War and the Financial Crisis. The Threat to Humanity of a Nuclear War against Iran

This article by General Leonid Ivashov was first published in April 2007


The US and its allies started the psychological preparation of  world public opinion for the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons to resolve ‘the Iranian problem’. The US propaganda machine is working hard to create the impression that a ‘surgically precise’ use of the nuclear weapon with only limited consequences is possible. However, this has been known to be untrue since the 1945 US nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

After the very first nuclear strike, it will become totally impossible to prevent the use of all of the available means of mass destruction. The conflicting sides will resort to whatever means they have without limitations. Therefore, not only the nuclear arsenals of various countries, including those whose nuclear status is not recognized officially [Israel], will come into play. No doubt, chemical and biological warfare (and, generally, any poisonous substances), which can be produced on the basis of minimal industrial and economic resources, will be used.

Currently, one can assert that peace and mankind are in great danger.

Consider the military-technical aspect of the situation. Practically, the operation’s objective declared by the US – destroying some 1,500 targets on the territory of Iran – cannot be accomplished by the forces already amassed for the mission. This objective can only be met if tactical nuclear munitions are used.

The allegations that Iran can become a nuclear aggressor are absurd. Anyone having at least some theoretical knowledge of military affairs must understand this.

What is the real reason why the US is unleashing this military conflict?

The activities having consequences of global proportions can only be intended to deal with a global problem. This problem itself is by no means something secret – it is the possibility of a crash of the global financial system based on the US dollar. Currently the mass of  US currency exceeds the total worth of  US assets by more than a factor of ten. Everything in the US – industry, buildings, high-tech, and so on – has been mortgaged more than ten times all over the world. A debt of such proportions will never be repaid – it can only be relieved.The dollar amounts on the accounts of individuals, organizations, and state treasuries are a virtual reality. These records are not secured by products, valuables or anything that exists in reality.

Complete April 2007 article

Bear in mind, this article was written before the 2008 financial crisis.  


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Articles by: General Leonid Ivashov

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