
Ukraine Regime Police Shooting His Subordinates For Refusing to Kill Civilians
By Global Research News
Global Research, May 11, 2014
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“Chief of police shooting his subordinates for supporting the activists”

New details came to light in the morning events ATC Mariupol.

The police chief Valery Androschuk in Mariupol ordered the use of force [including live ammunition] against protesting citizens.

Rank and file policemen told their the police chief that they [were unwilling to shoot at civilians]  In response Androschuk pulled out his gun and shot one of his subordinates, seriously wounding him.

Androschuk barricaded himself in one of the offices in the building and called the police department to help the National Guard (Natsgvardiyu). Those promptly arrived and started the attack.

At the time of the assault on the city streets , there were many people taking part in the May 9 Victory Day parade.

National Guard fighters shot to kill both civilians and police. One policeman and two civilians were killed. More than two dozen people were injured.

Androschuk during the assault tried to escape. Locals caught him and beat him up. There is no information as yet on the fate of the police chief

City residents were shocked that the National Guard (Natsgvardiya) was using heavy equipment [and live ammunition] against civilians. [A large part of  the funding of the National Guard  is provided by the US. Western special forces are involved in training the National Guard, M.Ch. GR Editor]

They expressed their willingness to defend [the city] to the best of their abilities and at any cost.

Currently, The National Guard ( Natsgvardiya) has left the city, fearing people’s vengeance, as well as barricades established in the city .


Video: The Department of Internal Affairs DIA of Mariupol on fire

The leader of the public movement “South-East” Oleg Tsarev: 30 people were killed and more than 100 wounded, 17 of them are in intensive care. –

Editing of Russian translation. Michel Chossudovsky

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