
Virginia State Senator: Syrian President Assad Was Framed with Suspected Chemical Attack. WP Report
By Global Research News
Global Research, April 14, 2018
Washington Post 12 April 2018
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A report by the Lora Vozella of the Washington Post acknowledges that Senator Richard H. Black‘s statement on the floor of Virginia’s State Senate

A state legislator who once flew to Damascus for a two-hour sit-down with Bashar al-Assad took to the floor of the Virginia Senate this week to say the Syrian president might have been framed with a suspected chemical attack — if the attack happened at all.

“It is not entirely clear that there was an attack,” Sen. Richard H. Black (R-Loudoun) said in a 20-minute speech on the floor of Virginia Senate on Wednesday. “There was a doctor, from the hospital — from the main hospital in Douma — who has said, ‘We haven’t received any casualties. Nobody has been sent in.’ ”

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a global watchdog, has sent inspectors to Syria to try to confirm whether it was a chemical attack that killed dozens in Damascus on Saturday.

But in Richmond, the sequence of events was clear: Black spoke; Democrats erupted.

Read the complete WP  article here.

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