
Israeli Terrorists Burn Home of Only Witness to July 2015 Duma Arson, Killing 18 Month Baby and His Parents
By The Palestinian Information Center
Global Research, March 20, 2016
The Palestinian Information Center 20 March 2016
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Duma arson attack, Photo by Zakaria Sadah RHR (CC-4.0)

NABLUS, (PIC)–  Israeli suspects on Sunday overnight burned down the home Ibrahim Dawabsheh, the key-witness to the notorious Duma arson attack.

A PIC correspondent said unidentified Israeli suspects threw two fast-flammable burning bottles into Ibrahim’s home after breaking the windows while Ibrahim and his wife were asleep, in an attempt to burn them alive.

Ibrahim and his wife were rushed to the Rafidia hospital for treatment, after they choked on the gases emanating from the burning bottles.

Ibrahim is a key witness to the Duma arson attack that took place on 31 July 2015, and killed 18-month-old baby Ali Dawabsheh and his parents Saad and Reham.

The only survivor of the arson attack is five-year-old Ahmad Dawabsheh, who is still being treated for the burns sustained all over his body.

Journalist Hayat Dawabsheh quoted Ibrahim’s wife as stating that just a few days earlier the Israeli occupation intelligence notified them of an imminent danger.

She added that the family has detected strange voices and movements around the family home over the past three days.

Ghassan Daghlas, responsible for the settlement files in the northern occupied West Bank, said the arson attack on Ibrahim’s home was carried out in the same way in which the Dawabsheh family members were burned alive.

A PIC expert in Israeli affairs said the arson attack aims at spreading terror and forcing Ibrahim to rescind his testimonies in the Dawabsheh crime.

The attack comes at the same time as a hearing was held for the main Israeli suspect in the Dawabsheh arson attack, Amiram Ben-Uliel.

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