Andrew Korybko - Archive

About the author:

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Victory Day Reminds the World About the Evils of Fascism By Andrew Korybko, May 10, 2019
Sri Lanka Slammed the “Indo-Pacific” Concept as a Threat to China and Russia By Andrew Korybko, May 08, 2019
Panama’s Win-win Cooperation with China Will Continue Under Cortizo By Andrew Korybko, May 08, 2019
Breaking Down Pompeo’s Verbal Assault on Russia and China’s Arctic Interests By Andrew Korybko, May 08, 2019
Trump’s Threatened Tariffs Undermine China’s Trust in Negotiating with America By Andrew Korybko, May 06, 2019
It’s Crunch Time for China’s Central American Strategy By Andrew Korybko, May 06, 2019
Trump Is Twisting Putin’s Arm Through Belarus’ President Lukashenko By Andrew Korybko, May 05, 2019
China-Laos Economic Relations. The Broader Strategic Implications By Andrew Korybko, May 03, 2019
Poland Wants to Pioneer a New Future for Europe By Andrew Korybko, May 02, 2019
Putin’s Wholehearted Defense of China’s Belt and Road Puts Him at Serious Odds with India’s PM Modi By Andrew Korybko, May 01, 2019
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Is the Perfect Opportunity for Pakistan to Pivot to Africa By Andrew Korybko, May 01, 2019
Demographic Crisis: Russia to Facilitate the Granting of Russian Citizenship to Ukrainians By Andrew Korybko, April 30, 2019
The BJP Proudly Compared India’s “Anti-Terror” Strikes to “Israel’s” and the US’ By Andrew Korybko, April 30, 2019
The Otto Warmbier Scandal Is All About Challenging Trump’s Credibility By Andrew Korybko, April 29, 2019
Towards Russia-China Economic Integration: Interpreting President Putin’s Speech at the 2019 Beijing BRI Forum By Andrew Korybko, April 27, 2019
Russia’s “Military Diplomacy” Might Succeed in Getting Turkey to Switch Sides By Andrew Korybko, April 26, 2019
Did Russia and China Get the US to Accelerate Its Diplomatic Drawdown in Afghanistan? By Andrew Korybko, April 26, 2019
Russiagate: Post-mortem By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2019
Will Donbass Unite with Russia? By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2019
The Russia -US -China -Taliban Talks in Moscow Are Bad News for India By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2019
Right on Cue: Indian Media Blames Pakistan for the Sri Lankan Terrorist Attacks By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2019
US Sanctions Got India to Ditch Iran, Will Washington Get It to Ditch Russia Too? By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2019
Trump and Pakistan’s PM Khan Might Have Just Ruined Iran-India Relations By Andrew Korybko, April 22, 2019
Russia-China-Pakistan Economic and Strategic Relations: Russia’s Ambassador To China Strongly Hinted At Moscow’s Interest In N-CPEC+ By Andrew Korybko, April 20, 2019
THAAD Missiles to Romania: NATO’s Belligerence In The Black Sea Is A Bad Sign Of Things To Come By Andrew Korybko, April 20, 2019
Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive the Fuel Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, April 17, 2019
No, Assad Didn’t “Win” the War, He Was Compelled by Putin to “Compromise” By Andrew Korybko, April 16, 2019
Russia’s Diplomatic Interventions in India: After Netanyahu, Putin Tries to Help Modi Get Re-elected By Andrew Korybko, April 15, 2019
After Brazil, India Might be the Next BRICS Country Invited to Join NATO By Andrew Korybko, April 14, 2019
“Putinyahu’s Rusrael”: The Putin-Netanyahu Relationship, A Deep Personal Bond? By Andrew Korybko, April 12, 2019
Like America with “Russiagate”, India Is Now Obsessed with “Pakistangate” By Andrew Korybko, April 11, 2019
The Consequences of the Sudanese Coup By Andrew Korybko, April 11, 2019
“The Greece Israel Cyprus Axis” (GRISCY): The US Key to Containing Multipolarity in the Eastern Mediterranean? By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Russian IL-20
Middle East Activism and Double Standards towards Russia By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Sudan’s “Deep State” Divisions Could Spell the End of President Bashir’s Rule By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
The US’ Plans to Designate the Iran Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as “Terrorists” Aren’t Just for Show By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
Libya: There’s a Reason Why the West Is Portraying Haftar as a “Russian-Backed” Bogeyman By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
Brunei’s Phased Adoption of Islamic Law By Andrew Korybko, April 04, 2019
Don’t be Surprised by the Latest Outbreak of Xenophobic Violence in South Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 03, 2019
The Lake Baikal Water Bottling Scandal Says a Lot About Russia-China Relations By Andrew Korybko, April 01, 2019
Russia’s Response to India’s ASAT Missile Test Wasn’t What New Delhi Expected By Andrew Korybko, April 01, 2019
Russia Officially Rubbished Alt-Media’s False Reports About a Venezuelan Base. Reality Check By Andrew Korybko, March 29, 2019
Russia Should Take the US’ “European Energy Security Act” More Seriously By Andrew Korybko, March 28, 2019
“The Africa Spring”: The US Is Stoking Congo’s “Deep State” Civil War in Order to “Contain” China By Andrew Korybko, March 27, 2019
Don’t Expect Kosovo to “Compromise” on Its “Independence” Anytime Soon By Andrew Korybko, March 27, 2019
Everyone Will Remember that the Media Made a Mockery of Itself over Russiagate By Andrew Korybko, March 25, 2019
Boko Haram Attacks. Is Chad Losing Control of the Central African Pivot Space? By Andrew Korybko, March 25, 2019
The Consequences of Mozambique’s Cyclone Tragedy Might Lead to Regime Change By Andrew Korybko, March 25, 2019
So What if Trump “Recognizes” “Israel’s” Annexation of the Golan? By Andrew Korybko, March 22, 2019
Is It Really All that Surprising that Trump Wants Brazil in NATO? By Andrew Korybko, March 21, 2019
Russia’s Recognition of “North Macedonia” Is Part of the “New Balkans” Plan By Andrew Korybko, March 20, 2019
Ukrainian Presidential Elections: Authoritarianism in Action By Andrew Korybko, March 19, 2019
Has the World Been Ignoring an Almost Decade-Long “African Spring”? By Andrew Korybko, March 15, 2019
Post-INF “Tit-for-Tat” Between US and Russia Might Destabilize EU By Andrew Korybko, March 13, 2019
Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) “Concerned” about China’s “Belt and Road” (BRI) By Andrew Korybko, March 12, 2019
US Is Pushing Venezuela to the Brink by Attacking Its Power Grid By Andrew Korybko, March 11, 2019
Pakistan: The Global Pivot State By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2019
India’s Taking a Page from Its American Ally by Accusing Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan of “Meddling” By Andrew Korybko, March 08, 2019
The Latest Kashmir Crisis: Momentous Shift in Pakistan-India Relations By Andrew Korybko, March 07, 2019
Pakistan’s Indian Submarine Interception By Andrew Korybko, March 06, 2019