
Turkey Has Let Foreign Supported Terrorists from 83 Countries Enter Syria to Topple Government
By Global Research News
Global Research, November 06, 2013
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Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad says Turkey has let terrorist from 83 countries to enter Syria to topple the government.

Speaking to al-Alam on Tuesday, Muqdad criticized foreign supporters of the insurgency in Syria, saying that, instead of helping Syrian people, the United States, France, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are sending them more weapons to continue the war.

Muqdad especially censured Ankara government and said, “Turkey has adopted a destructive approach regarding Syria. They have let terrorists from 83 countries to enter Syria and commit crimes”.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad says Ankara government has let militants from 83 countries to enter Syria.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad says Ankara government has let militants from 83 countries to enter Syria.

Turkey, one of the key supporters of the war in Syria, has been widely criticized by Damascus for leaving its borders open to smugglers to enter force and weapons.

A report by the American Pentapolis Agency of statistics on September showed at least 130 thousand non-Syrian militants are fighting in Syria.

Most of these militants used to enter Syria from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, but nowadays Turkey borders are militants’ major supply rout which has turned Aleppo, located near northeastern borders of Syria with Turkey, a main bastion for foreign-backed militant groups.

Muqdad further referred to the Geneva 2 talks aimed at finding a solution to end the conflict and said, Syrian government is determined to help the Geneva-based talks bear results, and to do that ‘putting an end to violence and terrorism must be the top most priority”.

The Syrian official said supporters of the terrorists in his country were from both Western countries such as United States and France and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia. “Syrian people consider them responsible for damaging their country,” he added.

He added Washington shows double-standard policies and plays a misleading role regarding Syria. “Despite all these we tell them (supporters of the war) that we will continue to resist,” Muqdad added.

The war in Syria started in March 2011, when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.

The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

According to the United Nations, more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the turmoil that has gripped Syria for over two years.

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