Militarization and WMD

This is considered to be a landmark decision, widely interpreted as constituting a semi-official recognition by the US Department of Defense that Israel is a bona fide nuclear power.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
In 2015, 92 U.S missile officers were suspended because they had been cheating, taking drugs, or sleeping in the missile silos. These men are employed to guard and operate 150 nuclear missiles at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming that stand “on hair trigger alert” 24 hours a day...
Over Hill, Over Dale: The Militarization of Culture By Charles Sullivan, June 05, 2007
Depleted Uranium – A Way Out? By Felicity Arbuthnot, June 03, 2007
Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The ultimate weapon By Institute of Science in Society, May 29, 2007
Czechs Protest US Missile Plan By Global Research, May 26, 2007
VIDEO: Israel’s Secret Nuclear Weapons By BBC, May 25, 2007
Russian Breakthrough Reported In Radio Telescopes And Electromagnetic Weapons By Yury Zaitsev, May 15, 2007
Former Soviet Republics conduct military exercises By Global Research, April 23, 2007
The militarization of neuroscience By Hugh Gusterson, April 20, 2007
War Profiteering and the Concentration of Income and Wealth in America By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, April 13, 2007
480 US nuclear warheads in Europe By Global Research, April 12, 2007
“Cold War Shivers”: Russia to Launch New Strategic Nuclear Submarine By Global Research, April 11, 2007
U.S. accused of using Neutron Bombs By Global Research, April 10, 2007
Dramatic Surge in Defense Spending: Where do your tax dollars go? By National Priorities Project, April 09, 2007
VIDEO: Star Wars In Iraq By Maurizio Torrealta and Sigfrido Ranucci., April 05, 2007
Canada’s Role in Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons worldwide By Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre, April 03, 2007
Russian ministry urges strategic security, air defense agreements with U.S. By Global Research, March 28, 2007
Iranian Navy begins maneuvers in Persian Gulf – national TV By Global Research, March 26, 2007
Belgium Bans Uranium Weapons and Armour By Willem Van den Panhuysen, March 23, 2007
Draft United Nations Resolution on Iran By Global Research, March 23, 2007
Uranium and the War By John Williams, March 23, 2007
US Missile Shield in Ukraine, Caucasus could spark regional crisis with Russia By Global Research, March 05, 2007
“Nuclear Primacy” is a Fallacy By Valery Yarynich and Steven Starr, March 04, 2007
CIA blunder ‘prompted Korean nuclear race’ By Andrew Gumbel, March 04, 2007
Evidence of US coercion of IAEA members against Iran revealed By Global Research, March 01, 2007
New Arms Race: China’s military modernization aimed at achieving parity with US By Global Research, February 28, 2007
Russia invests in Franco-German Aerospace Conglomerate By Global Research, February 25, 2007
Why did West lie on NATO expansion, asks Russia By Amit Baruah, February 18, 2007
Israel spends 200 times more per capita on Military than Iran By Global Research, February 16, 2007
Russia May Exit Arms Reduction Treaty — Top General By Global Research, February 16, 2007
Russian General: Russia to rearm with Intermediate-range Nukes because of US threat By Global Research, February 16, 2007
China, Russia actively promote signing of treaty to prevent space arms race By Global Research, February 14, 2007
Germany deploys Tornado fighter planes into Afghanistan By Andreas Reiss, February 14, 2007
The World Can Halt Bush’s Crimes by Dumping the Dollar By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 13, 2007
Russia’s Putin talks U.S. Missile Defense, NATO, Iran in Munich By Global Research, February 11, 2007
The ‘Bush Doctrine’ and Weapons in Space By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 11, 2007
The Universal, Indivisible Character of Global Security By Pres. Vladimir Putin, February 11, 2007
New Fort Detrick BioDefense Laboratory May Reflect a Bush Germ War Effort By Sherwood Ross, February 05, 2007
Livermore: Radiation open air explosive detonations in Bay Area By Global Research, January 25, 2007
Russia: Missile Shield in Eastern Europe is a US threat By Mu Xuequan, January 24, 2007
Militarization and The Moon-Mars Program: Another Wrong Turn in Space? By Richard C. Cook, January 22, 2007
Depleted Uranium, Diabetes, Cancer And You By Dr. Alan Cantwell, January 18, 2007
Ethiopia has become an Anglo-American proxy in the Horn of Africa By Global Research, January 13, 2007
Japan now has a Ministry of Defence By Global Research, January 10, 2007
Influencing Human Cognition: US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights By Peter Phillips and Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, January 09, 2007
Bush’s War Heating Up—Attack on Iran Imminent By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 08, 2007
Israel plans to nuke Iran By Michael Carmichael, January 08, 2007
Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran By Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter, January 07, 2007
America’s Germ Warfare Capabilities developed in secret in US Corporate Labs By Sherwood Ross, January 07, 2007
Israel ‘has plan for nuclear strike on Iran’ By Marie Woolf, January 07, 2007
Nuclear War: US or Israeli Attack on Iran could contaminate Middle East By Sherwood Ross, January 06, 2007
Iran Manufactures Satellite Rockets By Global Research, January 03, 2007
China issues White Paper on National Defense By Mo Honge, January 01, 2007
Iran criticizes hypocrisy of Security Council over Israeli WMDs By Global Research, December 25, 2006
The Myth of Nuclear Disarmament By Alexander Timoshik, December 23, 2006
Bush plans to increase the size of the U.S. military By Global Research, December 20, 2006
Preemptive Warfare: Building a Consensus in favour of Israel’s Nukes By Global Research, December 17, 2006
Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense By Jonathan Moreno, December 17, 2006
Palestine on the brink of Civil War? By Nigel Parry, December 16, 2006
Russia to re-equip its new mobile ICBMs with multiple warheads By Global Research, December 15, 2006
La búsqueda de la seguridad por medio de las fortificaciones, la vigilancia de fronteras y los muros; Una ilusión By Prof. Jules Dufour, December 15, 2006
Russian military deploys new intercontinental ballistic missile By Global Research, December 12, 2006
Robert Gates: Israel is a Partner in the US Sponsored Nuclear Threat against Iran By Global Research, December 09, 2006
Traces of Israeli Uranium found in Lebanon By Global Research, December 07, 2006
Pro-US Lebanese Government getting ready to use force to stay in power By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 07, 2006
Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon: New “Nonlethal” Micro-wave Weapon used in Iraq By David Hambling, December 07, 2006
U.S. senator urges use of NATO defense clause for energy By Judy Dempsey, December 03, 2006
The challenge of the Asian Security Architecture By Siddharth Varadarajan, December 01, 2006
Britain’s Defense Spending: Only paranoia can justify the world’s second biggest military budget By George Monbiot, November 28, 2006
Iran urges nuclear-free Korean Peninsula By Global Research, November 19, 2006
Is Depleted Uranium the suspect behind Military Suicides? By Greg Mitchell, November 19, 2006
Israel developing anti-militant “bionic hornet” By Global Research, November 18, 2006
North Korea accuses US of deploying atomic bombs in South Korea By Global Research, November 15, 2006
DU behind the surge in Cancer rates in Iraq By Global Research, November 15, 2006
Congressional Report: US is top purveyor of high-tech weapons By Global Research, November 14, 2006
Russia and China create their own orbit By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 12, 2006
Israel Detonated a Radioactive Bunker Buster Bomb in Lebanon By Global Research, November 11, 2006
U.S. will train Latin American militaries By Global Research, November 10, 2006
The Militarization of Canada: Canadian Invasion Exercise By Global Research, November 10, 2006
Bunker buster bombs containing depleted uranium warheads used by Israel against civilian targets in Lebanon By Dr. Doug Rokke, November 06, 2006
Iran’s “Power of Deterrence” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 05, 2006