Global Research News

Assassination of Iranian Scientist Brings US-Israel Closer to War with Iran By Brian Berletic, November 30 2020

Reports on the death of senior Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh signals another dangerous turn in Washington’s systematic attempts to undermine and overthrow the current government of Iran.  

The Western media is framing the assassination as a unilateral operation carried …

Canadians Mobilize to Free Meng Wanzhou By Ken Stone, November 30 2020

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, Canadians will take action right across the country to FREE MENG WANZHOU, who will have been under house arrest in Vancouver for two full years on that date.

In brief, the sponsors seek the release …

The Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist. Setting the Stage for War? By NIAC Action, November 30 2020

Ryan Costello, Policy Director of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), issued the following statement on reports of the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who led Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program until it was shelved in

Election 2020: The US Constitution Goes to Court. Or, … “Vaccinating America’s Political Virus”. By Brett Redmayne-Titley, November 30 2020

“Petitioners appear to have a viable claim that the mail-in ballot procedures set forth in Act 77 contravene Pa. Const. Article VII Section 14 as the plain language of that constitutional provision is at odds with the mail-in provisions of

Ethiopian Government Says Mekelle Has Been Retaken by Federal Forces By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 30 2020

On November 4, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) came under attack by the provincial government in the northern Tigray region.

Reports indicate that numerous ENDF personnel were killed while the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) local leadership declared that …

Israel’s Gift to Joe Biden, 52 Days Before He Even Takes Office: War with Iran By Scott Ritter, November 30 2020

The assassination of Tehran’s top nuclear scientist is a ploy by Israel to compel the likely US president-elect to reject diplomacy and choose military action to deal with Iran’s nuclear ambition. Which option will he choose?

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was the

The Planet Cannot Heal Until We Rip the Mask Off the West’s War Machine By Jonathan Cook, November 30 2020

Making political sense of the world can be tricky unless one understands the role of the state in capitalist societies. The state is not primarily there to represent voters or uphold democratic rights and values; it is a vehicle for

Five Scientists in 10 Years: Iran’s Nuclear Physicists Are Top Targets for Assassins By Sheren Khalel, November 30 2020

To be a nuclear scientist in Iran is to be in danger. During the past decade, up to this week, at least four had been killed in vehicle bombings and shootouts, and several others have been targeted but survived. 

On …

British Chicken Driving Deforestation in Brazil’s “Second Amazon” By Alexandra Heal, Andrew Wasley, and et al., November 30 2020

Britain’s leading supermarkets and fast food outlets are selling chicken fed on soya that has been linked to vast deforestation and thousands of fires across a vital region of tropical woodland in Brazil, an investigation has revealed.

Tesco, Asda, Lidl, …

Canada Should Release Meng Wanzhou—And Pursue an Independent Foreign Policy By Prof. John Price and Dr. Margaret McGregor, November 30 2020

The current hearings on the extradition of Meng Wanzhou are a tangled web of legal arguments that obscure a simple truth: the Canadian government is enabling a witch hunt on the part of a right-wing Trump administration against a Chinese

Was the Election Free and Fair? The American Foreign Policy Establishment Doesn’t Care. By Ryan McMaken, November 30 2020

There’s at least one good reason to support Donald Trump’s ongoing lawsuits challenging the election results in several states: the US foreign policy establishment doesn’t want you to.

As Newsweek reported last week, “A group of more than 100 national …

Afghanistan: A Criminal War By Louise O’Shea, November 30 2020

Speaking just over a week after the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, US President George W. Bush made his now infamous declaration “either you are with us or you are with the terrorists”. “In this conflict,

Justice Department Asserts Unreviewable Discretion to Kill US Citizens By Megan Mineiro, November 30 2020

Drawing alarm at the D.C. Circuit, a lawyer for the United States argued Monday that the government has the power to kill its citizens without judicial oversight when state secrets are involved.

“Do you appreciate how extraordinary that proposition is?” …

Reasons Why the 2020 Presidential Election Is Deeply Puzzling By Patrick Basham, November 30 2020

To say out-loud that you find the results of the 2020 presidential election odd is to invite derision. You must be a crank or a conspiracy theorist. Mark me down as a crank, then. I am a pollster and I

Why the Cosmic Kite Never Fell: Football and Diego Maradona By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 30 2020

In Argentina, beatification and canonisation can happen to living figures.  Unlike the officialdom of the Catholic Church, the processes take place in accordance with an insurgent popular will.  The death of various public figures – Carlos Gardel for tango; Evita

Mask-Wearing: Ineffective, Potentially Hazardous. To be Mandated in the US? By Stephen Lendman, November 30 2020

We’re living through unprecedented times.

Covid is another form of seasonal flu/influenza that occurs annually like clockwork.

Millions of people are affected worldwide with no fear-mongering mass hysteria, no lockdowns, social distancing and mask-wearing — until 2020.

What’s likely to …

The Failure of Common Unity in the Philippine Social Experience By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 30 2020
Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report By AIER, November 29 2020

In the debate over coronavirus policy, there has been far too little focus on the costs of lockdowns. It’s very common for the proponents of these interventions to write articles and large studies without even mentioning the downsides. 

Here is …

Video: Covid-Gate, The Political Virus By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 29 2020

The national economies of 193 countries, member states of the United Nations were ordered to close down on March 11, 2020. The order came from above, from Wall Street, the World Economic Forum, the billionaire foundations. And corrupt politicians throughout

History of World War I and Its Aftermath: The Ludendorff Dictatorship’s Expansionist Policies in Europe By Shane Quinn, November 28 2020

Shortly before midday on 9 November 1923, around 3,000 far-right insurgents began marching on Munich, Germany’s second largest city in the south of the country. Before these brownshirts had set out it was clear to the Nazi Party leader, the

Britain’s “Thought Police” of the Labour Right By Megan Sherman, November 28 2020

The tragic, cynically calculated decline of Corbynism, and the subsequent ascendancy of the neo-Blairite Starmer project, have made the Labour party a lot less free. When Starmer’s great power games started – after being elected on a manifesto of party

Dr Pascal Sacré: Emergency Physician Unjustly Fired for His Writings on the COVID Crisis: The Right of Response By Dr. Pascal Sacré, November 28 2020

There, it happened.

For my words, my words, my writings, I was dismissed like a waste, a thief, without the right to answer.

An experienced, competent emergency physician, appreciated by his colleagues for my actions in stressful situations, fired in

COVID, The Great Reset, Warp Speed and the Arrival of the Darkest Winter By Michael Welch and Derrick Broze, November 28 2020

While Donald Trump continues to stoke the flames of division and uncertainty surrounding election 2020, the Establishment is also preparing for the possibility of martial law in response to this chaos. Meanwhile, the public is being prepped for a

The War Crimes of Bush and Blair – Afghanistan and Iraq By Rod Driver, November 27 2020

“The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law…We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to

Lies, “Yellow Journalism” and the Death of the Mainstream Media By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 27 2020

During the era of Yellow Journalism in the U.S. which defined the type of journalism that existed before the start of Spanish-American War in 1898. The term, ‘Yellow Journalism’ was associated with various major newspapers that held no journalistic principals

Dangerous Crossroads: NATO’s Attempted Infringement of Russia’s Airspace and Maritime Borders By Andrew Korybko, November 27 2020

Recent attempted infringements of Russia’s airspace and maritime borders by NATO are very dangerous instances of de-facto brinksmanship intended to provoke the Eurasian Great Power into reacting in a way that could then be manipulated as the “plausible pretext” for

European Sanctions Against Turkey Are More Likely than Ever By Armen Tigranakert, November 27 2020

Another scandal erupted in relations between Turkey and the EU – on November 22, the Turkish merchant vessel, Roseline A, was detained and fully inspected by personnel of German frigate Hamburg in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, 160 nautical miles north

Biden Proclaims ‘America Is Back’ as the US Makes Provocations on Russia’s Borders By Johanna Ross, November 27 2020

 ‘America is back’ hailed Joe Biden on Twitter this week. The world tried to work out exactly what that meant. For different parts of the world, of course, it means different things. As many liberal Americans breathe a sigh of

The New Norm: UK Government Lawbreaking By True Publica, November 27 2020

Government lawbreaking in Boris Johnson’s adminstration has now reached an unprecedented scale for a British government – and we should all be concerned.

In September last year, the supreme court ruled that Boris Johnson’s advice to the Queen that …

Britain’s Class War on Children By John Pilger, November 27 2020

In this abridged article published by the London Daily Mirror & based on his 1975 film, Smashing Kids, John Pilger describes class as Britain’s most virulent disease, causing record levels of child poverty.


When I first reported on child
Taiwan: A US Foothold Before a Chinese Tidal Wave By Tony Cartalucci, November 27 2020

Taiwan has found itself increasingly in the middle of the growing power struggle between a waning US and a rising China.

Taiwan is recognized by both the UN and the vast majority of the world’s nations including (officially) the United

Biden’s Foreign Policy Picks Are from the Hawkish National Security Blob. That Is a Bad Sign. By Sarah Lazare, November 27 2020

There was no rea­son to think that a Biden admin­is­tra­tion would be to the left of the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion when it comes to for­eign pol­i­cy. Biden comes with a long polit­i­cal career of sup­port­ing the wars of the Unit­ed States

Video: Why US-Funded Mobs Are Attacking Thai-Chinese Relations By Brian Berletic, November 27 2020

Thailand’s ongoing US-funded anti-government protests aren’t “pro-democracy,” they are anti-Chinese. 

Just like in Hong Kong, the US is attempting to create crisis for China and its allies and impede both China’s and Asia’s rise upon the global stage.

I go

Vindicating Jeremy Corbyn By Megan Sherman, November 27 2020

By now the apocalyptic metaphor for Jeremy Corbyn has crept through the doors of our consciousness. The tendency in the press to describe the unlikely leader in foreboding words which contain a warning: toxic; dangerous; destroy; risk, has gone in

What We Do Now Will Determine the Future: Throw Away the Masks By Miguel Iradier, November 27 2020

First things first, and rather than speculate about what may happen five or ten years from now, we need to look at the present. What is being tested now is to what extent the powerful are able to shape our

Anti-Iran Saber Rattling By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2020

For over 40 years, the US never attacked Iranian territory — other than by covert operations.

Tehran’s legitimate nuclear energy program has no military component — confirmed time and again by the IAEA and US intelligence community assessments.

Investigative journalist …

Biden’s Promise: America Is Back(wards) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 27 2020

With President Donald Trump all but conceding to the transition team that will take over after January next year, interest now shifts to President-elect Joe Biden’s choices for cabinet.  On the national security front, the imperial-military lobby will have

EPA Finds Glyphosate Is Likely to Injure or Kill 93% of Endangered Species By Center For Biological Diversity, November 27 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency released a draft biological evaluation today finding that glyphosate is likely to injure or kill 93% of the plants and animals protected under the Endangered Species Act.

The long-anticipated draft biological evaluation released by the agency’s …

More Transparency Demanded for Gene-edited Crops By GMWatch, November 27 2020

Researchers at North Carolina State University are calling for a coalition of biotech industry, government and non-government organizations, trade organizations, and academic experts to work together to provide basic information about gene-edited crops to lift the veil on how plants

Venezuela Presents Proposal for an International Association Against US Sanctions to Stop Crimes Against Humanity (UN Security Council) By Orinoco Tribune, November 27 2020

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Samuel Moncada, intervened this Wednesday in the session of the Security Council to denounce the economic aggression of the United States against twenty-nine countries of the world, through

France Risks More Than It Gains by Joining U.S.-led Anti-China Efforts By Paul Antonopoulos, November 27 2020

COVID-19, which has thus far killed over 1.4 million people globally; the alleged treatment of the Uighur minority; the neoliberal-supporting rioters in Hong Kong; and, the trade war with Washington, have all contributed to the deterioration of China’s image in

A Plea to MPs from Mike Yeadon: “Don’t Vote for Lockdown”. “The Pandemic Is Over” By Dr. Mike Yeadon, November 27 2020

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I am an independent scientist of over 30 years experience leading research into new medicines, operating up to Vice President and head of Respiratory Research at Pfizer, a US pharmaceutical company and founder and CEO of

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, November 27 2020
No Thanks on Thanksgiving During US-Engineered Economic Collapse By Stephen Lendman, November 27 2020

On Thanksgiving day, throughout the year, with likely worsening times ahead, ordinary Americans are suffering through the hardest of hard times in US history.

For 36 straight weeks since March, over one million Americans sought unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

It’s …

Maradona: The Fragile God of the Global South By Pepe Escobar, November 27 2020

His life was a running planetary pop opera for the ages. From Somalia to Bangladesh, everyone is familiar with the basic contours of his story – the pibe from Villa Fiorito, a poor suburb of Buenos Aires (“I am a

US Propaganda War on China By Stephen Lendman, November 26 2020

US trade, legislative and propaganda war rage against China.

Will it turn hot after hawkish interventionists infesting the Biden/Harris regime’s national security team take over in January?

Is what’s unthinkable possible? What’s gone on since the Obama/Biden regime’s 2013 Asia …

US Limited Isolation from the World Stage Is Likely Coming to an End By Paul Antonopoulos, November 26 2020

Joe Biden’s team has created a new body, unprecedented in the transitional period between American presidents, and provided the names of six people who will occupy some of the most important positions in his administration if he assumes the presidency

UK Amends Status of Israel and Jerusalem Following Pressure from Pro-Israel Lobby By Middle East Monitor, November 26 2020

The UK government has responded to pressure from the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Conservative Friends of Israel by listing Israel and occupied Jerusalem together as one country in its weekly update to COVID-19 related travel corridors.

UK’s Military Spending Boost Will Make the World More Dangerous By Andrew Smith, November 26 2020

‘I have decided that the era of cutting our defence budget must end, and it ends now.’

These were the words of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, when he the biggest increase to the UK’s military budget since the …

Pentagon Shakeup Aimed at Paving Path to Trump Coup? By Bill Van Auken, November 26 2020

In the midst of the attempt by US President Donald Trump to nullify the 2020 election by means of an extra-constitutional coup, neither Biden and the Democrats, nor the US corporate media, have seen fit to alert the American and

Video: Israel Enjoys Last Weeks of Love with Trump. Azerbaijan Controls Kalbajar District in Karabakh By South Front, November 26 2020

On November 25, Azerbaijani troops entered the district of Kalbajar in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The district was handed over to Baku under the ceasefire deal reached between Armenia and Azerbaijan to put an end to the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War earlier

UK Military’s Overseas Base Network Involves 145 Sites in 42 Countries. Encircling China? Global Military Presence By Phil Miller, November 26 2020

Britain’s military has a permanent presence at 145 base sites in 42 countries or territories around the world, research by Declassified UK has found.

The size of this global military presence is far larger than previously thought and is likely …

A U.S. Color Revolution ‘Comes Home to Roost’ in the 2020 Election By Max Parry, November 26 2020

It has been more than three weeks since election day and the incumbent U.S. president still has yet to concede defeat. Despite the media’s distraction over the perspiration of his personal attorney during a bizarre press conference, the legal team

Palestine and the Middle East: “Trump Will Leave this Region with Toxic Legacy When Departing White House” By Michael Jansen, November 26 2020

When he departs the White House on January 20, Donald Trump will leave this region with a toxic legacy. First and foremost, his ongoing campaign to delegitimise the Palestinian people and encourage Israel to continue colonising their homeland has had

World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ Plan for Big Food Benefits Industry, Not People By Jeremy Loffredo, November 26 2020

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) The Great Reset includes a plan to transform the global food and agricultural industries and the human diet. The architects of the plan  claim it will reduce food scarcity, hunger and disease, and even mitigate

Bribery and Corruption in the Covid-19 Era By Kristina Pierce, November 26 2020

While the world is trying to limit the destruction caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are only starting to understand its long-term effects on governments, economies, companies and individuals. The global crisis has exacerbated existing flaws at all levels,

What the COVID Vaccine Hype Fails to Mention By Dr. Gilbert Berdine, November 26 2020

Pfizer recently announced that its covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one

COVID Vaccine Hesitancy Widespread, Even Among Medical Professionals By Jeremy Loffredo, November 26 2020

Public health groups, including the World Health Organization, are making a concerted effort to reduce COVID vaccine hesitancy, as many medical professionals and minority groups remain doubtful about safety and efficacy.


As details on the latest COVID vaccine contenders …

At the UN, Italy Abstains on Nazism By Manlio Dinucci, November 26 2020

The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution which, first of all, calls into question Ukraine without naming it, whose neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes.

Antony Blinken: What Kind of Secretary of State? By Andrew Korybko, November 25 2020

While Pompeo is brash, Blinken is humble, and this key difference might play a leading role in repairing America’s damaged reputation abroad after the past four years of current US President Trump’s bombastic foreign policy statements. Nevertheless, this impression shouldn’t

Beyond Orwell and Huxley: Brave New World Unfolding? Compulsory Vaccination, Digital Passports? By Stephen Lendman, November 25 2020

Today’s brave new world may be heading in directions beyond what Orwell and Huxley imagined.

It’s facilitated by made-in-the USA covid and economic collapse. 

For ordinary Americans, it created worse hard times than during the Great Depression.

It’s facilitating the …

Behind the US Treasury vs. Federal Reserve ‘Rift’. Just What is the $455 Billion? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 25 2020

This past week the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Bank engaged in a rare public disagreement. US Treasury Secretary, Mnuchin, in a letter to Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve, last week directed the Fed to

Neoliberal Janet Yellen: Biden/Harris Regime’s Choice for Treasury Secretary By Stephen Lendman, November 25 2020

In response to her selection, the Dow topped 30,000 for the first time in market history.

The disconnect between equity prices and Main Street reality is stark.

Since valuations plunged last winter, they’ve gone hyperbolic to record or near-record highs.…

Putin Talks Global Stability and Coronavirus Vaccine with Ambassadors By Kester Kenn Klomegah, November 25 2020

While receiving newly arrived Ambassadors accredited to the Russian Federation from different foreign countries including Rwanda, Gambia and Central African Republic, President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of coordinating global efforts to ensure stability and halt the spread of coronavirus

Biden’s Victory Does Not Guarantee a Progressive Agenda. We Must Fight for It. By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 25 2020

Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump is monumental. After four years of nonstop cruelty against workers, the poor, people of color, women, LBGTQ folks, immigrants, Muslims, the environment, the climate, and the foreign victims of Trump’s bombs, we can

Xi Jinping’s “China First” By Tom Clifford, November 25 2020

Tom Clifford reporting from Beijing

It isn’t about what happened, it’s about what will happen. Our time has come is the catchphrase, a rallying cry. The people are told they have been cheated. It won’t happen again. We are the

The Australian Special Forces’ Culture of Death By Kym Robinson, November 25 2020
The Cunning Plot to Kill Kennedy By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 25 2020

If anyone murders a federal official, you can be assured of one thing: the feds will do everything they can to ensure that everyone involved in the crime is brought to justice. It’s like when someone kills a cop. The

The Vicious Circle of Violence and Obedience: Exercise the Right to Individual and Collective Resistance! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 25 2020

Throughout the history of mankind, the citizens of a people have had to courageously oppose tyrants of all stripes in order to fight for the freedom they deserve and not to be subjugated. Friedrich Schiller showed us this struggle for

Video: Yemeni Houthis New Generation Quds-2 Cruise Missile Strike against Saudi Arabia By South Front, November 25 2020

The Yemeni Houthis have fired their new cruise missile, the Quds-2, at a Saudi Aramco oil company distribution station in the kingdom’s city of Jeddah, the group’s media news wing announced early on November 23. A spokesperson for the Armed

‘Flat-Out Sabotage’ Already Underway as Mnuchin Tries to Put $455 Billion in COVID Funds Out of Biden Team’s Reach By Jake Johnson, November 25 2020

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is under fire for attempting to undermine the incoming Biden administration’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic on his way out the door after his department confirmed Tuesday that it intends to place $455 billion in unspent

Trump Justice Department to Lift Pollard Parole, End Case of Most Damaging Spy Operation in U.S. History By Richard Silverstein, November 25 2020

If Israeli security journalist Yossi Melman is correct, Pres. Trump’s Department of Justice is expected this week to remove all parole restrictions on ex-Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard. Pollard served 30 years in prison and was freed conditionally in

UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian’ COVID ‘Control Freaks’ in Government By Steve Watson, November 25 2020

A British Supreme Court judge has slammed the UK government as ‘control freaks’ for attempting to control people’s lives under the guise of COVID, and labeled it “morally and constitutionally indefensible” to define what freedoms the public should and shouldn’t

Keeping the Empire Running: Britain’s Global Military Footprint By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25 2020

A few nostalgic types still believe that the Union Jack continues to flutter to sighs and reverence over outposts of the world, from the tropics to the desert.  They would be right, if only to a point.  Britain, it turns

Cuba Successfully Halts Its COVID-19 Outbreak: A Reflection of the Socialist Revolution and the Legacy of Fidel Castro’s Vision of Health Care By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 25 2020

‘Private medicine grants privileges to those who have money to the detriment of those who do not have it and nothing could be more inhumane than that. It is unbelievable that rich societies that apply this and many other similar

Return of Great Game in Post-Soviet Central Asia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 25 2020

The recent Issue Brief by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission entitled The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: A Testbed for Chinese Power Projection takes a close look at the Chinese security footprint in Central Asia and its political dimensions. A

As Palestinian Refugees Face Severe Crisis, Canada Must Show Support for UNRWA By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 25 2020

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and the Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations (CCPO) are urging the Canadian government to take action in response to the crisis facing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for

Big Lie that Won’t Die: Russiagate Still Around By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2020

The scheme was cooked up by Obama/Biden regime Russophobes John Brennan, Hillary and the DNC — to smear Russia and discredit Trump at the same time.

It aimed to maintain and escalate US hostility toward the Russian Federation – for …

UK Government Running ‘Orwellian’ Unit to Block Release of ‘Sensitive’ Information By Peter Geoghegan, Jenna Corderoy, and Lucas Amin, November 24 2020

Secretive Cabinet Office ‘Clearing House’ for Freedom of Information requests also accused of “blacklisting” journalists; openDemocracy launching a legal bid for transparency


The British government has been accused of running an ‘Orwellian’ unit in Michael Gove’s office that …

Sidney Powell No Longer a Trump Campaign Legal Team Member? By Stephen Lendman, November 24 2020

On Sunday, a joint statement by Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said the following:

Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own.”

“She is not a member of the Trump legal team.” 

“She is also not a lawyer for