Paying Tribute to Truth

The Good News: The World Seems to be Changing Slowly but Surely for the Better, Despite Persistent Problems. Unmistakable signs awaken the belief in a more liveable future

Image: For those complaining ceaselessly about the migrants produced from the West's global meddling and warmongering, now would be a good time to speak up against attempted intervention in Syria by the West in a last ditch effort to collapse the government in Damascus and create division and destruction that will turn a steady stream of refugees into a cataclysmic flood.

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Dear fellow citizens! We see, hear and read a lot about the problems in the world, about the consequences of so-called natural disasters (Turkey and Syria), about the Ukraine war, the many other wars and about pharmaceutical crimes. All events touch our lifeblood. What we tend to overlook in this flood of negative news are signs that the world seems to be changing slowly but surely for the better, despite ongoing problems that remain unsolved. This gives rise to confidence, which inspires faith in a future that is more worth living. Certainly, it will take some patience until the positive changes are also reflected in the personal lives of each individual citizen. But if we believe in the good in people, we will not get lost in the labyrinth of fears for the future.

For example, I recently received the monthly magazine of the German publishing house Kopp-Verlag in the mail with a full-page advertisement for the new book by Robert W. Malone: “Lies My Government Told Me and the Road to a Better Future. With a foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” (1)

Because such an advertisement was unimaginable until recently, an occasion was found to report other positive events without euphoria.

Paying tribute to truth

“Whatever they say about him today, Malone will go down in history as a hero.” This quote from the US television presenter Tucker Carlson is already on the cover of the brochure, together with an image of the new book.

The introduction on page 1 then reads:

“As a medical student and doctoral candidate, Robert Malone was the first to invent mRNA vaccine technology in the late 1980s. At the time, he could not begin to imagine that he would one day play a leading role in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines. Billions of people were given them – without being informed about the risks.” (2)

The sequel reads:

“Dr Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and defamed by the media for speaking out against “mainstream” reporting. (…). Dr Malone is the authoritative voice of dissent. He exposes the dark side of the Corona agenda, he exposes the role of the mainstream media, censorship, propaganda and the brave new world of transhumanism promoted by the World Economic Forum and its acolytes. How is it possible that the lies spread by governments persist and our institutions fail to cotigrate them? What has been the impact of Corona politics on lives, livelihoods and democracies?

Dr Malone explores these questions and proves how data, news and emotions were deliberately distorted and manipulated during the pandemic. Governments deliberately used people’s fear as a weapon to control their behaviour. The media vilified anyone who resisted the official position and spoke out. Dr Malone examines the perverse links between the pharmaceutical industry, governments and the media and tells us what we can do about it.” (3)

Humans increasingly realise that they are compelled to reach out to each other in order to survive

Despite many relapses, humanity continues to move forward with instinctive certainty. One day it is “Thou shalt not kill”, another day “Love thy neighbour!” Especially in times of the Ukraine war and the many other wars and injustices, these are important insights.

Thus, not only demonstrating citizens but also realistic politicians worldwide are calling for a diplomatic solution to the current Ukraine war and a replacement of the unipolar world of the hegemon, in which only one can decide, with a multipolar world in which many can decide together (4).

The various forms of the communal ethos of human beings are inexorably striving forward with the goal of creating a united humanity. The instinctive certainty with which this happens seems to be due to the instinct of species preservation.

A change in the world for the better is also evident in the liberation of many African states from the shackles of centuries of murderous colonialism. For example, France’s president has already proclaimed the end of the colonial “France-Afrique Era” (5). Other European and US colonial eras will also soon come to an end.

This includes the Canadian government, under its current prime minister, apologising to the indigenous people for the genocide committed against them (6). An apology is only the beginning of a just reparation for this crime against humanity – but it is a first step. Indians, as Native Americans, will have registered this gesture of the Canadian government closely and will be waiting for a similar signal from Washington (7).

In conclusion, the question arises as to how this positive change of the world for the better will affect the personal lives of individual citizens and why this will awaken the belief in a more liveable future – especially for our children and our children’s children?

What still weighs on people today is the lack of social education. Many still suffer from the fiction of power and the self-importance of the individual. That is why the law under which humanity stands is also misunderstood: that people must stick together and are compelled to reach out to one another. The struggle for the preservation of life as well as the problems of security, progress and adaptation can best be solved through the unity of all and mutual help.

Unfortunately, cultural heritage is always under threat and has to be won anew every day. Cultural development essentially consists in the voice of human conscience making itself heard more and more and in the spirit of responsibility taking the place of violence and wars. There are unmistakable signs of this in the world.


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This article was originally published on NRhZ-ONLINE.

Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a school rector, educationalist (Dr. paed.) and psychologist (Dipl.-Psych.). After his university studies, he became an academic teacher (professor) in adult education: among other things, he was head of an independent school model experiment and in-service trainer of Bavarian guidance counsellors and school psychologists. As a retiree, he worked as a psychotherapist in private practice. He was rapporteur for Germany at a public hearing on juvenile delinquency in the European Parliament. In his books and articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral education and an education for public spirit and peace. For his services to Serbia, he was awarded the Republic Prize “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” by the Universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad in 2021.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1), Kopp Aktuell. Books that open their eyes. Cover. March 2023

(2) op. cit., p. 1

(3) op. cit.





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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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