Homeland Security’s Suspicious Activities Reporting: “If You See Something, Say Something”

“See Something, Say Something” was a recent fear-based media campaign to popularize an initiative of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) called the Nationwide Suspicious Activities Reporting (SAR) Initiative (aka NSI). The NSI codified the actions of our nation’s spooks (FBI, local police, the CIA) who had, ever since 9/11/01 and the infamous Patriot Act, already been aggressively targeting and infiltrating nonviolent antiwar, peace and justice activist groups with spies, even stooping so low as to provoke violence by their agents provocateur in order to discredit them in the eyes of the public.

The Nationwide Suspicious Activities Reporting Initiative was DHS’s intent to “gather information regarding behaviors and incidents associated with criminal activity — but without the customary restrictions on collecting data on individuals in the absence of reasonable suspicion or probable cause”. In other words, if you “See Something, Say Something”.

The mandate of the NSI was to encourage average US citizens to “observe behavior that could reasonably be indicative of pre-operational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity.” In other words, DHS approves of every patriot and pseudo-patriot becoming snitches, both on our enemies, on our neighbors or on those we may be bigoted against (or someone of another race, skin color, nationality, political party, creed, sexual preference, economic class or gender). And we are urged to report our suspicions to the NSI authorities.

But the NSI and the NSA weren’t counting on people of conscience like Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and the millions of intelligent and courageous and patriotic truth seekers who have been smeared with the pejorative “9/11 Truthers” taking the “See Something, Say Something” admonition seriously. The professional spook operatives in the various “intelligence services”, who are the tools of the unelected shadow government were hoping that American war crimes like “Collateral Murder” (google it) and the NSA’s illegal wiretapping were not to be exposed. Say Something, Say Something was not intended to be taken seriously by people of conscience like the Transform Now Plowshares Three who exposed international war crimes at Oak Ridge TN nuclear weapons facility and are now rotting in prison awaiting sentencing. See: http://transformnowplowshares.wordpress.com/

”Snitching” on enemies of the state has been historically regarded as the patriotic thing to do in times of national security crises

The reality of snitching on others for purposes of national security has been around for a long time. Just think Adolf Hitler’s or Joseph Stalin’s totalitarian police states where free thought was a crime against the state.

And we can go back further in history. The Praetorian Guards of the Roman Empire had spy outfits when the oppressed were suspected of rising up against the Roman tyranny.

In American history we can go back at least to the adoption of the US Constitution, in which the only provision for the death penalty was treason (“giving aid and comfort to the enemy”).

The war fevers of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War and the Spanish-American War (more accurately known as the Philippine-American War) all had their legal ways to ferret out dissenters.

And so the US Congress, immediately after entering World War I, passed the Espionage Act of 1917 amended soon thereafter by the Sedition Act of 1917 – aimed at domestic “enemies” –  which prohibited many forms of speech, including “any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States…or the flag of the United States, or the uniform of the Army or Navy”.

Those acts criminalized anyone who seemed to be “insufficiently patriotic”, “defeatist” or otherwise opposed to the war effort. Specifically, the Espionage Act criminalized anybody who caused or attempted to cause “insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, refusal of duty in the military or naval forces of the United States, or to willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States”. Fascism regularly re-emerges to degrade democracy in the Land of the Free.

Objectors to war and killing on the basis of their consciences were accused of being traitors and were spied upon, harassed and imprisoned during the Red Scare of 1918 – 1919 and the infamous Palmer Raids. Many conscientious objectors to war and killing were deported and even given the death penalty. Even Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist Party candidate for president in 1904, 1908 and 1912, was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for making a speech that “obstructed recruiting”. He ran for president in 1920 while in prison and was so popular with the working class that he got almost 1 million write-in votes.

Fulfilling one’s patriotic, whistle-blowing duty to speak out when seeing something (for instance, Treason in High Places?

I have long thought that it was my obligation to say something if I saw something that is a significant threat to humanity, the planet or even the country that I love. I honestly feel, along with many other peacemakers, that it is my patriotic duty to warn others of potentially serious issues that may have been over-looked or under-appreciated. Speaking up about things that may be unethical, immoral or illegal is what whistle-blowers and prophetic voices do, so many of us activists have accepted the Department of Homeland Security’s invitation to be a snitch on domestic enemies in high places, particularly about what really happened on 9/11/01, realities that unequivocally disprove the official White House Conspiracy Theory and its Big Lies.

I have chosen to trust my eyes and ears and intuition when confronted with the overwhelming evidence that debunks what the pathological liars in the infamous Cheney/Bush/Rove/Rumsfeld administrations have had to say and to keep Saying Something.

On 9/11/01 (and many times since then in the 12 years and hundreds of hours of study and research that I have done on that Crime and Cover-up of the Century) I saw and heard the evidence and testimonies from eye-witnesses of the multiple explosions in the three WTC buildings. I saw and studied the free-fall collapse and pulverization of the two 110-story World Trade Center Towers 1 & 2 (whose office fires – totally unable to soften steel, much less melt it – went out rapidly soon after the towers were hit). I saw and heard the evidence from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth that the buildings had been demolished in classical pre-planned, controlled demolition fashion. I also saw the censored-out controlled demolition of WTC # 7, which put the lie to the Cheney/Bush propaganda campaign and their fraudulent 9/11 Commission Report.

I saw the pyroclastic flows of powdered skyscrapers coming from ground zero. Knowing that “pyroclastic flows” only occur with volcanoes and controlled demolitions of skyscrapers, I understood that every one of the 110 steel-reinforced concrete floors, each one acre in size, and the millions of tons of very toxic fine powder were now scattered widely over New York City and not at the base of the towers. I noted that none of the massive steel beams were poking up out of the ruins, putting the lie to the ridiculous fire and pancake theories.

I saw and heard the initially-uncensored eyewitness testimony from dozens of unbiased observers, including many NYFD firefighters, who heard the explosions, and I knew, with absolutely certainty, that the buildings had had bombs pre-planted in them by domestic enemies rather than foreign ones.

I heard the initially-truthful eyewitness live accounts from many mainstream TV journalists about bombs going off in the WTC towers and then noted that those accounts were never allowed to be repeated on day 2 and thereafter. And I knew the fix was in.

I saw the many “squibs” of smoke that were shown dramatically on slow-motion replay of the exploding towers. The “squibs” represented high-velocity explosions blowing out the side of the Twin Towers just ahead of the leading edge of the collapses, and I recognized that the timing mechanisms of the computer-controlled demolition job had gone slightly awry.

I saw and heard Larry Silverstein, the brand new owner of the World Trade Center complex, who had insured the buildings against terrorist attacks (and collected), admit that he had approved the plan to “pull” (implode) WTC 7 later that afternoon (at 5:20 pm) “because there had been so much death and destruction”.

I saw and heard the BBC journalist Jane Standley, with tower # 7 clearly still standing behind her, announce that WTC tower # 7 had collapsed. The tower was not to collapse until a half hour later. That was evidence of foreknowledge and therefore evidence of conspiracy. See http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/bbc_wtc7_videos.html.

I saw and heard and read about hundreds of other irrefutable items that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official White House Conspiracy Theory was a lie and a fraud, shamefully endorsed by the untrustworthy Mainstream Media, Big Business, Wall Street, 98% of the US Congress, the Wall Street Banksters and the Billionaire 1 Percenters in charge of the US economy and government. Anybody interested in uncovering the truth about 9/11 themselves – and then saying something – can find ample evidence online at the powerful video “9/11 is the Litmus Test” at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21pPpYw_axQ (Preview) ; and these important other videos at http://www.ae911truth.org; http://www.911scholars.org; or http://loosechange911.com/

The “See Something, Say Something” campaign wasn’t intended for people of conscience

Over the past painful, bloody, world-history altering 12 years since 9/11/01, I and millions of other whistleblowers and seekers after truth and justice have seen most of our fellow Americans being cunningly deceived by massive (and massively successful) propaganda techniques that have infiltrated every media outlet, every corporate entity, every political office that are repeating the Cheney-Bush lies about 9/11.

Each repeat of these documentable lies has been an act of dishonor (by hiding the truth and thus delaying the ability to heal from the trauma) to the victims (including both the 3000 in New York and the millions in the Middle East), the victim’s families, and the millions of deceived American soldiers (and their equally deceived loved ones) who eagerly and patriotically went to war and, by participating in the unjust slaughter of innocents, had their souls and bodies destroyed – all on the basis of a false flag operation designed by the Bush Administration NeoCon insiders of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

The following 2011 short essay (from http://www.currentinvective.com/wp/?p=147) summarizes the feelings of the many truth-seekers who have seen the truth about 9/11 and have been patriotically saying something that needs to be said about what really happened. I have excerpted most of it below. The piece is entitled “Believe Your Eyes”.

“We’re one week from the ten-year mark, and the “mystery” of the century remains censored out of your local newsrag. It’s taboo to talk about unanswered questions surrounding the events of 9/11/2001, and this means we have to forget the dead, too.

“Unsatisfactory as the news blackout is for the victims and their survivors, it works out nicely for the deluded masses. This is because they’re not really deluded: they know the truth but it hurts too much to acknowledge. Their faith, like most faith, probably, is pretense, even transparent pretense. Their suspension of disbelief is delicate, creating a problem for culpable government and media. People might eventually believe their eyes, and the evidence that will ultimately bring them to consciousness must be suppressed, anniversary or no anniversary. That’s why you won’t see much video of the buildings coming down. The video itself is an indictment, and reasoned discourse about it, which would naturally accompany any airing, must be avoided at all costs.

“Modern technology makes it possible for us to confirm the breadth and depth of the censorship. Search the Internet for references to 9/11 in newspapers, on television or radio, or even in the left-leaning blogs that dot the Web. You will find almost nothing about the events of that day. Plenty on peripheral matters like the shape and size of the memorial and the Islamic center going up in the neighborhood, but nothing in the mass media on what actually happened.

“No questions are raised about any of it. Looking for an update or reconsideration of the 9/11 commission report? Forget about it. Interviews with those present in the bunker with Richard Cheney a few minutes before the Pentagon was struck, confirming (or not) that he had advance knowledge of the event? Not going to happen. Analysis of the video, which shows buildings coming down in free-fall, violating the laws of physics? Don’t hold your breath waiting for that conversation. Discussion of what happened to the third building that collapsed that day and maybe a public airing of the landlord’s on-camera admission that he had the building demolished? Not yet, and not ever. Discussion of the mayor’s culpability for death and disability among rescue and cleanup workers? Not to be talked about. Scientists last year found tiny chips of undetonated explosives– manufactured, demolition-grade material–in dust collected by near neighbors of the World Trade Center on that day. You won’t find any mention of that finding in any paper.

“What accounts for the absence of even a single report reviewing the actual events of that day in the New York Times, Washington Post, New York News, CBS, Wall St. Journal, NPR, Democracy Now, Huffington Post, Common Dreams? …

“I don’t take people seriously anymore if I find out they believe the official conspiracy theory. All of their opinions are suspect. Want to tell me how to fix the economy? First tell me what you believe happened on 9/11. Want to recommend a book or advise me why bombing Libya was a good idea (or a bad one)? Tell me first whether you believed your eyes when you saw the World Trade Center demolished by explosives.

“9/11 denial is a mental illness that ought to be assigned its own diagnostic code. I suspect most of the excess armchair violence, Prozac popping, and compulsive eating and drinking we see in the new millennium has its origin in this disorder. PTD: post-traumatic denial. Seeing ain’t believing.”

Dr. Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN. He is involved in peace, nonviolence and justice issues and therefore resists fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism and other movements that involve violence and are anti-democratic, de-humanizing and unsustainable. He is a member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth.

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Articles by: Dr. Gary G. Kohls

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