
Selected Articles: Break-Up of the European Union?, “Syria’s Draft Constitution”, China Moving Factories to US
By Global Research News
Global Research, February 01, 2017

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Drapeau sur carte d'Europe

Crisis of EU Banking, Break-Up of the European Union (EU)? ECB Head Mario Draghi

By Graham Vanbergen, January 31 2017

Even the creator of the Euro professor Otmar Issing has predicted that Brussels’ dream of a European superstate will finally be buried amongst the rubble of the crumbling single currency he designed accusing eurocrats and German leader Angela Merkel, of “betraying the principles of the euro and demonstrating scandalous incompetence over its management” – pointing a finger directly at Mario Draghi’s failing monetary policy.


“Syria’s Draft Constitution” Prepared by Moscow, Without the Approval of Damascus?

By Global Research News, February 01 2017

We bring to the consideration of our readers The Draft of Syria’s New Constitution prepared by Moscow. It was presented by Russia’s Foreign Minister in Astana to  opposition leaders who rejected it. What remains unclear is how this initiative emerged and what mechanisms of consultation prevailed between Moscow and Damascus. It is highly unlikely that the Syrian government would accept this initiative.


Guess Who’s Moving Factories to America to Lower Costs… China Seeks A “Made in America” Label

By WhoWhatWhy, February 01 2017

When Donald Trump speaks about the barriers that US companies face, he often mentions a high corporate tax rate and the ability of other countries to produce more cheaply. Ironically, China, which most often draws Trump’s ire for doing so, is now facing many of the same problems.

quebec canada-mosque-shooting

The New World Order Hits Quebec City. Islamophobia, An Instrument of America’s Military Agenda

By Robin Philpot, February 01 2017

Since Alexandre Bissonnette, age 27, shot and killed six people during prayers at the Grande mosquée de Québec, theories have abounded to explain how this came to happen. Fingers are pointed at Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Quebec City’s trash radios, the Quebec independence movement or Quebec nationalism (which is not the same thing), Islamophobia, and the ill-fated Quebec Charter of values, to name just a few of the culprits identified. Though these might be factors, the theories behind them are either simplistic or insufficient or both.

Eva Bartlett

What Really is Going on in Syria? Eva Bartlett’s in Winnipeg, Regina February 2, 3

By Global Research News, February 01 2017

Independent journalist Eva Bartlett is from Fergus, Ontario and has visited Syria and covered the war there on six separate occasions since 2014, including two months in summer 2016 and one month at the end of 2016. She writes for and speaks on different media outlets but always maintains her blog, In Gaza, which she started some years ago while living for a period of three years in Gaza. This talk is intended to help clear up any confusion about what actually transpired during the liberation of Aleppo, in particular, and during the past five years in Syria, in general.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.