Report: Israeli War Preparations Continue. Attack on Iran not Imminent

While war preparations continue, a US-Israeli attack on Iran in 2007 is highly unlikely. The Jerusalem Post  (June 22, 2007) quoting Israeli intelligence sources reports that:  

“The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has been training on long-range flights, including refueling in mid-flight, in preparation for potential strikes against Iranian nuclear targets.

The training program has been taking place for some time but has only been released for publication Friday, the Ma’ariv daily reported.

Intelligence assessments received by the defense establishment concur that once Iran passes the point of no return in its nuclear efforts, the entire Middle East will enter a frantic nuclear armament race. Egypt and Saudi Arabia are expected to take the lead should such a scenario become reality.”

The report, however, also, suggests that an attack on Iran is not imminent. 

“At the end of 2007 the US and Israel are expected to hold a joint assessment to ascertain the influence of economic sanctions against Iran.

A new package of upgraded sanctions prepared jointly by Israel and the US, includes exerting pressure on European governments to cancel US $22 billion in loan guarantees given annually to European companies trading with Iran.

The new package also includes sanctions against banks working with Iran, non-renewal of oil infrastructure in Iran and a long series of economic actions that are meant to seriously hurt the Iranian economy.

Following the end-of-year assessment, Washington will decide how to move forward in the struggle against Iran’s nuclear race”

General Peter Pace ends his term as Chairman of the JCS at the end September 2007. Defense Secretary Gates has already announced that Admiral Michael Mullen,  U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, has been nominated to replace General Peter Pace as Chairman of the Joint chiefs of Staff.  

Senate confirmation hearings for the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are slated for sometime during the Summer. Mullen, if confirmed, would take on his new position as CJCS in early October. 

No major military operation would be launched prior to the instatement of the new CJCS 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 30, 2007

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