Socialism Can Save America

To this writer any time I dare mention that I am a Socialist brings smirks to many faces. The stigma is so great, mostly due to the successful propaganda of this empire, that a majority of my fellow Americans, regardless of the prism of demographics, will shake their heads in disagreement.

The schools, the media and of course this Two Party/One Party con job have been indoctrinated to do the bidding of the Super Rich and its empire. Well, perhaps if my fellow citizens would at least listen to this writer and thinker’s version of a socialist society:

  • Public funding of all elections, with NO private money allowed… period!
  • Local, state and federal ownership of energy ( gas and oil and natural gas) resources, all run NON PROFIT
  • Ditto for Big Pharma, banking, weapons manufacturing, military equipment of all types
  • Government run Healthcare and Dental Care for All, nonprofit hospitals and medical equipment manufacturing
  • Local communities owning and running ( via eminent domain )  ALL rental properties, residential and commercial
  • A 50% Flat Surtax on all income over one million dollars per year… with NO deductions
  • A Payroll tax forgiveness on wages of up to $ 20k a year for both the employee AND the employer. For the employer, in order to aid small businesses, their ‘forgiveness portion’ is only for the employer’s contribution for up to 100 employees. All workers anywhere get it regardless of where they work

Here is what would happen if these ideas become reality:

With public funding the Two Party/One Party system would lose its power over time. More and more ‘regular folks ‘ could and would seek office running as either independents or with 3rd parties.

With the citizens owning  energy, Big Pharma, rental properties and banking  (All NON PROFIT) this would translate into major savings for the consumer… major savings! As far as weapons and military hardware mfg., taking the profit out of it would stifle the War Economy… because there would be NO such entity! Phony wars and preemptive ones would be unnecessary when there are no longer private, corporate interests involved in foreign policy.

As far as small business, obviously when working stiffs and their employers become covered by a viable National Health (and dental) plan, NON PROFIT, with NO expense to the employer, the stress is lessened. Plus, with that Payroll Tax Forgiveness plan in effect, once again the small business owner and employee each get a break. The Flat 50% Surtax on income would more than jumpstart these plans.  Factor in the lower commercial rental rates for small businesses because the community owns the rental space, and Mom and Pop Main Street will prosper.

When it comes to residential housing, consider this: With NO profit on mortgages (only overhead) many who now rent would find that their monthly mortgage payments could be even LESS than the current rent they now pay to a private landlord (a term right out of Feudalism by the way). Also, if the local community actually owned and operated residential rental properties, perhaps this could occur: The renter pays rent at a reduced rate, and maybe 25% of it goes into an escrow account, held by the community bank. When the renter is ready to purchase that apartment (or home) the escrow is then used towards the needed down payment on the mortgage. Why not? Also, with a socialist system in place, consider how many more NEW homeowners there would be. Translated, that means more construction needed, more doors, windows, cabinets etc needed.. which means economic stimulus! Plus, more jobs needed to complete these tasks A ‘Win- Win’ solution!

Socialism is NOT a totalitarian system. On the contrary, it is the best manner to achieve a more level and workable ‘economic playing field’. You will still have very wealthy people, but they will be contributing more of their excess income for the common good. Isn’t that what most religions preach?


Philip A Farruggio is a son and grandson of Brooklyn , NYC longshoremen. He has been a free lance columnist since 2001, with over 300 of his work posted on sites like Consortium News, Information Clearing House,  Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust, Op Ed News, Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, Activist Post, Sleuth Journal, Truthout and many others. His blog can be read in full on World News Trust., whereupon he writes a great deal on the need to cut military spending drastically and send the savings back to save our cities. Philip has a internet interview show, ‘ It’s the Empire… Stupid’ with producer Chuck Gregory, and can be reached at [email protected].

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Articles by: Philip A Farruggio

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