Global Research News

Selected Articles: Syria: Trump’s First Step Towards World War III?, Australia Wants War With China By Global Research News, April 12 2017

The Trump /Syria Conundrum: Will Trump Deliver Deep State’s World War?

By , April 12 2017

In appearance, Trump’s April 6, 2017 missile attack on Syria is the first step towards a regime change, a massive regional conquest, …

China Sounds the Alarm: Trump Prepares for War against Korea By Brian Becker, April 12 2017

It is not possible to overstate the impact on U.S. and global politics of Trump’s unilateral, surprise cruise missile strikes on Syria at the very moment that he was having dinner with China’s President Xi Jinping.

China got Trump’s message.

Historical Origins of the State: Barbarians at the Gate By Arthur D. Robbins, April 12 2017

War has indeed become perpetual and peace no longer even a fleeting wish nor a distant memory. We have become habituated to the rumblings of war and the steady drum beat of propaganda about war’s necessity and the noble motives

Trump’s Syria Attack Trampled Many Laws By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 12 2017

With 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles, each armed with over 1,000 pounds of explosives, Donald Trump went from scoundrel-in-chief to national hero, virtually overnight. The corporate media, the neoconservatives and most of Congress hailed Trump as strong and presidential for lobbing

Catastrophic Fresh Wave of Logging Threatens US National Forests By Brett Haverstick, April 12 2017

A fresh wave of logging is hitting America’s national forests, writes Brett Haverstick. But this time it’s all for the sake of ‘forest health’ and ‘fire prevention’. It might look like industrial clear-cutting to you and me, but really,

No “Problems” with Export of Iraqi – Kurdish Oil via Turkey and Drawing New Borders in the Middle East By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 12 2017

Amidst intense discussions about a referendum on the independence of northern Iraq’s predominantly Kurdish region, the Kurdistan Ministry of Natural Resources notes that there were no problems with the export of oil via Turkey. The statement comes against the backdrop

Intelligence and Military Sources Who Warned About Weapons Lies Before Iraq War Now Say that Assad Did Not Launch Chemical Weapon Attack By Washington's Blog, April 12 2017

Former U.N weapons inspector Scott Ritter warned before the start of the Iraq war that claims that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction were false.

Sunday, Ritter wrote that current claims that the leader of Syria launched a chemical …

Is There A New U.S. Syria Policy? Is There One At All? By Moon of Alabama, April 12 2017

What does the U.S. administration want with regards to Syria?

The elements were clear just a few days ago. The U.S. would split off the east and set up a Kurdish enclave which it would then occupy with the help

Out of 46 Major Editorials on Trump’s Syria Strikes, Only One Opposed By Adam Johnson, April 12 2017

Of the top 100 US newspapers, 47 ran editorials on President Donald Trump’s Syria airstrikes last week: 39 in favor, seven ambiguous and only one opposed to the military attack.

In other words, 83 percent of editorials on the …

Irreconcilable East -West Differences. Chemical Weapons Attack, “False Flag”, According to Putin By Stephen Lendman, April 12 2017

Russia and America are geopolitical opposites. Irreconcilable differences separate them.

Good faith isn’t a US tradition. Whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge, negotiating with America diplomatically achieves nothing.

Agreements reached are consistently breached. Washington seeks dominance, not cooperative relations.…

Australia Beckons a War with China By John Pilger, April 12 2017

Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an “alliance” with an unstable superpower.

The United States is

The End of the Trump Presidency? By Federico Pieraccini, April 12 2017

On April 4 2017 in the Syrian city of Khan Shaykhun, a city controlled by western-backed terrorists, chemical weapons killed more than eighty civilians. Immediately, local and foreign sources (the White Helmets and Syrian Observatory, respectively, dubiously linked to Al

Idlib ‘Chemical Attack’ was False Flag to Set Assad Up, More May Come – Putin By RT News, April 12 2017

Russia has information of a potential incident similar to the alleged chemical attack in Idlib province, possibly targeting a Damascus suburb, President Vladimir Putin said. The goal is to discredit the government of Syrian President Assad, he added.


Direct US Military Threat to North Korea: US Aircraft Carrier Deployed By Peter Symonds, April 12 2017

Just days after launching its criminal cruise missile attack on Syria, the Trump administration has provocatively authorised the US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, together with its full strike group of guided missile destroyers and a cruiser, to waters off the

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse? By John W. Whitehead, April 12 2017

Wake Up, America- There’s Not Much Time Left Before We Reach The Zero Hour!

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War

Canada’s Support for Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, April 12 2017

Canadians like to think of themselves as “progressive”.  They think that President Assad gasses his own people, and they think that Assad must go.

We already know what happens in terrorist-occupied areas of Syria, so presumably Canadians support this as …

Rwanda’s President Kagame’s Jobs Program: War By Etienne Masozera, April 12 2017

The Rwandan political opposition coalition would like to condemn in the strongest terms possible the sickening cynicism of Rwandan Gen. Mubarak towards vulnerable people, like survivors of genocide, his sectarianism and incitement to hatred against survivors of genocide as well

@realDonald Trump: ‘Be Prepared, There is a Small Chance That Our Horrendous Leadership Could Lead Us Into World War III’ By Citizens Electoral Council of Australia, April 12 2017

Donald Trump has succumbed to a British intelligence fabrication intended to corner him into escalating the war in Syria.

In the above 31 August 2013 tweet, he recognised that the same scenario then confronting Barack Obama was a sure path …

While Apologizing For Hitler Fiasco, Spicer Says Trump Trying To “Destabilize” Middle East By Zero Hedge, April 12 2017

In what may have been the worst day in Sean Spicer‘s life, the White House press secretary first drew a storm of criticism and ridicule Tuesday after butchering Godwin’s law, when trying to compare Syria president Bashar al-Assad to

Washington Accuses Moscow of ‘Sowing Doubt’ over Narrative of Assad’s Culpability in Chemical Attack By RT News, April 12 2017

While Moscow continues to call for a thorough and independent probe into the Syrian chemical attack, the White House has “declassified” an open-sourced report that pins the blame on Damascus while accusing Moscow of “sowing doubt” over the US narrative.

The Trump /Syria Conundrum: Will Trump Deliver Deep State’s World War? By Larry Chin, April 12 2017
In appearance, Trump’s April 6, 2017 missile attack on Syria is the first step towards a regime change, a massive regional conquest, and possibly World War III. The event marked a point of no return for Trump’s presidency. We have entered uncharted territory, with the future of humanity at stake.
The Syrian Chemical Weapons Nexus: Verdict First, Evidence Later By James ONeill, April 12 2017

“Let the jury consider their verdict”, the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. “No, no,” said the Queen. Sentence first – verdict afterward.” – Charles Dodgson ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.’

The pictures of dead and dying civilians, …

Trump Should Rethink Syria Escalation. The Risk of Nuclear War. Former Intelligence Officials Urge Trump to Rethink Blaming Syrian Government By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, April 12 2017

More than two dozen ex-U.S. intelligence officials urge President Trump to rethink his claims blaming the Syrian government for the chemical deaths in Idlib and to pull back from his dangerous escalation of tensions with Russia.


Video: U.S. Ready for More Syria Missile Strikes By South Front, April 12 2017

The US does not rule out the possibility to conduct new missile strikes on Syria, White House spokesman Sean Spicer has said at a news conference on Monday. “The sight of people being gassed and blown away by barrel bombs

Video: All Out War, Confrontation with Russia? The U.S. is Pushing Towards a “Non-Peaceful Solution” of the Syrian Conflict By South Front, April 11 2017
Last week, the US Navy launched Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Ash Sha’irat military airfield operated by the Syrian Air Force near the city of Homs. The launch followed a large-scale media campaign aimed at blaming the Assad government for
A scene of destruction after an aerial bombing in Azaz, Syria, Aug. 16, 2012. (U.S. government photo)
Inventing Enemies, Manipulating Public Opinion, Selling Escalated War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, April 11 2017

Selling war requires inventing enemies, fear-mongering, substituting fake news for truth-telling, manipulating public opinion, and manufacturing consent.

Media (MSM) play along, feeding the public a steady diet of managed news misinformation, suppressing full and accurate reporting – featuring state-sponsored press

Analysis of Evidence Contradicts Allegations on Syrian Gas Attacks By Adam Larson, April 11 2017

Part I

For three years now, it’s been alleged and that Syrian government forces have systematically used helicopters to drop chlorine gas on civilians in rebel-held areas of the country.

Amid repeated efforts to impose new sanctions on Syria over …

Public Banking: What a State-Owned Bank Can Do for New Jersey By Ellen Brown, April 11 2017

Phil Murphy, the leading Democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey, has made a state-owned bank a centerpiece of his campaign. He says the New Jersey bank would “take money out of Wall Street and put it to work

Selected Articles: Syria Chemical Weapons Saga By Global Research News, April 11 2017

The Gassing Game in Syria: Regime Change and Beyond

By , April 11, 2017

US-Russia ties are not the only issue adversely impacted by the US’s 7th April bombardment. If the US escalates its military involvement, it …

Reflecting on Syria By Andre Vltchek, April 11 2017

Ms. Yayoi Segi is based in Beirut, Lebanon, and she has worked in Syria for almost 3 years. She is extremely passionate about the country, which she admires and tries to support in her position as an accomplished specialist in

Why the Latest Claims Against Assad are a Pack of Lies By Daniel Margrain, April 11 2017

With a critical public increasingly turning to social media to scrutinize the claims of the mainstream as well as the credibility of the assertions made by the various NGOs and government-funded human rights organisations, it’s arguably becoming more difficult for

The Gassing Game in Syria: Regime Change and Beyond By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 11 2017

The use of chemical weapons in Sheikhun, in the Idlib province of Syria on 4th April 2017  was a heinous act. The world has rightly condemned it.

Because it was so cruel and callous, it is vital that the …

The Cruel Farce of “Humanitarian Intervention” By Civilisation 3000, April 11 2017

Simon Jenkins: “It is a war crime to disable, maim or poison a victim by chemical or biological means, yet it is permissible to blow them to bits. Dropping chlorine evokes howls of horror. Dropping bunker busters does not.

Afghanistan: A Russian Peace For An American War By Christopher Black, April 11 2017

“In a stark admission….” this is how Fox News in the United States presented the statement, by the American General, Tillerson, in command of American occupation forces in Afghanistan, that America was faced with a “stalemate” in its attempt

BREAKING Video: US Military Deployment at Syrian-Jordanian Border, Military Escalation By South Front, April 11 2017

The US military is reportedly concentrating troops and military equipment at the Syrian-Jordanian border. Local sources said that about 20 US Army armoured vehicles (including battle tanks and artillery pieces) carried on trucks were spotted in Al-Mafraq. US troops were

Canada: Nature Versus The Global Neoliberal Construct By Nora Fernandez, April 11 2017

Thirty years after World War II, Canada reached a consensus including all political parties. It was agreed that the view that individuals and the economy should be left to themselves was no longer desirable. Canadians were to have a market

Trump’s “Beautiful” Airstrike By Steven Chovanec, April 11 2017

With Trump’s inauguration, policy in Syria had begun to take a different direction.

After having failed at regime-change, with the insurgency badly defeated, on the defensive, and fighting amongst themselves, it appeared the rebels’ sponsors had realized the

Declassified CIA Report Exposes 25 Years of U.S. Plans to Destabilize Syria By Arjun Walia, April 11 2017

We’re in the midst of something that’s never happened in human history. Since the birth of the industrial revolution, our planet has been plagued by war. In the midst of it all, what has really transpired behind the scenes —

Trump Administration Signals Escalation of War in Somalia By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 11 2017

United States President Donald Trump has pledged to intensify the war against the people of Somalia which has gone on for decades.

This latest manifestation of Washington’s intervention in the oil-rich Horn of Africa state came in the form of …

US-Canada Relations: Trudeau “Poodles for Empire” By Jim Miles, April 11 2017

“Russia needs to be aware, made aware of its responsibility in the bloody actions last week by the b regime and therefore we are always open to working with our friends, allies and partners allies to send clear messages through

After Trump’s Syria Attack, What Comes Next? By Rep. Ron Paul, April 11 2017

Thursday’s US missile attack on Syria must represent the quickest foreign policy U-turn in history. Less than a week after the White House gave Assad permission to stay on as president of his own country, President Trump decided that the

Trump’s Bombing of Syria: Continuation of a Policy Which Started Only 3 Years After Syria Became an Independent Nation … When Trump Was 2 Years Old By Washington's Blog, April 11 2017

The CIA backed a right-wing coup in Syria in 1949, a mere 3 years after Syria became an independent country.

Clark University History professor Douglas Little notes:

Recently declassified records… confirm that beginning on November 30, 1948, [CIA

Vietnam War: The Life and Times of a South Vietnamese Special Police Officer By Douglas Valentine, April 11 2017

The Vietnamese perspective is rarely found in English language books about the Vietnam War, especially regarding the CIA’s “liaison” relationship with South Vietnamese police and security officials. Which is why I considered myself very fortunate when I was introduced to

Joining the War Train: Trump’s Liberal Cheer Leaders By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11 2017

“Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions.” –Joseph Conrad, Nostromo (1904).

At the psychological heart of every liberal is a milk soft tendency to succumb to the authoritarian personality, a

Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change: Ouster of the Syrian President, A Longstanding CIA Project By Global Research News, April 10 2017

The following declassified CIA document entitled Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change confirms Washington’s longstanding plan to implement “regime change” in Syria.

The document dated July 1986 pertains to the proposed ouster of President Hafiz Al Assad, the father of Bashar

Video, Comparative Military Analysis: Russia’s TU-95MS ‘Bear’ Strategic Bomber and Missile Carrier By South Front, April 10 2017

This article focusses on Russian military capabilities in a comparative perspective

The USSR’s first genuinely intercontinental bomber, the Tu-95 was practically a contemporary of the US B-52 Stratofortress, having entered operational service in 1956 at which time it acquired its

Wag The Dog — How Al Qaeda Played Donald Trump And The American Media By Scott Ritter, April 10 2017

Once upon a time, Donald J. Trump, the New York City businessman-turned-president, berated then-President Barack Obama back in September 2013 about the fallacy of an American military strike against Syria. At that time, the United States was considering the

Inside the “Et Tu Brute” White House Coup By Joachim Hagopian, April 10 2017

Thus far in his first three months in office, the Trump presidency has been a resounding failure. The hyped promise of an Obamacare replacement promoted and led by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was a crushing blow. Trump’s

Fake News Story in Mainstream And Alt-media Slanders Russia and Iran By Adam Garrie, April 10 2017

A fake news story has been circulating on both mainstream media and alt-media saying that Russia and Iran have issued a joint threat to ‘use force’ in the event of the US targeting Syrian forces again. It was also reported

The President Needs Congressional Authorization for Military Action as Required by the Constitution By Mike, April 10 2017

“While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked. The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper

H. R. McMaster Manipulating Intelligence Reports to Trump, Wants 150,000 Ground Soldiers in Syria By Mike Cernovich, April 10 2017

Current National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump, Cernovich Media can now report. McMaster is plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with

Russia-Baiting Pushed Trump to Attack Syria — and Increases the Risks of Nuclear Annihilation By Norman Solomon, April 10 2017

Vast efforts to portray Donald Trump as Vladimir Putin’s flunky have given Trump huge incentives to prove otherwise. Last Thursday, he began the process in a big way by ordering a missile attack on Russia’s close ally Syria. In

Selected Articles: America’s Progressives Pay Lip Service to Imperialism, Anti-War Movement is Dead By Global Research News, April 10 2017

When America’s “Progressives” Pay Lip Service to Imperialism. The Anti-War Movement is Dead

By , April 09, 2017

Both Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) are creations of US intelligence.

War has become peace. Realities have …

The “Chemical Attack” and the Khan Sheikoun Show – A New President Proudly Presented By “Trump Productions” By Moon of Alabama, April 10 2017

The “chemical attack” at Khan Sheikoun was faked and a show; though a number of people were killed or hurt during its production.

This video for example, of doctors and patients in an emergency room was pure theater, taken …

Luring Trump into Mideast Wars By Daniel Lazare, April 10 2017

Frog-Marching Donald Trump entered military terra incognita on Thursday by launching an illegal Tomahawk missile strike on an air base in eastern Syria. Beyond the clear violation of international law, the practical results are likely to be disastrous, drawing the

Trump Abandons His Base, Goes toward Nuclear War By Eric Zuesse, April 10 2017

The 48,000+ reader-comments thus far at Stephen Bannon’s Breitbart News, to their announcement on April 6th that Trump had invaded Russia’s ally Syria with missiles, are overwhelmingly along the lines of “This isn’t what I voted for.”

The tweet

The US Missile Attack Against Syrian Targets: Statement of the World Peace Council By World Peace Council, April 10 2017
The World Peace Council denounces and condemns the recent missile attacks of the USA against Syrian targets on 6th April, as an act of further escalation of the imperialist intervention in Syria and the region, based on the alleged use
The West and Its Allies Seek to Install the “Black Flag of Terrorism” Over Syria By Mark Taliano, April 10 2017

The recent false flag terror attack in Idlib Syria recalls an earlier massacre by NATO forces on September 17, 2016 when Coalition warplanes attacked Syria Arab Army positions at al-Tharda Mountain in the region of Deir ez-Zor.

Each attack was …

Chemical Attack in Idlib – Duplication of Scenario in Eastern Ghouta By Mariam al-Hijab, April 10 2017

On April 7, two U.S. Navy battle ships USS Porter (DDG-78) and USS Ross launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield in Syria’s Homs province from the Eastern Mediterranean. The U.S. strikes specifically targeted the main landing strip,

Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment By Robert Parry, April 10 2017

Just two days after news broke of an alleged poison-gas attack in northern Syria, President Trump brushed aside advice from some U.S. intelligence analysts doubting the Syrian regime’s guilt and launched a lethal retaliatory missile strike against a Syrian airfield.

Trump, Saudi Arabia and the War on Yemen By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 10 2017

On April 2nd, The Yemen News Agency (SABA) reported that US-Saudi war planes struck several targets including private and public properties across several provinces in Yemen:

The US-Saudi aggression war planes continued heinous strikes against citizens, causing heavy damage to

Trump Comes In From the Cold – Gets Media and Political Respect By Edward Curtin, April 10 2017
Putin was the devil and Trump was his sidekick. They operated some secret cabal that had insidiously infiltrated American consciousness through a few hundred alternative news sites that were part of the Russian propaganda apparatus.
Forty-five Times Trump Said: Attacking Syria Is a Bad Idea and Might Start World War III By Tom McKay, April 10 2017

President Donald Trump‘s administration ordered a missile attack on the Syrian government’s al-Shayrat airbase near Homs on Thursday evening, taking a rapid about-face on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to a military conclusion in the wake of a chemical attack

When America’s “Progressives” Pay Lip Service to Imperialism. The Anti-War Movement is Dead By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 09 2017
Segments of the anti-war movement which opposed the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq are tacitly supportive of Trump's punitive airstrikes directed against the "Assad regime" allegedly involved in "killing their own people"
Selected Articles: Washington False Flag, UN Confirmed that Syria “Rebels” Were Using Chemical Weapons By Global Research News, April 09 2017

Syria: Trump May Just have Started World War III

By , April 08, 2017

Syria is a mere square on this murderous chess board, as was Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and many more to come. The purpose …

BREAKING: Dramatic Military Escalation in Syria By Sophie Mangal, April 09 2017

Image: Russia’s Tartus Naval Base

According to trusted military sources of Inside Syria Media Center source in Syria, after the U.S. Tomahawk strikes on the Shayrat air base on April 7, Russia has taken measures to guarantee more security for

Trump Strikes Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 09 2017

All bets are off in the latest round of escalation in the Syrian conflict. The attack on al-Shayrat airbase involving 59 cruise missiles launched from the USS Ross and Porter in the Eastern Mediterranean was meant to be a lesson

More Fake News From Washington. “The Reported Unemployment Rate is Wrong” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 09 2017

The US government continues to lie about everything, not just Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. The US government is incapable of telling the truth about something as straightforward as employment. According to the government, March produced only 98,000 new payroll

US Threatens More Strikes After Cruise Missiles Hit Syria By Bill Van Auken, April 09 2017

The day after US warships rained some 60 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian government airbase, US officials made it clear that this unilateral and criminal attack against an oppressed former colonial country is merely the first shot in what is

In the Wake of US Airstrikes, A Message to President Trump From Homs, Syria… By Janice Kortkamp, April 08 2017

A message from Homs to President Trump: “You suck.”

All day here, in Homs, Syria, been getting the people’s reactions to the US bombing of the nearby airfield and “You suck” sums them all up pretty well. A very …

Donald Trump Is An International Law Breaker By Colonel W. Patrick Lang, April 08 2017

Donald Trump‘s decision to launch cruise missile strikes on a Syrian Air Force Base was based on a lie.

In the coming days the American people will learn that the Intelligence Community knew that Syria did not drop a

Afghanistan in Ruins: ‘Small’ Western Propaganda Lies, Huge Impact By Andre Vltchek, April 08 2017

Ask anyone on the streets of Kabul about the revolutions that in recent years transformed huge parts of Latin America, and the chances are you’ll encounter a blank stare. Perhaps mentioning Cuba could evoke at least some recognition, but definitely

Hybrid War Can Wreak Havoc Across West Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 08 2017

Part 1, Part II, Part III

The last chapter of the Hybrid War research, not just for West Africa but the entire continent, deals with its largest country, Nigeria.

This federal republic, as it’s officially called, has the …

What’s Behind the Terrorist Attack in Sweden? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, April 08 2017

The newspaper “Izvestia” contacted me for a comment on the terrorist attack perpetrated in Stockholm April 7, 2017. This is my opinion, which I addressed to journalist Anna Khalitova of the newspaper “Izvestia”:

Donald Trump has proven being mistaken about …

Trump Bombs Syria –and Obliterates His Anti-Interventionist Promises By Ghada Chehade, April 08 2017

On the evening of April 6 the U.S. military fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at an airbase in Syria. The bombing was a “response” to the alleged chemical weapons attack by the Assad government, which critics of the American deep state

Syria: Trump’s Bush-Obama WMD Remix By Ulson Gunnar, April 08 2017

The United States finds its increasingly clumsy, circular foreign policy looping back once again to accusations of “weapons of mass destruction” being inexplicably used against a civilian population, this time in Syria’s northern city of Idlib currently serving as the

“The Civilized World” Strikes Again. Trump, A Complete Puppet of the Military Industrial Complex By Jim Miles, April 08 2017

It is apparent given the timelines and the lack of time given to verifying the validity of accusations concerning the gas attack in Homs, Syria, that plans had already been coordinated for such an attack. Watching the mainstream media the

History: How African Muslims “Civilized Spain” By Garikai Chengu, April 08 2017
During an era when Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen. The founders of Oxford University were inspired to form the institution after visiting universities in Spain.
Syria: Trump May Just have Started World War III By Peter Koenig, April 08 2017

President Trump just ordered an US attack of at least 59 Tomahawk missiles from US warships in the Mediterranean Sea on Syria’s al-Shayrat airbase near Homs.

Mr. Talal Barazi, governor of Homs province, reports several deaths but at this time

Trump Doesn’t Intend to Keep Any of His Campaign Promises By Anna Jaunger, April 08 2017

Apparently, having forgotten his campaign promises, Donald Trump has recently toughened his foreign policy, especially in Syria, where he went much further than his predecessor, Barack Obama. Instead of re-establishing relationships with all sides of the Syrian conflict to