
Patriot Missiles to be stationed in Poland
By Global Research
Global Research, December 05, 2009
Polish Radio 5 December 2009
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US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has confirmed that Poland will receive armed Patriot missiles, contrary to recent reports saying that Poland will receive only unarmed missiles.

Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski calls Wednesday’s ‘announcement’ that Poland will only receive unarmed missiles, “mdeia speculation,” and confirmed on Friday that he has assurances from US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that the Patriot’s that will be delivered to Poland will be fully armed.

“We are talking about it because the American side has confirmed that the Patriots will be provided according to previous agreements: not only will they be armed, but they will be fully equipped and ready to add to our anti-aircraft defense arsenal. I know nothing to the contrary, but we will see,” said Sikorski in Brussels on Friday after a meeting with Clinton.

Sikorski is taking part in the NATO summit of foreign ministers in the Belgian city.

When asked if Clinton could confirm Sikorski’s statements, the Foreign Minister said: “She can. Please direct any further questions to the US government because the Patriots are coming from them.”

“I do not feel comfortable speaking in the name of the American government,” added Sikorski.

On Wednesday, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security, Alexander Vershbow, announced that the Patriot missiles Poland is to receive are intended for training purposes and will be issued in stages, the first of which is to come before 2012, the second of which will consist of fully operational missiles. 

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