Dangerous Crossroads: Is U.K. at War with Russia? British Now Know the Danger. But Still No Peace Party. U.S. Stationing Nuclear Weapons in U.K.?

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In a letter to my MP (in answer to my question) the UK Department of Defence could not confirm that the UK was at war with Russia.

But in international law war is recognised as existing between two countries if there is a condition marked by armed conflict between or among states, whether or not war has been declared formally by any of the belligerents. 

This is unquestionably the case between the UK and Russia with the British public slowly recognising the fact, having been jolted by the recent words of General Sir Patrick Sanders who said the UK should be prepared to “mobilise the nation” because the armed forces are too weak to resist Russia.

Even more devastating was the announcement that the United States plans to station nuclear weapons in Britain for the first time in 15 years according to Pentagon documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph. The US removed nuclear missiles from Britain in 2008. Contracts for a new facility at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk confirmed the US intention.

Having hung onto the coat tails of the US neocons’ plan to destroy Russia through Ukraine, Britain now finds itself with Armed forces of 184,865 against Russia’s 1.3m and an army of 73,000 which would (at Ukraine’s rate of losses against Russia) be wiped out in 4 months!

Given the extremely dangerous 2020 change by Biden on the FIRST use of nuclear weapons (see this) against “competitors that could inflict strategic-level damage” it is worth recording that the UK has a mere 225 nuclear warheads as against Russia’s 5,900.

The Royal Airforce has 564 fixed wing aircraft while Russia has 3,864 and in Ukraine Russia has developed the most sophisticated Drone operations and electronic warfare in the world. 

The UK Attacks on Russia Through Ukraine

During the longstanding civil war between Kiev and the Ukrainian Russians in the Donbas it was the British armed forces who led the training and arming off Kiev’s forces (including openly Nazi groups like Azov). The Ukrainian Major General Alexei Taran, responsible for the training programme declared that 

Great Britain has become the “undisputed leader” in organizing the training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – it has trained over 30,000 military personnel since the beginning of the Russian attack, and another 20 thousand from 2014 to 2022.

It is worth recording that according to Ukrainian sources their losses are now 30,000 PER MONTH.

UK Trained Saboteurs

British Armed Forces special forces were involved in the training of Ukrainian saboteurs who were planning to attack military and transportation facilities in Russia, including nuclear power plants. 

The Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov, reported that in August of 2023, his agency apprehended members of a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group who had received training, and their operations were planned with the involvement of British Armed Forces Special Forces.

The objectives of this group included conducting sabotage activities at military installations, in the oil sector, transportation, and critical infrastructure, as well as targeting nuclear energy facilities, specifically the Smolensk and Kursk nuclear power plants.

There is no doubt that the British government would classify such attacks as terrorism if inflicted on British soil.

UK Intelligence Organising Anti Russian Insurgency

The head of the Uzbek diaspora Vatandosh, Usman Baratov was arrested and confessed to collaborating with British military intelligence.

Baratov testified that he spoke at the British Embassy in Moscow with a military attaché, who offered him income and an easy path to British citizenship with subsequent emigration. Baratov met several times in Istanbul with people who introduced themselves to him as BRITISH military intelligence officers.

Baratov’s work was to promote the rights of the Uzbek diaspora in Russia by dividing it into “good” and “bad”. The spy was given the task of consolidating all the “good” ones and preparing them to defend their interests in Russia using soft and forceful methods.

First, everyone had to become citizens of Russia, and then be ready to come to the collection points at hour X at the end of March 2024. All other details are classified as “secret.” After his arrest, Baratov expressed his readiness to work with the FSB (The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) and give evidence exposing the hostile work of British diplomatic workers.

UK Weapons Fabrication in Ukraine

Britain has said it will open weapons factories and training centres in Ukraine. Russia said it saw BAE opening a local entity in Ukraine “negatively”, and any facilities producing weapons used against Russia would become legitimate military targets.

The UK has also considered escorting Ukrainian ships by the British Navy in the Black Sea according to The DailyTelegraph

UK Forces Totally Unprepared for War

Apart from extreme recruiting difficulties for the Army and the RAF turning down white men in order to fulfil its “diversification” programme there was the embarrassment of two British minesweepers colliding in a Bahrain port. Even more serious was the inability of the Royal Navy to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Red Sea because there are not enough crew to man Fort Victoria, the only Solid Support Ship capable of providing the Carrier Support Group with the amount of ammunition, aircraft, spare equipment and food required for such a deployment.

In the last year both carriers the Queen Elizabeth and the Prince of Wales (total cost £8bn) had to return to port unexpectedly for repairs.

The UK-Ukraine Security Agreement

As if the UK’s obligations to NATO were not already dangerously extensive (as previously neutral new members Finland and Sweden join) the British government has now signed a “Security Agreement” with a war ravaged Ukraine with 500,000 dead and wounded being driven back daily by Russian forces.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal summarised UK obligations: 

 “Not only must the UK respond within 24 hours if there is an aggression against Ukraine, Ukraine will also defend its ally and partner by responding within 24 hours in one way or another to support the UK if Russia wants to attack our friend, partner and ally,” he said on a national telethon.

While Ukraine is in no position to aid the UK, the terms of this treaty could rapidly bring direct confrontation with Russia. Bellicose and hubristic rhetoric from British politicians like Johnson, Truss and Shapps and military personnel like General Sanders have real world consequences and not one in a million Britons understand the massive gap between the political ambition and the weak state of British defence capacity.

Not long ago Tobias Ellwood MP Chairman of the Defense Committee was seen as a hysterical extremist when he said:

“Britain should start a war directly against Russia, we are fighting in Europe, we need to introduce martial law.”

After recent extreme warmongering by Shapps and Sanders, Ellwood is no longer on the fringes of political sanity but just another part of the establishment Gaderene swine.[1]

Not for 60 years and the Cuban missile crisis have the British been in such danger. And yet as the General Election approaches there is no sign of any genuine peace party. 


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This article was originally published on Freenations.


[1] The pigs into which Jesus cast the demons that had possessed a madman, and which as a result ran down a steep cliff into the sea and were killed; from this, Gadarene means involving or engaged in a headlong or potentially disastrous rush to do something. 

Featured image is from Freenations

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Articles by: Rodney Atkinson

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