Selected Articles: Prosecute the Clintons for Wrecking Haiti


Six Ways Trump Could Help Haiti Recover from Clinton Disaster. Prosecute the Clintons? Will He do It??

By Dady Chery, November 14 2016

For Haitian-Americans, the US presidential race was a fight not only to wrest our native land from the Clintons, but also our adopted homeland. The US would have been Hillary Clinton’s next target after she and her cronies had refined in Haiti their methods to rig elections, co-opt journalists, and destroy economies. The evidence of wrongdoing was there for all to see, but throughout the yearlong campaign by the Greens, Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats, Mr. Trump was the only candidate who singled out Clinton’s indefensible pay-to-play conduct in Haiti for attack.

clintons pointingHaiti: How Bill and Hillary Clinton Wrecked an Entire Country

By Jean Saint-Vil, November 14 2016

Hillary Clinton intervened personally in the 2010-11 Haitian elections to rig them in favour of Michel “Sweet Micky” Martelly. The latter went on to steal millions of dollars to enrich himself and his family over a five year presidency marked by scandalous debauchery by Haiti’s morally-repugnant 1%, while the Black majority continues to die whenever it rains on their environmentally-vulnerable third of island.


What the Clintons Did to Haiti

By Nathan J. Robinson, November 13 2016

Their actions in the country were shameful and shouldn’t be defended… In this excerpt from Superpredator: Bill Clinton’s Use and Abuse of Black America, we examine the Clintons’ involvement in the country’s affairs during Hillary Clinton’s time at the State Department.

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South Korea’s Historic “One Million People Protest” to Oust Washington’s Puppet President Park Geun-hye

By Hyun Lee, November 14 2016

As the United States ushers in a new right wing president into office, South Korea is about to give theirs the boot. One million people gathered in Seoul on November 12 to demand Park Geun-hye’s resignation. This is the largest protest South Korea has seen since the democratic uprising of June 1987.


Voices from Syria Refute Western Propaganda: US-NATO Supported Terrorists Involved in Countless Atrocities

By Mark Taliano, November 13 2016

Recent estimates suggest that terrorists from about 100 countries are currently infesting Syria. Coupled with the legal interventions of the “Axis of resistance”, and the illegal war crimes of NATO and its allies, means that the dirty war on Syria is increasingly a world war.


“Anti-Americanism” in the Philippines. President Duterte’s Subaltern Counter-Hegemony

By Prof. E. San Juan Jr., November 14 2016

What does “anti-Americanism” mean—to be against McDonald burgers, Beyonce, I-phones, Saturday Night Live, Lady Gaga, Bloomingdale fashions, Wall Street, or Washington-Pentagon imperial browbeating of inferior nations/peoples-of-color? Duterte is suspending joint military exercises, separating from U.S. government foreign policy by renewing friendly cooperation with China in the smoldering South China Sea, and”veering” toward Russia for economic ties—in short, promoting what will counter the debilitating, predatory U.S. legacy.

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