Letter to Karolinska Institute Regarding Covid mRNA Vaccine Technology: Nobel Prize Committee Should Give Themselves Award for ‘Negligence of Due Diligence’

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[Published with expressed written consent for Benjamin Roberts (Copyright © Oct 2023. Benjamin Roberts & EMS (LLC))]


Just days ago, on October 2, 2023, I forwarded correspondence to the Nobel Peace Prize at their email contact page site on their awarding of their prize to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for their having ‘saved lives’ with their breakthrough feat of providing humanity the Covid-19 M-RNA vaccine.

As what I submitted to them was typed into a comment box on that contact page, I have no way of retrieving that document, once submitted. As such I will attempt to paraphrase what was communicated to them, along with a request that they contact me back with any queries they might have, subsequent to what I shared. And based on what I shared they should have serious follow-up queries or comment. But as of now I have heard nothing back from them. Here is what I recall saying:

I am taken aback and quite disappointed that you would think it appropriate in awarding your prize to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for having ‘saved lives’ for their work on the Covid-19 M-RNA vaccine technology.

There is no evidence this synthetic therapeutic saved lives, though that claim continues to be made ‘ad infinitum.’ I would point you to two documents that should have you seriously reconsidering your choice for this award. The first is a document generated by the United States FDA at their in-house ‘Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation’ on the eve of the roll-out of the vaccines.

The document is titled: ‘FDA Safety Surveillance of Covid-19 Vaccine: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes.’ This document, available at their site in early 2021 when I accessed it, and to date still currently available, lists 22 serious side-effects likely to result from inoculation. And in fact, given the gravity of these conditions that result, it is too kind to call them side-effects.

They should be more suitably referred to as ‘health disabling conditions’, with ‘death’ being one of the listed.

Hardly a criterion of recognition for having ‘saved lives.’

And subsequent to the implementation of these vaccines these ‘side effects’/’disabling health conditions’ have presented themselves starkly and with discomfiting regularity in real life for the vaccinated populace, only to be foolishly and recklessly dismissed time and time again as due to ‘underlying conditions.’ How utterly misleading.

Second is a document put out by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), which is their review of CDC data on deaths related to the pandemic for the years 2021-2022.

This document titled: ‘Share of Covid-19 Deaths by Vaccination Status, 30 Jurisdictions In the U.S., September 2021 to August 2022, Age 18 and Over.’ Incidentally this novel document magically appeared within months of me taking the CDC to task for their lack of responsibility in failing to provide a version of their highly-regarded MMWR detailing Covid-19 deaths for the unvaccinated vs.  vaccinated.

This document, in its chart presentation shows that in the Fall of 2021 most deaths from Covid-19 was in the unvaccinated ranks. However, after a robust vaccination campaign in 2021 and the early part of 2022 with close to 70% of the American populace vaccinated, we then see a marked shift, with the majority of those deaths occurring not in the unvaccinated but rather those who had gotten their first round of Covid-19 vaccines [note these subjects were considered only ‘partially vaccinated’]. If they died within two weeks of their 1st dose and within two weeks of their 2nd dose they were classified as being ‘unvaccinated’ This questionable system of classification means the actual percentage of ‘vaccinated deaths’ is even much higher than the chart claims.

When put together, these two sources of sobering information leave no doubt that your Nobel Prize selection committee made a grave error in the selection of these two individuals to be awarded your prestigious prize. Finding this valuable information required a moderate degree of diligence on my part, and it is my assumption that an agency such as yours that prides itself on excellence, would have employed a higher level of due diligence of Covid-19 vaccine review in implementing your award.

The question is this: ‘Is your Nobel Prize Committee, in making its selection, an unwitting participant in a misinformation exercise, or are you well aware of the easily accessed information I have provided you? My career background in research science affords me the ability to point out this poor decision on your part. Thank you, and do not hesitate to contact me on this matter.

Yours truly,

Benjamin Roberts B.Sc. MT, ASCP, M. Ac., L. Ac.


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Articles by: Benjamin Roberts

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