
Week in Review: UN Monitors Spying for Washington in Syria, Covert Derivatives and Food Politics
By Global Research
Global Research, June 22, 2012
22 June 2012
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SYRIA: NATO’s Next “Humanitarian” War?
– by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – 2012-07-15

ONLINE INTERACTIVE I-BOOK. The insurgency in Syria is based on the “Libya Model”: it is integrated by mercenaries and Al Qaeda affiliated paramilitary brigades supported by British, French and Turkish Special Forces…

The Globalization of War: The “Military Roadmap” to World War III
– by Michel Chossudovsky, Finian Cunningham – 2012-07-14

The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.

CONFERENCE: THE GLOBAL CRISIS : Austerity, War, Media Disinformation and the Police State
Michel Collon and Michel Chossudovsky, Montreal, 4 July (in French)
– 2012-07-07

Conference: “The Gathering of Knowledge”
Montreal, July 6-7, Micol Savia, Michel Collon, Michel Chossudovsky, Carlos Taibo, Theotonio dos Santos, Jorge Valero
– 2012-07-06

Do you value independent, incisive news and analysis?
Your support makes a difference!
– 2012-06-27

THE IRAQ WAR READER: A History of War Crimes and Genocide. The Unleashing of America’s New Global Militarism
– by Michel Chossudovsky, Finian Cunningham – 2012-06-27

The devastation of Iraq, unfettered aggression, crimes against humanity, and plunder and theft of sovereign resources.

CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria
– by Tony Cartalucci – 2012-06-22

The West, led by the US and its Gulf State proxies, have been arming terrorists, while berating the Syrian government for “violating” a UN mandated ceasefire and for “failing to protect” its population.

Japan and the United States from Kennedy to Clinton
New National Security Archive Publication Makes Available 900 Formerly Classified Documents
– by National Security Archive – 2012-06-22

Unspoken “Collateral Damage”: America’s Wars and the Plight of the World’s Refugees
– by Felicity Arbuthnot – 2012-06-22

The Possibility of a US War with Iran is Escalating very Rapidly
– by Michael Carmichael – 2012-06-22

The Obama administration is under tremendous pressure from many ill-advised Democratic members of Congress to abandon diplomacy with Iran and follow a path that would make war inevitable in the near term…

Russia is planning the evacuation of Russians who are living in Syria.
– 2012-06-22

“If you were Planning to Conquer the World”… The Dogs of War are Barking behind Closed Doors
– by Robert Bridge – 2012-06-22

Toys for the “Peaceful” Syrian Opposition: Modern weapons confirm Western support for FSA Terrorists
photographic evidence
– by Anhar Kotchneva – 2012-06-22

Exiled Rwandan General accuses Kagame of having ordered the killing that triggered the 1994 genocide
– by Donna Bryson – 2012-06-22

Bahrain: Campaign to arrest Alkhalifa dictator’s torturer son as repression intensifies
– by Bahrain Freedom Movement – 2012-06-22

CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents
– by Stephen Lendman – 2012-06-22

Smear Tactics: Israel Lobby Creates Anti-Iran PR “Astroturf” Group
– by Richard Silverstein – 2012-06-22

US and Israeli Hypocrisy Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program
– by Noah Gimbel, Kourosh Ziabari – 2012-06-22

British Drones, Ambitions and Killings
– 2012-06-22

New Cold War: The War by Proxy in Syria
Selected Articles
– 2012-06-21

Obama’s economic “vision”
– by Andre Damon, Barry Grey – 2012-06-21

Drones over America: Infrastructure of US Police State
– by Tom Carter – 2012-06-21

Occupy Is Not Dead, Occupy Continues to Work for Justice
Occupy Is Not Dead, Occupy Continues to Work for Justice
– by Margaret Flowers, Kevin Zeese – 2012-06-21

GRTV: Nuclear Storage: Explosive Developments and Oversights
Radioactive waste will pollute the planet for millions of years
– by Chris Busby – 2012-06-21

GRTV: Vanishing of the Bees: Beekeeper Leaks EPA Document
The connection between pesticides and declining bee populations in the US
– by Tom Theobald – 2012-06-21

History is the Enemy as ‘Brilliant’ Psy-ops Become the News
– by John Pilger – 2012-06-21

GRTV: Food Politics: Exploring the Economic and Ecological Crises
What is the way forward for a democratic, sustainable future?
– by Dr. Vandana Shiva – 2012-06-21

Hope Dies at Guantánamo
– by Prof. Marjorie Cohn – 2012-06-21

British PM Falsely Claims Putin Dropped Support of Syria’s Assad
– by John Glaser – 2012-06-21

Kony 2012 and America’s Conquest of Africa’s Mineral Wealth
– by Nile Bowie – 2012-06-21

Obama Hides Behind “Executive Privilege” In Damage Control Over “Fast and Furious”
– by Patrick Henningsen – 2012-06-21

Western spy agencies ‘sharing intelligence’ with Syrian rebels
– by Joseph Fitsanakis – 2012-06-21

The United Nations Monitors in Syria are Spying for Washington
– by Stephen Lendman – 2012-06-21

Towards a US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Malaysia?
– by Prof. Chandra Muzaffar – 2012-06-21

Of Strategic Interest To NATO: The Militarization of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf
– by Rick Rozoff – 2012-06-20

GRTV: GMO Foods Alter Organ Function and Pose Threat to Humans
What is in the food you’re eating? What is it doing to your health?
– by Mike Adams – 2012-06-20

BREAKING: “Private Security Companies” in Syria, Supporting Rebels: Foreign Mercenaries Detained
– by Christoph R. Hörstel – 2012-06-20

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry arrested 20 People allegedly associated with the Assassinations of Nuclear Scientists
– by Kourosh Ziabari – 2012-06-20

Red Alert: Global Systemic Economic Crisis
Recession, Geopolitical Tensions, Insolvency…
– 2012-06-20

A World in Crisis: The Putin-Obama Talks
– by Stephen Lendman – 2012-06-20

Wall Street’s Protection Racket of Covert Derivatives: JPMorgan Derivatives Prop Up U.S. Debt
Why the Senate Won’t Touch Jamie Dimon
– by Ellen Brown – 2012-06-20

Why the Senate Won’t Touch Jamie Dimon. The derivatives casino itself is a last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme in fractional-reserve money creation…

Towards a New “Humanitarian Front”? Myanmar and the Geopolitics of Empire
– by Eric Draitser – 2012-06-20

Biodiversity and the Environment: Silent Spring For Us?
– by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – 2012-06-20

Fake News: Russia denies planning war games in Syria
– 2012-06-19

Egyptian junta proclaims a military dictatorship
– by Johannes Stern – 2012-06-19

GRTV: Russia Confronts US on Human Rights Violations
Exploring America’s hypocritical stance on abuse and torture
– by David Swanson – 2012-06-19

GRTV: How Goldman Wired Greece for Implosion
Who is really to blame for the Greek debt crisis?
– by Greg Palast – 2012-06-19

UN Investigation of US Drone Killings in Pakistan
Unjustified killing: UN wants US drone attacks explained
– 2012-06-19

Political Stalemate in Egypt
– by Shamus Cooke – 2012-06-19

The Political Crisis in Nepal
Balkanization of Nepal gathers pace
– by Dr. Arun Shrivastava – 2012-06-19

Global Order Poised between Promise and Chaos
The Role of China
– by Prof. Pang Zhongying – 2012-06-19

Iraq: War Crimes, Lies and Statistics
– by Felicity Arbuthnot – 2012-06-18

Syria: Media Lies, Hidden Agendas and Strange Alliances
– by Richard Lightbown – 2012-06-18

Racial Profiling: Police “Stop and Frisk” Practices in America
NYC: Thousands March to End Stop-and-Frisk
– by Li Onesto – 2012-06-18

The Case for Mandatory GMO Labeling
– by Mike Adams – 2012-06-18

GRTV: America’s Pacific Century: Containing China
Examining the implications of Washington’s policy shift to the Asia-Pacific region
– by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, Nile Bowie – 2012-06-18

Russia Announces It Will Send Warships to Syria
– by Kurt Nimmo – 2012-06-18

No to Austerity and Repression! No to militarism in Canada
Peace Congress condemns Quebec’s anti-protest law, supports the rights of Quebec students
– by Canadian Peace Congress – 2012-06-18

Michel Chossudovsky: “Towards a World War III Scenario” Now Available Through Kindle
latest bestselling book from Global Research
– 2012-06-18

The Biggest Myth Preventing an Economic Recovery: “Private Debt Doesn’t Matter”
– by Washington’s Blog – 2012-06-18

Russian Navy squadron to sail to Syrian port
– 2012-06-18

Syria Strategy looks like Bloody Repeat
– by Scott Taylor – 2012-06-18

Conservatives narrowly win Greek election
– by Chris Marsden – 2012-06-18

Confronting the American People: Thousands of military drones to be deployed over US mainland
– by Tom Carter – 2012-06-18

Washington Arming Syrian Insurgents
– by Stephen Lendman – 2012-06-18

Ecuador: New Left or New Colonialism?
– by Federico Fuentes – 2012-06-17

UN suspends Syrian mission; tensions escalate
– by John Robles – 2012-06-17

Libya: New AFRICOM And NATO Beachhead In Africa
– by Rick Rozoff – 2012-06-17

Imperialism and the Houla massacre
– by Alex Lantier – 2012-06-17

REVIEW: The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House
– by Wayne Madsen – 2012-06-17

Serbia’s New President Tomislav Nikolic Chooses Empire
The Replacement Quisling
– by Nebojsa Malic – 2012-06-17

GAZA: Devastating Impacts of Israeli Blockade
As Gaza siege enters sixth year, harm will be felt for years to come
– by Maureen Clare Murphy – 2012-06-17

US Attempting to Trigger Full Proxy War in Syria
Torrent of propaganda, foreign arms, and political sabotage seeks to fulfill broader plans for destabilization
– by Tony Cartalucci – 2012-06-17

Stimulus versus Austerity: The Crisis of Europe’s Economic and Financial System
– by Stephen Lendman – 2012-06-17

Pentagon finalizes “Contingency Plans” for Syria Invasion
– 2012-06-16

R2P “Humanitarian” Intervention in Syria “Could Cause 100,000 Deaths”
– by Alexei Pushkov, Tom Hedegard – 2012-06-16

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung confirms: Houla massacre committed by Syrian “rebels”
– by Clara Weiss – 2012-06-16

Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: “Break Syria into Pieces”
– by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky – 2012-06-16

The objective of the US sponsored armed insurgency is –with the help of Israel– to “Break Syria into Pieces”. The “balkanisation of Syria” is to be carried out by fostering sectarian divisions, which will eventually lead to a “civil war” modelled on the former Yugoslavia.

“Unmanned Warfare” in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia: Drone strikes poll shows mass disapproval
– by Chris Cole – 2012-06-16

Greece: What Can be Done?
Crisis as Opportunity? An end to open-ended austerity and decay
– by Prof. James Petras – 2012-06-16

Death of Spanish Mercenaries in Syria Revealed
– by Claudia Gomez – 2012-06-16

The Assassination of RFK: A Time for Justice!
– by Frank Morales – 2012-06-16

Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, a Jordanian Christian convicted of the assassination of United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy on the night of June 5th 1968, Sirhan has spent the last 44 years behind bars, framed for a crime he did not commit.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.