Selected Articles: Ukraine: Has P.M. Trudeau Succumbed to Nazi Ideology?

Ukraine: Has P.M. Trudeau Succumbed to Nazi Ideology?

By Hindustan Times, Sky News, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 27, 2023

In a major embarrassment for Ottawa, the Canadian lawmakers gave a standing ovation to a man who was introduced as a war hero after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address in the House of Commons only to later realise that he had served in a Nazi unit during World War II.

U.S. Claims to Central Pacific Flout International Law

By Dr. Edward Hunt, September 29, 2023

For decades, the United States has overseen compacts of free association with Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Under the compacts, the United States provides the three countries with economic assistance while it maintains powerful military controls over the islands and their waters.

Hungarian Patience with Ukraine Running Out

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 29, 2023

Hungary’s patience with Ukraine is running out. Once again, Budapest claims that Kiev will face serious consequences if it does not immediately change its discriminatory and racist policies against the ethnic Hungarian people on Ukrainian territory.

Al Qaeda and Guantanamo: I Was the Only U.S. Official Imprisoned Over the CIA Torture Program — Because I Opposed It. John Kiriakou

By John Kiriakou, September 28, 2023

Just a month after the September 11 attacks, the CIA leadership gathered its army of lawyers and black ops people and came up with a plan to legalize torture. This was despite the fact that torture has long been patently illegal in the United States. But it didn’t matter.

“Medical Gaslighting”: Why Are Vaccine-Injured Patients Silenced?

By A Midwestern Doctor, September 28, 2023

One of the cruelest things about being injured by a pharmaceutical is the degree to which doctors will deny the idea that the injury happened (as acknowledging it requires them to accept the shortcomings of the medical model they’ve invested their lives into).

“Palestine is Entirely Wiped Out”: Netanyahu’s Skewed Map of Israel Includes the West Bank and Gaza

By Michael Jansen, September 28, 2023

The verbal battle for Palestine erupted once again during the opening session of the UN General Assembly, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presenting his skewed version of the current situation and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas describing the reality.

History of the Balkans: Greece and Macedonia (1913-1993)

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 28, 2023

After the division of Macedonia in 1913 (according to the Bucharest Peace Treaty) neither Serbia, Bulgaria nor Greece recognized the existence of a Macedonian ethnolinguistic nation and, therefore, an assimilation policy of Macedonia’s Slavs was carried out by the state’s authorities of all those three countries.

COVID mRNA Injury Series: Vaginal Bleeding After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination

By Dr. William Makis, September 28, 2023

WHO’s VigiAccess has over 300,000 reports of abnormal vaginal bleeding or menstrual irregularities reported for COVID-19 Vaccines. Surveys show that COVID-19 vaccination causes menstrual irregularities in a large percentage of women, that ranges from 30% (Danish), 39% (Norwegian), 44% (Saudi), to 49% (Israeli) of women.

“It’s Not Coming; It’s Already Here.” CBDCs Can be Used to Freeze Your Bank Accounts

By James G. Rickards, September 28, 2023

All the digital payments we have today are private. They’re between you and your bank or the online store. The government does not see that information at the individual level unless they get a warrant. That’s not true for CBDCs. With CBDCs, the government controls the ledger. They see everything you buy, your charitable contributions, your political donations, your entertainment choices, your travel and more.

Files Expose Syrian ‘Revolution’ as Western Regime Change Operation

By Kit Klarenberg, September 28, 2023

Over the first months of 2011, the Arab Spring spread revolutionary fervor rapidly throughout North Africa and West Asia. Mass protests dislodged long-reigning dictators Ben Ali in Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Libya was plunged into civil war, and even the hyper-repressive Gulf monarchies appeared threatened. There was one exception, however.

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