
The Syrian War Is on the Agenda of the “Putin-Biden” Summit
By Khaled Iskef
Global Research, June 10, 2021

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The White House announced that the file of the Syrian war will be present on the agenda of the upcoming summit between the US and Russian presidents, where the White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, stated that US President Joe Biden will discuss issues related to Syria during the summit that will be held with the Russian president, “Vladimir Putin“.

It is believed that one of the most prominent Syrian issues that the two presidents will discuss is related to the issue of humanitarian aid access, especially since Sullivan made it clear during his statement that his country has a very clear position regarding humanitarian aid, and there must be humanitarian corridors in Syria to deliver aid and save lives.

He is scheduled to meet the Russian and American presidents, on the sixteenth of this month, as part of a summit, which is the first of its kind between the two countries since Joe Biden took office.

Political analysts believe that the results of the expected summit will clarify more, the reality of the directions of the new US administration regarding Syria, and it will reveal whether there has actually been a change in American attitudes, especially since Biden has made several statements since taking office indicating his intention to cooperate to end the Syrian war, most notably the one in which he said that his country “is not interested in Syrian oil and seeks to cooperate with Russia to activate the operations of the international coalition against “ISIS“, in addition to taking a decision to revoke the license of the American company responsible for the process of extracting oil from Syrian fields.


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