
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria? By Jon Reynolds, March 26, 2023
Breaking: “Second Russia Offensive” (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf By William Walter Kay, March 25, 2023
“Global Hegemony”: America’s Grand Strategy in the Asia-Pacific By Azhar Azam, March 25, 2023
Abu Ghraib Survivor: Taking the Hood Off 20 Years After Iraq War By Osama Bin Javaid, March 25, 2023
Richard T. Perle’s 1996 “Clean Break” Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq By Steven Sahiounie, March 25, 2023
Why Would China be an Enemy? By Craig Murray, March 25, 2023
German-Japanese Military Cooperation Does Little to Deter China at Sea By Ahmed Adel, March 25, 2023
US to Relocate Its Warplanes to Intimidate Moscow and Beijing By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 25, 2023
Washington Admits Exploiting China-India Border Disputes to Derail Their Rapprochement By Drago Bosnic, March 24, 2023
Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone, March 24, 2023
Bill Gates and the WHO Want a “Global Health Emergency Corps” By The Naked Emperor, March 24, 2023
President Xi Jinping’s Epic Visit to Moscow and What It Means for the World. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Press TV, March 24, 2023
China’s Peace Initiatives in the Middle East and Ukraine, US-NATO War Plans for the World By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 24, 2023
The U.S. Attempts to Mislead the World Into Thinking That India Is Its Ally Against China By Andrew Korybko, March 23, 2023
Here We Go Again! Publicity for Ukraine War vs Campaign to Justify 2003 US War on Iraq By Michael Jansen, March 23, 2023
Seymour Hersh Accuses US of ‘Cover Up’ Over Nord Stream Sabotage By Jake Johnson, March 23, 2023
Weather Man Who Makes It Rain in Australia By Cairns News, March 23, 2023
Russia Slams UK Plans to Send Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine By Elena Teslova, March 23, 2023
How to Reduce Military Spending By David Swanson, March 23, 2023
The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration Continues to Conceal Its Responsibility for the Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines By Seymour M. Hersh, March 23, 2023
‘Smart’ Masks for Cows? Bill Gates Invests $4.7 Million in Data-Collecting “Faceware for Livestock” By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, March 22, 2023
For Second Time, US Seeks to Sabotage a Russo-Ukraine Negotiated Peace By Walt Zlotow, March 22, 2023
Forever Wars vs. Armageddon By Ann Garrison, March 22, 2023
Putin Says China’s Peace Plan Could Serve as Basis for Settlement in Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, March 22, 2023
The US Must Trade Muscles for Diplomacy to End the North Korean Nuclear Crisis By Colleen Moore, March 22, 2023
A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? By William J. Astore, March 22, 2023
Massive Propaganda Machine Brainwashing Americans By Chaitanya Davé, March 22, 2023
Lula’s Foreign Minister Strongly Implied that Putin Will be Arrested If He Comes to Brazil By Andrew Korybko, March 22, 2023
US-Turkey Divergences May Hinder Erdogan’s Reelection By Uriel Araujo, March 22, 2023
Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion with the NIH. Big Pharma Endangers Public Health By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 21, 2023
Send in the Clowns. Yellen and Garland Perform Back-to-back Surprise Visits to Ukraine By Philip Giraldi, March 21, 2023
Putin Tells Xi He’s “Open to Negotiating Process” on Ukraine as US Says Ceasefire “Unacceptable” By Zero Hedge, March 21, 2023
“True Stories … Could Fuel Hesitancy”: Stanford Project Worked to Censor Even True Stories on Social Media By Jonathan Turley, March 21, 2023
U.S. Drone Forced Down in Black Sea Was Gathering Intelligence for Ukrainian Forces. Scott Ritter By Jeremy Kuzmarov and Scott Ritter, March 21, 2023
From Balloons to AUKUS: The War Drive Against China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 21, 2023
White House Says It Opposes a Ceasefire in Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, March 20, 2023
G20, the Ukraine War and the Global Economic Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 20, 2023
US Decides Whether or Not Kiev Should Negotiate Peace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 20, 2023
“China is Not a Threat”. A Sane Voice Amidst the Madness. Former Australian PM Paul Keating By Joe Lauria, March 20, 2023
Does Canada Support Regime Change in Russia? By Ted Snider, March 20, 2023
Psyops Are Not New, Just More Dangerous By Alan Lash, March 20, 2023
Canada’s ‘China Syndrome’ By Taylor C. Noakes, March 20, 2023
Chaos in Pakistan: Imran Khan Takes on America and Its “Comprador Elites” By Junaid S. Ahmad, March 19, 2023
20 Lies About the Iraq War By Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker, March 19, 2023
Iraq War Based on Fake Intelligence: “Sexed up” Report on the Death of Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly: Lord Hutton Findings challenged by Medical Doctors By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, Dr. Christopher Burns-Cox, Dr. David Halpin, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 19, 2023
Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606 By Leonid Savin, March 18, 2023
“US Hegemony and Its Perils”: China Document By China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Karsten Riise, March 18, 2023
Justification to Wage War on Iraq based on “Fake Intelligence”. Whistleblower Dr. David Kelly: Who Ordered his Assassination? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 18, 2023
Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned By David Swanson, March 18, 2023
US Terrorism Against Nord Stream: A Polish Perspective By Konrad Rękas, March 17, 2023
Spying on Americans in Plain Sight By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 17, 2023
Constructive Diplomacy Isn’t Possible When We Are Demanding Capitulation By Daniel Larison, March 17, 2023
Surge in Global Weapons Sales: Top Ten Exporters of Major Arms By Telesur, March 17, 2023
Blood and Treasure: United States Budgetary Costs and Human Costs of 20 Years of War in Iraq and Syria, 2003-2023 By Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, March 17, 2023
US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 17, 2023
Despair and Joy. The Protest Movement against War. Manifesto Calling for Cease-Fire in Ukraine By Victor Grossman, March 16, 2023
Canada’s Foreign Minister Proposes “Regime Change” in Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 16, 2023
Lula Is Lying: The NATO-Russian Proxy War Isn’t Being Fought “Over Small Things” By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2023
Pakistan’s Coup Regime Tries to Arrest Imran Khan – But Faces Massive Popular Resistance By Junaid S. Ahmad, March 16, 2023
China’s Breakthrough in the MIddle East By Aqib Sattar, March 16, 2023
“Provoked” NATO Expansion, “Unprovoked” Ukraine War, and the Dire “China Threat” By Felix Abt, March 16, 2023
Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. You’re Next By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 16, 2023
The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, March 16, 2023
The Pentagon’s B-Movie. Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks By Edward Curtin and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, March 16, 2023
AUKUS Meeting (Biden, Sunak, Albanese) Furthers “China Containment Strategy” with New Nuclear-powered Submarine Deal By Ahmed Adel, March 15, 2023
Ukrainian Military Do Not Believe There Will be a “Spring Counteroffensive” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 15, 2023
Imperial Narrative Managers Always Try to Make Peace Seem Unnatural By Caitlin Johnstone, March 15, 2023
Georgia Protests: One More Regime Change, ” Then Ukraine, Now Georgia” By Hermann Ploppa, March 15, 2023
US Schools Need to Teach Kids About Proxy War By Walt Zlotow, March 15, 2023
Is the US Funding an Experiment in Digital Control in Ukraine? By Marie Hawthorne, March 15, 2023
CIA, SBU Terrorize Ethnic Russians in Transnistria By Kurt Nimmo, March 15, 2023
The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 15, 2023
Former US National Security Advisor: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories If China Invades By Alexander Rubinstein, March 15, 2023
Political Insanity: The Real Face of the GOP’s “Non-interventionism”: Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Syria Should be Redeployed to “Fight China” By Kurt Nimmo, March 14, 2023
Geoengineering: Romanian General Emil Strainu on the Terrifying Possibilities of Geo-warfare By General Emil Strainu and Dragan Vujicic, March 14, 2023
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin—Former Member of Raytheon Board of Directors—Has Awarded Over $30 Billion in Contracts to Raytheon Since His Confirmation in January 2021 By Jeremy Kuzmarov, March 14, 2023
Six War Mongering Think Tanks and the Military Contractors that Fund Them By Amanda Yee, March 14, 2023
Let’s Compare China’s ‘Agents’ in Canada to Israel’s By Yves Engler, March 14, 2023
China’s Xi to Speak with Zelensky, Meet with Putin By Dave DeCamp, March 14, 2023
Foreign Devils on the Road to Afghanistan By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 14, 2023