Netanyahu’s Now Failed Vision of Being Voted the 51st State of the Union by the Zionist Committee that Controls Congress

Mr Netanyahu, for all his political machinations and duplicitous manoeuvrings, has no long-term plan for Israel’s survival from the existential threat of five million indigenous Arabs of former Palestine where every single family has lost at least one member to an Israeli bullet, tank shell, F16 missile, drone, chemical weapon or cluster bomb over the long years of Israeli occupation.

The extremist right-wing Likud Party of Netanyahu, Sharon, Shamir, Begin and Jabotinsky – the majority of whom advocated violence to achieve their political aims – has long nurtured a vision of being formally declared the 51st state of the Union by the American Zionist Committee that controls the Republican Congress.

That dream has now been effectively demolished by an American electorate that has finally realised that it has been duped, deceived, double-crossed and defrauded over decades by a gaggle of East European refugees with a personal political agenda that colludes with a powerful, moneyed lobby that has turned a great American democracy into an Israeli poodle.

This paradigm shift has been long in coming but on university campuses throughout both the United States and Europe, students are increasingly vocal in their condemnation of this unacceptable hijacking of the executive and legislature of the great American democracy by a small ethnic minority whose interests lie not in the United States of America, but elsewhere.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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