We Still Have a Choice – But the Trap Will Soon Snap Shut

Unrestricted solidarity with the enlightened and free spirits or state tyranny according to the motto "divide and rule"

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According to the globally respected economics professor Michel Chossudovsky, we are currently experiencing the “worst crisis in modern history” (1). According to the motto “divide et impera”, an economic and social war is being waged against civil society. The attempt is to divide the population into sub-groups – vaccinated versus unvaccinated – which turn against each other instead of standing as a group against the common enemy, the powerful financial “elite”. In order to enforce the intended establishment of their diabolical world domination agenda, the numerically ever-growing group of enlightened and free spirits from various professional groups is discredited in the worst possible way by the media, and attempts are made to exclude them from the national community by illegal violent measures.

Only if we citizens muster the courage to show solidarity with these “enlightened people” and stand by their side in comradeship will we survive as a human species, preserve our previous “humanity” and be able to cushion the economic and social consequential damages of this undeclared war. But most citizens are still hesitating, although the situation is already bitterly serious.

Kropotkin: Surviving more successfully with the principle of mutual aid

In his book “Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution”, published in 1902, the Russian polymath Peter Kropotkin (1842 to 1921) criticises the theses of conventional Social Darwinist views and contrasts the “struggle for existence” with the concept of “mutual aid”. He sees both together as factors of evolution. The more highly organised living beings live in associations, groups and herds; in them a herd instinct has developed which sometimes places the preservation of the species above self-preservation. Those living beings that implement the principle of mutual aid would survive more successfully.

In the human world, social feelings and social connectedness certainly play as great a role as the will to power and self-interest. Man is capable of devotion and self-sacrifice. According to the findings of scientific depth psychology, which builds on Kropotkin’s research, man is a naturally social being, oriented towards the community of fellow human beings. We do not have to be afraid of him. He wants to live in freedom and peace, without violence and war – just like all of us. Let us associate ourselves with him in order to survive as a species.

Rabelais: “Have a free mind and cast off all fearfulness!”

Francois Rabelais (1494 to 1553) was a Renaissance writer, humanist, physician as well as a priest. His maxim was: “Do not live by statute, but by your own free choice!” Consequently, he refused all authority (2). His words and attitude to life are something we would like to encourage our contemporaries to follow.

The adult citizen who knows about the origin of his irrational fears, his fear of demons and his feelings of authority in childhood will one day be able to overcome them. He will see through the deliberate stoking of fears by unscrupulous rulers as a tried and tested instrument of discipline and domination and will no longer show the usual reflex of absolute obedience. He also looks forward to joining forces with his conspecifics and working together with them. He will then no longer be afraid of them.

He will also no longer regard politicians as respectable authorities and look up to them like a child, no longer lightly hand over power to them and delegate the solution of humanity’s problems. Rather, he will muster the courage to use his own mind and trust his common sense.

It will be a great character challenge not to be corrupted by the predators of real existing capitalism like many politicians, doctors and scientists. It is horrible what capitalism does with its money problem, what its exploitation does with the human being. Money destroys people, destroys relationships, corrupts them. It is always the struggle for bread. Money is the capitalist principle of life. If we would give up this system and form a community where all this is out of the question, then there would be no exploiters, no capitalists, no wars and no fear. Then a different human being would emerge.

Hopkins: “On the road to totalitarianism”

We still have a choice, but the trap is about to snap shut: either we choose unrestricted solidarity with the enlightened and free spirits or we choose violence, that is, state tyranny according to the motto “divide and rule”.

In a recent article, the US writer C. J. Hopkins strongly denounces the totalitarian Corona measures and sees the West on the road to totalitarianism. The article ends with the exhortation:

“Choose a side…now…or a side will be chosen for you” (3).


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Dr Rudolf Hänsel is a retired rector, educationalist and psychologist.


(1) https://www.globalresearch.ca/bastille-2-0-real-regime-change-building-protest-resistance-against-covid-19-agenda/5758805

(2) Hagen, Friedrich (1977). Jean Meslier or an atheist in a priest’s skirt. Leverkusen and Cologne, p. 29

(3) https://www.freiewelt.net/nachricht/cj-hopkins-der-westen-ist-auf-der-strasse-in-den-totalitarismus-10085880 

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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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