Selected Articles: The Christmas Big Pharma Race Is On

The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange

By Kim Petersen, December 01 2020

Despite whatever charges Julian Assange may be accused of, it is well known that the WikiLeaks publisher was targeted for exposing the war crimes of the US government. In an upside-down Bizarro World, the screws are being ever so gradually tightened on Assange by the war criminals and their criminal accomplices.

The Christmas Big Pharma Race Is On: “Back to Normal” When We Get the Covid Vaccine?

By Js Adams, December 01 2020

Ask anyone and they will say things will be back to ‘normal’ as soon as we all have the vaccine. Furthermore, if your only source of news is sponsored by Big Pharma, then you better watch out. Despite what the papers say, a vaccine is an inherently complicated affair, needing various trials to perfect and make absolutely safe for human use.

Concerts, Sport Events: World’s Largest Ticket Agency Plans to Require COVID-19 Testing or Vaccination

By Carolyn Hendler, December 01 2020

On Nov. 11, 2020, Billboard magazine reported that Ticketmaster, the world’s largest ticket agency, revealed it wants to require proof that ticket purchasers have tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 24-72 hours before attending an event or have received a COVID-19 vaccine with a year of the event.

RT-PCR Test to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Reveals 10 Major Scientific Flaws at the Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences for False Positive Results

By Pieter BorgerBobby Rajesh Malhotra, and et al., December 01 2020

This paper will show numerous serious flaws in the Corman-Drosten paper, the significance of which has led to worldwide misdiagnosis of infections attributed to SARS-CoV-2 and associated with the disease COVID-19.

“Dark Winter” Was the Code Name for a Scenario in Which a Biological Weapon Was Used Against the American Populace

By Michael Snyder, December 01 2020

Could it be possible that the phrase “dark winter”  has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand?  We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has been used in discussions regarding the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. Centrism: The Radical Betrayal of Global Solidarity

By Black Alliance for Peace, December 01 2020

In the United States, a liberal or a self-identified radical can rationalize supporting a candidate who throws Palestinians under the bus in order to get elected to the U.S. Senate. These same people can remain silent on murderous U.S. economic sanctions. They also can avoid any comment on U.S. imperialist aggression. They can do all of these things and their “progressive” or “radical” credentials would not be questioned.

Scientists and Historians Uncover Further Details of Racist 1921 Tulsa Massacre

By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 01 2020

The centenary of this horrendous series of events slated to be commemorated in another six months, has prompted a reexamination of the Tulsa massacre, falsely described in years past as a “riot.” The only “riot” which took place was the invasion of the African American community by armed racist mobs which looted and burned homes, churches and businesses, while murdering hundreds of people.

IMF Refuses to Help Ukraine

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 01 2020

The country is going through a moment of great crisis, from which it hoped to mitigate the effects by receiving emergency financial aid from the International Monetary Fund. However, the IMF now refuses to provide a large part of such emergency aid and launches Kiev into a danger of financial collapse.

Diversity in Dance Today: Enlightenment and Romanticist Perspectives

By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 01 2020

The history of dance shows that it has always been with us, and, like with other art forms, dance has a mixed history of social and radical roles. It has also, like other art forms, been highly influenced by Enlightenment and Romanticist ideas in more recent centuries, changing how we see and understand the role of dance in society today.

Anarchism and the Avant-Garde: Félix Fénéon at the Museum of Modern Art

By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, December 01 2020

The Museum of Modern Art is currently presenting Félix Fénéon: The Anarchist and the Avant-Garde – From Signac to Matisse and Beyond, examining the immense influence of this art critic, editor, publisher, collector and anarchist.

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