Global Research News

The Nuclear Near East! By Thierry Meyssan, March 16 2016

While the West was applying pressure on Iran to abandon its civilian nuclear programme, the Saudis were buying the atomic bomb from Israel or Pakistan. From now on, to everyone’s surprise, the Near East has become a nuclear zone, dominated

“Free Speech Zones”, the Rigged Economy and Organized Crime By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 16 2016

“What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think.” — Adolf Hitler

“It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to

Boston Bombing: Release of Tsarnaev’s Interrogation Notes Leads to More Questions By James Henry, March 16 2016

Heavily redacted notes from the hospital bed interrogation of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were released at the end of February. Most media reports about the documents focus on portions that portray Dzhokhar as having played an active role in building and detonating

Alleged Assassin of Bobby Kennedy: The Tortured Logic behind Sirhan Sirhan’s Parole Denial By Dr. Shane O'Sullivan, March 16 2016

In the newly released transcript of Sirhan Sirhan’s parole hearing on February 10, we discover why— at nearly 72 years of age — the convicted murderer of Bobby Kennedy “continues to pose an unreasonable risk of danger to society or

Hillary Clinton’s Link to a Nasty Piece of Work in Honduras By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 16 2016

A critical difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is their position on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, particularly Honduras, two years ago should be allowed to stay in the United States or be returned.

Sanders …

Russia’s Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 16 2016

American presstitutes, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, expressed surprise at Russia’s support for the Syrian ceasefire, which Russia has been seeking, by Putin’s halt to attacks on the Islamic State and a partial withdrawal

Jews vs. Non Jews in Israel: The New York Times’ Whitewash of Israeli Public Opinion Poll By James J. Zogby, March 16 2016

This past week, the Pew Research Centre released the results of a massive poll of Israeli public opinion — focusing on their attitude towards religion, identity, values and political issues facing their country.

In the days that followed the release, …

The Criminalization of Environmental and Human Rights Activists: Free Ethiopian Political Prisoners! By Grain, March 16 2016

Bread for All, Anywaa Survival Organisation, Inclusive Development International, Oakland Institute, GRAIN

One year after their arrest on March 15, 2015, three food, land, and human rights defenders continue to languish in an Ethiopian jail. After several court hearings, the

America Keeps Moving Towards World War… By Brian Cloughley, March 16 2016

Very few US official figures are known for their sense of irony, least of all the Defence Secretary Ashton Carter, and it is unfortunate that he and others lacking appreciation of unintentional absurdity would be unable to find dark amusement

Russia Partially Withdraws From Syria, Reinforces its Strategic and Advisory Capabilities. “Settlement of the Crisis by Peaceful Means”? By South Front, March 15 2016

Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered on Mar.14 the partial withdrawal of the Russian military from Syria, starting from March 15.

The Russian support has given the Syrian government has reversed the militants’ momentum. Now, the pro-government forces have the advantage.

The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 15 2016
The conflict in Syria is tied to a game plan that ultimately targets Iran, Syria’s number one ally. De-linking Syria from Iran been one of the objectives of the foreign-supported anti-government militias inside Syria.
“Entomological Warfare”: US Army Researched the Weaponizing of Mosquitoes By The Smoking Gun, March 15 2016

Since the Zika virus has been declared an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization, we’re revisiting a U.S. Army report detailing the military’s interest in the weaponization of mosquitoes.

So let the conspiracy theories fly.

The March …

Selected Articles: Mass Surveillance, Covert Operations. “Fight Terror” By Giving Up Your Civil Liberties By Global Research News, March 15 2016

BrainImperialism via Data: The Digitization of Human Behavior, “Social Radar”, Sensors and Neuroscience

By John Stanton, March 13 2016

… the topics alluded to in my 2007 paper have taken the form of four converging and accelerating movements that

Kerry’s Secret War Plan for Syria: Missile Strikes to Force Assad’s Ouster By Gareth Porter, March 15 2016

Jeffrey Goldberg’s newly published book-length article on Barack Obama and the Middle East includes a major revelation that brings Secretary of State John Kerry’s Syrian diplomacy into sharper focus: it reports that Kerry has sought on several occasions without success

‘Al-Qaeda’ Gunmen Storm Ivory Coast Beach Resort, 16 Reported Dead, Including ‘4 Europeans’ By RT, March 15 2016

An Al-Qaeda branch has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed 16 people at the Grand-Bassam beach resort on Cote d’Ivoire, which is known for being popular with Westerners.

Reports claim that four of the victims are Europeans.

Two gunmen …

The History of Hollywood: Propaganda for White Supremacy at Home and US Militarism Abroad By Garikai Chengu, March 15 2016

For centuries American film has been one of the most important apparatus used for perpetuating American white supremacy and justifying American military adventures.

Racism in film and white supremacy are so intricately interwoven into the fabric of America that they

European Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi’s Giant Giveaway; More Handouts for Wall Street By Mike Whitney, March 15 2016

Last week, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi announced a much bigger and wider-ranging stimulus package than anyone had expected. Unfortunately, the ECB’s bond buying program will have no impact on employment, business investment, inflation, lending or growth. It will,

Millions Join Protests in Brazil Demanding Ouster of Workers Party Government By Bill Van Auken, March 15 2016

Crowds estimated in the millions demonstrated in cities across Brazil Sunday demanding the ouster of the Workers Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores-PT) government and the country’s President Dilma Rousseff.

The largest of the rallies took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil’s financial …

America’s Laughable ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, March 15 2016

As of Friday March 4thdemocracy ended in Turkey, but you’d hardly have known it by reading the international ‘news’ at the major (and at most of the minor) US-based ‘news’ sites, as of around 4PM Eastern time

Assets and Liabilities… And “Debt Saturation” By Bill Holter, March 15 2016

We live in a world where the difference between assets and liabilities has been blurred. In the old days, an asset was something you “owned” while a liability was something you “owed”. Over the years as everything became securitized, someone

Gay Rights and the Marriage Equality Vote in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 15 2016

If ever there was a situation where everyone would lose, some more heavily than others, it would be a plebiscite about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) rights on the marriage equality issue. 

Australia is facing that very point, …

Feeding the Bank Balance or Feeding the World: GMOs, Development and the Politics of Unhappiness By Colin Todhunter, March 15 2016

Modern state-corporate capitalism is stripping the environment bare through unsustainable levels of consumption. It is legitimised by a deceitful ideology that attempts to justify and sell a system which by its very nature is designed to benefit a minority at

US Court Accuses Iran of Sponsoring the 9/11 Attacks. “Ridiculous” and “Absurd” By Press TV, March 15 2016

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman [Hossein Jaberi Ansari, image left] has slammed as “unjust”, “ridiculous” and “absurd” a US court ruling against the Islamic Republic over the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

On Monday, Hossein Jaberi Ansari described

Berta Cáceres: Murder of Mother Linked to ‘Green’ Bank, Mining Companies and Hillary Clinton By Marianne Edwards, March 15 2016

Berta Cáceres was an award-winning land activist, a leader in her community and a mother of four. She was shot four times while in bed, at 1am on 2 March. As a founding member of the Civic Council of Indigenous

U.S. Government Blames 9/11 on Iran, Fines Iran $10.5 Billion; Iran Refuses to Pay By Eric Zuesse, March 15 2016

On March 14th, Iran announced that it will never pay the $10.5B that a U.S. court demanded it pay for the 9/11 attacks.

The same Bill-Clinton-appointed judge who had ruled, on 29 September 2015, that Saudi Arabia has sovereign immunity

Regime Change in Thailand? Ousted Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in New York By Tony Cartalucci, March 15 2016

US special interests have been pursuing a decades-long regional agenda in Southeast Asia in an attempt to create a united supranational front with which to confront Beijing.

Exposed first in the “Pentagon Papers” in the 1970’s, it was revealed that

Palestine Becomes A Full Member Of “The Court Of Arbitration” By IMEMC, March 15 2016

On Monday, Palestine was awarded a full membership in the Permanent Court of Arbitration, after 57 countries votes in favor, 24 abstained and zero voted against.

The Palestinian application was filed to Holland on January 29, 2015, officially requesting …

Emails Show Hillary Clinton Aides Celebrating F-15 Jet Fighter Sales to Saudi Arabia: “Good News” By Lee Fang, March 15 2016

The shockingly brutal Saudi air campaign in Yemen has been led by American-made F-15 jet fighters.

The indiscriminate bombing of civilians and rescuers from the air has prompted human rights organizations to claim that some Saudi-led strikes on Yemen may …

An Incredible Election Year in America By Jack A. Smith, March 15 2016

Few Americans can remember witnessing a presidential campaign as extraordinary and fraught with extreme negative and some positive connotations as that taking place this year. Substantial sectors of both the Republican and Democratic parties are engaged in an unexpected open

Defeating a Demagogue: It Has Happened Before. The McCarthy Era By Greg Guma, March 15 2016

Donald Trump has taken to calling Bernie Sanders a Communist, another example of his willingness to scapegoat, distort and incite people for political gain. But this isn’t the first time a demagogue has deceived America, or that a Vermonter took

Video: Arms and Drug Trafficking in Africa. The Role of Boko Haram By South Front, March 15 2016

According to Afripol, Boko Haram’s main source of the revenue is protection of drug and arms trafficking in Central and West Africa. This information is confirmed by detained Boko Haram militants detained during the African Union’s military operation against the

Hillary Clinton’s Upset in the Michigan Democratic Primary By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 15 2016

Electorate needs more than boisterous rhetoric and failed policies

Democratic Party bosses and corporate media pundits were taken aback on Tuesday March 8 when they grossly miscalculated the strength of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign in the state of Michigan.

Does Congress Represent American Citizens or Israeli Settlers? By Anthony Bellchambers, March 15 2016

1. Congress comprises the House of Representatives with 435 members plus 100 members in the Senate. So altogether Congress has 535 voting members. The US Constitution provides that in the majority of foreign policy decisions, and also in domestic legislation,

Targeting Climate Change Scientists: The CSIRO Folly in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 15 2016

Our climate and environmental scientists are some of the best in the world.  We wouldn’t stop supporting our elite Olympic athletes just as they’re winning gold medals. – Andrew Holmes, President, Australian Academy of Science, Feb 9, 2016

It is …

U.S. Strategy to Dominate Horn of Africa: Attacks in Somalia Expose “Failure” of Decade-long War By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 15 2016

Bombings and ground campaign have not brought stability to the country

On March 7 the Pentagon announced that it had killed 150 members of the Al-Shabaab guerrilla movement in a bombing operation in Somalia.

These military actions are part and …

Moscow Announces “Mission Accomplished”. Russian Forces Withdraw from Syria? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14 2016
The announcement indicates that the real “war on terrorism” has largely been won by Syrian government forces with the support of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. The (US sponsored) terrorists have been defeated. Unofficially, it’s a slap in the face for Washington.
Selected Articles: Update on the War in Syria By Global Research News, March 14 2016

weapons-seized-LAU-army-Sweida-1Video: Syria’s Popular Defense Groups Ambush Terrorists, Confiscate Israeli-Made Weapons

By R. Milhem and H. Said, March 13 2016

The popular defense groups confiscated amounts of ammunition, different sorts of shells and weapons in the northern countryside of Sweida

Syria: Islamic State (ISIS) Forces Decimated by SAA and Russian Air Force By South Front, March 14 2016

Last weekend, the Russian Air Force continued to carry out air raids against ISIS concentration centers near the city of Palmyra in the province of Homs.

The Russian warplanes hit ISIS militants along the Sukhanah-Palmyra road inflicting a major damage

Protecting America’s Bees. Bee Depopulation linked to Pesticides. Failure of the US Government By Andrea Germanos, March 14 2016

Echoing charges made by conservation organizations, a new report from the Government Accountability Office finds that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) need to step up their actions in order to protect bees.

The report

UK Bill Hands Vast Surveillance Powers to Police and Intelligence Agencies By Barry Mason, March 14 2016

On March 1, Home Secretary Theresa May published the Investigatory Powers Bill (IPB), known by critics as the “snooper’s charter”.

It enshrines in law the previously hidden mass gathering of Internet data by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spying agency, …

Ankara Rocked by Second Terror Attack. Ban on Social Media in Turkey including Facebook and Twitter By Sputnik, March 14 2016

A second deadly terror attack rocked the Turkish capital Ankara on Sunday, claiming the lives of 37 people and wounding 125, less than a month after another bomb left 29 dead in the city; although there was no immediate claim

Former Agent of Swedish Security Police Dictated Amnesty Sweden’s Stance against Julian Assange By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, March 14 2016

In December 2010 a close collaboration between Sweden and the CIA and FBI was exposed in the international media: an intelligence collaboration between Sweden and US agencies that was kept secret from the Swedish public, and even from the Swedish

US-trained Chechen ISIS Commander Abu Omar al-Shishani Survives US Assassination Strike By Thomas Gaist, March 14 2016

Celebrations of the death of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria commander Abu Omar al-Shishani were premature, US media acknowledged late this week. The ISIS leader, whose death at the hands of a US airstrike was touted by US outlets

Syrian Ceasefire: Israel’s Collusion with the “Moderate Terrorists” Exposed… By Harrison Koehli, March 14 2016

Yesterday, two more Syrian towns joined the ceasefire agreement, making for a total of 44 who have signed on. The number of armed groups who have signed the truce remains 42, but active negotiations are being held with three more.

New Group of Syrian Opposition Formed, Supported by Russia By ITAR-TASS, March 14 2016

Featured image: Technicians at Syria’s Hmeimim airport. [Dmitriy Vinogradov/RIA Novosti]

A new Syrian opposition group has been formed at a meeting at Russia’s Hmeimim base and it may come to Geneva, Russian Ambassador to the UN and other international organizations

Donald Trump: You’re all Violent Communists Now! By Michael T. Bucci, March 14 2016

According to Donald Trump, as I understand it, Bernie Sanders is responsible for any violence that has or will occur at Trump rallies. Case closed? Bernie is a “Communist”; and his followers are “leftists” who “want to destroy this country!”

Syria: US-Backed “Moderate Rebels” Attacked by “US-Backed” Al-Nusra Rebels By RT, March 14 2016

In what could be one of the worst failures of the Pentagon’s program to arm Syrian rebels, several bases with American weapons, armored vehicles and US-trained fighters were plundered by Al-Nusra Front. The jihadists and “moderate rebels” are blaming each

Proof that Ignorance Drives Hillary Clinton’s Voters By Eric Zuesse, March 14 2016

Although no organization that predictively polls the Democratic Presidential primaries has sampled the question (or its equivalent) “What is the most important reason why you prefer that candidate?” the assumption by political pundits has always been that, regarding Hillary Clinton

Iran’s Scientific Diplomacy: Can the World Unite to Explore the Universe for the Sake of Science or is it Just a Dream? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 14 2016

Featured image: One of the most significant thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age, Avicenna, who is considered a national icon in Iran.

Since the West (the P5 +1) and Iran agreed to a nuclear deal, there has been criticisms from

Can Europe Survive? The EU’s Horses of the Apocalypse By Roberto Savio, March 14 2016

The last formal act of European disintegration was the last negotiation between 28 European leaders and the Prime Minister of Turkey. The deal, against all international treaties, is a total capitulation to European values.

Europe will give Turkey 6 billion

Latin America’s “Dirty War”: How Much Did the US Know About the Kidnapping, Torture, and Murder of Over 20,000 People in Argentina? By Martin Edwin Andersen, March 14 2016

Dear Mr. President,

After a historic visit to Cuba, later this month on March 24, you plan to be in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on the 40th anniversary of a vicious military coup that resulted in the secret kidnapping, torture, and

‘Operation Barbarossa 2’: “Overpopulation” and the Funding of World War III By Peter Koenig, March 14 2016
Wars are essential for the survival of our western growth-based economic system. Wars create needs for more wars and armed conflicts – wars propel a vicious spiral of conflict dependency.
“Militarized” Refugees – “A Success Story” By Jim Miles, March 14 2016

Current events in Syria and the broader Middle East have brought forth the idea of “militarized” refugees.  This is not a new concept but its present incarnation comes most clearly from General Breedlove – a misnomer if there ever was

Caught On Tape: Secret Service Agents Storm Stage To Protect Donald Trump By Zero Hedge, March 14 2016

Shortly after beginning his speech at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, Donald Trump was rapidly surrounded by Secret Service agents after an audience member grew increasingly raucous to the point of Trump appearing to duck at hearing a noise. Trump

Media Manufacture Narrative of U.S. Benevolence Towards Cuba By Matt Peppe, March 14 2016
Last month Cuban baseball stars and brothers Lourdes and Yulieski Gourriel left the national team in the Dominican Republic in order to pursue careers in Major League Baseball. It was reported widely from the official Communist Party newspaper Granma to 
Money, Power and Oil. Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails By Ellen Brown, March 14 2016
Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people from a "dictator" than about money, banking, and preventing African economic sovereignty.
The Future Doesn’t Like You By Anthony Freda, March 14 2016

The future is a place where people will believe that giving up their liberty will help fight terror and save the Earth.

(It will do neither)

The future is a place where your every move will be recorded, tracked and …

Turkey “Invades” Syria on the Eve of Geneva “Peace Talks” By Joachim Hagopian, March 14 2016
Witnessing his Ottoman Empire remake dream crumbling on the ground in northern Syria, President Recep Erdogan launched his highly touted (mini-)invasion into Syria
Selected Articles: Conflict in Ukraine. Oligarchy and Militarism Collude. By Global Research News, March 13 2016

map of ukraine globalresearch.caConflict Heats Up in Ukraine. Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) Versus the Donbass and Lugansk militias

By South Front, March 08 2016

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released a statement this February regarding the casualties sustained in

Boom Town: Iraq’s Kurdish Region Flourishes Amidst Warfare By Randy Johnson, March 13 2016

Amid massive conflict and upheaval, Iraqi Kurdistan has leveraged its natural resources in an effort to gain independence.

Recent conflicts with Islamic State (ISIS), as well as economic difficulties from the global downturn in the oil industry, are 

Drugs, Dams, and Power: the Murder of Honduras Activist Berta Cáceres By Danielle Marie Mackey, March 13 2016

Early in the morning on March 3, in La Esperanza, Honduras, unidentified men broke into the home of the environmental activist Berta Cáceres and murdered her. Cáceres was the cofounder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Movements of

Hillary Clinton’s Destruction of Emails Was a Federal Crime By Eric Zuesse, March 13 2016

However, our laws have been written so as to protect government officials, and corporate executives, if and when they are prosecuted for it. This leaves considerable discretion for prosecutors and judges to let them off the hook; and, as a

Video: Syria’s Popular Defense Groups Ambush Terrorists, Confiscate Israeli-Made Weapons By R. Milhem and H. Said, March 13 2016

The popular defense groups confiscated amounts of ammunition, different sorts of shells and weapons in the northern countryside of Sweida province, foiling terrorists’ attempt to transfer them through al-Lajat area to terrorists positioned in Eastern al-Badiya (desert).

A source at …

Israeli Aircrafts Drop Toxic Materials on Jordan Valley’s West Bank By The Palestinian Information Center, March 13 2016

Poisonous substances were dropped from Israeli aircrafts in Palestinian agricultural and residential areas in the Jordan Valley on Friday, according to local sources.

Azem Mohamed, coordinator of agricultural relief projects in Jordan Valley, said that the Israeli side justified its …

Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Syria: Rebellion against the Islamic State in Raqqa, Retreat of ISIS Forces in Southeastern Aleppo. Air Raids on ISIS in Palmyra By South Front, March 13 2016

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are continuing to clash against ISIS in Southeastern Aleppo. On Wednesday, the pro-government forces seized the villages of Shabib, Kharbeel, ‘Akeel, Al-Qalay’at, and Sirada in Khanasser Plains expanding a buffer zone along

Good Old American Taxes Dollars Funding Nazi Forces Of The Ukraine Government By NovoRossia Today, March 13 2016

Readers may remember when, with a defense authorization bill in debate last June, two congressmen advanced an amendment banning military assistance to “openly neo-Nazi” and “fascist” militias waging war against Ukraine’s eastern regions. John Conyers and Ted Yoho got two

Obama in Cuba: Will the Visit Advance the US Cultural War Against Cubans? By Arnold August, March 13 2016

There are several aspects to this cultural war, in its broadest sense, which is presently being waged against Cuban socialist culture. One of these themes is the massive US media war and political disinformation campaign on the issue of civil

Why Is Canada Keeping the New “Secret” Continental Climate Deal with Obama under Wraps? By Gordon Laxer, March 13 2016

Behind the glamour of the vogue power couple from Canada being hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama for a dinner at the White House, lies a secret continental climate strategy the two leaders will reportedly sign.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau …

Ten Years Since the “Extrajudicial” Assassination of Slobodan Milosevic. NATO’s Responsibility By Christopher Black, March 13 2016

On March 11, 2006, President Slobodan Milosevic died in a NATO prison.

No one has been held accountable for his death. In the 10 years since the end of his lonely struggle to defend himself and his country against the

The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13 2016

This incisive article was first published by GR in February 2010

Is offshore outsourcing good or harmful for America? To convince Americans of outsourcing’s benefits, corporate outsourcers sponsor misleading one-sided “studies.”

Only a small handful of people have looked objectively …

In Alliance with Al-Qaida, Israel Is Stealing Syria’s Oil By Uprooted Palestinians, March 13 2016

Israel steps up oil drilling in Golan

Israel is moving forward with plans to drill for oil in the occupied Golan Heights, despite warnings that the move violates international law.

For the last year, Afek, an Israeli subsidiary …

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker Damns Obama’s Plan for Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, March 13 2016

Jean-Claude Juncker, the most powerful person in Europe, the chief of the European Commission and therefore Europe’s closest equivalent to America’s President, said, in a little-noticed comment on March 3rd, “Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member

Imperialism via Data: The Digitization of Human Behavior, “Social Radar”, Sensors and Neuroscience By John Stanton, March 13 2016

In 2007 I wrote and presented a conceptual paper to an international studies group in Portugal. The subject matter was, generally, the use of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience (ECN) to manage humanity. That paper would eventually finds its way, remarkably, into

Canada’s Military Role in Haiti’s “UN Stabilization Mission” By Yves Engler, March 13 2016

Do Black (Haitian) lives matter to Canada’s leading ‘left-wing’ foreign-policy think tank? Apparently not as much as having the corporate media mention their work by getting in bed with militarism disguised as peacekeeping.

At the start of Black History Month …

Targeting China? Australian Military Bases for US bombers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 13 2016

Subservience is a terrible state, not merely because of its indignities, but its distortions. Speech from the main political centre is garbled and marred, ever mediated by the higher power. Media releases from departments from the vassal or satrap state

The Giant Lie About Fukushima By Prof. Karl Grossman, March 13 2016

 With the third anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe coming next week, the attempted Giant Lie about the disaster continues—a suppression of information, an effort at dishonesty of historical dimensions.

It involves international entities, especially the …

British Consensus For an Independent Palestinian State. Five Million Still under Israeli Military Occupation By Anthony Bellchambers, March 13 2016

‘University College London Union has this week adopted BDS as official policy’.

In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland; in Oxford and London and on university campuses throughout the United Kingdom, there is growing anger at the intransigence and complete

Ukraine, America’s “Lebensraum”. Is Washington Preparing to Wage War on Russia? By Prof. John McMurtry, March 13 2016
Ukraine was and remains a breadbasket of the world, not much mentioned in Western reports as US-led corporate globalization now sweeps East.
Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy By Michael Welch and Linda Pentz Gunter, March 13 2016

The Fukushima disaster is not over and will never end.

The radioactive fallout which remains toxic for hundreds to thousands of years covers large swaths of Japan will never be ‘cleaned up’ and will contaminate food, humans and animals

Welcome to the Empire of Chaos By Ulson Gunnar, March 13 2016

When globe-trotting journalist and keen geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar refers to the United States as the “Empire of Chaos,” it may seem like hyperbole. But upon looking deeper at both Escobar’s coverage and the United States’ foreign policy itself, it