
When Will the Mass Murder by Public Health Authorities and Health Care Providers Cease?
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, June 11, 2021

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Here is the website for all 305 studies of the effectiveness of HCQ in Covid threament.  If used early, HCQ is very effective in curing Covid and reducing mortality rates.  Except for the Westernized parts of the world, HCQ is used: 

Here is the website for all 96 studies of Ivermectin for Covid treatment.  Ivermectin is even more effective, especially in late treatment of Covid: see this.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of two safe and effective cures for Covid, Big Pharma, public health bureaucrats such as Dr. Fauci, medical associations, hospital and corporate medical care organizatons, and the prestitutes have worked together to deny effective and safe treatment to Covid patients.  Indeed, it is a fact that almost every Covid death is due to the denial of treatment by effective cures.

It is a known fact that the Covid vaccines are dangerous.  For many—especially youth—the vaccine is more dangerous than Covid.  Yet despite the clear evidence, the propaganda has been turned higher to encourage vaccination for youth. It is extraordinary that medical care organizations are so incompetent or so corrupt that they value Big Pharma vaccination profits higher than human life.  Many of these organizations notify doctors who treat Covid patients with HCQ and Ivermectin that they are not following the health organization’s procedures.  Repeat offenders can be censured and fired. In other words, doctors are prevented from using effective and safe treatments for their Covid patients.  

In other words, it is the doctors who save your life who are dispensable.  The ones who protect Big Pharma’s vaccine profits are the valued ones.

From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people.

There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block effective Covid cures and impose a deadly vaccine.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from America’s Frontline Doctors

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