Never Ever Give Up! The Freedom of Thinking. Truth Alone Can Make Us Free

Open Letter to All Free Thinkers and Enlighteners


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Dear friends and esteemed colleagues!

The future of our culture will largely depend on whether there will be enough free thinkers to enlighten us about what is truth and what is a lie. This requires from an independent mind, which is in nobody’s service, a high degree of common sense and the moral consciousness to be his brother’s keeper.

The greater the courage of a thinker, the more he dares to question, the less he /she conforms to the crowd. His thinking is not just mind games: thinking he changes the world. He is the type of an honest spirit, an ethicist and true human being who takes responsibility for himself and all other human beings (thinking). With the freedom of thinking, freedom in general is proclaimed. For truth is not an end in itself; it is merely the mould for something greater, namely freedom. Truth alone can make us free. The intellectual therefore has a much greater responsibility than one would commonly like to admit.

At the same time, a free thinker will never claim to have the only blessed truth. For the free mind, there is an unlimited number of truths to be discovered and to follow change. For him, truth is that which is not dogmatic and does not divide people into believers and non-believers or those of other faiths, but which is beneficial to the coexistence of people and promotes their understanding and common sense.

Since every individual is needed to shape the future, we cannot wait for a Messiah: Action must be taken here and now. Therefore, I see the only non-violent way is to continue to enlighten, to convey hope and to never give up.

Killing arguments like “conspiracy theorist” or “fascist” should not unsettle free spirits, negative categorisations of still undecided fellow citizens should be refrained from. Undecided people have to be picked up in a friendly and understanding way from where they are at the moment.

If, for example, fellow citizens assume that the political, economic and climatic horror reports are fateful events, then they should be told that people all over the world are being thrown into chaos by the ruling “elite” through deliberately brought about catastrophes of all kinds, so that they fall into a state of shock (Naomi Klein) and do not notice how a New World Order is being created behind their backs, in which they will only live a slave existence. But as in any other war, the fog of uncertainty offers citizens the chance to use common sense to find out the truth.

If a fellow citizen thinks that politicians want to protect the health of the population by prescribing coercive measures such as lockdown, quarantine, muzzling or gene therapy serums, then it should be conveyed to him that the levers of power were already occupied years ago by corrupt, immoral, petty and mendacious political actors because they willingly implement the orders of the ruling psychopaths. These currently include the media stoking of irrational fears, the destruction of the middle class, the abolition of cash, total control as well as the reduction of the population and the isolation of “undiscerning” people in special “quarantine camps”. But these lackeys must one day step down. Evil will not triumph because man, though irritated, is good and social by nature.

If anyone thinks, in connection with the prescribed political coercive measures and the upcoming compulsory vaccination, that politicians and citizens would be well advised to trust the expert opinions of medical practitioners of all stripes, then they should be reminded that no profession was as deeply involved in the atrocities of German Nazis as doctors. In a sense, they formed the backbone of German Nazis crimes.

If fellow citizens do not know or do not want to admit that free countries and free governments are being deliberately destroyed by unscrupulous great powers and that the public is being deceived about this, then they are advised to read John Pilger’s article in “Global Research” about the decades of suffering of the Afghan people: “The Great Game of Breaking Up Countries”. The award-winning journalist pleads for taking the truth about the past seriously so that all this suffering never happens again. Yet Afghanistan is only one of many examples of the brutal campaigns of conquest and economic warfare of the empire.

If fellow human beings hope that the current crimes against humanity will soon come to an end, then they should be gently prepared for the fact that subsequent coercive measures are already planned to curb the allegedly man-made climate change. At the same time, they should be given hope as more and more people around the world are waking up and standing up against the gigantic hoax and crimes.

If a fellow citizen finds himself in a seemingly hopeless economic, financial and social plight because of the inhuman machinations of the authorities, then he is strongly advised to turn to fellow human beings, because the principle of “mutual aid” (Kropotkin) as well as social feelings and communal bonds play just as great a role in the human world as the will to power and self-interest.

But if anyone wants to drive fellow human beings to revolt against the power of the state, then they must be strongly advised not to do so, because the power of the state is well armed and the blood and freedom of others must be treated with care.


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Dr Rudolf Hänsel is a Psychologist and educationalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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