
The War Drums are Beating: Two Trident Missiles Launched over Los Angeles. Act of Provocation Directed against Russia and China?
By Joachim Hagopian
Global Research, November 11, 2015

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A B61-12 nuclear weapon ©the Center for Investigative Reporting

Without warning just after sunset last Saturday night the US Navy purposely picked a time to launch an unarmed Trident II missile from the submarine the USS Kentucky from waters off the Southern California coast so hundreds of thousands of witnesses would be sure to observe the brightly lit up sky and headlines would certainly spread around the world.

The unusual event was seen as far away as northern California, Arizona and Nevada. It triggered a firestorm of conjecture that included possible UFO’s to World War III. Beginning last Friday evening the FAA suddenly declared that the US Navy created a no fly zone shutting down LA airport flights from flying west over the ocean from America’s second busiest airport until Thursday this week due to unspecified military activity. The Navy then fired a second unarmed Trident missile on Monday during daytime hours claiming it would have also been launched on Saturday night along with the first one but there “too many private boats in the area” prohibited it. Strange that too many boats didn’t stop the first launch, the one “seen” around the world. Chalk it up to military logic.

With these latest unsettling events, the writing on the wall keeps looming larger as war drums keep beating louder. From every direction we’re being bombarded these days by doom and gloom news that World War III could break out at any time.

Just two weeks ago the US Navy destroyer the USS Lassen brushed within 12 nautical miles of a couple of freshly built Chinese islands just to piss off China. Beijing immediately accused the US of violating its territorial rights staking its regional claim over the South China Sea’s Spratly Islands. While China threatened military retaliation the next time the US patrols too close, unnamed US government officials defiantly vowed they will do it again claiming free navigational maritime rights since the US refuses to accept the manmade islands as China’s legitimate territory.

Over recent months the navies and air forces of all three superpowers have been patrolling ever so closer to waters and airspaces near each other’s borders. In September five Chinese warships were observed near Alaska’s Bering Strait. Little more than a week ago two Russian reconnaissance planes had to be escorted away from a US aircraft carrier in the Sea of Japan. This dodgy game of chicken continues with each nation seemingly bent on ratcheting up tensions in an undeclared war that’s been building for more than a year.

Meanwhile during this last month the most dangerous, ready-to-explode hotspot has been Syria where for the first time the US has sent military boots on the ground after Russia launched its anti-ISIS offensive. The mounting number of ground forces may be joined by US puppet Gulf state Qatar sending troops to the Syrian battlefront. Both US and Russian superpowers are precariously sharing the same airspace with warplanes supporting opposing forces. In retaliation for Putin taking charge and upending the US fake war against ISIS, in recent weeks Obama sent Special Forces into Syria to help rescue its terrorist ally on the run (3000 jihadists fled to Jordan and Turkey in the first week alone) and defiantly oppose the Russian led coalition aiding Syria. Unfortunately the United States seems committed to winding up on the wrong side of history after creating and to this day continuing its not-so-secret support of its terrorist mercenary ally the Islamic State militants. Syria remains a powder keg ready to explode on a moment’s notice into world war.

While Putin actually fulfills what treasonous Obama falsely promised he would do over a year ago, hunt down and wipe out the terrorists, the elite’s puppet Obama muddles on obediently carrying out the suicidal globalist agenda to ignite a global war stretching to every corner of the earth. The US continues supplying air support and high powered weapons such as surface-to-air missiles for the anti-Assad terrorists while Russia offers the same committed support to the Assad forces. It’s only a matter of time before this superpower proxy war turns into a head-on collision when by accident or not American military forces kill Russians and/or Russian military forces kill Americans. This is all that’s needed to spark the start of World War III.

And now the US missile launches are the latest events in this highly disturbing series of incidents intentionally provoking rising global tensions. The BBC headline read “Mysterious Light in the Sky Spooks California.” Posted YouTube videos, Twitter and Facebook went into overdrive with the West all abuzz over the strange unannounced occurrence. The US Navy’s decision to fire off a thermonuclear missile (unarmed or not) into the western skies overlooking Los Angeles was sending a clear indisputable message to the entire world. By making it such a public spectacle witnessed by hundreds of thousands in America’s second largest metropolis, Washington’s clear intention was launching another recklessly alarming shot across the bow aimed directly at warning Russia and China to “back off or else.”

The range of the Trident II missiles launched is 4000 nautical miles, within full reach of Beijing. What is most evident is that the US government is reacting to Russia and China’s challenge to US global dominance as the world’s most powerful nation on earth. The message is clear – continue challenging America’s previously uncontested belligerent rule over the planet and the US will instigate a global war.

These unprecedented reckless events also culminate last week’s three Congressional subcommittee hearings with top warmongering brass that didn’t even bother to question if a world war can be avoided but already presumed it can’t and won’t. The topic of “America’s world war readiness” against cold war turned hotter-than-ever foes Russia and China. Meanwhile, as part of its global war prepping, a massive six week NATO exercise begun last month entered its final week involving 36,000 troops, 200 aircraft and 60 ships spanning air, land and sea in three countries in the largest NATO war games in thirteen years.

Strategically timed just hours prior to Saturday’s missile launch from the nearby neocon holy grounds of the Ronald Reagan Library, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter reiterated the US position that it will not tolerate Russia and China “challenging the world order.” The United States is determined to reign supreme in keeping its sole world superpower status at all cost amidst the rising power of the East vowing to stand up both economically and militarily to America’s ruthless unipolar dominance. Unlike the first cold war when the US was reluctantly at least willing to share a balance of power of deterrence, the arrogant policymakers today are rigidly opposed to sharing global power with Russia and China.

While Carter accused Russia of “nuclear saber-rattling” and “violating sovereignty,” the US continues placing over 200 nuclear warheads in non-nuclear NATO countries along Russia’s doorstep, forcing Putin to defensively bolster his nuclear arsenal. The sheer hypocrisy spewing out of Carter only demonstrates the blatant hypocritical guilt the US regularly commits in everything he accuses of Russia. But then that’s simply the nature of America’s exceptionalism. The bombastic neocon went on to tell more lies:

We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot, war with Russia. We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake; the United States will defend our interests, our allies, the principled international order, and the positive future it affords us all.

Carter also outlined a plan to augment the US troop level in Europe with a 50% increase, adding another brigade to the 7000 American soldiers already stationed in nations likely to become the European warfront in a global war against Russia. Carter hardly mentioned terrorism as a threat to national security (no surprise there when ISIS is the neocons’ Frankenstein-created ally), instead choosing to exclusively focus his “back off or else” wrath on rising cold war giants Russia and China. His verbal threat within hours and just a few miles away was then purposely capped off by the grand stage spectacle of the nuclear missile lighting up the Western sky as his saber-rattling finale.

Meanwhile, NATO Commander General Philip Breedlove’s lust for war as illustrated by last year’s boldface lie that the Russian military had invaded Ukraine is reaching near fever pitch orgasm. His latest war rant is claiming that any diplomacy efforts to resolve conflict with Russia is nothing short of appeased acceptance of Moscow’s Ukraine agenda. A regressive gene throwback to cold war one’s Dr. Strangelove, Breedlove falsely warns that Russia poses such eminent danger that the United States may “have to fight our way across the Atlantic.” Carter and Breedlove represent the latest round of certifiable nutcases in total charge of America’s war propaganda machine laying the groundwork for launching not just thermonuclear Trident missiles but their bullseye target of World War III.

This pattern of nonstop bombardment of lies designed to justify the next war is the old brainwash formula Washington historically wages leading up to every single war in order to condition and soften American public’s resistance. Be it Bush, Cheney and their neocons’ flat-out “WMD” lies or the East’s agenda to expand its power globally by allegedly destroying America, the neocons are busily at it again spreading more lies to justify yet more war. But this time it’s against world nuclear powers with an unthinkable endgame scenario that no sane, rational person on this entire planet wants.

Look at the systematic progression of hostilities in recent months and years all orchestrated by the US against Russia and China. An ongoing cyber-war with China has involved charges and countercharges of spying and hacking into each other’s technological and military secrets. It only accelerated into what it’s become today because in 2010 China busted Washington for employing Google as its NSA stooge actively spying on Chinese secrets. The blowback cost Google and America’s major IT corporations billions of dollars. And ever since, the hyped US propaganda culminating with Obama’s most recent display of aggressive provocation timed during the Chinese president’s September US visit failed to stop Xi Jinping’s cordial meeting with Seattle and Silicon Valley IT giants chomping at the bit to tap back into China’s infinite profit generating market.

 There is also a fiercely violent covert war being waged by saboteurs causing deadly explosions at each other’s industrial sites. The massive fiery Tianjin explosion in August followed shortly by several more since including the US munitions depot blown up in Tokyo are part of the undeclared war against China. The speculated cause of the Tianjin “accident” gouging a crater-sized lake was an orbiting scalar weapon likely launched from the earth’s upper atmosphere aimed at taking out China’s super cyber-system.

 Yet another front in America’s anything-but-secret war with China and Russia is the ongoing currency war. Since the Russo-Sino alliance joined economic forces with Brazil, India and South Africa vis-à-vis the BRICS alliance, they have spearheaded the global move to abandon the US dollar as the standard international currency. China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is also challenging America’s faltering leadership in a stagnant global economy where a major West to East power shift is currently afoot. Even America’s most “stalwart” allies rushed to be founding AIIB members.

 With the failed US-NATO policy in recent decades to isolate adversarial rivals Russia and China by covertly turning their bordering neighbors against them while lining up warhead missiles in their backyard, by necessity Russia and China have forged a strong alliance to ensure their very survival. The covert US aggression in overthrowing the Ukraine government in 2014 and the subsequent demonization of Putin pushed Russia to make a lucrative pipeline deal and strengthen its ties with China. Through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russia and China have successfully partnered with four resource-rich Central Asian nation neighbors while in 2016 extending membership to India and Pakistan and recently courting Iran as their inclusionary wall of defense against overt infringing Western imperialism. Having for decades now tolerated global transgressions from the most arrogant, brutal world superpower bully in history, together Russia and China appear ready to call America’s hegemonic bluff by openly challenging US Empire in decline in a global conflict fought on multiple fronts – militarily, economically and geopolitically.

 If its megalomaniacal obsession for grandiose US exceptionalism has Washington desperately seeking to retain its global hegemony on its fast track to world war, then Russia and China appear more than ready to deliver. In August Russia and China embarked on their largest joint naval war exercise in history preparing for maritime conflict with America in the Pacific. Not only does the most populous country on earth possess the largest military at 2.4 million soldiers, China also has amassed more naval warships and warplanes attached to its Pacific fleet than the US, Japan, Philippines and Vietnam combined. Its maritime prowess in the East and South China Seas and the western Pacific presents a stiff challenge to the global master overly-stretched throughout the seven seas. Clearly in recent years both Russia and China have made significant strides in modernized upgrades strengthening their military power.

 Because the US-NATO forces have already prepared a plan for preemptive first strike nuclear options against Russia and China, in self-defense the powers of the East have similar contingency plans in place. If even less than half the US-Russian nuclear arsenal was ever deployed, life on earth would cease to exist. Sadly, the devastating impact of a world war between superpowers in this day and age cannot possibly produce a single winner as every human on earth stands to lose his or her life…that is except the delusional elite believing it can survive a nuclear holocaust from luxurious underground bunkers.

Ever since the breakup of the Soviet Empire near a quarter century ago, the US Empire has abused its military might as the sole global superpower on the geopolitics chessboard by aggressively transforming our planet into a unipolar dominated world. The US Empire has overextended its military killing machine to every continent on earth. With more than 1.4 million US military occupiers in uniform at over 1000 active military installations worldwide and its elite Special Forces covertly operating in more than three quarters of the world’s nations, the US Empire as the sole world bully has become the ruling elite’s private army unleashed to intimidate, threaten, occupy, and destroy any nation or people that fails to bend over and be violated by Empire’s corporatized pillaging and plundering. By the ruling elite’s choice to send US military henchmen and/or economic hitmen on its nation victims, the IMF-World Bank apparatus through the central banking cabal sticks every Third World nation with unpayable interest debt loans in order for predatory transnationals to privatize and rape the earth’s most valuable resources – be it human slave labor, oil, precious metals or water.

The catastrophic potential for America’s death and destruction caused by these treasonous architects of national suicide this time is even more egregiously far-reaching than their neocon-Israeli slaughtered sacrifice of 3000 Americans on 9/11 used to launch their manufactured forever war on terror. The United States is extremely vulnerable to an attack on our electric power grid that any enemy’s EMP pulse weapon can easily take out, instantly and literally putting us back into the dark age where 90% of Americans are expected to die within twelve months. If nukes don’t get us in a war against Russia and China, an EMP strike will.

Clearly the warmongers in Washington are fully aware of this. Last year the Congressional Homeland Security Committee heard testimony from experts stating this exact same deadly outcome. Yet the federal government has not lifted a finger to adequately address much less invest in rectifying the power grid problem. But instead they calculatingly resurrected Cold War II embarking on a relentless propaganda campaign as a familiar brainwash that precedes every US imperialistic war. But this time our government’s coldblooded decision to willfully provoke world war against Russia and China in one fell swoop is committing high crimes of treason, national suicide and human genocide.

By diabolical design the global elite under both the Bushes and Clintons and their Manchurian President Obama has misused the US Empire to willfully take down America as the world’s most powerful nation from within, destroying its once vibrant middle class and aging, crumbling infrastructure, leaving it without a manufacturing base, near 19 trillion dollars in national debt, and a house of cards economy just a false flag away from total collapse. With the globalist agenda to turn the United States into another Third World debtor nation virtually complete now, all that stands in the way of full implementation of NWO’s one world government and UN Agenda 21 is World War III. With the DC maniacs still fully in control, we citizens of the world must rise up and stop this madness from killing us all. Time is running out.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.”  It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at

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