
Iranian Military Commander: US Attack on Iran unlikely, but still possible
By Global Research
Global Research, November 25, 2007
Mehr News Agency 24 November 2007
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The top advisor to Supreme Leader on military affairs Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi here on Saturday said that the United States is “highly unlikely” to launch a military strike against Iran.

However, he said the Iranian armed forces don’t underestimate a possible attack by the U.S. and are prepared to counter any possible threats against the country.

“We should not be simple-minded,” the former Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander told students at Khajeh-Nassireddin Tussi University.

The top general said the Islamic Republic’s status in the region is totally different from those of Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran plays a key role in the Middle East’s developments due to its geo-strategic situation, he noted.

He stated that Iran has a sensitive and superior status in the Caucasus, the Middle East, and Central Asia and the world powers are fully aware of this privilege.

The former IRGC chief said Iran controls the northern part of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, adding that Iranian armed forces, including Basiji forces, are the guarantors of Persian Gulf security.

The United States has failed to achieve its desired strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan and launching a third military strike in the Middle East will cause serious military headaches for the U.S., Safavi observed.

He said, “The Guards (IRGC) and Army have enough information on movements in the region. Despite the fact that the U.S. is highly unlikely to attack Iran, since we cannot predict the future we are completely prepared” to confront any attack.

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