Bloody Sunday in Syria’s Damascus, Homs.

Four deafening blasts rocked today, Sunday, the Shia-populated district of Sayyidah Zaynab in the southern suburbs of Damascus, leaving more than 46 people dead, 100 injured in latest poll.

Local witnesses reported that at least two of the four explosions were carried out by suicide bombers.

The Sayyidah Zaynab district is where Imam Ali’s daughter is buried, and is one of the most significant iconic places for Shia Islam.

On January 31st, more than 50 people were killed, scores injured in a twin suicide bombings in the same district. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

The stricken neighborhood is home for thousands of internally displaced people who fled the war in surrounding towns, as well as Shia fighters defending the shrine.

Hours earlier, two explosions hit the central city of Homs leaving at least 58 civilians dead, many others wounded in one of the city’s busiest streets at rush hour.


Articles by: Syria Report

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