
Trump Follows Family’s Pro-Zionist Agenda as United States Disengages from UNHRC
By Hans Stehling
Global Research, June 20, 2018

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United States’ envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, makes a mockery of human rights as she follows Trump’s instructions to cease recognition of the UNHRC and its vital work in protecting the rights of communities worldwide.

In an overt recognition of his own family’s heavy involvement in Netanyahu’s policy of settlement-building and ethnic cleansing, Donald Trump finally shows where his real commitment lies – in the furtherance of the Likud Party agenda for the establishment of a Greater Israel and the forced ‘transfer’ of millions of indigenous Arabs to adjacent states.

This is a move that increases American global isolation and threatens not only a US-backed Israeli war with Iran but sets the trajectory for nuclear war in the Middle East, as well as a trade war with the EU, China and Japan. This, of course, in addition to America’s disengagement from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

There is now little doubt that the pro-Zionist dominated White House is determined to bring about global realignment by the force of economic and military policies that will destabilise international trade and bring about armed conflict.

As old alliances are swept aside by this US-Israeli agenda, the United Nations itself as the international body of final recourse and authority becomes an anachronistic irrelevance as American military and economic aggression changes the face of global politics to conform to the new agenda of a world dominated by dangerous, nuclear-armed United States of America & Israel.


Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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