Selected Articles: The Health Effects of Mobile Phone Networks, Wi-Fi, and 5G

The Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR): RF Emissions from Mobile Phone Networks, Wi-Fi, and the Rollout of 5G

By Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment, November 13 2020

Medical experts and practitioners from around the world have united once again to make clear their concerns regarding the health effects of escalating non-ionising radiation (NIR) exposures.

U.S. Looks Set to Lose 9.2 Million Jobs in 2020 Due to COVID-19 and Travel Restrictions, Says WTTC

By World Travel & Tourism Council, November 13 2020

A staggering 9.2 million jobs could be lost in the U.S. Travel & Tourism sector in 2020 if barriers to global travel remain in place, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) revealed.

Rolling Heads at the Pentagon: Trump as Sacker-in-Chief

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 13 2020

Leaving aside his priority of fortifying himself in the White House against any bailiff onslaught by president-elect Joe Biden, he is busy making decisions.  One of them is something that this administration will always be remembered for: sackings. 

Joe Biden’s Victory Is Still a Loss for Humanity: “Good News for Corporations, Cops, War Profiteers and Banks”

By Danny Haiphong, November 13 2020

The Biden-Harris administration is good news for corporations, cops, war profiteers and banks too big to fail, but offers nothing to save the people and planet from multiple rises.

PM Boris Johnson Meets Bill Gates to Discuss Implementing ‘Global’ Vaccine Program. Gates and Big Pharma call the Shots

By Steve Watson, November 13 2020

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, currently being criticised for imposing another lockdown based on questionable data, has met with Bill Gates to discuss implementing a global “health security” program using Britain’s G7 presidency to speed up the process.

Implications for the Deepening Political Crises in the United States

By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 13 2020

These remarks were delivered by Abayomi Azikiwe at the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights (MCHR) Virtual Forum held on November 12, 2020. The event was entitled: “What Now? A Post-Election Town Hall Meeting.”

Mike Pompeo: The Ramblings of a Self-confessed Liar, Cheater, and Thief

By Kim Petersen, November 13 2020

On 10 November 2020, the United States secretary-of-state Mike Pompeo, he of the ill-famed confession “We lied, we cheated, we stole,” spoke at the Ronald Reagan Institute.

With Biden, Don’t Expect this ‘Cold War’ to Thaw Anytime Soon

By Johanna Ross, November 13 2020

It’s also worth pointing out that Biden leads a neoliberal movement which is inherently Russophobic and which has spent the last few years painting Russia as enemy number one. For many in the US now, Russia has become a dirty word, after the fantasy that was ‘Russiagate’ in which it was alleged, without any real foundation, that Russia had influenced the US elections and Donald Trump was working for Putin.

The Role of Social Networks in the Cyberspace Age: The Concept of Personhood

By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 13 2020

Redefined along with the concept of society and the space-time sense is the concept of personhood. The human person, in the context of cyberspace, has been essentialized while the physicality of being is set aside.

A Convergence of Calamities

By Nick Turse, November 13 2020

Earlier this year, I traveled that ochre-dirt road in Burkina Faso, a tiny landlocked nation in the African Sahel once known for having the largest film festival on the continent. Now, it’s the site of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe.

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