Global Research News

Canada and the American Empire: US Military Personnel Seeking Refuge in Canada By Michael Welch, April 03 2016

‘The StatsCan mantra is “you will be prosecuted, fined and jailed” if you don’t comply with the census…The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the American military through Lockheed Martin Corporation (contractor) and IBM (sub-contractor) will in time

From Adolf Hitler to George W. Bush: US Capitalism’s Unbroken Link By William Bowles, April 03 2016

Image: Prescott Bush

This article by William Bowles was first written in 2003. Original source

When I started putting this essay together, it started out as investigation of Richard Armitage as a typical example of the kind of people

Human Rights: Dispossessing the Indigenous Sámi People in Finland By Justin Kenrick, April 03 2016

The ancient forest of Białowieża [image left] – the last remaining primeval forest in the European lowlands – straddles the Polish/ Belarus border, and is the last home of wild European bison. It is now under threat from a Polish

Ukraine-EU Association: From Self-Determination to Foreign Domination By Ulson Gunnar, April 02 2016

Though none actually leading the 2013-2014 Euromaidan putsch would seriously claim that the unrest was aimed at preserving Ukrainian self-determination and independence, many who took to the streets believed this to be so. They believed that Russia possessed unwarranted influence

Will Lebanon Be ‘Handed Over’ to the ISIS? By Andre Vltchek, April 02 2016

Now that the Syrian armed forces have liberated Palmyra, President al Assad has thanked Vladimir Putin and the Russian people for the substantial support they provided to his country. Side by side, Syria and Russia have been fighting against the

Selected Articles: China, Cuba, Turkey, Qatar and…Credit Suisse! By Global Research News, April 02 2016

usa-chinaChina-US Relations and the South China Sea: President Xi Jinping in Washington

By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2016

Sino/US relations are less than cordial. Beijing justifiably rejects Washington wanting dominion over part of the world not its own –

Obama’s Fake Air War on ISIS By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2016

Con man credentials are required to become US president – being a master deceiver and serial liar. His war on terrorism, especially on ISIS, is a complete fabrication. 

The Wall Street Journal supplied the latest evidence unintentionally, reporting on ISIS …

Bystanders look on at the carnage following a suicide car bombing in the Yemeni city of Aden (AFP)
VIDEO: Yemen’s Forgotten People in a Forgotten War By 21st Century Wire, April 02 2016

Featured image:  Bystanders look on at the carnage following a suicide car bombing in the Yemeni city of Aden (AFP)

As the Syrian Army and its Russian partners gradually regain control of the disaster created by Washington and its NATO

Fidel and Obama in Cuba: Now THAT Is Historic! By Arnold August, April 02 2016

Much has been written and said about Obama’s trip to Cuba in the context of the developing Cuba–US relations. One of the themes deals with the historic nature of the trip. Some commentators say that it was historic. Others are

Turkey Sends Weapons to Daesh Terrorists in Syria Under the Disguise of “Humanitarian Aid Convoys” By Press TV, April 02 2016

Russia’s envoy to the United Nations (UN) says he has submitted to the Security Council purported evidence of the illicit transfer of arms and military hardware by Turkey to Daesh terrorist group in Syria.

“The main supplier of weapons and …

For the First Time Ever, A Majority of Americans Oppose Fracking and Nuclear Power By Washington's Blog, April 02 2016

Gallup reported on March 18th:

For the first time since Gallup first asked the question in 1994, a majority of Americans say they oppose nuclear energy.

The 54% opposing it is up significantly from 43% a year ago, while the

Cleaning Up Hillary’s Libyan Mess By Robert Parry, April 02 2016

Hillary Clinton’s signature project as Secretary of State – the “regime change” in Libya – is now sliding from the tragic to the tragicomic as her successors in the Obama administration adopt increasingly desperate strategies for imposing some kind of

Obama’s Nuclear Summit Underscores Danger of War By Peter Symonds, April 02 2016

US President Barack Obama yesterday concluded the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, involving more than 50 countries, with a bland statement highlighting his presidency’s supposed achievements in limiting the spread of nuclear weapons. In reality, the Obama administration has greatly

Clinton, Sanders Clash Intensifies in New York By Patrick Martin, April 02 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lashed out on several occasions Thursday against supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and critics of her right-wing political record, amid reports suggesting that her poll lead in both New York state and nationally

The Nuclear Security Summit: Russia Will Not Come to Washington “to Kiss Obama’s Ring” By Lyuba Lulko, April 02 2016

Russia does not take part in the two-day nuclear security summit in Washington. Does it mean that Russia is not worried about the nuclear crisis in the DPRK (North Korea) or the dirty bomb of the Islamic State?

According to

Credit Suisse on the Brink of the Abyss By FRCS, April 02 2016

Credit Suisse’s ability to survive in its present form is threatened by the latest revelations of past mismanagement and dysfunctional trading.

Follow our Blog which will carry the latest updates as the drama unfolds.

CS CEO Tidjane Thiam [image left] …

China-US Relations and the South China Sea: President Xi Jinping in Washington By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2016

Sino/US relations are less than cordial. Beijing justifiably rejects Washington wanting dominion over part of the world not its own – its longstanding imperial agenda, intruding where it doesn’t belong, belligerently at its discretion.

Obama and Chinese leader Xi Jinping

Video: The Liberation of Syria, the Demise of ISIS: Air Raids against Remaining ISIS Positions By South Front, April 02 2016

The Syrian Arab Army’s engineering units have started repairing and reconstructing of Palmyra military airport in order to resume its routine activities and operations. The airport will likely become an important air base for the Syrian army’s military choppers and

The World Cup and Workers’ Human Rights in Qatar. “The Ugly Side of the Beautiful Game” By James M. Dorsey, April 02 2016
A new report from Amnesty International slams Qatar for not living up to promises to improve workers’ rights and adds to a growing international criticism of Qatar’s inability to properly implement adopted policies.

World Cup host Qatar and FIFA are …

Cuba’s Support For Revolutions, Self-Defense Remains Largely Intact Despite Western Propaganda By Caleb T. Maupin, April 02 2016

President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Cuba has been roundly condemned by his right-wing opponents. The fact that the visit coincided with the Brussels bombing has not been omitted from conservative diatribes.

The conservative press voiced further outrage when …

A New Cultural Geography of East Asia: Imagining A ‘Region’ through Popular Culture By Nissim Otmazgin, April 02 2016

The majority of studies on regional formation in East Asia (both Northeast and Southeast Asia) have focused on economic integration and institutional build-up initiated by states. Developments in the field of contemporary society and culture, however, have been largely overlooked.

Erdogan Thugs Rough-up Press, Protesters in Washington – No Outrage From White House By Patrick Henningsen, April 02 2016

NATO’s ugly stepchild, Turkey, has been having trouble of late.

After shooting down a Russian jet back in November and then lying about it after-the-fact, Turkey was then exposed for its seedy role in facilitating the flow of oil stolen

Sharon and Netanyahu: Two Failed Likud Leaders of Political Zionism By Anthony Bellchambers, April 02 2016

As Binyamin Netanyahu enters his final term as Likud leader, he will likely be remembered merely as a pale emulation of his predecessor, Ariel Sharon [image left]. The exception being that Netanyahu has not quite earned the degree of opprobrium

Selected Articles: Poverty and Social Inequality By Global Research News, April 01 2016
USA récession

The Winds of a New Economic Recession Gather Force in the United States

By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, April 01 2016

…inflation has not increased in any significant way and unemployment has been chronic in more than 30 states of

Hillary’s Latest Bow to AIPAC. “Backs State Terrorism against Palestinians” By Ralph Nader, April 01 2016

It is well known to Washington political observers that politicians invited to speak at the annual, giant AIPAC convention ask for suggested talking points from this powerful pro-Israeli government lobby. Hillary Clinton’s pandering speech must have registered close to 100%

For Israel’s Sake The Israel Lobby Must Be Held To Account. “The Lobby’s Power is a Danger to Israel” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 01 2016

It was ten years ago that the London Review of Books published an article on the Israel Lobby by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, distinguished scholars at two of America’s top universities.  The following year the publisher, Farrar,

Neoliberal Economists Attack Bernie Sanders By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 01 2016

As U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has gained momentum in the presidential primaries, the attacks on his proposed economic programs have grown proportionally.

Leading the assault have been supporters of Hillary Clinton, especially Paul Krugman, and other “stars” of the …

US Deploying Additional Armored Brigades to Russian Border By Thomas Gaist, April 01 2016

The United States Army in Europe plans to significantly bolster its military presence in Eastern Europe, US European Command officials said on Wednesday.

By February 2017, the US military plans to maintain a “permanent footprint” of three combat brigades stationed …

Poverty and Social Inequality in Canada: The Debate on Basic Income and Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI) By John Clarke, April 01 2016

Both the Trudeau Liberals in Ottawa and the Wynne Government at Queen’s Park in Toronto have been making noises of late on the subject of Basic Income. The last Ontario Budget, in fact, declared an intention to carry out a

Expensive Weapons of Mass Destruction: As Saudi and Allies Bombard Yemen, US Clocks up $33 Billion Arms Sales in Eleven Months By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 01 2016

Sometimes even to the most towering cynic, American hypocrisy is more than breathtaking.

As they lambast their latest “despot”, Syria’s President Assad – a man so popular in his country and the region that the US Embassy in Damascus had,

The Winds of a New Economic Recession Gather Force in the United States By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, April 01 2016

Many have insisted on promoting the idea that the recovery of the United States economy is gathering strength for some time. Even high level functionaries of international financial organisms have declared that the North American economy has managed to escape

The Kunduz MSF Hospital Killers Go Free. Pentagon says Hospital “Targeted by Mistake” By Media Lens, April 01 2016

On the night of October 3, 2015, a United States Air Force AC-130 gunship repeatedly attacked a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

Forty-two people were killed and dozens wounded. The US military plane had conducted five strafing

French Workers, Youth Defy State of Emergency to Protest Austerity Policies By Anthony Torres, April 01 2016

Masses of workers and youth, 1.2 million according to union sources and 390,000 according to police, protested Thursday across France against the labour law reform of Labour Minister Myriam El Khomri. Defying the anti-democratic state of emergency imposed by President

Donald Trump and Almost Two Thirds of Americans Are Wrong: Torture Makes Us LESS SAFE By Washington's Blog, April 01 2016

Trump has called for more waterboarding and torture of suspected terrorists.

The American people agree. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll poll shows that 63% of Americans – 82% of Republicans and 53% of Democrats – believe torture of suspected terrorists is

Judge Rules Hillary Clinton Exhibited ‘Wrong-Doing and Bad Faith’ By Eric Zuesse, April 01 2016

A U.S. District Court Judge ruled, on Tuesday March 29th, that in the civil matter of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, “there is evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith.” Consequently, he has granted to Clinton’s adversary in the

U.S. Double Standards Human Rights: Thailand vs. Saudi Arabia By Tony Cartalucci, April 01 2016

The Southeast Asian nation of Thailand has found itself repeatedly in the spotlight regarding labor practices, and in particular those among its shrimp and fishing production industry where Western media sources continue to focus on the use of migrant workers

Dark Forces Behind Anti-Trumpism By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2016

America is a one-party state with two wings, its bipartisan supported rogue state agenda threatening world peace, its money controlled electoral process too corrupted to fix.

Democracy is pure fantasy. Voters have no say whatever. Party bosses complicit with Wall

Donald Trump and the Liberal Intelligentsia: a View from Europe By Jean Bricmont, April 01 2016

A new specter haunts the American elites: the candidacy of Donald Trump in the US President election and his success so far in the Republican primaries. The Republican establishment itself hopes to block his rise, even as he is drawing

Selected Articles: Intelligence and Covert Action By Global Research News, March 31 2016

gaza-blockade-2How Israel Makes Money from Blockading Gaza

By Ryan Rodrick Beiler, March 31 2016

Palestinians whose livelihoods are forcibly enmeshed in Israel’s economic system are often used as human shields against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

Climate Disruption in Overdrive: Submerged Cities and Melting That “Feeds on Itself” By Dahr Jamail, March 31 2016

As the presidential campaign circus dominates headlines across the US, glaring signs the planet is undergoing abrupt anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) abound.

A major study published in Nature Climate Change shows that the planet is warming a stunning 50 times

Hillary Clinton is No Worse than Barack Obama By Margaret Kimberley, March 31 2016

In December, 2010, Barack Obama cut a deal to extend Republican tax cuts for the rich. In response Bernie Sanders took to the Senate floor in an eight-hour long filibuster against the betrayal. Obama responded by calling in Bill Clinton

War: The Great Unmentionable in the 2016 US Elections By Joseph Kishore, March 31 2016

The most striking feature of the 2016 US election campaign is the virtual absence of discussion of what is by far the most serious issue facing the people of the United States and the world, looming over everything else: the

Syria: How The Palmyra Victory Changes the Narrative By Moon of Alabama, March 31 2016

The liberation of Palmyra is a decisive turning point in the war on Syria. While there were earlier military successes by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies, the publicity value of securing the valued Roman ruins of Palmyra is

No Academic Freedom in Turkey. University Professors Arrested by Erdogan Government By Bianet, March 31 2016

Boğaziçi University academic members have expressed that their colleagues Esra Mungan [image left], Kıvanç Ersoy, Muzaffer Kaya, Meral Camcı and Chris Stephenson have practiced their right to freedom of expression. They demanded release of the academics.

Colleagues of Asst. Prof. …

How Did the Islamic State Capture Raqqa? By Petri Krohn, March 31 2016

While most of humanity rejoices the liberation of Palmyra, some Western pundits have trouble deciding which is worse, the Islamic State or ‘Assad’. After the most hardcore of the West’s warmongering press finally acknowledged that the Syrian ‘regime’

Fracking, Not Just Fracking Wastewater Injection, Causing Earthquakes in Western Canada. Study By Steve Horn, March 31 2016

A groundbreaking study published today in Seismological Research Letters has demonstrated a link, for the first time, between hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for oil and gas and earthquakes. 

Hydraulic Fracturing and Seismicity in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin” confirms …

Daesh and Its Looted Antiquities Trade Via Turkey By Sputnik, March 31 2016

While thoroughly studying the bundles of documents obtained upon gathering material for its new film on Daesh’s activities in Syria, the RT Documentary crew discovered that in addition to routing oil and weapons trafficking through Turkey, the jihadists also organized

Governments Admit that Much of Modern History Has Been Manipulated By False Flag Attacks By Washington's Blog, March 31 2016

In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos:

(1) As admitted by secret Russian police files that are …

Saudi Arabia War Crimes, Arms and Embargoes By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 31 2016

It is the great moral message these days amongst the righteous Western participants in Middle Eastern crusades: restrict tyranny and despotism, fight theocracies, embrace values of openness.  Such a mission is seemingly imperilled by the workings of the Kingdom of

Intelligence Accounts Raise More Questions on Origins of Brussels, Paris Attacks By Alex Lantier, March 31 2016

Accounts of US and European intelligence’s monitoring of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) make ever clearer that the key ingredient in ISIS terror attacks in Brussels and last year in Paris was the support of factions of the

International Injustice: the Conviction of Radovan Karadzic By Diana Johnstone, March 31 2016

Last Thursday, news reports were largely devoted to the March 22 Brussels terror bombings and the US primary campaigns. And so little attention was paid to the verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal for (former) Yugoslavia (ICTY) finding Bosnian Serb

How Israel Makes Money from Blockading Gaza By Ryan Rodrick Beiler, March 31 2016

Palestinians whose livelihoods are forcibly enmeshed in Israel’s economic system are often used as human shields against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

The frequent accusation made by critics is that boycotts of Israeli businesses, especially settlement businesses, will

Images: Libya's so-called freedom-fighting "moderates" literally just repainted their trucks after NATO's 2011 intervention, becoming ISIS' Libyan branch. The US now finds itself justifying yet another military intervention in Libya to fight the very terrorists it helped arm and put into power in 2011.
Five Years into the Libyan Disaster By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 31 2016

Sham ‘unity’ regime creates further divisions in North African state

A half decade after the United States led destabilization and bombing of Libya, the attempts by imperialism to establish a stable neo-colonial dominated regime has not materialized.

On March 19, …

Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech: “I Love Israel” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 31 2016

Trump’s AIPAC Speech Attacks Iran and the Palestinians while Praising Israel’s “Democracy”

U.S. Presidential candidate and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump showed his true colors at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). “I came here to speak to you about

“He’s Not Dead, Shoot Him In The Head”: Quote from Israeli Medic By IMEMC, March 30 2016

After Thursday’s execution of a wounded young Palestinian man and his friend (who bled to death), was captured on tape, many details started emerging, including the involvement of an Israeli military medic in the crime.

In one of the videos …

Housing Crisis, Bankruptcies, Schools, Water: Michigan Struggles Expose Failure of Ruling Class Policies By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 30 2016

From massive tax foreclosures, water shut-offs and failed school governance plans to the poisoning of residents in Flint, the political bankruptcy of bank-led policies are laid bare.

Members of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition and other community-based organizations held a demonstration

How Putin’s Leverage Shaped the Syrian Ceasefire By Gareth Porter, March 30 2016

By his military withdrawal, Putin was actually enhancing his leverage over both the military situation and the political negotiations still to come

When Russian President Vladimir Putin had a substantive meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry last week,

Brazil Forces Israel to Withdraw Settler Extremist Ambassador By Telesur, March 30 2016

The Israeli prime minister announced the reassignment of the settler leader to a U.S. post after Brazil rejected his nomination for ambassador.

Israel bowed to Brazilian pressure and reassigned Monday its pick for ambassador to Brazil Dani Dayan to a …

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
Interview with President Bashar al-Assad: Terrorism in Syria, Iraq Directly Supported From Turkey, Saudi Arabia By Sputnik, March 30 2016

Terrorism in Syria and Iraq is receiving direct support from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, France and the United Kingdom, Syrian President Bashar Assad told Sputnik.

“Terrorism — that’s the real problem. We must fight it on the international level, because terrorism …

How They Brainwash Us: “ISIS, We Were Told, will Bringing its Bombing Attacks to America” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 30 2016
Anyone who pays attention to American “news” can see how “news” is used to control our perceptions in order to ensure public acceptance of the Oligarchy’s agendas.
For example, Bernie Sanders just won six of seven primaries, in some cases
Video: The Liberation of Palmyra. Towards the Defeat of ISIS By South Front, March 30 2016

On Mar.27 the pro-government forces liberated the ancient city of Palmyra and the adjacent Palmyra Airbase in Eastern Homs completing an anti-ISIS operation that began on Mar.7 with aim to seize the strategic crossroads. The operation was synchronized with the

Selected Articles: The Sad Realities of Israeli Politics By Global Research News, March 30 2016

Amid the Murdoch Scandal, The Acrid Smell of "Business as Usual"Israel Grants Illegal Oil Rights inside Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild

By Craig Murray, March 30 2016

Incisive 2013 article of utmost relevance Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy.

Chemical, Radiological and Environmental Impacts of NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia By Mirjana Andjelković Lukić, March 30 2016

We bring to the attention of our readers excerpts from this important study which further documents the war crimes committed by NATO against the people of Yugoslavia.  

During combustion, and detonation of explosives and energetic materials gunpowder (rocket fuel) uncontrolled

Terrorisme international. “Qui sont les vrais sorciers?” By, March 30 2016

Par Manlio Dinucci, 29 mars 2016

« L’ennemi obscur qui se cache dans les angles sombres de la terre » (comme l’avait défini en 2001 le président Bush) continue à broyer des victimes, les …

Israel Minister Calls for “Civil Targeted Killings” of BDS Leaders By Richard Silverstein, March 30 2016

The Yediot Achronot conference attacking BDS has become a veritable carnival of hate.  Everyone from delusional Hollywood celebrities (Roseanne Barr) to cabinet ministers, to the leader of the Opposition have pledged fealty to the cause.

But the apogee same yesterday

Vaxxed and the Vaccine Industry: How Did They Threaten Robert De Niro? By Jon Rappoport, March 30 2016

“On July 26, 2000, the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association published a review by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Dr. Starfield’s review, ‘Is US health really the best

The US Election Campaign and the Curse of McCarthyism By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 30 2016

“Joseph McCarthy is the only major politician in the country who can be labeled “liar” without fear of libel.” Joseph Alsop

“The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205 names

Israel Grants Illegal Oil Rights inside Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild By Craig Murray, March 30 2016

Incisive 2013 article of utmost relevance

Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and

Canada: Why Aren’t Conditions of Life for First Nations a National Emergency? By J. B. Gerald, March 30 2016

In May of 2012, The U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Prof. Olivier De Schutter, visited his first NATO country, Canada. He found Canada’s indigenous peoples generally deprived of adequate nutrition (“People are simply too poor to eat

Syria: Retreat of Al Nusra and FSA Militants. Kurds Advance on Avaz By South Front, March 30 2016

On Mar.29, the Syrian Democratic Forces, mostly Kurdish YPG units reportedly launched an offensive towards the town of Manbij in Northern Syria.

Meanwhile, Kurdish units captured the Al-Shat checkpoint and the Al-Kadi Villa near Azaz and attempted to advance to

Is the EU Organizing “Regime Change” in Burundi? By Andrew Korybko, March 30 2016

The EU has stepped up its behind-the-scenes role in organizing regime change in Burundi by taking the dramatic step to cut most of its funding for the country’s anti-terror contingent in Somalia, this according to the latest exclusive report from

Miscarriage of Justice in America is Becoming the “New Normal”: The Case of Ivan Teleguz By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 30 2016

Americans are helpless against false prosecutions because so many Americans are gullible and cannot believe that prosecutors and police would be corrupt.  They do not give thought to the character of prosecutors. Have you ever asked yourself what type of

Ten Thousand Dead Sea Lions Wash Up In California, “This is A Crisis”. What is the Cause? By ENENews, March 30 2016

The report below has identified “the crisis”.

The media reports do not not indicate the cause of this loss in marine mammal life.

This year is the worst yet… more than 1,600 marine mammals have been picked up.…

Video: Israel’s Public Relations War in the US: The Occupation of the American Mind By Abba Solomon, March 30 2016

The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States, narrated by Roger Waters.  Video, 82 minutes. Available via streaming and DVD at The website went live yesterday. The documentary premieres in Massachusetts

Cuba: Détente or Monroe Doctrine Imperial Plot? Washington’s Intent: “Bay of Pigs Invasion with a Smile” By Dady Chery, March 30 2016

Although the Cuban Revolution is 57 years old and is usually blamed for Cuba’s isolation, it has been 88 years since the last visit to the island by a US head of state. United States President Barack Obama, together with

Donald Trump Foreign Policy Team Member Connected to Offshore Gas Drilling in Israel By Steve Horn, March 30 2016

When Republican Party presidential campaign front-runner Donald Trump named 2009 DePaul University graduate George Papadoupolous as a member of his foreign policy advisory team, some in the media raised eyebrows, while others jested that his wunderkind status makes him

How Ocean Pollution Affects Human Health By Andrew Dilevics, March 30 2016

How ocean pollution affects humans How ocean pollution affects humans – Graphic by the team at

What can I do to help?

What you do on land can change the fate of what goes on off shore – and small changes in habits can …

The “Money Trail” of the Turkey-Daesh Oil Trade By Sputnik, March 30 2016

While gathering material for its new film on Daesh’s activities in the north of Syria and its ties to the illegal oil trade with Turkey, the RT Documentary crew came across bundles of unique documents, which reveal the scope of

Bernie Sanders’ “Peoples’ Revolution” is Long Overdue By Richard C. Cook, March 30 2016

Emerging out of nowhere as a viable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is calling for a “Peoples’ Revolution.” It is obvious that Sanders is tapping into a deeply felt longing for transformation among the American

A Conspiracy to Keep Wages from Rising. Is This Class Warfare? By Mike Whitney, March 30 2016

Is there a conspiracy to keep wages from rising or is it just plain-old class warfare?

Check out these charts from a recent report by Deutsche Bank and see what you think.  

Well, what do you know? Everywhere the global