Global Research News

The Blood-Soaked Legacy of the Jimmy Carter Administration By Matt Peppe, January 12 2016

Click to read part 1

Five months ago, I wrote an article titled “Jimmy Carter’s Blood-Soaked Legacy” about how the former President’s record in office contradicted his professed concern for human rights. Despite campaigning on a promise to

Haiti Blasted Once Again: Earthquake, Famine, Pestilence and Greed By Dady Chery, January 12 2016

Six years after the earthquake, death and destruction freely roam through Haiti in the form of new epidemics on people and plants. Bill and Hillary Clinton, who ushered the country’s dismantlement through the introduction of subsidized Arkansas rice in the

Massive Secret Surveillance in Canada. Ottawa Spying on its Citizens and Brazil, in Collaboration with the NSA By Asad Ismi, January 12 2016

Canadian government spies on Brazil — and its own citizens.

This article was first published by the CCPA Monitor in 2013.  

In the September issue of the CCPA Monitor, I reported on the U.S. National Security Agency’s (NSA) spying on

The Truth About Madaya, Syria: Population Held Hostage by US-NATO Supported Terrorists By Vanessa Beeley and UK Column News, January 12 2016

In today’s UK Column News we spoke to Vanessa Beeley about the events taking place in Madaya, Syria, where, it is alleged, thousands of people are being starved because they are under siege by forces loyal to President Assad.

The US in 2016: No Money for Social Programs, Cash to Burn for the Military By Andre Damon, January 12 2016

The US Navy’s “goals and objectives” outline for 2016, released last week, does not mince words: the first goal listed in the second subhead reads: “Buy more ships.”

And that is exactly what the world’s most powerful navy is doing. …

German Media Incites Racist Hysteria By Peter Schwarz, January 12 2016

Using the pretext of alleged incidents of sexual harassment in Köln (Cologne), the German media has launched a hysterical, racist campaign against millions of immigrants and Muslims.

On New Year’s Eve, thousands of people gathered in Köln and in other …

War Propaganda and the Western Media: Fabricated Images. Fake Videos By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 12 2016
CNN's report focussed on the Tibet protests in Gansu province and in the Tibetan capital Lhasa. What was shown, however, was a videotape of the Tibet protest movement in India.
El Chapo versus Longstanding CIA Global Drugs Trafficking By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2016

Drug lords come and go, El Chapo’s arrest of little consequence, doing nothing to stem the flow of illicit drugs. Business as usual continues.

His operation and others like his pale compared to CIA global drugs trafficking – a topic …

Daniel Ellsberg: Tribute to the Man Who Exposed the Pentagon Papers. The Emerging Role of Whistleblowers in Mega-Societies By Prof Peter Dale Scott, January 11 2016

First published

Note from the editors at WhoWhatWhy: At WhoWhatWhy, we’re proud that Dan Ellsberg [pictured left] a great patriot and American hero, has been on our Editorial Advisory Council since our earliest days. We’re also proud that we

Taiwan Bans GMOs from School Lunches. Mandates GMO Labeling. Throws down Gauntlet on Toxic Foods from USA and Monsanto By Mike Adams, January 11 2016

Even as the fascist, corrupt U.S. government and its regulators (FDA and USDA) actively conspire with the biotech industry to poison Americans with genetically modified foods, Taiwan has already passed and implemented a nationwide law to protect its citizens from

Selected Articles: Nukes, War Crimes, and Financial Collapse. Towards Nuclear War? By Global Research News, January 11 2016

north-korea-nuclear-usWhy North Korea Wants Nukes. Extensive U.S. War Crimes Committed against the DPRK

By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2016

Pyongyang has just cause to fear America. It knows how it raped Southeast Asia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Cycling Smart In Copenhagen: ‘Smart Cities’ Call For Smart Solutions By Colin Todhunter, January 11 2016

“Every increase in motorized speed creates new demands on space and time. The use of the bicycle is self-limiting. It allows people to create a new relationship between their life-space and their life-time, between their territory and the pulse of

Locked Up Refugees from North Africa on Samos Island: “We’d Rather Die Eaten by Fish than Eaten by Worms.” By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, January 11 2016

When the message reaches Morocco that Moroccans are not being allowed to cross into Europe but are being held and repatriated, the flows will drop.”

Yiannis Mouzalas [the minister responsible for refugees] said that around half of the people …

Stormy Times: Climate Change and Instability as Predicted By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, January 11 2016

In June 2008 the Community Climate Change Consortium for Ireland (C4I) produced a 118 page report entitled Ireland in a Warmer World: Scientific Predictions of the Irish Climate in the Twenty-First Century (supported and co-funded by Environmental Protection Agency, Sustainable

Why North Korea Wants Nukes. Extensive U.S. War Crimes Committed against the DPRK By Stephen Lendman, January 11 2016

Pyongyang has just cause to fear America. It knows how it raped Southeast Asia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Truman’s naked aggression was devastating, turning most of North Korea to rubble during the Korean War (1950-53). General Matthew Ridgway …

Madaya Fake Media Images: BBC Caught Recycling 2014 Footage from Yarmouk By, January 11 2016

Since the story of the Madaya “starvation” broke seemingly hours after the Saudi lawless and brutal execution of inspirational opposition speaker and cleric Sheikh Nimr, we have been presented with a ceaseless array of fake images many of which have

China’s Financial Crisis Erupts Again–What’s Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 11 2016

The primary indicator of excess liquidity and financial asset investment and speculation is debt. Debt—i.e. credit extended by lenders—is the mediating element between liquidity and financial asset investing. Excess liquidity is necessary for the availability of excess credit to be

Political Chaos in Spain By Dr. Birsen Filip, January 11 2016

Spain’s political establishment is currently in a state of

£100bn+ for Britain’s Trident WMD better Spent on Hospitals … By Anthony Bellchambers, January 11 2016

“The combined cost of replacing the Trident nuclear missile system and building, equipping and running two large aircraft carriers will be as much as £130bn, far more than the government has admitted, an in­-depth study of the huge defence projects

Britain and Saudi Arabia: Collusion in Barbarism By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 11 2016

“Human rights is a cause that runs deep in the British heart and long in British history.”

(Britain is) “Driven by a belief in fundamental human rights and a passion to advance them.”

(Prime Minister David Cameron, Speech on the …

Media Fabrications in Support of US-NATO War on Syria By David Macilwain, January 11 2016

Letter to:

Hon Melissa Parke MP [pictured left], Australian MP.

Federal Labor Member for Fremantle

Dear Melissa,

My apologies for writing to you once more in what should be a time to relax and reflect – as well as plan

Global Alteration of Ocean Ecosystem Functioning due to Increasing Human CO2 Emissions. By Science Daily, January 11 2016

A world-first global analysis of marine responses to climbing human CO2 emissions has painted a grim picture of future fisheries and ocean ecosystems. 

Published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), marine ecologists

Palestine: Amid Right-wing Attacks, Suspected Arson at B’Tselem Offices By Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, January 11 2016

Headquarters of Israel’s oldest human rights organization sustain heavy damage. Spokesperson says if fire turns out to be arson, ‘it must be seen in the context of the wave of government incitement and smear campaigns against Israel’s human rights groups,

Why the Feds Punk Out When Confronting White Rightwing Insurgents By Glen Ford, January 11 2016

When a criminal justice system born in Native American genocide and Black slave patrolling finds itself in conflict with conservative white Christian landowners, it short-circuits. “The Mass Black Incarceration State was designed to pre-empt any insurgency by Black people” –

Fighting for the Right to Choose: 22,000 American Nurses Refuse “Mandatory” Vaccinations By Christina Sarich, January 11 2016

If you are a nurse in the US and refuse the flu vaccine (one the CDC has even admitted doesn’t always work, largely due to fast mutations and too slow of production) then you have to wear a face

Iraq in 2015: the Deadliest Country for Journalists and Media-Professionals By Dirk Adriaensens, January 11 2016

The number of journalists and media professionals worldwide, who have been killed in 2015, fluctuated between 98 and 133, depending on the source. That is much higher than in 2014. Iraq was again the deadliest country with 48 victims. No

China’s Financial Crisis Erupts as US Pivots to South America By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 11 2016

Jack Rasmus takes a look at this past week’s major event in the collapse of the China stock market, as well as the resurgence of Neoliberal policies in South America and the US pivot to that continent and destabilization of

US Drones Attack Headquarters of Iraqi Popular Forces in Tikrit, Kill 9 People By Fars News Agency, January 11 2016
The US military drones launched airstrikes on the popular forces in an area in Tikrit that had already been purged of terrorists, leaving two dozen casualties.

“In an incident against which we have had warned several times in the past,

Syria: BBC Fabricates Again, Uses Recycled Photos. Madaya Residents used as Human Shields by US-NATO Backed Terrorists By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 11 2016

More fabricated photos (see info-graphic) have been used by al Qaeda groups and western media in the dirty war on Syria, the residents of the town of Madaya have been used as human shields by NATO backed terrorists

Those same …

Cameron Government Threatened with Legal Action over UK Arms Export Licences to Saudi Arabia By Leigh Day, January 11 2016

Law firm Leigh Day, representing Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), has issued a pre-action protocol letter for judicial review challenging the government’s decision to export arms to Saudi Arabia despite increasing evidence that Saudi forces are violating international humanitarian law

Syria. Analyzing Madaya’s Starvation Falsification. Western Media Propaganda in Support of US-NATO War Crimes By Paul Antonopoulos, January 11 2016

Public outcry and condemnation against the Syrian government spread like wildfire across mainstream news and social media when the horrific photos of starved children and civilians from the besieged town of Madaya emerged. No one could understand why Assad would

The Lottery and Social Despair in America By Andre Damon, January 11 2016

This mania, so generally condemned, has never been properly studied. No one has realized that it is the opium of the poor. Did not the lottery, the mightiest fairy in the world, work up magical hopes? The roll of the

The Refugee Tragedy and the European Union: The Balance Sheet for 2015 By Martin Kreickenbaum, January 11 2016

The barbaric treatment meted out to refugees fleeing to Europe has revealed before the whole world the inhumane and barbaric nature of the European Union. The EU responded to the hundreds of thousands of desperate people trying to escape the

Big Lies About Russia’s Syrian Campaign Persist. Pentagon Awestruck by Moscow’s Formidable Military Power By Stephen Lendman, January 10 2016

Washington’s view on Russia’s Syrian campaign depends on who’s commenting at different times along with what the Western media reports or suppresses.

Pentagon commanders are awestruck by Moscow’s formidable military power, its sophisticated weapons matching or exceeding their own capability,

Another Brutalized Guantanamo Victim Freed By Stephen Lendman, January 10 2016

Guantanamo is one of numerous US global black sites operating extrajudicially.

Unknown numbers of innocent victims languish under hellish conditions, subjected to torture and other forms of mistreatment, denied all international law guaranteed rights.

Most were uncharged, others falsely accused. …

Russia’s Caspian Sea Fleet and the Cruise Missile Strikes against ISIS Targets By South Front and J. Hawk, January 10 2016

The Russian cruise missile strikes against ISIS targets carried out by a combination of air and naval assets drew attention to a relatively obscure component of the Russian armed forces, namely the Caspian Flotilla. While it is not a very

The Mysterious Death of Dr. David Kelly. Was He Murdered? The Official Verdict Was Suicide… By Yassmeen Radif, Matt Roberts, and Harry Zacharias, January 10 2016

Provided herewith are the introductory sections of this important report on the Death of Dr. David Kelly. Read complete report here.

Dr David Kelly was a British scientist, who worked as a weapons inspector for the United Nations Special

Madaya: More Fabricated Photos Used in the Dirty War on Syria By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 10 2016

More fabricated photos (see info-graphic) have been used by al Qaeda groups and western media in the dirty war on Syria, the residents of the town of Madaya have been used as human shields by NATO backed terrorists.

Those same …

America’s Subservience to the Saud Family By Eric Zuesse, January 10 2016

The Saud royal family are by far the world’s largest buyers of US weapons. The King of Saudi Arabia is by far the world’s richest person, with a net worth well over a trillion dollars; and, when his (Aramco’s) 260

Jihadi John Version 2.0 By Ulson Gunnar, January 10 2016

It didn’t take long for IS (Islamic State) to find a new cartoon-style villain to fill the shoes of Mohammed “Jihadi John” Emwazi. The masked villain often appeared in high-value productions, narrating them with a perfect British accent, as the

Does North Korea Need Nukes to Deter US Aggression? By Mike Whitney, January 10 2016

Here’s your U.S. foreign policy quiz for the day:

Question 1– How many governments has the United States overthrown or tried to overthrow since the Second World War?

Answer: 57  (See William Blum.)

Question 2– How many of those

The Jobs Report: A Dismal Economic and Social Picture, Impoverishment of the Middle Class By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 10 2016

In my column on Friday I reported the unreported facts in the payroll jobs report. 

If we choose to believe the report, it is really very bad news.

Good middle class jobs are continuing to decline. The new jobs

The Bosnian Problem: Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 10 2016

“I do not think we will have another war. Why would someone go to war? Thousands died, and are their descendants living better now?” – Milorad Dodik, Feb 19, 2015

The whole basis for Republika Srpska being an autonomous entity

US Prosecutors Refuse to Indict Killer Cops. “The Black Response has been Woefully Inadequate” By Margaret Kimberley, January 10 2016

Like macabre clockwork, prosecutors and their grand juries refuse to indict killer cops – most recently in the case of Tamir Rice. The Black response has been woefully inadequate. “Every announcement of a killer cop going free sets off a

Rwanda under the Repressive Government of Paul Kagame: Washington’s Proxy Police State By Anjan Sundaram, January 10 2016

Rwandan President Paul Kagame announced last week that he will seek a third term in office in 2017, following a December referendum allowing him to serve beyond the constitution’s previous two-term limit. World Policy Journal spoke with award-winning journalist Anjan

Serb Pilgrims Pelted With Eggs in Kosovo By Paulina Nushi, January 10 2016

Featured image: BIRN

A group of around 30 people protested on 6 January at the visit by Serb pilgrims to the church in the town of Gjakova/Djakovica, throwing eggs and ice when their bus arrived.

The bus was not hit …

Fear And Loathing in the House of Saud By Pepe Escobar, January 10 2016

Desperation does not even begin to describe the current plight of the House of Saud. Riyadh was fully aware the beheading of respected Saudi Shi’ite cleric Nimr al-Nimr was a deliberate provocation bound to elicit a rash Iranian response.

The …

Cholera in Haiti and Africa: The Peacekeepers’ Footprint By Dady Chery, January 10 2016

Like the plantain weed, Plantago major, which so reliably matched the movements of European settlers through North America that it became known as “the white man’s footprint,” the cholera epidemics of the last 15 years have closely followed the growth

The US Has Been Giving Afghan Children Violent Books to Indoctrinate them to Jihad – It Worked By John Vibes, January 10 2016

The United States government has played a crucial role in the development of the complex and volatile political situation that now exists in the Middle East, and they have had a heavy hand in influencing the region since the first

Aegean Airlines | Eric Salard (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Palestinians on Plane to Tel Aviv attacked by Jewish-Israeli Passengers, Accusing them of being Terrorists By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, January 10 2016

Two passengers, on Sunday 3rd January, who in good faith had paid their fares, had passed security checks, boarded the Aegean Airlines flight from Athens to Tel Aviv unexpectedly found themselves at the centre of a racist onslaught by belligerent

The Crucial Difference Between Donbass and Oregon By Tony Cartalucci, January 10 2016

Despite a few superficial similarities, the difference between the rebellion in eastern Ukraine and armed Oregon ranchers standing off with the US federal government couldn’t be greater.

A lack of understanding regarding the nature of power and how it is …

The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 10 2016

Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations. Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over

After Clinton Email Leak Exposes Her War Crimes, “It Will be Like Watergate” By Claire Bernish, January 10 2016

The biggest fireworks on New Year’s Eve weren’t any glowing in the night sky above millions of giddy revelers worldwide, but instead came tucked away in another batch of Hillary’s infamous emails made public — and the contents are so

A Tribute to Kellia Ramares-Watson. A Powerful Voice in the Alternative Media By Michael Welch and Kéllia Ramares, January 10 2016

“Why must we pay to live on the planet we’re born on?” Kellia Ramares-Watson (July 31, 1955-August 18, 2015)

Kellia Ramares-Watson was a powerful voice in the alternative media. She contributed to Global Research from the very outset in 2001.…

The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: “Total War” and the Ideology of Imperialism By Thomas Gaist, January 09 2016


This is the third of four articles analyzing the new US Department of Defense Law of War Manual.

The Department of Defense (DOD) Law of War Manual represents …

US-Saudi “Dirty Schemes”: Riyadh Escalates “Pre-Planned” Tensions against Iran, on Behalf of Washington By Stephen Lendman, January 09 2016

Riyadh and Tehran are regional rivals, each nation pursuing polar opposite policies.

On January 3, Riyadh cut diplomatic ties, trade and air links with Iran, likely pre-planned, using the phony pretext of angry Iranians storming its Tehran embassy over the

Six Huge Stories The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About By Sophie McAdam, January 09 2016

You might have heard about a few of them, but not as much as you should. Here’s our pick of the last 12 month’s top news stories, all pretty much ignored by the corporate press.

Whistleblowers, Ecocide, top secret trade

Gaddafi Accused Blair of ‘Supporting Al-Qaeda,’ Unseen Phone Transcripts Reveal By RT, January 09 2016

Transcripts of two phone calls between Tony Blair and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi reveal the Libyan dictator forced the former prime minister to confirm he did not support Al-Qaeda, as civil war engulfed the North African state.

On Thursday, the ex-PM …

Ireland and Sweden have “Abandoned Israel”… By Noel Baker, January 09 2016

The Government has responded to comments from the Israeli foreign minister who claimed Ireland is among the European countries to have “abandoned” Israel and drew comparisons with the fate of Czechoslovakia prior to the Second World War.

A report in …

The US Helped Destroy Libya In 2011. Here’s What’s Happening There Now, With the Help of ISIS… By NeedfulTruth, January 09 2016


“We are helpless and not being able to do anything against this deliberate destruction to the oil installations. NOC urges all faithful and honorable people of this homeland to hurry to rescue what is left from our resources

The Occupied Golan Heights: How Israel Thrives from Syria’s Natural Resources By Lulu Mikhail, January 09 2016

We all know how the story goes. The Golan Heights is Syrian territory that has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War. It was then controversially annexed in 1981, despite the UN calling the efforts “null”, “void” and

International Criminal Court (ICC) Biased Report on Gaza, Overlooks Israeli Crimes against Humanity By The Palestinian Information Center, January 09 2016

The Palestinian Return Center (PRC) accused on Friday the International Criminal Court (ICC) of pro-Israel bias in its new report on Preliminary Examination Activities published on November 12th, 2015.

The ICC’s Report on Preliminary Examination Activities provides a section on …

Rescuing the 1948 Palestinian Mind is Crucial to Achieving Justice for All By Shady Srour, January 09 2016

We often hear from Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank on the struggle for freedom from occupation.  One group of Palestinians who are not heard from as often is the 1948 Palestinians, those who after the 1948 Nakbe were

Yet Another Fabricated Jobs Report. Rising Real Unemployment in America By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 09 2016

According to Friday’s (January 8) payroll jobs numbers, almost 300,000 new jobs were created in December. Additionally, the previous two months were revised upward by 50,000 jobs. Apparently, the equity market did not believe the report, with the averages moving

A Review of America’s War Theaters: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. Will the Middle East Crisis Worsen in the New Year? By Jack A. Smith, January 09 2016

Washington’s extensive military maneuvers in the Middle East since Sept. 11, 2001, have largely failed, creating far worse calamities at great cost to the people and countries of the region — and there is little reason to suspect this will

Britain Aiding Saudi Terror War on Yemenis By Stephen Lendman, January 09 2016

Make no mistake. Yemen is Obama’s war, planned, orchestrated and initiated in Washington, using Riyadh and other rogue regional states to do his dirty work.

On January 7, Britain’s Sky News headlined “Exclusive: UK Helping Saudi’s Yemen Campaign” – allied …

Christmas Celebrated in Terror-Ravaged Syria By Eva Bartlett, January 09 2016

Due to corporate media’s misrepresentation of Syria, some may be surprised to know that Syrians—suffering terribly under nearly five years of the foreign war on their country—are also celebrating Christmas from Damascus to Homs to Aleppo. Glittering displays, street Santas,

“Future Economic Historians” Will Probably Call the Period That Began In 2007 “The Longest Depression” By Washington's Blog, January 09 2016

Sure, last year was the first pre-election year stock market loss since the Great Depression.  And admittedly, this week was the worst opening week of any year … EVER.

But that’s not the big news.

The big news

Latin America Has to Fight and Win! By Andre Vltchek, January 09 2016

For now, Argentina is lost and Venezuela is deeply wounded, divided and frustrated. Virtually everywhere in socialist Latin America, well-orchestrated and angry protests are taking place, accusing our left-wing governments of mismanagement and corruption.

What was gained during those years

Jeremy Corbyn has written to his MPs saying he cannot support bombing raids in Syria | Jonathan Brady/PA Wire
Toppling Leaders: The Efforts of Britain’s Right-Wing to Get Rid of Jeremy Corbyn By Lesley Docksey, January 09 2016

Far too many people were knocked sideways, waking up the morning after Britain’s general election last May, hearing that the Tories had ‘won’ the election? That the majority was small and that they had done it on the support of

north korea flag
North Korea’s Nuclear Perceptions and Deterrence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 08 2016

Nuclear weapons have always had a habit of inviting games of perception.  Will the state in possession of a nuclear option make use of it?  Obviously, there is always precedent that any state with an option will, at some point,

Neoliberalism Raises Its Ugly Head in South America: As Washington Targets Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 08 2016

After 9-11, the United States focused its most aggressive foreign policy on the Middle East – from Afghanistan to North Africa. But the deal recently worked out with Iran, the current back-door negotiations over Syria between U.S. Secretary of State

Media Lies ‘Made in America’. What Prospects for 2016? By William Blum, January 08 2016

Best-selling author William Blum 

New Year’s Eve 2016

I stayed up about two hours past my usual bedtime to watch the New Years Eve celebration in Times Square.

For one reason only.

To see happy people.

A year like 2015

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Confirms: Rebels Used Chemical Weapons – not Assad By Chris Tomson, January 08 2016

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has confirmed the traces of the sarin gas used in Syria are not linked with the Syrian government’s former stockpile of chemical weapons. The report corroborates the Syrian government’s assertions that

America Supports the Islamic State, Provides Advanced Weapons to ISIS Terrorists: Iraqi MP By Stephen Lendman, January 08 2016

Image: Stephen Lendman

Clear evidence shows Washington uses ISIS and other terrorist groups as imperial foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Its so-called war on terror is a complete hoax, the media perpetuating the myth. 

Iraqi parliamentarian Awatif Naima

Past and Present Islamist, Democratic and Nazi International Brigades By Prof. James Petras, January 08 2016

Image: Professor James Petras

The Islamic State (IS) has become a magnet for international brigades, drawing over 30,000 fighters from 5 continents and 86 countries to their war in Iraq and Syria.

While the international brigades are part of a

The Drone Medal Revived! Special Pentagon Distinguished Awards for Drone and Cyber-War Specialists By William J. Astore, January 08 2016

Bad ideas never die at the Pentagon — nor do they fade away.  No — like no-win wars (Vietnam followed by Afghanistan, and so on), they keep coming back to haunt us.

According to today’s New York Times, the …

Financial Markets and the Global Economy: What Really Happened In 2015, And What Is Coming In 2016… By Michael Snyder, January 08 2016

A lot of people were expecting some really big things to happen in 2015, and most of them did not happen. 

But what did happen?  It is my contention that a global financial crisis began during the second half of

Activists or Terrorists? How Media Controls and Dictates ‘The Narrative’ in Burns, Oregon By Randy Johnson, January 08 2016

The majority of mainstream media reporting surrounding the Burns, Oregon, and Wildlife Refuge occupy protest has ranged from overly simplistic, to outright partisan. This story is a microcosm of media at its most divisive. 

At its core, the narrative has …

Not Trusting Pentagon Investigation of Afghan Hospital Bombing By Ryan McNamara, January 08 2016

Does Doctors Without Borders Deserve an Independent Probe?

The October 3 airstrike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, carried out by the US, left 42 civilians dead and thousands of Afghans without access to emergency medical care.