Selected Articles: Contagious Lies: CDC Claims Hospitalization Rising Among Unvaccinated Teens — Contrary to Its Own Data

Contagious Lies: CDC Claims Hospitalization Rising Among Unvaccinated Teens — Contrary to Its Own Data

By Daniel Horowitz, June 09, 2021

We all knew this was coming. In order to justify the forced vaccination of children, the powers that be would somehow have to overturn 15 months of observations that COVID is less a threat to children than the flu and that unvaccinated children are less at risk than vaccinated adults (100 times less at risk than seniors), even if we are to believe Pfizer’s efficacy data.

Norwegian Health Chief Scolded for Saying COVID-19 Pandemic “Nearly Over”

By Paul Joseph Watson, June 09, 2021

A Norwegian public health professional received a massive official backlash after he suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic was “nearly over” judging by the country’s plummeting case numbers. Norwegian Institute of Public Health chief physician Preben Aavistland tweeted a graph showing rapidly declining hospital admissions along with the words, “Well, there goes the pandemic.”

Why We Petitioned the FDA to Refrain from Fully Approving Any COVID-19 Vaccine this Year

By Prof. Linda Wastila, Dr. Peter Doshi, Hamid Merchant, and Kim Witczak, June 09, 2021

We are part of a group of clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates who have lodged a formal “Citizen Petition” with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking the agency to delay any consideration of a “full approval” of a covid-19 vaccine. The message of our petition is “slow down and get the science right—there is no legitimate reason to hurry to grant a license to a coronavirus vaccine.”

Over 90% of the News You See on Television Is Owned and Controlled by Just 5 Giant Corporations

By Michael Snyder, June 09, 2021

The way that people view the world is greatly shaped by the “news” that they see on television and read on the Internet.  Unfortunately, much of that “news” is produced by just five enormous corporations.  In fact, although the numbers vary from month to month, more than 90 percent of the “news” that Americans watch on television is controlled by those five corporations.

How Billion-Dollar Foundations Fund NGOs to Manipulate U.S. Foreign Policy: A Case Study from Nicaragua

By Rick Sterling, June 09, 2021

U.S. foreign policy is increasingly promoted by billionaire-funded foundations. The neoliberal era has created individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” flex their influence and feel good at the same time. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they almost universally support U.S. foreign policy and the “free market.”

The War Over Genetic Privacy Is Just Beginning

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 09, 2021

As of 2019, more than 26 million people had added their DNA to ancestry databases. It’s estimated those databases could top 100 million profiles within the year, thanks to the aggressive marketing of companies such as Ancestry and 23andMe. It’s a tempting proposition: provide some mega-corporation with a spit sample or a cheek swab, and in return, you get to learn everything about who you are, where you came from, and who is part of your extended your family.

Vaccine Casualties: Is the CDC Hiding the Real Numbers?

By Tea Lynn Moore and Dale Hawkins, June 10, 2021

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is the post-marketing surveillance system the FDA asks healthcare professionals to report adverse vaccine events to. The system is passive, meaning: when a healthcare professional recognizes a connection between an adverse event and a vaccine, the report is only made when they choose to take the time out of their day to record it.

Minneapolis Erupts Again After Another African American Is Killed by a Federal Task Force

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 10, 2021

Demonstrations have taken place in Minneapolis since June 3 when news quickly spread throughout the city saying yet another Black man was gunned down by law-enforcement. On June 3-4 numerous businesses were damaged, and property taken, when crowds gathered during a police examination of the area where the shooting occurred.

The “Three Seas Initiative”: The West’s “Answer” to China’s Belt and Road?

By Brian Berletic, June 09, 2021

To counter not only China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) but also Russia’s growing ties with Western Europe, an “alternative” infrastructure drive is being proposed that if and when completed, Washington, London, and Brussels hopes will further contain Russia and cut China off from European markets.

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