
Oil and Gas and Climate Change Fakery
By Prof. Anthony J. Hall
Global Research, September 07, 2023

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Once again, the treatment of the Alberta Oil Patch is at the core of a dispute testing the viability of Canada’s increasingly dysfunctional governing structures. In order to better make sense of what is going on, some might see as useful this account of history and contemporary political contention. This essay highlights from my own Albertan perspective the constitutional framework of Energy Policy and of Natural Resource law in Canada, the Western Hemisphere’s largest country.

For now, the core controversy has to do with the generation and distribution of electricity in Alberta. Will dependable natural gas fuel the power grid of Alberta? Or will Ottawa get its way and force on Canada’s oil-and-gas dynamo a dependence on the flimsy technology of wind power and solar panels. Will the Alberta government decide the future of its own domestic system for generating energy or will this matter be determined by the climate-change zealots who presently control Canada’s national government?

The current controversy is most likely a gateway to further rounds of antagonism in Canada and beyond. Suddenly it seems the world is at a cross-roads in the life-or-death quest for the most satisfactory means of producing energy safely, profitably, cheaply, and efficiently.

As so much else in the world, the politics of energy policy are in turbulent flux especially now that the fast-growing BRICS coalition is already well along the path to taking control of the lion’s share of world’s oil and gas.

The rapid rise of BRICS in the face of the US-led military machinations in oil-rich Eurasia illustrates the pace of change, seemingly near the speed of light.

These transformations in global energy production are leaving the NATO-tied Canadian government behind in the dust of WOKE ineptitude and confusion. Especially in Alberta, the impatience with federal superciliousness is coming at a time when there is a worldwide upsurge highlighting how governments continue to impose litanies of purposeful harm on their own peoples.

This understanding is leading many to the conclusion that we the people have no choice but to actively resist the extensions of the depopulation agenda which began with the jabbing of military bioweapons forced into bodies through the incessant telling of media lies buttressed by mandated infringements on bodily autonomy. Given what we have experienced since 2020, it is easy to see the makings of another Covidian-style scam with panic-promoting premonitions that the world is about to burn up unless we our trust in governments to protect us from the hellfires.

The Canadian government of Justin Trudeau is starting to generate much ridicule and contempt for its simple-minded directives that Canadians must pull together to conquer “climate change.” The abstraction that climate change represents humanity’s biggest threat is an absurdity that, when enforced, opens the door to many hideous prospects.

The authority of science has been unmasked as oftentimes a fraud to be purchased and manipulated by the highest bidder. There are very few credible arbitrators of scientific claims who have resisted trading on their credentials to receive payola. Peer review and all it represents are now widely understood as a process frequently rigged to further protect the most entrenched interests of the status quo.

There is no genuine scientific consensus to back up back up the extravagant claims of the richly-funded lobby seeking to conquer climate change by applying the nonsensical alchemy of net zero. Carbon emissions generally, and CO2 specifically, are not environmental hazards. Life thrives on carbon in the atmosphere. Thousands of credible researchers including Nobel laureats are going on record to make the point that the crusade to stop climate change is becoming increasingly dangerous.

One of these laureates, Physicist John Francis Clauser, explains

“The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists….[click here] There is no real climate crisis.”

Climate-Change Fakery and Energy Policy in Canadian Federalism 

Our atmosphere is subject to many attacks from humans.

The most serious of these attacks have nothing to do with carbon emissions from industrialization. Among these menaces are many forms of military geo-engineering.

A good example of the kind of attacks we are facing from our malevolent governors are the Directed Energy Weapons used to zap Maui in order to clear the way for a 15 minute city. In the face of this military attack, to attribute the Maui disaster to climate change is nothing short of an insult to those with the capacity to think critically. See this.

Geo-engineering together with all forms of warfare menace all varieties of life on earth. Trying to stop the weather from changing is not a valid goal whereas stopping wars from being fought would be an achievement to be treasured for the ages. As we are being beset with directives of what we must do to prevent the climate from changing, we are being subjected to huge arrays of very real menaces. These menaces include the intensifying weaponization of our food, water, air, medicine, elections, Internet, intelligence agencies, courts, schools, and much much more.

The current regional split over Energy Policy in Canada replicates some of the big themes that dominated the imposition of the National Energy Program between 1980 and 1985. The former crisis and the current crisis now in 2023 were both instigated by the actions of the Trudeau dynasty’s two prime ministers, senior and junior. Both attacks have generated especially grave grievances in Alberta. Once again the machinations of a Trudeau are generating increased appetite for greater independence from Ottawa.

I believe it is necessary to dig deeper into history than the 1980s to make sense of the current phase of the dispute over Energy Policy and self-governance within the structures of Canadian federalism.

The conflict unfolding in Canada is regional even as it is also integral to international and global developments currently underway. The conflict is being articulated by two larger-than-life-characters, Justin Trudeau and Danielle Smith. Both seem to have been born for this showdown during this particular of phase of a global eruption that came in response to the campaign to jab the entire population of the world with a harmful gene-modifying concoction.

As long as Ontario and Quebec can overwhelm the rest of the country at the ballot box, there is in my view little possibility of fixing the country by voting our way out of trouble.

Nevertheless, before embarking on more ambitious and adventurous approaches to fixing what ails us, we must try to realize some level of constructive compromise through existing structures including the courts. Before entering the realm of international law and politics, we must be able to demonstrate we have exhausted existing procedures in seeking remedies for the maladies plaguing us.

Read Part II:

Oil and Gas and “The Climate-Change Fakery”: The Constitutional Underpinnings of the Natural Resource Wars Between the Canada and Alberta Governments

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 14, 2023

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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack.

Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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