Selected Articles: Humanitarian Intervention, Invisible War, Economic Collaspe and the Loss of National Sovereignty.

trumpdebate-510x287Muslims entering US, Surveillance of Mosques: Donald Trump’s Religion Test for Immigrants Is Standard Practice in Israel

By Philip Weiss, December 13 2015

The widespread political condemnation of Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States and for surveillance of mosques was pretty great yesterday. American leaders left and right said that such policies are unconstitutional and counter to U.S. values. “Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot,” Senator Lindsey Graham said emphatically.

tim_anderson“Humanitarian” Military Interventions: “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) and the Double Game

By Prof. Tim Anderson, December 13 2015

A new version of ‘humanitarian intervention’, known as the ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P), was developed at the turn of the 21st century. An invention of the big powers, with reference to the suggested humanitarian consequences of their supposed failures to intervene in the past, it became a tremendous moral argument for the 2011 intervention in Libya.

Russia_USA__nuclear_armsThe Neoconservatives’ Hegemonic Goal Of Making Sovereign Countries Extinct Is Bringing Instead The Extinction Of Planet Earth

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 13 2015

My warning that the neoconservatives have resurrected the threat of nuclear Armageddon, which was removed by Reagan and Gorbachev, is also being given by Noam Chomsky, former US Secretary of Defense William Perry, and other sentient observers of the neoconservatives’ aggressive policies toward Russia and China.

President-al-Assad-EFE-Spanish-news-agency-660x330President Al-Assad Interview: “The West Is Not Serious in Fighting Terrorists”

By Bashar al Assad, December 13 2015

President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to the Spanish EFE news agency in which he stressed that the Russians’ values and interests in their policy towards Syria are not in contradiction, noting that as long as the US is not serious in fighting the terrorists, the West won’t be serious.

The following is the full text of the interview:

syrizaGreece: National Economic Collapse and the Neoliberal Backlash, Syriza Holds On, The Left Is Weakened

By Asad Ismi, December 13 2015

The Greek tragedy of national economic collapse appeared to be turning into farce with the re-election of Syriza at the end of September.

Russia-1Russia in an “Invisible War”. The Rise of Russia on the World Scene

By Rostislav Ischenko, December 13 2015

How could Russia in just 20 years, without wars or other perturbations, rise from a semi-colony to an acknowledged world leader, equal among the top ones?

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