
Selected Articles: Apartheid in Israel: Complete Censored ESCWA Report, Trump’s ‘Endless War’ Cycle, Fake News and Global Public Relations Firms
By Global Research News
Global Research, March 20, 2017

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Activists carried out some actions in solidarity with the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement which targets Israeli apartheid.

Israel’s Crime of Apartheid: UN Agency Head’s Forced Resignation

By Stephen Lendman, March 19 2017

Pro-Western UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres showed he’s no different from his disgraceful predecessors. He acted on orders from Washington. The Palestinian BDS National Committee denounced him for removing from the UN’s web site a report “Israel does not want you to read,” it said.


The Complete Censored ESCWA Report: “Israel Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid”

By Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley, March 19 2017

The decision by the UN Secretary General to remove this report points to the criminalization of the United Nations. Censorship is applied by the UN body on the explicit instructions of the US government, which alongside Israel is responsible for extensive war crimes against the people of the Middle East.

Trump-Mexico war

Trump Slips into ‘Endless War’ Cycle

By James W Carden, March 18 2017

Trump, it turns out, seems every bit as captive to the bipartisan foreign policy consensus as was his predecessor. Many supporters of Barack Obama held the errant hope that Obama would finally break the cycle of wars begun a quarter-century ago when George H.W. Bush launched Operation Desert Storm against Iraq and in defense of desert petro-states, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Trump partisans may object that he’s only been in office for about two months. Give him time, they say. That’s fair enough, but it is worth reviewing Trump’s foreign policy record up to this point.


Rwanda: Human Rights Watch and the Absolute Truth

By Ann Garrison, March 18 2017

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is well known for accepting U.S. wars of aggression so long as they’re conducted according to the Geneva Conventions. HRW famously crusades for the same U.S. wars of aggression for the purpose of protecting citizens of other nations from their own governments. Its warmongering catechism includes Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica and now Aleppo, all of which it cites as failures to protect civilians that compel the U.S. to humanitarian war evermore.

fake news

Propaganda, Fake News, and Media Lies: The Diabolical Business of Global Public Relations Firms

By Peter Phillips, March 18 2017

The expansion of  public relations and propaganda (PRP) firms inside news systems in the world today has resulted in a deliberate form of news management. Maintenance of continuous news shows requires a constant and ever-entertaining supply of stimulating events and breaking news bites. Corporate media are increasingly dependent on various government agencies and PRP firms as sources of news.


The Information Superhighway, The Feeling of Absurdity, Something is Inherently Wrong, Buried in a Snowstorm…

By Edward Curtin, March 20 2017

Wherever you go in the US, you sense a generalized panic and an inability to slow down and focus. Depression, anxiety, hopelessness fill the air. Most people sense that something is seriously wrong, but don’t know exactly what.

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