
US Backing New Offensive by Junta in Kiev
By Prof. James Petras
Global Research, November 10, 2014
Press TV
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The United States is backing a new offensive by the junta in Kiev as it is supporting its “puppet regime” in Ukraine and trying to push pro-Russian forces out of the struggle, says a political analyst.

“I think Washington wants to strengthen the position of the Kiev junta without calling into question the fact that its origins was in a military civilian coup which overthrew the elected government and which then subsequently organized a very fraudulent kind of one-sided elections,”

said James Petras, Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of sociology at Binghamton University, New York, in a phone interview with Press TV on Monday.

He made the comments one day after the White House called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine and stop sending weapons to pro-Russian forces in the country.

US National Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan said in a statement that in order to enable “the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty along the Ukrainian side of the international border,” pro-Russian forces should be disarmed.

Petras said the US is only trying to support the Kiev junta that is “propped up by NATO, IMF, and EU funding.”

“The Russians are not stupid,” continued Petras.

“They are not going to allow the US to engage with that junta to destroy the Russian-speaking majority in the eastern part of the country.”

“If the US is really serious about demilitarization of the struggle, they first should begin restraining their puppet regime in Kiev because you can’t ask Russia to disarm the partisans in the east while encouraging the western leaders to engage in full-scale warfare on the civilian population in the east,”

he said.

The United States accuses Russia of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces, an allegation denied by the Kremlin.

The Obama administration has imposed several rounds of sanctions against Moscow over the crisis.

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