Joe Biden as a Weapon


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What are we to make of this campaign of Joe Biden for president? Let us step back from the regular questions like whether he is in a hospice and three other actors play his role at different times. That is perhaps true, but it is not our topic today. 

The interesting question is who is running his campaign?

First, it does not seem to be the Democratic Party, if there is anything left of that institution. It seems as if the Biden campaign is run by a set of contractors working as PR agents. But who tells them what to do? After going through the website carefully, I came to the painful conclusion that they are getting their orders from lobbying and private intelligence contractors, like Booz Allen Hamilton, and probably from three or four so as to spread the money around and make it more difficult to trace the responsibility. But the question is then, who gives the orders to those contractors?

Granted the bizarre fusion between the Biden and Netanyahu administration, and the radical privatization of governance by both, my guess is that the orders come from private consulting firms in the US, in Israel, and perhaps elsewhere, and that those consulting firms take their orders from the usual suspects:

multinational investment banks and private equity, multinational corporations (increasingly corporations have banks telling them what to do), and the strategic teams of various billionaires and billionaire families.

The immediate consulting firms around Biden are Asia Group run by Kurt Campbell and others, WestExec run by current Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Michèle Flournoy of the Defense Policy Board and Albright-Stonebridge, and there are others like Pine Island Capital Partners where both Lloyd Austin (Secretary of Defense), Flournoy, and Blinken all have interests.

I have no idea who the big players are behind the consulting firms and investment banks.

There may be some subtle issues regarding nationality. Various Israeli, Chinese, Turkish, German and other billionaires like to hide themselves behind multiple trusts and funds so that they cannot be traced. That is because of the increasingly confrontational rhetoric used in international politics.

Let us take a look at the Biden for President website now.

It is no surprise that the opening page of the Biden website asks for money. After all, the only thing that politics is concerned about these days is money. But the message presented is so bland and empty, so devoid of any possible motivation to support this zombie campaign, that one must wonder whether there is an intentional effort to discourage voters. Or perhaps this website is designed to demoralize and repel.

Perhaps it has already been determined that Trump will be the next occupant and the consulting contract from Booz Allen Hamilton is to make Biden look as stupid and compromised as possible.

The line “what we raise now will determine the size and scope of the programs we’ll be able to run next year” is ambiguous, but seems to imply that for the citizen, Joe Biden holding up the ideals of the nation is dependent on your contribution. It is pay to play for everyone.


Then you have a chance to join the mailing list and give your data to them. Still nowhere on the website is there any indication of what Biden stands for, or how you can get your message to him, or how you can contribute in any other way than swallowing propaganda and giving your money.

What exactly “finish the job” means is so open-ended, so weak and bland as to suggest that this campaign lost from the start. Similarly, the flaccid and banal statement “America is back,” which implies that having some women and minorities in cabinet level positions more than makes up for outsourcing the entire government to Amazon, BlackRock, State Street, Oracle, and Google, is at best insulting.


I will not dwell on the sad video of a Biden, or Biden look-alike, delivering warmed-over bromides in a testtube. One gets the sense that decisions for this campaign are being made by a tiny handful of people at Booz Allen Hamilton, whose minds are on autopilot.


What is most striking about the Biden site is the complete absence of and description of what he stands for, or how one can, in a democratic sense, have input in his campaign. The order of the menu is revealing. At the top is the store for buying creepy souvenirs. Then it presents two ways to donate money. Then opportunities to distribute Biden materials (without any opportunities to participate in the campaign). Then comes the description of the legal immunity of the campaign. And that is it. If you are concerned with any serious issue, you should be looking at another website.

I seriously doubt any ordinary Americans are giving this campaign money.


Here are some of the options for you if you want to join the effort. They do not seem to involve setting up your own community group in your neighborhood to address real issues.

Finally, the creepy paraphernalia of a zombie campaign.



The most striking item is the face of Joe Biden that has eyes which shift from blue sunglasses to red flashing beams like a monster from a Godzilla movie. What in the world this terrifying image is meant to convey is far from clear.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Emanuel Pastreich

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