Russophobia and Anti-Trumpism Running Wild in America

In-depth Report:

Wall Street, war-profiteers, neocons infesting the Obama administration, the CIA under John Brennan, NSA head admiral Michael Rogers, and other pro-Hillary forces are going all-out to assure no change in US geopolitics – along with wanting Trump denied the presidency. 

They notably want adversarial relations with Russia maintained, heading for war between the world’s leading nuclear powers if not stopped.

For them, the notion of Trump wanting normalized ties, including cooperating with Vladimir Putin in combating terrorism, is anathema – to be quashed by whatever means necessary, a no-holds-barred assault for the status quo.

Throughout months of campaigning, the media played the lead role in denigrating Trump relentlessly, serving as press agents for Hillary, turning journalism into political advocacy.

They play the same role in longstanding vilification of Russia – not because of its policies, solely because of its sovereign independence and Putin’s outspoken anti-imperial, anti-war advocacy.

The fever pitch of things today is unprecedented in memory, McCarthyism on steroids, along with a plot afoot to deny Trump his electoral triumph, things on a fast track toward full-blown tyranny.

The neocon, CIA-connected Washington Post long ago fell from grace, today making the National Enquirer look respectable by comparison.

Here are some fake news headlined reports on its current opinion page:

“Trump infrastructure will not include outfrastructure” – a cartoonist ridiculing Trump his way.

“The Putin-Trump bromance”

“Trump is the star of his own movie. Here is a review” – vilifying him, as expected.

“Trump is playing a risky spy game”

“What will be Trump’s legacy? Who cares” – writer Garrison Keillor has sunk from Lake Wobegon to WaPo fake news proliferator.

“Trump is already antagonizing the intelligence community, and that’s a problem” – former CIA director Michael Hayden the contributor.

“New York should seize Trump Tower”

“Trump is assembling an anti-government. Did Russia help get him here?”

“Trump’s dangerous diss of the CIA”

The prospect of Trump getting along with Putin intensified Russophobia and bashing him to a fever pitch.

The hyped notion about Russian interference in America’s election process for Trump is an absurdity on its face. It’s virtually impossible for any foreign nation or outside source to swing any Western election for a preferred candidate.

Instead of setting the record straight, The New York Times headlined “The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the US.”

The fake news story claimed a modern-day version of Watergate, this time by Russian cyberattacking – “the burglary…from afar, directed by the Kremlin…hacking DNC emails and interfering in America’s election, The Times spuriously claimed.

Its account has a familiar foul odor. It never happened. It’s all made up – to vilify Russia and deny the legitimacy of Trump’s election to swing things for Hillary even though she decisively lost.

If pulled off, it would be a coup d’etat, either in the Electoral College or House if it gets to decide by denying Trump 37 or more votes he legitimately won.

The Times: “Many of Mrs. Clinton’s closet aides believe that the Russian assault had a profound impact on the election…”

NSA head admiral Michael Rogers was quoted, saying “(t)here shouldn’t be any doubt in anybody’s mind. This was not something that was done casually.”

“This was not something that was done by chance. This was not a target that was selected purely arbitrarily. This was a conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.”

Fact: The Times, Rogers and others claiming Russian interference in America’s election lied. Not a shred of evidence supports their allegations – entirely baseless without credible proof. None exists.

Things are likely in the early stage of the latest round of Russia bashing, along with tyrannical methods to prevent Trump from becoming America’s 45th president.

I’ll have lots more to say on this as events unfold – showing the deplorable state of things in America today, full-blown tyranny approaching, too few people understanding what’s going on in plain sight.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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Articles by: Stephen Lendman

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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