Global Research News

Assange Claims Hillary, Intel Officials “Quietly Pushing a Pence Takeover” By Zero Hedge, March 15 2017

Over the weekend we noted chatter that some saw Mike Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy,” and now, judging by tweets from Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, that may well be the Clinton/Intelligence Officials plan…

US Constitutional Rights. Federal Courts Say Foreigners, Not US Citizens, Are Entitled To Due Process By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 15 2017

The US Constitution applies to US citizens, and the amendments known as the Bill of Rights guarantee due process as a protection of US citizens’ civil liberties. That’s the theory but not the practice.

Trump’s travel ban applies to non-US

When ‘Disinformation’ Is Truth. Democrats and Liberals in Bed with the Neocons By Robert Parry, March 15 2017

Democrats and liberals have climbed into bed with the neocons to push the “Russia-did-it” conspiracy theory as a way to “get Trump,” but this New McCarthyism has grave dangers, writes Robert Parry.

The anti-Russian McCarthyism that has spread out from …

US Sends Drones, Assassination Squad to South Korea. Massive “War Games” Directed against DPRK Underway By Peter Symonds, March 15 2017

The Trump administration has further exacerbated the extremely tense standoff on the Korean Peninsula by dispatching attack drones to South Korea and sending special forces units to participate in massive war games already underway. The military build-up takes place as

The Empire Should Be Placed on Suicide Watch By The Saker, March 15 2017

In all the political drama taking place in the US as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at

Military Escalation: Why Trump’s Syria ‘Surge’ Will Fail By Rep. Ron Paul, March 15 2017

Last week President Trump significantly escalated the US military presence in Syria, sending some 400 Marines to the ISIS-controlled Raqqa, and several dozen Army Rangers to the contested area around Manbij. According to press reports he will also station some

Amazing Women Scientists We Never Knew By Joyce Chediac, March 15 2017

Did you know that “dark matter,” a discovery which transformed physics and astronomy, was discovered by a woman named Vera Rubin? Or that someone named Jemma Redmond invented a way to use a 3-D printer to make living tissue for

Nightmarish Trumpcare. It Benefits the Super-rich at the Expense of Affordable Healthcare By Stephen Lendman, March 15 2017

According to the Economic Policy Institute, “99% of Americans…win if the GOP health plan fails.”

It benefits business and super-rich elites at the expense of affordable healthcare for everyone – a fundamental human right.

According to Congressional Budget Office (CBO) …

North Korea: The Grand Deception Revealed. The People of the DPRK Want Peace By Christopher Black, March 15 2017

In 2003 I had, along with some American lawyers, members of the National Lawyers Guild, the good fortune to be able to travel to North Korea, that is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, in order to experience first hand

Monsanto Isn’t Feeding the World—It’s Killing Our Children By Katherine Paul, March 15 2017

“How could we have ever believed that it is a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Dr. Jane Goodall

Two new reports published in recent weeks add to the already large and convincing body of evidence, accumulated …

Video: Power Struggle in Aleppo Province, Confrontation of Pro-Turkish and Syrian Government Forces, Unpublicized Russian-US Cooperation By South Front, March 15 2017

Clashes between the Syrian army and pro-Turkish forces were reported in Tadef, south of al-Bab on March 12. The Sultan Murad Division (consists of Turkmens) released a statement that 3 Syrian army soldiers had been captured by the Free Syrian

NATO Weapons to Al Qaeda Near Damascus, Seized by Government Forces By Arabi Souri, March 15 2017

NATO weapons (Made in the UK) in possession of terrorists from al-Qaeda group were found and seized by a Syrian Arab Army unit in Damascus Countryside.

The first truck loaded with weapons, described as the smaller one, had a full …

US Troops to Iraq and Syria: More “Middle East Madness” as Trump Prepares to March By Eric Margolis, March 15 2017

We are now moving rapidly into stage II of Levantine Madness as the US boosts its intervention in the war-torn Mideast.

Five thousand US troops are back in Iraq to bolster the shattered nation’s puppet regime that is propped up …

The Banking Secret, Which Makes the Fatcats Richer, While Destroying the Real Economy By Washington's Blog, March 15 2017

Private Banks – Not the Government or Central Banks – Create 97 Percent of All Money

Who creates money?

Most people assume that money is created by governments … or perhaps central banks.

In reality – as noted by the …

Is the Vault 7 Source a Whistleblower? By Jesselyn Radack, March 15 2017

It is the leakiest of times in the Executive Branch. Last week, Wikileaks published a massive and, by all accounts genuine, trove of documents revealing that the CIA has been stockpiling, and lost control of, hacking tools it uses against

Brexit Ping Pong. Britain’s EU Withdrawal Bill By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 15 2017

The administrative ping pong of Brexit continues, an exercise that merely prolongs both pain and uncertainty. Confused, parliamentarians await the next twist before the inevitable surrender.  The last round of votes touched on two House of Lords amendments directed at

Exposing the Real Deep State: Unraveling the “Trump Vs Deep State” Narrative By Tony Cartalucci, March 15 2017

Many both within and beyond America’s borders labor under the delusion that US policy is determined by the nation’s elected representatives amid a careful balancing act between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government. In reality, the inner workings

Canada’s Labour Movement in Crisis By Prof. Sam Gindin and Herman Rosenfeld, March 15 2017

A sign of the tragic disarray of the Canadian labour movement is the extent to which its misadventures keep piling up. As the turmoil within the union representing the Ontario government’s unionized employees (Ontario Public Service Employees Union – OPSEU)

US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To “Take Out Kim Jong-Un”, Practice Tactical North Korea “Infiltration” By Zero Hedge, March 15 2017

On March 1, the WSJ reported that the options contemplated by the White House in response to recent North Korean acts, include “the possibility of both military force and regime change to counter the country’s nuclear-weapons threat.” The review came

Video: Syrian SAA Forces And Russian Aerospace Against ISIS-Daesh Terrorists in Palmyra Countryside By South Front, March 15 2017

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces (NDF), backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces, have resized a power station located south of the ancient city of Palmyra from ISIS terrorists. Then the army and the NDF further advanced against

Selected Articles: Gladio: Crimes of US Empire, Israel: Criminalizing Free Speech, Ukraine: 2.5 Million Refugees in Russia By Global Research News, March 14 2017


The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio

By Gary Weglarz, March 14 2017

The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility.  They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of

Harvard’s Fake Guide to Fake News Sites. America’s 21st Century “Index Librorum Prohibitorum” By Stephen Lendman, March 14 2017
The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was a list of publications deemed heretical, anti-clerical or lascivious, and banned by the Catholic Church. Harvard published a list of hundreds of sites it calls “biased,” “conspiratorial, “unreliable” “fake,” ...
The American Media Hide From The Truth, “Servants of the Police State” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 14 2017

The CIA created and accumulated from other sources a huge array of malware and cyber attack capability capable of stealing information from any individual, any government, any corporation, any intelligence agency and either leaving no trace or leaving a “fingerprint”

“Stand for the Truth”: Destruction of WTC Towers, A Government Researcher Speaks Out By Peter Ketcham, March 14 2017

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth announce the release of “Stand for the Truth,” a half-hour interview with former NIST employee Peter Michael Ketcham.

In this poignant and incisive piece, Mr. Ketcham tells his story of discovering that

Obama’s Ukrainian Coup Triggered the Influx of 2.5 Million Ukrainian Refugees into Russia By Eric Zuesse, March 14 2017
 On Tuesday, March 7th, Russia’s top parliamentarian dealing with the Ukrainian refugee influx into Russia — dealing, that is, with the people who have fled Ukraine as a result of U.S. President Barack Obama’s 2014 coup overthrowing Ukraine’s democratically elected
Criminalizing Free Expression in Israel By Stephen Lendman, March 14 2017

In February, Association for Civil Rights in Israel executive director Sharon Abraham-Weiss blasted Netanyahu for “lashing out against the media,” saying it’s “an almost regular occurrence,” a matter “of genuine concern.”

He’s waging war on free expression and the rule …

The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio By Gary Weglarz, March 14 2017

The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility.  They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve. 

Testing the validity of this assertion requires examination of Western institutions from a

Imminent Starvation Resulting from US Led Wars: UN Officials Warn of Worst Famine Crisis Since World War II By Patrick Martin, March 14 2017

More than 20 million people face imminent starvation in four countries, United Nations officials warned over the weekend, the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of World War II. All four countries—Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, and Nigeria—are wracked by civil

Letter to My Friend in Damascus. The Recently Announced American Invasion into Your Country By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 14 2017

I am afraid to ask you you’re feelings about the recently announced American invasion into your country. In our talks these past months, we’ve spoken only about hardships: the increasing scarcity of electricity, water and food shortages, an absence

Stronger U.S. Economic Growth? Over My Dead Body, Says Janet Yellen By Mike Whitney, March 14 2017

The U.S. economy is weak. Very weak. But the Federal Reserve is planning to raise interest rates anyway. Why?

Here’s what’s going on:  According to the Atlanta Fed the US economy is expected to grow at a respectable 2.8 percent

Is the US Preparing for War Against North Korea? By Peter Symonds, March 14 2017

A dangerous confrontation is rapidly emerging on the Korean Peninsula between the United States and North Korea, with the potential to plunge North East Asia and the rest of the world into a catastrophic conflict between nuclear-armed powers.

Amid a …

The Victims of US War Crimes Must Pay “War Reparations”: Cambodia Irate Over US Demand To Repay $500 Million “War Debt” By Arno Maierbrugger, March 14 2017

Cambodian officials and commentators reacted angrily over the recurring demand by the US government through its ambassador in Phnom Penh to repay what Washington calls “war debt” granted to the US-backed Khmer Republic of General Lon Nol which existed between

Selected Articles: North Korea Threatens America?, Fukushima: Prospects for Humanity, Greece: Economic Fascism By Global Research News, March 13 2017

North Korea Threatens America. They’re Coming, They’re Going to Blow Us Up

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13 2017

Trump believes that Kim Jong-un is crazy. Take him out. The U.S. media concurs: the DPRK is a threat to

The Heartbreaking Legacy of Fukushima Daiichi: Radiation Continues to Bleed into the Pacific Ocean By Arnie Gundersen, March 13 2017

During last winter (2016), I spent most of February and early March in Japan working with and speaking to citizens, refugees, community leaders, elected officials, engineers, doctors, and scientists.  At their request, I taught scientists and citizen scientists how to

The Deep State, Donald Trump and Us By John Kiriakou, March 13 2017

The New York Times said this week that President Trump’s insistence that former president Barack Obama tapped his phone and that the CIA and FBI are leaking information to embarrass him and his administration is evidence that Trump believes

Turkey’s Erdogan Wants Northern Syria and Iraq Annexed By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2017

His aim is longstanding. In December 2015, heavily armed Turkish forces invaded Iraq, an act of aggression, occupying territory near Mosul, on the phony pretext of combating ISIS he supports.

His real aim is seizing the area’s valued oil fields,

Russia, Ukraine, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ): Opening Arguments at The Hague By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 13 2017

Matters have been far from plain sailing for the parties in the Ukrainian conflict, and Kiev was determined to remind international audiences about matters in taking Russia to the International Court of Justice.

This action is one of several fronts …

Trump’s Presidency Is Already Doomed By Eric Zuesse, March 13 2017

If President Donald Trump doesn’t get an Obamacare replacement bill passed into law, then he’s not going to get anything significant done in domestic policy, because he had made this goal the centerpiece of his campaign. But it won’t happen;

John Pilger: On the Dangers of Nuclear War By John Pilger, March 13 2017

On Saturday, March 11, I took part in a Q&A held at the Riverside Theatre Parramatta, in Sydney Australia on the dangers of nuclear war and of continuing to provoke Russia and China.

Washington Rejects Diplomacy with DPRK. Is Trump Contemplating Korean War 2.0? Madness By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2017

Truman’s war never ended. An uneasy armistice persists. The heavily fortified 2.5 mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separates North and South. Occasional incidents occur.

America needs enemies to justify bloated military spending. Pyongyang is America’s longstanding Asian punching bag.

It’s wanted …

North Korea and the THAAD Missile System: Potential Gateway to Military Escalation and Global Warfare By Caleb T. Maupin, March 13 2017

Imagine if over two thousand Chinese troops were stationed in Mexico.

Imagine that alongside these troops were F-16 fighter aircraft and A-10 bomber jets.

Imagine that in addition, the Mexican army had purchased a huge stockpile of Aegis Destroyers and

Insurgency, Counter-insurgency and Terrorism in Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, March 13 2017

In Pakistan, there are three distinct categories of militants: the Afghan-centric Pashtun militants; the Kashmir-centric Punjabi militants; and the transnational terrorists, like al-Qaeda.

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which is mainly comprised of Pashtun militants, carries out bombings against Pakistan’s state …

Depression-Level Unemployment in America. Phony Labor Department Jobs Reports By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2017

Monthly Labor Department jobs reports are phony. Paul Craig Roberts calls them “a bad joke,” saying America’s economy is a “house of cards.” A day of reckoning awaits.

Job numbers are inflated, manufactured out of thin air, partly based on …

A Flawed UN Investigation on Syria, “Based on Account by Pro-rebel Syrian “White Helmets” That was Full of Contradictions” By Gareth Porter, March 12 2017

The March 1 report by the United Nations’ “Independent International Commission of Inquiry” asserted that the bloody attack on a humanitarian aid convoy west of Aleppo City on Sept. 19, 2016, was an airstrike by Syrian government planes. But an

Malaysia and the Question of North Korea. A US Led War against North Korea Would Affect the Entire Asia-Pacific Region By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 12 2017

A US led war against North Korea would affect the entire Asia Pacific  region. It is crucial that ASEAN countries take a firm stance against Washington’s first strike missile threats against the DPRK.

As outlined by Chandra Muzaffar, Malaysia

Fukushima Radiation, What Prospects for Humanity By Michael Welch and Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12 2017

Do not go to Japan. Do not under any circumstances take your children to Japan, because you don’t know what you’re eating and where the food is sourced…

And the Japanese are trying now to export their radioactive food

South Sudan’s Total Collapse Could Lead to the Destabilization of Central and Eastern Africa By Andrew Korybko, March 12 2017

The Failed State Belt

The second-last African region under Hybrid War study is the Failed State Belt of South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR), which together form a black hole of chaos in the North-Central part of the

Syria, Yemen, Iraq,..: Greater US Aggression Under Trump Coming? By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2017

Nearly straight away in office, Trump proved he’s the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents.

He’s continuing naked aggression in multiple theaters, upping the stakes in Syria and Yemen, increasing numbers of US combat troops in both

Russia -Turkey Diplomatic Rapprochement, A Headache for the EU and US? By Michael Werbowski, March 12 2017

Ankara and Moscow are doing a diplomatic two step together. Conspicuously left out in the cold in this dancing duo, are two major power blocks which traditionally Turkey considers vital to its security needs: The United States and the European

All Out War is “On the Table”: U.S. Considers First-Strike Attack against North Korea. Would China and Russia be Dragged In? By Bruce Gagnon, March 12 2017

The publication called Business Insider is carrying a story promoting a US first-strike attack on North Korea.  The article includes a quote from the Wall Street Journal that reads, “An internal White House review of strategy on North Korea includes

South Koreans Celebrate Constitutional Court’s Ruling to Impeach Park Geun-hye By Hyun Lee, March 12 2017

The South Korean Constitutional Court delivered a unanimous verdict to impeach Park Geun-hye on Friday March 10, 2017 after 92 days of deliberation.

The Court had considered five grounds for impeachment as put forth by the National Assembly:

  • Violation of
Wikileaks Vault 7 Highlights Importance of Tech Self-Sufficiency By Ulson Gunnar, March 12 2017

Leaked document clearinghouse Wikileaks has recently released an immense collection of documents detailing the US Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) vast and literally Orwellian surveillance and spying capabilities.

The International Business Times in an article titled, “What’s in Vault 7?

Turkey’s Tyrannical Rule, Erdogan’s “Democratic Dictatorship” By Stephen Lendman, March 12 2017

Recep Tayyip Erdogan rules with an iron fist, heading a virtual dictatorship masquerading as democratic.

Anyone criticizing or challenging his leadership risks imprisonment, including public figures, journalists, academics, other intellectuals, human rights activists, even young children – on charges ranging

Analyzing Austria’s “Refugee”/Immigrant Proposal For The EU Periphery By Andrew Korybko, March 12 2017

The Austrians recently called on the Western Balkans, Georgia, and Egypt to build “refugee”/immigrant centers for processing and potentially indefinitely housing the hundreds of thousands of non-Western individuals that are streaming into the EU.

Mr. Sebastian Kurz told the German

Eurasia: The Strategic Triangle that Is Changing the World By Federico Pieraccini, March 12 2017

While the world continues to decipher, or digest, the new Trump presidency, important changes are afoot within the grand strategic triangle that lies between Russia, Iran and China.

Away from the current chaos in the United States, major developments are …

Assault on Animal Rights, Poaching in Europe’s Suburbs By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 12 2017

There has never been a case like this in a zoo in Europe, an assault of such violence, evidently for this stupid trafficking of rhinoceros horns. – Thierry Duguet, head of Parc Zoologique de Thoiry

It was a matter of …

“Strategic Elections” in Montenegro By Milko Pejovic, March 12 2017

As the Niksic local elections approach, the situation is becoming more and more fascinating.

On one hand, the Montenegrin opposition, aiming at the transparency and integrity of the government, boycotted the plebiscite in the country’s second largest city and turned …

Syrian Forces Preparing for Big Move against Al Qaeda and ISIS. US Forces to the Rescue of the Terrorists? By Moon of Alabama, March 12 2017

During the last week significant moves in Syria have taken place east of Aleppo. But the situation there will likely soon calm down. The next intense phase of the war may well be a Syrian army attack on al-Qaeda’s position

‘Bomb the Sh*t Out Of Them!’ – Trump Drones Yemen More in One Week Than Obama in a Year By Daniel McAdams, March 11 2017

Undeterred by the disastrous commando raid on Yemen in the first days of his Administration, where plenty of civilians were killed but the target got away, President Donald Trump has escalated US military involvement in the tragic Yemen conflict to

Trump’s National Heath Plan for a Sicker, More Profitable, America By Eric Zuesse, March 11 2017

The AP headlined on March 9th, “GOP health bill would cut CDC’s $1B disease fighting fund” and reported that this “pillar of funding for the nation’s lead public health agency,” which provides “public health programs designed to prevent illness and,

Syria: Towards a Clash of US and Turkish Forces? By Anna Jaunger, March 11 2017

According to The Daily Telegraph, Washington might get into difficulty in Syria because of the confrontation between Turkey and the Kurdish forces, who are arguing about Raqqa assault, is daily getting more and more aggravated.

Ankara considers that the Kurdish …

God in Politics or a Godless World: Time to Choose By Phil Butler, March 11 2017

The geo-political struggle between so-called “globalists” and their nationalistic (populist) counterparts has reached a feverish pitch. With trust and belief systems in the crucible, everything from our economic beliefs to our spirituality is up for grabs. At the center of

How Orientalism Pitted Hindus against Muslims in India? By Nauman Sadiq, March 11 2017

The most outstanding feature of Islam is its history; if you study Islamic history, you would come to realize that Islam did not spread by force alone, it was the superior moral appeal of its peerless ethics that won the

The Korean Crisis and the THAAD Missile Deployment: A Growing Tinderbox in the South By Caleb Maupin, March 11 2017

As the first military hardware associated with the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, commonly called THAAD, arrives in the southern region of the Korean Peninsula, the tensions around and within the  region seem to be escalating. A number of ongoing

State Department Urges Coroner to Keep Russian UN Ambassador’s Cause-Of-Death Secret By Zero Hedge, March 11 2017

Following the unexpected death of 65-year-old Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin, conspiracy theorists were stirred up as the ongoing Russophobic Deep State war combined with the deaths of nine Russian diplomats in the last year raised

Trump Spokesperson: ‘Cuba Hasn’t Made Any Concessions’ By Telesur, March 11 2017

The Trump administration has made it clear it will be reviewing all agreements with Cuba.

U.S. President Donald Trump believes that Cuba, “with all the things it has been given,” has not made any “concessions” within the process of normalization …

President Al-Assad: “Foreign Troops Coming to Syria without Permission Are Invaders” By Bashar al Assad, March 11 2017

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad said that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be through two parallel ways: the first one is to fight the terrorists, and this is our duty as government, to defend the Syrians and use

Genetically Modified (GM) Food and Crops. Behind the Mask of Pro-GMO Neoliberal Ideology By Colin Todhunter, March 11 2017

Professor Shanthu Shantharam recently wrote a response to Viva Kermani’s well thought out article about injecting some honesty into the debate about genetically modified (GM) food and crops. Both pieces appeared the Indian publication Swarajya.

Shantharam’s response is typical of …

Protecting the Terrorists: US Forces Come to the Rescue of ISIS Commanders in Iraq By Fars News Agency, March 11 2017

Commander of Asa’eb al-Haq Movement affiliated to the Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi said that the US forces have carried out a rapid heliborne operation and evacuated two commanders of ISIL terrorists from Western Mosul in Northern Iraq.

Javad …

The Russian Scare By Israel Shamir, March 11 2017

Full disclosure: I’ve met with Russians. I met with a Russian this morning. She brought me coffee. Such crazy and dangerous things can occur in Moscow. I am afraid the CIA and NSA could take notice of this meeting, and

The Venezuela “Opposition” We Never Hear About By Arnold August, March 11 2017

This “opposition” has loyalties that lie with the Bolivarian Revolution and nothing else.

At 35 years of age, he is tall and slim, and his imposing stature moves about in a subtle swagger that exudes confidence tempered with a humility

Snake-Oil Alert – Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping By Moon of Alabama, March 11 2017

The WikiLeaks stash of CIA hacking documents shows tools used by the CIA to hack individual cell-phones and devices. There are no documents yet that suggest mass snooping efforts on a very large scale. Unlike the NSA which has a

Chronicle of a Crisis Postponed: Italy After the Referendum By Ingo Schmidt, March 10 2017

Matteo Renzi assumed the role of Italian Prime Minister on February 22, 2014 as the self-proclaimed rottamatore – the ‘demolition man’ of an inefficient system. After successfully passing a series of laws by means of this very system that

Our Age Of Folly. America Abandons its Democracy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 10 2017

The United States has been growing progressively insane for a long time. For my generation, the realization descended upon us in the 1960s when the military/security complex convinced Americans that if we permitted Vietnamese nationalist leader Ho Chi Minh to

Selected Articles: Vault 7: The WikiLeaks Revelations and the Crimes of US Imperialism By Global Research News, March 10 2017

America in Turmoil: From Deep State Insurgency to Deep State Spying – WikiLeaks’ Vault 7

By Joachim Hagopian, March 10 2017

The latest CIA crimes constitute an unprecedented assault allowing deep state to infiltrate and attack us through malware 

America in Turmoil: From Deep State Insurgency to Deep State Spying – WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 By Joachim Hagopian, March 10 2017
With this largest dump of confidential CIA files ever published, the world is beginning to realize just how far gone our privacy rights are, becoming virtually nonexistent under Obama’s second term in office.
CIA Leak Shows We’re “Sliding Down the Slippery Slope Toward Totalitarianism, Where Private Lives Do Not Exist”: Dennis Kucinich By Washington's Blog, March 10 2017

16-year congressman Dennis Kucinich writes:

That the CIA has reached into the lives of all Americans through its wholesale gathering of the nation’s “haystack” of information has already been reported.

It is bad enough that the government spies on

US Rejects Talks over North Korea, Declaring “All Options on Table”… Including War against the DPRK? By Peter Symonds, March 10 2017

Amid sharply rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the Trump administration has flatly rejected a Chinese proposal for negotiations with North Korea despite warnings from the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, that Washington and Pyongyang were on a collision course.

WikiLeaks, “Year Zero” and the CIA Hacking Files By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10 2017

It is now up to the device and OS manufacturers, like Apple, Google, or Samsung, to fix their volcanoes back into mountains. -Telegram Statement, Mar 8, 2017

The paradox with information releases that expose a supposedly grand internal stratagem is …

The WikiLeaks Revelations and the Crimes of US Imperialism By Andre Damon, March 10 2017

With increasing frequency, aggressive foreign policy moves by Washington have been palmed off by the media and political establishment as defensive responses to “hacking” and “cyber-espionage” by US imperialism’s geopolitical adversaries: Russia and China.

For months, news programs have been …