
Selected Articles: “Lie Big or Go Home”. What is Going on in Syria?
By Global Research News
Global Research, October 27, 2015

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By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 27, 2015

Caught with its pants down in Syria, the US government is making a fool of itself.  By attempting to mischaracterize Russia’s actions against ISIS in Syria, Washington has admitted that the terrorists from outside Syria, who are attempting to overthrow the elected government of Syria, are “our guys.” 

SyriaFuelling Tensions between Superpowers: Washington’s “No Fly Zone” Project in Southern Syria

By South Front, October 27 2015

Washington is thinking about creating a no-fly zone in Syria again. According to a new plan, it will be located at the border between Jordan and Syria. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a main lobbyist of the creation of buffer zones.

gmo_putin_russia_735_350 (1)Qatar Ready for Military Intervention against Syria, on Behalf of Pentagon. Reckless Policy Fraught with Dire Implications

By Andrei Akulov, October 27 2015

The Russian military operation in Syria has divided the Arab world. One side is made up of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, which view Russia’s actions with optimism […]  The other side is made up of Saudi, Qatari and the Turkish governments, which are adamantly opposed to Russian intervention in the Middle East.

Russia's President Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad  shake hands as they meet in MoscowRussia’s “Bombing” of Syrian Hospitals: The Incredible Expanding Lie

By Tony Cartalucci, October 27 2015

Russia’s alleged bombing of a “field hospital” in terrorist-held territory in Syria would be a tragic mistake at best… if such an allegation had credible evidence underpinning it. However, it does not.

New York TimesLatest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee “Surge”

By Stephen Lendman, October 27 2015

Times reporting shifts from the absurd to the contemptible. According to The Times, Russian airstrikes caused “surg(ing) civilian flight.” It lied, claiming its “warplanes attacked the village of Ter Ma’aleh, killing at least a dozen people and sending most of the residents into hurried exile.”

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