
The U.S. Government Has Been Run as a Criminal Enterprise: Financial Fraud, Criminal Cash Flows
By Catherine Austin Fitts and Greg Hunter
Global Research, November 30, 2019
Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog 10 December 2017
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First published in December 2017

Financial expert and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says the U.S. Government runs on massive criminal activity. Fitts explains,

“The U.S. economy is deeply dependent on criminal cash flows.  We’re the global leader in money laundering.  If we stopped doing that, the economy would be in for a major, major change. . . . The preference for most Americans is to keep that system going as long as it works for them.  So, it you are a public official, you are between a rock and a hard place.  If you press the red button and stop the illegal cash flows, then all hell breaks loose. . . . The U.S. Government has been run as a criminal enterprise, and I have documented and proved that on multiple occasions.  The swamp that exists in Washington is from sea to shining sea.  It’s not just in Washington.  It’s in every county and every state house in the country.  If we are going to change and clean ourselves of enormous financial dependencies on criminal activities, we are talking about a very big change, and it’s not just in Washington.”

So, in the big picture, where are we now?

Why are so many top people in politics and Hollywood being taken down?

Fitts says,

“These people are expensive.  This is a fundamental re-engineering. . . . We are watching purges, but these purges are knocking out the expensive people, people we no longer need from the financial coup d’état period, and you are bringing in a new wave of people or you are just downsizing.  So, we see sex purges in Hollywood and in various forms of media and entertainment. . . . You have various purges going on because the reality is the world needs to move on.  This money needs to be reinvested, and you can’t afford a bunch of egotistical maniacs who were good at stealing money.  You can’t use them to build the future, and you can’t afford them. . . . There is a huge amount of money that is floating around in fixed income and derivative markets, and now you’ve got to bring it down into the hard economy and hard assets.  How do you do that?  You need to switch the caliber of the people for management and reinvestment of the money.  You have to do it in a way that doesn’t kick off hyperinflation.”

So, what are the rich doing with their money?   Fitts says,

“Gold is what it has always been and that is a real store of value.  I am a gold girl.  If you look at the smart money and central banks around the world . . . the smart money is buying gold, and the smart money is buying land.  If you read the land report, that’s the top holders of land in the United States.  Their holdings have doubled since 2008.  I see tremendous amounts of money moving into hard assets.”

Catherine Austin Fitts, who was also an Assistant Housing Secretary in the first Bush Administration, talks about the Mueller/Trump investigation that she says is twisting in the wind and also the gun control and why Americans need firearms now more than ever. Fitts also says a large market correction will probably happen in 2018.

Complete Interview of Catherine Austin Fitts by Greg Hunter

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