Mark Taliano - Archive

Imperial Disaster By Mark Taliano, January 19, 2018
Political Insanity By Mark Taliano, January 13, 2018
Legitimizing Terrorism: Inviting Al Qaeda “Moderates” to Washington for “Consultations” By Mark Taliano, January 09, 2018
Syria Redux in Iran? By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2018
Syrians Are Human Beings. “The West Seeks to Fabricate Sectarianism in Syria” By Mark Taliano, December 27, 2017
North Korea Is Not a Threat to Humanity. The US and Its Allies Are Infinitely More Dangerous. By Mark Taliano, December 22, 2017
Syria: Egregious Lies and Crimes Are The Foundation of Western Foreign Policy By Mark Taliano, December 18, 2017
Syrian Realities Defy Imperial Projections: The Military Industrial Media Complex sold Us these Wars By Mark Taliano, December 16, 2017
A Christian Christmas? The West Supported Al Qaeda Terrorists Who Killed Christians in Syria By Mark Taliano, December 12, 2017
Western Backed Terrorists in Syria: “Accepted Truths” Are Black Lies By Mark Taliano, December 07, 2017
Iran Playing Major Role in Defeating Terrorism in Middle East: Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and Tasnim News Agency, December 02, 2017
Canada’s Unraveling Web of Deceit. Terrorism and War Propaganda By Mark Taliano, November 28, 2017
A “Peace Train” is Rolling Through Syria… By Mark Taliano, November 24, 2017
War Crimes as Policy By Mark Taliano, November 17, 2017
“Never Again” or “Again and Again”? Syria has been Fighting, and Winning A Just War against Terrorism By Mark Taliano, November 11, 2017
Criminal War Propaganda  By Mark Taliano, November 07, 2017
The War on Syria: Debunking “Progressive Left” Narratives By Michael Welch, Mark Taliano, and Sarah Abed, October 29, 2017
America’s War of Terror against Real Democracy: Assad Must Stay! By Mark Taliano, October 29, 2017
The Islamic State as “Place-Setter” for the American Empire. ISIS is the Product of the US Military-Intelligence Complex By Mark Taliano, October 26, 2017
What Do We Know About the Dirty War on Syria? By Mark Taliano, October 26, 2017
Shifting Narratives and War Crimes: NATO Terrorists Used Chemical Weapons against Syrian Civilians By Mark Taliano, October 21, 2017
Video: Moscow Rejects “Syria Role” in Chemical Raids By Mark Taliano and Press TV, October 19, 2017
Kurdish SDF Terror Proxies Re-Occupy (What’s Left of) Raqqa, Syria By Mark Taliano, October 16, 2017
War Crimes and the Rights of Children in Syria and Iraq: On the Importance of Media Literacy in Times of Universal Deceit By Mark Taliano, October 14, 2017
Syria: Disappeared Voices by Western Corporate Media By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2017
The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries By Mark Taliano, October 01, 2017
Canada’s Disgrace: “Ottawa Supports Illegal Coalition Tasked with Destroying Syria and its People” By Mark Taliano, September 24, 2017
Syria’s Victories Are Our Victories By Mark Taliano, September 19, 2017
United Nations as Agency for Imperialism. Flawed Report Relies on Al Qaeda as Witnesses By Mark Taliano, September 09, 2017
The Liberation of Deir Ezzor. Remorseless in Defeat. The West Evacuate ISIS Commanders By Mark Taliano, September 06, 2017
Syria’s Victories Represent a Window of Opportunity By Mark Taliano, August 23, 2017
International Law and Victor’s “Justice” By Mark Taliano, August 15, 2017
Global Deception: “The War on Terror” is a Campaign for Permanent War and Terror By Mark Taliano, August 08, 2017
Going after ISIS, Killing Civilians as Military Doctrine By Mark Taliano, August 02, 2017
Spreading the Truth and Countering the Lies By Mark Taliano, July 30, 2017
Syria Propaganda Ploy. More Stories Within Stories By Mark Taliano, July 23, 2017
Canada’s Involvement in Supporting Terrorism and Aggressive Warfare By Mark Taliano, July 19, 2017
US-NATO Holocaust in Iraq: The Depopulation and Destruction of Mosul By Mark Taliano, July 12, 2017
Canada’s Fake Veneer Conceals Its Direct Involvement in Illegal and Aggressive Warfare against Non-belligerent Nations By Mark Taliano, July 10, 2017
Big Lies Incorporated By Mark Taliano, July 03, 2017
Ministry of Propaganda and the Fight for Freedom By Mark Taliano, June 27, 2017
“Creative Chaos” and the War Against Humanity. US-NATO Supports ISIS By Mark Taliano, May 29, 2017
Common Sense and the Manchester Bombing. The Militarization of the United Kingdom By Mark Taliano, May 26, 2017
Trump’s Love Affair with Saudi Arabia, The Fountainhead of Terrorism By Mark Taliano, May 23, 2017
America Bombs Syria, Protects the Terrorists. Where Is The Outrage? By Mark Taliano, May 20, 2017
U.S–Led NATO’s Tree Of Lies By Mark Taliano, May 17, 2017
Dark Truths Protected Beneath Progressive Facades. NATO and its Allies are the Terrorists in Syria By Mark Taliano, May 10, 2017
Free Speech in Canada Suppressed and Negated By Mark Taliano, May 06, 2017
“Voices from Syria”: Important E-book by Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano, May 03, 2017
NATO Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, May 02, 2017
The West is Responsible for Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, April 29, 2017
Syria: Evidence-Based Analysis Versus Mainstream Propaganda Narratives By Mark Taliano, April 26, 2017
Canada Chooses The Wrong Path. Contempt for Peace, De Facto Support for Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, April 24, 2017
Criminal Media Messaging, Black Propaganda By Mark Taliano, April 21, 2017
The West Supports Terrorism: Washington’s “Dark State” Agendas By Mark Taliano, April 17, 2017
Canada’s Support for Terrorism in Syria By Mark Taliano, April 12, 2017
The West and Its Allies Seek to Install the “Black Flag of Terrorism” Over Syria By Mark Taliano, April 10, 2017
US Empire’s Strategy of Deception: “Balkanize and Destroy” By Mark Taliano, April 03, 2017
Shooting the Messenger, The Last Bastions of Independent Thought By Mark Taliano, March 26, 2017
America Seeks to Destroy Syrian Civilization, Replace it With Terrorism and Ignorance By Mark Taliano, March 22, 2017