wasted no time in responding by announcing $13.5 million in new funding to help with the effort.

Again, these government officials have the right to their own opinion. But they do not have the right to censor other people’s opinion and/or information, least of all published research. And since they do not have the Constitutional right to censor Americans, they also cannot ask private companies to do it for them.

Government officials are also breaking several laws by incentivizing Americans into participating in medical experimentation, and collaborating with private companies to require personnel to participate in medical experimentation. It’s truly remarkable what’s happening, and the fact that so many laws are blatantly broken in an effort to get a needle in every arm suggests something other than public health interest is at play.

Why Is Truth About Natural Immunity Banned?

I’m still on Twitter, and in recent times, the only post deleted was one in which I indicated that naturally-infected people developed robust and long-lasting immunity, and that health officials need to be honest and admit that this immunity is very powerful.11

To my post, I had attached a paper12 published in the peer-review journal Nature. However, Twitter does censor me in a different sort of way by posting a detailed warning to users who click on any links to that I post on Twitter that visiting my site “may be unsafe” — which is completely false.

Recovered COVID patients have robust immunity even if their symptoms were mild and subsequent antibody count is low, because latent antibody-producing cells called memory B cells for SARS-CoV-2 still exist in their bone marrow. This was shown in another Nature study.13,14 When they encounter the SARS-CoV-2 virus again, those memory cells start churning out new antibodies, which will raise the level again to eliminate the virus.

The National Institutes of Health’s website15 even declares that recovery from COVID-19 provides “lasting immunity,” and that the immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had “at least 3 out of 5 immune-system components that could recognize SARS-CoV-2 up to eight months post-infection.” This research was funded in part by the NIAID, and published in the journal Science.16

Clearly, the naturally-acquired immunity narrative poses a significant threat to the mass injection campaign. The information poses no threat to public health. Quite the contrary. The more people know about this, the less fearful they will feel. If they are the ones who recovered, they will know they now have good protection. If the former COVID patient is a family member or friend, they can be at ease with those people, knowing they pose no infection risk.

If it were really about keeping people safe from infection, natural immunity would be accepted and people would be encouraged to look at studies showing most places on earth have already achieved natural immunity. But when it comes to SARS-CoV-2, they insist even those who already have natural immunity should get a COVID shot. Why? They’re already immune! And there’s no added benefit to getting a COVID injection if you have antibodies.

Researchers at Cleveland Clinic looked at this issue, concluding that people who had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at least 42 days prior to vaccination reaped no additional protection from the jabs, over and above their natural immunity.17,18

Zero Benefit and All Risk for Recovered COVID Patients

Meanwhile, the COVID injection may trigger an adverse immune response in those who have already been infected with the virus, putting them at significantly increased risk of injury and death.19 As explained by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a cardiac surgeon and patient advocate:20

“Viral antigens persist in the tissues of the naturally infected for months. When the vaccine is used too early after a natural infection, or worse during an active infection, the vaccine force activates a powerful immune response that attacks the tissues where the natural viral antigens are persisting. This, I suggest, is the cause of the high level of adverse events and, likely deaths, we are seeing in the recently infected following vaccination.”

In early March 2021, researchers at King’s College confirmed the validity of Noorchashm’s concerns. They found people who have already had COVID-19 are three times more likely to experience vaccine side effects than those who have not been exposed to the virus, and this appears true for both mRNA and DNA versions of the vaccine.21

Using data from the Kings College ZOE app, which has logged more than 700,000 vaccinations, 35.7% of those given the Pfizer injection who had previously been infected reported side effects, compared to just 12.2% of those not previously infected.

Looking at the AstraZeneca vaccine, 52.7% of previously infected had side effects, compared to 31.9% of those who had not been previously infected. Despite these documented risks, the FDA continues to recommend the COVID shot for those with natural immunity.

Vaccination Versus Natural Immunity

Public Health England has published data showing only 44 of 6,614 previously infected persons tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection a second time.22 Of those 44, only 15 developed symptoms, so it’s quite possible the remainder were simply false positives.

Either way, the risk of reinfection after recovering from a bout of COVID-19 seems rare, and the risk of reinfection is far lower than the risk of infection faced by those who are fully “vaccinated.” As reported by Israel National News, July 13, 2021:23

“Coronavirus patients who recovered from the virus were far less likely to become infected during the latest wave of the pandemic than people who were vaccinated against COVID …

Health Ministry data on the wave of COVID outbreaks which began this May show that Israelis with immunity from natural infection were far less likely to become infected again in comparison to Israelis who only had immunity via vaccination.

More than 7,700 new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave starting in May, but just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been infected previously — that is, less than 1% of the new cases. Roughly 40% of new cases — or more than 3,000 patients — involved people who had been infected despite being vaccinated.

With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.”

Impossible for COVID Jabs to Have Favorable Impact

In a world of differing opinions and eternally evolving science, who can claim rights to the truth? The White House press secretary seems to think the Biden administration should have dibs on the truth, while in the same breath disinforming the public by referring to the COVID shots as FDA approved with “gold standard” safety studies behind them.

Health agencies and their officials also disinform the public every time they claim vaccine-induced immunity is better than natural immunity, as this runs counter to everything we’ve ever learned about virology. It may be accurate for some diseases, but it certainly cannot be said for COVID-19. There’s far more data suggesting the COVID jab is an unnecessary risk that provides negligible benefit.

Remember, healthy adults under 50, teens and children have a less than 1% chance of hospitalization and death from COVID-19, so they don’t have a medical need for this experimental injection. The overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio is a mere 0.26%. Below 40 years of age, it’s 0.01%.24 Those odds simply do not make a strong argument for mass injection with an experimental gene modification tool.

What’s more, data show the absolute risk reduction for all four COVID injections is between 0.7% and 1.3%.25,26 (Efficacy rates of 67% to 95% all refer to the relative risk reduction.) Since the absolute risk that needs to be overcome is lower than the benefit that these injections can provide, mass vaccination simply cannot have a favorable impact on the population. It’s mathematically impossible.

So, while government, public health leadership and pro-vaccine advocates insist we must follow the science, they themselves are doing anything but. For a year and a half, they’ve insisted pandemic measures like lockdowns, mask wearing and gene modification injections are the only way forward, despite mountains of evidence against each and every one of those strategies.

So, it’s not about science. If it were, they’d produce studies that overwhelmingly refute the counternarrative and prove demonstrable benefits. But they don’t. Instead, they unleash personal attacks and smear campaigns to discourage people from listening to anything that doesn’t come out of their propaganda machine.

Biden Administration Wants to Monitor Your Private Texts

The Biden Administration has now gone so far as to propose SMS carriers fact check private text messages to make sure Americans don’t share inconvenient facts to friends and family.

Ironically, White House spokesperson Kevin Munoz told Politico that this move was part of the administration’s “steadfast commitment to keep politics out of the vaccination efforts.”27 Backlash was swift, from legislators and private individuals alike, but time will tell whether it was enough to make the White House reconsider.28

It’s also not about public health, because if it were, they’d accept natural immunity, and they wouldn’t be breaking the law at every turn. No, it’s all about getting a needle in every arm — science, logic and common sense be damned. The question is why.

Many of my articles over the past year have detailed evidence pointing to this mass injection campaign being a tool to usher in a new world order of surveillance, worldwide poverty and the complete removal of medical and personal freedoms.

The Biden administration’s call to censor — through public utilities and private companies — anyone who shares information about risks and the lack of benefit of these COVID injections is clearly part of that agenda, and must be rejected on ethical, legal and Constitutional grounds.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.

The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.

In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.


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1, 4 White House Press Briefing July 16, 2021

2 White House Press Briefing July 15, 2021

3 CCDH, The Disinformation Dozen

5 May 10, 2021

6 Ruling for writ of certiorari, President Joe Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, April 5, 2021 (PDF)

7 Washington Post April 8, 2021

8 MSN July 16, 2021

9 July 15, 2021

10, Confronting Health Misinformation (PDF)

11 Twitter Dr. Joseph Mercola July 15, 2021

12 Nature June 14, 2021

13 Nature May 24, 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-02103647-4

14 Washington University School of Medicine May 24, 2021

15 NIH Research Matters January 26, 2021

16 Science February 5, 2021; 371(6529): eabf4063

17 medRxiv June 5, 2021 DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.01.21258176

18 News Medical Life Sciences June 8, 2021

19 Medium February 15, 2021

20 The Defender March 23, 2021

21 The Telegraph March 5, 2021 (Archived)

22 Daily Mail January 13, 2021, Updated January 14, 2021

23 Israel National News July 13, 2021

24 Annals of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352

25 Medicina 2021; 57: 199

26 The Lancet Microbe July 1, 2021; 2(7): E279-E280

27 Politico July 12, 2021, Updated July 13, 2021

28 Fox News July 13, 2021

Featured image is from Mercola

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More than 100,000 people flooded streets in France over the weekend and multiple COVID vaccination centers were vandalized as opposition grew to the government’s most recent pandemic strategy. In President Emmanuel Macron’s latest incarnation of lockdowns, government officials have decreed that unvaccinated individuals will no longer be allowed to enter cafes, restaurants, theaters, public transportation and more.

Needless to say, people were not happy.

France’s approach is unique, but it’s just one of many countries around the world imposing new restrictions as fears grow over a new variant of COVID-19. Australia’s recent restrictions have placed half the country under strict lockdown—even though a record 82,000 tests had identified just 111 new coronavirus cases—while restaurants in Portugal are struggling to surviveamid newly imposed restrictions.

One country not making much news is Sweden.

Sweden, of course, was maligned in 2020 for foregoing a strict lockdown. The Guardian called its approach “a catastrophe” in the making, while CBS News said Sweden had become “an example of how not to handle COVID-19.”

Despite these criticisms, Sweden’s laissez-faire approach to the pandemic continues today. In contrast to its European neighbors, Sweden is welcoming tourists. Businesses and schools are open with almost no restrictions. And as far as masks are concerned, not only is there no mandate in place, Swedish health officials are not even recommending them.

What are the results of Sweden’s much-derided laissez-faire policy? Data show the 7-day rolling average for COVID deaths yesterday was zero (see below). As in nada. And it’s been at zero for about a week now.

Even a year ago, it was clear the hyperbolic claims about “the Swedish catastrophe” were false; just ask Elon Musk (also see: here, here, and here). But a year later the evidence is overwhelming that Sweden got the pandemic mostly right. Sweden’s overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than most of Europe and its economy suffered far less. Meanwhile, today Sweden is freer and healthier than virtually any other country in Europe.

As much of the world remains gripped in fear and nations devise new restrictions to curtail basic freedoms, Sweden remains a vital and shining reminder that there is a better way.


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Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune.

Featured image is from Frankie Fouganthin, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Don’t Cry for Lifta: Palestinians Will Endure

July 26th, 2021 by Rima Najjar

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The last thing Palestinians need is to come to terms in sorrow with our dispossession at the hands of the apartheid, settler-colonial Jewish state. The last thing we need is to be resigned to “facts on the ground.”

The most recent piece in Haaretz (this one by Gideon Levy and Alex Levak) on the violently depopulated Palestinian village of Lifta laments the impending demise of the ruins of what remains of the ancient Palestinian village and, by extension, all of Palestine. It reads like an elegy. The focus is on loss, sorrow and grief when what we Palestinians urgently need now is a focus on hope, revolution and resistance.

Haaretz’ headline reads:

“The Saddest Village in Israel — Plans to build more than 250 luxury homes [for Israeli Jews] on the ruins of the Palestinian village of Lifta are coming to fruition. A tour among the homes of the stunning village with one of its last living refugees.”

Zionist framing begins right there in the headline, first with the omission of any mention for whom these luxury homes are being built (added by me in square brackets). Next, the tour is conducted by Yacoub Odeh, who is described misleadingly as one of Lifta’s “last living refugees.”

Odeh is not one of the “last living” refugees of Lifta. My grandchildren and babies being born today to Liftawiyeh families are the last, or rather, latest living generation. Palestinians and the international community define Palestinian refugees to include descendants of the refugees of 1948 and 1967. [See: Palestinian refugees and the right of return.]

There will never be a movie made titled “The Last of the Palestinians!”

Levy and Levak write: “This is the saddest village in Israel and probably the most beautiful, too.”

Is Lifta the saddest and most beautiful village in Israel? No, it isn’t. Sadder still and just as beautiful is neighboring Ein Karem that has already been “renovated” and is one of the top Jerusalem tour destinations. “Ein Karem is still a tranquil place of trees and vineyards, but the municipality of Jerusalem has spread to incorporate the former Arab village.” It has become a “Judean town, a town of Jewish artisans and craftspeople, but Christian churches and convents abound,” according to site.

It’s just the mosques that are missing! [Note: Of the estimated 3,180 people who lived in Ein Karim in 1945, 2,510 were Muslims and 670 Christians; today, Ein Karem is inhabited by some 2,000 Israeli Jews.]

Just as sad and just as beautiful in the memory of those of us who have never even seen them except in imagination are the hundreds of Palestinian villages Jewish forces razed to the ground and covered up with forests where nothing is left over which to weep and lament. As an example, see: “New Documentary Reveals Story of Palestinian Village Covered Up By JNF Forest — The Palestinian village of Lubya was evacuated in 1948, its residents expelled and structures reduced to rubble. As a new documentary shows, the remains are still visible within a forest planted by the Jewish National Fund.”

Lifta is beautiful even in ruins and it was even more beautiful before 1948, but so were hundreds of Palestinian villages and towns.

And yes, we have been weeping and lamenting these past seven decades, but we have also resisted, stood our razed and raped ground, as Palestinians are doing right now in Gaza, in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and Al-Araqeeb.

We are standing our hallowed ground in Al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City, mindful of the Mughrabi Quarter, which Israel bulldozed on June 11, 1967. The Jewish state now calls it the Jewish Quarter having “renovated” it, as it plans to renovate Lifta, exclusively for Jewish Israeli ownership.

Demolition of Lifta was the first step of cleansing Jerusalem of Palestinians in 1948. Demolition of the Mughrabi Quarter was the first step of cleansing Jerusalem of Palestinians in 1967.

But remember, structures can be erased and Hebrew can be plastered on signs, but Palestinians will endure for generations to come.

Image on the right: Louay Mohammad Odeh’s daughter Lifta (Facebook) There will never be a movie made titled “The Last of the Palestinians!”

Yacoub Odeh is quoted in the Haaretz article as saying:

“We had been kings, and within an hour we became beggars. That’s how I joined the Palestinian national movement. All my life I have dreamed of returning.”

The Palestinian “national movement” Odeh had joined, and paid dearly for in imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Israeli state, is the Palestinian liberation movement (see: PLO). On 25 September 2004, I published a story in the Electronic Intifada titled “Prisoner Stories: Loai and Ubai Mohammad Odeh” about his imprisoned nephews, in which I wrote:

Loai, now 26, knew what the Ramleh prison looked like from the inside, long before he himself came to be thrown in it. As a very young child, he was a regular visitor to this prison, along with his grandmother and other relatives, in order to see one of his uncles, Yacoub Odeh, who endured severe torture (still visible on him physically) and seventeen years of imprisonment until his release in the Israeli-Palestinian prisoner exchange of 1985, when 1,150 Palestinian prisoners were freed. He had been sentenced to three life terms. Now, he is active in human rights with a special interest in demolished Palestinian houses in Jerusalem.

Yacoub Odeh endures, as do his nephews. Loai (also spelled Louay) is out of prison with two beautiful children, one of whom is called Lifta.

We will endure; we will prevail.


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Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem and whose mother’s side of the family is from Ijzim, south of Haifa. She is an activist, researcher and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank. 

She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: “The Jerusalem landscape seen through the ruins of a house at Lifta, 2017” — World Monuments Fund

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The recent effort to persuade Canada to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has stimulated a lively debate in the public sphere. At the same time, out of the spotlight, the start-up company Moltex Energy received a federal grant to develop a nuclear project in New Brunswick that experts say will undermine Canada’s credibility as a nonproliferation partner.

Moltex wants to extract plutonium from the thousands of used nuclear fuel bundles currently stored as “high-level radioactive waste” at the Point Lepreau reactor site on the Bay of Fundy. The idea is to use the plutonium as fuel for a new nuclear reactor, still in the design stage. If the project is successful, the entire package could be replicated and sold to other countries if the Government of Canada approves the sale.

On May 25, nine US nonproliferation experts sent an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressing concern that by “backing spent-fuel reprocessing and plutonium extraction, the Government of Canada will undermine the global nuclear weapons non-proliferation regime that Canada has done so much to strengthen.”

The nine signatories to the letter include senior White House appointees and other US government advisers who worked under six US presidents: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama; and who hold professorships at the Harvard Kennedy School, University of Maryland, Georgetown University, University of Texas at Austin, George Washington University, and Princeton University.

Plutonium is a human-made element created as a byproduct in every nuclear reactor. It’s a “Jekyll and Hyde” kind of material: on the one hand, it is the stuff that nuclear weapons are made from. On the other hand, it can be used as a nuclear fuel. The crucial question is, can you have one without the other?

India exploded its first nuclear weapon in 1974 using plutonium extracted from a “peaceful” Canadian nuclear reactor given as a gift many years earlier. In the months afterwards, it was discovered that South Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Argentina—all of them customers of Canadian nuclear technology—were well on the way to replicating India’s achievement. Swift action by the US and its allies prevented these countries from acquiring the necessary plutonium extraction facilities (called “reprocessing plants”). To this day, South Korea is not allowed to extract plutonium from used nuclear fuel on its own territory—a long-lasting political legacy of the 1974 Indian explosion and its aftermath—due to proliferation concerns.

Several years after the Indian explosion, the US Carter administration ended federal support for civil reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel in the US out of concern that it would contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons by making plutonium more available. At that time, Canada’s policy on reprocessing also changed to accord with the US policy—although no similar high-level announcement was made by the Canadian government.

Moltex is proposing to use a type of plutonium extraction technology called “pyroprocessing,” in which the solid used reactor fuel is converted to a liquid form, dissolved in a very hot bath of molten salt. What happens next is described by Moltex chairman and chief scientist Ian Scott in a recent article in Energy Intelligence. “We then—in a very, very simple process—extract the plutonium selectively from that molten metal. It’s literally a pot. You put the metal in, put salt in the top, mix them up, and the plutonium moves into the salt, and the salt’s our fuel. That’s it. … You tip the crucible and out pours the fuel for our reactor.”

The federal government recently supported the Moltex project with a $50.5-million grant, announced on March 18 by Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc in Saint John. At the event, LeBlanc and New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs described the Moltex project as “recycling” nuclear waste, although in fact barely one-half of one per cent of the used nuclear fuel is potentially available for use as new reactor fuel. That leaves a lot of radioactive waste left over.

From an international perspective, the government grant to Moltex can be seen as Canada sending a signal—giving a green light to plutonium extraction and the reprocessing of used nuclear fuel.

The US experts’ primary concern is that other countries could point to Canada’s support of the Moltex program to help justify its own plutonium acquisition programs. That could undo years of efforts to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of countries that might want to join the ranks of unofficial nuclear weapons states such as Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. The Moltex project is especially irksome since its proposed pyroprocessing technology is very similar to the one that South Korea has been trying to deploy for almost 10 years.

In their letter, the American experts point out that Japan is currently the only nonnuclear-armed state that reprocesses spent nuclear fuel, a fact that is provoking both domestic and international controversy.

In a follow-up exchange, signatory Frank von Hippel of Princeton University explained that the international controversy is threefold: (1) The United States sees both a nuclear weapons proliferation danger from Japan’s plutonium stockpile and also a nuclear terrorism threat from the possible theft of separated plutonium; (2) China and South Korea see Japan’s plutonium stocks as a basis for a rapid nuclear weaponization; and (3) South Korea’s nuclear-energy R&D community is demanding that the US grant them the same right to separate plutonium as Japan enjoys.

Despite the alarm raised by the nine authors in their letter to Trudeau, they have received no reply from the government. The only response has come from the Moltex CEO Rory O’Sullivan. His reply to a Globe and Mail reporter is similar to his earlier rebuttal in The Hill Times published in his letter to the editor on April 5: the plutonium extracted in the Moltex facility would be “completely unsuitable for use in weapons.”

But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has stated that “Nuclear weapons can be fabricated using plutonium containing virtually any combination of plutonium isotopes.” All plutonium is of equal “sensitivity” for purposes of IAEA safeguards in nonnuclear weapon states.

Similarly, a 2009 report by nonproliferation experts from six US national laboratories concluded that pyroprocessing is about as susceptible to misuse for nuclear weapons as the original reprocessing technology used by the military, called PUREX.

In 2011, a US State Department official responsible for US nuclear cooperation agreements with other countries went further by stating that pyroprocessing is just as dangerous from a proliferation point of view as any other kind of plutonium extraction technology, saying: “frankly and positively that pyro-processing is reprocessing. Period. Full stop.”

And, despite years of effort, the IAEA has not yet developed an approach to effectively safeguard pyroprocessing to prevent diversion of plutonium for illicit uses.

Given that history has shown the dangers of promoting the greater availability of plutonium, why is the federal government supporting pyroprocessing?

It is clear the nuclear lobby wants it. In the industry’s report, “Feasibility of Small Modular Reactor Development and Deployment in Canada,” released in March, the reprocessing (which they call “recycling”) of spent nuclear fuel is presented as a key element of the industry’s future plans.

Important national and international issues are at stake, and conscientious Canadians should sit up and take notice. Parliamentarians of all parties owe it to their constituents to demand more accountability. To date however, there has been no democratic open debate or public consultation over the path Canada is charting with nuclear energy.

Countless Canadians have urged Canada to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that came into force at the end of January this year. Ironically, the government has rebuffed these efforts, claiming that it does not want to “undermine” Canada’s long-standing effort to achieve a Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty. Such a treaty would, if it ever saw the light of day (which seems increasingly unlikely), stop the production of weapons usable materials such as highly enriched uranium and (you guessed it) plutonium.

So, the Emperor not only has no clothes, but his right hand doesn’t know what his left hand is doing.


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Susan O’Donnell is a researcher specializing in technology adoption and environmental issues at the University of New Brunswick and is based in Fredericton.

Gordon Edwards is a mathematician, physicist, nuclear consultant, and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, and is based in Montreal.

Featured image: AMBER WAVES OF GRAIN. This field of ceramic nose-cones represents, in miniature, all the warheads in the US nuclear arsenal at the height of the Cold War, along with the nuclear submarines, bombers, and ballistic missiles designed to deliver them. Estimates put the warhead count at around 25,000. Denver sculptress Barbara Donachy created this installation to show what such a concentration of nuclear weaponry would look like all in one place. Her display contains 33,561 pieces representing 31,000 warheads, 1,799 ballistic missiles, 324 intercontinental bombers, and 37 nuclear submarines. Amber Waves of Grain installation by Barbara Donachy, Boston Science Museum, Boston, Massachusetts. February 13, 1985. Photograph copyright by Robert Del Tredici, The Atomic Photographers Guild/taken from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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The CDC quietly announced last week that it was withdrawing its request to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2.

Most of the public is probably unaware that similar to the current COVID-19 injections that are not yet approved by the FDA, but only given Emergency Use Authorization, so too the hundreds of diagnostic tests that supposedly detect COVID-19 are also NOT approved by the FDA, but only authorized via an EUA.

What is the reason the CDC is withdrawing its EUA request for the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel?

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test.

CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. (Source.)

Caitlin McFall, writing for Fox News, is the only one in the corporate media I could find that even reported this, and the few reports I found in the Alternative media so far have been mostly inaccurate.

McFall reports:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged labs this week to stock clinics with kits that can test for both the coronavirus and the flu as the “influenza season” draws near.

The CDC said Wednesday it will withdrawal its request for the “Emergency Use Authorization” of real-time diagnostic testing kits, which were used starting in February 2020 to detect signs of the coronavirus, by the end of the year.

“CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives,” the agency said.

The U.S. has reported more than 34.4 million cases of the coronavirus since the pandemic began in 2020 and more than 610,000 deaths.

But while cases of COVID-19 soared nationwide, hospitalizations and deaths caused by influenza dropped.

According to data released by the CDC earlier this month, influenza mortality rates were significantly lower throughout 2020 than previous years.

There were 646 deaths relating to the flu among adults reported in 2020, whereas in 2019 the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza-related illnesses.

The CDC urged laboratories to “save both time and resources” by introducing kits that can determine and distinguish a positive test for the coronavirus and flu. (Source.)

So there you have it. The CDC just basically admitted that many of the COVID-19 cases this past year could not be distinguished from “flu cases.” No wonder flu cases decreased to zero in so many places. See: Health Officials Admit that Only Those Vaccinated for the Flu are Getting the Flu This Year

The ending of the EUA for the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel will not happen until the end of the year, December 31, 2021, and the CDC recommends that laboratories start transitioning to other types of COVID-19 diagnostic tests that have been given an EUA by the FDA here.

At the time of publication of this article, the FDA has issued 251 EUAs for COVID-19 diagnostic tests since April 1, 2020. The vast majority of them are for the RT-PCR tests, including about 20 that were just issued EUAs since the beginning of this month, July, 2021.

The cash cow for these tests and the hundreds of companies that got rich selling them will now have to move on to the next phase to be able to cash in.

Diagnostic Testing Fraud: Controlling the Masses and Medical Kidnapping

We have been covering the corruption in the medical diagnostic testing field for the better part of a decade now, and we exposed it early on in the COVID-19 Plandemic last year as well.

Here are some of our previous articles from last year exposing the fraud of COVID-19 diagnostic testing.

When we started back in 2014, we learned that fraudulent diagnostic testing was a common way for doctors and hospitals to order children be removed from their homes.

Often they create false drug test positive results to remove children from their parents.

Alabama Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests Used to Medically Kidnap Children

The worst offender, by far, in medically kidnapping children by use of a medical diagnostic test, is within the field of radiology and finding “proof” of child abuse simply by looking at x-rays.

This whole field has developed a recent new class of pediatricians “certified” as “Child Abuse Pediatricians,” and the lucrative jobs of these doctors depend on them finding abused children and putting them into the lucrative child trafficking network known as “foster care.”

We have actually published an eBook on this topic, or you can look up individual cases on our website to learn how this evil system works.

When it comes to diagnosing “influenza,” we have exposed the fraud there as well, as pre-COVID-19 the CDC simply used estimates of cases of the flu, since they cannot verify actual numbers each year by diagnostic testing.

Annual Flu Deaths Scam Unwittingly Exposed and Replaced by the COVID Deaths Scam

So COVID-19 allowed them to just further exploit the fraud of diagnostic testing to create fear and panic, and achieve their goals of enslaving the public and rolling out their experimental mRNA injections.

With this latest announcement by the CDC that they are now going to retire the RT-PCR Diagnostic tests and replace them with other tests that can now test both COVID and influenza, it is pretty easy to see what their game plan is for later this year.

Just about everyone in the U.S. will be able to be tested “positive” for something by this Fall when the flu season starts.

This will be the “Hegelian principle” implementation for 2021. The government creates the problem, and then they create the solution, which we know now is more “vaccines” for everything in life that ails us, and try to punish those who don’t want to play their game.

I’m ready. Are you?


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Featured image is from Health Impact News

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Eminent European physicians and scientists this month co-authored an expert statement regarding Comirnaty–COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for children, outlining their expert opinions that “vaccination of adolescents for COVID-19 is unnecessary, claims demonstrating efficacy are misleading, and the safety profiles are catastrophic.”

Authored by Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz Prof. emeritus Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D., European registered toxicologist and immunologist and CEO of the TPI consult GmbH Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz, Facharzt für medizinische Mikrobiologie und Infektionsepidemiologie, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo Prof. Dr. Med. Michael Palmer, and Facharzt für innere Medizin-Lungen-und Bronchialkrankheiten, Facharzt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Facharzt für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen Ltd. Med. Dir. i.R. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the document seeks to answer three questions:

  1. Is vaccination of adolescents against COVID-19 necessary?
  2. Is the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine effective?
  3. Is the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine safe?

Arguments presented in Section 1 of the study pertain to all COVID-19 vaccines, whereas those in Sections 2 and 3 apply specifically to the Pfizer vaccine.

Section 1 seeks to show that vaccinating adolescents for COVID-19 is unnecessary, because

  • in this age group the disease is almost always mild and benign;
  • for the rare clinical cases that require it, treatment is readily available;
  • immunity to the disease is now widespread, due to prior infection with the virus (SARS-CoV-2) or with other coronavirus strains; and
  • asymptomatic adolescents will not transmit the disease to other individuals who might be at greater risk of infection.

Section 2 seeks to demonstrate that the claims of efficacy that Pfizer attaches to its vaccine—namely, 95% efficacy in adults, and 100% in adolescents—are

  • misleading, because these numbers pertain to relative, not absolute efficacy, the latter being on the order of only 1%;
  • specious, because they refer to an arbitrarily defined, clinically meaningless evaluation endpoint, whereas no efficacy at all has been demonstrated against severe disease or mortality;
  • most likely altogether fraudulent.

Section 3 seeks to show that the safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine is “catastrophically bad”. It claims that

  • Pfizer, the EMA, and the FDA have systematically neglected evidence from preclinical animal trials that clearly pointed to grave dangers of adverse events;
  • the Pfizer vaccine has caused thousands of deaths within five months of its introduction;
  • The agencies that granted emergency use authorization for this vaccine committed grave errors and omissions in their assessments of known and possible health risks.

Watch the video here.

In a section entitled Shortcomings of commercial COVID-19 PCR tests, the authors state: “Unfortunately, the number of amplification cycles (the Ct value) needed to find the genetic material in question is rarely included in the results sent to authorities, doctors and those tested. Most commercially available RT-qPCR tests set the limit of amplification cycles up to which an amplification signal should be considered positive at 35 or higher. Multiple studies have indicated that Ct values above 30 have a very low predictive value for positive virus cultures, and thus for infectiousness or the presence of acute disease [15, 26–28]. Considering that in many clinical trials—including the ones conducted by Pfizer (see later)—a ‘COVID-19 case’, or an ‘endpoint’ amounts to no more than a positive PCR test, regardless of Ct value, in combination with one or a few non-specific symptoms of respiratory disease, the significance of the use of improperly high Ct cut-off values cannot be overstated.

“This systematic and widespread error alone has sufficed to gravely distort the diagnoses conferred on individual patients, as well as the epidemiology of the pandemic as a whole…

“In summary, a positive RT-qPCR test result cannot be accepted as proof that the person in question is currently infected and infectious—even if there is reasonable clinical plausibility of actualCOVID-19 infection, as well as a significant community prevalence of the disease.”

The document examines use of inaccurate diagnostic methods, potential pitfalls of PCR in diagnostic applications, “unlikely claims and contradictions in Pfizer’s evidence on efficacy,” evidence suggesting that “the Pfizer documentation contradicts itself on COVID-19 incidence after vaccination,” how “preclinical data from animal experiments indicate potential for grave harm,” toxic and procoagulant activities of the spike protein, mechanism of vaccine uptake into the bloodstream, mechanisms of accumulation in specific organs, potential risks to fertility and to the breastfed newborn, “Pfizer’s failure to investigate risks evident from preclinical investigations,” adverse events after the onset of vaccinations, fatalities reported in connection with COVID vaccines, severe events related to disrupted blood clotting, and other severe reactions, including miscarriages and deaths among breastfed infants. They also discuss “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE), where in some cases antibodies can increase disease severity, even though antibodies in principle serve to protect us from infections.

“The only possible conclusion from this analysis is that the use of this vaccine in adolescents cannot be permitted, and that its ongoing use in any and all age groups ought to be stopped immediately,” the authors recommend.

Watch the video here.


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Featured image:  A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

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Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité: under Macron’s “pass sanitaire” guillotine?

For the few of us who are students of history, and its aficionado travelers, meaning those who muse and wonder, at times, about how significant figures of the past would view our often dire predicament, it is rather obvious that, for example, the founding fathers of the French Revolution such as Danton, Mirabeau, St Just, and Robespierre would be shocked and angry by what has recently happened to their Republic. Even France’s last great statesman General de Gaulle, if alive today, would have likely been deeply enraged by the state of affairs in a country he loved and fought for with his heart and soul.

In the era of President Emmanuel Macron, who is merely a cynical actor, figurehead, and France’s public relation person in chief passing for a statesman, but who truly is a loyal servant of global corporatism, our revolution’s founders, as well as the subsequent republics’ principles, like the one of the Fifth Republic of de Gaulle, have been insulted, slapped in the face, and assaulted by some sort of insidious and limp dictatorship, under the cover of a health crisis. A complex authoritarian strategy using the pretense of shielding French citizens, often against their will, in this new lucrative conceptual war.

This war on a virus is even more advantageous than the previous conceptual one: the war on terror. In “Macron’s war” syringes are the weapons delivery system of choice, needles like billions of little worker bees at the ready to jab you for an invitation to control freedom, and a moderate slice of happiness: the joy once you have obtained the French COVID pass Sanitaire to go to museums, movie theaters, inside restaurants, and avoid wearing masks outdoor.

French citizens should be aware that the very motto of our dear Republic, Liberté -Égalité -Fraternité is under the assault of king Ubu Macron and could, without a strong popular resistance, be decapitated by the cold blade of Macron’s virtual guillotine.

In a form of dictatorial grab of power for the benefit of big biotech and big pharmaceutical companies. Macron’s pernicious pass sanitaire, just approved by France’s Assemblée Nationale, is a power grab by global corporate imperialism.

Of course, all of it done with a wink, a tan and a smile! All of it done for the greater good of ungrateful “Gaullois refractaire” French citizens, in the continuity of the pesky Gilets Jaunes.

Science lover poseur Macron, an enlightened modern day Julius Cesar, is bent on defeating obscurantism armed only with syringes to deliver his brand of salvation thru vaccines.

Those who have been in the forefront of the street protest in France to resist this hybrid neoliberal dictatorship personified by Macron are the still active Gilets Jaunes.

From war on terror to war on virus: maximum profit for big tech & pharma

Forget about the good old so-called war-on-terror, fading slightly since its start in September 2001 but still a nice little threat in the background, big enough to keep the military-industrial complex flush with cash. A new conceptual global war was needed: the global war on COVID virus came at the right time. This one is even more promising, as it potentially concerns the entire world population or 7.9 billion people.

The COVID war has also been an easy sell for the general population, as it can be viewed as a war of necessity with humans “all in it together.” It can also provide an astronomical stream of revenue by making vaccination mandatory. In terms of profit from pandemics, vaccine companies have not been the only beneficiaries of this COVID gold rush.

Big tech companies have racked up billions of dollars at a furious pace since March 2020 and the various restrictive measures of lock-downs and curfews. The likes of Amazon, Zoom and streaming media have handsomely benefited from the imposed partial move to a virtual world. As matter of fact, worldwide stock markets have become junkies to this trend: addicted to the war on COVID benefits.

Needless to say, this vast stream of income is also potentially endless because of the virus mutation into different variants. One loses track of this Greek alphabet catalogue. It was Alpha first or the English variant, then Beta or the Brazilian one, more contagious than the rhythm of Samba, and now it is the Delta variant originally called Indian mutation. As the virus mutates, as they all do, it could potentially take us all the way to Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. The side effect of the Delta variant’s rapid spread has been to allow Macron, and soon many others, head-of-states or figureheads, to tighten back the screw on fundamental liberties.

Rule by decree, states of emergency, arbitrary measures, absurd,or not, are a form of abuse of power that neoliberals like Macron are really enjoying. It is an insidious form of dictatorship under a benevolent disguise of the enlightened rulers forcing their citizenry’s behavior. In France a law is about to pass, in parliament, to make vaccine for healthcare workers across board mandatory. If they do not comply by September 15, 2021, they will be fired. In the case of France, this should be viewed as a prelude to mandatory vaccination for the entire population.

Killing personal freedom and liberties

In France, government controlled mainstream media, critiques rightly calling the Macron administration’s sweeping COVID policies a “dictature sanitaire” or healthcare dictatorship have been labeled conspiracy theorists. This is pure disinformation, as what defines a dictatorship, semantically speaking, is a government, elected or not, forcing policies on its citizens. It is done under the premise that it is an action for the benefit of the common good, but nonetheless it is the exercise of authoritarian power on a population.

Through the COVID-19 pandemics, governments have learned that, if fear and paranoia were prevalent enough, and they run a lot of polls in their respective population, any dictatorial measures could be implemented without risking much social turmoil. A great majority of people did, and would likely comply again to other lock-downs, wearing masks outdoors, curfews, but without much protest. Now the final frontier is mandatory vaccination from 12 years-old on, which will give you some sort of health passport. If approved. this pass would give people the right to live almost free. This new type of passport, given to you as a reward to your obedience, will give you access to a mythical promised land often called by Macron “the return of the happy days!”

COVID fear mongering: subterfuge to hide climate collapse threat

There is no doubt, for any rational minds, that contesting the reality of the COVID pandemic is pure conspiracy theory. More than that, it is full blown lunacy!

There are two radical anti-vaxers thought processes here: firstly, deny the existence of the pandemic entirely; secondly, which might be even more disturbing, an unshakable belief that the virus was man made, and released on purpose by the like of Fauci, Bill Gates, and a hand full of mad scientists.  These are the kinds of conspiracy theories that currently get you banned on social media.

As much as they are colorfully insane, this type of COVID-19 conspiracy theory denials are not, in essence, any worse than climate change crisis denial. The difference being that your average run of the mill climate change denier won’t get banned on social media. The nature of the capitalist global corporatism system, where neoliberals like Macron are leading figures, is not to create a crisis from scratch, which is either an impossible or very challenging task, but instead to take advantage of crisis either to further general policy goals, or in most cases benefit punctually from them like an opportunistic predator. This predatory aspect is after all the very nature of capitalism.

Besides the numerous advantages that Macron, his political colleagues and their patrons from the billionaire class have found in the COVID crisis, as explained above, not only huge financial gains for pharmaceutical companies, but also for tech companies involved in this sort of forced quantum leap to the virtual world. In brief, this has been a chance to brutally shock the global economy. Not to make it more equal or sustainable, but quite exactly the opposite: COVID has been an opportunity to concentrate wealth even more in fewer hands with a net result of more social inequality.

Because in today’s press one story is always used to hide another, the pandemic has been also a blessed opportunity to hide, not the proverbial 800-pound gorilla in the room, but instead the 10,000-ton Godzilla wrecking the planet: Godzilla, in this case, being the growing certainty of an upcoming global climate collapse.

Of the “Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite motto of the French revolution, all the great values have been trampled and gutted. With lock-downs, curfews, mandatory masks and vaccine, Liberte is now gone. In the era of Macron, a former investment banker, nobody can talk about Egalite in a country which is on its way to become almost as unequal as the United States; and last but not least, how could anyone see any Fraternite left? The community sense of brotherhood died quite sometime ago in France. There is no brotherhood left, no deep sense of connection within the nation, we are not “all in this together”.

In reality, there is only all of us, common men and women worldwide, against the billionaire class that controls the levers of the global corporate imperialist machines, with their political servant facilitators acting as heads of state. The specific names within the political class are of little significance, since they represent the identical interests. It’s a bit like the names given to the COVID variants. The Delta variant, portrayed as the top threat right now, started more modestly as India’s mutation. Who knows, perhaps in some billionaire class circles, Emmanuel Macron is just called factor X, LV or MANU.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, News Junkie Post.

Gilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire.

Featured image is from Citoyen Chouette

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Devin Smith wasn’t impressed as he looked out across the stagnant water of Barnaby Slough, a pond near the edge of the Skagit River in northern Washington. “Steelhead like fast-moving water,” Smith said, a steady May rain pelting his glasses. The slough, however, was more like “a big bathtub.” Smith is the habitat restoration director for the Skagit River System Cooperative, a natural resources consortium of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe.

Barnaby hasn’t always been such a bad place for young fish. Over a century ago, this valley of towering cedars and moss-drenched maples was one of the most productive salmon habitats in the entire Pacific Northwest. Back then, the Skagit River meandered across the valley floor in a maze of waterways, which exist today as glades etched into the forest, and Barnaby Slough was the river’s mainstem. The complex network of side channels this produced protected young salmon from heat and predators. But by the 1940s, the Skagit River had straightened and separated from Barnaby, cutting off hundreds of acres of salmon habitat. Eventually, Washington state added small barriers to turn the slough into a fish-rearing pond, further isolating it. Today, the river remains detached from the surrounding fish habitat, and scientists are wondering why.

Seattle’s three Skagit River dams, approximately 25 miles upriver from Barnaby, are a likely culprit. Commissioned between 1924 and 1952, they generate roughly 20% of Seattle’s power. But they also limit the river’s seasonal flooding and starve it of the sediment and fallen trees that would naturally raise its water level and help salmon access side channels. Now, researchers want to know: Could the Skagit and Barnaby reconnect if the sediment currently locked behind the dams was released into the river?

That question could soon be answered. Seattle launched over $20 million worth of studies this summer as part of the federal process to renew the dams’ licenses, which expire in 2025. These studies will catalog how the dams are hurting the ecosystem, including protected salmon populations, which have plummeted in recent decades. They’ll also help determine what the city must do to mitigate those effects. As Seattle applies for a new license that could last as long as 50 years, the latest science is showing that the dams may not be compatible with a healthy river.

Federal scientists are already convinced that Seattle’s dams are harming local salmon and orca populations. Two of the river’s salmon species, Puget Sound chinook and Puget Sound steelhead, and the river’s bull trout are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, while a third salmon species is a “species of concern.” The local killer whale population, which almost exclusively eats chinook salmon, is sliding toward extinction, with only 74 individuals left. While other factors are also to blame — mining operations, highway construction and farming have all damaged the river’s health — the National Marine Fisheries Service wrote in October 2020 that Seattle’s current dam operations are “not adequate to support survival and recovery” of the protected species.

Seattle’s early decisions in the relicensing process generated widespread condemnation from state, federal and tribal governments. Seattle City Light, the city department that manages the dams, spent the last two years refusing dozens of study requests from regulatory agencies on topics such as how the dams impact the river’s estuary, side-channel salmon habitat, fish passage and key water-quality standards. This spring, however, the utility changed course, and in June it agreed to many studies it had earlier rejected, although it continues to deny a request from the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe to look at removing the Gorge Dam, the city’s lowest and oldest dam on the Skagit.

Scientists now are working across the entire watershed to understand the dams’ impacts through dozens of studies, from installing new thermometers that will measure water temperature fluctuations below the dams to surveying how often trout in the city’s reservoirs are killed by the dams’ turbines. Researchers will also attempt to quantify how much sediment the city’s three reservoirs hold. That, combined with a new pilot program to release sediment into the river, should help them figure out how to reconnect the side-channel habitat at Barnaby Slough — and perhaps bring salmon back to the area.

One of the most contentious questions facing Seattle’s dams is whether the concrete barriers prevent salmon from reaching the Skagit’s glaciated headwaters in North Cascades National Park. Seattle City Light has long maintained that a steep section of riverbed littered with cabin-sized boulders two miles below the Gorge Dam — and not the dam itself — thwarts spawning salmon. Federal agencies, however, have said the city hasn’t identified any rocks that would actually qualify as a barrier to the fish.

The Upper Skagit Indian Tribe’s own history confirms that fish could spawn above this section. The tribe wrote in an October 2020 FERC filing that its scientists had documented the presence of salmon upriver of the rocks the city claims block the fish. Two months later, Seattle City Light dismissed the tribe’s evidence, writing that it was “inappropriate to engage in conjecture” about fish passage. But in April this year, a crew of scientists from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Park Service found an entire school of approximately 50 young coho salmon above the alleged barriers — implying that at least two adult fish were able to swim past the boulder field and reproduce.

Chris Townsend, Seattle City Light’s director of hydroelectric operations and FERC relicensing, defended the utility’s actions by pointing out that the Fisheries Service had determined as recently as 2012 that natural barriers were impeding salmon. The agency has since reversed that position, however, and also asserted that orcas won’t survive without changes at Seattle’s dams. Townsend also said that his department has agreed to test its natural barrier hypothesis with a computer model, and to study the feasibility of providing fish passage past all three of the city’s dams. “It’s a new day, we have new tools, and we have agreed to model the optimal flows for anadromous fish passage,” Townsend said. “If it shows that we need to do fish passage over one or more of the dams, we will do that.”

Building fish passages would likely cost millions of dollars. In 1996, during the relicensing of the Condit Dam on the White Salmon River in southern Washington, FERC required the dam’s owner, PacificCorp, to install fish passage technology. But rather than pay for the expensive improvements, PacificCorp removed the dam in 2011.

Regardless of what FERC ultimately decides for the Skagit, the science on the risks the river faces — and the regulatory agency decisions driven by that understanding — has changed since the current license was issued in 1995. During that relicensing process, the Washington Department of Ecology voluntarily waived its right to analyze how the dams affect the river’s water quality, and the Fisheries Service didn’t even request studying fish passage at the city’s dams.

Lorraine Loomis, the fisheries manager for the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, said the decline of the river’s salmon since 1995 is painfully obvious. “We had salmon then. We don’t now,” she said as she sat at an old picnic table on her tribe’s reservation near the mouth of the Skagit River, the smell of saltwater hanging in the air. The river’s nearby estuary is a grassy maze of tidal wetlands that protect young salmon from predators, just like the woody side channels 70 miles upriver at Barnaby Slough.

Loomis compared these environments to hotels: They give salmon a place to stay and grow stronger before they swim to the sea. But now, “there’s not enough hotels along the river anymore,” she said, leaning forward, her hands on the picnic table’s rough boards. “So rather than stay at some place to grow a little, they keep on going down the river and then go out to sea, and they can’t survive.”

The Swinomish are fighting for additional research — studying how sediment impacts the estuary habitat, for example — because the shrinking salmon stocks are threatening both their treaty-protected fishing rights and their very way of life, Loomis said. “We have to make sure we do everything possible to recover the salmon.”


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Lester Black is an independent journalist based in Washington who has written for newspapers in Tennessee, New Mexico, California and Oregon, and was most recently a staff writer at The Stranger. Follow Lester on Twitter @leddder. Email High Country News at [email protected] or submit a letter to the editor.

Under Bolsonaro, Attacks on Amazonians Have Skyrocketed

July 26th, 2021 by Leonardo Fuhrmann

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The Bolsonaro government is committed to handing over Amazonian land to Brazilian and foreign capitalists. As their exploitation continues, violent conflict over land and water in the Amazon has escalated — increasing 8% in 2020, to the highest levels in the 35 year history that this reporting has been conducted. Many of these attacks are from the state itself.

Violence against Amazonians is nothing new. As capitalists — mining companies, landowners, and the state itself — seize ever more of the region’s land and resources, they inevitably confront, and then violently dispossess, the Indigenous communities, quilombolas, and peasants that live there. Under the Bolsonaro government, these “conflicts” — more appropriately considered one-sided violence against those who seek only to maintain their right to their own resources — have increased to unprecedented levels.

A new report of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) released last month points to a record number of agricultural conflicts in 2020, with 2,054 registered cases. The Legal Amazon — a region formed by the states of the North region, Mato Grosso and most of Maranhão — has been the main focus of violence in the Brazilian countryside, with 77% of all cases.

Overall, the survey points to an 8% increase in the number of conflicts registered in the countryside, from 1,903 in 2019 to 2,054 in 2020, reaching the highest number in the CPT report’s 35-year history. In 2018, a year before Bolsonaro took office, there were 1,547.

The number of hectares in conflict also skyrocketed, reaching 77,442,957 in 2020, up from 53,313,244 in 2019 — a 45% increase. Last year, the disputed territory was almost twice as big as that of 2018, when it was 39,425,494 hectares.

In 2020, eighteen people, seven of whom were indigenous, died because of conflicts. In 2019, there were 32.

Although the number of conflicts over water decreased in comparison to 2019, they are still much higher than that recorded in previous periods. There were 350 in 2020 and 509 in 2019, compared to 279 in 2018.

For researcher Patrícia Rosa Chaves, professor of Human Geography at the Federal University of Amapá (Ufap) and specialist in Agrarian Geography, the data suggest a consolidation of the pattern of concentration of agrarian violence in the Legal Amazon, a trend that began in 2015. Chaves is one of the CPT advisors responsible for analyzing the data.

With Bolsonaro, conflicts caused by the government escalate

“Despite the attacks, the Amazon is supposed to be a region under protection due to the number of environmental reserves and indigenous territories,” she says. “But the current government is committed to handing over these natural assets to Brazilian and foreign capitalists.” She points out that the idea of exploiting the Amazon in partnership with allied countries had always been in Bolsonaro’s government programme and replicates the military dictatorship’s project.

During the first two years of Jair Bolsonaro’s administration, the number of conflicts in the countryside where the government itself was the aggressor soared. The CPT registered 311 cases, seven times the number observed during the Dilma Rousseff (PT) administration, when the federal government was the aggressor in 45 cases. The main targets of this offensive carried out with the direct participation or support of the government are indigenous peoples, quilombolas and extractive industry workers. This number does not take into account political support for the other aggressors: landowners, gold miners and land grabbers.

Patrícia notes that Bolsonaro’s rhetoric echoes the false argument that the region is a demographic vacuum. “The very number of conflicts and families affected demonstrates the fallacy of the argument,” she explains. “And we must remember that countryside families, especially those of traditional and original peoples, have more members than most of the urban centres’.” The 1,576 cases of conflicts in the Legal Amazon in 2020 affected 171,000 families.

The pandemic makes communities more vulnerable

During the pandemic, these “conflicts” have become even more asymmetric: “These are not cases in which these communities are occupying land [as a protest strategy]. They are just living in their own territories, struggling to survive, facing the impacts of Covid-19, and they are attacked by those who want to exploit those lands”.

With little protection and precarious health policies even before the pandemic, these populations have suffered doubly, as is clear from the figures on indigenous and quilombola deaths due to the coronavirus.

Attacks on these populations were central to the North region surpassing the Northeast in number of agrarian conflicts. The change began in 2015 and has been consolidated over the last two years. In 2020, even small states in the North, such as Acre and Amapá, were among the ten states with the highest number of conflicts.

“Amazonas is not among the ten states with the highest number of conflicts, but the conflicts involve a large population as well”, comments Patrícia. The most critical region is the so-called Bico do Papagaio, on the border of Pará with Maranhão and Tocantins, in Legal Amazonia. With part of its territory in the Legal Amazon and also in Matopiba, Maranhão was the state with the highest number of conflicts.

The researcher also shared concerns about the decline in the numbers regarding slave labour: “It is not a sign that degrading or exploitative work has decreased, but rather that investigations and the monitoring of complaints by the public power have lost momentum”.


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Leonardo Fuhrmann is a reporter for De Olho nos Ruralistas.

Featured image is from Raissa Azeredo / Mídia Ninja, Flickr

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Dr. Wodarg launched an investigation into the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic when he was member of the  European parliament.

In this interview with Kristina Borjesson, Dr. Wodarg addresses how these fraudulent tactics used to declare and handle the H1N1 pandemic including massive bribery paved the way for the actions taken in relation to the 2020-2021 Covid-19 pandemic.



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Biden Gaffe Renews Questions About COVID Transparency

July 26th, 2021 by Philip Wegmann

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President Biden so desperately wants the vaccine-hesitant part of the country to get their shots that he may have spread a little misinformation. “You are not going to get COVID,” he promised during a CNN town-event Wednesday night, “if you have these vaccines.”

Of course, this is not true. Biden knows it. He said as much later during the forum, explaining that, while vaccinated individuals enjoy significant protections, they can still test positive for the virus. But even if that happens, the president pointed out, the vaccine largely mitigates the most serious dangers. “You are not going to be hospitalized,” he said, reciting the latest scientific consensus. “You are not going to be in the IC unit, and you are not going to die.”

The fact that fully vaccinated individuals can still contract the coronavirus is a medical reality. It has also led to more uncomfortable questions about transparency for the Biden administration.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed at Tuesday’s briefing that there had been previously undisclosed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated employees at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Psaki refused, two days later, to say how many White House officials had gotten sick.

Reporters pressed her on the issue. After all, as the country learned the hard way during the pandemic, the health of the people working directly for the president can end up influencing the health of the republic. A lot of people have those jobs, more than 2,000 in the White House itself and the adjacent Eisenhower Executive Office Building. According to Psaki, that means “that just statistically speaking, there will be people who are vaccinated individuals who get COVID on the campus.”

Will the White House make those statistics available as they develop? “No,” Psaki said. “I don’t think you can expect that we’re going to be providing numbers of breakthrough cases.”

Well, why not? The story of the pandemic has been told through the charts and graphs presented to the public by members of the White House COVID task force. Why should this data be exempt?

When Kelly O’Donnell of NBC News pressed the White House to explain the lack of transparency, Psaki responded by saying that things are different now:

“Well, Kelly, I think, one, we’re in a very different place than we were several months ago. The vast, vast, vast majority of individuals who are vaccinated who get COVID will be asymptomatic or have mild cases.”

Psaki continued by saying that everyone who clocks in and out at the White House campus “has been offered a vaccine.” But those administration employees, like the rest of the federal workforce, have not been required to roll up their sleeves and take the shot. Face coverings have disappeared all the same at the White House, and aides are expected to follow the rule Biden laid out in May:

“Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.”

But since even vaccinated individuals can become infected with the virus, what happens in those cases?

“We have been very clear that we will be transparent with anyone who has had close proximity contact with the president or any of the four principles as deemed by the White House medical unit with all of you,” Psaki said.

And if someone sick with COVID comes into close contact with those principles, the press secretary said that the case itself would be made public but the infected individual would decide whether or not his or her name would be released. She promised, “We will protect their privacy.”

White House staff were made aware of this policy in a campus-wide email sent recently, and Psaki said Tuesday that the White House was abiding by “an agreement we made during the transition to be transparent and make information available.” They had committed then, she insisted, to releasing “information proactively if it is commissioned officers.”

The White House did not provide a copy of that commitment to transparency when asked to do so by RealClearPolitics.

It is a touchy subject. On one hand, the White House would rather not deal with headlines about vaccinated staffers coming down with COVID at the exact moment they are singing the praises of getting vaccinated. On the other, they would rather keep contact tracing apolitical and skip the pandemic parlor game that consumed the press and the previous administration.

In the time before the vaccine, reporters kept meticulous notes of which Trump staffers were and were not wearing their masks. And after Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s ceremonial nomination in the Rose Garden was dubbed a “super-spreader” by Anthony Fauci, the press scrambled to carry out their own unofficial contact tracing to see who might have been the “patient zero” who infected President Trump, the first lady, and several members of Congress. Biden World would rather skip that drama.

The risks aren’t as severe now, thanks to the vaccine. Get the shot and, as Biden explained, “you are not going to die.” All the same, even some Biden allies find the lack of transparency frustrating. “I get they’re trying to show strength and resolve, but I hated this secrecy with Trump and I hate it here with Biden too,” said Bradley Moss, a partner at the law firm that represented the whistleblower in Trump’s first impeachment. “Keep the public informed. Secrecy breeds mistrust.”

So why not just tell the public how many breakthrough cases there have been? Again, as Psaki explained, “we’re in a very different place than we were several months ago.”


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If you live in Washington DC, and your child comes home a bit wobbly, there is a chance the school you entrust with their care just gave them a clandestine Covid jab. Without talking to you about it first, or even warning you afterwards to keep a close watch on your child for adverse vaccine reactions.

Parents Take Aim At D.C. Law That Lets Minors Get Vaccinated Without Permission

July 19, 2021

D.C. parents are suing city officials over a new law that allows children 11 and older to acquire vaccines without permission from parents.

Four parents of students at several public schools — both traditional and charter — said giving children the autonomy to get immunized on their own violates parents’ rights and religious freedom, according to a July 12 lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington.

“All parents have a right to be directly involved in medical decision-making about their children,” said James Mason, an attorney representing the parents.

It is the second lawsuit brought in recent weeks by parents who want the federal court to strike down the law, which went into effect in March.

The D.C. Council voted 10-3 in November to allow minors to give their own consent for vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even if a parent has filed a religious exemption.

It is unclear if or how the legal challenges will affect the city’s efforts to inoculate youth against the coronavirus before the next academic year starts.

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Just in case you think this story is too absurd to be true, you can read the bill granting 11yr olds explicit right to consent, “B23-0171 – Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2019“, on the District of Columbia Council Website.

What about my claim that the law authorises “clandestine” medical procedures? Councillor Vincent Grayattached the following amendment to the original law:

“The provider shall notify the insurer that the immunization has been provided under the authority of this section.”

Rationale: This amendment requires the provider to notify the insurer that the immunization has been provided under the authority of the “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020”, so the insurer will know that they should not send an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for the vaccination. Without this amendment, the insurer would not be on notice that they needed to refrain from sending the EOB.

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I’m not a lawyer, but the above amendment appears to be an instruction to insurers to not send an Explanation of Benefits to the policy holders, in this case the parents. This appears to be an instruction not to inform the parents that a medical procedure has been performed on their child.

To say I am shocked is an understatement.

An 11 year old is not capable of giving informed consent. I remember what I was like at age 11 – I mostly did what the teacher told me to do. I was a kid, and that is what good kids do – they obey adult authority figures.

The idea that a school can administer a non-emergency medical treatment which could injure or in rare cases even kill a child, without talking to the parents about it, or providing any warning to watch for side effects or adverse reactions, in my opinion is a total breach of trust.


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Standing with the Cuban People

July 26th, 2021 by Margaret Kimberley

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The current Black-centered Cuban protest operation is very well orchestrated and if Black people in this country are not careful, they will end up amplifying the dictates of U.S. imperialism.

The Movement for Black Lives has an interesting and sometimes contradictory political history. Popularly known as Black Lives Matter (BLM), they gave birth to a now international rallying cry against anti-Black racism. They are identified with the issue of police violence so much that any protest involving Black people is dubbed Black Lives Matter whether there is any connection with that group or not.

But BLM has also been problematic. Its founders have close ties to the Democratic party and its funding apparatus. Its membership has always been more radical than its leadership, who disclosed that they raised $90 million dollars in 2020 alone. The public accountability came about because their local chapters demanded more transparency and accountability.

Sometimes though they get things right, as happened when BLM released a statement demanding an end to the 60-year long sanctions imposed by the U.S. against the Cuban government and its people. The impetus for their statement came after a well orchestrated psy-op was carried out against the Cuban government.

“BLM’s founders raised $90 million dollars in 2020 alone.”

In early July there was a sudden burst of twitter posts using #SOSCuba . There were more than 1,000 posts over two days, with five retweets per second. These automated tweets originated in Spain and were connected with Agustin Antonetti, a right wing Argentinian who used the same methods of subterfuge against Evo Morales in Bolivia and president Lopez Obrador in Mexico. A total of two million #SOSCuba tweets were sent in July.

The online bot attack succeeded and there were protests in Cuban cities on July 11. They were immediately amplified by corporate media around the world. They were modest in size but they were described as being spontaneous and of historic proportions. The media even posted photos of pro-government actions or those which took place outside of the country and represented them as home grown anti-government protests.

“The online bot attack was were immediately amplified by corporate media around the world.”

The manipulation added a new wrinkle which makes this campaign quite insidious. Suddenly Black Cubans were made the focus of commentary. The right wing Cuban exile community and their allies could not get buy-in for their old regime change argument if people like Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, were the face of Cuban discontent. The Mayorkas family were wealthy business owners in Cuba and when they left ended up living in Beverly Hills. That is not a good look when a high level propaganda operation is needed.

Now a new crop of Black faces have appeared on the Black News Channel  on Questlove’s Instagram page, and in popular culture. The #SOSCuba tweets were directed to performing artists, some of whom like Yotuel Romero have recorded songs opposing the government. Romero now lives in Miami and the title of his song Patria Y Vida is the slogan used for 60 years by Cubans who are the staunchest opponents of the revolution. This operation is very well orchestrated and if Black people in this country are not careful, they will end up amplifying the dictates of U.S. imperialism.

It is important to clarify what sanctions are and how they are used against Cuba and 38 other countries around the world. Sanctions do more than prevent U.S. individuals, banks, and businesses from doing business with the target nation. The U.S. also targets any nation that dares to defy its edict. Any country considering breaking a U.S. embargo suffers the same fate as the target.

“The U.S. targets any nation that dares to defy its edict.”

Cubans, Syrians, Venezuelans, Iranians, Nicaraguans and others cannot conduct the international financial transactions that any nation needs in order to survive. Nor are food and medicine exempt from these restrictions. The same people who claim concern for the Cuban people are also in favor of continuing their suffering.

The plight of the Cuban people cannot be separated from Washington’s sanctions. Cuban scientists developed their own Covid vaccine, Soberana, which has a high rate of efficacy. But sanctions have left them without enough syringes and they cannot provide their own people with protection from Covid.

The BLM statement was clear and principled. The ongoing blockade is causing great suffering and any critique of BLM in this instance supports U.S. imperialism, whether that is the intention of commentary or not.

“Sanctions have left Cuba without enough syringes.”

The only way to show solidarity with Black Cubans is to expose U.S. aggressions which create misery for them and their fellow citizens. Any claim of concern for their lives which does not include an unequivocal demand for ending sanctions is dishonest and does Washington’s bidding.

After releasing their statement BLM was under immediate attack from the self-declared right wing and from liberals who in fact have the same tendencies. The liberals are worse, as they make the case for imperialism under a variety of guises, in this case a desire to help Black people. A new trope appeared overnight, which alleged that the Cuban government is more racist than the one we live under, and that Black Cubans are supportive of the 60-year old war which has devastated their country and their lives.

The latest propaganda campaign against Cuba is well orchestrated and it must not be allowed to succeed. That is why BLM’s statement must be defended. They are to be commended for stepping up at a critical moment and exposing an ongoing crime against another nation. That is the responsibility of everyone who claims to care about Cuba or about humanity anywhere in the world.


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Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well at . Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)  

Featured image is from Black Agenda Report

Rep. Ilhan Omar Questions Biden

July 26th, 2021 by Ryan Grim

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Rep. Ilhan Omar is challenging the Biden administration’s justification for its Tuesday airstrike in Somalia, which the Pentagon claimed was targeted against suspected members of al-Shabab. The Minnesota Democrat is also hitting the White House for a failure to make promised and appropriated reparation payments to families of civilians killed in American airstrikes, according to a letter to President Joe Biden that was provided to The Intercept. The strike was the first in Somalia since Biden took office and came amid the White House’s stated plans, put forward by national security adviser Jake Sullivan in January, to limit drone operations while the administration reviews its counterterrorism policy. Omar, who grew up in Somalia before spending four years in a Kenyan refugee camp, represents a district with a heavy Somali American population.

The airstrike near the city of Galkayo targeted militants in al-Shabab, an insurgency group based in Somalia that the U.S. has long fought as part of its so-called global war on terror. Sullivan’s directive instructed the military and CIA to gain White House permission before launching attacks in places like Somalia and Yemen.

Since then, the administration has rejected requests by U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, to strike al-Shabab targets. But according to the New York Times, Tuesday’s attack occurred without White House approval. In this case, the militants were supposedly attacking members of an elite U.S.-trained Somali commando force called Danab, and Pentagon spokesperson Cindi King said AFRICOM had the power to authorize the response independently under the military’s “collective self-defense” justification. No U.S. troops were actually with the Danab commandos when the attack occurred, as they were advising the unit remotely.

Omar found the rationale unpersuasive. “As you know,” she wrote in the letter, “‘collective self-defense’ is a term with variable meanings in national and international law, and especially in the context of your ongoing review of airstrike authorities, its use merits further explanation in this case. This is also an important and timely matter since it seems suggestive of your Administration’s broader approach to airstrikes in Somalia.”

The strike on Somalia occurred amid growing mobilization in the House of Representatives and Senate to reclaim oversight of the extensive war powers the White House has amassed since 9/11. On Tuesday, Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., introduced the National Security Powers Act to assert congressional authority over the deployment of force, export of weaponry, and declaration of national emergencies.

Last month, the House voted to repeal the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, or AUMF, that greenlighted the war in Iraq and that Trump used to justify assassinating Iranian Gen. Qassim Suleimani. But the far more consequential approval — and thus the more difficult one to repeal —  is the 2001 AUMF that authorized the war in Afghanistan and that the U.S. has continuously invoked to defend airstrikes against alleged terrorists around the world, driving activists to seek its reversal. Its repeal would, however, still be far from a guarantee that the White House will defer to Congress. Just last month, Biden claimed that Article II of the Constitution offers him self-defense authorities that would rationalize airstrikes against Iran-backed militias in Syria and Iraq.

Aside from the question of legality, Omar suggested that the strikes aren’t even effective on their own terms.

Citing an airstrike effort that began under the Trump administration, Omar noted that “the increase in strikes corresponded with an almost doubling of terrorist attacks on civilians committed by Al-Shabaab,” the precise opposite of the administration’s stated goals.

“It is critical that we realize we are not going to simply drone the Al-Shabab problem to death,” Omar wrote, “and that any kinetic action is part of a broader strategy focused first and foremost on the security of Somali people and the stability of the Somali state.”


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Right Of Conquest – A Racist Doctrine

July 25th, 2021 by Jim Miles

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After the most recent Gaza war I was asked to make a presentation to a local service club concerning events in Israel and the Middle East.  The presentation started with an introduction of the current global situation, a broad brush covering the U.S. empire, its petrodollar, and the new multipolar geopolitical world.  From there, it covered the history that made it so, starting from events of World War I and the clash of global empires.  

During the question period following the presentation, a question was posed about the “right of conquest” pertaining to the World Wars as well as to Israel’s ‘conquest’ of part of the former British Mandate of Palestine.   This struck me as peculiar – it was not an argument I had heard directly applied in support of Israel.

There are many problems with espousing a “right of conquest” doctrine.  My initial rebuttal concerned the idea that yes, the doctrine existed but only as a rhetorical adjunct to imperial conquests and colonial settler societies; and further that the subject indigneous populations would not accept such a doctrine and sit down quietly and amicably acquiesce to being dominated by a foreign entity, or in current terms “get over it.”


The return argument was that “times were different then,” referring to World War I and the conquest of the Ottoman empire followed by the creation of the British and French Mandates in Palestine and Syria/Lebanon respectively, as well as referring to the Jewish ‘conquest’ of Palestine after the British left.   Yes, times were different, but a “right of conquest” regardless of the era is at its core a racist doctrine.

Essentially the “right of conquest” doctrine was and is promulgated by empires and military victors, not by a conquered populace. [1]  It has always been a rhetorical propaganda argument used to create a kind of self serving victimhood:  why are we being attacked by these savage amoral ingrates we have conquered?

Yet within the doctrine itself lies the seeds of opposition, insurgence, and asymmetrical resistance.  The doctrine essentially says that “might is right”.  It is simple really:  if violence can be used to validate a conquest of another population (among others, the ancient Chinese and feudal European “divine will”) then it becomes valid to oppose that conquest through military resistance in hopes that the subjugated population, the indigneous people, will earn through ‘conquest’ the right of conquest to rule themselves.


The latter part is the crux of the statement.  Local indigenous populations simply want to be left alone to get on with their lives; they do not want to be subjugated by foreigners with new laws who wish to extract the resources and riches of a country for themselves.  They want peace, a peace based on their long standing traditions and cultural practices (ranging from agriculture to religion) and not imposed through the force of others.

It is part of international law as expressed by many UN documents that occupied people have the right to resist occupation.  It is interesting with international law that its “customary” usage and understanding is what counts:  in other words, what the simplest explanation is and what the simplest common sense understanding is.  In the case of Israel/Palestine, the Palestinians under international law have a right to resist – and at the same time there is nothing in customary law that says any state has a right to exist, it does so on the recognition of other countries.

As far as “times being different” back then, yes, they were.  But the essential racist element of the doctrine has always been present.  The European empires pre World War I were all supportive of this doctrine as it obviously argued that “might is right”.  It was not a valid doctrine then – and while it is not a doctrine used in modern times, its essence remains in the highly militarized structures of the U.S. empire and Israel’s conquest of Palestine.

[1] The Christian Doctrine of Discovery is a particularly racist European appendix to the Right of Conquest.

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Israeli, Turkish And Terrorist Attacks Across Syria

July 25th, 2021 by Steven Sahiounie

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Syria is currently a powder keg ready to explode.  The calm days of status-quo are apparently over, and fresh attacks are springing up in many locations.  After 10 years of war, and a shattered economy, the Syrian people were hoping to get back to rebuilding their broken lives and homes. Experts are warning of new battlefields opening up which may bring stability and the end of occupation, or could dissolve into a greater international quagmire.

The US and Turkey illegally occupy areas in Syria with no plans to withdraw. Israel conducts frequent unprovoked airstrikes all over Syria with impunity. Russia is fighting Al Qaeda terrorists, and assisting the Syrian Arab Army to establish safe areas for civilians to return home to. While the west continues to support Radical Islamic terrorists in Idlib, who hold about 2 million persons under an oppressive regime.  Syria is the only secular country in the Middle East and its people have fought 10 years to remain so.

On July 17, President Assad took his new oath of office, and laid out his plan for recovery, including Syria going solar to solve the national electricity shortage.  He also statds his government’s intention to take back Idlib province, which is the last terrorist controlled area.

On March 5, 2020 Russia and Turkey signed a deal concerning Idlib.  The agreement reached proposed to free the M4 Highway from terrorist control and have a joint military patrols.  However, Turkish President Erdogan did not enforce his part of the deal, and the terrorists are still in control of the M4 highway which connects Latakia to Aleppo.

 The US occupation of Syria

The US invaded Syria and stated their mission was to defeat ISIS. They completed their mission but refuse to leave Syria, and Iraq.  The US troops in Syria guard the largest Syrian oil field, Al Omar, to prevent the oil revenues from Damascus, and the rebuilding effort of the Syrian people. The US has also stolen precious wheat from Syria to prevent Damascus from their own crops, and causing them to purchase wheat from abroad.

Turkey attacks North Aleppo

On July 18 Turkish military occupying Northern Syria attacked North Aleppo.  Experts have questioned whether the attack was a message to Russia and Syria to not begin their attack to free Idlib. The terrorists in control of Idlib are under the support of the Turkish military, and the two attacks were under coordination of Turkey and the terrorists.

HTS attacks Aleppo 

On July 18 terrorists from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Idlib shelled Aleppo University, and destroyed two residential apartment buildings.  Aleppo University houses the teaching Medical School and is a vital provider of public health services to the largest city in Syria.  The terrorists have attacked Aleppo University dozens of times over the past 10 years.

Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria said that 40 bombardments were reported in the Idlib de-escalation zone on July 18, the shelling came from the positions of HTS.

Israel attacks South Aleppo

On July 19 Israel attacked South Aleppo.  Israeli airstrikes have been periodical, but have increased in number recently.  The airstrikes are always un-provoked, and usually have no response.  Occasionally civilians are killed or maimed in the strikes.  Israel attacks internationally with impunity.


On July 20 HTS attacked the mountain village of Slounfa in the Province of Latakia.

HTS first appeared in Syria in January 2012 as the Al-Nusra Front, and many still refer to the extremist group by that name.

Classified as a “terrorist” group by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, it arrived in Syria as an extension of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The group’s current leader, a Syrian who calls himself Abu Mohammad Al-Jolani, is a veteran of fighting against US forces in Iraq.

 “HTS definitely retains a sizeable foreign fighter component, perhaps comprising at least 20 percent of its total fighting force,” said Charles Lister, an analyst at the Middle East Institute.

It has set up a civil administration that collects customs duties at the border with Turkey and imposes taxes on traders.

The group “derives so much of its power from being the authority over how trade flows into and out of Idlib, which helps fund the group and gives it power beyond its size,” said Nicholas Heras, a researcher at the Center for New American Security.

Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov announced in a press conference that Russia does not agree with the United Nations on the different roots of sending aid to North West Syria, he added that Russia will VETO any regulation on the Bab al Hawa border pass with Turkey. Conspicuously, the US keeps asking for more aid corridors into Idlib.  They refer to them as humanitarian aid delivery corridors; however, it is well documented that weapons, drugs, and terrorists have come into Idlib from various aid trucks, including the UN’s own World Food Program trucks.  Given the fact that HTS is making money off the aid delivered, it only makes sense for the Russians and Syrian to reject additional aid corridors.

Previously, HTS had a presence in many of the country’s rebel-held areas, especially near Damascus and in the south. But it has lost that territory as its fighters were evacuated to Idlib in surrender deals.

HTS has consistently been excluded from cease-fires negotiated by the United Nations or Russia.

In July 2014, Nusra’s chief said the group’s goal was to set up an Islamic State, similar to the “caliphate” proclaimed by ISIS shortly beforehand.

Israel attacks Homs

On July 22 Syria’s air defenses intercepted an Israeli attack on the al-Qusayr area in Homs.

According to reports from Syrian news outlets, the T-4 airbase, east of Homs, was also targeted in the strike. Israeli jets fired missiles from off the coast north of Beirut according to Lebanese reports at targets in al-Qusayr, a town near Homs.

Western intelligence sources say Israeli raids on Syria are part of a shadow war approved by the United States.



Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist

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UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres celebrated the extension of a “humanitarian” border crossing at Bab Al Hawa, on July 10th, as a “lifeline for millions of people” – many Syrians would rather describe it as a “lifeline” for Al Qaeda. 

On the 15th July I visited Jurin, a village to the north of the Hama governorate and only 5km from the Syrian allied military frontlines with the Al Qaeda-dominated armed groups controlling Idlib, north-west Syria.

We arrived at around 9 am to the boom of mortar and rocket fire from the Jabal az Zawiya mountain that is under control of Turkish-backedarmed groups. Jurin is in the Al Ghab plains at the foot of two mountain ranges and is an easy target for the elevated terrorist positions, occupying Jabal az Zawiya.

On June 20th, a three-year-old child, Massa Akram Saleh, was murdered by the armed groups who targeted her family home, injuring her father and brother, five-year-old Akram Saleh, whose body was lacerated by shrapnel wounds. Massa was rushed to Al Sqeilbiyyeh hospital, a journey of one hour, but later died. Her brother and father are still receiving treatment. Massa’s grandfather told me:

“If this had been a child of the militants, the UN would have made a big case of it. Hundreds of children have died in our area but it is as if nobody died at all”

The grandfather describes a daily deluge of attacks from the Turkey-assisted armed groups, targeting the triangle of Jurin, Al Safafeh and Zkereh. He begs the Syrian forces to push the militants at least as far as the M4 highway and away from the region, to bring an end to the ceaseless aggression.

This is an aggression that apparently is not worth mentioning in UN reports on the cross border “humanitarian” activity. He thanks the Syrian Arab Army for doing everything they can to keep the extremist groups at bay.

A mother with her baby and the grandmother of three-year-old martyr, Massa Saleh in Jurin. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

While the grandfather is talking to me, a mother carrying a baby, hugging her children, is cowering and weeping in the background as the shells continue to fall. Next to her is Massa’s grandmother who cannot move without her walking frame.

One shell had hit the outer wall of the house just before we arrived, another had blown a two meter crater in the garden behind the extended family home. A third exploded five meters from where I was standing while I interviewed a second family member, Ghaith Ghazi Saleh. He told me:

We are being targeted on a daily basis with shells from Az Zawiya mountain. During the last two or three years we have seen Turkish convoys coming into the area not more than 2km from our farmlands, they prevent us from cultivating our farmlands [..] the artillery that bombards us is Turkish. The coordinates are provided by the terrorists”

On left the rocket that targeted the Saleh household on 15/7/2021 and on the right the debris from the strike in the hallway. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

Saleh informed me that the armed groups target schools, residential areas and civilian infrastructure. They even targeted a funeral procession and a condolences gathering two years ago, according to Saleh. He describes the Turkish and armed group destruction of the land. Saleh talks of the intensification of militant aggression to target Russian/Syrian humanitarian corridors that are an effort to allow Syrian civilians to safely escape the armed occupation of north-west Syria.

This is something that I had previously witnessed in Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta as civilians attempted to flee to the safety of Syrian Arab Army humanitarian collection points, they were cruelly shelled or sniped by the occupying extremist groups, furious that their human shields were evading them.

US-Manufactured Weapons In The Hands Of Al Qaeda Affiliates

It is no secret that the CIA Timber Sycamore operation supplied US-manufactured weapons to “moderate” extremist groups that mysteriously ended up in the hands of terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Weapons that included the TOW anti-tank missiles that are liberally used by the Idlib armed groups against civilian targets which is an undeniable war crime according to investigative journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, who has specialised in uncovering the illegal arms trade in Syria.

In Gaytandzhieva’s latest investigation, she reveals that the Pentagon is “buying $ 2.8 billion worth of weapons for conflict zones around the world. Most of the weapons are destined for Syria.” Videos and images released by the armed groups clearly show that Hayat Tahrir As Sham (HTS) an Al Qaeda offshoot have been supplied with US TOW missiles in Idlib.

During my visit to Jurin, I was shown a number of weapons that had been used against civilian infrastructure and residential areas. They included a 155mm Turkish Army artillery shell and an unexploded US-origin TOW missile. According to residents, Turkey is supplying the armed groups with incendiary missiles which are being used to torch farmland and agricultural crops, again a familiar tactic to starve civilians and force them to leave their land. I was shown fields that were blackened and burned as evidence of this barbaric practice.

The scorched earth policy in Jurin, Turkey and terrorist groups have deliberately burned agricultural crops and farmland. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

It must raise the question – how do these weapons enter Idlib? Press TV journalist, Serena Shim, revealed in 2013 that World Food Programme (WFP) “humanitarian” aid trucks were being used to smuggle ISIS terrorists and weapons into Syria via the Turkish border crossings.

Shortly after Shim reported on this nefarious activity, she died in a suspicious car accident after being threatened by Turkish authorities. 2020 Nobel Peace Laureate WFP still has a presence and involvement in Bab Al Hawa.

In 2021 the official border crossings have been reduced down to one, Bab Al Hawa. A Russian UN representative statement informs us that:

The UN still has no presence in Idlib de-escalation zone which is controlled by international terrorists and fighters. It’s not a secret that the terrorist groups control certain areas of the de-escalation zone and use the UN humanitarian aid as a tool to exert pressure on [the] civil population and openly make profit from such deliveries.”

In May, Sedat Peker, a gangster and former aide of Turkish President Recep Erdogan exposed the trafficking of weapons and vehicles from Turkey to Al Qaeda by a contractor called SADAT that was run by Erdogan’s former military advisor.

Who Controls Bab Al Hawa?

According to an Al Monitor article in May 2020, HTS seize at least 10% of the ‘humanitarian” aid entering Bab Al Hawa. HTS benefit from illicit trade of UN-supplied equipment and aid and have a monopoly over the processing of oil stolen by the US Coalition and proxies in occupied North-East Syria via their lucrative WATAD operation.

The HTS warlords make an estimated $130 million per month from this criminal merchanting of Syrian resources and UN “aid” while imposing heavy taxes and “customs fees” on civilians to supplement their dwindling foreign assistance.

Syrian analyst, Ibrahim Mohammad, highlighted a May 2020 report in Amjad Media, a known Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) media outlet that revealed the establishment of a military “unified operations room” in Bab Al Hawa which included Turkish military officers and HTS fighters. In other words, an Al Qaeda central command supported by NATO member state, Turkey.

Other recent articles highlighting the true purpose of the US Coalition determination to maintain Bab Al Hawa can be found here and here.

Turkey Is Embedded In Idlib To Support Al Qaeda And Target Syrian Civilians

Map showing the proximity of the Turkish military base in Quqfin to Jurin.

Nine months ago a Turkish convoy entered Quqfin to the east of Jurin and established a military observation base. According to the Syrian military personnel I spoke to in Jurin, this Turkish base is providing surveillance and coordinates for HTS enabling them to target not military installations but civilian infrastructure, schools, farmland and homes.  Turkey is enabling war crimes and committing them, according to Syrian residents in Jurin.

The Turkish military base in Quqfin providing surveillance for HTS/Al Qaeda. Photo: Syrian Media in Jurin

Zeyzoun Power Plant, Turkish-Backed Industrial Theft Of Syrian Infrastructure

In May 2020 the former Syrian Ambassador to the UN, Dr Bashar Al Jaafari, detailed the Turkish sponsored theft of the largest power station in north-west Syria, Zeyzoun power plant. The plant supplied electricity to the Al Ghab region where Jurin is located, Hama, Latakia, Tartous (on the coast) and to Idlib.

The plant was destroyed by the armed groups under Turkish control prior to plundering the remains and transporting them to Turkey via the Bab Al Hawa “humanitarian” crossing. This left the Al Ghab area with extended electricity outages which are exacerbated by the US direct and proxy occupation of Syrian oil resources in the North East. Destruction of essential civilian infrastructure is, again, a war crime.

Various groups have occupied Zeyzoun since 2015 but the dominant warlord is still HTS or Al Qaeda. However, according to a field source at the time of the dismantlement and destruction, it was members of the salafist Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) that brought engineering equipment and machinery to Zeyzoun to dismember the plant for scrap and revenue.

The same group had been accused of theft of electrical transformers and agricultural crops to trade and provide income as their financial backing had largely dried up. The power plant comprised three gas generators each with a capacity of 128 megawatts, powered by gas and fuel. The following is a video of the final demolition of the power plant by the TIP:

Combined with the US Coalition illegal occupation of fuel resources, the damages sustained by the electricity and energy sectors in Syria and sanctions have devastatingly impacted on the ability of the Syrian state to provide electricity and power to civilians. This is a deliberate policy by the US/UK alliance to collectively punish the Syrian people and to coerce them into opposition to the Syrian government and Presidency. The destruction of Zayzoun alone will need an estimated $ 450 millionto restore.

The NATO-member-state extremist proxies have deliberately destroyed and looted Syrian infrastructure in every region they have occupied, this is not coincidence. In October 2015, the US Coalition directly bombed the Aleppo power station plunging the region into darkness.

This sadistic tactic had been employed previously in Iraq in 1991and is ongoing today with the ISIS destruction of electrical power grids and stations – actions by a terrorist group that the US has empowered, equipped and trained despite it being the false pretext for the US/UK/EU military footprint in the Middle East. It is a major part of the psychological war being waged against the Syrian people to bring them to heel and to force “regime change”.

Why Did Russia Sanction The 6-Month Extension For The Bab Al Hawa Crossing?

Russia and Syria have historically opposed the UN “aid’ runs via Turkey for reasons that become obvious when considering the benefits for Al Qaeda. Many were surprised that Russia in the end approved the 6 month extension. However, there is a promised “substantive” UNSG report into the Cross Border Mechanism transparency which will be of concern to the US Coalition and Turkey as Russia will presumably be gathering evidence to prove that much of the aid is destined for Al Qaeda and to sustain the war against the Syrian government.

I believe Russia took this decision to prevent US accusations of belligerence post the Biden, Putin summit in Geneva while hoping to ensure that terrorist sponsorship by NATO member states is fully exposed and that those involved should be held accountable for the resulting war crimes.

Many Syrians, however, including those suffering daily attacks in Jurin and the other frontline villages will deem this decision a political one which will have dire consequences for their communities. This is another example of how this externally fomented and sustained war has impacted so horrifically upon the Syrian people, leaving nobody untouched by tragedy and loss.

Bab Al Hawa Is Not A Lifeline For The Syrian Civilians Of Jurin

One thing is clear from my recent visit to the Idlib battle frontlines – the Bab Al Hawa border crossing is not the “humanitarian” lifeline as described by US, UK representatives and aligned officials at the UN. For these civilians, it represents the perpetual threat of death or injury, the destruction of their livelihood and a life of deprivation, bloodshed and fear.

Western media is still amplifying the alleged “war crimes” of Sryian and Russian forces battling to liberate Syrian territory from the clutches of terrorist groups that would massacre the residents of Jurin in an instant if they could break through Syrian and Russian defences.

Two days after my visit, during the night of the 17th July, eleven civilians were injured by HTS shelling, including one child. This is the reality of this war, never explored by the NATO-aligned media outlets and “humanitarian” agencies who seek only to demonise the Syrian government and to “disappear” these inconvenient Syrians who expose the moral vacuum of their Syria narratives.

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There is now statistical evidence that the higher the rate of mRNA-inoculations in a country, the higher is the incidence of actual Covid cases. [The source of this statistical evidence must be addressed. How is the incidence of higher covid cases measured? The rRT-PCR test is TOTALLY invalid. Does this mean that more people are getting sick (and it is diagnosed as Covid-19.]

According to Zero Hedge: 

The inventor of the mRNA “experimental gene-therapy”, Dr. Robert Malone, is worried. And rightly so. He actually said from the beginning that mRNA-type inoculations were not meant as vaccines, they were experimental cancer therapies.

Here’s what has Malone worried:

click for details and data

Here’s what has Malone worried:



According to lab exams conducted by a Spanish group of scientists, yet to fully ascertained, the Pfizer vaccine vial contains graphene oxide. 

Graphene Oxide is a toxin and only used in cancer patients in severe cases and for specific localized treatments.

See this revealing interview with Ricardo Delgado, of the Spanish Research Team, “The Fifth Column”, and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

The results of the Spanish study suggest, yet to be fully confirmed, that the recorded vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the Covid vaccine vial.

Of significance, (acknowledged by national health authorities) graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask.

Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated. These effects have been amply documented and confirmed. See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

The positive take on this news is that gradually but surely the truth is emerging.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation

July 24th, 2021 by F. William Engdahl

Important article first published by Global Research on March 20, 2020

Arguably, no one has been more active in promoting and funding research on vaccines aimed at dealing with coronavirus than Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. From sponsoring a simulation of a coronavirus global pandemic, just weeks before the Wuhan outbreak was announced, to funding numerous corporate efforts to come up with a novel vaccine for the apparently novel virus, the Gates presence is there. What does it actually entail?

We must admit that at the very least Bill Gates is prophetic. He has claimed for years that a global killer pandemic will come and that we are not prepared for it. On March 18, 2015 Gates gave a TED talk on epidemics in Vancouver. That day he wrote on his blog, “I just gave a brief talk on a subject that I’ve been learning a lot about lately—epidemics. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is a tragedy—as I write this, more than 10,000 people have died.” Gates then added, “As awful as this epidemic has been, the next one could be much worse. The world is simply not prepared to deal with a disease—an especially virulent flu, for example—that infects large numbers of people very quickly. Of all the things that could kill 10 million people or more, by far the most likely is an epidemic.”

That same year, 2015, Bill Gates wrote an article for the New England Journal of Medicine titled, “The Next Epidemic: Lessons from Ebola.” There he spoke of a special class of drugs that “involves giving patients a set of particular RNA-based constructs that enables them to produce specific proteins(including antibodies).Although this is a very new area, it is promising because it is possible that a safe therapy could be designed and put into large-scale manufacture fairly rapidly. More basic research as well as the progress of companies like Moderna and CureVac could eventually make this approach a key tool for stopping epidemics.” Moderna and CureVac both today receive funds from the Gates Foundation and are leading the race to develop an approved COVID-19 vaccine based on mRNA.

2017 and Founding of CEPI

A global flu-like pandemic in fact is something that Gates and his well-endowed foundation have spent years preparing for. In 2017 during the Davos World Economic Forum, Gates initiated something called CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, together with the governments of Norway, India, Japan, and Germany, along with the Wellcome Trust of the UK. Its stated purpose is to “accelerate the development of vaccines we’ll need to contain outbreaks” of future epidemics. He noted at the time that “One promising area of vaccine development research is using advances in genomics to map the DNA and RNA of pathogens and make vaccines.” We will return to that.

Event 201

By 2019 Bill Gates and the foundation were going full-tilt boogie with their pandemic scenarios. He made a Netflix video which made an eerie imaginary scenario. The video, part of the “Explained” series, imagined a wet market in China where live and dead animals are stacked and a highly deadly virus erupts that spreads globally. Gates appears as an expert in the video to warn, “If you think of anything that could come along that would kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest risk.” He said if nothing was done to better prepare for pandemics, the time would come when the world would look back and wish it had invested more into potential vaccines. That was weeks before the world heard about bats and a live wet market in Wuhan China.

In October, 2019 the Gates Foundation teamed up with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to enact what they called a “fictional” scenario simulation involving some of the world’s leading figures in public health. It was titled Event 201.

As their website describes it, Event 201 simulated an “outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.”

In the Event 201 scenario the disease originates at a pig farm in Brazil, spreading through low-income regions and ultimately explodes into an epidemic. The disease is carried by air travel to Portugal, the USA and China and beyond to the point no country can control it. The scenario posits no possible vaccine being available in the first year. “Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week.”

The scenario then ends after 18 months when the fictional coronavirus has caused 65 million deaths. “The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed.”

Event 201 Players

As interesting as the prescient Gates-Johns Hopkins Event 201 fictional scenario of October, 2019 may be, the list of panelists who were invited to participate in the imaginary global response is equally interesting.

Among the selected “players” as they were called, was George Fu Gao. Notably, Prof. Gao is director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention since 2017. His specialization includes research on “influenza virus interspecies transmission (host jump)… He is also interested in virus ecology, especially the relationship between influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets and the bat-derived virus ecology and molecular biology.” Bat-derived virus ecology…

Prof. Gao was joined among others at the panel by the former Deputy Director of the CIA during the Obama term, Avril Haines. She also served as Obama’s Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy National Security Advisor. Another of the players at the Gates event was Rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd, Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The same CDC is at the center of a huge scandal for not having adequate functioning tests available for testing cases of COVID-19 in the USA. Their preparedness was anything but laudable.

Rounding out the group was Adrian Thomas, the Vice President of scandal-ridden Johnson & Johnson, the giant medical and pharmaceutical company. Thomas is responsible for pandemic preparedness at J&J including developing vaccines for Ebola, Dengue Fever, HIV. And there was Martin Knuchel, Head of Crisis, Emergency & Business Continuity Management, for Lufthansa Group Airlines. Lufthansa has been one of the major airlines dramatically cutting flights during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

All this shows that Bill Gates has had a remarkable preoccupation with the possibility of a global pandemic outbreak he said could be even larger than the alleged deaths from the mysterious 1918 Spanish Flu, and has been warning for at least the past five years or more. What the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also has been involved in is funding development of new vaccines using bleeding-edge CRISPR gene-editing and other technologies.

The Coronavirus Vaccines

Gates Foundation money is backing vaccine development on every front. Inovio Pharmaceuticals of Pennsylvania received $9 million from the Gates-backed CEPI, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, to develop a vaccine, INO-4800, which is about to test on humans in April, a suspiciously rapid time frame. In addition Gates Foundation just gave the company an added $5 million to develop a proprietary smart device for intradermal delivery of the new vaccine.

In addition Gates Foundation monies via CEPI are financing development of a radical new vaccine method known as messengerRNA or mRNA.

They are co-funding the Cambridge, Massachusetts biotech company, Moderna Inc., to develop a vaccine against the Wuhan novel coronavirus, now called SARS-CoV-2. Moderna’s other partner is the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Head of NIAID is Dr Anthony Fauci, the person at the center of the Trump Administration virus emergency response. Notable about the Fauci-Gates Moderna coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, is that it has been rolled out in a matter of weeks, not years, and on February 24 went directly to Fauci’s NIH for tests on human guinea pigs, not on mice as normal. Moderna’s chief medical adviser, Tal Zaks, argued, “I don’t think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial.”

Another notable admission by Moderna on its website is the legal disclaimer, “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: …These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, among others: … the fact that there has never been a commercial product utilizing mRNA technology approved for use.” In other words, completely unproven for human health and safety.

Another biotech company working with unproven mRNA technology to develop a vaccine for the COVID-19 is a German company, CureVac. Since 2015 CureVac has received money from the Gates Foundation to develop its own mRNA technology. In January the Gates-backed CEPI granted more than $8 million to develop a mRNA vaccine for the novel coronavirus.

Add to this the fact that the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history who is not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. If that is to the good of mankind or grounds to be worried, time will tell.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

Selected Articles: Digital Identity and the Vaccine Passport

July 24th, 2021 by Global Research News

Video: How Vaccine Passports Really Work

By Global Research News, July 21, 2021

French President Macron announced forced vaccination, to begin with all health services employees; no attending of public events, taking public transportations, a ban on movie theatres, restaurants and even shops – and of course no flying – for unvaxxed people.

Forced Vaccination and the Road to “Digital Tyranny”: Agenda ID2020 Revisited

By Peter Koenig, July 17, 2021

Imagine we are only in year 2021, There are another almost ten years left in the UN Agenda 2030 to accomplish the nefarious objectives of the Great Reset – if We, the People, don’t stop it.

Vaccine Passports Were Planned Even Before the Pandemic Began

By Great Game India, July 20, 2021

The initial proposal for ‘Vaccine Passports’ was first published on 26 April, 2018 by the European Commission. The proposal, ignored by the mainstream media and was buried deep in a document dealing with ‘Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases’.

France Rises Up Against Macron’s Vaccine Passports

By Winter Oaks, July 19, 2021

The politics of division seem to be failing as the French people come together to defend the principles of liberté, égalité and fraternité on which their republic is supposed to be founded.

The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity”

By Peter Koenig, June 28, 2021

What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity.

“COVID Vaccines” and “Genetically Modified Humans”

By Dr. Carrie Madej and Mark Taliano, December 19, 2020

Dr. Carrie Madaj questions what “it is to be human”. Why? Because the so-called “COVID” vaccines deploy recombinant DNA/RNA technology that “rewrites” the genetic code much as Monsanto, for example, rewrites the genetic code of numerous seeds (including tomatoes, corn, etc) not to mention the application of genetic bio-technology to animals.

Mass Protests Can End Vaccine Passports

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 08, 2021

It’s important to realize that vaccine passports or any other type of certification in and of themselves are not the end goal here. They’re merely a part of a much larger plan to implement a social credit system, such as that already implemented in China. First, they’d be expanded to cover other required vaccinations.

Seven Reasons Why a Vaccine Passport (Pass, Certificate or Whatever They Want to Call It) Should Give Us Pause for Thought

By Nick Corbishley, April 24, 2021

The potential scope of its application is also far broader than that of a normal passport. It could be required not only to establish identity and vaccine status at national borders but also to travel, access public buildings and basic services within one’s own country of residence.

Still Believe Digital Vaccine Passports Are Something Made Up by Conspiracy Theorists?

By Robert Wheeler, April 22, 2021

If you plan to get vaccinated, is it because you want to or because you have to? What will you do if you’re forced to get the vaccine to keep your job or continue your education? Or go to stores or travel? It’s a  real rock and a hard place situation for many. Let’s talk about it in the comments. (Please be respectful of the choices of others – this goes both ways.)

Vaccine Passports: One Passport to Rule Them All

By Makia Freeman, April 22, 2021

The purpose of vaccine passports is clear, despite whatever flimsy and mealy-mouthed excuses given to justify them: to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated, or in plainer terms, to restrict the movement of those who have seen through the agenda.

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An autonomous swarm of six drones flew in the sky, dived underwater and crept over land to assist armed forces with various experimental missions in a first-of-its-kind exercise for the UK Royal Marines.

The uncrewed systems were deployed as part of training raids on simulated adversary positions in Cumbria and Dorset, and were tasked with various missions ranging from reconnaissance operations through delivering supplies to soldiers, to identifying and tracking targets of interest.

Made up of six different types of drones, the swarm took over land, air, water and above-water environments, but was operated as one autonomously controlled unit from a single ground station.

SEE: Building the bionic brain (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

This means that the systems worked together, sharing data from their sensors across a single communications network. For example, the drones were able to feed off each other’s information and use sophisticated algorithms to accurately find, identity and track enemy targets.

The trial, called Autonomous Advance Force 4.0, was pitched as a first step towards integrating leading-edge technologies in the military.

“Only by continued experimentation with the latest technology and innovation can we properly prepare our people for the challenges of the future,” said senior Royal Navy officer Tony Radakin. “Autonomous Advance Force 4.0 is testing just how hybrid forces can operate on the battlefield, with elite Royal Marine Commandos enhancing their capabilities with the use of drone swarms.”

During the experiment, Royal Marines strike teams on the ground were able to call on Malloy drones, which can lift up to 68 kilograms, thanks to a small tablet on their chest that they could tap to indicate their location and request the delivery of supplies, from ammunition through to blood for combat medics.

Another drone called the Ghost, which comes in the shape of an ultra-silent mini-helicopter, that is very difficult to detect, used capture thermal images and footage, and could also be tasked with finding targets within a zone.

Similarly, underwater systems were deployed to scan the oceans for mines and obstructions, and provide Marines with a better view of clear routes; an autonomous sea vessel called Madfox carried out reconnaissance operations and surveillance patrols to prepare the ground for soldiers to come ashore.

The swarm also came with Cobra drones, a flying system with a three-meter-long wingspan used for identifying and tracking targets. Completing the unit was a Tactical Precision Strike system, which is able to fly to the vicinity of a target and wait until a human operator specifies it to attack, in what is known as lethal loitering munition.

This drone, in particular, has raised concerns among experts who are worried about the prospect of bringing more autonomous systems in warfare.

“These trials mark a further dangerous escalation in the international robotic arms race,” Stuart Parkinson, executive director of advocacy organization Scientists for Global Responsibility, tells ZDNet. “The use of armed drones with autonomous capabilities is especially frightening, and takes us another step closer to a world where drones make life and death decisions about whether to launch weapons.”

The rise of autonomous weapons, often also referred to as “killer robots,” has been a point of contention for many years, with a debate arising between defendants of the adoption of new technologies in defense and those in favor of establishing red lines in the sector.

Earlier this year, the United Nations Association of the UK urged the UK government to support a UN-wide treaty that would legally prohibit the use of autonomous weapons, but was faced with resistance, with ministers citing the need to embrace technological advancements, and putting forward concerns that a legally binding instrument might hamper innovation.

“Global public opinion is firmly against autonomous weapons, so our government needs to change direction quickly,” says Parkinson.

Rather than backtracking on the objective of infusing the armed forces with new technologies, the UK government has firmly reiterated its interest in deploying new tools for defense that are adapted to the digital age.

New plans to modernize the armed forces over the next decade were recently unveiled, together with a £24 billion ($33 billion) budget for the next four years. Artificial intelligence and AI-enabled autonomous capabilities were presented as essential to this drive towards modernization.

No less than £2 billion ($2.7 billion) of funds were unlocked to expand drone capabilities, with uncrewed systems seen as a key tool to venture into dangerous enemy territories while keeping human soldiers safe – while also playing an important role in re-supplying and assisting troops even in tricky environments.

It is unlikely, therefore, that the UK government will scale back its efforts in autonomous systems anytime soon. After UK-based experiments, Autonomous Advance Force 4.0 is expected to continue in the US later this year in the Californian desert, to trial ever-more complex environments and scenarios.

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Seventy-six years ago, on July 16, 1945, the first nuclear bomb in the world was exploded in the desert of New Mexico by U.S. military scientists and officials. 40,000 people lived within 50 miles of the blast, many living self-sustained off the landscape. As soon as the bomb went off, the fallout began. Over many decades, radiation exposures traveled through the environment, affecting the land, local water, crops, livestock, and wild animals upon which local residents relied and continue to rely. No one was warned, no one’s health was tracked. Many of these downwinders, victims of the first atomic blast, suffer and have died from cancers and other radiation health effects due to those exposures. They and their families have never been compensated with reparations, not even receiving support with basic health care costs.

Three weeks later, on August 6th and 9th, 1945, the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. After World War II, hundreds more nuclear weapons were exploded for “testing” in Nevada and the Pacific Ocean, spreading nuclear fallout downwind and around the planet, directly and repeatedly exposing those immediately downwind.


Exactly 34 years after the Trinity Bomb, on July 16, 1979, also in New Mexico, one of the world’s worst uranium disasters in history began. The dam holding back massive amounts of uranium tailings at Church Rock on the Navajo Nation broke, releasing uranium downstream through communities for over 80 miles, causing contamination, burns, livestock deaths and untold health effects on residents. 43 years later, residents of Red Water Pond Road, the community closest to the Church Rock site, are still waiting for compensation and reparations. In fact, the US EPA is now trying to relocate community members–with no plan for cleaning up the community and enabling them to rebuild. And on top of that, EPA does not plan to remove contamination to a secure storage site. Instead the plan is to dump contaminated soil from the spill at the Church Rock uranium mine site. These injustices must stop, and the affected communities must be supported in determining the path forward.

It is long past time to compensate those acutely exposed to the hundreds of atomic bombs the U.S. government has detonated,  including the very first one: Trinity, New Mexico, July 16, 1945. It is long past time to compensate the uranium workers, many Native American, who worked in the uranium industry since 1971 to extract and process the uranium that was used to make the atomic weapons for the U.S. nuclear weapons program.

The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) 

The Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium website reports that:

“Since 1990 the U.S. Government has been compensating “Downwinders” who lived adjacent to the Nevada Test Site.  The fund set up to extend compensation and medical care is called the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA).  The Downwinders in New Mexico have never been included or compensated although they were the first people to be exposed to radiation any place in the world. New Mexicans were also downwind of the Nevada test site through the summer of 1962, well documented.”

Downwinders of U.S. nuclear bombings in the Pacific have not been eligible for compensation either, even though they and their islands were exposed and contaminated by multiple U.S. nuclear weapons explosions. And there are many other downwind populations that have not been included in the existing RECA. The current RECA law compensates residents in certain parts of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Arizona who were downwinders from the Nevada Test Site.

As of this writing, we understand that Representative Leger Fernandez (D-NM) and Senator Crapo (R-ID) are preparing to introduce updated versions of legislation to extend and expand RECA.  It is expected to expand and extend RECA compensation to downwinders in New Mexico, parts of Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, additional parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona, and to uranium workers who joined the industry after 1971. The compensation fund is set to expire in 2022, so the legislation would also extend it to 2045.

The current RECA is woefully insufficient in scope to compensate all who suffered and continue to be impacted by the violence and contamination of the U.S. nuclear weapons program. Expanding RECA  is an essential step in reckoning with the radioactive legacy of the nuclear weapons complex and beginning to repair the harms and injustices nuclear bombings and uranium mining have caused.

Hearings were held in the House Judiciary Committee in March of 2021 and Senate Judiciary in 2018. If your Congress Members are on the Judiciary committees, ask them to actively move RECA from committee to the House and Senate floors for a vote -before the law sunsets in 2022. We need every Representative and Senator to actively work and vote to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. 


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How The US Government Faked A Pandemic In 1976

July 23rd, 2021 by Great Game India

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In 1976, an outbreak of the swine flu, influenza A virus subtype H1N1 at Fort Dix, New Jersey caused a mass vaccination of Americans. After the program began, the vaccine was associated with an increase in reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which can cause paralysis, respiratory arrest, and death.

This is the story of how in 1976, the US government faked a pandemic.This chronology is heavily influenced by the official history of the affair, published in 1978 by the National Academies Press: The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease.

In January 1976, several soldiers at Fort Dix complained of a respiratory illness diagnosed as influenza. The next month, Private David Lewis, who had the symptoms, participated in a five-mile forced march, collapsed and died.\

The New Jersey Department of Health tested samples from the Fort Dix soldiers. While the majority of samples were of the more common A Victoria flu strain, two were not. The atypical samples were sent to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, which found evidence of swine influenza A related to the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed 50 to 100 million people worldwide.

The Center for Disease Control (now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) verified the findings and informed both the World Health Organization and the state of New Jersey. On February 13, CDC Director David Sencer completed a memo calling for mass vaccination for the swine flu.

The CDC Assistant Director for Programs of the Center for Disease Control, Bruce Dull, held a press conference on February 19 to discuss the flu outbreak at Fort Dix and, in response to questions from reporters, mentioned the relationship of the flu strain to the 1918 outbreak.

US President Gerald Ford was officially informed of the outbreak memo on March 15 and the suggested vaccination program. He met with a “blue ribbon” panel that included Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. Ford then made a televised announcement in support of the mass vaccination program.

A hearing was held before the United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, and C. Joseph Stetler, a drug company spokesman, requested government indemnity for the vaccine manufacturers.

Pharmaceutical companies Sharp & Dohme (Merck & Co.), Merrell, Wyeth, and Parke-Davis also refused to sell doses to the government unless they were guaranteed a profit, a concession that the government also eventually made.

The House Appropriations Committee reported out a special appropriations bill, including $135 million for the swine flu vaccination program, which was approved on April 5. Two days later, the World Health Organization held a conference to discuss the implications of a swine flu outbreak for poorer nations.

On April 8, an official from the Federal Insurance Company informed Merck & Co., a manufacturer of the swine flu vaccine, that it would exclude indemnity on Merck’s product liability for the swine flu vaccine on July 1, 1976.

T. Lawrence Jones, president of the American Insurance Association, informed the Office of Management and Budget that the insurance industry would not cover liability for the vaccine unless the government extended liability protection.

The chairman of Merck wrote a memo a day later, April 13, to various government agencies, including the White House emphasizing the “duty to warn”. In May, other vaccine manufacturers including Marion Merrell Dow, Parke-Davis, and Wyeth, were notified of indemnity problems by their respective insurers.

 Assistant Secretary Theodore Cooper (HEW) informed the White House on June 2 that indemnity legislation would be needed to secure Merrell’s cooperation. In June, other vaccine manufacturers requested the same legislation. A little more than two weeks later, the Ford administration submitted a proposal to Congress that offered indemnity to vaccine manufacturers.

Bruce Dull stated at a flu conference on July 1 that there were no parallels between the 1918 flu pandemic and the current situation.

Later that month, J. Anthony Morris, a researcher in the Food and Drug Administration’s Bureau of Biologics (BoB), was dismissed for insubordination and went public with findings that cast doubt on the safety of the vaccine, which was produced in fertilised hen’s eggs.

Three days later, several manufacturers announced that they had ceased production of the vaccine. Later that month, investigations into alleged swine flu outbreaks in other parts of the world found no cases of the strain. On July 23, the President sent a letter that urged Congress to take action on indemnification.

In early August, an outbreak of illness in Philadelphia was thought to be related to swine flu. It was later found to be an atypical pneumonia that is now called Legionnaires’ disease. On August 6, Ford held a press conference and urged Congress to take action on the indemnification legislation. Four days later, both houses of Congress passed the legislation.

Merrill became the first company to submit samples to the FDA’s Bureau of Biologics for safety testing, which approved it on September 2. Merck made the first shipment of vaccines to state health departments by September 22. The first swine flu inoculations were given at the Indiana State Fair.

In October, three people died of heart attacks after they had received the vaccine at the same Pittsburgh clinic, which sparked an investigation and the recall of that batch of vaccine.

The investigation showed that the deaths were not related to the vaccination. The President and his family received their vaccinations before the television cameras. On November 2, Ford lost the presidential election to Jimmy Carter.

Also in early November, Albert Sabin published a New York Times editorial, “Washington and the Flu.” He agreed with the decision to create the vaccine and to be prepared for an outbreak but criticized the “scare tactics” that had been used by Washington to achieve that. He suggested to stockpile the vaccine and to have a wait-and-see strategy.

By 15 December, cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) affecting vaccinated patients were reported in 10 states, including Minnesota, Maryland, and Alabama. Three more cases of Guillain-Barré were reported in early December, and the investigation into cases of it spread to eleven states.

On December 16, a one-month suspension of the vaccination program was announced by Sencer. William Foege of the CDC estimated that the incidence of GBS was four times higher in vaccinated people than in those not receiving the swine flu vaccine.

Ford told reporters that he agreed with the suspension, but he defended the decision to create the vaccination program. Joseph A. Califano, Jr., was sworn in as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare on January 20, 1977. On February 4, Sencer was informed that he would be replaced as the head of the CDC. The vaccination program was not reinstated.

Laurence Gostin, in his article “At Law: Swine Flu Vaccine: What Is Fair?”, wrote that “the swine flu affair fails to tell us whether, in the face of scientific uncertainty, it is better to err on the side of caution or aggressive intervention.”

There is not even complete agreement about the causal relationship between the swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, as noted in Gina Kolata’s book Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It.

She wrote that the CDC did not have a “specific set of tests and symptoms to define Guillain-Barré” and that since doctors who reported cases already knew that a link was suspected, a bias in reporting was introduced.

She quoted Keiji Fukuda: “if a new virus gets identified or reappears, you don’t want to jump the gun and assume a pandemic is happening.”

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“I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a “thing-oriented” society to a “person-oriented” society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”

Martin Luther King (April 4, 1967) [1]


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If the death of Bobby Kennedy marked the end of the dream of the sixties (see the Robert F. Kennedy chapter of this series), the death two months previously signaled the beginning of the end.

On the early evening of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was standing on the second-floor balcony of the Lorraine hotel in Memphis, Tennessee when a single bullet plowed through the breeze and struck the man of peace and compassion with devastating effects. Rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead an hour later. [2]

In the ten days following news of King’s death, 200 cities across the nation saw looting, arson, and sniper fire. Peter Levy wrote in The Great Uprising: Race Riots in Urban America during the 1960s that followed that  the United States experienced its greatest wave of social unrest since the Civil War.” Fully 3,500 people were injured, 43 were killed and 27,000 were arrested. [3]

While the Baptist Minister subscribed to non-violence, between the loss of a civil rights giant and the widespread segregation and poverty affecting blacks, such an expression of outrage is understandable.

Yet, Dr. King was in the process of doing more than demanding an end to racial inequality. He went to Memphis to stand with and support striking sanitation workers. He was also intent later in the month of April to lead a massive Nonviolent Poor People’s March on Washington involving impoverished Americans of all races. [4][5]

And more critically, he was speaking out against the growing cancer blighting American foreign policy – the war in Vietnam. His first, and arguably one of his most important speeches was heard at the Riverside Church in New York City – exactly one year before his assassination![6]

The third assassination in our list this month details not only the problems with the official story of what and who brought down this legendary figure, it also outlines the issues among a certain population who find themselves at odds with the direction King was leading this country.

Taking us through part 3 of this epic assassination series on the Global Research News Hour, once again, is the researcher and investigator James DiEugenio. The cliff-hanger he leaves us with at the end of this show will lead directly to the fourth and final figure in our series: Malcolm X!

James DiEugenio has an MA in Contemporary American History from California State University Northridge. He authored the book Destiny Betrayed, probing the Garrison investigation of the JFK assassination, expanded in 2012. He also wrote Reclaiming Parkland in 2013 expanded again in 2016 and then re-issued again with additional material in the 2018 book The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today. He co-authored the book The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X.

Mr DiEugenio also has a website: with materials related to one or more of the assassination targets.


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.


  1. From Beyond Vietnam. Speech at the Riverside Church in New York City.

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Depending upon which source of information you believe, your life is in the balance if you make the wrong decision about COVID-19 vaccination.

A problem with what I write today is that the information below, which is essential to know to maintain health following COVID-19 vaccination, may induce more fear and anxiety, which is what is driving the pandemic and the misdirected decisions over COVID-19 vaccination.   I’ll explain more about this below.

According to Our World Data as of July 20, 2021, 161 million Americans are fully vaccinated out of a population of ~328 million (49.1%).

It is difficult to understand why anyone would immunize, not with a vaccine, but a 5-times gain-of-function bioweapon, which is what the COVID-19 RNA/DNA vaccines are.  But the news media is running a fright campaign that causes people to make health decisions out of fear.

Trillions of spike protein gene packages released

Immediately following vaccination trillions of gene packages will be released from the deltoid muscle where the vaccine needle entered your arm, and will end up wreaking havoc in your blood vessels.

Canadian cardiologist Dr. Charles Hoffe explains the blood clotting threat these vaccines pose:

The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

More than half of Dr. Hoffe’s patients had abnormal D-dimer tests after an COVID-19 RNA shot.  A D-dimer test measures the amount of degraded fibrin in the blood, that along with blood platelets, seals wounds.

Dr. Hoffe warns these micro-clots harm tissues in the brain, lungs, spinal cord and heart, tissues and organs that cannot not regenerate.  Permanent damage results.

Dr. Hoffe (paraphrased): “When the COVID-vaccine is injected into your arm, we now know that only 25% stays in your arm (deltoid muscle) and the other 75% is literally collected by the lymphatic system and fed into the blood circulation.  These packages of messenger RNA, in a single dose of Moderna vaccine, for example, there are 40 trillion of these messenger RNA packages injected into your system.  These particles absorb into blood capillaries.  (Capillaries are the connectors between the red hoses –(arteries) and the blue hoses (veins).

The body detects these gene packages which enter the cells and each gene can generate spike proteins.  Your blood vessel system is abnormally turned into a spike protein-making factory.  Your body recognizes these spike proteins as foreign and makes antibodies against them.  Spike protein then permanently becomes part of the cell wall that lines your blood vessels (called the vascular endothelium).

These spiky proteins stick out, white blood cells (lymphocytes) and antibodies arrive which then attracts blood platelets to form a clot around them.

These spike proteins can be revealed by a D—dimer test which will reveal these micro-clots.  The D-dimer test only reveals recently-formed micro-clots.

Critics say clots are rare among post-vaccine patients, but those are the large clots that result in strokes and heart attacks.  According to Dr. Hoffe, a D-dimer test within 4-7 days of vaccination shows 62% of RNA-vaccine immunized patients have an abnormal D-dimer test.  These patients become breathless easily.

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First CNBC set up the story.  It provided facts that actually don’t mean very much. but sound frightening.  It said the virus is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original. In fact, precisely this strategy was used in the early days of Covid.

The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the delta strain can carry up to 1,000 times more virus in their nasal passages than those infected with the original strain, according to new data.

At the onset of the pandemic, in March 2020, SARS-2 was alleged to be 1,000 times more transmissible than SARS-1.  And today, the hot story is that the Delta variant is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original strain of SARS-2.  Which would make it 1 million times more transmissible than SARS-1.

But what does that really mean?  In the real world, more transmissibility is generally associated with lowered virulence.  And that is precisely the case when you compare SARS-1 and SARS-2, and the Delta versus the original Covid strain.  Each has considerably less virulence than the earlier coronavirus.

It means the Delta variant might be as transmissible as the flu. And it happens to be the least virulent of the seven variants being evaluated in the UK.

Now that you have gotten everyone’s attention, you throw in some quotes from the CDC Director, who happily obliges with more meaningless drivel.

“The delta variant is more aggressive and much more transmissible than previously circulating strains,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters at a briefing Thursday. “It is one of the most infectious respiratory viruses we know of, and that I have seen in my 20-year career.”

Aggressive sounds pretty bad, but what does it mean?  In fact, it has no medical meaning. The claim of high transmissibility is repeated, while nothing else is being said.

How transmissible is flu?  CDC states that between 3% and 20% of Americans get the flu each winter, within a brief 3 months. Delta is presumably in the same ballpark.

The stage has been prepared. The CDC Director has opined on the latest horribleness. The audience is nervous and paying full attention.

What comes next appears to be from a reliable source.  But in fact, it came out of left field.  There is no source.  No attribution whatsoever.

CNBC stated:

“In hospitals around the country, 97% of people admitted with Covid symptoms are unvaccinated, and 99.5% of all Covid deaths are also among the unvaccinated.”

The numbers cannot be verified by the press, or by me, or by anyone who does not have an official list of the vaccinated.  Most people were vaccinated in mass clinics.  The vaccinations are not in their medical records.  There are no insurance claims for the vaccine, which was free.  While the states and CDC do have those lists, somewhere, CDC has previously claimed it could not match the list of the vaccinated to reported post-vaccination deaths to corroborate and evaluate them.

In the UK, with similar vaccination rates as the US, it was reported that the majority of hospitalizations are occurring in the VACCINATED. This according to Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief science advisor, who is also known as a member of the Fauci Covid origin cover-up cabal.

According to Reuters, Vallance now says he misspoke.

Vallance earlier said at a news conference with Prime Minister Boris Johnson that 60% of people being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 have had two doses of vaccine.

“Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference,” Vallance said on Twitter. “About 60% of hospitalisations from COVID are not from double vaccinated people, rather 60% of hospitalisations from COVID are currently from unvaccinated people.”

When the public has no means of verification, the media (as well as government officials) can say anything they please.  How does 99.5% sound?  There’s nothing stopping you. So why not go for broke? And if there is pushback, just change the numbers tomorrow.

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A sudden increase in the number of deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccination is not correct and was the result of an “error,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC said July 16 that since the mid-December rollout of COVID vaccines in the U.S., VAERS had received 12,313 reports of death among people who received a COVID vaccine — a sharp increase from the 6,079 U.S. deathsreported by the CDC the previous week.

However, as of 3:30 p.m. ET on July 21, the CDC website had revised downward the number of U.S. VAERS reports related to COVID vaccination deaths — from 12,313 to 6,079 deaths occurring between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 19, 2021, Precision Vaccinations reported.

Later that day, as of 7:30 p.m. ET, the CDC’s website showed 6,207 U.S. reports of death occurring between Dec. 14, 2020 through July 19, 2021, among people who received a COVID vaccine.

On July 21, the CDC’s number of 6,079 coincided with what ABC News reportedWednesday as the number of U.S. deaths reported to VAERS between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 12, 2021.

A CDC spokeswoman the number the agency displayed on its website July 16 — and continued to display until the afternoon of July 21 — was not correct.

The July 16 number was “double” that of the previous day, so it was “definitely”  incorrect,” the spokeswoman said. “We checked our stats internally and it’s only 6,000. So someone doing an update misrepresented that or made a mistake, in other words.”

The spokeswoman was unable to say when the error would be fixed. “It’s being worked out,” she said.

The Defender contacted the CDC for clarification, but the CDC did not respond.

VAERS, run jointly by the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is the U.S. early warning system that monitors the safety of vaccines after they are authorized or licensed for use by the FDA.

Investigative journalist Alex Berenson first reported on the VAERS number in question July 21. Berenson attributed the increase in reported deaths to a likely “massive backlog” of reports, or the accidental addition of 6,000 foreign death reports.

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I do not know what is in your vaccine.

I do not believe your vaccine is safe.

I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials.

I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents.

I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the ailment they are purported to mitigate.

I know that adjuvants are put into vaccines to “shock” the immune system into extreme response, and that causes biological “crisis”, stress and damage to the immune system, the blood and the whole body.

I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by media which receives billions of dollars in pharma advertising annually.

I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by government in which pharmaceutical regulatory agencies are largely run and controlled by pharma industry executives, loyalists and lobbyists.

I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people.

I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of sterilization, polio, autism and other diseases and injuries globally.

I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for and received legal immunity from the harm vaccines are causing.

I know that taxpayers have paid billions of dollars to families whose members were injured or killed by vaccines.

I do not trust the vaccine industry, government agencies or international agencies which seem to be acting on behalf of vaccine sales and promotion and suppressing information of vaccine hazards.

I know that most vaccines have not been tested or proven safe.

I know that under current law all physicians and healthcare workers must have my consent to administer medicine to me. My consent is hereby denied and refused.

I know that if someone is not a doctor, such as an elected official or bureaucrat, they may not administer medicine at all, much less “mandate” medical treatments for the general population.

I know it is possible to mitigate and control all contagious diseases with safer and more effective means than vaccination.

Anyone who claims privilege to inject materials in my body without my consent is my enemy and is criminal – and prosecutable.

I will treat anyone who threatens to violate my body as a criminal assailant.

No, you may not vaccinate me or my children. If you try, I will exercise my right to self-defense against you and your accomplices to any extent I deem necessary to protect ourselves.

Forced vaccination is not authorized or permitted under Founding Law. If there is a code or statutory “mandate” for forced medication, it is unconstitutional, unlawful and unenforceable.

You may not attempt or threaten non-consensual vaccination, and if you do, you will be dealt with in a manner to restore rule of law, justice and to protect our right to personal physical security.

Your ignorance of vaccine hazards and medical rights and your inability to understand the facts above do not give you any immunity or any license to commit the crime of forced non-consensual medication.

Can you name every ingredient of your vaccine? Presumably not.

Can you predict the physical effects of each of those ingredients? No.

Can you predict the consequences of combining those ingredients? No.

Have you offered to personally take full responsibility to pay for any harm your vaccine causes? No.

Therefore, you do not have the slightest authority or privilege to forcibly administer vaccines.

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Tokyo’s Pandemic Games Open

July 23rd, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The auguries are not good for the Tokyo Olympic Games.  Resignations have filled the ledger, including Japanese composer Keigo Oyamada, organising committee president Yoshiro Mori and the creative director Hiroshi Sasaki.  Then there is the lamentable behaviour of the authoritarian International Olympic Committee and the obsequious conduct of the Suga government.  The continued prospect of COVID-19 infections in the Olympic camp and public, have all been marked off as manageable.  

It will not matter that athletes suffer infections.  It will not matter that they will be spread. It will be irrelevant that the Japanese public do not want these games. The IOC will throw money and a range of threats to make sure that officials comply. Some of this was on show with the curt remarks by IOC official John Coates to an Australian state premier, Queensland’s Annastacia Palaszczuk, who was visiting Tokyo to receive news that the city of Brisbane had been awarded the 2032 Olympic Games. 

As Australian Olympic President, Coates wished to impress upon the Queensland Premier that she had to attend the opening ceremony in Tokyo and learn the ropes.  “You are going to the opening ceremony,” he berated Palaszczuk.  “I’m still the deputy chair of the candidature leadership group and so far as I understand, there will be an opening and closing ceremony in 2032 and all of you are going to get along there and understand the traditional parts of that, what’s involved in an opening ceremony.”  Gruffly, he issued an instruction.  “So none of you are staying behind and hiding in your rooms, alright?” 

While much hot air has been made about Coates, this vulgar episode served to show that the IOC is a body that dictates rather than advises. The dictatorial behaviour by Coates may well have been unintended, but was symbolically potent.  Used to years of giving directions, he slipped into his comfortable norm of chastisement.  The direction to an elected politician superbly captured the problems associated with an organisation that has done its best to warrant abolition.

To justify Tokyo 2020, the IOC has opted for a specially minted rhetoric that focuses on the human spirit and global solidarity in times of crisis, ignoring its own bullying and money hungry ways.  Think of the athletes and their challenges, the body tells us, a celebration that supposedly signals a halt to hostilities of countries as their sporting folk participate.  Forget the ballooning costs and resources that fall into ruin after the tournament. 

This has been the special approach of IOC president Thomas Bach, who misspoke by calling the Japanese “Chinese people”.  He stated on July 15, with an almost contemptuous air, that there was “zero” risk of athletes passing on the virus to residents of the Olympic village or to the Japanese populace in general.  The Mainichi newspaper put paid to that assertion, noting how athletes arriving in the country’s airports were doing so in a state of “disarray” with some “coming close to general travellers and fans asking for autographs”.  The idea of maintaining hermetic “Olympic bubbles” is already proving spurious. 

Bach has become a despot in full form, dominating the IOC even more so than such predecessors as Juan Antonio Samaranch.  In this, he keeps good company with Coates, who lectured Japan by insisting that the games go ahead despite the pandemic and continuing state of emergency.  All health requirements and prescriptions outlined in the organisation’s health playbooks were sound, and opposition to the staging of the games, he confidently observed, would wane as vaccination rates improved.  “I think that there’s a correlation between the numbers who are concerned about their safety with the numbers who have been vaccinated in Japan.” 

As it happens, Japan’s vaccination rate continues to be poor, as is the general public impression of the games.  Major sponsors such as Fujitsu, Asahi and Panasonic have turned up their nose at the opening ceremony.  Toyota has joined them and is refusing to run advertising connected with the games “out of sensitivity to the COVID-19 situation.” 

Public health specialists are beside themselves with worry, though a contribution to the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this month could still praise the games as connecting “us at a time of global disconnect.”  Despite such enthusiasm, the authors were damning in claiming that the IOC playbooks were “not built on scientifically rigorous risk assessment, and they fail to consider the ways in which exposure occurs, the factors that contribute to exposure, and which participants may be at highest risk.”  According to one of the authors, Michael Osterholm, the planning had focused on dealing with respiratory droplets prevention.  “The science is now convincingly showing that this is an airborne virus, largely, which means it’s like cigarette smoke, it will float wherever.” 

Japan’s officials also find themselves in a bind.  Japanese Olympic Committee board member Kaori Yamaguchi was brutally frank in writing that the games had “already lost their meaning and are being held just for the sake of them.”  The organisers had “been cornered into a situation where we cannot even stop now. We are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.”  The opportunity to cancel had passed.  This mad, costly pandemic experiment is upon us.


Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research


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The war in Yemen has been gradually escalating in the past months, with major battles taking place between Ansarallah forces and Saudi-backed forces. This coupled with claims that US troops have occupied a military base, redeploying there from Afghanistan.

According to Maj. Gen. Abdu Abdullah Majili, of the Saudi-backed “government” forces, his militants, along with tribal fighters, have seized partial control of the Rahabah district of the Marib Province. The “Yemeni government” forces loyal to the Western/Saudi-backed President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, have recently launched a large-scale counter attack against the Houthis/Ansarallah, a campaign which has had some success, largely due to the airstrikes launched by the Saudi coalition.

Meanwhile in Bayda Province, Ansarallah and Saudi-backed forces have both been making their own advances, following a Saudi led offensive to gain control of the area earlier this month. Hundreds of soldiers on both sides have reportedly been killed, with mixed statistics being offered for the exact total.

In the midst of this fighting, neighboring Oman has stepped up its efforts to facilitate direct peace talks between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia. Oman is largely viewed as neutral to the war ongoing in Yemen, yet has itself had disputes with Saudi Arabia over the natural resources of Yemen’s Eastern al-Mahrah Province and the establishment of an oil port there. So far, despite the two-week effort of Muscat (Oman’s Capital) to try and facilitate peace negotiations, little progress has seemingly been made to make either Ansarallah or Saudi budge.

Perhaps most concerning however, is that US forces have reportedly entered Yemen. According to the ‘Yemen Press Agency’ US military forces arrived this Tuesday at the Aden International Airport, in the Aden Province, to then travel northwards towards neighboring province of Lahij.

The reports from local Yemeni media claim that US forces are now stationed at the key al-Anad air base in Lahij Province. This as Saudi-backed militants had forced the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) from the base. The importance of this, in the context of the greater scheme of things in Yemen, is that the al-Anad base is the single biggest air base inside of Yemen and could indicate that a dramatic escalation of tensions is on its way.

The possible presence of US forces at the al-Anad airbase, is coupled with multiple reports of US munitions having been fired from US controlled aircraft in the country, after the uncovering of bombs identified as being US made are being recovered. The United States government denies these claims, as it does the claims that US drones were downed over the skies of Marib in Yemen.

The Ansarallah group released video and photographic evidence of it having downed two ScanEagle drones, correctly bearing the marks of the Washington based company, Insitu, that makes the drones. Saudi Arabia is not known to possess the type of drones downed, and despite US denial, along with Boeing – which Insitu is a subsidiary of – claiming it was not the ScanEagle they saw in the wreckage, it clearly seems that the drone is as it was described by Ansarallah.

Joe Biden proclaimed in his first speech on the issue of foreign policy, that he would prioritize ending the war in Yemen. At the time, he was misinterpreted by the Western mainstream media as having said he would end all support for the Saudi-led coalition’s war on Yemen, when in fact he only stated that the United States would end its support for offensive Saudi action.

It is clear that the US Biden administration sees the Saudi-led war on Yemen as defensive in nature at this point, either that or the US government flat out lied. No action taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Yemen has come under proper scrutiny, as a matter of fact, the Biden administration is participating in this war, as did his predecessor President Donald Trump.

Now, the violence in Yemen continues to escalate and the US government does not seem to be placing a priority on ending this war, which it actively backs with its weapons and logistical support. If Joe Biden truly wanted the war to end, it is simple, he would have gone on the diplomatic offensive against Saudi Arabia for it. The Western media also needs to drop its rhetoric about Hadi’s forces being the legitimate “government forces”, this is clearly not the case and Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has become about as illegitimate as Venezuela’s Juan Guaido.

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According to Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Russia is aware of unmarked helicopters conducting flights in areas, where IS militants were active. “It would have been impossible to carry out such activities unbeknownst to the US and NATO forces that had complete control of Afghanistan’s airspace,” she explained

Russia is aware of unmarked helicopters conducting flights in areas, where IS militants were active, particularly in Afghanistan’s north, the diplomat emphasized. According to Afghan sources, this is how terrorists received reinforcements and evacuated the wounded, as well as dead bodies, Zakharova stressed. “It would have been impossible to carry out such activities unbeknownst to the US and NATO forces that had complete control of Afghanistan’s airspace,” she explained.

Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Second Asian Department Zamir Kabulov said earlier during an online event hosted by the Valdai International Discussion Club that Russia had received information about specific facts related to the US-led coalition’s cooperation with the Islamic State in Afghanistan.

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  • Serra do Divisor National Park on Brazil’s border with Peru is home to numerous endemic animals and more than a thousand plant species, but faces a double threat from a planned highway and a bid to downgrade its protected status.
  • The downgrade from national park to “environmental protection area” would paradoxically open up this Andean-Amazon transition region to deforestation, cattle ranching, and mining — activities that are currently prohibited in the park.
  • The highway project, meant to give Acre another land route to the Pacific via Peru, has been embraced by the government of President Jair Bolsonaro, which has already taken the first steps toward its construction.
  • Indigenous and river community leaders say they have not been consulted about the highway, as required by law, and have not been told about the proposed downgrade of the park, both of which they warn will have negative socioenvironmental impacts.

Mongabay Latam and Folha, through the Stories Without Borders project, document what is happening on the border between Peru and Brazil.

MÂNCIO LIMA, Acre — The Acre antshrike is known from only one place on Earth: in the highlands of Serra do Divisor National Park in Brazil’s Acre state. The habitat of this surly-looking, dark-plumaged bird, known locally as choca-do-acre and scientifically as Thamnophilus divisorius, is limited to shrubby woodlands, one of the 10 types of forests in this protected area on Brazil’s border with Peru.

The park is home to numerous endemic animals and at least 1,163 plant species, making it one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. It’s also the only comprehensive Brazilian protected area located within the transition zone between the Andes and the Amazon. Despite this, two projects have been proposed that would both build a highway to Peru bisecting the park, and allow for the privatization of the park’s territory, thereby opening the way for deforestation, cattle ranching, and mining.

The proposals have been promoted by two politicians from Acre who are allies of President Jair Bolsonaro. The Bolsonaro administration has already embraced the highway plan, taking the first steps toward the construction of the Brazilian portion of the road. But it has not yet made public its position on a bill pending in Congress that would put an end to Serra do Divisor National Park.

The existing BR-364 highway starts in the city of Limeira in São Paulo state, and runs more than 4,300 kilometers (nearly 2,700 miles) northwest to the town of Mâncio Lima in Acre. Successive Brazilian governments have weighed plans since the 1970s to extend it into Peru, giving Brazil a land route to the Pacific; the extension was even referred to in the decree establishing Serra do Divisor National Park in 1989, under the presidency of José Sarney. But when officials finally did inaugurate the Interoceanic Highway, in 2010, the link into Peru ran from Rio Branco, the Acre state capital, 670 km (415 mi) back down the BR-364 from Mâncio Lima.

Houseboats on the Juruá River in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

When Bolsonaro took office in January 2019, the idea of running the extension from Mâncio Lima was revived once again. In 2020, three of his ministers visited Acre to discuss the issue. In June, Ricardo Salles, the environment minister, visited the area where the construction would begin. (Salles was ousted a year later after being named in two probes into alleged illegal exports of Amazon timber.) In September 2020, Ernesto Araújo, the foreign minister, and Rogério Marinho, the minister of regional development, visited Cruzeiro do Sul, the largest city in the Juruá Valley region, where the road would cross, and a 40-minute drive from Mâncio Lima. They met with local and Peruvian officials.

Also in September, Bolsonaro touted the project in a Facebook live address, confirming he planned to open a new route from Brazil to the Pacific, echoing the speech of former president Lula da Silva in the 2000s, who oversaw the completion of the first Interoceanic Highway with his then counterpart from Peru, Alejandro Toledo. Toledo is now a fugitive from justice for alleged corruption in the awarding of public works contracts, including for the Peruvian section of the highway.

Brazil’s National Transport Infrastructure Department (DNIT) published this May the call for bids on the project, budgeted at about 500 million reais ($95 million), according to official estimates. The department began analyzing the bids in June. It says there is still no detailed mapping of the federal highway, but that the Brazilian section will run about 120 km (75 mi), of which 21 km (13 mi), or 17%, will cut through Serra do Divisor National Park.

Divided opinions

Indigenous and riverine community leaders say they have not been consulted about the highway project, as required by law, and have expressed concerns about negative socioenvironmental impacts. “As of today, you were the first person to ask me about the highway,” Indigenous chief Joel Puyanawa told Folha in a conversation at his village’s cultural center.

The Poyanawa Indigenous Territory lies 10 km (6 mi) up a dirt road from the urban center of Mâncio Lima. It’s home to some 680 inhabitants, and lies in the area of direct influence of the highway. Salles was there on June 27, 2020, but Joel Puyanawa did not meet with him. The environment minister defended the road project when he met with Indigenous leaders, telling them that “it is time for integration.”

Boats on the banks of the Japiim River in Mâncio Lima, Acre state, near Serra do Divisor National Park.
Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

“The entire surroundings of our land are already compromised,” said Joel Puyanawa, who was elected in 2020 to the Mâncio Lima City Council. “We already know the damage caused by the invasions. The white [people] live by hunting on our land and the environmental institutions have no policy to prevent it. Imagine a highway. How many millions of people are going to travel along it? Will agribusiness increase? Yes, but our survival is not in agribusiness.”

He said he also fears the road will pass over a sacred zone, located outside the demarcated Indigenous land. It was in this region, around 1910, where the Puyanawa people were captured as slaves by the military colonel and rubber baron Mâncio Lima to work on his plantation. Despite this, Lima is today portrayed as a hero in Brazil’s official history, even having a city named after him.

“This road threatens 100% of our land, it destroys our sacred site,” Joel Puyanawa said. “The damage done by the colonel was enough. If the road is built, it exterminates the history of our people.”

Yet local officials and businesspeople are betting on the highway to put an end to the geographic isolation of this westernmost region of the country. The reelected mayor of Mâncio Lima, Isaac Lima (not related to the colonel), is a staunch supporter of the planned highway extension, to the point that he even cleared some 40 km (25 mi) of path along the likely route.

Lima is also a cattle rancher, and he says the connection with the Peruvian city of Pucallpa, 740 km (460 mi) from Mâncio Lima, would bring benefits to this town of 19,000 inhabitants, who live mainly from cattle ranching and farming. “The highway would connect the whole world and bring to our region, surely, development, growth, and Mâncio Lima would be the gateway,” Mayor Lima said.

On May 6, the Bolsonaro government renewed its promise to build and take BR-364 to the Peruvian border. That was the day Bolsonaro, with his minister of infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freitas, and a few thousand supporters, inaugurated a bridge over the Madeira River. The bridge lies on the highway, near the border between Acre and Rondônia states, 931 km (578 miles) from Cruzeiro do Sul. In his speech at the inauguration, de Freitas cited the expansion of the road to Pucallpa as one of the government’s road projects.

The person most responsible for reviving the highway extension plan is Márcio Bittar, a federal senator representing Acre and self-declared staunch ally of Bolsonaro. He holds a strategic position as rapporteur of the 2021 national budget, which gives him the power to direct funds for the highway, among other functions.

But the money for the project isn’t there just yet. Bittar included in this year’s budget an addendum of 40 million reais ($7.6 million) for “studies and projects” to expand the highway, but Bolsonaro vetoed this expense as part of wider cuts to balance the federal budget amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

A boat transporting cattle on the Moa River, inside Serra do Divisor National Park in Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

When questioned by Folha on the cut during his inauguration, Bittar said there will be “the necessary money” of 18.5 billion reais ($3.5 billion) to build the road, without providing further details.

Another federal lawmaker, Mara Rocha of the lower house of congress, or Chamber of Deputies, sponsored a bill in November 2019 that would transform Serra do Divisor National Park into a so-called environmental protection area (APA). Paradoxically, such a change would strip the area of its existing protections, opening the way for land privatization, deforestation, logging, cattle ranching, mining, and shale gas extraction.

However, the governor of Acre, Gladson Cameli, said he’s against downgrading the national park to an APA, and has not appeared keen on the highway project either. He was not present at any of the ministerial visits to discuss the road. In a phone interview, he said the project is “medium to long term” and that the state has other priorities, such as increasing trade traffic through the existing Interoceanic Highway.

Cameli said his main concern about the highway is the possible increase in Peruvian cocaine smuggling in Cruzeiro do Sul, the largest municipality neighboring Mâncio Lima and the main entry route into Acre. “[The gangs] are dominating. Borders need a greater presence of the rule of law,” he said.

In light of how the highway project is being planned by the federal government and lawmakers, the Federal Public Ministry has initiated an investigation into irregularities in the project administration.

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The Acre state prosecutor general, Lucas Costa Almeida Dias, said the objective is to ensure that “Indigenous communities are consulted in a free, prior and informed manner,” in accordance with Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization, to which Brazil is a signatory.

Dias said the route of the highway should consider the possible presence of isolated Indigenous communities and that the licensing should be done by the federal environmental regulator, IBAMA, with the participation of Brazil’s Indigenous affairs agency, Funai, and not by the state environmental agency, which is more susceptible to political pressures.

Opposing the end of the park

Folha visited the northern region of Serra do Divisor National Park in late October and early November 2020, taking a nine-hour boat trip on the Moa River from Mâncio Lima to the Pé da Serra community, the westernmost town in Brazil.

With three inns maintained by local residents, Pé da Serra is a base for tourists in search of waterfalls, panoramic views and jungle trails. One of the most beautiful and impressive sites is the Moa River canyon. It’s a 40-minute boat ride amid green mountains, a scenery more often associated with the Peruvian Amazon yet within sight of the Andes.

A canoe navigates the waters of the Moa River in Serra do Divisor National Park, Acre state, one of the most biodiverse areas of the Amazon. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

Pé da Serra sits inside Serra do Divisor National Park, and is one of several settlements within the park that are home to a total of about 350 families. Legally they shouldn’t be living here, but most had already settled in the area when the park was created. More than three decades on, the federal government has still not concluded their resettlement. In Pé da Serra, they live off tourism, non-mechanized agriculture, hunting and fishing.

Their electricity comes from diesel-powered generators and solar panels. The houses distributed along the banks of the river are close to the first mountain range, which at dawn is shrouded in mist. They get around in canoes with small motors, piloted by adults and children alike. With no internet connection, a single public telephone is all their communication with the outside world.

Born and raised on the banks of the Moa River, 41-year-old peasant Eva Maria Lima da Silva said she opposes both the downgrading of the national park and the construction of the highway extension. Also a cook at the pioneering Pousada do Miro restaurant, she said the existence of the park is what prevented the expansion of cattle ranching here, and that tourism is still the best economic alternative.

Eva Maria Lima, a resident of the Pé da Serra community inside Serra do Divisor National Park, washes pots in the Moa River. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

“If the highway is built, our park will be affected. It would be good because of the speed, but, traveling along the river, our road, how many beauties do I not see? How many jungles are preserved?” she said.

Another long-time resident, 51-year-old farmer and artisan João Silva, said the road would be beneficial in reducing the community’s isolation: “Suddenly, if we need to go to the street, we would take the road, it’s faster.”

But he disagreed with the proposal to downgrade the park — a project that residents were unaware of until we raised it with them. “In a sense, I thought it was good, because people could find a job. But leaving it untapped would be better. We stay quiet, no one is going to bother us. If these people come in, they’re going to take a lot of people out of here. Farmers are going to come in, buy [land], and a lot of [residents] are going to have to leave,” Silva said.

Riverside resident João Silva dos Santos at the window of his house in the Pé da Serra community in Serra do Divisor National Park.

Neighbors of the park and historical inhabitants of the Moa River and Serra do Divisor, the Indigenous Nukini reject both the highway and park downgrade plans, according to chieftain Paulo Nukini, 39. He said he was not consulted about the project, and his people have demanded that part of the park be annexed to the Indigenous territory, which was demarcated in 1991.

“We are against it because we know it is going to cause a strong impact, a lot of deforestation. It can increase access to contraband [cocaine trafficking]. And it will leave our sierra with a high risk of contamination. For us, Nukinis, the sierra is a sacred place,” Paulo Nukini said in front of his village on the riverbank. “Brazil has lived until today without needing that passage there.”

Researcher’s paradise

The rich biodiversity and large number of endemic species in Serra do Divisor is due mainly to the varied altitude, ranging from 200-640 meters (650-2,100 feet). It’s also home to three types of rivers that exist in the Amazon: white water (muddy), black water, and clear water (transparent). And it’s the only integral protected zone in Brazil that contains a branch of the Andes, including native flora and fauna.

“Since 1901, about 3,500 botanical collections have been made in the Serra do Divisor, with 1,163 species recorded,” says Federal University of Acre (Ufac) biologist Marcos Silveira, who has been studying the area for 24 years. “The number of vascular plant species [with sap-conducting vessels] represents 8.3% of the known diversity in the Amazon.”

Aerial view of the forest in Serra do Divisor National Park, Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

This catalog of life continues to grow. Silveira is working with other researchers on a new paper that will show that the list of plant species recorded in the park has increased by 63% since 1997, when 720 of them were identified. On average, three species are found in Serra do Divisor every two months: species that are either new to the park, new to Acre, or even new to science.

It’s a similar story of the park’s fauna. “When we do inventories, we always have a great opportunity to collect new species. It’s impressive,” said Elder Morato, another Ufac biologist.

Two species of bees discovered in Serra do Divisor were named in his honor: Euglossa moratoi, one of about 30 species of orchid bees found in the park, and Dolichotrigona moratoi, one of about 60 native stingless honey bees.

Another stingless bee discovered in the park is Celetrigona euclydiana, named in tribute to Brazilian writer Euclides da Cunha, who, at the beginning of the 20th century, was in Acre to help establish Brazil’s border with Peru.

“For us biologists, the Serra do Divisor is emblematic. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone dreams of visiting it someday,” researchers Leandro Moraes (University of São Paulo), Tomaz Melo (Federal University of Amazonas) and Raíssa Rainha wrote in a commentary. All three are affiliated with the National Institute of Amazon Research, based in Manaus, in Amazonas state.

Butterflies on the banks of the Moa River in Serra do Divisor National Park. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

In November 2019, the three biologists participated in a research expedition for a vertebrate census to commemorate the park’s 30th anniversary. They found nearly 80 species of amphibians and 40 species of lizards and snakes.

In addition, they identified 326 bird species, of which at least five were new records for the park, which now has more than 500 cataloged bird species. One of them has become the mascot for the region: the choca-do-acre, found nowhere else on Earth.

“This wide-ranging diversity is only documented in other regions of the Amazon after decades of studies in the same place. In Serra do Divisor, we recorded it in less than 15 days of sampling. Many of these species are quite restricted to this region and are no longer found in the eastern direction of Acre,” the researchers wrote.

Such diversity prompted the Ministry of Environment to apply to UNESCO in 2017 to recognize Serra do Divisor National Park as a Natural World Heritage Site. This distinction has only been granted to two other Amazonian regions: Manú National Park in Peru, and the Central Amazon, a set of four conservation units in the state of Amazonas: Jaú, Anavilhanas, Mamirauá and Amanã.

Sign indicating the limits of Serra do Divisor National Park in Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

The proposal, however, ended up being withdrawn days later due to pressure from Brazil’s National Defense Council, a military-led body, on the grounds that such a recognition posed a threat to national security.

Quarry in the park

In her bill seeking to downgrade Serra do Divisor into an APA, Federal Deputy Mara Rocha used just 213 words to justify the end of the national park. She didn’t cite any environmental or economic studies making the case for the downgrade.

Instead, she said the 846,300-hectare (2.1-million-acre) park, the ninth largest in Brazil, “meets the interests and needs of the people of Acre” because it is the “only region in the state that has rocks that can be extracted and used in construction to promote the economic development of the state.”

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In a video released in January 2020, she said the goal is to allow human habitation inside the park, and that the “project is authored by Senator Márcio Bittar.”

In a phone interview, however, Bittar distanced himself from his ally’s initiative. He said he is not such an “idiot” that he would present legislation to get rid of the park, but still defended the bill’s content. “Germany, which finances NGOs linked to the national media, made an Itaipu and a half” — a reference to Brazil’s biggest hydropower plant — “in thermoelectric, digging hole in the ground for coal. Now, we, in poor Acre, miserable, in the miserable Amazon, have no stone,” he said.

“If inside the reserve there is a stone deposit of less than a square kilometer, you can’t take it out, because the law says you can’t take it out. If there is oil there, can you take it out? You can’t. And it will continue like that, because I am not an idiot and I know that if I present such a bill, it will not be approved,” he added.

Folha reached out to Rocha for comment, but she did not respond to the request for an interview.

Old boiler used in a borehole by Brazilian oil and gas company Petrobras on the banks of the Moa River inside Serra do Divisor National Park, Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

First binational highway

Acre has had a road link to the Pacific via Peru since 2010. In Rio Branco, the BR-364 highway meets the smaller BR-317, which runs 340 km (210 mi) to the town of Assis Brazil. Here, at the point where the Brazilian, Peruvian and Bolivian borders meet, it meets the Peruvian stretch of the Interoceanic Highway, which later branches out, providing access to three Pacific seaports. But this link has failed to fulfill the promise of transforming Acre into an export hub or a corridor to Asia. In Peru, the highway caused an explosion of deforestation and illegal logging, and is at the center of a corruption scandal that has rocked the country’s politics.

The year the highway was inaugurated, exports accounted for 0.4% of Acre’s GDP, according to data from the Ministry of Economy and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. In 2018, the latest year for which data are available, they made up just 0.7%.

The other states that make up the northern region of Brazil saw their own exports grow much faster over the same period. Exports from the seven-state bloc in 2010, including Acre, made up 14% of GDP; in 2018, it was 17.4%.

“The highway has not changed Acre’s economic reality, except for driving to Lima, Cuzco,” said George Pinheiro, an Acre businessman who heads the Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil.

“The expectation was that most of the transportation companies would make a cheaper route and go to China, to Japan. None of this happened,” he added.

Asked about the low economic impact of the highway a decade after it opened, Senator Bittar said the road is “not viable” because of its many turns and its high altitude through the Andes.

“The highway that goes through Assis Brasil has a serious problem. It exits in the high cordillera and is more than 16,000 feet [4,900 m] high. There is no truck that passes there, it has so many curves that it is not viable,” he said. “The most important exit is through [the] Juruá [River], because the cordillera has an altitude of 6,500 feet [2,000 m].”

Houseboats on the Juruá River in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre state. Image by Lalo de Almeida/Folhapress.

Bolsonaro made the same point in September, but it omits the fact that the Peruvian section also has high-altitude sections: on the route from the border town of Pucallpa to the port of Callao in Lima, the road passes through Cerro de Pasco, one of the highest cities in the world, at an elevation of more than 4,300 m (14,200 ft).

Bittar said no official study has been completed on the economic impact of the highway, but proposed the creation of a binational committee to “gather all the documentation from both sides: what they have that interests us and what we have that interests them.”

Pinheiro, the businessman, said the new highway connecting between Cruzeiro do Sul to Pucallpa, a city of about 380,000 inhabitants, is a particularly local need. “In terms of Amazonian distances, it is very small [210 km, or 130 mi]. And it would be a connection to a Peruvian city with a large commercial and industrial movement,” he said.

He added there was political prestige attached to resuming the project. “There are new actors who want to build the highway,” Pinheiro said. “Everyone wants to have the stamp: ‘It was me who built the road.’”

Article translated by Historias sin Fronteras.

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The island of Ireland is one ecological unit and two jurisdictions. Divided by a border that water systems, pollutants and the air do not recognise. It is an island united by the fact that both governments’ neoliberal policies actively invite the interest of the mining industry.

Ireland, North and South, has been identified as a hotspot in the new European mining boom. To date, twenty-seven percent of the south and twenty-five percent of the North has been concessioned for mineral prospecting licences. 

Women and children gather for a protest outside Dalradian’s compound – photo credit- the author

The global gold industry has been a driver of this mining rush, one of the most ecologically and socially destructive industries in the world. From the Sperrins in Counties Tyrone and Derry to Donegal and Connemara, rural communities are being confronted with plans to mine for gold. Most of the interest is coming from Canadian mining corporations.


While the pressing need to decarbonise our economies is often cited as the reason for increased mining around the world, there is often little to no debate on the need to reduce our consumption, particularly in the Global North. It is clear we cannot mine our way out of the climate crisis without sacrificing rural and Indigenous communities.

The Sperrin Mountains are a rolling upland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in Northern Ireland. Here, Dalradian Gold Limited, a Canadian exploration company, has applied to open a large gold mine, close to the village of Greencastle in County Tyrone.

 In 2017 Dalradian submitted a huge planning application extending to 10,000 pages. They are seeking approval for an underground mine, a 17 storey high waste stack facility, and a processing plant. Opposition is fierce, with 37,000 objection letters lodged to date. This journey has not been easy, with plans dividing the community and earth defenders facing threats and intimidation.

Local communities point out the impacts of such plans are numerous and varied, from biodiversity destruction, air pollution, water contamination, health impacts for local people, and a loss of livelihood and sense of place.

Among the ecological impacts of such a project is the threat to tributaries which flow into the transboundary Lough Foyle. The Owenkillew (SAC) and Owenreagh (ASSI) rivers run adjacent to the proposed site. Both are protected as the home to rare freshwater pearl mussels.

Regardless, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs granted Dalradian permission to discharge effluent into these rivers. In November 2019, Fidelma O’Kane, Save Our Sperrins member, successfully challenged this decision in the High Court.


The South of the Island is also facing the incursions of the global gold mining industry. Conroy Gold have been exploring in County Monaghan, while Arkle Resources, a Canadian company, have two sites in mind- one in Wicklow and one in Inishowen, County Donegal.

Resistance group Save Inishowen have been opposing these plans since the threat emerged in 2016. In Connemara, a Gealtacht (Irish speaking) region, resistance group Protect Connemara has successfully seen off gold prospectors BTU Metals Corp of Vancouver. They petitioned the Government to oppose the plans, highlighting that mining would damage the local economy which relies heavily on tourism and small scale farming.

Donegal, The Sperrins and Connemara are all rural landscapes that have faced marginalisation and socio-economic exclusion. However, they are also incredibly rich and ancient landscapes shaped by millennia of culture and tradition. Landscapes which are of immeasurable intrinsic value.

Jacqueline Keenan from Greencastle explains: “People here love their land, there’s just so much history, past generations have suffered so much to hand it to us, and we want to be able to pass it to the next generation intact. There’s a deep down rootedness in us”.


Around the world women are on the frontlines of the fight against extractivism. In Ireland, women are a vital component of these struggles. These land defenders are taking on leadership roles as well as less visible roles that sustain movements, such as critical domestic and administrative tasks. The women are from all walks of life, from artists, house wives, linguists, teachers, lawyers to farmers.

Tactics have ranged from public meetings, judicial reviews, an occupation of Dalradian’s proposed site near Greencastle, as well as in person events and webinars to share experiences and foster solidarity with other frontline communities from Peru, Cyprus, Romania, Colombia to the Lakota Nation.

Resistance is growing across the Island, not only to gold but to a range of mineral prospecting and mining. In February this year a network of community groups was formed with the name CAIM (communities against the injustice of mining).

Rose Kelly from Save Inishowen said: “It’s important this network is formed because we live on a beautiful island and it’s under threat from extractivism. It’s so important that we work together as communities who are on the frontline of this damaging industry.”

“Caim” is a Celtic term, meaning a circle of protection for the more-than-human community of life. It is an ethos embodied by the women striving to keep the gold in the ground.



V’cenza Cirefice is an activist-researcher undertaking a PhD at the National University of Ireland, Galway. She explores resistance to extractivism from a feminist perspective. 

Ms Cirefice is the first recipient of a grant from the new Ecologist Writers’ Fund, established earlier this year to support and platform writers from historically under-represented communities within environmental journalism, be that writers of colour, women, the LGBTQI+ communities and the working class.

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The above quote attributed to Jim Morrison, lead singer of ‘60s rock band The Doors, could have been said today about the United States and Brazil. Media concentration in both countries has reached phenomenal levels, and it is compounded by the massive spread of pernicious fake news.

Conn Hallinan, a columnist with Foreign Policy in Focus, a project of the Washington, D.C.–based Institute for Policy Studies, tells me that when Ben Bagdikian published his book The New Media Monopoly in 2004, there were 100 corporations controlling media outlets in the U.S. As of September 2020, six corporations control 90 per cent of media outlets in the U.S.: AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp and Viacom.

Hallinan adds that:

“people read what those [six] corporations want them to read, and corporations like lower taxes, fewer financial and environmental regulations, in short, whatever makes them the most money. Since profits are the bottom line, staffs are cut back, papers are merged, and stories dumbed down to not upset anyone. So fewer papers, fewer reporters, tighter budgets (which means no investigative reporting) and a less informed population. Because democracy only works when people are informed enough to make choices, democracy is diminished.”

As Mickey Huff has said, (in a video panel discussion), six corporations controlling the media is just another sign among many others that the U.S. is not a democracy.

Huff, who is director of Project Censored, a U.S. media literacy organization, describes the country as “an inverted totalitarian state, sort of a corporate society governed with illusions that [the state] responds to the people every four years [after a ballot] riddled with election fraud.” He points out that “even the elitists at Princeton University and Northwestern University have called the U.S. a plutocracy and an oligarchy [in 2013].”

Nolan Higdon, who co-authored a book about the U.S. media with Huff titled The United States of Distraction(2019), agrees that the country is not a democracy, and this is partly due to media concentration. Higdon is also author of The Anatomy of Fake News: A Critical News Literacy Education (University of California Press, 2020) and a lecturer in media studies and history at the University of California at Santa Cruz. He tells me about the effects of media concentration in the U.S., where legacy media is both made up of and seeks the approval of economic and political elites, and is used as a divide- and-conquer-strategy by those same elites.

While it is enforcing oligarchy inside the U.S., the mainstream media is also giving a warped view of the outside world to Americans, encouraging support for a foreign policy grounded in endless war. Even Donald Trump admitted this was the case when he was president.

“As a result,” Higdon says,

“their reporting and messaging does not veer into populist discourses that reflect the will of the majority of people or the issues that concern them.… Instead, they reduce everything to a narrow frame of Republicans versus Democrats. The audience tunes into MSNBC or CNN or reads The Washington Post or The New York Times to boo Republicans and cheer Democrats. And users of Fox News Channel, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Breitbart do the same to cheer Republicans and boo Democrats.…The emphasis on what divides us distracts from the neoliberal ideology of empire that binds parties and the elite class that fund, support, and run them.”

While it is enforcing oligarchy inside the U.S., the mainstream media is also giving a warped view of the outside world to Americans, encouraging support for a foreign policy grounded in endless war. Even Donald Trump admitted this was the case when he was president.

As Higdon puts it,

“Americans hear almost nothing about what is going on overseas.” He points out how, with very few foreign correspondents on the ground, legacy media now rely extensively on military and intelligence experts: “These are folks who have a vested interest in perpetuating war and denigrating the so-called enemy. Since most people in news media are trained on how to sound like experts…Americans receive military talking points as journalism.”

Compounding all this is the massive rise of fake news—one example of many being the scapegoating of Russia for stealing the 2016 election for Donald Trump.

Media concentration’s other compounding factor is the rise of big tech companies. In 2020 Google, Facebook and Amazon received the majority of all advertising spending in the U.S., and Amazon chief Jeff Bezos even owns The Washington Post. This incredible concentration of resources has meant the demise of many progressive alternative news media outlets. Meanwhile, powerful platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube make for very rapid diffusion of fake news.

Higdon calls the big tech companies “twenty-first century snake oil salesmen” who have a “profit model predicated on keeping people addicted to their screens by privileging sensational content that appeals to negative human emotions. That is what fake news is.”

Brazil presents a similar picture to that of the U.S., with only 11 families controlling the most important media conglomerates. Politicians and religious groups play significant roles in this media oligopoly.

Hallinan is also alarmed by the rise of big tech companies and fake news: “Americans have always been fed fake news, but not so much so quickly, without much in the way of dissenting voices. I have grave fears for the future.”

Brazil presents a similar picture to that of the U.S., with only 11 families controlling the most important media conglomerates. Politicians and religious groups play significant roles in this media oligopoly.

Grupo Globo (which owns TV Globo) is the country’s biggest media conglomerate. It reaches all of Brazil and has “an unmatched influence in politics, economy and society,” according to Sherlock Communications, a Latin American public relations firm. More than 70 per cent of Brazil’s TV audience is divided between four networks, with TV Globo getting more than half of this. The other major conglomerates are Record, Band and SBT. TV Globo is also the largest commercial TV network in Latin America and the second-largest in the world after the American Broadcasting Company.

In the print press, about 50 per cent of Brazilian readers turn to only four companies: Globo, Folha, RBS and Sada. Online media content is dominated by only four companies: G1, UOL, R7 and IGm, which together have almost 60 per cent of the online media audience.

Associate professor Helder Ferreira Do Vale teaches international studies at Xi’an Jiaotong–Liverpool University in China and is an expert in Brazilian politics. He tells me that Brazil’s media concentration has consequences for the country’s democracy because it negatively affects political accountability and government transparency. “Such high media concentration is obstructing a much-needed social transformation in a country that remains one of the most unequal in the world,” he adds.

João Feres Júnior, professor of political science at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, agrees with Ferreira Do Vale when he explains to me that “media concentration facilitates oligarchy in Brazil by embracing an ideological position that favours the rich against the interests of the poor. When the media promote less taxes, less government and more private business in a country that still has a lot of poverty and social problems that can only be ameliorated through state intervention and redistribution, then the media is going against the majority of the population.”

According to OXFAM, the six richest men in Brazil have wealth equivalent to the approximately 100 million people who make up the poorest 50 per cent of the population. And the income of the country’s richest 5 per cent is equivalent to the income of the remaining 95 per cent. This elite monopolizes enormous economic and political power with its control over the media, perpetuating extreme inequality and right-wing dominance.

This dominance endangers democracy. Marcos Napolitano, professor of history at the University of São Paulo emphasizes to me that “many values that guide our political and social life are still elitist, products of an oligarchic and anti-popular liberalism forged in the 19th century in a context of a slavery[-based] society. Throughout Brazilian history, the main media groups in Brazil have opposed elected leftist governments, even moderate ones, as they did in 1964 (when the military overthrew a progressive government) and in 2016, when the media helped to overthrow leftist President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party.”

Ferreira Do Vale adds that

“Brazilian media has often created and disseminated information and content that favours traditional values and a parochial political culture based on low appreciation for freedom of expression, individual rights, and open debate. This tendency has been increasing with the growing participation of evangelical families in the telecommunication sector in Brazil.”

Media concentration in Brazil is muddied even more by the participation of politicians in the sector. Although this is prohibited by Brazilian law, Ferreira Do Vale says this stipulation is “bluntly ignored” by those who are supposed to be lawmakers.

The combination of fake news with a traditional right-wing media has helped produce not just a conservative government in Brazil but an explicitly neofascist one.
As of 2018, 32 representatives and eight senators sitting in Brazil’s National Congress owned broadcasting companies. This leads to ridiculously corrupt situations such as legislators participating in decisions to grant themselves broadcasting licenses.

The combination of fake news with a traditional right-wing media has helped produce not just a conservative government in Brazil but an explicitly neofascist one. Since (and before) his election in 2018, President Jair Bolsonaro has openly displayed his hatred for women, the LGBTQI community, and Indigenous and Black people. He has called for the killing of leftists, the destruction of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and the restoration of military dictatorship.

With 141 million mobile internet users, Brazil is “fertile ground for the massive use of fake news,” says Ferreira Do Vale. And he points out how Brazil’s media concentration created an even riper environment for fake news, because it is one “without opposing opinion, debate and dissent.” For Ferreira Do Vale, Brazil’s fertile fake news environment allows opportunist politicians like Bolsonaro to flourish:

“[He] never had a clear political agenda and a plan of action to solve Brazil’s problems so he often resorts to fake news to hide his lack of viable ideas and propositions to lead Brazil. Also Bolsinaro employs fake news to divert public attention in moments of crisis.”

Significantly, according to Ferreira Do Vale,

“It is increasingly clear that Bolsonaro greatly benefited from fake news to win the 2018 presidential election. He resorted to demagogic rumours (for example, the hacking of the Brazilian electronic voting system by the Venezuelan government) disseminated through WhatsApp messages sent from foreign cell phone chips to illegally acquired phone lists.”

Ferreira Do Vale adds that a Brazilian fact-checking organization called Aos Fatos found that

“in three critical days (October 14, 15 and 16) of the presidential election campaign of 2018, 1,504 WhatsApp accounts sent to different WhatsApp groups 14,090 messages containing fake news against Bolsonaro’s political opponents.”

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How Long Can the Official Covid Narrative Last?

July 23rd, 2021 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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In Israel most of the population has had the Covid shots. Mysteriously, there is a large outbreak of new Covid cases among the inoculated. 
With the assurances from the CDC and the rest of the Western World’s public health bureaucracies that the inoculations are 100% effective even for the Delta variant how can this be?  Here for example is the director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky,
“If you are fully vaccinated you are protected against severe COVID, hospitalization and death, and are even protected against the known variants, including the delta variant, circulating in this country.”
The most likely explanation is that the new cases are the results of the inoculations.
The vaccines inject into the body the spike protein which is toxic. It causes Covid symptoms and more serious life-threatening illnesses.
Is there really a Delta variant or is it the cover story for the illnesses caused by the vaccines?
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Three rockets landed in two different areas near the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan.

This happened while President Ashraf Ghani and other high-ranking officials were praying to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha on July 20th.

Images shown on national broadcaster Tolo TV showed Ghani and the group calmly continuing their prayers, as if to show that the government is on the back foot, but it hasn’t given up. 


Eyes were immediately turned to the Taliban; however, the group denied the attack saying that they had decided to adhere to a weekend ceasefire over Eid. Allegedly, ISIS had claimed responsibility for the attack.

It is likely true, as ISIS carried out a similar attack in March 2020. Back then four rockets fell on the edge of the palace compound during Ghani’s inauguration as president.

Taliban don’t need to target the presidential palace during a religious holiday, as they have more than enough of the upper hand in the conflict, currently. Despite some recent gains by the Afghan army.

On July 20, the Afghan Army reportedly recaptured Garmsir district in Helmand province, as well as the Malistan district in Ghazni province.

Still, the Taliban has more than tripled the number of districts it controls, from 73 to 221, since US President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of US forces on April 14.

A truce over the entire Eid wasn’t achieved during negotiations in Doha, and Taliban continue with their gains. On July 19, Taliban captured Najrab district, while Afghan Army took control over Surkhe Parsa east of Kabul.

To aid in the fight, the U.S. handed over new attack helicopters to Afghanistan government forces, after at least three helicopters were destroyed by Taliban in the recent days.

According to the reports 7 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters were delivered to Kabul. The Afghan Air Force is one of the few hopes left for Afghanistan, as the Afghan special forces who have received training from the US are stretched thin fighting on numerous fronts.

It is unlikely that the new helicopters will be enough to turn the tide, but some adequate resistance has evidently been mounted over the last several days, judging by some of the districts that are being recaptured.

Still, the strategic centers that are alongside highways, near border passings or other significant infrastructure and were captured by Taliban, remain under their control.

In a statement, the Taliban said “thousands of soldiers” had “defected and embraced the open arms of the Islamic Emirate,” which it claims is the true leadership of the Afghan people.

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Due to dozens of freedom of information requests being made, asking Public Health Scotland (PHS) to provide the current total number of deaths of any individual who has died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, PHS decided the best way forward was to publish the information routinely and periodically within their Covid-19 statistical report.

The most up to date figures published by PHS and within the report released by on the 23rd June 2021, and they reveal that between the 8th December 2020 and the 11th June 2021 a total number of 5,522 people died within 28 days of having a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

According to the spreadsheet provided by Public Health Scotland; which includes the quantity of deaths by type of vaccine and the date they occurred, 1,877 deaths have been due to the Pfizer mRNA jab, 3,643 deaths have been due to the AstraZeneca viral vector jab, and 2 deaths have been due to the Moderna mRNA jab.

This equates to an average of 920 deaths occurring every month due to the Covid-19 vaccines in Scotland alone. Outnumbering the average number of people who have died of Covid-19 in Scotland by 866 per month.

freedom of information request made on the 30th January asked the Scottish Government to reveal the total number of people who had died of Covid-19 since March 2020.

To which the Scottish Government responded on the 11th March 2021 with –

“The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021 (including).”

Public Health England has so far refused to publish any data on the number of deaths occurring within 28 days of having the vaccine in England, but it is not for the want of people trying.

Dozens of freedom of information requests have been made to PHE asking the question but they never fail to respond with the statement that “Public Health England can confirm it does not hold the information that you have requested.

However, using the data on the number of deaths due to the Covid-19 vaccines in Scotland we can estimate what the likely number of deaths are due to the jabs in England. Adjusting to the size of the population we estimate the actual number of deaths due to the jabs in England in the past 6 months could be as high as 57,470.

That number alone is precisely why PHE “claim” they do not hold that information.

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Going to Hell and Back: Fighting Our Worst Nightmare

July 22nd, 2021 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

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Interrogate the devil; he will tell you that beauty is a pair of horns, four claws and a tail.” Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary

Bullets of Justice is a gritty 2019 film made by Valeri Milev and Timur Turisbekov, which takes place in the United States during the Third World War.
The story centres around Rob Justice, an ex-bounty hunter who is fighting a mixture of half humans and half pigs (human bodies and pig heads).
They were bred under an American government secret project to create super soldiers called Muzzles.
The project goes awry and years later the Muzzles are at the top of the food chain and are farming the remnants of the human race.
Rob Justice is trying to find their source to eliminate the Muzzles once and for all.
The film is shot with bleak scenes in very bleak colours and has quite explicit sexual and violent scenes. However, it also has a very dry sense of humour and can be very funny without intentionally playing for laughs.
Screenshot from Bullets of Justice (2019)

The whole premise of the film is based on the symbolic reversal of our treatment of animals as food products, and shown in all its horror. Muzzles fatten up humans in cages, kill them upside down in factories and throw corpses on to conveyor belts. Their meat is even tinned and sold (“Human Meat, Always Fresh, Steak from a well fed male”). The idea that humans are somehow ‘special’ and superior to animals is ‘debunked’. In an early scene the Grave-digger unearths a human skull and says to his kids: “See, they don’t go nowhere. They just turn into dirty old bones. God is a human mistake. We die ‘cos of some shit and we die full of shit.”
Screenshot from Bullets of Justice (2019)

There is an apocalyptic feeling to the film as humans are dying out and some strange human oddities form a resistance to the Muzzles (a woman with a prominent moustache, a fighter who can stop bullets with his chest, and a female leader who talks as if using a home-made speech synthesizer). However, we get the feeling that their resistance is pointless and the Muzzles are the strongest of the two opposing sets of monstrosities.
Screenshot from Bullets of Justice (2019)

The portrayal of human monsters is not new in culture as the depictions of the Golem, Frankenstein’s monster and Zombies makes apparent: representations of humans that cannot really live or reproduce, the symbols of anti-nature. Our anxieties about our position in the natural order of things and our treatment of animals have always been reflected in our beliefs and depictions of ourselves as a higher order and created by an omnipotent being.

However, our relations with animals has always been fraught, as Yuval Noah Harari writes:

“About 15,000 years ago, humans colonised America, wiping out in the process about 75% of its large mammals. Numerous other species disappeared from Africa, from Eurasia and from the myriad islands around their coasts. The archaeological record of country after country tells the same sad story. The tragedy opens with a scene showing a rich and varied population of large animals, without any trace of Homo sapiens. In scene two, humans appear, evidenced by a fossilised bone, a spear point, or perhaps a campfire. Scene three quickly follows, in which men and women occupy centre-stage and most large animals, along with many smaller ones, have gone. Altogether, sapiens drove to extinction about 50% of all the large terrestrial mammals of the planet before they planted the first wheat field, shaped the first metal tool, wrote the first text or struck the first coin.”

The Golden Age

These realities contrast wildly with our mythical story-telling of a Golden Age when humans lived in “primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age, peace and harmony prevailed in that people did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance.”  And as Richard Heinberg has stated: Dicaearchus of the late fourth century BCE noted “of these primeval men […] that they took the life of no animal”.[1]

 Roman Orpheus mosaic, a very common subject.
He wears a Phrygian cap and is surrounded by the animals charmed by his lyre-playing.

However, as the Golden Age declined through the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Heroic Age, to the Iron Age, the dire warnings got direr. As men moved from the wondrous cornucopia of nature to the wars of extractivism, they paid a heavy price for their bloodlust. Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC) wrote: “As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.” Much later, Ovid (43 BC – 17/18 AD) follows up with similar sentiments:

“Not so th’ Golden Age, who fed on fruit,
Nor durst with bloody meals their mouths pollute.
Then birds in airy space might safely move,
And tim’rous hares on heaths securely rove:
Nor needed fish the guileful hooks to fear,
For all was peaceful; and that peace sincere.
Whoever was the wretch, (and curs’d be he
That envy’d first our food’s simplicity!)
Th’ essay of bloody feasts on brutes began,
And after forg’d the sword to murder man.”
    — Ovid (43 BC – 17/18 AD) Metamorphoses Book 14

As Christianity took hold and changed the reverence for nature to the reverence for a monotheistic god, nature itself became demonised as the heavenly was substituted for the earthly. It is interesting to note the similarities between the Devil (“a pair of horns, four claws and a tail”) and the animal-like god of nature, Pan, “the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, and connected to fertility and the season of spring. Pan’s goatish image recalls conventional faun-like depictions of Satan.”


In medieval depictions of Hell, the Devil and his helpers torture humans. Hell, as Sartre has said “is other people” and, like packed trains and buses, always seems to have an awful lot of people crammed into very small places. Moreover, the animal-like Devil and his helpers seem to be like animals getting their revenge on humans by killing them and cooking them in the same way that humans kill and eat animals, by hanging them upside down (blood draining?), roasting over a fire on a spit, boiling in large vats, or baking in a fiery oven.
 The Torments of Hell, French book illumination, 15th century. Illustration for Augustinius’,
De civitate Dei, Bibliotheque de Ste. Genevieve Ms. 246, vol. 389.

It seems that deep in our psychology, the more we brutalise animals the more we fear that one day the animals will rise up and brutalise us. However, in some sense it is already happening. As Mike Anderson writes, they do get their revenge but in a slower, but just as deadly, way:
“As far as eating is concerned, humans are the most stupid animals on the planet. We kill billions of wild animals to protect the animals that we eat. We are destroying our environment to feed to the animals we eat. We spend more time, money and resources fattening up the animals that we eat, than we do feeding humans who are dying of hunger. The greatest irony is that after all the expenses of raising these animals, we eat them; and they kill us slowly. And rather than recognise this madness, we torture and murder millions of other animals trying to find cures to diseases caused by eating animals in the first place.”

In his article ‘Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history’, Yuval Noah Harari wrote:

“The fate of industrially farmed animals is one of the most pressing ethical questions of our time. Tens of billions of sentient beings, each with complex sensations and emotions, live and die on a production line. Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history. The march of human progress is strewn with dead animals.”
At least in recent years, in tandem with the ever increasing herds and flocks of domesticated animals for human consumption, there has been the development of movements against the slaughter in animal rights activism. Peter Singer wrote about it in the 1970s in his bookAnimal Liberation and, inter alia, in the 2000s Joaquin Phoenix told us about this slaughter in two truly difficult-to-watch documentaries: Earthlings(2005)  and Dominion (2018).
Colonialism and Genocide

Our attitude towards animals, our bloodthirstiness, has unfortunately carried over into our historical and current treatment of our fellow human beings in the form of colonialism and neo-colonialism. Joseph Conrad expressed it succinctly in his novel Heart of Darkness (1899) where Mr Kurtz (making a report for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs) reveals his true colonial mentality when he writes ‘Exterminate all the brutes’. The colonial mindset that sees ethnic groups as not much better than animals (brutes) is predicated on the idea that the coloniser is somehow ‘superior’ and ‘civilised’ despite the fact that nowadays and ecology-wise, it is realised that these ‘primitive’ groups generally live in tune with nature rather than destroying it, as the ‘civilised’ West does. Sven Oskar Lindqvist (1932 – 2019) a Swedish author of mostly non-fiction, took Mr Kurtz’s exclamation as the title of his book on the history of colonialism and genocide, Exterminate All the Brutes (1992). The title was subsequently used again for a harrowing four part documentary series (2021) directed and narrated by Raoul Peck who worked with Lindqvist.
Punch (1881)
Furthermore, even in our more ‘enlightened’ era, our attitude towards animals as our fellow ‘earthlings’ has run into other, more serious problems, as Michael Cronin writes:

“In more recent times, it is fears around what is seen as the neo-Malthusian pathology of deep ecology that prompts a reticence around stressing the animal nature of humans. In this reading of ecology, treating humans as one species among others leads inevitably to the conclusion that the only way to deal with human overpopulation is through the mass elimination of humans. As they would not enjoy higher ontological status than other species, such genocidal practices could be justified by the overall flourishing of species on the planet.”[2]

Once again, our fears of our brutal selves lead us to try and characterise ourselves as more important than ‘mere’ animals in a self-defeating vicious cycle. Which brings us back to the point that Pythagoras made (‘as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other’). In other words, as long as we treat animals like ‘animals’ (brutes) we will treat each other like ‘animals’ too.
[1] Richard Heinberg, (1989) Memories and Visions of Paradise: Exploring the Universal Myth of a Lost Golden Age, Wheaton, Ill.: Quest Books, p48
[2] Michael Cronin, (2016) Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene (New Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting Studies), London: Routledge, p74


Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. 

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We continue to make efforts to remind people who are most concerned about the life and death issues regarding the SARS-2 pandemic that the ruling establishment keenly knows the average person’s weaknesses and the means to capitalize on those weaknesses to strengthen its control over the agenda. And control over the nation’s media is paramount for tightening its grip on our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. 

We tend to believe journalists not because we expect them to accurately fact check their statements. More often than not the average person simply assumes the media source would not publish something that is untrue.  However underneath these widespread assumptions there lurks this nefarious beast “calling the shots”. 

There was a time not too long ago when the insights of honest journalists such as Sy Hersh, Robert Parry, Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkinsson, among others were accessible to all. They had multiple popular media platforms, including the New York Times, Washington Post and the major mega-television networks to challenge those in power, whether Democrat or Republican, without fear of vindictive reprisal.

Now it is not uncommon to find these same dissenting voices vilified daily over the media waves and throughout the internet, including on Wikipedia. If they declare their innocence, they nevertheless remain guilty for life. Google gives assurance that their voices are buried in the new Officialdom’s gulag for the guilty. 

There is evidence that the “censorship pandemic” launched against those questioning the official unfolding SARS-2 story was underway before April of last year. Jacob Mchangama, director of the Copenhagen human rights think tank Justita, reported in the journal Foreign Policy that governments world wide were weaponizing laws to curtail the spread of the virus.  In 2019, BBC launched the birth of an international media network dedicated to combating and censoring news and stories that challenged and exposed the corruption within the corporate left, mainstream news reporting, and the multilateral organizations with whom the liberal governments has aligned themselves. Few people are aware of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a consortium of mega-news and tech companies with the sole mission to target individuals and groups for censorship. Largely funded by the BBC – which can be read as the British government – TNI members includes media giants such as Associated Press, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, Reuters, the European Broadcasting Union, Agencie Francais Presse, Financial Times, Reuters, New York Times, the Washington Post, LA Times among others. Silicon Valley partners include Google/YouTube, Facebook, Microsoft, First Draft and Twitter. 

Screenshot: BBC 13 July 2020

Last year, the Initiative, along with the New York Times, created Project Origin, an “early warning system of rapid alerts” that targets information questioning government policies in their handling of the pandemic, the reporting about Covid vaccine injuries and deaths, SARS-2 origins, and statements and interviews by thousands of orthodox medical physicians advocating for highly effective off-patent drugs such as ivermectin and the risks of the experimental vaccines.

In other words, anything contrary to what comes out of the mouths of the CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO), the British Health Ministry and other governmental health bodies is to be silenced. Facebook and Google, according to the RAIR Foundation, ensure that targeted information is blocked and not republished.  TNI clearly advocates authoritarian control over the internet. It doesn’t conceal its anti-Democratic mission. A press release states that TNI will censor “widely shared memes which link falsehoods about vaccines to freedom and individual liberties.” The duplicity in this goal is obvious. Little else is known about TNI. The Initiative largely operates in total secrecy. 

Now whenever you come across a news story beginning with TNI in parentheses, you will know its source and goals to feed you sanitized propaganda. If you do not find your most pressing questions and deep concerns being adequately answered, or simply answered with vague platitudes rather than scientific evidence, you know the reason. 

Now that many countries are reporting a rise in Covid breakthrough cases among highly vaccinated populations, including symptomatic cases and death, we are back to square one for finding effective treatments. There is absolutely no reason to blindly trust the vaccine maker’s early reports that the current vaccines are as effective against the new viral variants as the media purport. The CDC has had to finally acknowledge the vaccine’s growing failure. 

In June, the agency announced it had recorded 4,100 breakthrough cases of people hospitalized or having died. In our estimation this is a gross underestimation because the CDC ceased requiring testing for SARS-2 infections among vaccinated persons. The CDC admits this is “likely an undercount.” In light of other countries such as Israel reporting upwards to 50 percent of new Covid cases among the vaccinated, the agency had no choice but to make this vague admittance.

Yet it still wreaks as an example of the government’s trail of stealth tactics to manipulate the statistics in order to preserve its narrative to vaccinate every American and to establish a digital vaccination surveillance regime.  In the meantime, there is a dire need for a reliable drug for prophylaxis and early to mid stage treatment against the virus.  These drugs, notably hydroxychloroquine, have been recommended by certain factions within the medical community since March of last year; but the government continues to turn its back on them.  However, later ivermectin was shown to be far more effective taken alone or in combination with HCQ and other cheaper medications. In our opinion, the evidence for using ivermectin is now unquestionable. 

The prestigious non-profit Institute Pasteur in France recently released results of its thorough preclinical study on ivermectin. It adds further proof to the other 62 clinical trials and analyses supporting ivermectin’s extraordinary value as a first line of defense against SARS-2 infections and as a prophylactic. The French researchers found that ivermectin “prevents clinical deterioration, reduces olfactory deficit, and limits the inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.”

The Institute stated its position and “supports the use of immunomodulary drugs such as ivermectin to improve the clinical conditions of SARS-CoV-infected patients.” The Pasteur study was robust despite being conducted on a hamster model. However, these are the kinds of crucial animal trials that must be conducted before administering any drug or vaccine to patients. This was not the case for the Covid-19 vaccines. We might remember that the vaccine makers leaped over animal trials to directly experiment on humans before having any viable toxicological and safety data to properly predict the millions of adverse effects and deaths now being witnessed in vaccine recipients. 

Just within the past two months, three reviews of the scientific literature about ivermectin’s efficacy have been published. A multi-institutional meta-analysis, which included the University of Liverpool, Imperial College London and Oxford, reported that ivermectin dramatically increased viral clearance and reduced critical inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, and reduced hospitalization.  And now just appearing in the most recent July/August issue of the American Journal of Therapeutics, another meta-analysis by a consortium of researchers from Newcastle University, the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy in the UK, and Ulster Hospital in Ireland states, 

“Moderate certainty evidence finds that large reductions in Covid-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”

In the May issue of the same medical journal, an additional multi-institutional review was published by the Universities of Tennessee and Texas, Seton Hall University and Eastern Virginia Medical School. That study concludes: 

“Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in Covid-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting covid-19 with the regular use of ivermectin.”

The study’s lead author, Dr. Pierre Kory, despite appearing before Congressional subcommittees as an expert witness about ivermectin’s efficacy to defeat SARS-2 infections, has been a prime victim of TNI’s network of censors. It has become near impossible for Dr. Kory to get his life-saving message out to the broader public, private physicians, clinics, hospitals and homes for the elderly where it is most needed. Physicians such as Dr. Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough and now thousands of others and counting only have one objective: save lives by any means that has proven efficacy.  The disgraced doctors who have best lived up to their Hippocratic Oath upon leaving medical schools are condemned as the nation’s most vile criminals.  By their actions, Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, Merck, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and now President Biden’s new CDC director Rochelle Walensky, in our opinion care little about saving American lives. Anyone who continues to believe otherwise after properly investigating the scientific evidence is certainly suffering from cognitive dissonance.  

Despite all of the evidence, Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health continue to promote the misinformation that “there are insufficient data to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19.’  For or against? In other words, lets do absolutely nothing.

Yet study after study conducted in Bangladesh, India, Peru, Argentina, Israel and Nigeria, Mexico and elsewhere have strengthened the argument that ivermectin should be included in standard Covid treatment regimens. Worldwide doctors are taking matters into their own hands to treat their patients despite the collective denial within the ranks of Fauci’s NIAID, the WHO and the Bill Gate’s vaccine empire.

In other words, our federal and international health officials would prefer to sit on their hands instead of saving lives. In our opinion, equally criminal is our entire federal health system’s stubborn refusal to even fund simple and easy studies to validate or invalidate earlier findings. For example, back in April 2020 at the start of the pandemic, Monash University’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute in Australia reported that Ivermectin destroyed SARS-2 viral RNA in infected cell cultures by 93% within 24 hours and 99.8% at 48 hours. In other words, ivermectin was eradicating the virus. No vaccine can do that. Such in vitro studies are easily preformed. Yet Fauci has shown absolutely no interest to replicate these. He is surely aware about every ivermectin study published that threatens his cherished Remdesivir. Why?

At present, there remains only one very poorly researched FDA licensed medication for treating Covid infections; that is Remdesivir.  Both the Trump and now the Biden administrations have banked all their hopes on this single drug with an equally poor efficacy record. Until recently, and only after pressure from its enablers, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization did not recommend Remdesivir. Unlike ivermectin, Remdesivir on average costs $3,120 per patient or $520 per dose through a private US health insurer. How much would a prescription for ivermectin cost? Less than $50. HCQ is cheaper still.

In June, a second drug, Genentech’s Actemra (tocilizumab), received Emergency Authorization Use. According to the FDA’s press release, the monoclonal antibody drug was not tested against an inert placebo. Actemra seems to have only small efficacy.  “The probabilities of death by day 28 were estimated to be 30.7% for patients receiving Actemra,” the FDA states, “and 34.9% for patients receiving usual care alone.” 

One glaring example of blatant crony capitalism between our government and private corporations to better understand the widespread efforts to curtail ivermectin’s use is that of Merck’s development of Covid-19 therapeutics.

In the past we have reported on Merck’s lengthy resume of medical fraud and crimes. The company happens to be the main manufacturer of ivermectin; therefore, we should ask why it sided with ivermectin’s censorship?  Back in December Trial Site reported that the US government provided Merck with $356 million to develop and manufacture a novel “investigational biological therapeutic” drug, called MK-7110 or Molnupiravir, to treat SARS-2 infections.

Last month this was followed with a federally secured $1.2 billion public procurement commitment to provide 1.7 million courses. The drug is costing American taxpayers $705 per course. Molnupiravir too is being approved for Emergency Use Authorization, thereby opening a window of opportunities for Merck to leap over regulatory hurdles to rush the experimental drug to market without usual efficacy and safety studies. Although the early Phase 3 trial results showed MK-7110 a 60 percent improvement in clinical status and a 50 percent reduction in death, this is still a far cry away from the results being reported by front-line doctors around the world treating tens of thousands of patients with ivermectin in combination with other drugs and natural supplements. 

Had the FDA and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) started approving existing clinically-proven and inexpensive drugs at the start of the pandemic, many millions of people would have been saved from experiencing serious infections or even dying from the SARS -2 virus.

Why federal health officials never followed this strategy is a question the mainstream media has refused to ask let alone investigate. What we do know is that the entire landscape of modern medical science has entered a time warp since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. For those of us who have been trying to make sense of the long trail of incomprehensible medical decision-making, contradictions, scientific sleight of hand, media lies, bureaucratic posturing, and censorship of otherwise orthodox physicians and scientists who refuse to adopt the narrative decreed from the high thrones of the CDC, NIAID, the FDA and now the General Surgeon’s office, we feel like we have been abducted in a time-capsule and dumped off in a pre-Galilean dark age. 

Today regressive the medical regime is populated by a dictatorial clergy dressed in lab coats instead of lurking tonsured priests in scarlet robes. Rather than executioners in black hoods, the snitches and accusers are Silicon Valley executives who censor dissenters and heretics. There is virtually no substantial difference between the pro-mandate Covid-19 vaccination establishment and the Inquisition, except the forms of torture are physically less painful. Unless of course you are one of the millions of Covid-19 vaccine recipients who have suffered from trusting Anthony Fauci and CDC director Rochelle Walensky.

If anyone wants an example of how low the level of systemic stupidity has sunk into the dominant vaccine establishment, consider Walensky’s remarks to Senator Roy Blount during a Senate appropriations subcommittee.  “Data have emerged against that demonstrated that even if you were to get infected post-vaccination,” she stated, “you can’t give it to anyone else.” We are hard pressed to find a law of physics or microbial transmission upon which to base such a nonsensical statement. Again, Walensky stated her personal religious belief with regard to the infallibility of vaccination rather a scientific fact on the Rachel Maddow Show. “Vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” she said, “they don’t get sick. “ And this came from the mouth of a tenured Harvard professor specializing in infectious disease. Even the CDC was forced to “walk back her claim” publicly. Outside of the American propaganda smoke stacks at the CDC and NIH, vaccinated people are increasingly becoming infected and displaying serious illness.

Another question that our compliant media has categorically ignored – with few exceptions such as an occasional commentary on Fox – is whether the peer-reviewed literature cited above and the testimonies from thousands of day-to-day clinical physicians worldwide who treat Covid-19 patients with unapproved Covid drugs, notably ivermectin, warrant our government’s attention. And then why are the health agencies so quick to erect obstacles to prevent their use.

When these questions are posited as a general argument for advocating expedient measures to protect public health during this pandemic, would it not have been wise to have prioritized Ivermectin, HCQ, along with other remedies such as the antibiotic azithromicin, zinc, selenium, Vitamins C and D, and melatonin as a first line of defense?  There was absolutely no need to have waited for experimental vaccines or Remdesivir before the pandemic got out of control and patients were being stacked in hospital wards with only oxygen as a first line of defense.  Yet sadly this is what Fauci enabled to happen.

If this strategy of medical intervention had been followed, would it have been successful?  According to numerous physicians around the world who have readily prescribed these cheaper treatments, the answer is an unequivocal “yes”. Under oath, multiple physicians and professors at American medical schools have testified before Congress to present their personal clinical evidence to support their use. 

Today, American journalism is a disgrace.  The American public is losing its trust in the media rapidly. Whether it is CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR or PBS, they each have unlimited resources to properly investigate the federal and institutional machinery behind the government health policies being thrust upon us.  Yet no mainstream journalist has found the moral compass to bring this information to the public. 

In the meantime, we are allowing millions to die, and countless others to be seriously affected from SARS-2 because of professional hubris and a bureaucratic healthcare system favoring the pharmaceutical industry’s frantic rush to develop expensive novel drugs and experimental vaccines. The incentive by the drug makers is to take every advantage of the FDA’s emergency use loopholes to get their products on the market as quickly as possible.  The primary advantage is that these novel drugs and vaccines can then leap over regulatory hurdles, which otherwise would require the drug firms to conduct lengthy and thorough clinical trials to prove their efficacy and safety. The consequence is that none of the new pharmaceutical Covid-19 interventions have been adequately reviewed.

History repeatedly teaches us that no one can move back the clock once technological innovation enters hyper-drive and changes society in its wake. Unless, of course, there is a destructive breakdown of the entire system. For too long, since the Carnegie and Rockefeller Flexner report, the pharmaceutical-based medical paradigm has called the shots and erected a monolithic fortress to dominate medical narratives.

The narrative is built upon both truths and lies. 

The pandemic has unveiled the weakness of the mortar of lies and deception that cement the majority the narrative’s bricks.  And the good news, we are discovering, is that the castle is brittle and crumbling. As we sit and observe the medical charade that has unfolded over the past 18 months, we are delighted to finally witness the medical establishment now fracturing and waging war against itself.

Moreover, we realize the mainstream media is equally fragile. Never before have Americans witnessed corporate journalism so snuggled in bed with the medical establishment to smother science and the truth. 

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Pegasus Project: Why I was Targeted by Israeli Spyware

July 22nd, 2021 by Madawi Al-Rasheed

The Orwellian prediction finally came true. I knew it was only a matter of time before the Saudi regime tried to hack my phone, using Pegasus software manufactured by the private Israeli security company NSO Group.

This development highlights the consolidation of a new axis of evil: Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have become a chorus of malicious powers aiming to stifle activism and the quest for democracy in the region. Israel provides knowledge; the others provide funds.

“I have spent more than half my life writing, researching and teaching. You wouldn’t expect me to be hacked. But such professional activities are a crime in Saudi Arabia”

The privatisation of the Israeli security apparatus, and the mushrooming of private companies founded by ex-defence and ex-Mossad agents, is a threat not only to Palestinians in Israel, Gaza and the occupied West Bank, but also to all Gulf citizens, with Israeli spyware sold to dictatorships across the Arab world.

In return, Israel gains access to the inner intelligence circles and deep states of the Gulf – enabling it to hold them hostage for a long time to come. Israel supports Gulf autocracies, thinking that this guarantees its own security forever. But Israel is wrong.

Normalisation with Israel is not only immoral because of the Palestinian plight; it is also an existential threat to all Gulf nationals seeking political reform in their own countries. The so-called “only democracy in the Middle East” has so entrenched its apartheid system that no propaganda can salvage it, and strong public objections to Arab regimes’ normalisation with Israel will only intensify in the months and years ahead.

Saga of surveillance

The UAE plays a key role in the saga of surveillance by Israeli private companies. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has fallen under the spell of Mohammed bin Zayed, his UAE counterpart. Forget the “tallest building, busiest airport and ministries of tolerance and happiness” – which are at the core of UAE propaganda – and remember that bin Zayed is bin Salman’s mentor.

The two are united by their hatred of democracy, political diversity, freedom of speech and human rights. Both are now key to an axis of evil overseen by malicious Israeli technology, whose alleged raison d’etre is to help governments catch criminals and terrorists. Yet, it is being used against peaceful activists.

Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based NGO specialising in defending journalists and human rights activists, obtained more than 50,000 telephone numbers targeted globally by Israeli malware on behalf of NSO clients, mainly governments. They alerted various media outlets, and with the support of Amnesty International, launched the Pegasus Project.

The findings showed that in April 2019, there was an attempt to hack my phone, but it was unsuccessful. While this is a relief, I am overwhelmed by feelings of vulnerability and intrusion.

To obtain evidence from the Pegasus Project, I had to submit the contents of my phone – in which my private and professional life was stored – to their technology team.

I sat in front of a computer screen for three hours, watching my virtual life travel to the Amnesty International lab, where a search for malware was conducted. I received evidence of the failed April hacking attempt the same day.

Controlling the narrative

As a British citizen of Saudi origin, I have spent more than half my life writing, researching and teaching. You wouldn’t expect me to be hacked. But such professional activities are a crime in Saudi Arabia, where the regime is determined to control the narrative about the past, present and future.

My crime is that I punctured this narrative, using academic research skills and access to Saudis whose voices remain muted. All my research has focused on giving a voice to the voiceless, which inevitably involves interviewing Saudis inside and outside the country. My debunking of official Saudi lies bothers the regime, which has spared no opportunity to tarnish my reputation, accusing me of being an agent of western governments, Turkey, Iran, Qatar, and previously Libya and Iraq.

Saudi government agents murdered Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in October 2018 (AFP)
Saudi government agents murdered Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in October 2018 (AFP)

In the 1990s, the regime targeted me with direct threats of violence – but with the advent of the internet, such threats have become virtual, propagated by regime agents. Hacking my phone is only the latest episode.

In 2014, my Twitter account was hacked in search of sensational scandals, and possibly clandestine plots with other Saudi exiles. The hackers must have been disappointed not to find any of this, but they did expose my private conversation with Sheikh Awad al-Qarni, a key Islamist figure who sent me greetings and asked me not to augment my criticism of the Islamist movement’s silence when prominent Saudi human rights leaders were detained.

Regime spies launched a campaign to discredit Qarni for sending a direct message to an unveiled woman, such as myself. Qarni has been in prison for several years.

Lives in danger

I never had anything to hide, as everything I knew was documented and published in books and articles. I had no secrets, but this was not the point. I cherished my privacy and loathed the Saudi intrusion into my life. I also worried about those who communicate with me from within the country, as their lives could be in danger.

Among the charges against Mohammed al-Otaibi, a human right activist, was storing my books and articles on his computer. He is still in prison. It is my responsibility to protect those who confide in me and want their voices to be heard.

“While the April 2019 assault on my device was unsuccessful, I am sure there will be other attempts in the future”

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018 coincided with greater Saudi surveillance of exiles in Britain, Canada and elsewhere. The shock over the gruesome details of chopping up a peaceful journalist was compounded by fears of hacking. This was the first time exiles had heard of NSO helping the Saudis to hack the phone of a young exile based in Canada, Omar al-Zahrani, who had communicated with Khashoggi about establishing a media platform to debunk Saudi propaganda.

The financial cost of securing my phone was colossal, but it was worth it. While the April 2019 assault on my device was unsuccessful, I am sure there will be other attempts in the future.

Back in 2019, I was involved in discussions with other exiles in three countries about forming a political party, which could explain the attempt to infiltrate my phone at that time. The regime wanted more details about who would sponsor such a project – and who the culprits were. The project materialised on 23 September 2020,  the day the kingdom celebrates its national day, as a small group of activists, including myself, announced the establishment of the Saudi National Assembly (NAAS). Yahya Asiri, the general secretary, was hacked, and his name appears in the Pegasus files.

Standing against oppression

I moved from academia to political activism because the Saudi regime committed heinous crimes, and the lives of exiles, including my own, were in danger. The Saudi regime targeted me when I was an academic, and again after I became an activist. Such attacks will surely continue in the months and years ahead.

In April 2019, I was also writing a book on state-society  relations. The villain was none other than bin Salman, who has detained hundreds of Saudis and precipitated the flight of scores more.

I was baffled by western media depictions of the prince as a modern reformer, while Saudi prisons were bulging with innocent prisoners of conscience, women were campaigning against discrimination, and a young diaspora was coming together around the globe. My book, The Son King, was definitely a faux pas.

In 2019, a new virtual Saudi opposition-in-exile was beginning to be formed, standing against oppression and dictatorship. NAAS relies on social media to connect and exchange ideas, making it extremely vulnerable, as the murder of Khashoggi and the hacking of activists’ phones has demonstrated. In the wake of the Pegasus Project revelations, NAAS will surely revert to old methods of mobilisation, meetings and activism.

Thanks to Israeli malware, UAE complicity and Saudi intrusions, exiles will have to search for secure methods to share information and to mobilise. As many have taken refuge in the US, Canada, Britain and across Europe, these states have a responsibility to protect them from Saudi surveillance. Otherwise, there is a real risk the Khashoggi saga could be repeated.

Diplomacy must be activated to stop the axis of evil from spreading more fear, apprehension and possibly murder – and if that doesn’t work, sanctions should be pursued, at the very least in Britain, where two of the founders of NAAS reside.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Madawi al-Rasheed is visiting professor at the Middle East Institute of the London School of Economics. She has written extensively on the Arabian Peninsula, Arab migration, globalisation, religious transnationalism and gender issues. You can follow her on Twitter: @MadawiDr
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Just minutes after touching down following his successful and brief suborbital flight on Tuesday, billionaire Jeff Bezos expressed hope that humankind will ultimately develop the capacity to move the industries that have heavily polluted and warmed the Earth into space—a vision that one critic slammed as “delusional, toxic nonsense.”

Speaking to MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle in one of his first interviews after the flight, Bezos—the richest person on Earth—said that

“you can’t imagine how thin the atmosphere is when you see it from space.”

“We live in it and it looks so big. It feels like, you know, this atmosphere is huge and we can disregard it and treat it poorly,” Bezos said. “When you get up there and you see it, you see how tiny it is and how fragile it is. We need to take all heavy industry, all polluting industry, and move it into space, and keep Earth as this beautiful gem of a planet that it is.”

“Now that’s going to take decades and decades to achieve, but you have to start. And big things start with small steps,” Bezos said, characterizing Tuesday’s flight as part of a “tourism mission” that he believes will ultimately pave a “road to space” for future generations.

Blue Origin, the Bezos-funded company behind the unpiloted rocket and capsule that took the billionaire and several other passengers to space, reportedly plans to charge around $300,000 per seat for future commercial space flights.

As The Guardian reported Monday, the space tourism industry that Bezos hopes to usher in could have significant negative consequences for Earth’s climate—an impact that would run counter to the billionaire’s soaring rhetoric about the need to protect the planet.

“One rocket launch produces up to 300 tons of carbon dioxide into the upper atmosphere, where it can remain for years,” The Guardian noted.

In an analysis of research on space launch emissions, Jessica Dallas of the New Zealand Space Agency wrote that “while there are a number of environmental impacts resulting from the launch of space vehicles, the depletion of stratospheric ozone is the most studied and most immediately concerning.”


Progressive observers viewed Bezos’ foray into space—which came just a week after billionaire Richard Branson’s similar venture—as an obscene product of a system that has allowed a select few to accumulate vast wealth while people across the globe struggle to survive without adequate food, medicine, and shelter.

According to an Oxfam analysis, 11 people likely died of hunger every minute that Bezos spent on his expensive rocket.

“We’ve now reached stratospheric inequality. Billionaires burning into space, away from a world of pandemic, climate change, and starvation,” Oxfam’s Deepak Xavier said in a statement Monday. “What we need is a fair tax system that allows more investment into ending hunger and poverty, into education and healthcare, and into saving the planet from the growing climate crisis―rather than leaving it.”

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Indian Doctors for Truth (IDT) have written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressing the importance of an urgent need to stop the overzealous universal vaccination drive against COVID-19.

Twenty doctors have signed the letter and highlight numerous scientific data about immunity achieved by the Indian population among both adults and children in light of the latest sero-survey done by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi along with the World Health Organization.

Based on the evidence, IDT urges the PM to immediately stop the drive for vaccination of the entire population and limit it to voluntary vaccination of only those above 60 years and/or people with severe degree of comorbidity.

The letter itself runs to five pages but the signatories enclosed 21 pages of references and evidence in support of their claims. What is presented below is a summary of some of the key points made in the five-page letter. The full letter and list of signatories can be read on the Awaken India Movement website.

The doctors argue that the first principle of medicine is to do no harm and to benefit patients. They point out that the vaccination drive is doing more harm than any good for the people of India and present the PM with scientific facts about SARS-CoV-2 related immunity and vaccination.

Those who have recovered from COVID-19 develop robust and long-lasting immunity against SARS-CoV-2, even after mild or asymptomatic infections. The chances of reinfection among these people, including from the emerging variants of the same virus, are extremely rare or non-existent. The WHO in its interim guidance released on 2 July 2021 has also recognised the fact of acquired immunity in all those who have had previous infection with SARS-CoV-2.

There is no evidence to show that those who have recovered from the infection will get any additional benefit from vaccination.

The epidemiology of COVID-19 in India is very different from other countries and varies much within the country itself: there are differences between urban and rural communities and between socioeconomic strata. There is therefore a need for policies that address prevention of COVID-19, including the policy on vaccination, which account for the situation in India.

According to available reports, the percentage of the population infected in the US, UK and similar countries is at 1-23%. In India, recent sero-surveys at Delhi and Mumbai have reported a positivity of 50-70%, indicating that a significant proportion of Indians have already been infected and will therefore not need the vaccine.

A number of reports have been published stressing that India has already achieved herd immunity. Mathematical models have explained what percentage of a population is required to be infected and varies for different populations: the disease-induced herd immunity level can be as low as 43%.

The case fatality rate (CFR) is usually reported by the government: the number of deaths per 100 confirmed cases as detected by antigen or rt-PCR test. But as renowned epidemiologist Dr John Ioannidis shows, the proper way of counting death rate in diseases with a CFR less than five is infection mortality rate.

Therefore, considering the fact of high level of infections in India, near herd immunity and very low levels of infection fatality rates, vaccinating the entire population will not serve any purpose. Moreover, given the negligible risk to children from COVID-19, trial of the vaccines for them or even consideration of approval is highly unethical.

Four recent studies indicate that almost 99.9% of the population have immune system memory from previous coronavirus infections and that, whether the actual coronavirus infection or the vaccine, the immune system gets activated and vaccines in fact can be more harmful in an already immune population.

Rapid and efficient memory-type immune responses occur reliably in virtually all unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. The effectiveness of further boosting the immune response through vaccination is therefore highly doubtful. Vaccination may instead aggravate disease through antibody-dependent enhancement.

The Indian government’s own operative guidelines have mentioned that “COVID-19 vaccines have limited safety data”. Moreover, adverse effects of the vaccine are found the world over. For example, as per the EUDRA report dated June 19, more than 1.3 million people in EU countries have had vaccine adverse effects and 13,867 people have died following vaccination. Furthermore, as in many countries, in India also, the death rate from COVID-19 seems to have increased with the increase in the vaccination drive.

The number of deaths per thousand population did not increase much if at all in most countries in 2020. Even in India, deaths per thousand increased 0.5% in 2019 but 0.49% in 2020. However, they seem to have increased after the vaccine drive.

Considering all the above, IDT strongly urge that the overzealous universal vaccination drive, with widespread incidences of coercion and vaccination being made mandatory for jobs and student exams, must be stopped immediately.

The doctors also call on the government to offer people above the age of 60 and those with severe comorbidities vaccination a voluntary basis with full disclosure of warnings about side effects and the lack of safety data – as mentioned in the government’s operative guidelines for COVID-19.

They call for a stop on all trials on children for the vaccine and urge the government to institute detailed studies to analyse the observation that there has been a surge in cases and deaths due to COVID-19 in India since March-April 2021, coinciding with the roll out of the vaccination drive.

A glaring omission from the IDT letter is any focus on vaccinating pregnant women. This, too, should be addressed.

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This article was translated from French by the author (revised by Global Research), first published by

The original article in French is entitled:

Des « vaccins » au nanoGraphène, super magnétique, pour l’Intelligence artificielle et l’Internet des corps

Par Theara TruthNews, 11 juillet 2021


According to Theara Truth, the COVID-19 “vaccines” may contain graphene oxide, a substance which has been used in medicine – medical research for several years. 

This informative article includes numerous internet links (scientific studies and videos) demonstrating the magnetism in men and women that can be caused by the vaccination. Scientific experts have investigated this strange phenomenon affecting people who have been vaccinated, Independent teams have analyzed the contents of the vaccine in laboratories.

The AFP Factual website tried to deny the facts of magnetism despite the extensive scientific research on this question. 

AFP underlines among other things that the scientific expert 

“To support her remarks, Jane Ruby shows screenshots of documents from a German company, Chemicell, and assures us, citing her, that “magnetofection reagents are being developed. , designed and intended, for research “, and should not be used “for any drug intended for humans “…

AFP quotes other experts who deny the phenomenon including those pertaining to Big Pharma’s Pfizer which markets its mRNA vaccine worldwide. 

Should we trust a company which in 2009 was indicted by the US Department of Justice for Fraudulent Marketing  

It is worth noting that the face masks containing graphene have been recalled in Canada. invites you to read this article and consult the documents cited by the author.


At the end of April I wrote an article entitled ‘The human bomb’: the effects of  the ‘vaccines’ on those who are not vaccinated” (for further details see article in French cited below), which described a process of contamination of the unvaccinated’ by ‘transmission of something’, allegedly the S protein [spike], particularly affecting women and the reproductive system, supported by thousands of testimonials from women, articles and scientific papers on ‘self-disseminating’ vaccines. 

The article in French was entitled: La bombe humaine: effets de la « vaccination » ARNM sur les personnes non vaccinées?

Is this a “simple”  phenomenon of “excretion” ie.  because the spike proteins are transmitted physically, by the air or the skin? That remains to be proven!

I should mention, however that Dr. Carrie Madej, as well as myself, were already talking about FREQUENCIES as the real factor in this possible “transmission”.

The following diagram describes what is happening with the vaccination.

“Des "vaccins" au nano Graphene, super magnétiques , pour l'Intelligence Artificielle et l' Internet des Corps", image №1


And here is what is happening with the people who are vaccinated.

To watch the video, click HERE. (or  screen below)

Certain facts are already proven, others are hypotheses, result of connections from all the elements of research – in my files – and of links with official documents.

We have seen hundreds of videos of people “vaccinated” putting magnets and metal objects on the vaccinated upper arm or sometimes on their foreheads. We can thus observe in these videos that:

Magnets stick.

Metal objects also stick.

Smart phones stick …

This is not “fake”. We can see that this is actually happening, as for example in these videos:

There are more and more videos which confirm the phenomenon, namely that vaccinated people experience an unusual electromagnetic effect.

Far from being a mere idea, this effect is tested by placing metal, spoons, forks, a magnet, and even a cell phone at the inoculation site. They stick to the skin of the vaccinated person.

The Dr. Pedro Chavez did an interview on the subject (in Spanish, translated into English): scroll down:

“There are more and more videos and therefore more and more vaccinated people who then suffer from an unusual effect of electromagnetism. Far from being a mere idea, this effect is tested by placing metal, spoons, forks, a magnet, and even a cell phone at the inoculation site. They adhere to the skin of the vaccinated person. Mexican doctor Pedro Chavez, who has treated and registered several patients suffering from this phenomenon (see below), says no one can explain what it may be or what causes it, all is speculation. Are the places magnetized too: the arms, the neck, the area under the collarbone, the forehead? It is also striking that this effect has been produced in patients who were vaccinated against influenza last year.

Chavez believes that to find out what happens to them, it is necessary to carry out numerous studies in the organism of magnetized people armed with frequency meters. He proposes to do them even in places where there are 5G antennas, antennas that will be activated between June and July. Very interesting conversation with the colonel and also a medical doctor Pedro Chavez. »(Extract from the text in Spanish, Translated with ) (1) Source: Madrid Market Magazine

As doctors, we are faced with the biological damage caused by vaccines, there are very extensive studies on the subject, but here we are faced with the electrophysical damage, that is, ferric particles and electromagnetism. of these particles.

On Uno TV de Mexico, the magnet is said to be fake. And, Maldita, a fact checker published that we put a magnet in their armpit and that this magnet is the one that attracted the metal particle (Hahaha…). And another said we put glue on them so that the magnet or the metal stays there. There is no one more blind than the one who does not want to see.

(source. Translated with )

Links: Rumble | LoveoTV

To watch the other videos, click HERE

Objects that stick to people. Reality or fiction?

Video 23

Scientific study on the electromagnetism of people vaccinated in Luxembourg:

Summary and conclusion of the survey work carried out by Amar Goudjil (European forum for vaccine vigilance / mamer, June 06, 2021)

In recent months, hundreds of amateur videos have popped up everywhere on social networks featuring people who have visibly become electromagnetic following vaccination. In any case, this is what we can observe.

After many questions were asked to us by a certain number of our members on this effect of electromagnetism “supposed” appearing in the vaccinated subjects, our association made the decision to take a concrete interest in this subject, to say the least intriguing.

So is this effect real or is it just a rambling?

This survey, of a statistical and sociological nature on this “supposed” electromagnetism effect and which is in question here, raises three important questions:

1. Is it true that people experience an electromagnetic effect after being vaccinated?

2. If so, is it true that only vaccinated individuals exhibit this effect?

3. What is the nature of the substance in the vaccine vial injected into individuals which is causing this electromagnetic effect?

In an attempt to answer these questions, the investigation was entrusted to one of the members of the association. This is the person responsible for dealing with demographic and sociological issues quickly opening a thorough and public inquiry into the exact and real composition of these so-called vaccines.

In summary:

To the question, is it true that people exhibit an effect of electromagnetism after having undergone at least one act of vaccination? 

The answer is yes. Indeed, individuals become very electromagnetic on the injection zone at a minimum.

To the question, what is injected into individuals and which causes this effect?

We answer that it is up to the governments and authorities responsible for public health and the health of Luxembourgers to answer this question because it is they who, upstream, have taken the heavy decision to “vaccinate” healthy populations. using “vaccines” still in the experimental stage and of which, during clinical trials, all hamsters died.

We will not answer here for the responsibility of each other but it is certain that if superparamagnetic nanoparticles (magnetic beads) entered into the composition of these vaccines, on an experimental basis or for any reason whatsoever, (which have been reserved for anticancer therapies), so it is urgent to request an update, as soon as possible, from the pharmaceutical laboratories and the health authorities who have given their authorization for the implementation of the marketing of these injections.

It is up to toxicologists and pharmacologists who are now responsible for discovering the origins and causes of these magnetic attraction effects observed on vaccinated subjects and it is up to the politicians, who are responsible for the health of the citizens of this country to request very quickly the opening of an in-depth and public inquiry into the exact and real composition of these said vaccines.

(Click  the Report to read it in full). 

To visit the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance website, click HERE.


Of course, it seems obvious that something that has strong electromagnetic properties, ranging from a “mild” to a very strong effect, has been injected (without acknowledgment) into these messenger RNA vaccines, with the aim of “boosting the passage of messenger RNA into the cell by magnetofection”. [magnetofection: a method of transfection that uses magnetic fields to concentrate particles containing nucleic acid in target cells.]

For more information, visit this site:

We have since learned that it is scientifically possible to inject programmable EMF nanoparticles into vaccines or drug delivery systems.

We have found several scientific papers proving that it is feasible and that it can even lead to dopamine dependence in rats which are ‘magnetized’ in the brain and then placed in a high EMF environment where dopamine is produced, and no ‘happy’ in an environment without EMF (think ‘smart cities’).

The principle is called ‘magnetofection:

A “daring” new method uses a magnetized protein to activate brain cells in a rapid, reversible and non-invasive way.

American researchers have developed a new method to control brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviors, using genetic engineering to create a magnetized protein that remotely activates specific groups of nerve cells.

Understanding how the brain generates behavior is one of the ultimate goals of neuroscience – and one of their most difficult questions. In recent years, researchers have developed a number of methods that allow them to remotely control specific groups of neurons and probe the functioning of neural circuits.


Several previous studies have shown that proteins in nerve cells that are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered to become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles. These methods represent an important advance – they have, for example, already been used to regulate the level of glucose in the blood of mice – but they involve multiple components which must be introduced separately.

Next, the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, along with the gene encoding the green fluorescent protein and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed only in specific types. neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex, and dissected the brains of the animals to identify cells that fluoresce green. Using microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to brain slices activated Magneto so that cells produce nerve impulses.

( Translated with

Using their method, published last year in Nature, biologists can turn neurons in a living animal on or off at will – quickly, repeatedly, and without an implant – by modifying cells to make them receptive to radio waves or to a magnetic field:

Flick a Switch in the Head

Using new technology, scientists are able to wirelessly control mouse brain cells with the push of a button. The first thing they did was make the mice hungry.

(Source: The Rockefeller University )

Nanographene is possibly the nanotechnology used:

Proof of injected nanotechnology:

Thanks to the scientists of Quinta columna, we can observe that these injected nanomagnets are based on graphene nanoxide: La Quinta Columna: Analysis of a vaccine vial confirms the presence of graphene nanoparticles

note :d'autres tests avec plus d'echantillons de vaccins sont en cours et seront biento publiés

Note: further testing with more vaccine samples is underway and will be published soon.

See also the following references:

” Urgent announcement: COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced into the body in several ways “, June 25, 2021.

COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This is the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

La Quinta Columna: “Graphene oxide has its absorption band in 5G“.

“They discovered that graphene oxide nanoparticles are actually compatible with neurons and other brain cells. Graphene oxide nanotubes seek out and attach to synapses.

Graphene nanoparticles were excitable by frequencies in subjects. To be more precise: graphene nanoparticles find resonance in the 41.6 GHz microwave frequency of 5G technology. (Source:

The supporters of the World Economic Forum’s  Great Reset, are promoting the so-called “Fourth Technological Revolution” based on bio-digital nanotechnology, genetics, brain implants, as well as the “fusion of humans with the artificial intelligence” (transhumanism). ( )

Graphene nano particles, is also a European project of millions of euros (the Graphene Flagship )

AstraZeneca is part of the Graphene Flagship. BUT the Graphene Flagship is also linked to: The “Human Brain Project”

“Graphene sensors read low frequency neural waves associated with distinct brain states”

“A biocompatible graphene-based implant safely measures and predicts brain states”

See the website  and Soothing the symptoms of anxiety with graphene oxide (Relieving symptoms of anxiety through the graphene oxide)

Graphene oxide interacts with the part of the brain responsible for forming fear-related memories, which cause anxiety. It doesn’t work like a drug, by inhibiting receptor function – on the contrary, it temporarily shuts down the whole mechanism long enough to disrupt fear-related pathology in the brain, without damaging it, ”Ballerini continues. Graphene oxide interrupts signals from anxiety-related neurons without affecting surrounding neurons or cells. In other words, it just “turns off” communications between specific neurons. (Translation from English, source: )

(It reminds me of the ‘soma’ in The Brave New Word! No more anxiety, all calm and docile ..)

The ‘Human Brain Project ”

This common space, supported by the GSMA and the European Commission and organized by ICFO, will showcase innovative commercial applications and the most recent prototypes in the fields of graphene, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and personalized drug development. (see this and this)

And see this link:

Magnetism Plays Key Roles in DARPA Research to Develop Brain-Machine Interface without Surgery  (Magnetism plays a key role in DARPA research to develop a brain-machine interface without surgery)

Graphene is a super electromagnetic conductor , now used in medicine, acting on the BRAIN .

“Inbrain Neuroelectronics is developing a minimally invasive intelligent neural interface which, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of big data, will have the ability to read and modulate brain activity, to detect biomarkers specific to therapy and elicit adaptive responses for optimal results in personalized neurological therapies. The investment will allow the company to conduct trials and solidify the safety of graphene as a new standard of care and medical attention in neurotechnology.” (

GRAPHENE for vaccines

See this.

They tell you everything, but can you see?

Ray Kurzweil [American author, engineer, researcher, and futurist] predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. This means that our brains will be able to connect directly to the Cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and that these computers will increase our current intelligence. According to him, the brain will be connected via nanorobots, tiny robots made from strands of DNA: Our thinking will then be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking,” he said. (

The UK Ministry of Defense says:

“The ethical outlook on human augmentation is going to change and it could happen quickly. There might be a moral obligation to increase people, especially in cases where it promotes well-being or protects us from new threats. ” (

On September 24, 2020, Boris Johnson made a statement on vaccines, nanotechnologies, and the New World Order:

Coming back to the ‘transmission’ of something to the ‘unvaccinated’, I have been thinking for weeks that it is more a question of poisoning and ‘transmission by toxic EMFs emitted by these nanomagneto graphene particles, and not because of a “physical spike protein” that would come out intact like a super ghost to attack the body nearby, flying from their mouths to your nose (not necessary), but mainly because of these magnetic nanos.

A British doctor makes an interesting synthesis: nanomagnetic particles manage to cross the blood-brain barrier and are lodged in the brain. (

Watch in English: British doctor – Experimental Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and genocide.

I urgently share the following hypothesis on how experimental injections of Covid-19 can injure and kill, in the hope that I may somehow help stop this attempted mass genocide. I don’t believe it was an accident and I’ll explain why.

I am a British doctor. My hypothesis is that the experimental Covid-19 mRNA injections contain a magnetized nanoparticle attached to the mRNA, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and is then attracted to the brain, especially midline structures. I further hypothesize that two elements facilitate the passage of magnetized mRNA to the brain: local temperature effects due to electromagnetic radiation and an artificial network such as a hydrogel. I will now explain why I propose this hypothesis.


What’s going on?

a) SOMETHING goes from person to person

b) or NOT really, but the FREQUENCY at which it is transmitted, passing, and / or WELL that frequency can be deployed ANYWHERE.

In Russian, US and European medicine, also the great pioneers of frequencies, electromagnetic fields, in army studies, we know that any frequency corresponds to an organ or a disease or a specific symptom or a pathogen. It can be used to heal or destroy anyone.

See :


Bibliography of recalled biological phenomena (“effects”}) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation: compilation and integration of the report and of seven supplements


This is used in electromagnetic wars. (

So what is this scientific witchcraft for? Magnetic nanos are used to push messenger RNA deeper into cells and produce more ‘spike proteins’ [Spike]?

Yes, very possible, but who can prove it to us? Have unvaccinated ‘contaminated’ people been analyzed for the spike protein invading their cells? No.

The point is, these injections change the electromagnetic field of the unconscious victims of the jabs.

 “Recently, magnetically reactive HYDROGEL, as a type of smart hydrogels, has been introduced in biomedical applications to enhance the biological activities of cells, tissues or organs. This is mainly attributed to its magnetic reactivity to the EXTERNAL magnetic field and to obtaining functional structures to remotely regulate the physical, biochemical and mechanical properties of the medium surrounding cells, tissues or organs. “


See also another related study


The ‘Vaccine’ which is not a vaccine, has nothing to do with the ‘virus’, with a ‘cure’ which ‘protects’.

Many people around the World are now fully aware of the trend in post-vaccine deaths and injuries. The most recent figures are the following

EU/EEA/Switzerland to 17 July 2021 – 18,928 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1.8 million injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.

UK to 7 July 2021 -1,470 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1 million injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.

USA to 9 July 2021 – 10,991 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 2 million injuries, per VAERS database.

TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 31,389 Covid-19 injection related deaths and almost 5 million injuries reported so far in July 2021.

Nota Bene: It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures.

Only between 1% and 15% of post-vaccine victims are reported.

Nanographene, even inhaled, is very toxic and linked among other things to the formation of thromboses, pulmonary fibrosis, brain damage, loss of smell and taste!

See this and this.

What is the purpose of installing nano graphene in the human body? (if he/she survives)

“Graphene is the most likely nanoparticle for the manufacture of biomedical sensors for biodetection, bioimaging and therapeutic use, due to some of its stimulating qualities such as remarkable ability to process in aqueous media, functional surface properties, surface enhanced Raman scattering, cell growth capacity and certainty of biocompatibility. This study highlights the state of the art and the future prospects of graphene for its use as a sensor in miniaturized and biomedical detection devices for bioimaging, biodetection and diagnostic applications. ” Source

There is another significant (gigantic) goal which is being pursued:

“there is the fact that these ‘nanomagneto’ of Graphene, these ‘bio sensors’, can respond and communicate with an external EMF signal” in their own words, and  can be used for ‘neuro modulation’ (Article and video, la Quinta Columna, see this.

And without ‘internal sender receivers, how could 5G’ read minds?

THEY SAY: 5G is a technology that can ‘read’ thoughts’ and ‘insert thoughts’.

The Chilean president Sebastian Pinera  has stated that:

“Machines will be able to insert thoughts and feelings thanks to 5G. “

Watch the video in Spanish with English subtitles here. or click screen below.

An undisclosed goal, a secret in the hands of the transhumanist technocratic elites?


Translation by the author. Revised and edited by Global Research.


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All images in this article are from Theara Truth News

A peer-reviewed study by the Environmental Working Group recommends stringent health-based exposure standards for both children and adults for radiofrequency radiation emitted from wireless devices. EWG’s children’s guideline is the first of its kind and fills a gap left by federal regulators.

The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, relies on the methodology developed by the Environmental Protection Agency to assess human health risks arising from toxic chemical exposures. EWG scientists have applied the same methods to radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices, including cellphones and tablets.

EWG recommends the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, adjust its woefully outdated health standards for wireless radiation, last revised a quarter-century ago, well before wireless devices became ubiquitous, heavily used appliances synonymous with modern life. The recommendation draws on data from a landmark 2018 study from the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, one of the largest long-term studies on the health effects of radiofrequency radiation exposure.

EWG’s new guidelines, the first developed in the U.S. to focus on children’s health, recommend that children’s exposure overall be 200 to 400 times lower than the whole-body exposure limit set by the FCC in 1996.

The EWG recommended limit for so-called whole-body Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, for children is 0.2 to 0.4 milliwatts per kilogram, or mW/kg. For adults, EWG recommends a whole-body SAR limit of 2 to 4 mW/kg, which is 20 to 40 times lower than the federal limit.

The FCC has not set a separate standard for children. Its standards for radiofrequency radiation set a maximum SAR of 0.08 watts per kilogram, or W/kg, for whole-body exposure and an SAR for localized spatial peak – the highest exposure level for a specific part of the body, such as the brain – of 1.6 W/kg for the general population.

The NTP studies examined the health effects of 2G and 3G wireless radiation and found there is “clear evidence” of a link between exposure to radiofrequency radiation and heart tumors in laboratory animals. Similar results were reported by a team of Italian scientists from the Ramazzini Institute.

Cellphone radiation was classified a “possible carcinogen” in 2011 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, a conclusion based on human epidemiological studies that found an increased risk of glioma, a malignant brain cancer, associated with cellphone use.

EWG scientists say that more research is needed on the health impacts of the latest generation of communication technologies, such as 5G. In the meantime, EWG’s recommendation for strict, lower exposure limits for all radiofrequency sources, especially for children.

When the FCC established its radiofrequency radiation limits, following the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, relatively few Americans, and likely no children, owned and used cellphones.

Much has changed since the federal limits were set, including technology and how these devices are used. A survey completed by the nonprofit Common Sense Media in March 2020, just before the start of the Covid-19 spread in the U.S., found that 46 percent of 2- to 4-year-olds, and 67 percent of 5- to 8-year-olds, had their own mobile devices, such as a tablet or smartphone.

With remote learning, a necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic, phones, tablets and other wireless devices became a part of life for young children, tweens and teens nationwide.

“The FCC must consider the latest scientific research, which shows that radiation from these devices can affect health, especially for children,” said Uloma Uche, Ph.D., EWG environmental health science fellow and lead author of the study.

“It has been 25 years since the FCC set its limits for radiofrequency radiation. With multiple sources of radiofrequency radiation in the everyday environment, including Wi-Fi, wireless devices and cell towers, protecting children’s health from wireless radiation exposures should be a priority for the FCC,” she added.

Take action on cellphone radiation!
“We have grave concerns over the outdated approach the federal government has relied on to study the health effects of cellphone radiation and set its current safety limit and advice for consumers,” said EWG President Ken Cook. “Government guidelines are a quarter-century old and were established at a time when wireless devices were not a constant feature of the lives of nearly every American, including children.”

Reviewing 5G and other aspects of wireless technology should be the focus of public health agencies, noted Cook. “It is long past time the federal government made exposure to 5G wireless devices safe. We strongly believe those exposures deserve far more investigation and scientific rigor than has been applied to date.”

“The evidence shows that children absorb more radiofrequency radiation than adults, and the developing body of a child is more vulnerable to such effects,” said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG’s vice president for science investigations and co-author of the study.

“More research on the safety and sustainability of wireless technology is essential,” added Naidenko. “Meanwhile, there are simple steps everyone can take to protect their health, such as keeping wireless devices farther from their bodies.”

There are a number of easy, precautionary steps consumers can take until the government conducts the rigorous scientific assessment the issue deserves, which should have occurred years ago.

“Based on our review of the health risks and the inadequacy of current standards to protect children, while the science evolves, it is perfectly reasonable for parents to consider minimizing or eliminating radiofrequency radiation sources at home by relying more on wired internet access, and to urge schools to take comparable steps to reduce classroom and campus exposure,” said Cook.

Other health-protective tips for consumers who want to reduce radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices include using a headset or speaker, texting instead of talking, and limiting the time children spend on smart phones.

Find all of EWG’s tips to reduce exposure to wireless radiation here.

EWG’s recommendation for limits for radiofrequency radiation exposure is its latest effort to advance the public dialogue about science-based standards that protect public health.

The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action.

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Pegasus Project: “Snooping on Citizens”

July 22nd, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

The so-called Pegasus Project, which hit media headlines, has highlighted India in a clutch of countries where snooping of the telephones of citizens is widely practised as state policy. 

The Washington Post, which spearheaded the Pegasus Project,  proposes to monitor the responses from these 10 select countries. Presumably, these are early days. In fact, Hungary, one of these 10 countries, has thrown the gauntlet down at WaPo posing some uncomfortable questions:

“Have you asked the same questions of the governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany or France? In the case you have, how long did it take for them to reply and how did they respond? Was there any intelligence service to help you formulate the questions?” read more 

Very pertinent questions, indeed. Snooping is one of the oldest peccadilloes of man — as ancient as prostitution, perhaps. It becomes responsible voyeurism but a predatory state can abuse it. I will narrate an incident to reinforce this point. 

The year was 1992. About two months into my assignment as the head of the Iran-Pakistan-Afghanistan Division in the External Affairs Ministry, one afternoon I had an unannounced visitor in South Block who was in charge of India’s “counter-intelligence.” After pleasantries over a cup of tea, he put me at ease by coming straight to the subject to state that he had no business to transact with me but simply was curious to get acquainted with me. 

He said — I won’t mention his name out of great respect for my departed colleague’s rare integrity and moral fibre — the IPA Division fell in the ambit of his “charge”, given the high sensitivity of the work for national security. He said he wanted to meet me in person after listening to my phone conversations, watching my functioning and lifestyle and even digging into my past, sensing I was someone with whom he could walk with into the night.  

That was my first “encounter” in real life with snooping. It didn’t jolt me as we had just returned after the assignment in Islamabad, and snooping was taken as a fact of life in inter-state relationships. 

As time passed and my IB friend and I became close personal friends, I got to know things that I have no option but to carry to my grave. Now, all those shenanigans took place under Congress governments. Therefore, even if the present government indeed did all that the Pegasus Project alleges, it was only “business as usual”. This is one thing. 

Second, the questions that Hungary flung at WaPo are very relevant. The ex-DIA whistleblower Edward Snowden has reacted to the Pegasus Project calling for a global moratorium on the international spyware trade. read more 

But entrenched powers never abdicate. Knowledge is power and the power to blackmail or defang adversaries or act in real time gives decisive advantage. Without such advantage, US President Donald Trump couldn’t have possibly murdered Iranian general Qassem Soleimani or Barack Obama decapitated Osama bin Laden! 

The root problem is that national interests get arbitrarily defined by ruling elites. Obama thought it was in America’s “enlightened national interests” to tap German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s private cell phone. Clearly, snooping is not limited to autocracies or post-modern authoritarianism. 

Thus, selectively maligning Hungary and India is intriguing. Why so? The two countries are democracies with traces of post-modern authoritarianism, perhaps. Both are what American strategists call “global swing states.” 

Succinctly put, the global swing states are influential democracies that provide most significant opportunities for the US foreign policy in the early 21st century, since they possess the capability and legitimacy to bolster the interlocking web of norms, institutions, rules, and relationships that for six decades preserved peace among the great powers, fostered economic prosperity, and facilitated the spread of freedom.

But the present global order confronts numerous challenges, some emanating from China’s rise and others from a diverse set of international developments. These challenges hold the potential to seriously fragment the international order in a way that the US and its allies will suffer the consequences. 

Hungary and India offer great potential as partners to extend the global order not only in their common commitment to democratic institutions but also in their growing economies and their geographical locations in their respective regions that is highly strategic. Therefore, the choices they make whether by way of taking on new responsibilities as Washington’s allies or their preference for free-ride could, in aggregate, decisively influence the trajectory of today’s world. 

This gives them a greater impact than their population or economic output might otherwise warrant and explains why they are prioritised in the US strategic calculus. If push comes to shove, Washington will not hesitate to use coercion or even “regime change”. 

Hungary and India are swing states with assertive nationalism. For the uninitiated, Hungary is the first European country to use China’s the COVID-19 vaccine Sinopharm, and it recently signed an agreement to open a Chinese university campus in Budapest by 2024, which would make the Shanghai-based Fudan University the first Chinese university campus in Europe. 

Sinopharm is an effective vaccine and is readily available, and China is open to technology transfer. Hungary plans to produce Sinopharm vaccine locally in a big plant being set up at a cost of US$193 million in the eastern town of Debrecen that would make the country self-sufficient in vaccine production from next year at vastly more economic terms than if it were to import Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, etc. 

Fudan ranks among top 100 world universities and will help raise the standard of higher education in Hungary, providing courses to 6,000 students and the $1.8 billion project will be met through a $1.5 billion loan from a Chinese bank. 

Hungary calls this the strategy of “Eastern Opening”, which favours increased cooperation with countries like China and Russia. Clearly, there is disquiet that Hungary is transforming as “a kind of advanced bastion of Eastern great powers in the European Union.” The US Embassy in Budapest expressed reservations over the Fudan university coming to Hungary “given Beijing’s proven track record of using academic institutions to advance a malign influence agenda and stifle intellectual freedom.” 

Again, last year, Hungary negotiated a $2 billion loan from China’s Exim Bank for the construction of a railway line between Budapest and Belgrade, as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Hungary also hosts Huawei’s largest supply centre outside China! 

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has maligned western powers for engaging in “liberal imperialism” and his right-wing populism has become a serious obstacle to EU cohesion and US-EU consensus over China. 

Of course, Prime Minister Modi has been tactful and took the “Chanakyan” route, but his pursuit of independent foreign policies generates an anxiety syndrome in the American mind. What annoys Washington is that unlike Orban, who is openly defiant, Delhi followed an overtly pro-American foreign policy that convinced the folks in the Beltway that they nettled a crucial global swing state in “Indo-Pacific”. read more 

Under EAM S. Jaishankar’s watch, India did go out of the way to harmonise with Washington. Former US President Trump pointedly named Jaishankar at the “Howdy Modi” mega event in Houston for making profound contributions to US-Indian partnership. 

But then, in the multipolar world setting in the Age of Internet, Chanakyan diplomacy has limitations. Washington will not allow Delhi to wriggle out of its embrace, and has lately begun to taunt Modi Government, knowing the latter’s sensitivity to its international “image”.

The recent hype in India’s ties with Russia, especially the welcome for Sputnik V vaccine, and the high level meetings through 2021 to give swagger to the special partnership would have set alarm bells ringing in the Beltway. read more

Despite sustained efforts by the US lobbyists in the media to turn the pitch of Sino-Indian tensions into hostile mode, Delhi walks the fine line. India’s ambivalence on QUAD is plain to see. There is no progress on the trade and economic agenda for advancing Biden’s Keep America Great project. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scrambling to visit Delhi.

Delhi is not performing as a swing state to strengthen Washington’s dual containment of Russia and China. Sure thing, the Empire strikes back! WaPo, Guardian, Amnesty, etc. are old cold-war era flagships. WaPo is reputed to be wired into the US intelligence establishment. 

India’s tragedy is, alas, it is a divided house today. Large sections of opinion are averse to saying a nice word about Modi Govt, especially progressive forces who can otherwise sense the hidden agenda behind the Pegasus Project to pressurise India.

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The creation of new structures for domestic rule that are militarized, invisible to the public and offer no possibility of appeal to the judicial is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. The Atlantic Council’s report “Domestic violent extremism and the intelligence challenge” (May 2021) is the locus classicus for many new arguments made by the administration at congressional hearings and think tank seminars as camouflage for a radical transformation of law enforcement into a division of the intelligence structure. For that reason, the report deserves special attention.


The author of the report, Mitchell D. Silber, is no stranger to the art of pushing the envelope for tyranny in American policy. Deeply connected to Israel, and to foundations linked to Israel, Silber served as director of intelligence analysis for the NYPD (New York City Police Department). 

Silber was never a police officer who walked a beat. He established his policy credentials by serving on a task force of the Council on Foreign Relations addressing terrorist financing for 9/11 and then went on to be compensated for his hypocrisy during a gig as expert on “capital markets intelligence” at the Carson Group, a private equity firm that serves the super-rich. 

In the Atlantic Council report, Silber draws on policy proposals he made previously in his controversial report “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat” for NYPD. That report was condemned (and eventually removed from the NYPD website) by the Brennan Center for Justice because of the radical religious and racial profiling that he proposed for local law enforcement, including the suggestion that common Islamic religious practices indicate extremism.  

This new report for the Atlantic Council on “domestic violent extremism” presents a fantastical description of the “intelligence failures” leading up to the “storming of the Capitol Building” on January 6, 2021 and it concludes with recommendations for even more bureaucracy to track, and to punish, American citizens.     

What we know for certain is that on January 6, 2021 confused photographs and videos of people, dressed up in costumes associated with white nationalist extremism, cavorting in and around the Capitol Building and jostling with police, was released to the corporate media. The images were accompanied by stories that described the intentions of these “extremists” to storm the Congress and to stop the final certification of the presidential election. 

Those involved have not been interviewed by more objective sources, and never allowed to tell their side of the story. The individuals photographed are not identified by name, or granted an opportunity to explain their actions.  

The corporate media accepted without condition the story of a violent riot and five deaths, but as I have written, the entire tale is dubious. 

In Silber’s hands, however, the event becomes a justification for big bureaucratic budgets. He explains that this “intelligence failure” means that we need a DVEAU (Domestic Violent Extremism Unit) under the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), an existing bureaucracy that currently reports to the Director of National Intelligence. The timing of the proposal was linked to the announcement by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on May 11, 2021 that a domestic terrorism branch will be revived within DHS Intelligence & Analysis (I&A).

Silber uses evocative acronyms like DVE (domestic violent extremism) and REMV (racial or ethnically motivated violence) that give legitimacy to the establishment of an unaccountable shadow government that will shove its snout deep in the Federal trough, while setting the stage for the oppression of domestic opposition by intelligence agencies unaccountable to the judicial branch.  

Screenshot from Atlantic Council

That is to say, the institutions that will sprout from the seeds sowed by this report will be free to decide that an American citizen is engaged in domestic extremism and then to monitor, and to interfere, without any court approval.

This proposal to unleash the intelligence apparatus against American citizens did not emerge in a vacuum. The foundations for unaccountable domestic law enforcement are being laid down at precisely the moment citizens are awakening to how the COVID19 vaccine regime is being enforced by government officials who promote dangerous substances as medical necessities. That is to say, the campaign against DVE (domestic violent extremism) is being unleashed at precisely the moment that the collapse of governance in the United States is becoming manifest.  

The “intelligence failure” jig to the tune of “old wine in new bottles” 

Silber’s report assumes that 1/6 was a domestic variation of the 9/11 “intelligence failure” that can be best solved by a “reform of the structure of the Federal government” that will subject all American citizens to direct control by the director of national intelligence. 

The analogy between 1/6 and 9/11 he falls back on is apt in the sense that both events were media shows orchestrated by insiders to force through a radical restructuring of the Federal government that ended accountability and that ushered in an empire of shadows completely detached from the Constitution. 

Silber recommends that a large chunk of law enforcement should be woven into the “intelligence community” and that it must take a “forward-leaning stance” towards domestic terrorism. The term “forward-leaning stance” suggests a focus on “precrime,” the “connecting the dots” process whereby the associations between citizens, comments made by citizens in emails, or in social media, are fed into supercomputers that follow biased algorithms and then are used to tag, and to convict, the innocent in advance. 

For example, if a citizen has been posting on Facebook about the dangers of COVID19 vaccines and then she runs a red light the next day, that action can be interpreted by the government as an act of domestic terrorism because of the presence of such social media postings. Appeals to science, or to the Constitution, can be denied by faceless actors at DVEAU. 

It is no accident that Silber describes the imagined terrorists behind 1/6 as “Born in the USA,” a reference to Bruce Springsteen’s song about the frustrations of working-class whites. The report is a gambit to open the door to the identification of all white working-class people as the equivalent of Al-Qaeda if they question COVID19, 9/11 or the tyranny of global finance. Needless to say, a twisted version of civil rights and anti-racism can also be employed in this operation so as to make this delta strain of fascism feel “progressive” for the weak-minded. 

Silber paints vivid pictures of networks of connected “domestic terrorist” cells who practice “leaderless resistance” as they adhere blindly to “bizarre conspiracies.” These networks of terrorists seem to be a cut and paste from previous Atlantic Council reports on the response to 9/11, such as “The Post 9-11 Partnership: Transatlantic Cooperation against Terrorism” (December, 2004). 

The myth of “leaderless resistance” in Islamic terrorism was of tremendous help in securing juicy budgets for mass surveillance. The fact that leaderless resistance is a political impossibility does not pose much of a problem for these opaque bureaucracies as their activities will never be made public, or be subjected to external review. 

Silber’s attitude towards the Constitution is revealing. He laments that the Constitution gives law enforcement “less latitude” than is required to address these new extremists and he regrets that the current mood in America does not support a “Patriot 2.0” aimed at domestic terrorism. 

The assumption is that law enforcement and intelligence must stop terrorism, domestic and foreign, and that they are hobbled by an outdated Constitution. The reality is that if we take the Constitution out of the policy loop, there will no longer be any rule of law, or any legitimate government left. Without a constitution, the distinction between government agencies, contractors and organized crime will disappear entirely. 

The white nationalist domestic threat is not a hoax, but it is exaggerated throughout the report. There is complete silence, by contrast, about the proven links between global finance and the Federal government in the promotion of a for-profit prison-industrial complex, nor is there any mention of the tens of billions of dollars that have disappeared into the Homeland Security and “intelligence community” black hole. 

It there was any take over of the Capitol, it was by the swarms of private contractors that gather there to feast on bloated Federal budgets. But Silber transforms them into rational organizations that protect citizens. 

Silber hammers home the theme of the “effectiveness of the current intelligence community architecture” in his report. “Architecture” is the precise term that was used after 9/11 to push through the radical privatization of the Federal government in congressional committees. Some of us still remember those heady days when lobbyists for the Patriot Act argued that accountability and transparency were outdated concepts that kept intelligence from preventing the next terrorist attack. 

Silber’s time in private equity also leaks through in the paper. He no doubt finds a ready audience for his financialized language among readers of the report. It is no secret that congressional staff members are rewarded with opportunities to make big bucks for a few years at hedge fund or private equity firms in return for their services in relatively low-paying positions in the Congress. 

Silber quotes Frank Taylor, former head of intelligence at DHS, concerning the 1/6 incident:   

“There is no explanation that I can give for the failure to produce analytical products.”

“Analytical products” is not a law enforcement term, but rather the jargon used in private equity. The use of such jargon in Washington is in line with the assumption on the part of the bureaucrat that to work for the Federal government is an extension of servicing a private equity firm, or a contractor. That truth is driven home by the domination of the Biden administration top positions by “products” of just four consulting firms linked to private equity: WestExec Advisors, Pine Island Capital Partners, The Asia Group and the Albright Stonebridge Group. 

The Report’s conclusion

The Atlantic Council report concludes with four concrete suggestions for responses to the new threat of domestic terrorism that are certain to have contractors licking their chops. 

1) The creation of a new bureaucracy within the I&A (intelligence and analysis) unit of DHS to be assigned the impressive acronym of OSMAU. The functions of this “Online Social Media Analysis Unit” are not detailed, and no suggestion is made as to how it will be kept accountable or transparent. The context suggests, however, suggests that OSMAU will serve as a “meta” fusion center where the postings by American citizens in social media are collected, and files are created in advance for just about every citizen that can be used to support just about any charge at a future date. 

2)  The establishment of a bureau for DVEAU “Domestic Violent Extremism Analysis” that will track and interfere in the lives of American citizens based on their correspondence and their postings. This intelligence bureau dedicated to domestic law enforcement will not be accountable to the FBI, the Justice Department, the DHS, or to the courts, but rather will be embedded in the opaque National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). 

3) The DVEAU “Domestic Violent Extremism Analysis” unit will report directly to the Director of National Intelligence, following a chain of command completely detached from the Department of Justice and from the court system. As a result, because intelligence is an extension of the military, the Posse Comitatus Act (1878) that limits the use of the military in domestic law enforcement will cease to be in effect. 

4) A new position of Deputy Director of National Intelligence will be created and that Deputy Director will be tasked with “domestic warning” (as a “national warning officer”) for terrorism. This Deputy Director will be authorized to declare that the actions of an American citizen, or group of citizens, engage in activities that constitute the equivalent of an act of war and that the Federal government will be able to take retaliatory steps in secret, without the approval of the courts. 

Silber imagines that this Deputy Director will identify “a rapidly metastasizing domestic terrorism threat” and take immediate action (such as the authorities supposedly failed to do on January 6th). 

This final analogy of “metastasis” is telling. Most certainly the analogy to the spread of cancer is apt. 

Silber is engaging in classical psychological projection when he uses that term. The true cancer killing the United States government is the spread of for-profit contractors that search for, and create, domestic threats which they feel entitle them to take actions at home in the manner that a commander in Afghanistan would do without the encumberment of the Constitution.

But that true institutional cancer is a taboo subject that can never be named by the high priests. Instead, the Atlantic Council report serves as a performative ritual, a speech act, that projects the cancer within the Federal system onto a leaderless set of domestic terrorist cells which must be suppressed if they question the legitimacy of COVID19 vaccines, or cast doubt on just about anything. 



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Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

Featured image is from KSLA-12

I Shall Fear No Evil

Why we need a truly independent candidate for president

Author: Emanuel Pastreich

Paperback ISBN: 9781649994509

Pages: 162

Click here to order.


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Syria is about to blow wide-open. Several days ago, Turkey bombed a residential area in Aleppo, followed by an Israeli bombing of the south of Aleppo, and the Turkish backed terrorists in Idlib bombed residential areas in the Latakia Province.  Many experts feel the area is on the doors of full scale military action in Idlib, to free the civilian population from the occupation of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the former Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, and now backed by Turkey.  The Russian-Turkish deal to open the M4 highway from Latakia to Aleppo has never been implemented by the Turkish, and the Russians are fed up with terrorists taking shots at Russian patrols, and passenger buses and trucks.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse has interviewed Fra Hughes in an effort to get the back-story to this unfolding drama in Northern Syria.

Fra Hughes was born and lives in Belfast, Ireland. He is an activist, author, and journalist. He has written ‘My Walk with Palestine’ and ‘Voices from Donbass’. He has visited, Gaza, the Occupied West Bank, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Venezuela, and the Donbass Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk. He is anti-imperialist by his politics.


Steven Sahiounie (SS):  The Israeli occupation keeps launching airstrikes on Syria. In your opinion, what is their goal from all these airstrikes?

Fra Hughes (FH):  Israel and Zionism are a cancer in the Middle East and West Asia. Like all cancers, if they are left untreated they will eventually kill the host. The host is Palestine and Israel’s continued illegal annexation of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and historic Palestine is the very reason Syria is under attack from both Israel and the West.

The premeditated war launched on Syria in 2011 at the behest of the west and led by Saudi Arabia and now Turkey was fundamentally to destroy a strong Arab bulwark against the expansionist designs of Israel within the region.

The dream of destroying Syria has failed. Thanks to Russia, Hezbollah, and Iran the country has been stabilized. The fight to liberate Syrian territory continues.

While Syria has been effectively balkanized between America, Isis, the Kurds, and Turkey it is no longer capable of challenging Israel’s perceived military supremacy in the region.

The attacks by Israel are designed to limit Syria’s response to the ongoing terrorist threats within its borders.

The aim is to disrupt supply lines. To terrorize the population of Damascus where most of the aerial bombings occur. To continue to support terrorist elements within Syria.

To keep the Syrian Arab Republic and its elected Leader Dr. Bashar Al Assad under military pressure. To put pressure on the Iranian presence in Syria and to continually provoke Damascus into a military response so Israel can then use its American arsenal of weapons to destabilize and further destroy the infrastructure and command and control capabilities of the Syrian Arab Republic. To further demoralize the Syrian people and create Gaza-style imprisonment and bombardment of the Syrian people. Damascus cannot fight ISIS, the Turks, Saudi Arabian money, America, and Israel all at the same time.

SS:   American President Joe Biden promised to pull the American troops out of the Middle East in his election campaign, but until now he has not pulled out of Syria and Iraq, and he is still stealing the Syrian oil. What is his goal by not leaving Syria and Iraq?

FH:  Obama was partly elected on the promise of closing down Guantanamo Bay. A promise never realized. All politicians make promises in opposition that they never intend to implement.

Biden was Vice President to Obama. He simply used America’s unpopular wars in Iraq and Syria as a populist vote-winning slogan to get himself elected to the office of President of the United States. I have no doubt that even while pursuing this election tactic he was already planning on staying in the region.

Political pundits and analysts continually refer to America’s military adventures around the world and the cost of these aggressions as if they are reasons for America not to go to war?  History has proven conclusively that wars are fought for profit, not ideology.

There is a price to go to war and a profit to be made.

Lincoln famously said ‘I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe’.

The taxpayers of Britain and America paid to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. The industrial-military complex made billions of dollars of profit for its shareholders.

The taxpayers of Iraq and Afghanistan are paying to have the country rebuilt. Construction companies, oil companies, consultancy companies, private security firms, and a myriad of other contractors alongside international monetary loans and the cost of the continuing occupation all make profits for those who instigated financed, and conducted these wars.

America is stealing Syrian resources that belong to the Syrian people and their custodians in the Syrian government.

Monies that should go to social, education, and health projects for the Syrian nation are being stolen for profit. This is old-style imperialism where the aggressor steals from those they have militarily occupied. America steals the oil and the wheat from Syria in a two-pronged attack. The oil money goes to America and they deprive the Syrian economy and the Syrian government of much-needed revenue. The wheat is exported for profit also going to America and deprives the Syrian economy of much-needed revenue and the people are denied a basic food staple thus putting further punitive pressure on inflationary pressures that in turn impact the ability of the government and the people to have food security.

By staying in the region America is continuing to defend Zionist interests and destabilize Israel’s self-declared enemies and steal the national resources of occupied countries while championing the capitalist corporate interests of American companies.

SS:    The tension in northwest Syria between the Turkish occupation and the radical Islamic terrorists from one side, and the Syrian and Russian army on the other side, is on the highest level. In your opinion, will Syria and Russia start the military operation to liberate Idlib from the Turkish and their terrorists?

FH:  The Syrian Arab Republic and its elected President Dr. Bashar Al Assad have publicly stated their intention to reclaim all Syrian territory currently under the control of foreign and domestic terrorists.

If the Syrian Arab Army does not retake Idlib and all other occupied lands, Syria will in effect be balkanized. That would suit America, the west and Israel. Syria needs the political and military assistance of Russia to do this.

Erdogan will not leave voluntarily nor will the terrorist forces he arms supplies and helps finance. Erdogan is another regional leader hell-bent on expansionism.

After the failed American-inspired coup to remove him, Erdogan turned towards Russia, and if Putin tells him Russian forces will help liberate Idlib and other areas I do not think Erdogan will go to war with Russian forces

Putin is in Syria to prevent ISIS-affiliated Jihadists from being directed towards its border as Russia would be next in line for the American financed mercenaries to attack.

The Syrian leadership has been very adept at allowing mercenaries, many of whom are just there for the large monthly pay packet to leave disputed areas alive.

This offer will again be forwarded to those who want to survive a sustained campaign of military assault from the Syrian Arab Army.

I do hope they leave all contested areas peacefully to prevent a huge loss of civilian life and a further humanitarian crisis.

SS:    The Syrian people have been suffering for 10 years from the US and EU sanctions. Do you think that the United States will lift the sanctions off of Syria?

FH:  There is no chance of America lifting the sanctions. The only hope for the Syrian people is for other countries like Iran, Russia, and China to bypass the sanctions and an axis of resistance global alternative to American hegemony be established. Using the Yuan as the world’s reserve currency and the petro-yuan is a start. All countries under sanctions from Cuba to Venezuela must form a global alliance and trade with each other to protect all those economies.

Sanctions kill. They murdered 600,000 babies in Iraq and over 100,000 people in Venezuela to date.

We must stand together against American aggression military and financial.

SS:   The west is using the Syrian refugees as a tool to put pressure on the Syrian government.  In your opinion, will Syrian refugees start to be sent home from their host countries?

FH:  I understand the economic pressures a sudden influx of returning refugees can have on Syria.

The Syrian people did not flee the Syrian government. They fled the violence and war foisted upon Syria by America, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia Turkey, and the west.

While America steals Syrian oil and wheat, and Turkey has stolen whole engineering plants and sophisticated modern machinery and technology, the response to the refugees by the Syrian government is, come home, we welcome you back, let us rebuild our country together. That is leadership. That is courage. That is love.

The refugees are being used as political leverage against Damascus, but together the people and its elected leaders can build a better brighter future.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

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The Politics of Aggression in the Black Sea

July 22nd, 2021 by Renee Parsons

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As the American public continues to be distracted by a wild divergence of worries and panic, ranging from never-ending Covid related restrictions to on-going massive censorship to protecting innocent school children from mandatory vaccinations and masks; almost all in some way threaten what remains of a Constitutional republic that has for more than two hundred years provided a bulwark of personal and political protections and freedom for every American citizen.  Clearly, all that is now up for grabs.   And yet, not to minimize any of those valid domestic problems, there is a global crisis that is slipping through the cracks that would, at any other time, warrant alarming headlines and mobilize public opinion. 

The Black Sea

So what exactly is the Brit’s attraction to access the Black Sea besides the misguided belief that they are still The British Empire.   It’s not like you can make a wrong turn into the Black Sea, accidentally cross through the narrow Dardanelles and then transverse the Bosporus, and voila, oops, there you are in the Black Sea with the Kerch Straits leading straight to mainland Russia –  it is not a location conducive for a quick turn around or  speedy exit.  Accessing the Black Sea is a very deliberate move with a very specific purpose as its chronology of events continue to unfold as a well coordinated political strategy, a fragment of the on-going domestic effort to takedown the United States.

Crimea Referendum

As the result of a US sponsored political coup ousting then duly-elected Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, the residents of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to reassert its historic kinship with Russia.  However, the United States and the European Union continue to reject the outcome of a legitimate public vote as Ukraine’s puppet regime talks of initiating a military take-back.   Crimea is a peninsula in southeast Ukraine that contains the historic cities of Sevastapol and Yalta, and lies between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.  Regarded as a sacred and holy site, Crimea represents a spiritual identity in the history of Orthodox Christianity from 900 AD and lies adjacent to Russia which adopted its religious tenets.

Brits Enter the Black Sea

As a gesture of support for Ukraine’s goal to ‘recover’ Crimea, the Brits deployed RAF aircraft in mid-April along with a US Special Ops team as part of a NATO “air policing mission” to patrol the Black Sea.  Even as a decades-old international treaty prohibits the entrance of aircraft carriers into the Black Sea, the UK continued to establish a military presence, intent on escalating the argument between a specious Ukraine government and those pesky Russians who insist on protecting their 12 mile border within the Black Sea.

Putin – Biden Summit

Back in early June, US pretend President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Geneva for ninety minutes behind closed doors with Secretary of State Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in attendance. With low expectation for any rapprochement, each offered the following at a press conference at the Summit’s conclusion.

Biden said “The tone of the entire meeting was good, positive” with Putin agreeing “It seems to me that we did speak the same language.”  While Putin added that the talks were ‘very constructive,’ there was agreement that the US and Russian ambassadors would return to their embassy posts as well as agreement to collaborate on cybersecurity issues. Biden stressed that his agenda was “for America” and not “against Russia.”  In other words, the general assessment was that the meeting went better than had been expected.

However, despite an apparent meeting of the minds, soon after the Summit, the Brits, who were not invited to attend or participate, increased their aggression in the Black Sea  as they proceeded to test Russian resolve and the Biden Administration increased its sanctions.

HMS Defender Violates Russian Waters

On June 23, the HMS Defender, after ‘drifting’ within 10 nautical miles of Russia’s territorial waters, was reportedly buzzed by the Russians.  Soon after, a BBC reporter, who was on-board the Defender, revealed that the warship had ‘deliberately’ entered Crimean waters to ‘make a point” to the Russians.  The same reporter then  released a video which directly contradicted the British denial as the Russian Defense Ministry released its footage which it says shows The Defender being chased out of Crimean waters.  The Russians claim that a Su-M24 Russian warplane dropped bombs near The Defender to alert the destroyer of its transgression.   Prime Minister Boris Johnson touted the usual “we don’t recognize the Russian annexation of Crimea, this is part of a sovereign Ukrainian territory.”

At about the same time, two US destroyers were on their way to the Black Sea when Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced  “We warn the United States that it will be better for them to stay far away from Crimea and our Black Sea coast. It will be for their own good.”  Surprisingly, even the tone-deaf Biden Administration knew enough to cancel the deployment. As a result of the conflict, there was reason to question the whereabouts of the US Navy’s Sixth Fleet when the USS Dwight Eisenhower was discovered to be in the Mediterranean where it may have been prepping to join the British fleet off the Crimean coast.

Brits Defy

More recently, after the skirmish with the Defender, the HMS Prince of Wales, accompanied by a nuclear-powered submarine, the HMS Artful, joined the Defender as British Foreign Minister Dominick Raab announced that Britain would not be backing down and will continue to send warships into the Black Sea.  Raab cited unspecified Russian ‘provocations” and spoke like an old-fashioned imperialist

’we have every right to carry out peaceful passage through territorial waters of Ukraine in accordance with international laws and we will continue to act in the same way.”

In addition to luring the Russians to inadvertently cross a territorial demarcation, the Brits may also have their eye on possible seizure of Russia’s vitally valuable nuclear naval port located in Sevastapol on the Crimean coast or a daring run through the Kerch Straits leading directly to mainland Russia.  The port has been home to the Imperial Russian Navy, on and off, since 1783 until it fell into German hands during WWI and WWII.

Russian Reaction to Brit Menace

As a result of Raab’s bold assertion as well as Johnson’s cavalier dismissal, Lavrov who has served as Russia’s Foreign Minister since 2004, suggested that Russia will ‘respond harshly to unfriendly US steps’ even though the US has yet to sail into the Black Sea.  With a well-earned international reputation as a seasoned, discreet diplomat with mature judgement and judicial restraint, Lavrov went on to disclose that during the Putin/Biden Summit

Russian leader Putin clearly stated, including in public, that the result in all directions is possible only through finding a mutual balance of interest strictly on a parity basis.  No objections were sounded at the talks in Genevawith US President Joe Biden.  However,” Lavrov continued,almost immediately after they were over, US officials including participants at the Geneva meeting with redoubled force, started their previous lectures.”  Lavrov then imitated such as “We told Moscow; we clearly warned and outlined demands.  By the way, all these warnings come along with threats.  If Russia, within several months, failed to accept rules of the game as outlined in Geneva, it will be subject to new pressure.”   Lavrov went on to assert “The attempt to hold dialogue with us from the position of force are initially doomed to failure.  We will respond harshly and resolutely to unfriendly steps.  There is the need for fair cooperation if Washington really wants stable and predictable relations as it says…” and “ If the US continues to use force against Russia, we  will respond harshly.” 

Less-restrained-than-normal, Lavrov was suggesting that the Geneva meeting did not include any such threats or demands, that the US had not brought its A Game to Geneva and that there was no tough guy approach by Biden until the Americans left for home.  It was then that its deep state warmongers went into action and distorted the outcome.  Biden promised additional US sanctions only after the Geneva summit and Lavrov’s use of a ‘harsh response,’ in the diplomatic world, was indicative of a serious political breach suggesting that Biden is no more in control of foreign policy than Donald Trump.  Lavrov was clearly referring to the US, UK and NATO disregard of Russia’s sovereignty in the Black Sea.

After Lavrov’s comments, Ryabkov added that

US and Britain tried to open the Russian coastal defense system; and that provocateurs who continue to stage games in the Black Sea will be ‘hit in the nose’.

Somehow a pop in the nose would not appear to be the harsh response that Lavrov was referring to when Putin’s official spokesman Dmitry Peskov clarified Rybakov’s “ punch in the nose” comment.

I think our intelligence certainly knows who made a decision there (ie the situation with the British destroyer).  But certainly I think such operations are basically planned by senior partners from overseas.  And President Putin explained that thus some weak spots are sounded out, both in the system of monitoring border integrity and the response system.  This is indeed so.  Was very harsh and it is clear that no provocations should be repeated, the response will be in accordance with the Charter that says ‘to sink’.

In other words, Peskov, who is Putin’s right hand, is not only suggesting that the US is ultimately responsible for the Black Sea aggression but is also suggesting that upon further provocation, the Russians will sink a ship, presumably with its full crew on board.  Of note, Peskov speaks authoritatively only when he has been authorized to do so by Putin. He does not speak off the cuff or from his own personal opinion.   In other words, the US, UK and NATO have been warned.

With no coverage in the Mockingbird Media, the American public remains blissfully uninformed.  What exactly has Russia done in the last forty years to warrant the threat of a nuclear war?  Is the goal of Black Sea aggression to bring ‘freedom’ and democracy to Russia or is it to ‘liberate’ the Crimea?  Or is to punish Putin for being a Christian or a nationalist who believes in defending the sovereignty of his own country.  Or perhaps he is not enough of a deep state disciple or perhaps defeating the last remaining Bolseviks in the 1990s was a fatal error.

As if no second thoughts had been given to Peskov’s words, Royal Marine Brigadier Mark Totten recently announced for the entire world to know that UK Special Forces were about to begin new covert ‘politically treacherous tasks’ including maritime counterterrorist missions that will occur as partnered operations against “big state adversaries” on ‘higher risk’ missions.   In other words, Russia is being lured into the Black Sea, daring them to over-react and make a global size error of judgment or to be a strategically placed decoy so they can be blamed for any escalating military action.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found at [email protected].

Featured image: HMS Defender passes through Bosphorus on what turned out to be an eventful passage to Black Sea, June 14, 2021 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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SARS-CoV-2 like many other viruses contains genetic material called RNA. RNA fragments are so small, they are difficult to detect.

The PCR test doubles the fragments in what are called cycle thresholds and keeps doubling them until they have enough genetic material to identify.

It is worth noting that the WHO issued a statement on January 20th 2020 which invalidates the RT-PCR test. This is significant because the results of PCR test are used to justify all the measures taken by governments the lockdown and the vaccination program.  For further details see Michel Chossudovsky’s article entitled: 

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

Watch the video below to know more.


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Global Research Wants to Hear from You!

July 22nd, 2021 by The Global Research Team

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If Biden Wants to “Stand with the Cuban People,” He Can Ease the Cruel Blockade

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 22, 2021

The corporate media have been bashing the Cuban government in response to the recent protests in Cuba, while President Joe Biden claims, “We stand with the Cuban people.” But they ignore or minimize the leading cause of economic suffering in Cuba: the U.S.’s illegal and punishing economic blockade that Biden has left in place.

J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve

By Doctors for COVID Ethics, July 21, 2021

Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded more Injuries and Deaths from the ‘Covid’ vaccine roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.

18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

By Brian Shilhavy, July 21, 2021

Never before in modern, or even ancient history, have governments around the world acted in unison to force a medical procedure upon all their populations, and silence all dissenters who try to sound the warning alarm, which include tens of thousands of doctors and scientists.

Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths

By Megan Redshaw, July 21, 2021

America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID vaccines for anyone under 18, anyone with natural immunity or anyone who hasn’t received informed consent.

Graveyard of Empires

By Eric Margolis, July 21, 2021

Afghanistan was a war of lies, sustained by the powerful US and British media. President George W. Bush, a man of deep ignorance, launched this war to cover being caught sleeping by the 9/11 attacks.

Carbon Neutral Green Finance – China May Take the Lead into a Post-Pandemic World

By Peter Koenig, July 21, 2021

What happens in China is a different story. China is the only significant national economy – the second largest for now in absolute terms, and the largest in PPP (purchasing power parity terms) – that has put her economic and financial mechanism fully back on-stream.

The State of Our Nation: Still Divided, Enslaved and Locked Down

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 21, 2021

The state of our nation is politically polarized, controlled by forces beyond the purview of the average American, and rapidly moving the nation away from its freedom foundation.

Kremlin: Russian Hypersonic Missiles Reaction to U.S. Missile Shield Near Its Borders

By Rick Rozoff, July 21, 2021

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov was cited by TASS on July 20 confirming that his nation’s development of hypersonic missiles (five or more times the speed of sound) is a direct response to the American (and NATO it should be added) interceptor missile system being deployed against his nation near its western borders.


Enforcing US Exploitation: The IMF and the World Bank

By Rod Driver, July 21, 2021

Internal documents from the World Bank state clearly that the Bank expects the conditions attached to loans to cause civil unrest. The policies are misleadingly called ‘poverty reduction strategies’, yet they have created or maintained extreme poverty in many regions around the world.

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This Week’s Most Popular Articles

July 22nd, 2021 by Global Research News

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The corporate media have been bashing the Cuban government in response to the recent protests in Cuba, while President Joe Biden claims, “We stand with the Cuban people.” But they ignore or minimize the leading cause of economic suffering in Cuba: the U.S.’s illegal and punishing economic blockade that Biden has left in place.

Every U.S. president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has maintained the blockade against Cuba. Although former President Barack Obama was constrained by the 1996 Helms-Burton Act from completely lifting the blockade — which is now exclusively within the power of Congress — he took several steps to ease its effects on the Cuban people.

In 2015, Obama loosened restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba and ended some of the economic prohibitions between the U.S. and Cuba. He removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and facilitated the export of U.S internet hardware and telecommunications. Obama established increased cooperation between the two countries in intelligence-gathering, drug interdiction, scientific research and environmental protection.

But former President Donald Trump reversed the progress Obama had made and imposed 243 onerous new sanctions on Cuba as part of his “maximum pressure” strategy against Cuba. Those punishing sanctions, together with the pandemic, spelled disaster for the Cuban people. Trump also returned Cuba to the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Trump’s actions included restricting and then stopping remittances from family members outside Cuba. They blocked cruise ships and most flights to Cuba, even though tourism is central to Cuba’s economy. They reinstated a travel ban for U.S. tourists and prevented Cuba from buying medicines and medical supplies on the world market. Trump also slapped sanctions on the transportation of oil to Cuba from Venezuela, which provided one-third of Cuba’s oil in 2019.

During his presidential campaign, Biden repeatedly hitched his coattails to Obama’s star and promised to lift Trump’s sanctions against Cuba. But Biden has refused to end any of Trump’s sanctions on Cuba, even calling it a “failed state.” Ned Price, a U.S. State Department spokesman, dismissively called the embargo the “so-called embargo” and refused to admit that the ban on remittances was hurting the Cuban economy.

“If President Joe Biden really had humanitarian concerns for the Cuban people he would eliminate the 243 measures applied by President Donald Trump, including 50 imposed cruelly during the pandemic,” Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel wrote on his Twitter account.

Purpose of Embargo Was “to Bring About Hunger, Desperation and Overthrow of Government”

“[C]urrent events in Cuba are a direct consequence of the interventionism of the US government, be it of the Democratic or Republican Party, and their plans to suffocate the country and cause disorder and chaos, to destroy the Cuban Revolution and its example,” the American Association of Jurists, a nongovernmental organization with consultative status at the United Nations, said in a recent statement.

Indeed, since the 1959 Cuban Revolution, the U.S. government has sustained a cruel economic, financial and commercial embargo against Cuba. By pressuring other countries not to trade with Cuba, it has become a blockade. The U.S. embargo of Cuba was launched by Eisenhower in response to a 1960 memo written by a senior State Department official, which set forth the U.S. strategy for regime change in Cuba. The memo said:

The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship … every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba … a line of action which, while as adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.

For the last six decades, the blockade has caused the Cuban people immense suffering. But it has not succeeded in destroying the Cuban Revolution.

In 1997, the American Association for World Health concluded that the blockade had “dramatically harmed the health and nutrition of large numbers of ordinary Cuban citizens” and “caused a significant rise in suffering — and even deaths — in Cuba” as a result of “critical shortages of even the most basic medicines and medical hardware.”

Over the past six decades, the blockade has caused more than $134 billion in quantifiable losses as of 2018.

The blockade violates the U.N. Charter, which enshrines the right to self-determination of sovereign states and prohibits forcible regime change.

Sanctions — or unilateral coercive measures — constitute collective punishment of the civilian population, which is prohibited by the Geneva and Hague Conventions. They also violate the Charter of the Organization of American States, which prohibits intervention in the internal or external affairs of another country and the use of economic or political coercive measures “to force the sovereign will of another State.”

Blockade Exacerbates Suffering From the Pandemic

The blockade has exacerbated the suffering of the Cuban people during the pandemic. Conditions are dire in Cuba. There are long lines for food, water and supplies. And a gasoline shortage caused by the blockade is preventing food grown in the countryside from reaching the market in the cities. Speaking to protesters on July 12, Diaz-Canel explained that they have had to convert hotels to hospitals because of the spike in COVID-19 cases. This has caused electricity shortages.

Even before the pandemic, there were serious food, medical and fuel shortages. In 2020, seven UN special rapporteurs and independent experts concluded that the blockade was “obstructing humanitarian responses to help the country’s health-care system fight the COVID-19 pandemic.”

As a result of the pandemic, Cuba is unable to buy ventilators or personal protective equipment. It can’t receive financial transfers from foreign companies and humanitarian organizations. The blockade has had a “drastic effect on Cuba’s vaccine industry” by making it difficult to obtain the raw materials to make the vaccine, according to Oxfam.

“Even so, the state’s generous and long-term investment in health care and education means it was able to develop its own COVID vaccine — only to then face a shortage of syringes, the blockade making it difficult to buy them from manufacturers,” Branko Marcetic wrote at Jacobin.

In March, 80 House Democrats urged Biden to repeal the Trump administration’s “cruel policies against the Cuban people.” They told Biden that, “with the stroke of a pen, you can assist struggling Cuban families and promote a more constructive approach by promptly returning to the Obama–Biden Administration policy of engagement and normalization of relations.”

“The embargo is absurdly cruel and, like too many other U.S. policies targeting Latin Americans, the cruelty is the point,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) said in a statement. “I outright reject the Biden administration’s defense of the embargo. It is never acceptable for us to use cruelty as a point of leverage against every day people.” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva all laid the blame for the conditions in Cuba on U.S. policy.

Black Lives Matter condemned “the U.S. federal government’s inhumane treatment of Cubans” and urged it “to immediately lift the economic embargo,” which it called a “cruel and inhumane policy, instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining Cubans’ right to choose their own government,” noting that it is “at the heart of Cuba’s current crisis.”

In June, for the 29th straight year, the United Nations General Assembly condemned the U.S. embargo on Cuba. The vote was 184-2. Only the United States and Israel voted against the resolution.

The U.S. Has Defended Terrorism Against Cuba

Besides its cruel blockade, the U.S. government has encouraged and facilitated terrorism against Cuba while calling Cuba a “state sponsor of terrorism.”

Since 1959, anti-Cuba terror groups based in Miami have carried out several terrorist attacks against Cuba and people who advocated normalizing relations between the U.S. and Cuba. Those terrorist organizations include the Cuban American National Foundation, Alpha 66, Commandos F4, Independent and Democratic Cuba, and Brothers to the Rescue. They have operated with impunity in the United States — with full knowledge and support of the CIA and the FBI.

Luis Posada Carriles planted a bomb on a Cubana airliner in 1976, killing all 73 persons aboard. He has never been criminally prosecuted in the United States even though declassified FBI and CIA documents at the National Security Archive show that Posada Carriles was the mastermind of the airplane bombing.

In the face of this terrorism, five men from Cuba, known as “the Cuban Five,” gathered intelligence in Miami in order to prevent future terrorist acts against Cuba. They peacefully infiltrated criminal exile groups and then turned over the results of their investigation to the FBI. But instead of working with Cuba against terrorism, the U.S. government arrested the five men.

At trial, former high-ranking U.S. military and security officials testified that Cuba posed no military threat to the United States. None of the five Cuban men had any classified material in their possession or committed any acts to injure the United States. They were nonetheless convicted in 2001 of acting as unregistered Cuban agents in the United States and of conspiracy to commit espionage. The Cuban Five were sent to prison for many years and were eventually released.

The Obama administration removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. But Trump added Cuba back onto the list. The 80 House members also urged Biden “to reverse the recent politicized decision by the departing Trump Administration to add Cuba back to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. This designation will further damage Cuba’s economy and place another roadblock in your path towards improved relations.” The letter noted that, “Cuba was removed from the list in 2015 after an exhaustive review by experts at the State Department and in the Intelligence Community, and the Trump Administration did not cite any new facts to justify their decision.” Biden says he is reviewing the designation.

It is high time for Biden to make good on his pledge to reverse Trump’s sanctions against Cuba. Congress should listen to all of the countries of the world who have repeatedly urged the lifting of the punishing blockade of Cuba. It is time to end the U.S.’s economic war on Cuba.


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Copyright © Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the advisory board of Veterans for Peace. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues

She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OffGuardian